Comminution Costs
Comminution Costs
Comminution Costs
The first Siemens gearless mill drive with a frozen charge shaker
KMRCs Z. Pokrajcic1, explains the the observed strength approaches the high The SAG mill was converted to an AG mill
comminution process remains inherently intrinsic strength of the solid. and the ball mill was converted to a pebble mill
inefficient. It is understood that 85% of the Pokrajcic says energy cuts can be achieved to decrease liner and media consumption.
energy used is dissipated as heat, 12% is by purposely targeting the comminution energy Existing mill sizes were reduced.
attributed to mechanical losses and only 1% of at specific problematic size fractions such as the When the performance of this new ABC-
the total energy input is used in size reduction critical size material in the primary mill and the HPGR-PM circuit was compared to the original
of feed material. very fine fraction in the secondary mill. Through SABC circuit, (based on JKSimMet and mass
Another aspect of comminution which the use of more efficient comminution devices balancing predictions) it was observed that the
contributes significantly to the energy intensity such as HPGR (high pressure grinding rolls) a new circuit produced both finer and steeper
of the process is the consumption of media and product size distribution that is narrower in size product size distribution, which promoted better
mill liners. The quantity of energy necessary for range can be generated. This size distribution flotation performance some 2% increase in
the fabrication of the media and/or liners from contains less material in the coarse fraction to gold recovery.
extraction, to transport, to manufacture and aid overall mineral liberation and less material in Direct energy comparisons show that the
assembly is considered part of the total energy the fine fraction to minimise the effects of ABC-HPGR-PM circuit had an operating work
utilisation of the comminution process. This is slimes. index of 15.9 kWh/t compared to 24.3 kWh/t
also quite an energy intensive process and JKMRC made eco-efficient modifications to for the base case SABC circuit. This is a
opportunities to minimise steel consumption in an existing SABC (SAG mill with recycle significant energy saving greater than 8 kWh/t
comminution circuits should be realised. crushing and a single stage ball mill). First, a for the whole circuit. Comparing indirect energy
The third factor which contributes significantly pre-crush stage using HPGR was introduced to consumption, again the ABC-HPGR-PM out
to the energy intensity of comminution circuit is minimise the generation of critical size material performed the standard SABC circuit with a
the chosen grind size. As the target product size in the primary mill. The aim was to reduce a 79% saving in indirect energy based on media
decreases the energy required to achieve the portion of the feed material below critical size and liner wear alone. The SABC circuit
product size increases significantly. As the and generate more fines to decrease the load in consumed 3,535 kW while the new circuit
particles become smaller their strength and the primary mill. Not all of the feed material consumed 753 kW. These figures are based on
therefore their resistance to breakage increases. was pre-crushed to allow for sufficient abrasion 6 kWh/kg required to manufacture the grinding
For small particles as internal flaws are depleted, breakage in the primary mill. consumables.
increase equipment availability, when used in According to Jonathan Allen, Metso Manager The Vertimills carbon footprint much smaller
combination with our non-hazardous backing Stirred Mills, the Vertimill has been proven to than other technologies, offering both direct and
epoxy and larger volume containers, it offers a provide energy savings ranging from 30% to indirect (use of less grinding media that takes
safer, more environmentally responsible option greater than 50% compared with traditional energy to produce) energy savings. Allen believes
for crushing operations. ball mills. By using the best available that the environmental impact of a concentrator
technology, he says, companies are going to is significantly decreased by using Vertimills. In
Vertimills save money/energy be able to save millions of metric tons of the future, he says, it is extremely likely that
Metso has mature, green technology to meet carbon. At a time when everyone is focused on more sites will adopt this technology for more of
demands to cut energy costs and public limiting their footprint, this is not an their grinding needs to increase their profitability
pressure to be environmentally conscious. The insignificant factor in choosing a mill. and decrease their environmental impact.
company syas that operating with higher The Vertimills improved grinding energy
energy efficiency, the Vertimills, total cost of efficiency is due largely to the effect of its High pressure grinding
ownership is almost always significantly less vertical arrangement, which maximises attrition HPGRs are increasingly becoming a part of hard
than a traditional horizontal ball mill solution, grinding and eliminates wasteful impact rock processing due to their energy efficiency,
lowering processing costs and improving breakage. More efficient grinding is also ability to induce micro-cracks and preferential
profitability while reducing carbon emissions. obtained by using finer media. The Vertimill can liberation, coupled with high throughput and
Since 1978, more than 300 Vertimills have been be charged with a smaller media top size, high reduction ratio.
sold globally, with 76 of those in the last three creating an overall smaller size distribution. A With more than 250 Polycom installations in
years alone, giving it the largest installed base small change in media size can have a big different industrial sectors, Polysius says it is
of any stirred milling technology." impact on the total grinding surface area, the worldwide market leader for this
Available in standard sizes from 15 to 2,240 explains Allen. In general, a Vertimill size technology. This comminution system offers
kW, the Vertimill has a relatively large practical distribution has greater than three times the numerous benefits that Polysius list as:
operating range, handling feed sizes from 6 mm surface areas of an equivalent ball mill grinding Low operating costs, in comparison to other
and grinding to sub 20 microns products. charge. For an initial conservative comparison, systems both power consumption and costs
Mechanically, it is a very simple machine with the Vertimill is evaluated as 30% more efficient for wear parts are significantly lower
advantages that include reduced energy and than a ball mill for coarser applications (P80 > High throughput rates: an HPGR can replace
media consumption, long wear life, reduced 200 m) and 35% for fine grinding applications several crushers
maintenance and high availability, lower (P80 < 200 m); but field surveys show that Metallurgical advantages in the downstream
installation cost in less floor space and greater greater energy improvements can be achieved, process stages
operational safety. according to Metso. Shorter delivery and commissioning times
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Symons is a registered trademark of Metso Minerals Corp.
Optimised circuits
Process audits are an excellent way to benchmark current performance,
review current operating and production targets, says Richard Jenner
Outotecs Account Manager for Service and After Sales Minerals
Processing Technologies Australia. They are also extremely useful in
identifying projects to meet or exceed budget targets and business goals.
A process audit will answer the tough questions that threaten your
How do I get that extra 3% yield?
How can I reduce water consumption?
How can I reduce my power usage without reducing productivity?
What gains can be achieved without capex?
Where can I spend my limited capex for maximum returns?
The scope of a process audit will depend on your needs, and can range
from basic to detailed, with either a narrow single process stage focus or
broader site wide perspective. Depending entirely on the scope, a process
audit may include:
Site-wide mass, energy and water balance
Overall and unit efficiency of existing plant (grinding, thickeners and
Mechanical condition of existing plant (grinding, thickeners and
Identification of bottlenecks and root cause analysis of performance
issues Kppern roller presses have been proven successful
Corrective actions and improvement opportunities identification all over the world in plants for the energy-saving high
Budgets, scoping, engineering, contracts, implementation, and gains! pressure comminution of cement clinker, limestone and
A skilled process audit team will approach your operation from a blast furnace slag as well as various ores and minerals.
number of perspectives to determine your needs, including: metallurgical, For the comminution of abrasive materials the patented
process, mechanical, operation, maintenance, and personnel training. Hexadur wear protection of rollers is available.
Particle size distribution and electricity consumption are the two main
concerns for any grinding circuit. A process audit in the grinding circuit
will: Kppern Quality made in Germany.
Determine optimum particle size distribution for maximum recovery State of the art technology
Outline a process for efficient mill control Process technology know how
Determine any potential for reduced power consumption. High plant availability
Automation is another area which can quickly yield results if the correct Quick roller replacement
process and technology are in place. But the basics of spares, service,
maintenance and training are also important Jenner explains:
Am I carrying enough critical spares to stay online?
Do I know the lead times for critical spares that I dont carry?
Is my preventative maintenance program suitable?
Do my operators have the skills to run my plant optimally?
Do we know how to effectively troubleshoot process upsets?
Answering no to any of these questions represents a risk to the
the Toromocho porphyry copper project. world's largest ball mills at 28'x44' (8.5 m by factor. Where small motors, e.g. for handheld
Toromocho is in central Peru, approximately 140 13.4 m). The grinding line is being designed to devices, have an electrical efficiency as low as
km east of Lima in the historic Morococha handle in excess of 120,000 t/d. The 10%, large motors in the MW range offer
mining district. ABB says its GMDs for equipment is scheduled to be shipped in the about 95%. Thus, it makes sense to install
Toromocho will be the largest such systems fourth quarter of 2010, co-ordinating with the fewer big machines instead of many smaller
worldwide, to be installed at the highest altitude owner's construction schedule to meet the ones. This reduces the fixed capital, but
where gearless mill drive systems ever have been targeted initial plant start-up. increases the operational risk with lower
installed. The region has a steep topography FLS says that in order to reduce mineral redundancy. The efficiency gain can be in the
with elevations over the deposit ranging from processing costs and increase throughput, ore range of 10% and more, depending on the
4,700 m to over 4,900 m above sea level. producers have moved towards increasingly specific conditions.
ABBs scope of supply consists of three larger mill sizes. FLSmidth grinding mills are The way torque is applied to the mill is also
complete GMD systems including transformers, designed using the latest technology available in important. It is best to apply it directly as with a
ring motors and containerised E-houses. One the industry. Strain gauging has been used to GMD. Here magnetic interaction turns the mill
system will be installed on a 12.2 m SAG mill verify the predicted stress levels to ensure directly without mechanical interaction. Each
with a power of 28 MW. The SAG mill will be success of the heavy duty rotating equipment. mechanical contact, each reduction stage,
equipped with the new ABB 18-pulse With over 3,000 grinding mills supplied, introduces losses and introduces maintenance
cycloconverter. The other two GMD systems will FLSmidth holds a leading position in large requirements. As GMDs are tailor made pieces
be installed on 8.5 m ball mills rated with a grinding mill technology. of equipment these machines are economically
power of 22 MW. The company provides expert analysis of data feasible above about 10 MW of power. Below
FLSmidth Minerals will supply the SAG mill using Bond Work Index as well as other ore this power a geared solution is more feasible,
and two ball mills. It says the SAG mill will be characteristics available to correctly size and apply where a minimum of reduction stages is ideal.
the largest in the world at 40x26' (12.2 m by grinding mills in the most efficient manner. It Consequently a high pole, slow speed solution,
7.9 m). Accompanying the SAG mill will be the offers a wide variety of comminution equipment, possibly with permanent magnet rotor, is the
including SAG, AG, rod, ball, pebble and vertical best solution under these circumstances. The
roller mills, as well as the hydraulic roll press. power gain for a direct drive compared to
Besides the optimal tuning of process geared solution is in the 5% range depending
parameters it is imperative that energy on the project configuration.
consumption be as low as possible. Even in The fixed speed solution is the most efficient
good times, unnecessary energy consumption for the drive. Unfortunately the parameters may
diminishes profit. The main parameters vary, i.e. with changes in ore quality or at partial
influencing energy consumption for mill drive load. If so, an adjustable speed solution will
applications are machine size, torque improve the overall efficiency; even if a frequency
transmission, variable speed, cooling and converter is needed. These converters consist of
electrical design, ABB explains. electrical switching elements, which introduce
For motors, economy of scale is an important little additional loss. Generally, cycloconverters are
slightly better than Voltage Source or Line
FLSmidth's LGD integrated side drive was developed Commutated Inverters. Anyhow, the whole drive
to save cost and space for mills system has to be evaluated because the output
of cycloconverters tends to have more harmonic
content. The estimated increase in overall
efficiency for a variable speed solution is 1 to 3%.
The cooling circuit; minor electrical design
features like optimisation of the current density
in the windings and application of Roebel bars
for GMDs influence the efficiency less than 1%
each, at a relatively high investment. Finally it is
important to note there is little margin to
optimise modern transformer losses; they
contribute less than 1%.
When considering energy optimisation,
reduced consumption is one important part, but
the mine should also be analysed for free
energy. For example a down-hill conveyer could
generate some megawatts.
Finally it is the decision of the owner to
balance investment with operational cost for the
specific site opportunities.
For the first time in 40 years of gearless mill
drive (GMD) history, ABB recently completed a
stator rewinding on site. This was undertaken