Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry For The Analysis of Wear Metals in Oil Samples
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry For The Analysis of Wear Metals in Oil Samples
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry For The Analysis of Wear Metals in Oil Samples
Application Note
Atomic Absorption
Trevor McKenzie
This article outlines the procedures required for the determination of wear metals in oils. Sampling procedures, sample preparation and atomic absorption instrumentation requirements are discussed with the view of implementing a viable Spectrometric Oil Analysis Program (SOAP). Particular consideration is given to the determination of Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Na, Ni, Pb, Si, Sn, Zn and Ti using flame atomic absorption spectroscopy. Comprehensive methods for the trace metals analysis of As, Se and Hg by vapor generation techniques and Sb, Be, Cd, Cr, Co, Mn, MO, Mi and V using the Carbon Rod Atomizer have been listed in the accompanying bibliography.
Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry has been used extensively for a number of years to study trace wear metals in used engine oil [15]. The investigation of trace metals in engine oil has permitted the identification of wearing components before severe failure, without dismantling of the engine. Thus preventive maintenance can be performed as needed and when convenient resulting in considerable cost savings and reduced down time. Spectrometric Oil Analysis Programs (SOAP) have been implemented by the Armed Services, Commercial Airlines, Railways, Tractor Manufacturers and large trucking firms as a diagnostic tool to monitor engine wear. In a spectrometric oil analysis program, the oil must be sampled at regular intervals under strict sampling conditions. This program permits the observation of trends in the metal content of the oil. Wear of a specific component is heralded by an increase in the concentration of a particular metal, or the sudden appearance of a metal. Since different engine components are composed of different alloys, the increase of a particular metal can be used to identify impending failure of a specific
component. An increase in chromium, for example, might suggest piston wear, while an increase in copper may indicate bearing wear. An increase in silicon content could suggest improper air filtering leading to the entry of abrasive dust into the engine. A list of metals found in aircraft engine oil and their origin is given in Table 1 [81,76,82].
Table 1. Metals Analyzed in Lubricating Oils and Areas Associated with Possible Trouble Possible trouble areas Al pistons (aircraft engines), bearings (AI-Sm), push rods, air cooler, pump housings, oil pumps, gear casings, box castings (aircraft) crankshaft and camshaft bearings coolant leaks bearings cylinder liners, piston rings, alloyed steel, coolant leaks, seal rings (jet engines), plating on compression rings, chromate (cooling system) bearings, bushes, (Cu-Pb-Sn). sleeves, bearing cages, coolant core tubes, valve guides, thrust washers; alloyed with S, Ti piston rings, ball and roller bearings, gears, pump gears, cylinder liners, valve guides, rust bearings (Pb-Sn, Cu-Pb-Al), thrust bearings (Cu-Pb), bearing cages, bearing retainers; alloyed with Cu, Ti piston rings platings, engine valves; alloyed with bearing steel engine casing (jet engines), additive in oil, transmission fluid, and certain synthetic fluids air-borne dust, silicon lubricant (jet engines), seal materials platings (aircraft engines). bearings, piping (silver soldered), bearing cages (jet engines) coolant leaks (salt water, borax inhibitors) journal bearings, bearing cages, and retainers casings (aircraft) bearing metal neprene seals, additives, galvanized piping; alloyed with Cu, Al Figure 1.
Element Aluminium
Sb B Cd Cr
During the normal operation period there is very little change in metal content and, in order to gain reliable results, strict sampling procedures are necessary. The following points should be considered when implementing a sampling program. The sample should be taken when the engine is warm (normal running temperature) and from the same location within the engine in order to obtain a representative sample. The method of sampling and sampling device may vary from engine to engine depending on design. A syringe with a piece of tubing of a length that will give a specific position within the engine when inserted into the dip stick port would be adequate. A stainless steel sampling device of this type has been shown not to markedly affect the iron content of an oil sample during sampling. However, ensure that the probe tubing does not come into contact with any moving parts of the engine when the sampling device is fully inserted. Any oil changes or top up additions of oil, together with the amounts and the dates, should be listed in a log. This is extremely important for the calculation of the metal content in the sample and determining a reliable history. The sample frequency relies on the expected lifetime of the components; an increase in sample frequency being implemented on approaching of the wear out period. In most cases a 20 mL sample is adequate for analysis.
Iron Lead
Fe Pb
Molybdenum MO Nickel Magnesium Silicon Silver Sodium Tin Titanium Tungsten Zinc Ni Mg Si Ag Na Sn Ti W Zn
Sample Collection
A wear metals program relies upon knowing the history of a particular engine. This history is determined by the analysis of five homogeneous and representative oil samples, sampled at regular time intervals. (It is upon these samples the criteria for wear is determined). The metal content in the samples can be variable in amount and composition depending upon the engines alloy make up, components and age. A typical engines iron content in oil with age is given in Figure 1.
Sample Preparation
There are three sample preparation methods presently being employed prior to determination of metals by flame atomic absorption: Dilution of the oil sample in an organic solvent such as Xylene or methyl isobutylketone (MIBK) followed by direct aspiration or injection into the flame. Total acid digestion or ashing of the oil sample and dissolution with an appropriate acid. Filtration of the oil sample and digestion of the retained particulate matter by an acid such as hydrochloric acid.
Each method of sample preparation has advantages and disadvantages and the choice depends on the requirements of the wear metals program. The dissolution of the oil sample in an organic solvent and comparison with a known set of organometallic standards made up in the organic solvent is simple and fast. However the method has been shown not to measure the total metal content since not all the particulate metal aspirated is atomized [5]. The organic solvent acts as combustible fuel which can disturb the flame conditions. Disruption of flame conditions can, however, be reduced by using an adjustable uptake nebulizer and flame microsampling techniques [80]. Sample treatment by ashing is very time-consuming and although total metal content for iron, copper and chromium are determined accurately, volatile metals such as lead are lost during the ashing process. Filtration through a membrane filter (0.8 m or 0.45 m) and digestion of the filter and particulates by an acid such as hydrochloric acid is also time consuming. A strong vacuum pump and heating of the oil sample is required to ensure that a large enough sample is filtered for determination. Both the ashing and filtration methods permit aqueous standards to be used for calibration, but if sulphuric and phosphoric acid are used during sample treatment, a standard addition method or a set of matched matrix standards incorporating these acids is required for calibration. The greatest disadvantage to the filtration and ashing methods is that they rely heavily upon strict sampling programs. The particulate metal will settle out very quickly from oil and any deviation from the sampling program can give anomalous results.
A stock standard can be prepared from organometallic powders containing analyte metals in an unused oil sample or can be obtained as a convenient stock standard made up in oil. A set of standards over the required analytical range can be easily prepared by appropriate dilution of the stock standards. A list of suppliers is included in the bibliography [70-73]. When preparing standards the following points must be considered. Viscosity of the standards and the samples are to be matched. This can be achieved by adding the required amount of blank oil to the standards. The standards can be prepared on a weight per weight, weight per volume, or volume per volume basis in the chosen organic solvent. It is therefore necessary to quote the method and solvent used as the concentration units are not equivalent to each other. In our laboratory study the standards were prepared from a multiple standard containing Fe, Si, Al, Cr and Cu and
diluted in Xylene on a volume per volume basis. The viscosity of the sample and standards on dilution were found to be similar when a 1:4 dilution was used. The concentration of metals in ppm in the multiple standard are listed in Table 2.
Table 2. Metallo-Organic Standards National Spectrographic Laboratories, Inc Multiple standard made up in oil in parts per million (ppm) Standard 1 Standard 2 Standard 3 102 103 98 100 30
Table 3.
List of Analytical Working Ranges of Metals Analytical working range mg/kg 010 060 08 1040 25100 08 625 1560 2080 010 25100 01 520 02 012 1560 1560 35140 020 1040 5400 0200 0350 02 Wavelength nm 328.1 309.2 357.9 425.4 428.9 324.7 327.4 217.9 218.2 248.3 372.0 285.2 202.5 589.6 232.0 341.5 352.4 351.5 217.0 283.0 251.6 235.5 364.3 398.8
Element Ag Al Cr
Fe Mg Na Ni
BurnerRotation BurnerRotation
The analytical zero is established against a blank made up from unused oil in accordance with the sample preparation procedure. Ideally, the standards and sample should give a response between 0.1 and 0.8 Abs. This can normally be achieved by appropriate dilution and by selecting a wavelength for the element that corresponds with the response and required concentration range. However, this is not always feasible in fast routine analysis where matched viscosities play a more important role. In many cases the burner position may have to be changed or the nebulizer adjusted to achieve the required response of the sample and standards. Table 3 lists on a weight for weight basis the analytical working ranges for the metals Ag, Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Na, Ni, Pb, Si, Sn, Ti and Zn. Conversion to other concentration units can be easily determined if the density of the diluting organic solvent is known. Where standards are made up from oil-soluble organometallic powders it is necessary to dry the powder over phosphorus pentoxide for 48 hours before making up the standard. If the standards are to be stored for any lengthy period, a stabilizer which can be obtained from the manufacturer of the standards has to be added to the standard. Where high levels of accuracy and precision are required, a standard addition method is recommended. However, a standard addition method is time consuming, requires an accurately prepared blank and the calibration must be linear over the analytical working range. Details of the standard addition method are given in Analytical Methods for Flame Spectroscopy by Varian Techtron, 1971.
Pb Si Sn Ti Zn
Burner Rotation
Organic Solvents
A number of organic solvents have been used for diluting oil samples for the determination of wear metals in oil. The most common solvents presently used are 4-methyl-pentan-2-one (MIBK), m-Xylene and cyclohexanone. A more comprehensive list of organic solvents for use in atomic absorption listing Flash Point, Boiling Point and Specific Gravity is presented in Varians AA at Work AA-6 Safety Practices using Organic Solvents in Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy [20]. The procedures presented in publication AA-6 are to be strictly followed when operating Agilent atomic absorption spectrophotometers. Data regarding organic solvents can normally be obtained from the manufacturers or other technical publications [77,78].
Instrumental Requirements
There are a variety of atomic absorption spectrophotometers available. The most suitable instrument for implementation of a routine wear metals program using the dissolution of the sample in an organic solvent method is a double beam, background corrected atomic absorption spectrophotometer. A single beam atomic absorption instrument does not accommodate inconveniences arising from drift in the light source and flame absorption arising from aspiration of an organic solvent.
Background Correction
Background Correction can be used to reduce errors that may arise from flame absorption. Figure 2 using Fe standard 1 (Table 2) shows that the flame with no background correction absorbs at the wavelength at which Fe is determined. Although the analytical zero can be set using the blank reagent, a negative digital value results after removal of the sample. This can often be disconcerting when a large number of results are required. The background correction will also compensate for particulate matter that may be aspirated, thus a more accurate measurement of the soluble fraction will be gained. Elimination of Flame Absorption resulting from Aspiration of the Organic Solvent in the Analysis of Iron at 248.3 nm in Xylene.
Double Beam
During a wear metals analysis at low absorbance levels (<0.1 abs), baseline drift resulting from lamp fluctuations can cause significant errors. To overcome drift in the single beam mode constant zeroing of the instrument using a blank must be carried out. This can be inconvenient, especially in a long program, and can be overcome by using the double beam mode. Figure 3 shows a comparison between double beam and single beam for Cr using standard 1 (Table 2). Drift of 20% is observed over an eight minute period using single beam while none is observed over the same period using double beam. Elimination of drift arising in the light source by using a double beam system for determining Cr in Xylene Standard 1.
Adjustable Nebulizer
The aspiration of an organic solvent changes the fuel conditions in the flame. By reducing the uptake rate the disturbances occuring in the flame can be minimized. Figure 4 shows that while maximum sensitivity for iron in MIBK is obtained at 6 mL/min uptake, the solvent uptake rate may be reduced by a factor of two for a loss of only 10% in response. Figure 5 shows that a more linear calibration is obtained at lower uptake rates.
Figure 2.
A single beam instrument can be used but constant zeroing using the analytical blank is required and this, apart from being an encumbrance to the operator, will extend the time of the analysis.
Figure 4.
Figure 3.
Figure 5.
Operating Conditions.
The instrumental conditions for the elements listed in Table 2 can be obtained from Analytical Methods for Spectroscopy by Varian Techtron Ply. Ltd.
Because the samples and standards were diluted to the same degree there was no need to change the concentration values of the standards entered into the instrument. This permitted the direct readout of the sample concentration. The concentration of the metal in the diluted sample as a result of dilution was 0.2 of the values quoted in Table 5 and Figures 6 and 7.
Flame Microsampling
As previously mentioned, the aspiration of large quantities of organic solvent can cause large disturbances within the flame. Where this disturbance is excessive, or when several elements are to be determined from a very small sample volume, flame microsampling can be used. Flame microsampling can be achieved by the injection of a small aliquot (50200 L) into the flame via a small teflon cup attached to the polyethylene capillary which is connected to the nebulizer. The precision for ten injections of a similar concentration is better than 2% RSD as shown in Figure 9. Flame microsampling determines the iron content in wear metal to be 14.3 ppm which compares favorably with the direct aspiration of the sample shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Iron in wear metal sample diluted with xylene.
Figure 7.
The oil sample (2 g) was treated with concentrated sulphuric acid (2 g) and heated on a hot plate until dry in a Vycor crucible. The crucible was transferred to a muffle furnace and ashed at 550 C until all traces of carbon were removed. This was indicated by the absence of a charcoal colour and took about 30 minutes. After cooling the sample was treated with concentrated hydrochloric acid (6 mL) and filtered through a Whatman 541 filter paper. The solution was then made up to 25 mL with distilled water and its absorbance compared to a set of matched aqueous iron standards. In cases where matrix matching is not possible, a standard addition method is recommended. Many interferences from the formation of refactory compounds in air/acetylene can be overcome by using a nitrous oxide/acetylene flame.
A modern double beam, background corrected atomic absorption spectrophotometer permits direct reading of sample concentration, is simple in operation and allows routine on-site analysis for Spectrometric Oil Analysis Programs.
Figure 8.
Iron in xylene.
Determination of Metals in Oils
The references are arranged into the following four sections: General Flame Methods 141 Carbon Rod Atomization Methods 4263 Organic Matrix Digestion Procedures 6469 Suppliers of Metallo-organic standards 7075
Figure 9.
A comprehensive text for the determination of trace metals in petroleum is presented in reference 40 and was prepared from papers presented at the symposium Analysis of Petroleum for Trace Metals held at the 169th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. Listed in the publication are methods developed by five petroleum companies for 13 elements of environmental interest (As, Be, Cd, Cr, Co, Pb, Mn, HG, MO, Ni,V, Se, Sb) using vapor generation, flame and the carbon rod atomizer. The methods are well documented and easy to implement and extensively referenced. Annual Reports on Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy (reference 24) which has been published since 1971, contains a section on Petroleum and Petroleum Products and should be consulted for recent developments in the analysis of Petroleum Products.
J. A. Burrows, J. C. Heerdt and J.B. Willis, The Determination of Wear Metals in used Lubricating Oils by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Anal. Chem., 37, 579 (1965). S. Sprague, W. Slavin, A rapid Method for the Determination of Trace Metals in used Aircraft Lubricating Oils, Atomic Absorption Newsletter, 4, 367 (1965). S. Slavin and W. Slavin, Fully Automatic Analysis of used Aircraft Oils, Atomic Absorption Newsletter, 5, 106 (1966). H. W. Wilson, Note on the Determination of Lead in Gasoline by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Anal. Chim. Acta., 38, 921 (1966). R. A. Mostyn and A. F. Cunningham, Some Applications of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy to the Analysis of Fuels and Lubricants, J. Inst. Petroleum (U.K.), 53, 101 (1967). J. E. Schallis and H. L. Kahn, Determination of Tin in Lubricating Oils with a nitrous oxide-acetylene flame, Atomic Absorption Newsletter, 7, 84 (1968). Y. Sychra, J. Matousek and S. Marek, Direct Determination of Traces of Nickel in Heavy Petroleum Fractions by means of Atomic Absorption and Fluorescence Spectrophotometry, Chem. Listy., 63, 177 (1969). H. L. Kahn, G. E. Peterson and D. C. Manning, Determination of Iron and Chromium in used Lubricating Oils, Atomic Absorption Newsletter, 9, 79 (1970). R. H. Kiss and T. T. Bartels, Improved Atomic Absorption Techniques for measuring Iron particles in Lubricating Oil, Atomic Absorption Newsletter, 9, 78 (1970).
14. J. F. Alder, T. S. West, Atomic Absorption and Fluorescence Spectrophotometry with a carbon filament Atom Reservoir. Part IX. The Direct Determination of Silver and Copper in Lubricating Oils, Anal. Chim. Acta., 58, 331 (1972). 15. G. S. Golden, The Determination of Iron in used Lubricating Oil, Appl. Spectros., 25, 668 (1971). 16. J. B. Sanders, Applications of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy to the Analysis of Petroleum Products, Varian Techtron Pty. Ltd., Springvale, Victoria, Australia, 3171. 17. A. Ya. Olkin., Zh. Prikl., Spectral Analysis of Crankcase Oil to Investigate the Wear of Tractor Engines, Spektrosk., 11, 787 (1969). 18. J. Ropars, Determination of Metallic Impurities in Heavy Fuel Oils by Atomic Absorption, Analysis, 2, 199 (1973). 19. N. K. Pradhan, Coal and Petroleum Analysis by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Varian Techtron Pty. Ltd., Springvale, Victoria, Australia, 3171. 20. T. N. McKenzie, Safety Practices using Organic Solvents in Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, AA at Work (AA-6), May 1980, Varian Techtron Pty. Ltd., Springvale, Victoria, Australia, 3171. 21. S. Skujins, The Analysis of Lubricating Oil Additives, Varian Techtron Application Notes, 4/70, Varian Techtron Pty. Ltd., Springvale, Victoria, Australia. 22. G. Norwitz and H. Gordon, Determination of Lithium Stearate in Sebacate Based Lubricants by Atomic Absorption, Talanta, 20, 905 (1973). 23. J. C. Van Loon, Analysis of Petroleum and Petroleum Products, Chapter 7, p. 264, In Analytical Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Selected Methods, Academic Press, Inc., New York (1980). 24. Annual Reports on Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy, The Society for Analytical Chemistry, 9/10 Saville Row, London, W1X 1AF, U.K. 25. D. J. Von Lehmden, R. H. Jungers and R. E. Lee, Jr., Determination of Trace Elements in Coal, Fly Ash, Fuel Oil, and Gasoline. A Preliminary Comparison of Selected Analytical Techniques, Anal. Chem., 46, 239 (1974). 26. H. U. Hopp, Erdoel Kohle, Erdgas., Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Determination of Zinc, Calcium, Barium and Magnesium in Mineral Oil Products, Petrochem. Brennst-Chem., 27, 435 (1974).
10. G. E. Peterson and H. L. Kahn, The Determination of Barium, Calcium and Zinc in Additives and Lubricating Oils using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Atomic Absorption Newsletter, 9, 71 (1970). 11. W. B. Barnett, H. L. Kahn and G. E. Peterson, The Rapid Determination of Several Elements in a Single Lubricating Oil Sample by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Atomic Absorption Newsletter, 10, 106 (1971). 12. E. A. Means and D. Ratcliffe, Determination of Wear Metals in Lubricating Oils by Atomic Absorption, Atomic Absorption Newsletter, 4, 174 (1965). 13. M. Kashigi and S. Oshima, Determination of Calcium, Barium and Zinc in Lubricating Oils by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Anal. Chim. Acta., 55, 436 (1971).
27. M. S. Vigler and V. F. Gaylor., Trace Metals Analysis in Petroleum Products by Atomic Absorption, Appl. Spectros., 28, 342 (1974). 28. L. G. Mashireva, A. G. Gonsales, K. I. Zimina and V. V. Zhilkin, Use of Atomic Absorption in Analysis of Petroleum Products, Khim. Tekhnol., Topl. Masel., 4, 55 (1975). 29. R. J. lbrahim and S. Sabbah, The Effects of Viscosity Differences between Standards and Samples on Iron Measurements in Crude Oils by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Atomic Absorption Newsletter, 14, 131 (1975). 30. E. Knauer and G. E. Milliman., Analysis of Petroleum for Trace Metals. Determination of Mercury in Petroleum and Petroleum Products, Anal. Chem., 47, 1263 (1975). 31. R. J. Lukasiewicz and B. E. Buell, Zinc Determination in Lubricating Oils and Additives by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Anal. Chem., 47, 1673 (1975). 32. W. K. Robbins and H. H. Walker, Analysis of Petroleum for Trace Metals. Determination of Trace Quantities of Cadmium in Petroleum by Atomic Absorption, Anal. Chem., 47, 1269 (1975). 33. A. Serbanescu, G. Banateanu, T. Fedin and S. Badea, Study and Determination of Microquantities of Metals in Fuel Oils and Petroleum Cokes by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry and Flame Emission Spectrophotometry, Rev. Chim., 26, 863 (1975). 34. V. A. Vilenkin, L. L. Kalinin and Y. V. McKulin., Determination of Metal Content in Spent Oils by Spectral Atomic Absorption Analysis, Khim. Tecknol. Topl. Masel., 12, 54 (1975). 35. E. J. Wood, R. Gonzalez, J. A. Blanco and A. O. Rucci, Determination of Lead in Propellant Samples by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Talanta. 23, 473 (1976). 36. R. J. Lukasiewicz and B. E. Buell, Direct Determination of Manganese in Gasoline by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry in the Nitrous Oxide-Hydrogen Flame, Appl. Spectrosc., 31, 541 (1977). 37. S. K. Kapoor, I. D. Singh and P. L. Gupta, Interferences of Common Additive Elements in Atomic Absorption Analysis of Wear Metals in used Lubricating Oils, Indian J. Technol., 15, 162 (1977). 38. P. L. Grizzle, C. A. Wilson, E. D. Ferro and H. J. Coleman, Atomic Absorption Techniques for Determining Vanadium and Nickel in Crude Oil, U.S. Energy Res. Dev. Adm., Rep. No. BERC/RI-77/8.
39. M. G. Manolin and C. Manolin, Determination of Copper Traces in Petroleum Products by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Rev. Reum. Chim., 24, 95 (1979). 40. R. A. Hofstader, O. I. Miller and J. H. Runnels, Analysis of Petroleum for Trace Metals, Advances in Chemistry Series No. 156, American Chemical Society, Washington D.C. 1976. 41. W. N. Elliot, C. Heathcote and R. A. Mostyn, Determination of Phosphorus in Lubricating Oils by Cool Flame Emission Spectroscopy, Talanta, 19, 359 (1972). 42. G. Seber, I. Lang, P. Vavrecha, V. Sychra and O. Weisser, Determination of Metals in Petroleum Samples by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. I. Determination of Vanadium, Anal. Chim. Acta., 78, 99 (1975). 43. H. H. Walker, J. H. Runnels and R. Merryfield, Determination of Trace Quantities of Selenium in Petroleum and Petroleum Products by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Anal. Chem., 48, 2056 (1976). 44. I. Lang, G. Sebor, V. Sychra, D. Kolihova and O. Weisser, Determination of Metals in Petroleum Samples by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Part II. Determination of Nickel, Anal. Chim. Acta., 84, 299 (1976). 45. I. Lang, G. Sebor, O. Weisser and V. Sychra, The Determination of Metals in Petroleum Samples by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Part III. The Effects of Added Alkali Metals on the Determination of Vanadium in Organic Solutions, Anal. Chim. Acta., 88, 313 (1977). 46. C. S. Sabs and K. J. Eisentraut, Determination of Titanium in Aircraft Lubricating Oils by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Anal. Chem., 49, 454 (1977). 47. G. Sebor and I. Lang, The Determination of Metals in Petroleum Samples by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Part IV. The Effects of Halogen on the Determination of Vanadium and Nickel in Xylene Solutions, Anal. Chim. Acta., 89, 221 (1977). 48. S. H. Ornang, Determination of Vanadium and Nickel in Mineral Oils by Flameless Graphite Tube Atomization, Anal. Chim. Acta., 56, 470 (1971). 49. C. L. Chakrabarti and G. Hall, Evaluation of Carbon Rod Atomizer for Routine Analysis of Vanadium in Crude Oil by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Spectrosc. Lett., 6, 385 (1973). 50. G. L. Everett, T. S. West and R. W. Williams, Atomic Absorption and Fluorescence Spectrometry with a Carbon Filament Atomic Reservoir, Determination of Vanadium in Fuel Oils, Anal.Chim. Acta., 66, 301 (1973).
51. J. J. Labrecque, J. Galobardes and M. E. Cohen, Atomic Absorption Determination of Nickel in Heavy Crudes via a Carbon Rod Atomizer, Applied Spectroscopy, 31, 207 (1977). 52. G. Hall, M. P. Bratzel and C. L. Chakrabarti, Evaluation of a Carbon Rod Atomizer for Routine Determination of Trace Metals by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Applications to Analysis of Lubricating Oil and Crude Oil, Talanta, 20, 755 (1973). 53. Determination of Lead in Gasoline by Heated Vapourization Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Anal. Chim. Acta., 65, 285 (1973). 54. Y. E. Araktingi, C. L. Chakrabarti and I. S. Maines, Determination of Trace Metals in Crude Oils by NonFlame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Specrosc. Lett., 7, 97 (1974). 55. W. K. Robbins, Analysis of Petroleum for Trace Metals. The Determination of Trace Quantities of Manganese in Petroleum and Petroleum Products by Heated Vapourization Atomic Absorption, Anal. Chem., 46, 2177 (1974). 56. H. Heinrichs, Determination of Mercury in Water, Rocks, Coal, and Petroleum with Flameless Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Z. Anal. Chem., 273, 197 (1975). 57. W. K. Robbins, J. H. Runnels and R. Merryfield, Analysis of Petroleum for Trace Metals. Determination of Trace Quantities of Beryllium in Petroleum and Petroleum Products by Heated Vapourization Atomic Absorption, Anal. Chem., 47, 2095 (1975). 58. J. H. Runnels, R. Merryfield and H. B. Fisher, Analysis of Petroleum for Trace Metals. Method for Improving Detection Limits for some Elements with the Graphite Furnace Atomizer, Anal. Chem., 47, 1258 (1975). 59. LA. May and B.J. Presley, Comparison of Flameless Atomic Absorption with Neutron Activation Analysis for Iron and Nickel in Crude Oil Residues, Anal. Chim. Acta., 83, 385 (1976). 60. T. Uchida and C. lida, Atomic Absorption Spectrometry of Alkali Metals by Atomic Absorption Tube Technique, Bunko Kenkyu., 24, 338 (1975). 61. J. J. Labrecque, J. Galobardes and M. E. Cohen, Atomic Absorption Determination of Nickel in Heavy Crudes via a Carbon Rod Atomizer, Appl. Spectres., 31, 207 (1977).
62. V. Sychra, O. Vyskocilova, I. Lang and O. Weisser, A Study of Interferences in the Determination of Vanadium, Nickel and Iron in Petroleum and in Samples of Petroleum Origin (After Mineralization) by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Chem. Listy., 73, 195 (1979). 63. J. F. Alder, and T. S. West, Atomic Absorption and Fluorescence Spectrophotometry with a Carbon Filament Atom Reservoir. Part IX: The direct Determination of Silver and Copper in Lubricating Oils, Anal. Chim. Acta., 58, 331 (1972). 64. C. D. Reeves, C. J. Molnar and J. D. Winefordner, Rapid AA Determination of Ag and Cu by Sequential Atomization from a Graphite Rod, Anal. Chem., 44, 1914 (1972). 65. B. Bernas, Acid press decomposition device for interference-free AA analysis, American Laboratory, 5(8), 41 (1973). 66. P. A. Bertrand, R. Bauer, P. D. Fleischauer, Determination of Lead in Lubricating Oils by Isotopic Dilution Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Anal, Chem., 52, 1279 (1980). 67. M. M. Schachter and K. W Boyer, Digestion of Organic Matrices with a Single Acid for Trace Element Determination, Anal. Chem., 52, 360 (1980). 68. T. T. Gorsuch, The Destruction of Organic Matter, Pergamon Press, New York (1970). 69. T. T. Gorsuch, Analyst, 84, 135 (1959) 70. National Bureau of Standards Monograph, 54, Analytical Standards for Trace Elements in Petroleum Products (1962). 71. CONOSTAN, Metallo-organic standards, Conostan Division, Continental Oil Company, Ponca City, Oklahoma, U.S.A. 72. Oil Soluble standards for Determination of Metals in Lubricating Oils, B.D.H. Chemicals, Poole, Dorset, U.K. 73. National Spectrographic Laboratories, Inc., Metalloorganic Standards, # 630-60 Special Catalog Series A Standards, 7650 Hub Parkway, Cleveland, Ohio, 44125, USA., 74. W. E. Hearn, R. A. Mostyn and B. Bedford, Metal Caprates as Analytical Standards for Spectrometric Oil Analysis, Anal. Chem., 43, 1821 (1971). 75. V. Berenquer-Navarno and J. Hernandez, Analysis by Atomic Absorption using Emulsion Formations, I. Determination of Zinc in Lubricating Oils, Quim. Anal., 31, 81 (1977) Spanish.
76. B. E. Buell, Petroleum Industry Analytical Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy, App. At. Spectroscopy, 2, 53 (1978). 77. N. Irving, Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials, Sax, Fifth Edition, Van Nostrand Reihold Company, New York. 78. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, West, R.C. Editor, C.R.C. Press, Cleveland, Ohio. 79. O. I. Milner, J. R. Glass, J. P. Kircher and A. N. Yurick, Anal. Chem. 24, 1728 (1952). 80. T. N. McKenzie, Flame Microsampling, Varian Techtron Lecture Transcript, March 1979. 81. J. Stecki, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia. 82. C. A. Waggoner, Spectrometric Oil Analysis Principles and Practice, Materials Report, Defence Research Establishment, Pacific Victoria. British Columbia, Canada, March 1971. 83. W. A. Glaeser, F. D. Newman and D. K. Snediker, The Application of Oil Analysis Techniques to the Diagnosis of Condition and Prediction of Failure in US Army Construction Vehicles, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service. November 1973.
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Agilent Technologies, Inc., 1981 Printed in the USA November 1, 2010 AA010