Definition: - Green plants are autotrophic and synthesize food by the process of
Photosynthesis. Action spectrum of photosynthesis determined by T.W. Englemonn in
1882 using green alga. The scientist measured rate of photosynthesis as the amount of O2
released, which he detected by using bacteria that are attract by O2 .
Study on Photosynthesis originated only about 300 years ago. Joseph
Priestley (1733-1804) showed the plants have the ability to take up CO2 from the
atmosphere and release O2.
Oxygen is released as a waste product and it is liberated from water and not form carbon
dioxide. (In below Figure).
(C) Raw Material for Photosynthesis: the synthesis of carbohydrates( Sugar) requires two
substances. These are carbon dioxide(CO2) and Water(H2O).
1. CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2): - in atmosphere only 0.03% of total atmosphere is Carbon
Dioxide. It is released in the atmosphere by respiration decay, decomposition and
combustion. The land plants take the CO2 from atmosphere through the Stomata.
2. Water (H2O):- Water is the second substance required for the Photosynthesis. In the
chloroplast, photolysis (Break down) of water (H2O) molecule into hydrogen and oxygen
takes place.
The entire process photosynthesis is complete in two phases:
1. LIGHT PHASE depends upon light and also called photochemical reaction.
2. DARK PHASE does not required light and called dark reaction or purely chemical
1. Phase 1 (Photolysis of water) : in the step H2O splits up into H+ and OH- , H+
is used to reduce NADP (Nicotinamide Adenine dinucleotide Phosphate) to
NADPH2 which is used in dark Reaction. While OH- is utilized to evolve free
O2 and release H2O molecule. The oxygen produced is given out of the leaf.
Water is used by plants
The highly reactive of H+ and OH- of water undergo quick changes. OH- produces
water and oxygen. Water is used by the plants whereas oxygen is released into the
atmosphere. H+ (In dark Reaction) combine with CO2 to produce glucose. At the
end of light reaction, following changes have occurred:
(a) Formation of ATP. (b) Formation of NADPH2. (c) released of O2 .
(B) DARK REACTION : it is immediately followed after light reaction. This occurs in
the stroma of chloroplast. In the dark reaction ATP and NADPH2 are used to reduce
CO2 in the chloroplast for synthesis of carbon hydrates. At the end of cycle
carbohydrate is synthesized and RuBP is regenerated. Melvin Calvin and Andy
Bemnson discovered this cycle and it is known as Calvin – Benson Cycle.
Products of photosynthesis are glucose and oxygen. oxygen is used in respiration
process of various living-beings. Glucose through various metabolic pathways from
many compounds that are needed for growth and development of body.
1. Chlorophyll Contents: There is no direct relationship between the rate of
photosynthesis & chlorophyll contents. It is said that entrapping, converting
and storing of radiant energy depend on the quantity of Chlorophyll.
2. Accumulation products: - The product produce during photosynthesis, if not
consumed or Trans located, result in stoppage of process gradually.
3. Structure of Leaves: the structure, position and distribution of stomata affect
the process directly.
1. Light: Light affect the photosynthesis by its intensity, quality, and duration.
Light intensity increase the rate and green light decreased the rate of
2. Carbon Dioxide: High concentration of CO2 increased the rate of
photosynthesis but very high concentrate of CO2 become toxic to the plants.
3. Water: The Water is essential raw material for the process. Water deficiency
decreases the rate.
4. Temperature: Photosynthesis process involves the activity of a number of
enzymes. Most of enzymes function at optimal temperature from 200 to 350C .
5. Oxygen: Excess of oxygen lowers the rate of Photosynthesis.