The World of The Angels "Sheikh Abd Al-Hamid Kishk"

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Some of the key takeaways from the text are that angels were created to worship Allah, there are different types of angels that have different roles or functions, and certain actions please the angels while others displease or are forbidden around them.

Some of the different types of angels mentioned are Jibril, Mika'il, Israfil, the Angel of Death, guardian angels, recording angels, Munkar and Nakir, the custodians of the Garden and the Fire, and angels entrusted with sperm in the womb.

Some actions that please the angels according to the text are sincerely worshipping Allah alone, avoiding disobedience and wrong actions, reciting the Quran, remembering Allah through dhikr, teaching people good, seeking useful knowledge, praying in the mosque, and going early to Jumu'ah prayers.

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Table of Contents
Preface 1
The Obligation of Belief in the Angels 3
The Creation of the Angels 5
The Wings of the Angels 6
The Magnitude of the Angels 6 '
The Beauty of the Angels 7
The Number of the Angels 8
The Worship and Glorification of the Angels 9
The Frequented House 9
The Story of Adam and the Angels 11
Adam's Greeting to the Angels 12
The Different Types of Angels 14
Jibril, Mika'il and Israfil 14
The Angel of Death 16
The Guardian Angels 17
The Recording Angels 18
Munkar and Nakir 20
The Custodians of the Garden and the Fire 21
Angels entrusted with the sperm in the womb 24
The Bearers of the Throne 25
The Karubiyyun 25
The Angel of the Mountains 26
The Angels of the Ranks 26
The Angels of dhikr 27
Angels of Visions 29
Different Forms in which the Angels appear 31
The Story of Maryam 32
Angels being sent to test mankind 34
The Angel of Death coming to Musa 35
The Story of Harut and Marut 37
The true interpretation of the ayat 41
Jibril: the Envoy to the Prophets 44
The Attributes of Jibril 48
The Enmity of the Jews to Jibril 50
The Night Journey of the Messenger of Allah 52
Jibril teaching the Prophet Wudu' and the Prayer 55
The Angels coining a Metaphor for the Prophet 56
Jibril giving good news of the Garden to Khadija 56
Jibrilleading the Angels in the Battle of Badr 58
The Angels in the Battle of the Confederates 59
The Angels helping the Prophet against the Jews 62
The Angels in the Battle of Hunayn 63'
An Extraordinary Dream 65
Righteous actions whose doers are prayed for
by the Angels 71
Obedience to Allah on the Night of Power 71
Recitation of Qur'an and dhikr of Allah 72
Teaching People Good 75
The seeker of useful knowledge 76
Walking to the Mosque and Remaining there 77
Praying in the first row 78
Going earl) to Jumu'a 79
The Fajr and 'Asr prayers in the mosque 80
The meal of Sahur 80
Sadaqa and spending in good ways 81
The Hajj and standing at 'Arafa 82
Seeking martyrdom in the way of Allah 83
The prayer on the Prophet 84
Visiting the Sick 84
Visiting Brothers 85
Supplication for believers who are not present 85
Sleeping in a state of wudu' 86
Actions whose doers are cursed by the Angels 87
The curse' on the unbelievers 87
Preventing the implementation of the Shari'a 87
Sheltering people of innovation 88
Abusing the Companions 88
Women not responding to their husbands 89
A woman going out without permission 90
Someone pointing at his brother with a weapon 90
The Believer's Obligation towards the Angels 92
Not spitting to the right during the Prayer 93
Praise be to Allah. We praise Him, seek His help. and ask His
forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allah from the evils of ourselves
and from our bad actions, Whoever Allah guides no one can lead
astray. Whoever He leads astray, 00 one can guide. I testify that
there is no god but Allah alone without any partner. The Kingdom
is His and all praise is His and He is over all things powerful. I tes
tify that Sayyiduna Muhammad is His slave and Messenger, His
chosen one among His creation and His friend. He conveyed the
message and handed over the trust and advised the Community. By
means of him Allah removed sorrow and effaced the darkness. He
strove in the way of Allah until the Certain came to him. May
Allah repay you for us, 0 my master, 0 Messenger of Allah, in the
best way that any Prophet can be repaid from his community and
any Messenger from his people!
"0 you who believe! Be fearful of Allah in the way he
should befeared, and do not die except as submitted Mus
lims." (3:102)
"0 People of mankind! Be fearful of your Lord.who
created you from one self, and created from it its mate,
and from the two of them has dispersed about many men
of Allah, Him by Whom you make
demands of one another, and about ties of kinship. Allah is
watchful over you." (4:1)
"0 you who believe! Be fearful of Allah and speak
words which hit the mark. He will make your actions right
for you and forgive you your wrong deeds. He who obeys
and women. Be fearful
Allah and His Messenger has won a mighty victory."
My intention in this book is to present one of the pillars of
belief in full detail.. This pillar is belief in the angels. Allah
Almighty says:
"The Messenger believes in what has been sent down to
him from his Lord, and so do the believers. Each one
believes. in Allah and His angelsand His Books 'and His
Messengers. We do not differentiate between any of His
Messengers. They say, HWe hear and we obey. Forgive us,
our Lord! To You is the journey's end." (2:283)
This firm pillar and sound foundation must be fully understood.
Here we will give authority to the lights of revelation and be guid
ed by them within this precious world, the world of the angels, in
the name of which Allah has praised Himself. He says:
"Praise belongs to Allah, the Bringer-into-being of the
heavens and the earth, the Maker of the angels into mes
sengers, possessing wings - two, three and four. He adds
to creation in any way He wills. Allah is over all things
powerful:" (35:1)
I ask Allah Almighty to grant the best of knowledge and sin
cere action to the reader of this book. He is Hearing, Near-at
Hand, and the Answerer of supplication.
Shaykh 'Abdu'l-Hamid K i ~ h k
The Obligation of Belief in the Angels
Allah - glory be to Him and may He be exalted! - says:
"It is not devotion to turn your faces towards the East
or the West. Rather, true devotion is when someone
believes in Allah, and the Last Day, and the Angels, and
the Book, and the Prophets." (2:177)
Allah - glory be to Him and may He be exalted! - says:
"The Messenger believes in what has been sentdown to
him from his Lord, and so do the believers. Each one
believes in Allah and His angels and His Books and His
Messengers. We do not differentiate between any of His
Messengers." (2:285)
The Almighty says:
"Anyone who rejects Allah and His angels and His
Books and His Messengers and the Last Day has gone
veryfar astray." (4: 136)
In these blessed ayats, the Noble Qur'an guides us to the fact
that belief in the angels is a basic tenet of belief. It stands at the
very root of the revelation of Allah and His Messengers because
the revelation of Allah Almighty only reached the Prophet by
means of one of the angels named Jibril, the Trustee of the Revela
tion. Thus if a person denies the existence of the angels, he also
denies the revelation of the Divine Books and consequently the
message of the Messengers. That is why the Qur'an mentions
belief in the angels before belief in the Divine Books and the Mes
Anyone who rejects the existence of the angels, according to
the way that the Qur'an has clearly described them, is an unbeliev
er since Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, says:
"0 you who believe! Believe in Allah and His Messen
ger, and the Book which He sent down to His Messenger,
and the Book which He sent down before. Anyone who
rejects Allah and His angels and His Books and His Mes
sengers and the Last Day has gone very far astray."
Thus the Qur' an makes clear the obligation of belief in the
angels in these two ways. Firstly by confmning the belief of those
who believe in them in the ayat of Surat al-Baqara: "The Messen
ger believes...", and secondly by denying belief to those who
reject them in the ayat in Surat an-Nisa' . The Prophet, may Allah
bless him and grant him peace, said in a hadith transmitted by
Muslim, when he was asked about belief:
"It is that you believe in Allah, His angels, His Books, His
Messengers and the Last Day, and that you believe in the
Decree, both the good and the bad of it...."
The Creation of the Angels
Muslim transmitted in his Sahih from 'A'isha, peace be upon
her; that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant
him peace, said:
"The angels were created from light. The jinn were cre
ated from fire. Man was created from what has been
described to you."
Ibn Hajar said in the Fath and mentioned in Rabi' al-Abrar that
Sa'id b. al-Musayyab said, "The angels are neither male nor
female. They neither eat nor drink. They do not marry nor have
children." The angels are free of all animal appetites and are
unadulterated by any selfish inclination.
Allah Almighty called the angels "slaves" and honoured them
by the fact of their being connected to His name, the All-Merciful.
He made it clear that those who think that they are female are not
right because they say this with no knowledge. Allah says:
"They have designated the angels female, those who are
the slaves of the Merciful. Were they present to witness
their creation? Their witnessing will be written down and
they will be asked about it." (43: 19)
Allah - glory be to Him! - criticised those who described the
angels as being female and stripped such people of the attribute of
belief, saying:
"Those who do not believe in the Next World name the
angels with the names of females. They do- not have any
knowledge of it. They only follow supposition, and suppo
sition is of no avail at all against the Truth." ( 5 3 : 2 7 ~
,The Wings of the Angels
The Almighty says:
"Praise belongs to Allah, the Bringer-into-being of the
heavens and the earth, the Maker of the angels into mes
sengers, possessing wings - two, three and four. He adds
to creation in any way He wills. Allah is over all things
powerful." (35: 1)
Allah - Glory be to Him! - makes it clear that the angels have
wings. Some of them have two wings, some three, some four, and
some have more than that as has come in a hadith saying that the
Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
saw Jibril, peace be upon him, on the Night Journey and he had six
hundred wings, the distance between each wing being the same as
that-between the east and the west. This is why Allah - glory be to
Him! - says: "He adds to creation in any way He wills." (35:1)
As-Suddi said, "He increases the number of wings and creates
them as He wills." Thatis the position taken by most of the com
The Magnitude of the Angels
The angels are immense in size, far and away bigger than any
other of the creatures we normally see. That is indicated by the
words "ofthe Almighty:
"0 you who believe, guard yourselves and your families
against a Fire whose fuel is men and stones, and over
which are harsh, terrible angels who do not disobey Allah
in anything He commands them and do what they are
commanded." (66:6)
Imam Muslim reported that Ibn Mas'ud said, "The Messenger
of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, saw Jibril
dressed in a green robe and he completely filled all the space
between heaven and earth."
The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him
"peace, reported:
"I was given permission to speak about one of the Bear
ers of the Throne - his two feet are resting on the lowest
earth and the Throne rests on the top of his head. The dis
tance between his ear-lobes and his neck is that of the
flight of a bird for seven hundred years. He (i.e. the angel)
says, 'Glory be to You wherever You are.'"
The angels vary in size, not being all the same, some of them
having two wings, some three and some four, up to Jibril who has
six hundred wings.
The Beauty of the Angels
Allah - Glory be to Him! - created the angels with a noble
beautiful form, as He - glory be to Him! -.says in respect ~ f Jibril,
the Trustee of Revelation:
"Taught him by one terrible in power, very strong (dhu
marra) He stood poised" (53:6)
Ibn 'Abbas said that "dhu marra" in this ayat means "having a
beautiful appearance" It is commonly established knowledge that
the angels are beautiful in form, just as it is also commonly estab
lished that the satans are ugly. That is why people say that a beau
tiful human being looks like an angel. Look at what the women
said about Yusuf whenthey saw him:
HWhen they saw him, they were amazed by him and cut
their hands. They said, 'Allah preserve! This is no man.
This is but a noble angel standing here!'" (12:31)
The Number of the Angels
The Almighty says:
"The heavens nearly split above them when the angels
glorify the praise of their Lord and ask forgiveness for
those on the earth." (42:5)
And He says:
"None knows the hosts of your Lord except Him."
( 7 4 : ~ 1 )
There are untold myriads of angels who have been created. No
oneknows their number except for Him who created them. If you
want to have an idea of how great their number is, simply listen to
this hadith. The Prophet,may Allah bless him and grant him
peace, said:
"The heaven groans and it has a right to groan." He,
may Allah bless him and .grant him peace, said, "On that
day Jahannam will be drawn up by 70,000 thongs, and
holding each thong there will be 70,000 angels."
. According to that, the angels who bring Jahannam on the Day
of Rising will alone number 4,900,000,000.
If you reflect on the texts related about the' angels who take
care of each member of mankind, you will understand the huge
ness of their number. There is the angel in charge of each sperm
drop, two angels to record, guardian angels and also the two angels
accompanying each human being to guide and direct him.
The Worship and Glorification of the Angels
The Almighty says:
"Those who bear the Throne, and all those around it,
glorify the praise of their Lord and believe in Him and ask
forgiveness for those who believe: HOur Lord, You encom
pass everything in mercy and knowledge! Forgive those
who turn to You and who follow Your way and safeguard
themfrom the punishment of the Blazing Fire." (40:7)
He - glory be to Him! - says:
"You will see the angels circling round the Throne, glo
rifying the praise of their Lord." (39:75)
The Mighty and Majestic says that the angels say:
HWe are those drawn up in ranks. We are those who glo
rify." (37:165-166)
In the hadith transmitted by at-Tabarani, Jabir, may Allah be
pleased with him said:
"The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace, said, 'There is no space in' the seven
heavens a foot's length or a hand-span or a palm's width
which does not have an angel standing, bowing or pros
trating on it.'"
The Frequented House
It is confirmed in the two Sahih collections that the Messenger
of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said in the
hadith of the Night Journey after his visit to the seventh heaven:
"Then I was taken up to the Frequented House and every
day 70,000 angels visit it, never returning to it,
another [group] coming after them."
In other words they worship and do tawafthere just asthe peo
ple of the earth do tawaf of their Ka' ba.
AI-' Awfi said that Ibn 'Abbas said, "It isa house opposite the
Throne. The angels visit it and pray in it, 70,000 angels every day,
and then never return to it again." That is similar to what 'Ikrima,
Mujahid and several of the Salaf said.
Muhammad ibn al-Munkadir said, "When the Fire was created,
the hearts of the angels flew away out of fear. When Adam was
created, they returned to their places."
It is reported that when Iblis did what he did, Jibril and Mika'il
began to weep. Then Allah Almighty revealed to them, "what is
this weeping?" They, "0 Lord, even we are not safe from
Your devising." The Almighty said, "That then is how you are."
o my God!
There is no lord in existence who
is worshipped except for You!
No indeed! And no protector
to seek safety with apart from You!
o You to whom all faces are humbled
and whose oneness all beings declare,
You are the One Unique God whom
all hearts affirm and all bear witness to.
The Story of Adam and the Angels
The Almighty says:
"When your Lord said to the angels, 'I am placing a
khalif on the earth.' They said, 'Why place on it one who
will corrupt it and shed blood, when we glorify Your
praise and call You holy?' He said, 'I know what You do
not know.' He taught Adam all the names. Then He dis
played them to the angels and said, 'Tell me the names of
these if you are telling the truth.' They said, 'Glory be to
You! We have no knowledge except what You have taught
us. You are the Knowing, the Wise.' He said, 'Adam, tell
them their names.' When he had told them their names He
said, 'Did I not tell you that I know the Unseen of the
heavens and the earth, and I know all that you make
known and all you conceal?' When We said to the angels,
'Prostrate yourselves to Adam!' They prostrated, all
except lblis. He disdained to and grew arrogant and was
one of the rejectors." (2:30-34)
The angels existed before Adam and his descendants for a long
period which is known only to Allah - glory be to Him. When
Allah wished to make Adam and his descendants His representa
tives on earth, He informed the angels about it. It may be that the
wisdom in telling them lay in the fact that after Adam was created,
the angels would then be linked to this creature and his descen
dants. Then they were commanded to show him honour and
esteem by prostrating to him as a test of their obedience.
Allah had decreed that some of the angels would be .guardians
and scribes and others angels of revelation, rain and plant-growth,
punishment and death. All of them are linked to the life of human
beings and what is decreed for them and their final destiny. The
answer which the angels gave to this divine news about the cre
ation of. Adam was not in any way an objection. The wisdom of
this new creation was hidden from them and they wanted to learn
what it was. They described man as corrupting the earth and shed
ding blood before he existed because they grasped that, since this
creature would be made of clay and would live on the earth, he
must have a nature which would entail both good and evil. There
fore there would inevitably be dispute and strife between his
descendants and thus corruption and bloodshed.
When the angels perceived the special properties possessed by
this new creature and recognised his predisposition for gnosis and
the great quantity of knowledge with which Allah had provided
him, .they prostrated with a prostration of greeting and honour in
obedience to the command of Allah Almighty:
"When We said to the angels, 'Prostrate yourselves to
Adam!' They prostrated, all except Iblis. He disdained to
and grew arrogant and was one of the rejectors."
Thus Shaytan is the accursed one who made an analogy using
his defective intellect and said, "I am-better than him. You created
me from fire and You created him from clay." (38:76) He did not
obey the divine command as the rngels had done and so he
deserved to fall into error and to be driven away from mercy. Iblis
was not one of the angels. He was one of the jinn as the Qur'an
makes c l ~ a r : '
"When We said to the angels, 'Prostrate yourselves to
Adam,' They prostrated except for Iblis. He was one of the
jinn and wantonly deviated from his Lord's command."
Adam's Greeting to the Angels
When Allah created Adam, He said to him, "Go and greet that'
group," referring to a group of angels who were sitting there. "Lis
ten to the greeting they give you in return. It is your greeting and
the greeting of your descendants." So he went and said, "Peace be
upon you," and they said, "Peace be upon you and the mercy of
Allah." The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
said, "They added, 'and the mercy of Allah.'" Muslim relates the
The Different Types of Angels
Jibril, Mika'i1 andIsrafil
The angels are the greatest of all the hosts of Allah - glory be to
Him and may He be exalted! They include the angel who is
entrusted with the revelation from Allah Almighty to His Messen
gers, blessings and peace be upon them. He is the Faithful Spirit,
Jibril, peace be upon him. The Almighty says:
"The Faithful Spirit brought it down upon your heart
for you to be one of the Warners in a clearArabic tongue."
, They include the angel entrusted with the rain and dispensing it
wherever Allah, the Almighty and Majestic, commands him to. He
is Mika'il, peace be upon him. He possesses a high position, a
lofty station and great honour with his Lord, the Almighty and
Majestic. He has helpers who do everything he orders them to by
the command of his Lord. They make the winds and clouds move
as Allah, the Almighty and Majestic, wishes. It says in the hadith
of Ibn 'Abbas in a -Tabarani that the Prophet, may Allah &less him
. and grant him peace, said to Jibril:
"What is Mika'il in charge on" He replied, "The plants
and the rain."
Imam Ahmad transmitted in his Musnad from Anas b. Malik,
may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet, may Allah bless
him and grant him peace, said to Jibril, peace be upon him:
"Why do I never see Mika ' il laugh?" He replied,
"Mika'il has not laughed since the Fire was created."
They include the angel entrusted with the Trumpet. He is
Israfil, peace be upon him. He will blow three blasts on it at the
command of His Lord, the Almighty and Majestic. The first is the
Blast of Terror, the second the Blast of Swooning, and the third the
Blast of the Rising for the Lord ofheaven and earth. Imam Ahmad
and at-Tirmidhi transmitted that Abu Sa'id al-Khudri said that the
Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
"How can I enjoy myself when the one with the Trum
pet has raised the Trumpet to his mouth, knitted his brow
and is waiting to blow." They said, "What should we say,
Messenger of Allah?" He said, "Say: Allah is enough for
us and the best Guardian. We have put our trust in Allah."
These noble three - Jibril, Mika'il and Israfil - are the leaders
of the angels. The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him
peace, used to say in his supplication:
"0 Allah, Lord of Jibril, Mika'il and Israfil, Bringer of
the heavens and the earth into being, Knower of the
unseen and visible, it is You who judges between Your
slaves concerning the thirigs about which they disagree.
Guide us to the truth in respect of the things about which
there is disagreement by Your permission. You guide
whomever You will to a straight path."
Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah have.mercy on him, said, "The Mes
senger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, pleaded
with Allah - Glory be to Him! - by His. overall lordship and His
particular lordship over these three angels who are the guardians of
all life. Jibril is entrusted with the revelation by which hearts and
souls are brought to life; Mika' il is entrusted with the rain by
which land, plants and animals are brought to life; and Israfil is
entrusted with blowing the Trumpet by which all creatures will be
brought to life after their death. Therefore Allah's Messenger
asked His lordship over these angels to' guide.him to the
truth in respect of those things about which there is disagreement
by His permission since in that lies all the benefits of life.
The Angel of Death
Another of the angels is entrusted with the taking of the souls.
He is the Angel of Death and his helpers. Some reports call him
'Azra'il. Allah Almighty says:
"Say: 'The Angel of Death will take you back, who has
been given charge of you. Then you will be returned unto
your u-: (32: 11)
The Almighty says about the hypocrites:
"How will it be when the angels take them, beating their
faces and their backs." (47:27)
And He says about the believer:
"Those the angels take in a good and wholesome state.
They say, 'Peace be upon you! Enter the Garden on
account ofthe things you were doing?" (16:32)
It has come in sound hadiths that the helpers of this angel come
to the dying person according to his actions. If he is a good-doer,
then they have the best appearance and most beautiful form and
bring the greatest good news. If he is evil, then they take on the
ugliest appearance and most atrocious aspect and bear the harshest
threat. Then they draw out the soul until it reaches the dying per
son's throat where the Angel of Death takes it. They do not leave it
in his hands, but wrap it in shrouds and the appropriate perfume.
As the Almighty says:
"Why, but when the soul leaps to the throat of the dying
man and that hour you are watching. And We are nearer
to him than you, but you do not see Us. Why, if you are not
at Our disposal, do you not bring back his soul, if you
speak the truth? Then, if he be one of those brought nigh
the Throne, there shall be repose and ease, and a Garden
of Delight. And if he be a Companion of the Right, 'Peace
be upon you, Companion of the Right!' And if he be of
them that cried lies and went astray, there shall be a hos
pitality of boiling water and the roasting of the Rlaze.
Surely this is the truth of certainty. Then magnify the
Name of your Lord, the All-mighty." (56:83-96)
The Guardian Angels
Another type ofangel are those entrusted with guarding each
person both at home and while travelling, in his sleep and when
awake, and in all his states. They are those who take over from one
another. Allah Almighty says:
"It makes no difference whether you keep secret what
you say or voice it out loud, whether you hide in the night
or go out in the day. Each has a succession of angels in
front and behind, keeping him safe by Allah's command."
The Almighty says:
"He is the Absolute Master over His slaves. Hesends
angels to watch over you." (6:61)
Ibn' Abbas said about the first ayat, "Each has a succession of
angels infront and behind, keeping him safe by Allah's command"
that 'the succession of angels' from Allah refer to the angels who
protect him in front and behind. When Allah's decree comes, they
leave him. Mujahid said, "There is no one who does not have an
angel who is entrusted with protecting him both when asleep and
... hen awake, from jinn and men and reptiles. None of them comes
to him without finding an angel blocking its way except for some
thing which Allah has given permission to reach him."
The Recording Angels
They also include the angels entrusted with preserving the
record of each person's good and evil actions. These are the noble
scribes and are included-in the words of the Almighty:
"He sends angels to watch over you."
The Almighty also says:
"Or do they reckon that We do not hear their secrets
and private conversation? Indeed, Our messengers are
with them writing it down." (43:80)
And He says:
"When the two angels meet together, silting one on the
right, and one on the left, not a word he uuers, but by him
is an observer ready at hand." (50:17)
The one on his right is the one who writes down good actions,
and the one on, his left is the one who writes down evil actions.
The Almighty further says:
"Yet there are over you noble watchers, writers who
know whatever you do." (82: 11)
Ibn Abi Hatim transmits with his isnad from Mujahid that the
Messenger' of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
"Honour the noble scribes who only leave you at two
times: in janaba and when you relieve yourselves. When
one of you has a ghusl, he should screen himself with a
wall or his camel, or his brother should screen him."
Sufyan was asked, "How do the angels know that a person
intends a good or evil action?" He replied, "When someone
intends a good action, they smell the scent of musk coming from
him, and when he intends an evil action, they smell a putrid smell
coming from him. Al-Bukhari transmitted with his isnad from Abu
Hurayra, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of
Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
"Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, has said, 'When My
slave wants to do an evil action, you should not write it
down until he does it. If he does it, then write down the
equivalent of it. If he does not do it for My sake, then
write it down as a good action for him. If he wants to do a
good action and does not do it, then write it down as a
good action. If he does do it, then write down ten to seven
hundred of its like."
Ibn Hajar said in al-Fath, "This hadith indicates that the angel
is aware of what is in the heart of the human being, either by Allah
acquainting him with it or by creating for him knowledge by
which he perceives it." AI-Hasan al-Basri said about the ayat:
"When the two angels meet together, sitting one on the
right, and one-on the left, not a word he utters, but by him
is an observer ready at hand." (50:17)
"0 son of Adam! A scroll has been unfurled for you and two
noble angels have been entrusted with you, one on your right and
the other on your left. The one on your right records your good
actions. The one on your left records your evil actions. So do what
you wish, whether it is a little or ~ lot. Then, when you die, your
scroll will be rolled up and placed by your neck with you in your
grave until you emerge on the Day of Rising. Then Allah
Almighty will say: 'We have fastened the destiny of every man
about his neck and on the Day ofRising We will extract a book for
him which he will find spread open in front of him. "Read your
book! Today your own self is reckoner enough against you!"
(17: 13-14) Then he said, "It is just, by Allah. In you is the one
who makes you your own reckoner."
Al-Bukhari transmitted with his isnad from Abu Hurayra, may
Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah
bless him and grant him peace, said:
"The angels of the night and the angels of the day take
turns in attending you and they meet at the (Asr prayer and
the Fajr prayer. Then those who spent the night with you
ascend and He questions them, although He knows better
than them. He says, 'How did you leave My slaves?' They
say, 'We left them while they were praying and we came
to them while they were praying. '"
He also transmitted from Abu Musa, may Allah be pleased with
him, who said:
."The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace, stood up in our midst and made four
statements. He said, 'Allah does not sleep and it is not
proper for Him to sleep; He lessens and increases what is
allotted to you; the actions of the night are presented to
Him before the actions of the day; and the actions of the
day are presented to Him before the actions of the night."
Munkar and Nakir
Among the angels are also those who are in charge of the trial
of the grave. They are called Munkar and Nakir, Al-Bukhari, may
Allah have mercy on him, transmitted from Anas, may Allah be
pleased with him, that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant
him peace, said:
"When someone is placed in his grave, and his compan
ions turn and go, and he can still hear the tread of their
sandals, two angels come to him and make him sit up and
say to him, 'What do you say about this man, Muhammad,
may Allah bless him and grant him peace?' He will say, 'I
testify that he is the slave of Allah and His Messenger.' It
will be said, 'Look at your place in the Fire. Allah has
given you, in exchange for it, a place in the Garden.' " The
Prophet said, "He will see both places."
"The unbeliever or the hypocrite will say, 'I do not
know. 1 used to say what everyone else said.' He will be
told, 'You neither understood nor followed the guidance.'
Then he will be hit between the ears with an iron hammer
and will cry out with a cry which is heard by everything
near him except men andjinn."
Muslim reported something similar to it from Qatada and he
added in it that Qatada said, "He mentioned to us that the believ
er's grave will be expanded to about seventy cubits for him, arid it
will be filled with greenery until the day they are brought back to
Muslim transmitted from 'Abdullah b. 'Abbas that the Messen
ger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, used to
teach them this supplication in the same way that he used to teach
them a sura of Qur'an. He would say:
"0 Allah, 1 seek refuge with You from the punishment
of Jahannam and 1 seek refuge with You from the punish
ment of the grave. I seek refuge with You from the trial of
the Masih ad-Dajjal and 1 seek refuge with You from the
trials of life and death."
The Custodians of the Garden and the Fire
There are other angels who are the custodians of the Garden.
Their overseer is called Ridwan, peace be upon him. Allah
Almighty says:
"And those who werefearful of their Lord will be driven
to the Garden in companies and then, when they arrive
there finding its gates open, its custodians will say to
them, 'Peace be upon you! You have done well so enter it
timelessly forever.'" (39:71)
Ibn Kathir said, "The custodianof the Garden is an angel called
Ridwan. This is explicitly stated in some hadiths:"
There are also angels whose task is to give good news to the
believers both at the time of their death and on the Day of Rising,
as the Almighty says:
"Those who say, 'Our Lord is Allah,' and then go
straight, the angels descend on them, 'Feel no fear and do
not be sad but rejoice in the Garden which you were
promised. We are your protectors in the life of this world
and in the Next World. You/will have there all your selves
could wish for. You will have there all that you demand.
Hospitality from One who is forgiving, most merciful.'''
Ibn Abi Hatim said in his isnad from Ja'far ibn Sulayman who
said that he heard Thabit recite Surat Fussilat until he reached,
"Those who say, 'Our Lord is Allah,'and then go straight, the
angels descend on them." Then he stopped and said, "It has
reached us that when Allah Almighty raises the believing slave
from his grave, he will be met by the two angels who were with
him in this world. They will say to him, 'Feel no fear and do not
be sad but rejoice in the Garden which you were promised." He
said: "Allah will give him security from his fear and delight his
eye. None of the terrible things which people fear on the Day of.
Rising "will be anything other than a delight for a believer due to
the fact that Allah Almighty guided him, and on account of what
-J1e used to do for Him in this world." .
They also include the custodians of Jahannam. W'e seek refuge
with Allah from them! Its overseer is Malik, peace be upon him
and them.
The Almighty says about the people of the Fire:
"They will call out, '0 Malik, let your Lord finish us
off!' He will say, 'You will remain.''' (43:77)
The Almighty says:
"Those who are in the Fire will say to the custodians of
Jahannam, 'Call on your Lord to make lighter for us one
day of the punishment. They will say, 'Did your Messen
gers not bring you the Clear Signs?' They will say, 'Yes.'
They will say, 'Then you call!' But the calling of those
who reject only goes astray." (40:49-50)
The Almighty says:
"0 you who believe, safeguard yourselves and your
families against a Fire whose fuel is men and stones, and
over which are harsh, terrible angels who do not disobey
Allah in anything He commands them and do what they
are commanded." (66:6)
T h ~ Almighty says:
"What will reach you what is Saqar? It spares not, nor
does it cease to scorch the flesh. Over it are nineteen. We
have not appointed any but angels to be masters of the
Fire, and We have appointed their number only as a trial
for the unbelievers." (74:27-31)
It is said that the leaders of the custodians of Jahannam are
nineteen angels and that their overseer is Malik, peace be upon
We find in the Sahih of Muslim, "On the Day of Rising,
Jahannam will be drawn up by 70,000 thongs, and on each thong
there win be 70,000 angels."
Angels entrusted with the sperm in the womb
There are also the angels entrusted with dealing with thespenn
in the womb. From 'Abdullah b. Mas 'ud, may Allah be pleased
with him, who said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless
him' and grant him peace, whose truthfulness is confmned, said:
'The way that each of you is created is that you are gath
ered in your mother's womb for forty days as a sperm
drop and-then for a similar length of time as a blood-clot
and then for a similar length of time as a lump of flesh.
Then an angel is sent and he breathes the spirit into you
and is charged with four commands: to write down your
provision, your life-span, your actions; and whether you
will be wretched or happy. ' "
Al-Bukhari and Muslim both reported this, and the two of them
also transmitted from Anas b. Malik, may Allah be pleased with
him, that he said that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him
and grant him peace, said:
"Allah has put an angel in charge of the womb. He says,
'0 Lord, a drop? 0 Lord, a clot? 0 Lord, a morsel?' When
Allah desires to complete the creation of the foetus, he
says, '0 Lord, male or female? Wretched or happy? How
much provision? How long a lifespan?' and he writes that
for him in his mother's womb."
'It is also related that these scribes write this between the eyes
of the foetus. In the isnad of al-Bazzar from Ibn 'Umar, may Allah
be pleased with both him and his father, is that the Prophet, may
Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
"When Allah creates a living soul, the angel of the
wombs says, '0 LQJ:9. male or female?'" He said, "Allah
.decides it for him. Then he says, '0 Lord, wretched or
happy?' And Allah decides it for him. Then he writes
between his eyes all he will encounter until his end over
takes him." .
The Bearers of the Throne
Also included are the Bearers of the Throne. Allah Almighty
"Upon that day eight shall bear above them the Throne
ofyour Lord." (69:17)
Ibn 'Abbas said that it means eight rows of angels.
From Jabir ibn' Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with both him
and his father, is that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him
and grant him peace, said:
"I was given permission to report about one of the
angels of Allah Almighty among the Throne-bearers that
between his ear-lobe and his neck is the distance of seven
hundred years."
The Karubiyyun
They include another category called the Karubiyyun. They are
the chiefs of the angels who are brought near and are the closest
'angels to the Throne-bearers.
The word "karubiyyun" comes from the root of "karb" which
means sorrow, and they are called this on account of the intensity
of their fear of Allah Almighty and their awe of Him. It is .alsosaid
that the word is derived from the expression "kurb" meaning near
ness or strength in which case the name is due to their strength and
steadfastness in worship.
The Angel of the Mountains
Another one is the angel entrusted with the mountains. He is
mentioned in the hadith when the Prophet, may Allah bless him
and grant him peace, went out at night to visit the Banu 'Abd and
returned from them. That hadith contains the statement of Jibril to
"Allah has heard what your people said to you and the
reply they gave you. He has sent the Angel of the moun
tains with me so that you can command him as you wish.
If you wish, he will crush your people by causing the
mountains to fall on top of them, or if you wish, he will
make the earth swallow them up." The Prophet, may Allah
bless him and grant him peace, said, "Give them more
time. Hopefully Allah will bring forth from their loins
people who will worship Allah without associating anyone
else with Him."
The Angels of the Ranks
They include the angels of the ranks who do not slacken in
worship, those who stand and do not bow, those who bow, and
those who prostrate and do not come up from their prostration.
And there are others who are different from any of these:
"None knows the hosts of your Lord except Him. It is
nothing but a reminder to all human beings." (74:31)
Imam Ahmad reports in his Musnad, as does at-Tirmidhi, from
Abu Dharr, may Allah -be pleased with him, that the Messenger of
Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
"I see what you do not see and I hear what you do not
hear. The heaven groans and it has a right to, groan. There
is no place in it the size of four fingers which does not
have an angel prostrating in it. If you knew what I knew,
you would laugh little and weep much and not enjoy
women in your beds and you would go out to the hill 'cry
ing out to Allah, the Mighty and Majestic."
The meaning of "the heaven groans" is that it makes the sound
of the creaking of a saddle which is placed on the camel's back,
i.e. due to the great number of the angels in it, which weighs it
down so that it groans.
The Angels of dhikr
Yet another type are the travelling angels who seek gatherings
of dhikr. It is.relatedthat Abu Hurayra, may Allah bepleased with
him, said that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace, said:
"Allah Almighty has angels who roam about seeking the
people of dhikr. When they find a group doing dhikr of
Allah, they call to one another, 'Come to that which you
have been seeking!' And they beat their wings and fly up
to the nearest heaven. Then their Lord questions them
and He knows better --'What do My slaves say?' They say,
'They glorify and proclaim You great, praise you and
magnify You.' Then He says, 'Have they seen Me?' Then
they say, 'No, by Allah, they have not seen You.' Then He
says, 'And how would it be if they did see Me?' They say,
'If they did see You, they would be even stronger in wor
shipping You, stronger in glorifying You, and stronger in
magnifying You.' He says, 'And what do they ask of Me?'
They say, 'They ask You for the Garden.' He says, 'And
have they seen it?' They say, 'No, by Allah, they have not
seen it.' He says, 'Then bow would it be if they had seen
it?' They say, 'If they had seen it, they would be all the
stronger in their striving for it, stronger in their seeking it,
and stronger in their desire for it.' He says, 'Then from
what do they seek deliverance?' They say, 'From the Fire.'
He says, 'Then how would it be if they saw it?' They say,
'If they saw it, they would be the stronger in their flight
from it and stronger in their fear of it.' He says, 'I call you
to witness. that I have forgiven them.' One of the angels
says, 'Among them is so-and-so, and he is not one of
them. He has only come for something which he needs.'
He said, 'They are companions of whom it can be said that
no one who is their companion will be wretched. '"
Al-Bukhari and Muslim
Ibn Hajar said in the Fath al-Bari, "This hadith shows the
excellence of gatherings of dhikr and those who do dhikr, and the
excellence of people gathering together for that reason, as well as
the fact that anyone who sits with them is included along with
them in all that Allah Almighty bestows on them to honour them,
even if he does not participate with themin the dhikr itself. It also
shows the love and concern of the angels for the tribe of Adam. It
also contains the fact that the questioner comes to the One who
asks even though He has better knowledge of the one He asks
about than the one who is asked. This is in order to show His con
cern for those He asks about, to praise their ability and to proclaim
the nobility of their station.
"It is said that another of the features of Allah's asking the
angels about the people of dhikr is to call attention to what they
said when they said, 'Why place on it one who will corrupt it and
shed blood when we glorify Your praise and call You holy?' (2:30)
So it is as if He were saying to them, 'Look at the glorification and
proclamation of Your holiness that comes from them in spite of the
appetites and the whisperings of Shaytan which overpower them.
.See how they deal with that and yet resemble you in respect of
glorification and holy praise.'
"It is said that also taken from this hadith is that the dhikr of
the tribe of Adam is more sublime and nobler than that of the
angels since those descended from Adam manage to do dhikr in
spite of the many preoccupations they have and the transactions
they are involved in, while none of that is the case where the
angels are concerned."
Angels of Visions
There are also angels connected with visions. Al-Bukhari trans
mitted that' A'isha, may Allah be pleased with her, said that the
Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
"I saw you twice in a dream before I married you. I saw
an angel carrying you wrapped in a piece of silk and I
said, 'Unwrap it!' and it was unwrapped and there you
(were. I said, 'If this is from Allah, it will come about.'"
Ibn Hajar said, "Al-Qurtubi transmitted in al-Mufham from one
of the people of knowledge that Allah Almighty has an angel who
presents the things seen in the sleeper's domain of perception and
gives them a sensory form, so that sometimes they are likenesses
which correspond to already existing forms, and sometimes they
are examples of intelligible meanings. In both cases there is either
good news or warning."
AI-Hakim at-Tirmidhi said, "Allah has entrusted an angel with
the business of visions. He learns the states of the tribe of Adam
from the Preserved Tablet, and then he copies from it and coins a
likeness of each according to a particular archetype. When a per
son sleeps, he gives form to those things for him with wisdom so
that it will be good news or warning or rebuke for him.
The Adamic creature is overpowered by Shaytan due to the
intense enmity which exists between him and Shaytan, and so he
tricks him in every possible way and wants to corrupt his affair in
every possible way. Therefore he muddles up his dreams, either by
Ibn Hajar said, "All dreams fall into two categories. The first
are true dreams, which are the dreams of the Prophets and those of
the righteous who follow them. They occur to others in rare cases.
This is the type of dream when what happens in it corresponds to
what happens in "the waking state. The second consists of muddled
putting error into them or by making him forget them."
dreams which are dreams which do not warn about anything.
There are different types of these.
One is the playing-about of Shaytan so that the dream is trou
bling. For instance someone might see his head cut off and himself
chasing it or dream that he falls into a state of terror and has no
one to rescue him from it and other such-like things. Another is
when someone sees one of the angels commanding him to do
something haram, for instance. Dreams like this present logical
A third is when someone sees the same. sort of things his self
says to him when he is awake or that he desires something and
sees it when he is asleep, like when he dreams of something which
normally occurs in the waking state or of something that domi
nates his nature. This kind of dream occurs mostly about the
future, sometimes about the present and only rarely about the
past. "
Different Forms in which Angels Appear
The angels can take a shape other than their true form and
appear in whatever excellent form they wish. They appear to a
selected elite of the slaves of Allah, frequently in the shape of
extraordinary men with handsome forms and shining faces and
excellent clothes. However, the bodies they take on when adopting
human form do not remove them from the basic nature they were
given by Allah when He created them. Thus when, for instance,
they take on human forrn, human nature does not have any power
over them.They do not, for example, eat or drink.
The angels appeared to the Close Friend of the Merciful,
Ibrahim, peace be upon him, in this Adamic form which led him,
due to the impulse of generosity rooted in his basic nature, to has
ten to offer them hospitality, thinking that they were ordinary
guests. They came to him to visit him. Allah Almighty says:
"Has there come to youthe story of the honoured guests
of Ibrahim? When they entered upon him, saying, 'Peace!'
he said 'Peace! You are a people unknown to. me.' Then
he turned to his household and brought a fattened calf
and he laid it before them, saying, 'Will you not eat?'
Then he conceived a fear of them. They said, 'Do not be
afraid!' And they gave him the good tidings of a cunning
boy. Then his wife came forward, clamouring, and she
smote her face and said, 'An old woman, barren!' They
said, 'So says thy Lord. He is the All-Wise, the All
Knowing.' He said, 'And what is your business, envoys?'
They said, 'We have been sent to a people of sinners, to
loose upon them stones of clay marked with your Lord for
the prodigal." (51 :24-34)
When they visited Lut, the angels took the shape of handsome,
beardless youths. He felt terrible constriction on their account and
unable to. offer them hospitality. That was because he was afraid
that his people would violate them. So the Almighty says:
"When Our messengers came to Lut, he was distressed
on their account, feeling unequipped to help them, and
said, 'This is a dreadful day.' His people came running
excitedly to him. They were long used to committing acts
of wrong. He said, '0 my people! Here are my daughters.
They are purer for you. So be fearful of Allah. Do not dis
grace me in respect of my guests. Is there not one rightly
guided man among you?' They said, 'You know we have
no claim to your daughters. You know v.ery well what we
want.' He said, 'If only I had the strength to combat you
or could take refuge in some powerful support!' They said,
'Lut, we are messengers of your Lord. They will not get to
you. Set out with your family in a watch of the night and
let not any of you look back - excepting your wife. What
smites them will smite her. Their promised appointment is
the morning. Is the morning not near-at-hand?' When Our
command came, We turned the place upside down and
rained down upon it stones of baked clay, piled on top of
one another, each one marked by your Lord, and they are
never far from the wrongdoers." (11 :77-83)
The Storyof Maryam
The noble Qur'an reports to us:
"When the angels said, 'Maryaml Your Lord gives you
good news of a word from Him. His name is the Messiah,
'Isa, son of Maryam, of high standing in this world and
the Next World, one of those brought near. He will speak
to people in the cradle and when full-grown, and will be
one of the righteous." (3:45-46)
Jibril, peace be upon him, took the form of a well-built fully
mature man because she would have been unable to look at him in
his true form. The Almighty says:
"Recall in the Book Maryam, when she withdrew from
her people to a place towards the east, and screened her
self away from them. Then We sent Our spirit to her and it
took on for her the form of a handsome well-built man."
When she saw in front of her a young man of handsome form
and beautiful countenance who had pierced the veil to reach her,
she thought that he meant to do her harm. She was chaste and pure
as Allah had brought her up. Therefore she sought refuge with
Allah to protect her from him:
"She said, 'I seek refuge from you with the All-Merciful
If you are Godfearing.' He said, 'I am but your Lord's
messenger so that He can give you a pure boy.' She said,
'How can I have a boy when no man has touched me and
I am not a loose woman?' He said, 'Just like that! Your
Lord says, 'That is easy for Me. So that We can make-him
a sign formankind and a mercy from Us. It is a matter
already decreed.''' (19:18-21)
Sometimes the angels take the form of ordinary people and
contact certain people to inform them of what will make things
easier for them and to expand their breasts to good deeds, praise
worthy actions and noble character. Muslim reported in his Sahih
from Abu Hurayra, may Allah be pleased with him, that the
Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
"A man visited a brother of his in another town and
Allah delegated an angel to guard him on his way. When
he came to him, the angel said, 'Where are you going?' He
said, 'I am going to visit a brother of mine in that town.'
He said, 'Do you have any property with him that you
want to check on?' He said, 'No, it is only that I love him
for the sake of Allah.' He said, 'I am the messenger of
Allah to you to tell you that Allah loves you as you love
this man for His sake. '"
Angels Being Sent to Test Mankind
Al-Bukhari and Muslim report that Abu Hurayra heard the
Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace say:
"Three of the Tribe of Isra'il were respectively leprous,
bald and blind. Allah wanted to put them to the test and so
he sent an angel to them. He came to the leper and said,
'What is the thing you would like best?' He said, 'A good
complexion and clear skin and for the thing that I have
which makes people find me unclean to be taken from
me.' He wiped him and his impurity left him and he gave
him a good complexion. He said, 'What form of wealth do
you like best?' He said, 'Camels,' and he gave him a preg
nant she-camel, saying, 'May Allah bless you in it.'
"Then he came to the bald man and said, 'What is the
thing you would like best?' He said, 'A good head of hair
and to have what people consider distasteful about me
removed from me.' So he touched him and removed what
he had and gave him a thick head of hair. He said, 'What
form of wealth do you like best?' He said, 'Cattle.' So he
gave him a pregnant cow and said, 'May Allah bless you
in it.'
"Then he went to the blind man and said, 'What is the
thing you would like best?' He said, 'For Allah to return
. my sight to me so that I can see people.' He touched him
and Allah returned his sight to him. He said, 'What form
of wealth do you like. best?' He said, 'Sheep.' So he gave
him a pregnant sheep.
"These animals all gave birth and produced offspring. In
time one had a valley full of camels, the other a valley full
of cattle and the third a valley full of sheep.
"Then he (the angel) went to the leper,taking on the
form that he himself had previously had, and:said, 'I am a
poor man who has lost his means on his journey. Today 1
can seek help from none but Allah and then you. 1 ask
you, by the One who gave you a good complexion and
good skin and wealth, for a camel so that 1 can complete
my journey.' He said, 'I have many obligations.' He said,
'I seem to recognise you. Were you not a leper, that people
found unclean, and poor and then Allah was generous to
you?' He said, 'I inherited this property, elder son from
elder son.' He said, 'If you are a liar in your claim, may
Allah return you to your original state'
"He then went to the bald man, taking on the form that
he himself had previously had, and said to him the same as
he had said to the other and he replied to him in the same
way. He said, 'If you are a liar, may Allah return you to
your original state!'
"Finally- he went to the blind man and said, 'I am a poor
man who has lost his means on his journey. Today 1 can
seek help from no one but Allah and then you. 1 ask you
by the One who returned your sight to you for a sheep so 1
can complete my journey.' He said, 'I was blind and Allah
restored my sight to me, so take what you want and leave
what you want. By Allah, 1 will not be hard on you about
anything which you take for Allah, the Mighty and
Exalted (i.e. 1 will not be hard on you by refusing anything
you ask of me or take).' He said, 'Keep your wealth. You
have been tested and Allah is pleased with you and angry
with your companions. '"
The Angel of Death coming to Musa in Human Form
Al-Bukhari transmits with his isnad from Abu Hurayra, may
Allah be pleased with him, who said, "The angel of death was sent
to Musa, peace be upon him. When he came, Musa gave him a
black eye so he returned to his Lord and said, 'You sent me to a
slave who does not want to die.' Allah restored his eye and said,
'Go back and tell him to put his hand on the back of an ox and he
will live a year for every hair that his hand covers.' Musa said, '0
Lord, then what?' He said, 'Then death.' He said, 'Then let it be
Ibn Hajar said in al-Fath, "His words, 'gave him a black eye'
means that he hit him in the eye. In another variant in Muslim, it
has, 'The angel of death came to Musa and said, 'Answer your
Lord!' Musa hit the Angel of Death in the eye and put it out.' In a
variant of Abu Hurayra in Ahmad ibn Hanbal and at-Tabarani, we
find: 'The angel of death used to come to people in a visible form.
He went to Musa and he put out his eye. '"
Ibn Khuzayma said, "Some of the heretics refuse to acknowl
edge this and say that if Musa recognised him, he did not take him
seriously. If he did not recognise him, then how would he not have
retaliation from him for putting out his eye? The answer is that
Allah did not send the Angel of Death to Musa desiring to take his
soul at that moment, He sent him to him to test him. Musa
punched the Angel of Death because he thought that he was a
human who had entered his house without his permission and did
not know that he was the Angel of Death. The Shari' a allows for
the putting out of the eye of anyone who looks into a Muslim's
house without permission. The angels came to Ibrahim and to Lut
in human form and they also did not recognise them at first. If
Ibrahim had recognised them, he would not haveoffered them
food. If Lut had recognised them he would not have feared for
them from his people."
One of the people of knowledge said, "He hit him because he
came to take his soul before giving him a choice since it is estab
lished that no Prophet is taken without being given a choice. This
is why, when he gave him a choice the second time, he submitted."
Ibn Hajar said, "And Ibn Qutayba said, 'Musa put out an eye
which was imaginary and symbolic and not a real eye. The mean
ing of Allah's restoring his eye, is returning him to his true form. It
is said that it was only his outward form and that Allah restored his
human eye to the Angel of Death so that he could return to Musa
in a perfect form. That is the stronger interpretation and is the most
reliable one. ,,,
Ibn Hajar then said, "There are lessons in the hadith: for
instance, the angel can take on human form. There are also a num
ber of other hadiths that show this."
The Story of Harut and Marut
There are some Jewish sources which contain the story of
Harut and Marut. As-Suyuti reports in ad-Durr al-Manthur com
mentating on the words of Allah Almighty in Surat al-Baqara,
"what had been sent down to the two angels in Babylon, Harut
and Marut .... " (2: 102): "There are many transmissions and
extraordinary stories related from Ibn 'Urnar, Ibn Mas 'ud, 'Ali,
Ibn 'Abbas, Mujahid, Ka'b, ar-Rabi' and as-Suddi. Ibn Jarir at
Tabari relates them in his Tafsir, as do Ibn Mardawayh, al-Hakim,
Ibn al-Mundhir, Ibn Abi Dunya, al-Bayhaqi, and al-Khatib in their
tafsirs and books."
The basic picture gained from these accounts is that when peo
ple among the descendants of Adam fell into acts of disobedience
and disbelief in Allah, the angels in heaven said, "0 Lord. You
created this world for people to worship You and obey You and
now they have committed acts of disobedience and rebellion and
taken lives which they had no right to take, consumed property
unlawfully, stolen, committed fornication and drunk wine." They
began to curse them and did not find any excuse for them. It was
said to them, "They are unaware," but they still did not excuse
One of the transmissions says that Allah said to them, "If you
had been in their place, you would have done the same as them."
They said, "Glory be to You! That would not be something we
would do." Another transmission has, "They said, 'No.''' It was
said to them, "Choose two angels from among yourselves whom I
will command and forbid to disobey Me."
They chose Harut and Marut, who went down to earth and
appetites werecreated in them. They were commanded to worship
Allah and not to associate anything with Him and they were for
bidden to take life without legal right to do so, and to consume
unlawful property, steal, commit fornication or drink wine. They
remained in that way on earth for a considerable time, judging
people by the Truth.
During that time, there was a woman whose beauty among peo
ple was like that of Venus among the stars. The two angels tried to
seduce her but she refused unless they would submit to her author
ity and her religion. They asked her about her religion and she pro
duced an idol for them. They said, "We cannot worship this," and
they left and worshipped as Allah wished.
Then they carne to her again and spoke humbly to her and tried
once more to seduce her. Again she refused unless they took on
her religion and worshipped the idol which she worshipped. They
refused, and when she saw that they refused to worship her idol,
she said to them, "Choose one of three things - either worship this
idol, kill someone, or drink this wine.' They said, "None of them
is good but the least bad of the three is drinking the wine." So she
gave them wine to drink until they were completely under its influ
ence. A man passed by while they were doing this. and they were
afraid that he would give them away so they killed him.
When the state of intoxication left them, they realised what a
terrible mistake they had made and tried to ascend back up to
heaven but they were unable to do so. Then the veil between them
and the inhabitants of the heavens was removed. The angels
looked at the wrong actions they had done and realised that those
who are unaware are lacking in fear. After that they began to ask
forgiveness for the people of the earth.
After they had committed this error, the two angels were told to
choose between the punishment of this world and the punishment
of the Next. They said, "The punishment of this world comes to an
end, whereas the punishment of the Next world lasts forever." So
they chose the punishment of this world and they were sent to
Babel where they were punished by being suspended upside down
by their feet.
In one transmission, it says that they taught the woman. the
word by which she could ascend to heaven and she ascended and
Allahtransformed her and she became the star known as Venus!
All this is part of the myths and lies of the tribe of Israel and is
not corroborated either by intellect or transmission or Shari' a. \
Some of the transmitters of this false fiction even go so far as to
ascribe its transmission to some of the Companions and Followers
but in doing so they enter the arena of sin and shameful crime and
at the same time connect this lie to the Prophet, may Allah bless
him and grant him peace, by taking it back to him. Glory be to
You, my Lord, above and beyond this terrible lie!
Imam Abu'l-Faraj ibn al-Jawzi gave a judgement about this
story, and ash-Shihab al- 'Iraqi writes that anyone who believes
that Harut and Marut were .two angels who are being punished for
their sin has' disbelieved in Allah
Qadi 'Iyad said in ash-Shifa'; "What is said in the reports and
commentaries about the story of Harut and Marut does not relate
anything, either sound or weak, from the Messenger of Allah, may
Allah bless him and grant him peace, himself, and there is nothing
which is taken by analogy." A similar judgement was made by Ibn
Kathir in respect of tracing the material in this story back to the
Prophet. .
As for what does not go back to the Prophet, it is clear that it
originates in the transmissions of the Jewish material taken from
Ka'b and others. It is the heretics of the People of the Book who
connected them to Islam. Thus accurate commentators, who are
skilful in recognising the sources of the deen, refute them. Their
intellects refuse to accept these myths, as do those of others such
as Imam ar-Razi, Abu Hayyan, Abu's-Su'ud, al-Alusi,and others.
Furthermore, even from a rational point of view these transmis
sions are unsound. The angels are protected from all wrong action
let alone these things which would not even issue from an evil
human being. Allah informs us that the angels "do not disobey
Allah in anything He commands them and they do everything they
are commanded to," as is related in some transmissions which I
indicated previously and in the words of Allah Himself,
Another ot these transmissions has Anan saying tomem, "u 1
tested you in the same way I tested the tribe of Adam, you would
also disobey Me." They said, "If You were to do that, 0 Lord, we
would certainly not disobey You!" To refute the words of Allah
constitutes disbelief. Any human being who possesses knowledge
of Allah and His attributes is free of that, let alone the angels. And
how could a corrupt woman ascend to heaven and become a radi
ant star! What is that star which they claim to be Venus and at the
same time a woman? She would have.had to have been trans
formed on the day Allah created the heavens and the earth!
These myths are not corroborated either by sound transmission
or sound reason. Not only that but they differ from what has
become clear certainty through the knowledge of modern scien
tists. I do not understand what our position is supposed to be in
respect of the astronomers and cosmologists since we do not repu
diate these myths and are either silent about them or support them!
The true interpretation of the ayat mentioning this story
My concern in this book is not only to completely destroy and
nullify these Israeli tales and myths, but also to explain these
words, which have been twisted from their correct meaning, in a
sound and scientific way corroborated by sound transmission and
sound reason, and also the foregoing and subsequent passages, so
that the reader will be increased in certainty. Allah says:
"They follow what the shaytans recited during the reign
of Sulayman. Sulayman did not reject but the shaytans did
reject and taught people sorcery and what had been sent
down to the two angels in Babylon, Harut and Marut.
They taught no one until they had told him, 'We are merely
a trial and a temptation, so do not reject.' From the two of
them people learned how to separate a man from his wife.
They do not harm anyone by it, except with the permission
of Allah. They have learned what will harm them and
bring them no benefit. They know that anyone who deals
in it will have no share in the Next World. How evil the
thing for which they have sold themselves if they only
knew." (2:102)
There is nothing in this noble ayat which gives any indication
whatsoever of this disreputable story. That was not the reason f?r
the sending down of the ayat, The reason was that the shaytans in
that distant time used to eavesdrop in the heavens and then add lies
to what they had heard, which they would then pass on to the
soothsayers and rabbis of the Jews. They, in turn, would record
these fabrications in the books they read and taught-to other peo
This spread in the time of Sulayman, peace be upon him, to the
point that people said, "This is the science of Sulayman, and the
kingdom of Sulayrnan was only made possible by it. It was by this
means that he subjugated men and jinn and the wind which ran at
his command." This is one of the lies the Jews told about the
Prophets. Allah accused them of lying when He says, "Sulayman
did not reject but the shaytans did reject and taught people sor
Then He adds to that, "and what had been sent down to the two
angels in Babylon, Harut and Marut." By "what had been sent
down" He means the science of magic, which was sent down so
that they could teach it to people and warn them against it. The
reason the two of them were sent down was to teach people what
magic was so that they would then know the difference between
magic and prophethood, and therefore that Sulayman was not a
magician. It was to ensure a complete understanding.
They did not, in any case, teach anyone magic until they had
first cautioned him saying to him, "We are merely a temptation
and a trial and a test, so do not become unbelievers by teaching it
and using it." Part of the point of the teaching was to warn people
against it and to teach them the difference between it and prophet
hood and prophetic miracles. There is nothing wrong with this.
Indeed, it something desirable and meritorious if there is a real
need for it.
However, people did not take their advice and they would use
magic to separate a man from his wife. That was by the permission
and will of Allah. The ayat indicates that it is permitted to teach
people magic in order to warn people against succumbing to it and
acting by it and there is no sin in that. It is also permissible to
teach it to eliminate any resemblance between it and true miracles
and prophethood and there if' no sin in that. What is unlawful and a
sin is to teach it or learn it in order to use it. This point is well
illustrated by the sayings: "I learned evil not for evil's sake, but in
order to be safe from it." And also: "People who do not recognise
evil, fall into it."
When the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant
him peace, came to the Jews - may the curse of Allah be on them
they knew that he was the Prophet, the good news of whom had
been given in the Torah, and they used to pray for his help against
the idolworshippers before he was born and sent. But then when
he did come to them, they would not acknowledge him and reject
ed him. They cast their book, the Torah, and the Book of Allah, the
Qur 'an, behind their backs.
- Allah indicates that they should follow the clear truth but
they preferred to follow the magic they had inherited from their
fathers and which the shaytans had taught them, even though it
was obligatory for them to reject magic and caution-people against
its evil. That was what the two angels, Harut and Marut, did: warn
people against the evils of magic and against using it.
This is the sound tafsir of the noble ayat, not what stupid falsi
fiers claim. Through this- understanding, harmony between the pas
sages is obtained and the true value of the ayat is realised. I cannot
imagine how people can see"any connection between the Jewish
material they have related and the words of the Almighty, "They
taught no one until they had told him, 'We are merely a trial and a
temptation, so do not reject.'" The extraordinary -thing is that
Imam Ibn Jarir talked about these things in his commentary of the
ayat and apparently had no hesitation in doing so.
To summarise: the reader must be on guard against this Jewish
material wherever it is used, whether inbooks of tafsir, hadith, his
tory, admonitions or any other kind of literature.
Jibril: the Envoy to the Prophets
There are several accounts of the way the revelation started to
come to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant
him peace. Muslim transmitted in his Sahih from Ibn Shihab az
Zuhri who said that 'Urwa b. az-Zubayr had related to him that
'A'isha, the wife of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant
him peace, said:
"The beginnings of revelation to the Messenger of
Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, took the
form of true dreams. Whenever he had this kind of dream,
it was something clear like the break of day. Then he was
made to love going into retreat and used to retire to the
cave of Hira' where he would devote himself to the wor
ship of Allah alone, continuing in this worship for a num
ber of nights until he felt inclined to return to his family.
He would take provisions for his stay. Then he would
return to Khadija to restock with provisions and do the
same again. This lasted until the '"1 'ruth came to him while
he was in the cave of Hira. The angel, came to him .and
said, 'Read!' He said, 'I cannot read.' The Prophet, may
Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'He seized me
and squeezed me until all the strength went out of me and
then released me and said, "Read!" I said, "I cannot
read. ,,,
'''Then he seized me and squeezed me a second time
until all the strength went out of me and then released me.
Then he seized me and squeezed me a third time and then
released me, and then he said, "Read in the nameof your
Lord who created man from a blood clot. Read, and your
Lord is the Most Generous."'"
[She went on,] "Then the Messenger of Allah, may
Allah bless him and grant him peace, returned with that,
his heart quaking. He came to Khadija and said, 'Wrap me
up! Wrap me up!' They wrapped him up until the state of
terror had left him and then he said to Khadija, '0
Khadija, what is wrong with me!' and told Khadija what
had happened and said, 'I am afraid for myself.' Khadija
said to him, 'No, by Allah, Allah would never bring dis
grace upon you. You maintain ties of kinship, speak the
truth, bear people's burdens, help the destitute, give hospi
tality to your guests and help those who have been afflict
ed by calamities.'
-"Khadija then went with him to her cousin, Waraqa ibn
Nawfal ibn Asad ibn 'Abdu'l-'Uzza, who had become
Christian during the Jahiliyya. He could write Hebrew and
had written in it as much of the Evangel as Allah willed.
He was an old man who had gone blind. Khadija said,
'Cousin! Listen to your nephew.' Waraqa said to him,
'Nephew, what is it that you have seen?' The Messenger
of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, told
him what he had seen. Waraqa said to him, 'This is the
Namus which was sent to Musa, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace. 1 wish that I were still young. 1 hope 1
will still be alive when your people drive you out!' The
Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him
peace, said, 'Will they drive me out?' He said, 'Yes, no
man has brought anything similar to what you have
brought without being treated with hostility. If I am still
alive on that day, I will give you my strong support."
The words, "This is the Namus which was sent to Musa," refer
to Jibril, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The people of
language and rare haaith say that linguistically the "namus" is
someone with a good secret and the "jasus" is someone with an
evil secret. Scholars agree that Jibril, peace be upon him, is called
the Namus and they-agree that he is what is meant here. Imam al
Hurawi said, "He is called that because Allah Almighty singled
him out for the unseen and
Al-Bukhari transmitted with from Jabir b. 'Abdullah,
in the hadith speaking about the there was a interval in
the Revelation, that the Prophet.tmay'Allah bless him and grant
him peace, said:
"While I was out walking, I suddenly heard a voice from
heaven.' I raised my eyes and there was the same angel
who had come to me at Hira'. He was sitting on a chair
between heaven and earth. I was afraid of him and
returned home and said, 'Wrap me up! Wrap me up!' Then
Allah sent down, '0 you shrouded in your mantle, arise
and warn' .... up to 'and avoid uncleanliness.' After that
. revelation became intensive and continuous."
Al-Bukhari transmitted in his Sahih from 'A'isha, Umm al
Muminin, may Allah be pleased with her, that al-Harith b. Hisham
asked the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him
peace, "Messenger of Allah! How does the revelation come to
you?" The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant
him peace, said:
"Sometimes it comes to me like the ringing of a bell
and this is the hardest on me - which then leaves me after I
have fully 1 nderstood and retained, what was said.
Sometimes the angel comes to me in the form of a man
and speaks to me and I retain what he says."
,A'isha, may Allah be pleased with her, said:
"I saw him when the revelation was descending on him
on a very cold day and when it left him his brow was drip
ping with perspiration."
Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on him, said that there
were seven ways in which revelation came.
1) The first was the true dream. This was the beginning
of revelation to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace. Whenever he had this kind of dream,
it was clear like the break of day.
2) There was also what the angel imparted to his soul
and heart without him seeing him, as the Prophet,
may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "The
Spirit of Purity imparted to my heart that no self dies
until its provision is complete, so fear Allah and be
moderate in asking. Do not let delay of provision
move you to seek it by disobeying Allah. What is
with Allah is only obtained by obeying Him."
3) The third was that the angel used to take on the form
of a man for the Prophet, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace, and speak to him so that he remem
bered what he said to him. It is in this form that the
Companions used sometimes to see him.
4) Revelation used also to come to him like the ringing
of a bell. This was the hardest for him. The angel
would make it so difficult for him that his brow
would drip with perspiration on even a very cold day
and his camel would be forced into kneeling on the
ground when he was riding it. On one occasion reve
lation came like that when his thigh was resting on
the thigh of Zayd b. Thabit and it became so heavy
that it nearly broke Zayd's thigh.
5) The fifth way was that he saw the angel in his true
form and he would reveal to him whatever Allah
wished to reveal to him. This occured twice to the
Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, as
Allah Almighty mentions in Surat an-Najm.
6) The sixth was when Allah revealed things to him
directly such as the obligation of the prayer and other
things when he was above the heavens during the
Night Journey.
7) The seventh were the words of Allah which came to
Him without the intermediary of the angel, in the
same way that Allah spoke to Musa son of 'Imran.
This kind of revelation is absolutely confirmed in the
case of Musa by the text of the Qur ' an and in the case
of our Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him
peace, in the hadith of the Night Joumey.
The Attributes of Jibril, the Trustee of the Revelation
The Almighty says:
"By the star when it plunges, your 'comrade is not
astray nor does he err nor does he speak out of caprice.
This is nothing but a revelation revealed, taught him by
one terrible in power, endowed with strength, he stood
poised..." (53:1-6)
And Allah Almighty says,
"Truly this is the word of a noble Messenger, having
power, secure with the Lord of the Throne, obeyed, more
over trustworthy." (81:19-21)
Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on him, says of these
ayats, "Allah, glory be to Him, has described His angelic messen
ger, Jibril, in this sura as being noble,' strong, secure with his Lord,
obeyed in the heavens, and trustworthy. These five qualities con
tain testimony of the trustworthiness of the isnad of the Qur 'an
and that Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
heard it from Jibril, peace be upon him, and that Jibril heard it
from the Lord of the worlds. This isnad should be enough for you
in respect of sublimity and majesty.
"The first quality is that the Messenger who brought it to
Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, had 'nobli
ty'. This. refutes the words of his enemies about Shaytan being the
one who brought it. Shaytan is foul and repulsive, vile, ugly and
totally lacking in good. His inward is more ugly than his outward
and his outward more evil than his inward. There is no good in
him or with him. He is the furthest thing from nobility. The
Messenger who brought the Qur'an to Muhammad, may Allah
bless him and grant him peace, was noble and of beautiful appear
ance. Allah describes him in Surat an-Najm, as "endowed with
strength". Ibn 'Abbas said that this means to have a beautiful
appearance and radiant form, to be full of excellence, good and
, wholesomeness, teaching those who are good. Every good in the
earth is from guidance, knowledge, gnosis and belief and piety.
That is part of what his Lord makes happen at his hand. This is the
utmost degree of nobility in form and meaning.
"The second quality is "power", as Almighty says in Surat an
Najm, "Taught by one terrible in power." That calls our attention
to several things. One of them is that by his strength he prevents
shaytans from coming near him and obtaining anything' from him
and adding to or detracting from it. Rather, when Shaytan sees
him, he flees from him and does not come near him. A second is
that he is a supporter of the Messenger whom they denied and is
his assistant, friend and helper. Whoever has this powerful one as
his friend, helper, aide and teacher is the assisted guide and Allah
is his guide and helper. Another is that anyone who opposes this
Messenger also 'opposes his companion and friend, Jibril, and
whoever opposes someone with power and force exposes himself
to destruction. Yet another is that he is able to carry out what he is
commanded to do on account of his power and is not incapable of
doing it and conveying his trust as he was commanded. He is the
Strong Trustee.
The third attribute is in the words of the Almighty, "secure
with the Lord ofthe Throne," LeO. he has position and rtanding with
Him and is the nearest angel to Him. It is indicated by His words,
"with the Lord of the Throne," indicating the high position of
Jibril, peace be upon him, since he was near to the Lord ofthe
Throne - glory be to Him!
The fourth attribute is in His word, "obeyed." This makes it
clear that his troops and helpers obey him when he delegates them
to help his companion and friend, Muhammad, may Allah bless
him and grant him peace. It contains an indication that Jibril is
obeyed in the heavens and that both of the Messengers are obeyed
in their respective places and by their people, It also shows esteem
for him. since he has the position of kings who are obeyed among
their people. Allah did not appoint to this immense matter anyone
other than someone who would be obeyed like a king.
The fifth attribute is in the words of the Almighty, "then trust
worthy." His being described with trustworthiness contains an
indication of the careful preservation of what he carried and of the
fact that he conveyed it properly.
The Enmity of the Jews to Jibril
At-Tirmidhi reports that the Jews said about the Prophet, may
Allah bless him and grant him peace, "He is not one of the
Prophets unless one of the angels comes to him from the presence
of his Lord with the message and revelation. 'Who is your com
panion that we should follow you?'" He said, "Jibril." They said,
"He is the one who b r i n ~ s down war and fighting. He is our
enemy! If you had said Mika'il who brings down the rain and
mercy, we would have followed you." So Allah sent down His
"Say, 'Anyone who is an enemy of Jibril - he was the
one who brought it down upon your heart, by the authority
of Allah, confirming what came before it, as guidance and
good n e ~ s for the believers. Anylrne who is an enemy of
Allah and His angels and His Messengers and Jibril and
Mika'il, Allah is an enemy of the rejectors," (2:97-98)
The Jews claim that Jibril, peace be upon him, was their enemy
and that this enmity is what prevented them from believing in the
prophethood of Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him
peace, since the one who brought him the revelation was Jibril,
;peace be upon him. The truth is that their enmity to him stemmed
from rancour and envy since they disliked the fact that prophet
hood had moved from them to this middle community and that
Jibril, peace be upon him, had descended with the firm deen which
abrogates all other deens.
Allah - glory be to Him! - made it clear that the affair was-not
Jibril's. Rather the affair was Allah's entirely. That is .why Allah'
says, "He was the one who brought it down upon your heart, by
the authority of Allah." i.e. Jibril the Trustee brought this Qur'an
down on your heart, 0 Muhammad, by the command of Allah
Almighty, "confirming what came before it," of the divine books,
and "as guidance and good news for the believers," i.e. it contains
perfect guidance and delightful good news of the Gardens of Bliss
for the believers.
Al-Qurtubi said, "The ayat indicates the honour of Jibril, peace
be upon him, and the censure of all who oppose him. The words of
the Almighty,. "Anyone who is an enemy of Allah and His angels
and His Messengers and fibril and Mika'il, Allah is an enemy of
the rejectors," is a threat and a rebuke to all opponents of Jibril,
peace be upon' him, and it informs us that enmity to some things
necessarily entails Allah's enmity in return. The enmity of the
slave in respect of Allah is to disobey Him aJl to avoid obeying
Him, and to be hostile towards His friends. Allah's enmity to the
slave is to punish him and to cause the effects of enmity to appear
on him.
"If it is said: 'Why did Allah single. out Jibril and Mika'il for
mention, when the mention of the angels included them in any
case?' the answer is. that He singled out the mention of the two of
them to honour them and also because the Jews had. mentioned
them in particular. They were therefore the direct cause 'of the ayat
being sent down and it was necessary to mention them so that the
Jews could not then say, 'We did not oppose Allah and all His
angels.' Thus Allah mentioned them both to counter the interpreta
lion that they might make."
The Night Journey of the Messenger of Allah
to the Highest Heavens
Muslim transmitted in his Sahih from Anas b. Malik that the
Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
"Buraq was brought to me, a tall white animal some
what larger than a donkey but smaller than a mule. Its hoof
alights at the point reached by its glance." He said, "I
mounted and rode it until I reached Jerusalem." He said
that he tied it to the ring to which the Prophets tie their
He said, "I entered the mosque and prayed iworak'ats
in it. Then I left and Jibril, peace be upon him, brought me
a cup of wine and a cup-of milk. I chose the milk and Jibril
said, 'You have chosen the natural way.'
"Then he took me up to the lowest heaven and Jibril
asked for it to be opened. It was said, 'Who are you?' He
said, 'Jibril.' It was said, 'Who is with. you?' He said,
. 'Muhammad.' It was said, 'Has he been sent for?' He said,
'He has been sent for.' So it was opened for us and there I
found Adam. He greeted me and prayed for good for me
and then took us up to the second heaven and Jibril, peace
be upon him, asked for it to- be opened. It was said, 'Who
are you?' He said, 'Jibril.' It was said, 'Who is with you?'
He said, 'Muhammad.' It was said, 'Has he been sent for?'
He said, 'He has been sent for.' So it was opened for us
and I found there my cousins, 'Isa b. Maryam and Yahya
b. Zakariyya, the blessings of Allah be upon them. They
greeted me and prayed for good for me and then took me
up to the third heaven and Jibril asked for it to be opened.
It was said, 'Who are you?' He said, 'Jibril.' It was said,
'Who is with you?' He said, 'Muhammad, may Allah
bless him and grant him peace.' It was said; 'Has he been
sent for?' He said, 'He has been sent for.' So it was
opened for us and I found there Yusuf, may Allah bless
him and grant him peace. He was given half of all beauty
and he greeted me and prayed for good for me and then he
took us up to the fourth heaven. "Jibril, peace be upon him,
asked for it to be opened. It was said, 'Who are you?' He
said, 'Jibril.' It was said, 'Who is with you?' He said,
'Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.'
It was said, 'Has he been sent for?' He said, 'He has been
sent for.' So it was opened for us and I found there Idris.
He greeted me and prayed for good for me. Allah, the
Mighty and Majestic, says, 'We raised him up to a high
"Then he took us up to the fifth heaven. Jibril asked
for it to be opened. It was said, 'Who are you?' He said,
'Jibril.' It was said, 'Who is with you?' He said,
'Muhammad.' It was said, 'Has he been sent for?' He said,
'He has been sent for.' So it was opened for us and I found
there Harun, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. He
greeted me and prayed for good for me. Then he took us .
up to the sixth heaven and Jibril, peace be upon him, asked
for it to be opened. It was said, 'Who are you.?' He said,
'Jibril.' It was said, 'Who is with you?' He said,
'Muhammad.' It was said, 'Has he been sent for?' He said,
'He has been sent for.' So it was opened for us and I found
there Musa, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. He
greeted me and prayed for good forme.
"Then he took us up to the seventh heaven. Jibril
asked for it to be opened. It was said, 'Who are you?' He
said, 'Jibril.' It was said, 'Who is with you?' He said,
'Muhammad.' It was said, 'Has he been sent for?' He said,
'He has been sent for.' So it was opened for us and I found
myself with Ibrahim, may Allah bless him and grant bini
peace, who was leaning with his back against the
Frequented House. Every day 70,000 angels visit it, never
returning to it again. Then he took me to the Lote Tree of
the Furthest Limit whose leaves were like elephants' ears
and fruits were like earthenware jugs."
He said, "When it was covered over by the command
of Allah, a change came over it and nothing in Allah's cre
ation would be able to describe it owing to its extreme
beauty. Allah revealed to me what He revealed and made
fifty prayers obligatory for me in every 'day and night.
Then I went down to Musa, may Allah bless him and grant
him peace, who said, 'What did your Lord make obligato
ry for your community?' I said, 'Fifty prayers.' He said,
'Go back to your Lord and ask him to reduce it. Your com
munity will never be able to do that. I know by myexperi
ence of the tribe of Israel. '"
He said, "I went back to my Lord and said, '0 Lord,
reduce it for my community,' and he reduced it for me by
five. I went back to Musa and said, 'He reduced it by five
forme.' He said, 'Your community will not be able to do
it. Go backto your Lord and ask him to reduce it.'"
He said, "I continued to go back and forth between my
Lord, the Blessed and Exalted, and Musa, peace be upon
him, until He said, '0 Muhammad, they are five prayers
every day and night, but each prayer counts as ten so that
makes fifty prayers. Whoever intends a good action and
does not do it, a good action will be written down for him.
If he does it, ten will be written down for him. Whoever
intends an evil action and does not do it, nothing will be
written against him. If he does it, one evil action will be
written down. '"
He said, "I went back down to Musa, may Allah bless
him and grant him peace, and informed him and he said,
'Go back to your Lord and ask him to reduce it. '" The
Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him
peace, said, "I said, 'I have returned to my Lord so often
that I am ashamed "beforeHim. ' "
An-Nawawi said in the commentary of this hadith, "The Qadi
said that this hadith indicate.. s that heaven has real gates with sen
tries guarding them, and it contains affirmation of the need to ask"
permission before entering."
An-Nawawi said, "As for the words of the sentries of heaven,
'Has he been sent for?' it means: 'Have you been sent to him to
conduct him on the Night Journey and Ascent through the heav
ens.' It is not a question going back to the basis of the mission and
the message."
The words of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him
peace, "Then he took me to the Lote Tree of the Furthest Limit,"
occurs sometimes with the defmite article (as-Sidra al-Muntaha),
and in some variants as Sidra al-Muntaha. Ibn 'Abbas and the
commentators and others said that it is called the Lote tree of the
Furthest Limit because the knowledge of the angels stops there
and no one was able to go beyond it except the Messenger of
Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.
It is related from Ibn Mas'ud, may Allah be pleased with him,
that it is called that because it is reached both by what comes down
to .it from above it and also by what comes up to it from under
neath of the command of Allah Almighty.
Jibril teaching the Messenger of Allah
Wudu' and the Prayer
Ahmad transmits in his Musnad and al-Hakarn in his
Mustadrak from Zayd b. Haritha that the Messenger, may Allah
bless him and grant him peace, said:
"Jibril came to me at the beginning of what he
revealed to me and taught me how to do wudu' and the
Al-Bukhari transmits that the "Messenger, may Allah bless him
and grant him peace, said:
"Jibril descended and led me in the prayer and I
prayed with him, then I prayed with him, then I prayed
with him, then I prayed with him, and then I prayed with
him," and he counted out five times on his fingers.
The Angels coining a metaphor for the Prophet
~ .....
Al-Bukhari transmitted that Jabir b. 'Abdullah said, "The
angels came to the Prophet, may Allah blesshim and grant him
peace, while he was asleep and some of them said, 'He is asleep,'
while otherssaid, 'The eye sleeps but the heart is awake.' They
said, 'There is a metaphor suitable for this companion of yours.'
One said, So coin a metaphor for him.' Some of them said, 'He is
asleep'and others said, 'The eye sleeps but.the heart is awake.'
They said, 'His metaphor is that of a man who builds a house and
lays out a feast in it and sends out a summoner to invite people to
it. All who answer the summoner enter the house and partake of
the feast. Those who do not answer the summoner, do not enter the
house and do not partake of the feast.' They said, 'Interpret it for
him so that he can understand it.' Some of them said, 'He is
asleep.' and others said, 'The eye sleeps but the heart is awake.'
They said, 'The house is the Garden and the caller is Muhammad,
may Allah bless him and grant him peace. All who obey
Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him 'peace, have
obeyed Allah. Those who disobey Muhammad, may Allah bless
him and grant him peace, have disobeyed Allah.'"
Jibril giving good news of the Garden to Khadija
Al-Bukhari transmitted that Abu Hurayra, may Allah be
pleased with him, said, "Jibril came to the Prophet, may Allah
bless him and grant him peace, and said:
'0 Messenger of Allah, this is Khadija who is bringing
with her a vessel containing condiments or food and drink.
When she comes to you, greet her from her Lord and from
me, and give her the good news of a house in the Garden
made from a hollow pearl in which there will never be any
shouting or tiredness.",
At-Tabarani transmitted in al-Awsat from thehadith of Fatima,
may Allah be pleased with her, who said, "I said 'Messenger of
Allah, where is my mother, Khadija?' He said, 'In a house made of
a hollow pearl.' I said, 'Where is this pearl?' He said, 'It is not like
the kind of pearls which are strung as pearls and rubies.' "
As-Suhayli said, "The purpose of using the word qasab for
pearl and not the word lu' lu', is that there is an aptness in the word
qasab since she, may Allah be pleased with her, carried the day
t ahrazat qasab as-sobq by hastening to belief before anyone else."
He also said, "The mention of the house has a subtle meaning
because she was the mistress of a house before the mission and
then became the mistress of a house in Islam when there was no
other house than hers, for there was no house of Islam on the face
of the earth on the day when the Prophet, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace, was first sent except her house. It is a virtue
which no one but she shares." Ibn Hajar said, "There is another
meaning in the mention of the house because the people of the
Hosue of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
derive from it."
In the words, "any shouting or tiredness," sakhab means shout
ing and argumentation in which voices .are raised, and nasab
means exhaustion. As-Suhayli said that these two .qualities, i.e.
argumentation and fatigue, are apt because when the Prophet, may
Allah bless him and grant him peace, called people to Islam,
Khadija, may Allah be pleased with her, answered him willingly
and did not make him need to raise his voice nor. quarrel nor tire in
doing it. On the contrary she removed every fatigue from him and
comforted him in every desolation and made every difficulty easy
for him. Therefore it is fitting that the place which she was given
the good news of by her Lord should have attributes corresponding
to.her actions.
After his words, "Greet her from her Lord and from me," at
Tabarani adds in this transmision that she said "He is Peace and
Peace is from Him and peace be upon Jibril." In the variant of an
Nasa'i, she said, "Allah is Peace, and peace be upon Jibril and on
you, 0 Messenger of Allah, be the peace and mercy of Allah and
His blessings."
Scholars say that this story contains an indication of Khadija's
superior understandingbecause she did not say, "And upon you be
peace," as was the case with some of the Companions when they
used to say in the tashahhud, "Peace be upon Allah." The Prophet,
may Allah bless him and grant him peace, forbade them saying,
- "Allah ;isPeace, so say: 'Greetings belong to Allah.'" Thus
Khadija, by the soundness of her understanding, knew that Allah
does not have the word "peace" in the reply to Him as creatures do
because Peace (Salam) is one of the names of Allah, and he also is
called Salama, and neither of them are correct to use in replying to
Jibrilleadingthe Angels in the Battle of Badr
Allah says:
"Allah helped you at Badr when you were in a pitiful
state, therefore be fearful of Allah, so that hopefully you
might be thankful. When you said to the believers, 'Is it
not enough for you that your Lord reinforced you with
three thousand angels sent down?' No indeed! If you are
steadfast and Godfearing and this time they come upon
you suddenly, your Lord will reinforce you with five thou
sand angels, dearly-marked. Allah only did this to be
good news for you and so that your hearts would be made
tranquil by it. Victory comes from none but Allah, the
Mighty; the Wise." (3:123-126)
And He says in Surat al-Anfal:
"When your Lord was revealing to the angels, '1 a11}
with you so make those who believe firm. 1 will cast terror
into the hearts of those who reject, so strike their necks
and strike every finger ofthem!'" (8: 12)
The-angels are the troops of Allah. He strikes with them any of
His slaves He wishes. Allah Almighty informs us that He helped
the Muslims in the Battle of Badr by means of the angels in
answer to their call for help and to strengthen them with the sup
port and feeling of tranquillity that the angels cast into their hearts.
Ar-Rabi' b. Anas said, "Allah helped the Muslims with a thou
sand and then they became 3000 and then 5000."
Al-Bukhari says in his Sahib in the "Chapter of the Presence of
the Angels at Badr" from Mu'adh b. Rifa'a b. Rafi' az-Zurqi from
his father who was one of the people of Badr. He said, "Jibril came
to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and said,
'How do you gauge the people of Badr among you?' He said,
'Among the best of the Muslims.' He said, 'It is the same with
those-of the angels who were present at Badr.' "
Ar-Rabi' b. Anas said, "On the day of Badr people could see
those who had been slain by the angels among the dead by the
blows above the necks and on their fingertips which looked as if
fire had burnt them." (Al-Bayhaqi transmitted it.)
AI-Qurtubi said, "The descent of the angels is one of the means
of achieving victory which is in itself not necessary for the
Almighty Lord but which His creatures do need. Therefore the
heart should be connected to Allah and trust in Him, for He is the
One who helps both through means and also without means. "His
command when He desires something is but to say to it, 'Be!' and
it is." (36:81) But He informed us about that so that creation
would take note of the means which existed in the past which they
were commanded to observe. "You will not find any changing in
the practice of Allah." (33:62) That does not diminish trust in
Allah in any way and it refutes those who say that means are only
for the weak, not the strong. The Prophet, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace, and his Companions were the strong and other
people are the weak. This is clear."
The Angels helping in the Battle of the Confederates
The Almighty says:
"0 you who believe! Remember Allah's blessing to you
when forces came against you and We sent against them a
wind and other forces that you could not see. Allah sees
everything that you do..." (33:9)
Ibn Kathir says that the. Almighty reports about His blessing,
bounty and goodness to His believing slaves in averting their ene
mies and defeating them in the year in which they joined forces
and allied themselves against them. That is referring to the Affair
of the Ditch which took place in Shawwal, 5 AH, according to
most well-known sources.
Musa b. 'Uqba and others said that it happened in 4 AH, and
that the reason the Confederates came was that a group of tile
Jewish nobles of Banu'n-Nadir, who had been exiled from Madina
by the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him
peace, to Khaybar, including Sallam b. Abi'l-Huqayq, Huyayy b.
Akhtab and Kinana b. Abi'l-Huqayq, went to Milia and met with
the nobles of Quraysh and encouraged them to fight the Prophet,
may Allah bless him and grant him peace, promising them their
help and support. They agreed to do it.
Then they went out to the tribe of Ghatafan and invited them,
and they also agreed. Quraysh went out with their battalions fol
lowing them led by Abu Sufyan Sakhr b. Harb. In charge of
Ghatafan was 'Uyayna b. Hisn b. Hudhayfa. Altogether they num
bered about 10,000 men.
When the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant
him peace, learned of their advance, he commanded the Muslims
to dig a ditch around Madina on the eastern side. That was on the
suggestion of Salman al-Farisi, may Allah be pleased with him. So
the Muslims worked on it, putting much effort into it and the
Messenger of Allah shifted the earth and dug with them.
The idolworshippers came and camped on the eastern side of
the city near Uhud and another group of them camped in the upper
part of Madina as the Almighty says, "When they came at you
from above you and below you." The Messenger of Allah, may
Allah bless him and grant him peace, and the Muslims with him
came out. There were about 3000 of them, though some say 7000.
They had their backs to Sal' "'and their faces towards the enemy.
The ditch had been dug, but there was no water in it to stop the
horses and men from reaching them.' He kept the women and chil
dren inside the fortresses of Madina.
The Banu Qurayza were a tribe of Jews who had a fortress to
the east of Madina and they had a treaty with the Prophet They
had about 800 fighters. Huyayy of the Banu Nadir went to them
and kept at them until they broke their treaty and supported the
confederates against the Messenger of Allah. Thus the danger was
great, the business very grave and the situation dire as Allah
Almighty says, "At that time the believers were tested and severe
ly shaken."
They continued to besiege the Prophet, may Allah bless him
and "grant him peace, and his Companions for about a month
although they did not attack them and there was no fighting
between them except when 'Amr b. 'Abdu Wudd al-' Amiri, one of
the bold horsemen famous in the Jahiliyya, rode forward with
some horsemen and crossed the ditch, reaching part of the
Muslims. The Messenger of Allah detailed some riders of the
Muslims to meet him. It is also said that no one went out to him.
He commanded 'Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, to go out to
him and they fought for some time and then 'Ali killed him. That
was a sign of impending victory,
Then Allah Almighty sent a strong wind against the Confeder
ates which blew so fiercely that they had no tents left standing nor
could they light a fire nor would anything stay in its place. So they
they left in disappointment and loss as the Almightysays:
"0 you who believe! Remember Allah's blessing to you
when forces came against you and We sent against them a
wind and other forces that you could not see."
Ibn Kathir says that His words, "other forces you could not
see" , mean the angels who unsettled them and cast terror and fear
into their hearts. The leader of every tribe said "0 Banu so-and-so!
To me!" andthey gathered to him and he was saying, "Help!
Help!" when Allah Almighty cast terror in their hearts.
The Angels Helping the Messenger of Allah
against the Jews
As has already been mentioned, when the armies of the
Confederates came and camped at Madina, the Banu Qurayza
broke the treaty they had concluded between themselves and the
Messenger of Allah. When news of that reached the Messenger of
Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, it greatly upset
him and was very hard on him and the Muslims. When Allah
helped him and the enemy forces retreated and went back disap
pointed and empty-banded. the Messenger of Allah returned to
Madina victorious and people laid down their weapons. ,
While the Messenger of Allah was washing off the dust of the
expedition in the house of Umm Salama, may Allah be pleased
with her, Jibril, peace be upon him, appeared to him with his bro
cade turban wrapped round the lower part of his face, riding on a
mule on which there was a brocade saddle-cloth. He said, "Have
you put down your weapons, Messenger of Allah?" He said,
"Yes." He said, "But-the angels have not put down theirs and will
not return before seeking out the people. 0 Muhammad, Allah
commands you to travel to the Banu Qurayza. I am going to them
and will shake them." Muhammad ibn Ishaq related it.
Then al-Bukhari says from Anas b. Malik, may Allah be
pleased with him, "It is as if I could see the dust rising in the alley
of the Banu Ghanm from the procession of Jibril when the
Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
went to Banu Qurayza."
Musa b. 'Uqba said in his Raids from az-Zuhri, "Jibril said to
the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, 'May Allah
forgive you! Have you laid down your weapons?' He said, 'Yes.'
, Jibril said, 'We have not laid them down since the time the enemy
first came upon you and I was seeking them out until Allah defeat
ed them.' They say that traces of dust were on Jibril's face. Jibril
said to him, 'Allah commands you to fight the Banu Qurayza and I
am going to them with those of the angels who are with me to '
shake their fortresses, so bring out the people. '
"The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him
peace, went out after Jibril and passed by a gathering of the Banu
Ghanm who were waiting for the Messenger of Allah and he asked
them, 'Did a horseman just ride past by you?' They replied,
'Dihya al-Kalbi passed by us on a white horse with a brocade cloth
or rug under him wearing a bandage.' They mentioned that the
Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
said, 'That was Jibril.' The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless
him and grant him peace, used to say that Dihya resembled Jibril."
The Angels in the Battle of Hunayn
Allah says:
"Allah has helped you on many occasions, and on the
Day of Hunayn, when your great numbers delighted you
but did not avail you in any way, and the earth seemed
narrow to you for all its great breadth, and you turned
your backs. Then Allah sent down His Tranquillity on His
Messenger and on the believers, and sent down troops you
did not see, and punished those who rejected. That is the
repayment of the rejectors." (9:25-26)
Ibn Kathir said, "The Almighty mentioned to the believers His
bounty to them and His goodness to them in helping them on
many occasions in their expeditions with His Messenger and that
their success was from Him and by His support and determination,
not by reason of their great numbers. He informed them that help
is from Him whether the group is few. or many. On. the day of
Hunayn they admired their numbers but this did not help them in
any way and they turned in retreat, all but a few of them who
stayed with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace. Then Allah's help and His support descended on
His Messenger and on the believers who were with them to teach
them that victory is from the Almighty alone. Even if the group is
small: 'how many a small force has triumphed over much greater
numbers by the permission of Allah. Allah is with the steadfast.'
An Extraordinary Dream
AI-Bukhari transmited from Samura b. Jundub, may Allah be
pleased with him, who said:
"The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace, would often say to his Companions,
'Who among you had a dream last night?' Then anyone
who Allah willed would recount his dream. One morning
he said to us, 'During the night two men came to me and
said to me, "Come on!" So I went with them. We came
upon a man who was lying on his back while another man
was standing over him with a stone which he dropped onto
his head and crushed it. Then the stone rolled away from
him and he went after the stone to retrieve it. When he
returned to him, his head was whole again and had
become as it had been in the first place. So he went, back
and hit him as he had done the first time. I said to them,
"Glory be toAllah! Who are these two?"
"'They said, "Go on! Go on!" We went on and came
to a man lying on his back and there was another man
standing over him with an iron hook. He went to one side
of hisface and gashed open the side of his mouth until it
reached the back of his neck and then his nostril to the
back of his neck and his eye to the back of his neck. Then
he moved to the other side' and did the same thing as he
had done to the first side. When he finished that side, the
first side had become whole again. Then he did the same
thing allover again." He said, "I said, "Glory be to Allah!
Who are these two?"
"'They said to me, "Go on! Go on!" and we went on
until we came upon something like an oven. In it was a
babble and shouting. We looked down into it and it con
tained naked men and women. The flames leapt up at them
from underneath, and when those flames reached them,
they cried out. I said, "Who are they?"
"'They said, "Go on! ~ o on!" and we went on until
we came to a river, red like blood. In the river there was a
man swimming and on the bank of the river was a man
who had many stones with him. When that swimmer
swam and.reached the one who had gathered the stones, he
forced his mouth open and made hill} swallow a stone.
Then he would begin to swim and would come back to
him again. Whenever he came back to him, he forced open
his mouth and made him swallow a stone. I said to them,
"Who are these two?"
'''They said to me, "Go on! Go on!" and we went on
until we came to a man with the most repulsive appear
ance you have ever seen. He was at a fire which he was
kindling and which he was running around. I said to them,
"Who is this?'
'''They said to me, "Go on! Go on!" and we went on
until we came to a green meadow with every type of
spring flower in it. There was,in the middle of the mead
ow, a man so tall that I could scarcely see his head, so high
it was in the sky. Around the man were the greatest num
ber of children I have ever seen. I said, "Who is this? Who
are those?"
"'They said to me, "Go on! Go on!" and we went on
until we reached a huge tree and I have never seen any tree
bigger or more beautiful than it. They said to me, "Climb
. it." We climbed it and came to a city built of gold and sil
ver bricks. We came to the door of the city and asked for it
to be opened and it was opened for us and ~ e entered it.
We were met by men half of whose physique was the most
beautiful you have ever seen and the other half was the
ugliest you have ever seen. The two said to them, "Go and
plunge into that river." There was a wide river flowing
there whosewater was pure white. Theywent and jumped
into it and when they returned to us, that evil had left them
and they had the most beautiful form. '
He said, 'They said to me, "This is the Garden of
Eden, and that is your place." I raised my eyes upwards
and there was a castle like a white cloud. They said to me,
"This is your place." I said to them, "May Allah bless you,
let me enter it." They said, "No, not now. But you will
enter it."
'''I said to them, "This night I have seen marvels, but
what are these things which I. have seen?" They said to
me, "We will tell you. The first man you came to whose
head was being crushed with the stone is a man who mem
orised the Qur' an and then abandoned it and slept through .
the obligatory prayers. As for the man you came to whose
jaw was split to his neck, whose nostril to his neck and
whose eye to his neck, he was a man who went from his
house and told lies which spread' everywhere. As for. the
naked men and women who were in something like an
oven, they were adulterers and adultresses. The man you
came to who was swimming in the river and being made
to swallow stones used to consume usury. The man with
the disagreeable appearance who was at the fire, kindling
it and running around it, was Malik, the custodian of
Jahannam.The tall man in the meadow was Ibrahim. The
children who were around him are all those who were born
and died in the natural state.'"
"Some of the Muslims asked, 'Messenger of Allah,
the children of the idolworshippers as well?' The Mes-sen
ger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
said, 'The children of the idolworshippers as well. As for
the people who were half beautiful and half ugly, they are
the people who mixed righteous actions with evil actions.
Allah pardoned them.?'
The meanings of the expressions in this hadith are explained in
the Fath ai-Barr. In his words, may Allah bless him and grant him
peace, "During the night two men came to me," the two men are,
as has come into another variant with Jarir b. Hazim, Jibril and
About his words, "They came to me," Ibn Jubayra says that it
means they woke him up. It is possible that he saw in a dream that
they woke him up and he saw what he saw in the dream and
described it after he was awake, and his dream was like being
awake. However what he was saw was a metaphor whose difficul
ty of interpretation indicated that it was a dream.
Regarding his words, "I went with them," Jarir adds in his vari
ant "to the Holy Land", and with' Ahmad we find, "to an open
land". The hadith of 'Ali has, "They took me to heaven."
His words, "We came to a man who was lying on his back
while another man was standing over him with a stone," means
thrownonto his back. In 'Ali's hadith we fmd, "I passed by an
angel in front of whom was a human being. The angel had a stone
in his hand with which he was beating the human's head."
His word, "crushed it" means to shatter something hollow.
His words, "and the stone rolled away" means went from a'
high .place to a lower one and it is the word used for something
rolling down by itself.
His words, "When he returned to' him, his head was whole
again." Ahmad has here, "His head returned as it had been."
Hiswords, "he gashed open theside of his mouth until it
reached the back of his neck" means to split it in two. The shidq is
the comerof the mouth. Ibn al-' Arabi said, "To gash open the cor
ner of the mouth of the liar is to put the punishment in the site of
the act of disobedience. It is on this basis that punishment occurs
in the Next World, contrary to the way things happen in this
His words, "We came upon something like an oven," reads in
the v ~ a n t of Muhammad b. Ja'far. "Built like the structure otan,
oven," and Jarir adds, "Its top was narrow and its bottom wide,
and there was a fire kindled under it."
His words, "they cried out" means they raised their voices in
such a way that they were muddled up together.
His words, "which he was kindling" means setting fire to. It
says in at-Tahdhib, "He kindled the fire with wood, he collected
together for the tire scattered firewood, Ibn al-' Arabi says that it
means poking the fire.
About the words, "we came to a green meadow", ad-Da'udi
said that this refers to a meadow which is covered in green grass.
Instead of his words, "with every type of spring flower in it,"
another variant has, "all the flowers of spring."
His words, "plunge into' that river" means to be immersed in it
in order to wash away that attribute by this pure water.
His words, "that evil had left them" means the ugly side
became the same as the beautiful side.
His words, "then abandoned it" is that abandoning the Qur' an
after memorising it is a terrible crime because he imagines that he
sees in it something that obliges him to abandon it. When he aban
dons the noblest of things.which is the Qur'an, he is punished in
the noblest of limbs, which is the head.
His words, "and slept through the obligatory prayers" means
that he was lazy about performing thein in their correct times, .and
Allah has threatened those people in His words, "Woe to those that
pray and are heedless in their prayers." (107:4-5)
His words, "they were adulterers" shows that nakedness is
appropriate for them since they deserve to be disgraced because
their custom was to conceal themselves in private; Therefore they
are punished by exposure. The wisdom in bringing the punishment
from underneath them is that their crime was from their lower
About his words "he. used to consume usury," Ibn Hubayra said
that the one who consumes usury is punished by swimming in the'
red river and being made to swallow stones because the basis of
usury is to deal in gold and gold is red. As for the arigel making
him swallow stones, it indicates that nothing satisfied him. It is the
same with usury. The one who uses it imagines that his wealth will
. .
increase but Allah wipes it out from behind him.
"The custodian of Jahannam" has a disagreeable appearance
because that increases the punishment for the people of the Fire..
In the hadith of Abu Umama we find, "Then we went on and
there were men and women of the ugliest appearance and the .
foulest smell, like that of sewers. I said, 'Who are these?' He said,
there were,corpses which were very swollen and had the foulest
stench. I said, 'Who are these?' Hesaid, 'Those are dead ,of the
unbelievers.' Then we went on and there were some men asleep
under the shadow of a tree. I said, 'Who are these?' He said,
'Those are the Muslim dead.' Then we went on and there were
some men who had the handsomest faces and most fragrant per
fume and I said, 'Who are these?' He said, 'Those are the truthful,
the martyrs andthe righteous.",
Ibn Hajar said that this hadith contains many salutory lessons.
Secrets make themselves known to people both in the waking and
sleeping states in various ways. It also shows that some rebels are
between the two worlds. There is the warning against sleeping
through the prescribed prayers, against someone who has memo
rised Qur'an abandoning it, and against fornication, consuming
usury and deliberately lying. It shows that those who have a palace
in the Garden do not reside in it while in this world, but that hap
pens after death, even in the case of Prophets and martyrs.
Their homes in the Garden are the highest homes, but that does
not mean that they have a higher degree than Ibrahim, peace be
upon him, since it is probable that he is residing in that place only
on account of his tutelage of those children. His station is a station
which is higher than that of the martyrs. This was already shown
in the hadith of the Night Journey when the Prophet saw Adam in
the lowest heaven. He was in that place in' order to see the souls of
his sons among the people of good and the people of evil, and to
laugh or weep accordingly, although his station is in fact in
'Illiyin. On the Day of Rising, all people will be residing in their
proper place and on that Day Allah will pardon all whose good
and evil actions are equal in weight. 0 Allah! Pardon us by Your
mercy, 0 most Merciful the merciful!
The hadith also shows the importance of dreams in general by
the mere fact that the Prophet asked about them, the excellence of
dream interpretation, and the preference for doing it after the Subh
prayer because that is the time when the mind is most collected.
Righteous actions whose doers
are prayed for by the Angels
Obedience to Allah Almighty on the Night of Power
The Noble Qur'an speaks of the descent of the angels to the
earth on the Night of Power during the month of Ramadan. That is
the night on which the Qur ' an first came down to Muhammad,
may Allah bless him and grant him peace, when the Qur'an
descended from the Preserved Tablet down to the lowest heaven
and heralded the descent of revelation on the Seal of the Prophets,
may Allah bless him and grant him peace. This is why the angels
descend during it, and Jibril the Trustworthy descends during it.
He is the one meant by the word "Spirit" in Allah's words:
"On it the angels and the Spirit descend, by the leave of
their Lord, upon every command. Peace it is, until the ris
ing ofdawn." (97:4-5)
. They do not descend on their own initiative, but only in obedience
to divine authority, "the leave of their Lord."
Al-Qurtubi says in his tafsir of this noble ayat, "On it the
angels, and the Spirit descend, by the leave of their Lord, upon
every command," i.e. they descend from every heaven and from
the Lote Tree of the Furthest Limit and the dwelling-place of Jibril
in the centre of it. They descend to the earth and give security to
the people there making supplication until the moment of the ris
ing of the dawn. That is the explanation of His words, "On it the
angels and the Spirit descend" , .i.e. Jibril, peace be upon him, "by
the leave of their Lord," at His command, "upon every com
mand;" i.e. every command which Allah decrees and decides from
that year to the next. Ibn 'Abbas said that."
Anas said, "On the Night of Power, Jibril descends with a,
group of angels to pray and to greet every slave, standing or sit
ting, who is remembering Allah Almighty,"
His words, "Peace it is, until the rising of dawn" mean that the
Night of Power is peace and all good 'with no evil in it. "Until the
rising ofdawn" is until dawn breaks.
Ash-Sha'bi said, "It is the greeting of the angels to the peo,' '.,
of the mosque from the time the sun disappears until dawn rises.
They pass by every believer and say, 'Peace be upon you, 0
Recitation of Qur'an and dhikr of Allah Almighty
AI-Bukhari transmits with his isnad from Usayd b. Hudayr who
said that once while he was reciting Surat al-Baqara at night, with
his horse tethered beside him, it suddenly became very agitated.
When he stopped reciting, the horse calmed down. When he start
ed to recite again, the horse once more became agitated. Then he
stopped reciting and the horse calmed down again. Then he recited
and the horse became agitated so he stopped. His son Yahya was
close to the horse and he was afraid that it might trample on him.
When he pulled the boy away and looked up to the sky, he could
" not see it. In the morning, he "told the Prophet, may Allah bless
him and grant him peace, who said:
"Recite, Ibn Hudayr! Recite, Ibn Hudayr!" He said,
"Messenger of Allah, I was afraid that the horse would
trample on Yahya since he was near to it. I looked up and
went to him. When I looked at the sky, there was some
thing in it like a cloud containing something like lamps.
So I left in order to not see it." He said, "Do you know
what that was?" He said, "No." He said, "That was the
angels who came near on account of your voice. If you
had continued to recite, in the morning the people could
have looked at it and it would not have disappeared from
"The horse became agitated" means it jumped about.
The words, "He pulled the boy away" means he dragged him
from the place where he was fearing that the horse would trample
on him.
About the words, "He looked up to the sky; and he could not .
see it," Ibn Hajar says that this transmission is abridged. Abu
'Ubayd related it in full, saying, "He looked up to the sky and
there was something in it like a cloud containing something like
lamps. It rose up into the sky so that he could not see it."
The words of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him
peace, "Recite, Ibn Hudayr!" means that he should have continued
reciting. It was not a command to recite at the moment of the con
versation. It is as if the Prophet was visualising the situation and
was present with him when he saw what he saw. It is ~ if he were
saying: "Continue your recitation, so that the blessing continues
with you by the descent of the angels and their listening to your
.recitation." So Usayd understood that and he replied giving an
excuse for having curtailed his recitation, consisting of his words,
"I was afraid it would trample on Yahya," i.e. I feared that if I con
tinued reciting, the horse would trample on my son.
His words, "who came near" has, in the variant of Ibrahim b.
Sa'd,the additional phrase, "to listen to you," and in the variant-of
Ibn Ka'b we find, "Usayd had a good voice." This addition indi
cates the reason why the angels were listening to his recitation.
An-Nawawi said, "This hadithshows that it is permissible for
individuals of the community to see the angels." Ibn Hajar said,
"This interpretation is sound, but it is limited, for instance, to the
righteous, and to people with good voices."
_He said that the hadith shows the excellence of recitation and
the fact that it is a reason for the descent of mercy and the presence
of angels.
Muslim transmits in his Sahih from Abu Hurayra, may Allah be
pleased with him, who said that the Messenger of Allah, may
Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
"No people gather in any of the houses of Allah to
recite the Book of Allah and to study it between them but
that the Sakina descends on them and mercy covers them
and the angels surround them and Allah remembers them
to those in His presence."
In the two Sahih collections of al-Bukhari and Muslim. Abu
Hurayra said that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him
peace, said:
"Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, has angels who travel
the highways seeking out the people of dhikr. When they
find people remembering Allah, the Mighty and Majestic,
they call out to one another, 'Come to What you hunger
for!' and they' enfold them with their wings stretching up
to the lowest heaven."
Ahmad transmitted in his Musnad as did Abu Ya'la al-Mawsuli
and at-Tabarani in al-Awsat that Anas, may Allah be pleased with
him, said that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace, said:
"No people sit to remember Allah but that a caller
from heaven calls out to them, 'Arise forgiven.,,,
Muslim, at-Tirmidhi and an-Nasa'i transmit from the hadith of
"The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace, went out to a circle of his Companions
and said, 'What is it that has caused you to sit together?'
They said, 'We sat down to remember Allah and praise
Him for He has guided us to Islam and been gracious to
us.' He said, 'By Allah, is that the only thing that made
you sit together?' They said, 'By Allah, we sat down-for
that reason alone.' He said, 'I did not make you swear out
of any suspicion of you, but Jibril came to me and report
ed to me that Allah Almighty is boasting about you to the
This boasting on the part of Allah Almighty is an indication of
the nobility of dhikr in His sight and His love of it and that it has
merit over other actions. Dhikr makes it mandatory for Allah
Almighty and His angels to pray for those who do it. Whoever has
Allah Almighty and His angels pray for him has complete success
and total victory. Allah says:
"0 you who believe, remember Allah repeatedly. And
glorify Him both morning and evening. It is He who calls
down blessing on you, as do His angels, to bring you out
of darkness into the light and, to the believers, He is most
merciful." (33:41-43)
Ibn al-Qayyimsaid, "This prayer from the Almighty and His
angels is the cause of people coming out the darkness to the light.
When they receive the prayer from Allah Almighty and His angels
and they are brought out of the darkness to the light, what good do
they not obtain and what evil is not repelled from them! 0 alas for
those who are heedless of their Lord! What blessing and bounty
they are deprived of!"
Teaching people good
At-Tabarani and at-Tirmidhi transmitted with a sound isnad
from Abu Umama that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless
him and grant him peace, said:
"Allah and His angels, and even the ant in its stone
and the fish in the sea, pray for the one who teaches the
people good." In another variant, "A man of knowledge
has those 'in the heavens and the earth, even the fish in the:
sea, askfor his forgiveness."
Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali said, "Some scholars have mentioned that
the secret of the animals of the earth asking for forgiveness for
men of knowledge is that the men of knowledge command people
to treat all creatures well and to kill those animals it is permitted to
kill or slaughter properly. Therefore their good influence extends
to all animals and that is why they ask forgiveness for them.
Another meaning is also evident from it, and that is that all ani ~
mals obey Allah willingly, and glorify Him without disobeying.
Therefore all creation which obeys Allah also loves the people
who obey Him. So how much more so it is in the case of someone
who truly knows Allah, His rights and the obedience due to Him!
If anyone has this quality, Allah loves him and purifies him and
praises him and commands His slaves among the people of the
heavens and the earth and all creatures to love him and pray for
him. That is their prayer on him, and He placed love for him in the
hearts of His believing slaves."
The seekerof useful knowledge
Ahmad transmitted in his Musnad as did the people of the
Sunan that Abu'd-Darda' said:
"I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him
and grant him peace, say, 'Allah will make the path to the
Garden easy for .anyone who travels a path in search of
knowledge. Angels spread their wings for the seeker of
knowledge out of pleasure for what he is doing. Everyone
in the heavensand everyone in the earth asks forgiveness
for a man of knowledge, even the fish in the water. The
superiority of the man of knowledge to the man of wor
ship is like the superiority of the moon to all the planets.
The men of knowledge are the heirs of the Prophets. The
Prophets bequeathe neither dinar nor dirham; they
bequeathe .knowledge. Whoever takes it has taken an
ample portion.' "
Ibn Rajab said, "People disagree about the interpretation of the
angels spreading their wings. Some of them apply its literal mean
ing, and say that what is meant is unfurling the wings and extend
ing them to the seekers of knowledge in order to carry them on
their wings to the places in the earth in which they are seeking
knowledge, to help them in their quest and to make it easy for
them. Some of them explain the spreading of the wings asmeati
ing humility on their part and humbleness before the seeker of
Ibn Rajab continued, "The meaning of the expression is open to
question because the angels really have wings whereas humans do
not. Some of them explain it as meaning the angels spreading their
wings over the gatherings of dhikr up to the heaven as has come
clearly in the haditb of Abu Hurayra. Something similar is related
in some versions of the marfu' hadith of Safwan:'The angels
spread their wings over the seeker of knowledge and then one on
top of the other until they reach the lowest heaven out of their love
for what he seeks.' Perhaps this statement is the nearest to it, and
Allah knows best."
Walking to the mosque and remaining in it
In the Sahib of Muslim we find:
"The angels pray on the one who comes to the mosque
saying, '0 Allah, bless him! 0 Allah, show mercy to him!
as long as he does no harm.and does not break wudu'.' "
Abu Hurayra, may Allah be pleased with him, said that the
Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
"The group prayer is twenty-five degrees higher than
the prayer in your house or the prayer in your place of
business. Anyone who does wudu' and goes to the mosque
with no other object than to/do the prayer, Allah will raise
him up a degree with every step he takes, and a wrong
action will fall away from him. When he prays, the angels
pray for him all the time he is in his place of prayer say
ing, '0 Allah! Forgive him! 0 Allah! Show mercy to
him!' One of you is in the prayer as long as he is waiting
for the prayer." In one variant, '''0 Allah, forgive him! 0
Allah, tum to him as long as he does no harm in it and
does not break wudu' in it.' "
Al-Bukhari, Muslim. Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi and
Malik related it.
The meaning of "as long as he does no harm in if' is as long as
he does not harm any of those praying by word or deed.
The meaning of "as long as he does break wudu'" is as long as
no wind issues from him. This is why it recommended f o ~ a Mus
lim to do wudu' whenever he breaks it so that he obtains the prayer
of the angels on himself.
Ibn Rajar said that this hadith demonstrates the virtues of the
prayer over other actions by mentioning the prayer of the angels
on him and their praying for mercy, forgiveness and tawba for
him. It also demonstrates the excellence of the righteous people
over the angels because they obtain degrees through their worship
while the angels are occupied with asking forgiveness and suppli
cation for them."
Praying in the first row
Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah and the Musnad of Ahmad all have
that al-Bara' ~ may Allah be pleased with him,said: "Allah and His
angels pray on the first row."
In the isnad of at-Tirrnidhi: "Allah and His angels pray on the
. front row."
Al-Bukhari transmitted that Abu Hurayra said that the Messen
ger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
"If people only knew what there was in doing Dhuhr
at its time,they would race each other to it. And if they
knew what there was in the prayers of 'Isha' and Subh,
they would come to them even.if they had to crawl. If they
knew what there was in the call to prayer and the first row,
they would draw lots forit,"
Ibn Hajar said, "What is meant by the first row is the row
immediately behind the Imam, and it is the first complete row
behind the Imam, not one that has any gaps in it. Scholars say that
this encouragement for people to join the first row is in order for
them to hasten to discharge their responsibility, to hurry to enter
the mosque, to be near the Imam and to listen to his recitation and
learn from it and to be inspired by it and convey what he says, to
be safe from someone else passing in front of him, to feel safe
from seeing anyone in front of him, and for the place of his pros
tration to be safe from the coattails of anybody praying in front."
Going early to Jumu'a
In the Sahih of al-Bukhari, Abu Hurayra, may Allah be pleased
with him, said that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him
and grant him peace, said: .
"On the Day of Jumu'a, the angels stand at the door of
the mosque and write down the first to come and then
those who follow. When the Imam comes out, they roll up
their scrolls and listen to the reminder."
Ibn Hajar said in <the Path and Abu Nu'aym transmitted it as
marfu' in al-Hilya with the expression, "On the Day of Jumu'a,
Allah sends angels with scrolls of light and pens of light."
This indicates that the angels mentioned are not guardian
angels. What is meant by the rolling up of the scrolls is to roll up
the scrolls of the benefits connected with going early to Jumu'a as
opposed to any other prayer;. not those of listening to the khutba,
catching the prayer, dhikr, supplication, humility and other such
things. The guardian angels naturally write these things down. In
the variant of Ibn 'Uyayna from az-Zuhri at the end of this hadith
in Ibn Majah we find "Anyone coming after that, comes merely
for the sake of the prayer."
The Fajr and 'Asr prayers in a group in the mosque
Abu Hurayra, may Allah be pleased with him, said that the
Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
"There are angels who take turns in being with you in
the night and other angels in the day, and they meet
together at the prayers of Fajr and 'Asf1. Then the ones
who were with you during the night ascend and Allah asks
them - although He knows better than they do - 'How
were My slaves when you left them?' They say, 'When we
left them they were praying and when we came to them,
they were praying.'"
Al-Bukhari, Muslim, an-Nasa'i and Ibn Khuzayma related it.
About his words, "There are angels who take tunis in being
with you," Ibn Hajar said, "It is said that they are the guardian
angels. Al-Qurtubi said, 'I think that the most evident view is that
it is other than them. This view is.strengthened by the fact that it is
not transmitted that the guardian angels ever leave the slave nor
that the guardian angels of the night are not the same as the
guardian angels of the day.'"
'Iyad said, 'The wisdom of them meeting at these two prayers
. is part of Allah's kindness to Hisslaves and His generosity to them
since He made the angels meet at a time when His slaves are in a
state of obedience so that they can give the best testimony on their
Ibn Hajar said in the Path ,"The hadith contains an indication
of the immense importance of these two prayers since the .two
groups meet during them while there is only one group present
during the other prayers. This indicates the nobility of the two
times mentioned. It is related that provision is allocated after the
Subh prayer and that actions ascend at the end of the day. So who
ever is engaged in an act of obedience at that time is blessed both
in his provision and in his actions, and Allah knows best. It also
shows that this community is honoured above others and means
therefore that its Prophet is honoured above all other Prophets. It
informs us of the love of Allah's angels for us so that our love for
them is increased and we draw near to Allah by that. There are
..other salutory lessons, and Allah knows them best."
The meal of Sahur
Abu Sa'id al-Khudri said that the Messenger of Allah, may'
Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
"Sahur is a meal containing blessing, so do not aban
don it, even if you only have a drink of water. Allah and
His angels pray on those who eat sahur."
Al-Mundhiri mentioned it in at-Targhib wa't-Tarhib
from Ahmad, He said that its isnad is strong. '
Ibn Hibban and at-Tabarani in his Middle Collection transmit
from Ibn 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Messen
ger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
"Allah and His angels pray on those who eat sahur:"
Reliable people say that its isnad is good.
Sadaqa and spending in good ways
Al-Bukhari transmitted with his isnad from Abu Hurayra, may
Allah be pleased' with him, that the Prophet, may Allah bless him
and grant him peace, said:
"There is no day which dawns on the slaves of Allah
without two angels descending and one of them saying, '0
Allah, refund those who give money' and the other saying,
~ O Allah, ruin those who withhold it.'"
There is also the hadith of Abu'd-Darda' who said that the
Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
"There is no day on which the sun rises but that it is
accompanied by two angels who call out - and all of
Allah's creation hear it except for men and jinn - '0 peo
ple! Hasten to your Lord. What is little and adequate is
better than what is abundant and heedless.' And the sun
does not set but that it is accompanied by two angels who
call out and one of them says, '0 Allah, refund those who
give money,' and the other, '0 Allah, ruin those who with
hold it.'"
An-Nawawi says that praiseworthy spending is what is spent in
acts of obedience and on behalf of your family and guests and in
voluntary acts of charity. AI-Qurtubi said that this includes both
obligatory and recommended giving, but that those who withhold
from recommended giving do not merit this supplication nor those
dominated by miserliness to the extent that they are not happy
about giving out-what is due from them, even if they do it.
The Hajj and standing at"'Arafa
At-Tabarani and others transmitted from the hadith of Abu
Hurayra, may Allah be pleased with him, going back to the
Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, who said:
When a man sets out for hajj with wholesome provi
sion and places his foot in the stirrup and calls out, "At
Your service, 0 Allah,' then a caller from heaven calls out,
. 'At your service and obedience! Your provision is lawful
and your mount is lawful and your hajj is accepted and
unencumbered.' When a man sets out with unwholesome
provision and ,puts his foot in the stirrup and says, "At
Your service, 0 Allah,' then a caller from the heaven calls
out, 'You have no service or obedience! Your provision is
unlawful and your mount is unlawful, and your hajjis not
accepted. "
Muslim transmitted in his Sahih from 'A'isha, may Allah be
pleased with her, that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant
him peace, said:
"There is no day on which Allah more frequently frees
His slaves from the Fire than the Day of 'Arafa and He
draws near and boasts of them to the angels and asks,
'What do these people want?'"
From Jabir is that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant
him peace, said:
"There is no day better with Allah than the day of
'Arafa. On it Allah, the Blessed and Almighty, descends to
the lowest heaven to boast of the people of the earth to the
people of heaven and He says, 'Look at My slaves, dishev
elled, dusty, and without shade. They have come through
every deep ravine, hoping for My mercy and they will not
see My punishment.' So there is no day when more people
are set free from the Fire than on the Day of ' Arafa."
Seeking martyrdom in 'the way of Allah
Jabir b. 'Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with both him and his
father, said, "When my father was killed, I began to lift the cloth
from his face, weeping, but they stopped me. The Prophet, may
Allah bless him and grant him peace, did not stop me. My aunt
Fatima began to weep and the Prophet, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace, said, "It does not matter whether you weep or do
not weep. The angels were shading him with their wings until you
removed it."
Al-Bukhari transmitted it andal-Bukhari has a chapter entitled,
"The Chapter of the Angels shading.the Martyr."
The prayeron the Prophet, may Allahbless himand
grant him peace
Ahmad related in his Musnad and ad-Diya' in al-Mukhtara
from 'Amir b. Rabi'a with a good isnad that the Messenger of
Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
"There is no slave who prays for blessing on me but
that the angels pray on him as long as he prays on me. So
let the slave do a little or a lot of it."
Visiting the Sick
Ibn Hibban said in his Sahih with a sound isnad from 'Ali that
the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
. "No Muslim visits another Muslim without a thousand
angels praying for blessings on him whatever hour of the
day it is until evening, or whatever hour of the night it is
until morning."
In a variant of at-Tirmidhi which an-Nawawi mentioned in the
Riyad as-Sa/iheen, is that the Prophet said:
"No Muslim visits another Muslim without a thousand
angels praying blessing on him until the evening, or visits
him in the evening without a thousand angels praying
blessing on him until morning and he will have fruits in
the Garden;" .
At-Tirmidhi said that its isnad is good.
Visiting Brothers
Muslim transmitted in his Sahib from Abu Hurayra that the
Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace said:
"A man visited a brother of his in another town and
Allah assigned an angel to guard him on his way. When he
came to him, the angel said, 'Where are you going?' He
said, 'I am going to visit a brother of mine in that town.'
He said, 'Do you have any property with him that you
want to check on?' He said, 'No, it is only that I love him
for the sake of Allah.' He said, 'I am the messenger of
Allah to you to tell you that Allah loves you as you love
this man for His sake. '"
"On his way" means on his road.
"To check on it" means to see to it and seek to put it in order.
Supplication for believers who are not present
Allah Almighty says:
"And as for those who came after them, they say, 'Our Lord.
forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in belief, and do not
put into our hearts any rancour towards those who believe. Our
Lord. surely You are the All-Gentle, the All-Compassionate."
Muslim transmitted from the hadith of Abu' d-Darda' that the
Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
"A supplication which a Muslim man makes secretly
for his brother is answered. At his head is a guardian
angel. Whenever he makes supplication for good for his
brother, the angel who guards him says, 'Amen, and the
same for you. ",
Sleeping in a state of wudu'
'Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, said that the Messenger
of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
"Whoever spends the night in a state of purity, spends
the night with an angel close to him. He does not wake up
without the angel saying, '0 Allah, forgive Your slave so
and-so, He has spent the night in a state of purity. ' "
Ibn Hibban related it in his Sahih and al-Mundhiri men
tioned it in at-Targhib wa't-Tarhib.
"Close to him" means what is next to a person's body, be it a
garment or anything else.
His words, "He spent the night in a state of purity" is a reason
for forgiveness being asked for. him. It is. part of what the angel
Ibn 'Abbas, may Allah be pleased with both him and his father,
said that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant
him peace said:
"Purify these bodies of yours and Allah will purify
you. There is no slave who spends the night in a state of
purity but that an angel remains close to him. He does not
pass an hour of the night without saying, '0 Allah, forgive
Your slave. He spent the night in a state of purity. ' "
At-Tabarani related it in al-Awsat and al-Mundhiri said
that its isnad is good.
Actions whose doers are cursed by the Angels
The curse on the unbelievers
Allah Almighty says:
"How can Allah guide a people who have rejected
after their belief? They bore witness that the Messenger
was true and that the Clear Signs had come to them. Allah
does not guide wrongdoing people. Those, their repay
ment is that the curse of Allah is on them and of all the
angels and the whole of mankind. They are under it for
ever. The punishment will not be lightened for them. They
will be granted no reprieve." (3:86..l88)
And He says:
"Those who/reject, and die while still rejectors,' the
curse of ~ l l t i l f is on them and of all the angels and the
whole ofmankind." (2:161)
The angels do not only curse the unbelievers but also those who
commit the specific wrong actions listed below.
Preventing Allah's Shari'afrom being implemented
In the Sunan of an-Nasa'i, Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah with a
sound isnad from Ibn 'Abbas, may Allah be pleased with bothhim
and his father, is. that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him
and grant him peace, said:
"If anyone is' murdered deliberately, someone should
be killed in retaliation for him. If anyone tries to prevent
retaliation taking place, on him is the curse of Allah, the
angels and all people."
Thus there is a curse on anyone who prevents the implementa
tion of the judgement of Allah on someone who has murdered
deliberately for the sake of rank or wealth. So how much more
must this be the case when someone tries to prevent the implemen
tation of the Shari'a as a whole!
Sheltering people of innovation
Among those Allah and the angels curse are those who inno
vate in the deen of Allah by abandoning its judgements and trans
gressing against its laws or sheltering and protecting people who
do that, as has come in the sound hadith:
"Anyone who makes an innovation or shelters those
who make innovations, on him is the curse of Allah, the
angels and all people." i
Abu Dawud, an-Nasa'i and al-Hakam transmitted it.
Abusing the Companions of the Messenger of Allah
In the collection of at-Tabarani, al-Kabir, from Ibn 'Abbas with
a good isnad is that the Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant
him peace, said:
"Anyone who abuses my Companions, on him is the
curse of Allah, the angels and all people."
Women not responding to their husbands
Al-Bukhari transmitted with his isnad from Abu Hurayra, may
Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet, may Allah bless him
and grant him peace said:
"When a woman spends the night spuming her.hus
band's bed, the angels curse her until she returns." In
another variant: "When a man calls his wife to bed and she
refuses to .come, the angels curse her until morning." In a
third variant in the Sahih of al-Bukhari: "When a man
calls his wife to bed and she does not come and he spends
the night angry with her, the angels curse her until morn
Ibn Hajar said in al-Fath, "About the words of the Prophet,
'She refuses to come,' Abu 'Awana adds in a variant, 'and he
spends the night angry with her.' It is through this addition that the
curse occurs because it is by that that her rebellion is confirmed,
which is not the case when he is not angry about it. It might be that
he excuses her or that he abandons his right. Censure is only
directed against her when she is the one who spurns him and he is
angry about it, or he spurns her because she is wrong-doing and
does not renounce her wrong action. If he is the one who begins
wrongly to spurn her, then it is another case." ..
He also said, "This haditli carries in it permission to curse a
Muslim who is disobeying Allah if it is done in order to alarm him
so that he will not engage in the action concerned. If he does
engage in it, then you should ask for repentance and guidance for
him. It. shows that the angels continue cursing the people of dis
obedience as long as they are doing it. That, in tum, indicates that
they also pray for the people of obedience as long as they are
engaged in that. It also indicates that the angels' prayer for good or
evil is accepted since he, may Allah bless him and grant him
peace, was afraid of it.
"It guides women to helping their husbands and seeking to
please them and it shows that men are less patient with regard to
lack of sex than women, disclosing that the strongest cause of dis
turbance for a man is his impulse for lawful sexual intercourse.
That is why the Lawgiver made it mandatory for women to help
men in respect of it.
"It also goes to show that continuing to obey Allah and being
steadfast in worshipping Him is in itself a' reward for His slave
since Allah did not omit any of his rights or fail to have them
taken care of, to the extent that He has even made the angels curse
someone who angers His slave by denying one of his appetites. In
the same way it is therefore obligatory for the slave to fulfil the
rights his Lord has over him."
A woman going out without her husband's permission
Ibn 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with both him and his father,
"I. saw a woman who came to the Prophet, may Allah
bless him and grant him peace, and said, 'Messenger of
Allah, what rights does a husband have over his' wife?' He
said, 'His right over her is that she does not leave his
house without his permission. If she does that, the angels
of mercy and angels of anger curse her until she repents or
The hadith is related by Abu Dawud, at-Tabalisi and al
Someone pointing at his brother with a weapon
Muslim related in, his Sahih that Abu Hurayra, may Allah be
pleased with him, said that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace said:
"If someone points with a piece of iron at his brother,
the angels curse him until he puts it down, even if it is his
full brother."
Scholars say that the words of the Prophet, "the angels curse
him" is to emphasise the general prohibition against anyone,
whether he is hostile or not, whether in jest or in earnest, because
to alarm a Muslim is absolutely unlawful. The curse of the angels
on anyone who does it shows how unlawful it is.
Ibn al-' Arabi said, "If someone who merely points with a ,
weapon deserves the curse, then what about someone who actually
strikes with one? The pointer merits the curse, as has already been
stated, whether his pointing is just a threat or whether it is in
earnest or in jest. Even a joker is punished when he causes fear in
his brother, and it is dear that the wrong action of 'a joker is less
than that of someone who is serious."
The curse of the angels demonstrates the unlawfulness of this
action which makes his brother alarmed and through which Shay
tan might p r o v ~ k e him to kill his brother. This is particularly the
case when the weapon concerned is one of these modern ones
which can be discharged by the least error or unintentional touch.
How many examples of this there are!
The Believer's Obligation towards the Angels
The angels are slaves of Allah whom He has selected and cho
sen and they have a high position with their Lord. The believer
who worships Allah and seeks His pleasure must undertake to love
and respect the angels and to avoid anything that might vex or
harm them.
The things that distress them most are wrong actions, acts of
disobedience, disbelief and associating others with Allah. Con
versely what pleases the angels most is for a man's deen to be sin
cerely for his Lord and avoidance of all that angers Him.
That is why the angels do not enter places or houses in which
Allah Almighty is disobeyed, or those in which there is something
that Allah dislikes and hates, such as idols, images, and statues.
Nor do they go near anyone who is involved in acts of disobedi
ence to Allah such as drunkenness.
Abu Hamid al-Ghazzali said in his Ihya' that Abu Hurayra said,
"The house in which the Qur'an is recited is spacious for the peo
ple in it and its good is abundant and the angels are present in it
and the shaytans leave it. The house in which the Book of Allah,
the Mighty and Exalted is not recited is narrow for the people in it
and has little good and the angels leave it and the shaytans are pre
.sent in it."
AI-Bukhari transmitted with his isnad from 'Ubaydullah b.
'Abdullah who heard Ibn' Abbas, may Allah be pleased with both
him and his father, say, "I heard Abu Talha say, 'I heard the-Mes
senger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say,
"The angels do not enter house in which there is a dog or an
image." ''', '
Al-Bazzar related with a sound isnad from Burayda, may Allah
be pleased with him, that the Messenger, may Allah bless him and .
grant him peace, said:
"There are three whom the angels do not go near:
someone who is drunk, someone wearing saffron, and
someone in janaba."
The angels are harmed by the same things that harm the sons of
Adam, and this is confirmed in sound hadiths. They are harmed by
foul smells, filth and dirt.
Al-Bukhari and Muslim related that the Messenger of Allah,
may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
"Anyone who eats garlic and onions or leeks should
not come near our mosque. The angels are harmed by
what harms the sons of Adam."
Ibn Khuzayma and Ibn Hibban transmitted that Abu Ayyub
said that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant
him peace, was sent some food which consisted of vegetables and
which contained onions or leeks. He did not see the Messenger of
Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, choose it, so he
refused to eat as well. He said to him, "What is stopping you?" He
said, "I did not see the trace of your hand." He said, "I am shy
before the angels of Allah. Itis not forbidden." In one variant we
find, "Eat. I speak intimately with those with whom you do not
speak intimately," i.e. the angels.
The Prohibition against Spitting to the right
during the Prayer
The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him
peace, forbade spitting 'to the right during the prayer because when
a person stands in prayer, an angel stands on his right. In the Sahih
of al-Bukhari from Abu. Hurayra, may Prophet be pleased with
him, is that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
said:, .

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