Rijaal Allah

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Rijaal ALLAH

There are basically 12 types of Awliya. Aqtaab (Plural for Qutub), Ghawth, Amama, Awtaad,
Abdaal, Akhyaar, Abraar, Naqabaa, Najabaa, 'Amada, Maktumaan and Mufridaan. There is only one
Qutub-e-'Aalam (also known as Qutub al-Aqtaab) at any time who has two ministers with him. One is
on the left side (because he receives FAIDH from the Heart of the Qutub-e'Aalam which is on the
left side) and the other is on the right side (because he receives FAIDH from the Soul of the Qutub-
e'Aalam wich is on the right side). When Qutub-e'Aalam passes away, the minister from the right
side takes over, the minister from the left side moves to the right side and one of the Badalaa (Plural
for Abdaal) is promoted to the position of the minister.

There are main 12 Aqtaab. Each of these Qutub is on the Heart of a Prophet and has a Surah as the
Wird. The details are as follows:

Qutub Prophet Wird
Hadhrat Nuh (AS)
Hadhrat Ibrahim (AS)
Hadhrat Musa (AS)
Hadhrat Isa (AS)
Hadhrat Daud (AS)
Hadhrat Suleman (AS)
Hadhrat Ayyub (AS)
Hadhrat Ilyas (AS)
Hadhrat Lut (AS)
Hadhrat Hud (AS)
Hadhrat Saleh (AS)
Hadhrat Sheeth (AS)

All Aqtaab are under Qutub-e 'Aalam who is on the Heart of the Last Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
There are 7 aqleem (closest word: hemisphere) and 5 Walayats (closest word: domanion) on the globe
that are ruled by these 12 Aqtaab. That is why these Aqtaab are further divided into Qutub- e Aqleem
and Qutub-e Walayat. The FAIDH flows from the Qutub-e 'Aalam to Aqtaab-e Aqleem, then to Aqtaab-
e Walayat and then to Awliya.

Qutub al-Aqtaab is so powerful that He can terminate/appoint any Wali including Aqtaab. Next after
him (the right one) is known as Qutub Abdaal and the Qutub after Qutub Abdaal (the left to Qutub al-
Aqtaab) is Qutub Irshaad and then comes Qutub Madaar.

There are more categories of Aqtaab, such as Qutub-e Mutawakkalaan, Qutub-e Auliya (Qutub-e
Walaayat Mutlaq), Qutub-e Zahaad, Qutub-e 'Abaad Alag, Qutub-e 'Urafaa etc. The details of these
categories is given by Hadhrat Mu'hae-uddin Ibn-e 'Arabi (RA) in his book Fasal al- Khitaab.
Shuyukh such as Hadhrat Sayyid 'Alai Hajvery (RA), Hadhrat Shaykh 'Alaa-ud-Daula (RA), Ibn-e
'Arabi (RA), Jaami (RA), 'Abdul Rehman Chishti (RA) have all written about the Taqween in detail.

Qutub-e Irshaad is the head of 70 Najabaa, 300 Naqabaa, 500 Akhyaar and 25 Abraar, Qutub-e
Madaar is the head of 4 Awtaad and Qutub-e Abdaal is the head of 40 Abdaal.

Some members of the council are independent of the hierarchy and do not take part in the normal
activities. Details are as follows:

Abdaal: 400
Autaad: 4
Naqabaa: 300
Najabaa: 70
Akhyaar: 7
'Amadaa: 4
Ghauth: 1
Maktumaan: 4000 [according to Sayyid 'Ali Hajvery (RA)]
Afraad: no maximum limit

7 Abdaals are in the seven Aqleems (one in each). Their responsibility is to help people. Each of these
Abdaal is on the Mashrab of a Prophet (AS) and has a spiritual name. The details are as follows:

Aqleem Prophet Spiritual Name
Hadhrat Ibrahim (AS)
Hadhrat Musa (AS)
Hadhrat Haroon (AS)
Hadhrat Idrees (AS)
Hadhrat Yusuf (AS)
Hadhrat Isa (AS)
Hadhrat Aadam (AS)
Abdul Hai
Abdul Aleem
Abdul Mureed
Abdul Qaadir
Abdul Qaahir
Abdus Sami
Abdul Baseer

This seventh Abdaal is Hadhrat Khidhar (AS).

The spiritual name of the Qutub al-Aqtaab is Abdullah and is on the Heart of Hadhrat Israfil (AS), the
right-side minister is Abdul Malik and the left-side minister is Abdur Rab. Usually Qutub al- Aqtaab
covers upper ranks and becomes one of the Afraad.

There is another group of 357 Abdaals out of which 300 are on the Heart of Hadhrat Aadam (AS).
They live in isolation in mountains and eat Leaves and Animals. This is also mentioned in a Hadeeth by
Hadhrat Abdullah ibn Masud (RA) [This Hadeeth is mentioned by Hadhrat Abdul Rehman Chishti
(RA) in his book Mirratul Israar]. According to this Hadeeth, 40 Abdaal are on the Heart of Hadhrat Musa
(AS), 7 on the Heart of Hadhrat Ibrahim (AS), 5 on the Heart of Hadhrat Jibraeel (AS), 3 on the Heart
of Hadhrat Mikaeel (AS) and 1 on the Heart of Hadhrat Israfeel (AS). When this 1 Abdaal passes
away or gets promoted to upper ranks, one of the 3 from the 3- Abdaal group gets promoted to this
position. The gap in the 3-Abdaal group is filled by one of the five. The gap in the 5-Abdaal group is
filled by one of the 7. The gap in the 7-Abdaal group is filled by one of the 40. The gap in the 40-
Abdaal group is filled by one of the 300 and the gap in the 300-Abdaal group is filled by on of the
Zahaad. This gives us a total of 356. Unfortunately, none of the sources mentions anything about the
rest 1 Abdaal.

The remaining 40 Abdaal (out of 404) are very active. According to a Hadeeth, 12 permanently reside
in Shaam (Seria) and 28 in Iraq. The details are given in Mirraatul Israar, Lataif-e Ashrafi and Kashful
Mahjoob. Sayyid Ali Hajvery (RA) calls these 40 Abdaal as Abraars.

Q. Where will you place Ashab ul-Quran in the order you sent?

A. Kindly elaborate. We use the term Sahib-e Quran for the Prophet (SAW).

Q. Recently I came across folks as "Ahl ul-Quran or Sahib-e-Quran" that exist in the configuration of
Autaads and Abdaals but differ from "muqqaribeen". To these folks the Quran opens up and is written in
Light upon the heart as it was the case with the Prophet Alayhis Salaam. This is all I know. I will
appreciate if you elaborate upon this further.

A. In fact the term "Ahle Quran" is also used by a sect which is also known as "Chakralvi" as the
founder's sir name was Chakralvi. I do not want to comment on this sect but they are not considered
among the Rijal ULLAH.

As far as persons with Quran written in light on the hearts are concerned, as every soul is connected
to the Rooh Baseet, every heart is also connected to the Loh-e Ma'hfooz. So it will not be incorrect if we
say that the Quran is written on every heart with Noor. Awliya are given the power to feel and utilize
this connection. So it will not be correct to say that some of the Awliya are gifted with this and others
are not.

The 4 Awtaads live in 4 different regions on the globe. Details are as follows:

Region Spiritual Name
Abdul Wudood
Abdur Rehmaan
Abfur Raheem
Abdul Quddoos

The spiritual name of the 300 Naqabaa is Ali, the 70 Najabaa is Hasan, the 7 Akhyaar (Akhyaar do
not reside anywhere and constantly travel) is Hussain and the 4 Amadaa is Muhammad. There is
only 1 Ghawth is, usually (not always), the Majawar (closest word: Care-Taker) of Kaaba. Sayyid
Ashraf Jahangir, Ghawth of his times, states in his book Lataif-e Ashrafi Majavary is not mandatory
for a Ghawth. ALLAH gives the Awliya-e Akmal, the power of appearing in multiple places at the same
time. A Ghawth, after his passing away or promotion to a higher level, is usually replaced by one of
the 4 Amadaa who is replaced by one of the Akhyaar who is replaced by one of the Najabaa who is
replaced by one of the Naqabaa who is replaced by one of the ordinary persons.

Sayyidina Ali Hajvery (RA), in his book Kashfal Mahjub, says that Maktumaan are the Hidden
Awliya who are not aware of themselves and cannot recognize each other. Sayyidina Ashraf, in
Lataif-e Ashrafi, says that only Mauhid Ahle Baatin can recognize them.

Afraad (plural for Fard) are usually inactive in the Taqween. The Ghawth and the Qutub al- Aqtaab,
both are promoted to Afraad while Afraad, when promoted, become Qutb-e Wahdat. [Mirattul Israar,
Lataif-e Ashrafi, Nafhat ul Ans by Sayyidina Jami (RA)].

According to Haal-e Safar by Professor Bagh Hussain Kamal (RA), each level has 100 times the power
of the level immediately below it. In other words "1 x Tawajjuh" of a Ghawth is equal to the "100 x
Tawajjuh" of the Qutbul Aqtaab. He gives the following active hierarchy:

Qutb-e Wa'hdat
Qutub-ul Aqtaab
Qutub-e Irshaad
70 Najabaa
300 Naqabaa
500 Akhyaar
25 Abraar
Qutub-e Madaar
4 Awtaad
Qutub-e Abdaal
40 Abdaal

In general, it is believed that there has been only one 'Abd so far: Sayyidina 'Abdul Qaadir Jilani (RA),
second will be Imaam Mahdi (AS) and there is no third.


Some consider their Shaykh to be an Abd, like we consider many Chishtiya Mashaikh (including our
Shaykh) to be Abd but this is a Silsila-specific belief.

The case of Sayyidina Abd ul-Qadir Jilani (RA) is different. Majority of Mashaikh (RA) from almost all
Silaasil have accepted him to be Sardaar ul-Awliya (Leader of the Awliya). Although there have been
exceptions to this belief, but because the majority has accepted him to be, so it is an Ijmaa.

Similarly, our Saifi friends believe their Shaykh to be an Abd, our Awaysi Kamali friends consider their
Shaykh to be an Abd and our Tijani friends consider the Silsila founder to be a Khatam. Some of the
Mujaddidi friends believe that the whole hierarchy will ALWAYS stay in Mujaddidids.

We would like to stay away from this debate.


Compiled and Edited by:
Muhammad Nadeem Khokhar Siraaji Haqqaani
Page : http://www.haqqaniya.org
Email : info@haqqaniya.org
Forum : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Haqqaniya/

Kash-al Mahjoob by Sayyidina 'Ali Hajvery (RA)
Ihya-ul 'Uloom by Sayyidina Imaam Ghazali (RA)
Awariful Mu'aarif by Sayyidina Shahab-ud Deen Suharwardi (RA)
Fasal al-Khitaab by Sayyidina Mu'hae-uddin Ibn-e 'Arabi (RA)
Futuhaat-e Makkiyya by Sayyidina Mu'hae-uddin Ibn-e 'Arabi (RA)
Nafhat-ul Ans by Sayyidina Jami (RA)
Lataif-e Ashrafi, Malfoozat Sayyidina Ashraf Samnani (RA)
Maktoobat Sayyidina Makhdoom Jahaan Sharf ud-Deen Muneeri (RA)
Marat-ul Israr by Sayyidina 'Abd ur-Rahmaan Chishti (RA)
Mazhar Nama by Hadhrat Abu Mazhar Siraaji Ghanoi (RA)
Haal-e Safar by Hadhrat Baagh Hussain Kamal (RA)

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