Solution+V1 G MaD6NVC08+Trigonometry+and+Derivatives
Solution+V1 G MaD6NVC08+Trigonometry+and+Derivatives
Solution+V1 G MaD6NVC08+Trigonometry+and+Derivatives
NV-College - Sjdalsgymnasiet
Directions Warning: There are more than one version of the test.
60 minutes for Part I and Part II together. We recommend that you spend no more than 30 minutes on Part I. Resources Part I: Formulas for the National Test in Mathematics D, and your personalized green-booklet. Please note that calculators are not allowed in this part. Part II: Calculators and Formulas for the National Test in Mathematics D, and your personalized green-booklet. Test material: The test material should be handed in together with your solutions. Write your name, the name of your education program / adult education on all sheets of paper you hand in. Solutions to Part I should be handed in before you retrieve your calculator. You should therefore present your work on Part I on a separate sheet of paper. Please note that you may start your work on Part II without a calculator. The test The test consists of a total of 7 problems. Part I consists of 3 problems and Part II consists of 4 problems. For some problems (where it says Only answer is required) it is enough to give short answers. For the other problems short answers are not enough. They require that you write down what you do, that you explain your train of thought, that you, when necessary, draw figures. When you solve problems graphically/numerically please indicate how you have used your resources. Try all of the problems. It can be relatively easy, even towards the end of the test, to receive some points for partial solutions. A positive evaluation can be given even for unfinished solutions. Score and The maximum score is 29 points. mark levels The maximum number of points you can receive for each solution is indicated after each problem. Lower limit for the mark on the test Pass (G): 15 points This test is only a G-test. The higher level VG/MVG-level test will be given on Friday 14 October 2010. To qualify for taking the higher-level test, the quality of students solution in the G-test must be high, and the total score must be more than 20. Test time
Ch 6; 7.1 Trigonometry and derivatives Equations Eq Eq Eq Derivative Diff Trigonometry Tr Tr Tr Problem Grade
Eq Diff Tr 2b 2 2
Eq Tr
Eq Tr 3 4a 2
Eq Diff Tr 4b 2 4
Eq Tr 5 4
Eq Tr 6 4
Eq Diff Tr
G-Lim: 15
1a 2
1b 2
7 Sum 29 5
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NV-College - Sjdalsgymnasiet
2 cos(5 x ) = 3 where 0 x (Give the exact values of x in radian). b) (3/0) Suggested solutions: a) Answer: The solutions of the equation 10 sin(2 x ) = 5 in the interval 0 x 180 are: x1 = 15 and x2 = 75 . Suggested solution: 30 360 x = 2 + n 2 10 sin(2 x ) = 5 n N 5 1 x = 150 + n 360 sin (2 x ) = = 10 2 2 2 1 General solution: 2 x = sin 1 x = 15 + n 180 2 n N [1] 2 x = 30 + n 360 x = 75 + n 180 n N Answer: The solutions of the 2 x = 180 30 + n 360 equation 10 sin(2 x ) = 5 in the interval 0 x 180 are: x1 = 15 and x2 = 75 . [1]
b) Answer: General solutions of the equation 2 cos(5 x ) = 3 are 2n x= + n N and its specific solutions in the interval 0 x are: 6 5 7 17 19 29 , , , x= , . 6 30 30 30 9 Suggested solutions: 2n x = 6 + 5 2 cos(5x ) = 3 n N [1] 3 x = + 2n cos(5 x ) = 6 5 2 Answer: Specific solutions in the 3 5 x = cos1 [1] interval 0 x are: 2 2 5 + 12 7 x1= , x 2 = + = = 5 6 6 5 30 30 5x = + 2n 6 2 5 + 12 17 n N x3 = + = = ; 6 5 30 30 5 x = 5 + 2n 4 5 + 24 19 6 x4 = + = = ; 6 5 30 30 4 5 + 24 29 General solutions: x5 = + = = [1] 6 5 30 30
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Suggested solutions MaD6NVCO08 2. First find y( x ) and then calculate y(0) 2 y = 3 sin 5 x + a) 3
NV-College - Sjdalsgymnasiet
[2/0] [2/0]
y(0) = 15 (0 2) = 60
y = 3 5 (5 x 2) y = 15 (5x 2)
3. Give the period and amplitude of the following equation y = 5 cos(3x + 30) 2 (2/0) Suggested solutions: a) Answer: The amplitude of y = 5 cos(3x + 30) 2 is 5 . [1] Answer: Period of y = 5 cos(3x + 30) 2 is T = 120 . [1] The period of the function may be calculated using 360 3 T = 360 T = T = 120 3 Second method: The period of the function may be calculated using the wave number of the function, i.e. k in y = A cos(kx + B ) + C . k = 3 means there are three complete waves in 360 . Therefore: 360 T= T = 120 3
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NV-College - Sjdalsgymnasiet
Part II G-Level (You may use a calculator. Hand in part I before using a calculator.)
4. The function y = 4 sin x + 3 cos x is given. a) Express the function y = 4 sin x + 3 cos x as y = m sin ( x ) . b) Differentiate analytically the function, and solve y( x ) = 0 Suggested solution: a) Answer: y = 4 sin x + 3 cos x = 5 sin ( x + 37) Use:
[2/0] [4/0]
y = a sin x + b cos x = a 2 + b 2 sin ( x + ) where a > 0, b > 0, 0 < < 90, tan =
y = 4 sin x + 3 cos x
b a
m = a 2 + b 2 = 4 2 + 32 = 5 a = 4 b 3 1 3 b = 3 tan = = = tan = 36.87 37 a 4 4 y = 4 sin x + 3 cos x = 5 sin ( x + 37) b) Answer: x 53 + n 180 n N First method: y = 4 sin x + 3 cos x y = 4 cos x 3 sin x 4 cos x 3 sin x = 0 3 sin x = 4 cos x 3 sin x 4 cos x 4 4 = 3 tan x = 4 tan x = x = tan 1 3 sin x = 4 cos x cos x cos x 3 3 Answer: x 53 + n 180 n N Second method: Use y = 4 sin x + 3 cos x = 5 sin ( x + 37) y = 5 cos( x + 37) y = 0 5 cos( x + 37) = 0 5 cos( x + 37) = 0 x + 37 = cos 1 0 x + 37 = 90 + n 180 x = 90 37 + n 180 Answer: x 53 + n 180 n N
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NV-College - Sjdalsgymnasiet
5. The figure below is a graphical representation of the function y = B + A sin(kx) . Using the figure find the constants A , B , and k . [4/0]
y = B + A sin (kx )
9,42 x [rad]
1 3
The amplitude is: A = 9 cm y ymin 3 ( 15) 3 + 15 18 = A = max = = = 9 cm . [1] 2 2 2 2 y = B + 9 sin(kx) cm B = 6 cm B = 6 cm [1] y(0) = 6 cm 1 The wave number is k = . This is due to the fact that in T = 6 = 18.84 rad . 3 2 2 1 1 = = k= Therefore k = [2] T 6 3 3
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NV-College - Sjdalsgymnasiet
6. Use cos( ) = sin sin + cos cos and sin( + ) = sin cos + cos sin to 3 simplify y = cos(3x ) + sin(3x + ) the expression below as far as possible. [4/0] 2 Suggested solution: Answer: y = 2 sin 3x [1] 3 y = cos(3x ) + sin(3x + ) 2 3 3 y = sin 3x sin + cos 3x cos + sin(3x) cos( ) + cos(3x) sin( ) [1] 2 2 y = sin 3x ( 1) + cos 3x (0) + sin(3x) ( 1) + cos(3x) (0) = 2 sin 3x [2] Using sin( ) = sin cos cos sin , cos ( ) = cos ( )cos ( ) + sin ( )sin ( ) 3 3 cos( ) = 0 , sin( ) = 1 , cos = 1 , sin = 0 2 2 7. Find the equation of the tangent to the curve of f ( x ) = 3 sin 2 x 2 cos 3 x at x =
Suggested solution: Answer: y = 12 x + 6 If y = kx + m is the equation of the tangent to the curve of
f ( x ) = 3 sin 2 x 2 cos 3 x at x =
/ 2 3 y 2 = f 2 k 2 + m = 3 sin 2 2 cos 2 k 2 + m = 0 m = k 2 / / k = f (0) k = 6 cos 2 + 6 sin 3 k = 6 6 = 12 m = ( 12) = 6 / 2 2 2 Answer: The equation of the tangent to the curve of the function
f ( x ) = 3 sin 2 x 2 cos 3 x at x =
is y = 12 x + 6
Tangent to the function 6 4 2 f(x), y 0 -2 -4 -6 0,00 0,52 1,05 1,57 2,09 2,62 3,14 3,67 4,19 4,71 5,24 5,76 6,28
y = 12 x + 6
f (x ) = 3 sin 2 x 2 cos 3x
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NV-College - Sjdalsgymnasiet
Goals that pupils should have attained on completion of the course. Pupils should: 1: be able to independently analyse, implement and report, orally and in writing, a more comprehensive task where knowledge from different areas of mathematics is used. 4-5: be able to formulate, analyse and solve mathematical problems of importance for applications and their selected study orientations with an in-depth knowledge of concepts and methods learned in earlier courses Trigonometry (T): T1: be able to use a circle to define trigonometric concepts, show trigonometric relationships and provide complete solutions for simple trigonometric equations, as well as be able to use these in solving problems T2: be able to draw graphs of trigonometric functions, as well as use these functions as models for real periodic processes T3: be able to derive and use formulae which are needed to transform simple trigonometric expressions, and solve trigonometric equations T4: be able to calculate the sides and angles of a triangle Differential and Integral Calculus (D): D5: be able to explain the rules for derivatives and be able themselves to derive these for trigonometric functions, logarithmic functions, compound functions, product and quotients of functions, as well as be able to apply these rules in solving problems D6: be able to use derivatives of second order in different application contexts D7: be able to explain and use the thinking behind some of the methods for solving numerical equations, as well as when solving problems, be able to use graphical, numerical or software for processing mathematical symbols D8: be able to explain the concept of differential equations, and be able to give examples of some simple differential equations, and present problem situations where they can occur D9: be able to determine primitive functions and use these in solving problems D10: be able to explain the meaning of the concept of integrals, and clarify the relationship between integrals and derivatives, as well as set up, interpret and use integrals in different types of basic applications D11: be able to present the thinking behind and be able to use some methods of numerical integration, as well as when solving problems, be able to use graphical, numerical or symbol processing software to calculate integrals
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NV-College - Sjdalsgymnasiet
G1: Pupils use appropriate mathematical concepts, methods, models and procedures to formulate and solve problems in one step. G2: Pupils carry out mathematical reasoning, both orally and in writing. G3: Pupils use mathematical terms, symbols and conventions, and carry out calculations in such a way that it is possible to follow, understand and examine the thinking expressed. G4: Pupils differentiate between guesses and assumptions from given facts, as well as deductions and proof. Grading Criteria for Pass with distinction (VG) V1: Pupils use appropriate mathematical concepts, methods, models and procedures to formulate and solve different types of problems. V2: Pupils participate in and carry out mathematical reasoning, both orally and in writing. V3: Pupils provide mathematical interpretations of situations and events, as well as carry out and present their work with logical reasoning, both orally and in writing. V4: Pupils use mathematical terms, symbols and conventions, as well as carry out calculations in such a way that it is easy to follow, understand and examine the thinking they express, both orally and in writing. V5: Pupils demonstrate accuracy concerning calculations and solutions to different kinds of problems, and use their knowledge from different fields of mathematics. V6: Pupils give examples of how mathematics has developed and been used throughout history, and the importance it has in our time in a number of different areas. Criteria for Pass with special distinction (MVG) M1: Pupils formulate and develop problems, choose general methods and models for problem solving, as well as demonstrate clear thinking in correct mathematical language. M2: Pupils analyse and interpret the results from different kinds of mathematical reasoning and problem solving. M3: Pupils participate in mathematical discussions and provide mathematical proof, both orally and in writing. M4: Pupils evaluate and compare different methods, draw conclusions from different types of mathematical problems and solutions, as well as assess the reasonableness and validity of their conclusions. M5: Pupils describe some of the influences of mathematics in the past and present on the development of our working and societal life, as well as on our culture.
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NV-College - Sjdalsgymnasiet
Summery of how the goal and criteria are affected by the test (including VG/MVG-level test) MaD6NVCO08
G V G 1a 1b 2a 2b 3 4a 4b 5 6 7 8a 8b 8c 9 10a 10b 11 12 13 14 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 29 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 4 3 3 5 2 3 4 5 0 V G
Trigonometry Trigonometry
Differentiation-Integrals 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
G 1 2 3 4
VG 1 2 3 4 5 6
MVG 1 2 3 4 5
27 1 4
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