Vg/Mvg-Level Test On Algebra and Functions: Quadratic Equations, Exponential Equations, Logarithms, Simultaneous Equations Mac1Nvco08 Instructions
Vg/Mvg-Level Test On Algebra and Functions: Quadratic Equations, Exponential Equations, Logarithms, Simultaneous Equations Mac1Nvco08 Instructions
Vg/Mvg-Level Test On Algebra and Functions: Quadratic Equations, Exponential Equations, Logarithms, Simultaneous Equations Mac1Nvco08 Instructions
VG/MVG-Level Test on Algebra and Functions: Quadratic Equations, Exponential Equations, Logarithms, Simultaneous Equations MaC1NVCO08 Warning: There are more than one versions of the test. Instructions Test period 11:00-12:25. You are not allowed to use calculator in this part. Resources The test Formula sheet, your personalised formula booklet, ruler, protractor and a graphic calculator. For all items a single answer is not enough. It is also expected that you write down what you do that you explain/motivate your reasoning that you draw any necessary illustrations. Try all of the problems. It can be relatively easy, even towards the end of the test, to receive some points for partial solutions. A positive evaluation can be given even for unfinished solutions. Score and mark levels The maximum score is 26 points.. The maximum number of points you can receive for each solution is indicated after each problem. If a problem can give 2 Pass-points and 1 Pass with distinction-point this is written [2/1]. Some problems are marked with , which means that they more than other problems offer opportunities to show knowledge that can be related to the criteria for Pass with Special Distinction in Assessment Criteria 2000. Lower limit for the mark on the test G: Pass: VG: Pass with distinction:
points At least 25 points on the G-level test, and 10 VG points in this test. Alternative: Minimum of 14 points in this test. At least 25 points on the G-level test, and 18 VG points in this test. High quality of calculations and deep level of understanding must be illustrated through out the test, especially in problems 6 and 7. Alternative: Minimum of 22 points in this test as well as the high quality Enjoy it! Behzad
Only the marked problems in the box below will be graded. 1 VG/ 2 VG 2 4 3 4 4 2 5 4 6 4 6 7a 3 7b 3 7b Sum 26 Grade
Solve all of the problems in test sheet in the space available: 1 1 + y x 1. Simplify 1 1 2 2 y x 1 1 + xy y x = Solution: Answer: 1 1 2 x y 2 y x 1 1 1 1 + + y x 1 1 1 xy y x = = = = = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 x 1 y x y x y + xy y 2 x 2 y x y x y x y x x y Second Method: (x + y ) 1 1 + (x + y ) x 2 y 2 = (x + y ) xy xy = xy y x xy = 2 = 1 1 (x + y )(x y ) x y x y2 xy x2 y2 xy 2 2 2 2 y x x y
1 1 x
Solution: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 = = f (x ) = f ( f ( x )) = = = = / / x 1 x 1 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 f (x ) 1 1 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x x 1 1 1 1 x 1 1 1 f ( f ( x )) = = f ( f ( f ( x ))) = = = = =x x / / x 1 f ( f ( x )) 1 x 1 x x 1 x x + 1 x 1 x x x x Answer: f ( f ( f ( x ))) = x The function f ( f ( f ( x ))) = x is plotted in the figure below:
50 40 30 20 10 -50 -40 -30 -20 0 -10 -10 0 -20 -30 -40 -50 x y 10 20 30 40 50
f (x ) =
1 f ( f ( f ( x ))) = x 1 x
In 1960 there were approximately 20 000 grey seals in the Baltic Sea. Due to the high levels of environmental pollutants, the number of seals then decreased dramatically. The decrease was exponential and in 1980 there were only 2 000 grey seals left. a) What was the average yearly percent decrease of the number of grey seals between 1960 and 1980?
The seal population has partially recovered since 1980. There were approximately 100 000 grey seal 1904. Today there are approximately 18 000 grey seals in the Baltic Sea. According to a prognosis from the Environmental Protection Agency, the number of grey seals will increase exponentially at a rate of 6.5 % per year for the next few years. b) In what year will the number of grey seals pass 50 000 which is 50% of its Krecorded level 1904, if the prognosis holds true? [0/2] Suggested Solution:
a) Answer: The average yearly percent decrease of the number of grey seals between 1960 and 1980 was 11%
2000 = 20000 x 20 0.10 = x 20 x = 0.10 20 = 0.891 yearly decrease = 1 0.891 = 0.109 = 10.9% 11%
[0/1] [0/1]
b) Answer: Year 2025 number of grey seals will again reach 50 000 if the prognosis holds rue. [0/1] 50 25 25 50 000 = 18 000 1.065 t 1.065 t = 1.065t = log (1.065 t ) = log 18 9 9 25 log 25 9 = 16.2 16 year year 2009 + 16 = 2025 t log(1.065) = log t = log(1.065) 9 [0/1]
4. At the beginning of the year 2000, Jenny bought shares worth 100 000 kr in an IT-fund. Five years later the value had decreased to 18 000 kr . Calculate the yearly percentage decrease in value of her shares, if it is assumed that it was constant during 2000-2005 [0/2] Suggested Solutions: Answer: The IT-fund lost its value at the annual rate of 29% in the period 2000-2005. Lets assume the IT-fund decreased to of x % of its value every year, for five consecutive year. Then we may be express the whole process as: 18 000 = 100 000 x 5 [0/1] 1 18 000 /// x5 = = 0.18 x = (0.18)5 x 0.71 100 000 /// Answer: The IT-fund lost its value at the annual rate of [0/1] 29% in the period 2000-2005.
x 4 log = 20 5. Solve the following simultaneous equations: y 3 log( x y ) = 21 Solution: Answers: x = 106 , y = 101 , and x = 106 , y = 101 First Method: x 20 x 4 x =5 log = log = 20 log x log y = 5 y 4 4 log = 20 y y 21 log x + log y = 7 3 log( x y ) = 21 3 log( x y ) = 21 log( x y ) = 3 = 7
log x log y = 5 add 12 2 log x = 5 + 7 = 12 log x = log x = 6 x = 10 6 2 log x + log y = 7 Substitute log x = 6 in log x + log y = 7 : log x + log y = 7 6 + log y = 7 log y = 7 6 log y = 1 y = 101
x = 106 , y = 101
Note: We may note that x = 106 , y = 101 are also a solution of the simultaneous equations. This set of answers may be unnoticed and therefore missed in this method. Second Method: x 20 x 4 x x =5 5 log = x = 10 5 y = 20 = 20 log 4 log y 4 y = 10 5 y y 10 y y = 10 7 3 log( x y ) = 21 log( ) = 21 = 7 x y = 10 7 3 x y log( x y ) = 21 3 5 5 5 y = 10 x = 10 y = 10 10 x = 10 7 x = 10 y 2 2 y = 10 x = 10 5 y = 10 5 ( 10) x = 10 6 y = 10 Answers: x = 106 , y = 101 , and x = 106 , y = 101
log 64 x = 1.5 log16 log 64 log 32 64 = x 32 x = 64 log(32 x ) = log 64 x log 32 = log 64 x = x = 1.2 log 32 log 64 64 = 1
The Earth has about 4.50 1013 m 2 farm land. It is found experimentally that with the current technology approximately 5 000 m 2 farming land per person is needed to feed the world population. The world population has grown tremendously over the past two thousand years. In 1960 , the world population passed the three billion mark, i.e. 3.0 109 . Within only 39 years, in 1999 , the world population was doubled and passed six billion, i.e. 6.0 109 . Latest official current world population 1 estimate, for mid-year 2009, is estimated at 6 790 062 216 , i.e. approximately 6.8 109 . If it is assumed that the population growth is an exponential function, and the current rate of the population growth stays the same, and the experimentally found 5 000 m 2 needed agricultural land per person is constant. Calculate the year which we may not be able to find sufficient farming land on the face of the Earth to support the world population. [0/3] A few of very important deserts of the world are listed in the table below. If, somehow, the technology is developed so much that all of the listed deserts of the world of the total area 1.3 107 km 2 are converted to additional agricultural land, which year the Earth can no longer feed its growing population? Desert km square Location [0/3/]
Sahara Arabian Desert Chihuahuan Desert Taklamakan Desert Sonoran Desert 9 100 000 North Africa 2 330 000 Middle East 450 000 Mexico-USA 270 000 China 310 000 USA-Mexico 200 000 India-Pakistan
Suggested Solution: Exponential Model: y = C a t Where y (t ) the population of the Earth as a function of time
Thar Desert
C 3.0 109 is the population of the Earth year 1960 which will be treated as the base year. a is the growth rate of the population per year t years is the time in years calculated from 1960. Using the data for 1999: 1 6 .0 9 9 19991960 39 39 6 10 = 3.0 10 a a = a = 2 = 1.0179 3 .0
Atacama Desert 140 000 Chile-Peru Dasht-e Kavir 77 000 Iran Mojave Desert 65 000 USA Sum 12 942 000
y = 3.0 10 9 2 39 The total agricultural land of the Earth may feed only nine billion people: 4.50 1013 m 2 = 9.0 109 3 2 5 10 m / p
Therefore, we may use y = 3.0 10 9 2 39 to find the time the population of the Earth passes the limit 9.0 109 . 2009/09/30
3.0 10 2
t 39
= 9.0 10 2
t 39
= 3 log 2
t 39
= log 3
T : 1960 + 62 = 2022
But we may notice that the rate of the population growth slowed down during late 1990s as well as the first decade of the twenty first century. We may take the latest data, and try to fit our model to them: 1999 6 billion Taking 1999 as the reference year: 2006 6.5 billion 6.8 109 = 6.0 109 a 20091999 2009 6.8 billion 1 6.8 34 34 10 a10 = = a = 1.0126 Much better! 6.0 30 30
34 10 34 10 34 10 6.0 10 9 = 9.0 10 9 = 1.5 log = log1.5 30 30 30 t 10 log1.5 34 log = log1.5 t = = 32.4 33 years 10 34 30 log 30 T : 1999 + 33 = 2032
Therefore, if the population growth continues at the current rate, year 2032 the current agricultural land of the Earth will not be able to feed the nine billion population of the Earth, and we may search for new agricultural lands or improve the agricultural technology. The additional new agricultural lands of 1.3 10 7 km 2 = 1.3 1013 m 2 will increase the total agricultural land to 4.50 1013 m 2 + 1.3 1013 m 2 = 5.8 1013 m 2 . This much land, assuming at most can feed 1.16 1010 : 5.8 1013 m 2 = 1.16 1010 3 2 5 10 m / p Similar to the calculations above: 34 10 34 10 34 10 6.0 10 = 1.16 1010 = 1.93 log = log1.93 30 30 30 t 10 log1.93 34 log = log1.93 t = = 52.7 53 years 10 34 30 log 30 Answer year: T : 2052 T : 1999 + 53 = 2052 Not much a difference! We are doomed unless some drastic changes take place, and possibly by educating people and a more sophisticated conscious birth-control decrease the rate of increase in the population.
9 t t t