Vaapad Form Mastery

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Vaapad Form Mastery (Force Feat)

You are skilled in the Form known has Vaapad and are capable of using your opponents Darkness against him. This is an extremely difficult style, designed by Mace Windu and Sora Bulq, the latter of the two fell into the Darkness and was instead mastered by the style he helped create. Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +7, Knight Defense, Empathy 6 Ranks, See Force 6 Ranks, and Battlemind 5 Ranks. Benefit: As a move action you may spend one Vitality Point to enter into the Vaapad state, after this, each time a foe uses a dark side power to gain an edge over a Master of Vaapad, the Vaapad Master gains one half (rounded down) of any bonus the dark sider gains. If the dark sider uses Burst of Speed you gain half (rounded down) its ability, for every bonus to attack and defense you gain half (rounded down) the bonus granted to the dark sider. All bonuses are useable for as long as the opponent has those bonuses active. Special: Every two rounds you must make a Will saving throw vs. half your opponents dark side point total and half any force class levels he/she possesses. This Will save is made at the start of the players action. Failure instantly earns the Vaapad user 1 dark side point and loss of all bonuses gained from this style. Use of the style may not be reattempted for 2 rounds afterwards. Every four rounds this will save is increased by a DC of +1. This Will save is also increase by DC of +1 for every dark side point the player possesses. Example: A Player enters into combat using the Vaapad Form vs. a Dark Jedi, this combat lasts for ten rounds. On the second, fourth, sixth, eighth and tenth rounds the Player will be required to make a Will save at the start of his or her action. On the fourth round the DC increases by+1, and again on the eighth round the DC increases by +1 for a total increase of +2 for the combat. If you fail two will saves within six rounds of each other(allowing for the round before reattempting use of the style for the first save) you immediately falls into the depths of his foes darkness and is affected has if under the Rage feat for four rounds, after which time you may make another Will save to recover. You suffer full effects of the Rage feat including gaining one dark side point (in addition to the dark side point gained for failing the initial Will save). Example: Using the Example above if the player fails the Will save on round four, then again on round six restarts using Vaapad, and then fails the round ten Will save, he will enter the Dark Rage as described above. Should a Vaapad practitioner become tainted and still uses Vaapad, he enters a Dark Rage as per the Rage feat automatically unless a Will save vs. 12 + Your DSP total is made.

Dun Mch Mastery (Force Feat)

You are skilled at intimidating your opponent by exhibiting your mastery of the Force in combat to force your opponent into letting his guard down and adopting a stance of fear and/or hopelessness. Prerequisite: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Lightsaber),Force-Sensitive, Control, Alter, Intimidate 8 ranks, Dark Side Points 3+ Benefit: When in combat, make an Intimidate check (which sets the DC for the target's Will save). By succeeding at the Intimidate check you gain a +1 bonus (plus +1 per five points by which the target failed the save) to attack rolls for the rest of the combat. Additionally, the opponent is shaken for a number of rounds equal to twice your Charisma modifier (minimum 2),unless the opponent failed the save by ten or more, in which case he is panicked for the same amount of time, and shaken for the same time afterwards. Force Defense adds its bonus to Will saves against this ability. Special: If you used Move Object to attack your opponent, or Fear against the opponent before using this ability, you gain a+2 bonus to your Intimidate check for each successful usage (a one-time bonus for using each skill). For instance, if you used Move Object twice in mid-attack, and Fear at the start, you gain a +4 bonus to your Intimidate check (+2 for using Move Object and +2 for using Fear).


Mace Windu gains a Wisdom modifier to any single skill check, ability check, saving

throw, or attack; once per scene up to 1/3his level per day (round down). Penalty: During combat, if Mace uses this ability while engaged in Vaapad he must succeed in a Will save DC 20 + 1/2 the number of current Dark Side Points, or fall into a Dark Rage as per the Vaapad Form Mastery feat.

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