5e D&D Homebrew Additions 2
5e D&D Homebrew Additions 2
5e D&D Homebrew Additions 2
2nd Edition
Aiden Doss
Table of Contents
3………………………………………………………………….....Base-Class Subclasses
3…………………………………………………………....Barbarian Path of the Warchief
4……………………………………………...Fighter Martial Archetype: Shield Guardian
5……………………………………………………....………...Monk: Way of the Dragon
6……………………………………………………......Ranger- Bounty Hunter Archetype
8……………………………………………………....……….Rogue: Archetype
9……………………………………………………....……Sorcerer: Starspawn Bloodline
11……………………………………………………………………………...New Classes
11………………………………………………………………………..5th Edition Vector
26……………………………………………………………………………….New Races
26……………………………………………………..Aasimar Subrace: Warborn
To those who have obtained this, first of all, you have my thanks, just knowing that
someone has not only willingly put the time and effort into looking this over makes me smile.
Thinking, perhaps this wasn’t a waste of time putting together this handy-dandy packet. Just to
make someone else’s game a little bit of a fun experience and game with these additions. The
following packet contains six subclasses for the base classes in Dungeons and Dragons 5th
edition, three custom races that you can add into your setting and world, and one custom class
that can add some variety to your characters and play style. This is the second release of mine
into the Dungeon Masters guild, and the wide variety of the D&D community, and it certainly
isn’t all of my own doing, a number of people have inspired me throughout my tabletop gaming
- The Cast of Critical Role, Travis Willingham, Laura Bailey, Sam Riegel, Liam O’brien,
Ashley Johnson, Taliesin Jaffe, Marisha Ray, and Matthew Mercer, for getting me started
in 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons.
- My family, friends, and gamers that have been a part of my gaming groups since 2010.
If you are interested in more of my creations, I plan to release other packets like this. Thank you
for reading, now, roll a dice and tell a story.
Base-Class Subclasses
Chieften’s Chant
Starting at level 3, when you adopt this path, you gain the ability to inspire your allies
with a powerful war chant. You can use your bonus action, while in a rage, to shout the name of
an ally, granting them advantage on their next attack. (if they make more than one attack, it only
effects their first attack.) Or you can use your bonus action to taunt an enemy, and you must
make an Intimidation check, and they must make a Wisdom saving throw. If your Intimidation
check beats their Wisdom saving throw, they have disadvantage on their next attack. When you
deal damage to a creature on your turn, the next ally to deal damage to them deal an additional
1d4 points of damage.
War Beast
Starting at level 6, you become a source of deafening fury on the battlefield. When you
are in a rage, as an action you can let out a powerful roar, enemies within 20 ft. of you must
make a Wisdom saving throw (DC= 10+Prof. modifier+Cha.) If creatures fail, they take
2d4+Cha points of sonic damage and become deafened. Every six levels after 6th, the damage
increases by an additional 2d4. Every four levels after 6 th. the range of your roar increases by 10
ft. When you deal damage to a creature on your turn, the next ally to deal damage to them deal
an additional 1d6 points of damage.
Banner Lord
Starting at level 10, you carry a banner into battle with a design of your choice. Allies
that have line of sight of your banner have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
saving throws. When you deal damage to a creature on your turn, the next ally to deal damage to
them deal an additional 1d8 points of damage.
Voice of a Chief
Starting at level 14, creatures that are hit by your roar that fail their saving throws now
also become frightened. When you use your bonus action to shout at an ally, they now gain
advantage on all attacks on their turn. When you use your bonus action to shout at an enemy,
they now have disadvantage on all attacks and saving throws. When you deal damage to a
creature on your turn, the next ally to deal damage to them deal an additional 1d10 points of
Starting at 3rd level, you become proficient using shields, and they are considered a
one-handed weapon for the purpose of abilities or feats. As an action, when you attack, you may
use your shield as a weapon, it deals 1d4+Str bludgeoning damage. If you use a shield as your
weapon, and wield no other weapons, you may use your off hand to make an unarmed attack as a
bonus action, and deal 1d4+Str damage. When your attack has two or more attacks, your attacks
with this ability go in order; Shield, Unarmed, Shield, Unarmed, Shield. When using a shield, the
bonus to your armor class from your shield increases to +3.
Rapid Parry
Starting at 7th level, As a reaction, you can make an attack roll against a creature that is
making an attack toward an ally of yours within 5 ft. of you. If your attack is successful, you may
add your shield bonus to your AC to the AC of your ally. This attack does not deal damage.
Greater Discus
Starting at 10th level, Your shield damage increases to 1d6+Str. You may use your shield
as a limited ranged weapon, as a single attack, you may fling your shield at an enemy within 10
ft. of you, if the attack is successful, you deal normal damage to the creature. The shield will fly
back, and you must make a dexterity saving throw (DC- 10) to catch the shield. The bonus to
your AC from your shield now increases to +4.
Wall of Steel
Starting at 15th level, If you are standing between an ally and an enemy that is targeting
them, you give them ¾ cover. Projectile attacks have disadvantage when targeting you or any
ally of yours within 5 ft. of you.
Starting at 18th level, the range of your ranged shield attack increases to 20 ft. and your
shield damage increases to 1d10+Str. Your unarmed bonus attack now deals 1d8+Str damage.
The bonus to your AC from your shield now increases to +5. You grant all allies within 5 ft. of
you a +2 to their AC.
Dragon Palm
Starting at level 3, you gain a new attack option that you can use with the attack action.
This special attack allows you a small burst of draconic energy from your palms by expending 1
ki point. When you spend the key point you may choose one energy release from the table. This
attack deals 2d4 points of the energy damage. The die changes as you gain monk levels, as
shown in the martial arts column of the monk table.
When you gain the Extra Attack feature, this special attack can be used for any of the attacks you
make as part of the Attack action while still expending a ki point for each attack.
Scale Guard
Starting at level 6, you may expend 2 ki points to grow scales across your body for an
hour. These scales make your base natural armor 12+Dex+Wis (when unarmored). You may
expend an additional 2 ki points to increase the natural armor to 13.
Flying Form
Starting at level 11, you may expend 2 ki points to grow a pair of draconic wings,
granting you a fly speed equal to your movement speed (including your Monk’s extra speed).
These wings last for one hour. You may expend additional ki points to keep the wings for an
additional hour per 2 ki points spent.
Purest Form
Starting at level 17, You may expend 6 ki points to transform into a Wyvern for up to an
hour. This ability ends early if you are reduced to 0 hit points, in which case you revert back to
your normal form, if the damage exceeds your total hit points as a Wyvern, the damage transfers
to your natural form’s hit points. You may only expend this ability once per long rest, however,
you may expend any amount of ki points when you use this ability. For each 3 you expend
beyond the first 6, you gain an additional hour of time in your Wyvern form.
Ranger- Bounty Hunter Archetype
For the hunter of men who run, you are the one who drags them in by their ankles or
carries them in by their hair. Use a rope and hook to drag your enemies closer to your grasp only
to knock them out, and let your hunger for the hunt drive you forever.
You learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class. The spell counts
as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of ranger spells you know.
9th Nondetection
Master Knotwork
At 3rd level, you have become the master of the rope, both when it comes to preparing
for dangerous climbs, and detaining your foes.
You are able to utilize a grappling hook on a rope as a weapon, this hook deals 1d4+Dex
and has a reach of 15 ft. if a creature is hit by your grappling hook then it is now stick to their
creature. You may use an action to make a strength check against them to pull them 5 ft. closer
to you. You are able to take one minute to set up a rope work that grants you advantage on all
checks made while climbing, and increase your movement speed while climbing to half your
normal speed. In addition to this, you have advantage on rolls made to detain your target, and
may use rope to tie up grappled, unconscious, or helpless targets.
At 3rd level, if an attack by you would deal enough damage to a humanoid target to drop
them below 0 hit points, you may instead choose to leave them at 1 hit point and render them
unconscious They remain unconscious and are considered helpless for 1d6+2 hours or until an
action is taken to awaken them (ex. Being submerged in water, exposed to a loud sound, slapped,
or similar actions.)
At 7th level, you are an expert at hunting people, a hunter of law breakers. As an action,
you may select someone to be your target. You have advantage on tracking your target,
regardless of the creature’s type. You deal an additional +1d4 damage to your target. If your
target dies, you may use an action to select a new target. At 10th level, you deal an additional
+1d6 damage, at 16th level you deal an additional +1d10 damage.
At 11th level, you can utilize your attack as a single unarmed strike against a creature of
your size or smaller, that deals 1d4+Str damage. If the attack is successful, the target must make
a CON saving throw (DC=8+damage dealt.) If they succeed, the are immune to a knock-out
attack for 24 hours, if they fail they are knocked unconcious for 1d4+Str rounds. If a creature
Endless Pursuit
At 15th level, If a creature that you have targeted escaped a fight, you will not rest till
you catch them. As long as they remain your target, you are immune to the exhaustion effect, and
only require four hours for it to be considered a long rest. You always know the direction of your
target. Your speed increases by +5 as long as you are traveling toward your target, and your
partie’s marching speed increases by 4 miles.
Identity Crisis
Starting at level 3, you craft a new identity for yourself as this vigilante figure. While it
takes 1 minute to put on your disguise for your character, while in your other identity you cannot
be identified as your true self (unless the disguise is removed.) And you gain proficiency in
Intimidation while in your disguise (if you already have proficiency, you gain double
Calling Card
Starting at level 9, you are able to study a target as an action. You must select one enemy
and select them as your target. You can reroll all 1’s on damage die (including sneak attack
damage) on attacks against your target. When that target reaches 0 hit points, you gain a number
of temporary hit points 3d6+Rogue level, and you leave behind a token of your deed. Once you
have used this feature, you cannot use it again until your next short or long rest.
At level 14 the temporary hit points increase to 6d6+Rogue level.
Night Warden
Starting at level 13, the first time you deal sneak attack damage to a creature, the target
must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC= 8+Proficiency Bonus+Dex. Modifier.) If they fail, they
become afraid of the Rogue Vigilante. You can now change the subject of your study as a bonus
action once the studied targets hit points reach 0.
Starting at level 17, you have advantage on attacks against your studied target, creatures
that attack you while you are in melee range of your studied target have disadvantage.
Sleepless Gaze
At 1st level, the amount of time required for you to take a long rest is half of what it
normally is.
At 3rd level, when you are taking a long rest, you cannot be surprised.
Hive Voice
At 1st level during a long rest, you can select a number of creatures equal to your
charisma modifier that are within 30 ft. of you. As long as the chosen creatures are within 60 feet
of you, you may telepathically communicate with them. You must share a language for them to
understand you, and they must be able to understand a language for you to be able to select them.
Sea of Stars
At 6th level, if you don’t already have Magic Missile as a spell, you now gain Magic
Missle as a permanent spell. You will always use Magic Missile as if you had cast it at one level
higher. (ex. Using a level 1 spell slots causes it to be cast as if it was a level 2.) At 13th level
your Sea of Stars magic missile projectiles deal 1d4+2 damage instead of 1d4+1. At 20th level,
they deal 1d6+2 damage instead of 1d4+2.
Deep Mind
At 6th level, you have advantage on insight checks to determine the intentions of your
target, or their honesty.
At 14th level, as long as you are able to see, smell, or hear a sea, an ocean, a river, or a
pond, your magic gains power. You are able to reroll 1’s on damage rolls.
Old One’s Blood
At 18th level, you have advantage on saving throws against Illusion, Enchantment, and
Divination spells. You are able to hold your breath for a number of hours equal to your
Constitution modifier without oxygen.
New Classes
Some form of cruel and malevolent being might have put these creatures on the world,
per perhaps it is a selective virus, only infecting those it finds worthy of itself. This virus, this
pathogen, this mutation, forces the body to change and protect itself. It forces the being to
become stronger, faster, and able to manipulate itself to its environment. This is a virus made to
survive, to change to complete its current purpose in the world. And the Vector has these powers,
the Vector is able to strike out using their biological powers, innate shapeshifting powers to
change their body.But this, and the viral scourge that follows them causes them to be viewed as
terrors, horrors, beacons of plague. Their biological shape-changing abilities grant them a variety
of deadly tools and powers, some for transportation or utility, some for combat, both offensively
and defensiveness.
3 +2 Strain Advancement 2
4 +2 Ability Score Improvement 2
5 +3 Extra Attack 3
7 +3 Strain Advancement 3
9 +4 - 4
10 +5 Mass Regeneration 5
11 +5 - 5
13 +5 Network of Nerves 6
14 +5 - 6
15 +5 - 7
17 +6 Strain Advancement 7
18 +6 - 7
19 +6 - 8
Basic Features
Hit Points
- Hit Dice: 1d10 per Vector level
- Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
- Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per Vector level
after 1st.
- Armor: None
- Weapon: Simple Weapons
- Tools: One type of Artisan’s or one Musical Instrument
- Saving Throws: Constitution, Dexterity
- Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Intimidation, Medicine, or
- Two daggers or any simple weapons
- A Burglars Pack or an Explorer’s Pack
Unarmored Defence
At 1st level, while you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your
Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
Biomass Multiplier
At 1st level, when you attack with an unarmed attack, you deal 1d4+Str damage. You
count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push,
drag, or lift. (If you are a Goliath, Firbolg, or a race with the Powerful Build trait, this ability
does not improve your carrying, push, drag, or lift capacity.)
Viral Strain
At 1st level, you select which type of the virus you are infected with, each type of virus
has different side-effects, and way to survive. Choose Transmutative, Contagious, or Volatile, all
detailed at the end of the class description. The archetype you choose grants you features at 3rd
level, and again at 7th, 12th, and 17th.
At 2nd level, you gain access to the ability to manipulate the biomass of the virus,
allowing you to alter your physicality. This is represented by a number of Evolution points. Your
Vector level determines the number of points you have.
You can spend these points to fuel various features. You start knowing three features:
Mass Accelerant, Mass Reduction, and Quickening. You learn more abilities you can spend your
Evolution points on as you gain levels and advance in your Strain.
When you spend an evolution point, it is unavailable until you finish a short or long rest,
at the end of which you will regain your evolution points as long as you have eaten a sufficient
amount of biological matter (can be grass, rations, meat, blood, etc.)
Some of your evolution features require your target to make a saving throw to resist the
feature’s effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:
Evolution Manifestation
At 2nd level, you gain two Evolution Manifestations of your choice. When you gain
certain Vector levels, you gain additional manifestations of your choice, as shown in the
Evolution Manifestation column of the Vector table. Additionally, when you gain a level in this
class, you can choose one of the Manifestations you know and replace it with another
Manifestation that you could learn at that level.
Virus Assimilation
At 6th level, the virus has completely worked its way through your system, you are now
immune to diseases, and resistant to poison damage.
Organic Rejection
At 6th level, your body becomes accustomed to losing pieces of your biomass, and are
able to reject certain effects on your body. As a reaction, you can spend one evolution point to
become immune to poison damage until the end of your turn. You can also spend an evolution
point to gain advantage on Saving Throws against Transmutation spells (except if they affect an
object you are wearing: example- Heat Metal.)
Mass Regeneration
At 10th level, you are able to grow back body parts, the length of time varying based on
the complexity of the organ, as shown on the table below. You are also now able to regain
evolution points by ingesting a large amount of organic matter. You may spend five minutes
ingesting a number of pounds of biological material, and regain a number of evolution points
equal to or less than half your Vector level (rounded up.) This ability can be used once per long
Network of Nerves
At 13th level, your entire body is working together in perfect unison, and are able to react
in an instant to situations. You now have advantage on initiative checks, and cannot be surprised.
You may now spend 1 or more Evolution Points and gain the ability of Tremorsense for 10
minutes per Evolution Point spent.
Transmutive Strain
Constant Change
At 1st level, the Transmutative Strain’s constant mutations and changes grants you the
ability to disguise your body. Acting as if you are using the Disguise Self spell. This lasts for a
number of hours equal to your Constitution modifier.
Membrane of Change
At 3rd level, you are able to spend 1 Evolution point to cover someone else in a thin
membrane of your biomass, acting as if you to cast the Disguise Self spell on them. This lasts
for a number of hours equal to your Constitution modifier. You are able to do this to a number of
creatures equal to the amount of Evolution points spent.
DNA Extraction
At 7th level, when you deal two successful attacks against a creature, you are able to
draw biomass from them, and learn about their abilities. You may ask the Dungeon Master two
questions about the creatures.
- What is it’s Resistances?
- What is it’s Immunities?
- What is it’s Strength Ability Score?
- What is it’s Armor Class?
- Etc…
Biomass Replicant
At 12th level, you can spend 2 Evolution points to leave behind a decoy of yourself. This
decoy acts as a familiar, allowing you to see through it's eyes, and control it's movements. It also
allows you to flank if you are both flanking a creature. This decoy has a number of hit points
equal to your Constitution score, and will disappear after five rounds or until it is destroyed.
Density Deformation/Reformation
At 17th level you can expend 2 Evolution point to decrease your density to the point
where you are able to move through solid objects. For one minute, you are able to concentrate as
an action and pass through a solid object.
Volatile Strain
Dense Fury
At 1st level, the Volatile Strain’s extreme mutations grant you further power, allowing
you to exert yourself further, you can add your CON modifier to the damage of attacks.
Compounding Strength
At 3rd level, you are able to spend 1 Evolution point, and gain a bonus to all strength
rolls (attacks, damage, skill checks, saving throws) for a number of rounds equal to your CON
modifier by +1. You are able to spend as many points into Compounding Strength as you wish,
and gain an additional +1 for each point spent.
Jagged Bone
At 12th level, you can spend 2 Evolution points to create a burst of bone and bio-metal
out of your body. All creatures within 5 ft. of you must make a Dexterity saving throw or take
2d4 points of piercing damage and 2d4 points of poison damage. The bones and bio-metal then
shrink down into spines. For the next five rounds, all unarmed attacks deal an additional 1d4
points of damage, and any creatures grappling you or grappled by you take an additional 2d4
points of piercing damage at the end of their turn.
At 17th level you can expend 4 Evolution point to grow a set of massive biomass armor,
you increase in size by one size category, your weight is multiplied by 10, all damage increases
by an additional 1d6, your AC becomes set at 22, and you become resistant to all damage except
psychic damage. This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to double your CON modifier.
Contagious Strain
Spore Pocket
At 1st level, the Contagious Strain’s nact for spreading at an alarming rate allows you to
place small parasitic spores on a small 5ft. Square. You are able to view through this spore patch
as an action as long as you are within 200 ft. of them. If a creature of a small size category or
larger steps on the spore patch, they must make a CON saving throw or take 2d6 points of poison
damage. You are able to do this a number of times per long rest equal to your CON modifier.
Unwitting Host
At 3rd level, you are able to spend 1 Evolution point to place a parasite in a host within
30 ft. of you, (any one humanoid creature with an intelligence of 5 or higher). The host must
make a CON saving throw, if they fail, the parasite finds its way into the host’s nervous system,
affecting them as if they were under a Charm Person spell. You may spend additional points, for
each additional point spent you may affect an additional individual.
Viral Syringe
At 7th level, the first time you hit a creature, you can add an additional +1d6 poison
damage. They must make a CON saving throw. If they fail, then they take an additional +1d6 at
the end of their turn for a number of rounds equal to your CON modifier. When you reach 14th
level, the damage dice increases to 2d6.
Patient Zero
At 17th level, as a reaction, after a successful attack by you, you can expend 6 Evolution
points to plant a biomass bomb within the creature. The creature must make a WIS saving
throw, if they fail, the creature will run as far away from you while travelling toward the nearest
group of allies of two or more. After 1d4 rounds, All creatures within 20 ft. of the bomb must
make a dexterity saving throw, those that fail take 4d10 points of Piercing damage, 4d10 points
of Poison damage, and 2d10 points of Force damage.
Evolution Manifestations
- Mass Accelerant: When you fall a number of feet that would cause you to take 1d6
points of damage, you may spend 1 evolution point to negate the damage, and instead
deal 1d6+CON damage to all creatures within five feet of where you land. You may also
utilize this to increase your density. You may spend 1 Evolution to increase your density
to a creature of one category size higher, giving creatures of your size or smaller
disadvantage on checks to move you, grapple you, and allowing you to walk along the
floor underwater.
- Additional Points Spent: You may spend additional Evolution points, for each
point increased, you may negate an additional 1d6 points of fall damage and deal
an additional 1d6 points of damage to creatures within five feet of where you
- You gain this ability at 2nd level, and it does not count against your overall
number of Evolution Manifestations.
- Mass Reduction: When you are falling, you may spend 1 Evolution point to decrease
your density, allowing you to glide for an additional thirty feet in a direction of your
choosing. This thirty feet does not count toward any fall damage you may take. You may
also utilize this to make yourself less dense while in water, and float thirty feet straight
- Additional Points Spent: You may spend additional Evolution points, for each
point increased, you may travel an additional thirty feet in any direction of your
choosing (unless underwater.)
- You gain this ability at 2nd level, and it does not count against your overall
number of Evolution Manifestations.
- Quickening: You may expend 1 Evolution point to increase your movement speed by
+10 feet for a number of rounds equal to your Vector level, and allows you to jump a
number of feet equal to half your total movement speed.
- Additional Points Spent: You may spend additional Evolution points, for each
point increased, you increase the speed at which you travel by +10 feet, and add
an additional five rounds onto the duration.
- You gain this ability at 2nd level, and it does not count against your overall
number of Evolution Manifestations.
- Devouring Hunger: You may expend 1 Evolution point when you attack a creature with
a weapon from another Manifestation, or from an unarmed attack. They must make a
Constitution saving throw, if they fail, you regain a number of hit points equal to
1d6+damage dealt+CON. Any hit points that exceed your maximum hit points are
transferred over to Temporary Hit Points, these disappear after a short or long rest.
- Additional Points Spent: You may spend additional Evolution points, for each
point increased, you increase the number of hit points you regain by +1d6.
- You must be at least 5th level to select this Evolution Manifestation.
- Bio-Metal: You may expend 1 Evolution point you are able to grow a blade from your
arm’s biological material. While the blade’s length may vary based on your choosing, it
must not exceed the length of your natural arm. You may choose to have it be several
long serrated claws on each finger, a single long thin rapier like blade, or a massive
cleaver that reaches from elbow outward. The blade deals 1d6 points of damage, adding
either Strength or Dexterity modifier at the wielder’s choice. This blade lasts for 5+CON
- Additional Points Spent: You may spend additional Evolution points, for each
point increased, you increase the damage dice of the blade from 1d6 to 1d8 to
1d10 to 1d12 (therefore it can only be enhanced 3 times.)
- Biological Adhesive: You may expend 1 Evolution point to increase your climbing speed
to your movement speed. You cannot be knocked off of vertical surfaces while you are
climbing them unless you are not holding onto them with at least one hand.
- Ocular Adaption: You may expend 1 Evolution point to gain 60 ft. of Darkvision. If you
already have Darkvision it extends by an additional +60 ft. This lasts for a number of
rounds equal to your CON modifier.
- Additional Points Spent: You may spend additional Evolution points, for each
point increased, the distance your Darkvision extends to increases by an
additional +60 ft.
- Powerful Strike: You may expend 1 Evolution point to increase density of your
unarmed attacks, increasing the damage of your unarmed strike of your next attack by an
additional +2d4
- Additional Points Spent: You may spend additional Evolution points, for each
point increased, you increase damage by an additional +1d4
- Many Limbs: You grow an additional long tendril made of biomass, that extends
outward from the spine. With this tendril, you can select to gain advantage on your your
next attack (if you have more than one attack it only affects one of them), take a bonus
action attack with a reach of +5 ft. that deals 1d4+STR or DEX dmg., +1 to your AC,
hold an additional object (cannot be used to attack with another weapon.), give +2 on
grapple checks, or use it to cast a touch spell with a reach of +5 ft. These tendrils last for
a number of rounds equal to your CON modifier.
- Additional Points Spent: You may spend additional Evolution points, for each
point increased, you increase the number of tendrils you grow by +1. For each
tendril you can select one of the options from above.
- You must be at least 5th level to select this Evolution Manifestation.
- Seeking Hunger: You may expend 1 Evolution point to imbue yourself with a surge of
adrenaline and power, for the next ten rounds, you are able to deal an additional attack on
your attack action.
- Additional Points Spent: You may spend one additional Evolution point to deal
extend the duration of the Seeking Hunger by an additional five rounds.
- You must be at least 7th level to select this Evolution Manifestation.
- Hive Mind: You may spend 2 Evolution point to release a portion of your biomass in the
form of a tiny creature, and acts like a familiar. It can take the form of a tiny flying
creature of your description (using Raven stats), a tiny quadropedal creature of your
description (using Cat stats), or a small humanoid creature of your description (using Imp
stats with the exception of their special abilities, resistance, immunities and flight.) This
tiny familiar lasts until it is destroyed, or until you take a short or long rest.
- Biomass Expulsion: You may expend 4 Evolution point to release a powerful burst of
heat, pressure, and matter. All creatures within a 20 ft. radius of the explosion must make
a Dexterity saving throw. Those that fail take 8d6 points of force damage.
- Additional Points Spent: You may spend 2 additional Evolution point to deal an
additional +2d6 points of damage.
- You must be at least 9th level to select this Evolution Manifestation.
- Long Spear: You may expend 1 Evolution point you are able to grow small blade from
your hand. When you make an attack with the Long Spear, it can extend to a distance of
up to a fifteen foot line. All creatures within the line take damage The blade deals 1d4
points of damage, adding the dexterity modifier to the attack and damage. This blade lasts
for 5+CON mins.
- Additional Points Spent: You may spend additional Evolution points, for each
point increased, you increase the damage dice of the blade from 1d4 to 1d6 to 1d8
to 1d10 (therefore it can only be enhanced 3 times.)
- You must be at least 5th level to select this Evolution Manifestation
- Reconstruction Survival: You may expend 2 Evolution points to activate the Fast
Healing ability. You Heal a number of hit points at the beginning of your turn equal to
your CON modifier. This lasts for ten rounds.
- Additional Points Spent: You may spend additional Evolution points, for every 2
points you spend, you extend the duration by ten rounds, and increase the amount
of hit points healed by +2.
- You must be at least 7th level to select this Evolution Manifestation
- Infected Beast: You may expend 3 Evolution points to infect non-humanoid creature
with a CR of ¼ or lower. The creature is under your control for a number of hours equal
to your CON modifier. You are able to take hold of the creature’s actions, and as a bonus
action you may command the creature to move it's full movement and make an attack
- Additional Points Spent: You may spend an additional 1 Evolution point to infect
a non-humanoid creature with a CR of ½ or lower, you may spend 2 additional
Evolution points to infect a non-humanoid creature with a CR of 1 or lower.
- You must be at least 9th level to select this Evolution Manifestation
- Bone Breaker: You may expend 2 Evolution point to loosen the biological make-up of
your bones and skeletal structure, you take 1d4 points of bleed damage, and gain
advantage on Acrobatics checks, checks to defend against grapple, Stealth checks to hide
in small spaces, and gain +1 to your AC.
- Awakening: You may expend 3 Evolution points to ignore your death saving throws and
return to consciousness with a number of hit points equal to your CON modifier.
- Additional Points Spent: You may spend additional 2 Evolution points to return to
consciousness with a number of hit points equal to Triple your CON modifier.
- You must be at least 9th level to select this Evolution Manifestation
- Airborne Contagion: You may expend 2 Evolution point and grow a pair of wings made
of biological tendrils. You gain a flight speed equal to half your normal movement speed.
- Additional Points Spent: You may spend additional evolution points, for each
point spent you increase your flight speed by +10.
- You must be at least 7th level to select this Evolution Manifestation
- Life Gaze: You may expend 2 Evolution point, this allows you to change your eyes into
a complex thermal sensors. Creatures within eyesight and within 120 feet, you are able to
see them as long as they give off heat.
- You must be at least 5th level to select this Evolution Manifestation
- Mental Drain: You may expend 2 Evolution points to insert your virus into a corpse that
has been dead for 10 days or less. You are able to devour the memories of this creature,
and take in the memories for yourself, able to perfectly recall all memories that have
occured within the last month.
- You must be at least 7th level to select this Evolution Manifestation
- Biomass Muscle: You may expend 2 Evolution point to increase your Strength score by
+2 (this can exceed 20, but no more than 24.) This lasts for a number of rounds equal to
your CON modifier.
- Additional Points Spent: You may spend additional evolution points, for every 2
additional key points you spend, your Strength score increases by +2.
- You must be at least 9th level to select this Evolution Manifestation
- Deadened Nerve: You may expend 1 Evolution point to reduce the amount of damage
dealt by an attack by 1d10+Vector Level.
- Additional Points Spent: You may spend additional Evolution points, for each
additional point you spend you increase the amound of damage negated by +1d6.
- Deny the Cure: You may expend 2 Evolution points as a reaction to being reduced to 0
hit points. Doing so reduces the amount of damage dealt to you to leave you with 1 hit
- You must be at least 5th level to select this Evolution Manifestation
- Drug Immunity: You may expend 1 Evolution point to become immune to the effects of
any drugs or alchohol that you have injested within the last hour and for a number of
hours eqal to your CON modifier.
New Races
The Protectors may be there to protect the weak, the Scourge are there to burn away the
evil, even the Fallen have their place. The Warborn however face no charges, other than that of
their commander. They are bred to one day battle by the side of the celestials, against the abyss
and the hells themselves. But when they are not called to the side of the celestial warriors, they
are left on the material plane, to grow, to train, and in some cases to destroy. The fires of war
ignited in their hearts and souls.
Warborn Aasimar Traits
The Delfain are simple folk, often living alongside Firbolgs, Engroves, and forest
creatures. The skin is covered in a thin layer of soft fur like a seal, giving them pelts of brown,
pale blonde, white, or similar natural colors, some with spots. Their legs resemble those of
giraffes, while their faces are humanoid except small black spotted noses like deer, and deer-like
ears, the ears often betraying their intentions. Males and females will both grow small antlers,
leaders will grow much larger antlers. They characteristically are kind and gentle creatures, use
to living more in their herds or alongside other members of the beastial races than living in cities
or towns.
Lifespan- 60 years
Mature At- One Decade
Height- 4’4” + 2d10
Weight- 100 + (height roll x 2d6) lb
Delfain Traits
- Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 2, your wisdom score
increases by 1
- Size: Medium
- Speed: 40 feet.
- Rush of Danger: You are able to push yourself into an adrenaline filled sprint, utilizing
the dash action as a bonus action. Once this ability is used it cannot be used again until a
short or long rest.
- Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan
The Engrove were considered to be almost religious figures in the eyes of many wild
tribes and beastpeople. They are the guardians of the natural world, and much like firbolgs, seek
to protect nature. Though while they wish to preserve nature and protect it through gentle earth
magics. The Engrove battle for survival, fight to slay those that destroy nature. Powerful and
aggressive, they live for war, their great herds train from a young age to become warriors. They
are quadropedal, having four legs that end with hooves, like a zebra or goat, however they retain
a humanoid like upper body, though hairy and with broader shoulders and thicker powerful arms,
antlers grow from their bestial panther-like head.
Lifespan- Ten Centuries
Mature At- Late teens
Height- 5’10” + 2d10
Weight- 150 + (height roll x 2d6) lb
Engrove Traits
- Ability Score Increase: Your strength score increases by 2, your wisdom score increases
by 1
- Size: Medium
- Speed: 30 feet.
- Powerful Build: You count as one size larger to determine your carrying weight and the
weight you can push, pull, and lift.
- Keen Senses: You have proficiency in Perception
- Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan