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Information Sciences 158 (2004) 117–130


Automatic extraction of head

and face boundaries and facial features
Frank Y. Shih *, Chao-Fa Chuang
Department of Computer Science, Computer Vision Laboratory,
College of Computing Sciences, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ 07102, USA
Received 6 August 2002; received in revised form 30 December 2002; accepted 10 March 2003

This paper presents a novel approach for the extraction of human head, face and
facial features. In the double-threshold method, the high-thresholded image is used to
trace head boundary and the low-thresholded image is used to scan face boundary. We
obtain facial features candidates and eliminate noises, and apply x- and y-projections to
extract facial features such as eyes, nostrils and mouth. Because low contrast of chin
occurs in some face images, its boundary cannot be completely detected. An elliptic
model is used to repair it. Because of noises or clustered facial features candidates, we
apply a geometric face model to locate facial features and an elliptic model to trace face
boundary. The Gabor filter algorithm is adopted to locate two eyes. We have tested our
algorithm on more than 100 FERET face images. Experimental results show that our
algorithm can perform the extraction of human head, face and facial features success-
 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Image processing; Face recognition; Edge detection; Facial features; Feature
extraction; Geometric face model

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-973-596-5654; fax: +1-973-596-5777.
E-mail address: shih@njit.edu (F.Y. Shih).

0020-0255/$ - see front matter  2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
118 F.Y. Shih, C.-F. Chuang / Information Sciences 158 (2004) 117–130

1. Introduction

Automatic extraction of human head and face boundaries and facial fea-
tures is critical in the areas of face recognition, criminal identification, security
and surveillance systems, human computer interfacing [1], and model-based
video coding [2,3]. In general, the computerized face recognition includes four
steps [4]. First, the face image is enhanced and segmented. Second, the face
boundary and facial features are detected. Third, the extracted features are
matched against the features in the database. Fourth, the classification into one
or more persons is achieved. In order to detect faces and locate the facial
features correctly, researchers have proposed a variety of methods which can
be divided into two categories. One is based on gray-level template matching,
and the other is based on computation of geometric relationship among facial
In the geometric relationship aspect, Jeng et al. [5] proposed an efficient face
detection approach based on the configuration of facial features. Using their
method, one can detect the images with frontal-view faces as well as with tilted
faces. However the method will fail on the images with face sizes smaller than
80 · 80 pixels or with multiple faces. Wong et al. [6] developed an algorithm for
face detection and facial features extraction based on genetic algorithms and
eigenface. Lin and Fan [7] presented a face detection algorithm to detect
multiple faces in complex background. They assume that in the frontal-view
face images, the centers of two eyes and the center of mouth form an isosceles
triangle, and in the side-view face images, the center of one eye, the center of
one ear hole, and the center of mouth form a right triangle. The algorithm will
fail when the images are too dark or eyes are occluded by hair.
In the template matching aspect, Ryu and Oh [8] proposed an algorithm based
on eigenfeatures and neural networks for the extraction of eyes and mouth using
rectangular fitting from gray-level face images. The advantage is that it does not
need a large training set by taking advantage of eigenfeatures and sliding win-
dow. However, their algorithm will fail on the face images with glasses or beard.
Besides the aforementioned two categories, some researchers used motion
active contour or snakes to detect the face contours [4,9–11]. Kass et al. [12]
proposed the Snake algorithm in 1988, and since then it has been widely used
to detect contours. Yow and Cipolla [9] used the active contour model to en-
hance the feature-based approach to detect the face boundary. Sobottka and
Pitas [4] used snakes to trace face contour on a number of image sequences.
Because each method has its own advantages, Nikolaidis and Pitas [10] de-
veloped a combined approach using adaptive Hough transform, template
matching, active contour model, and projective geometry properties. They used
adaptive Hough transform for curve detection, template matching for inner
facial features location, active contour model for inner face contour detection,
and projective geometry properties for accurate pose determination.
F.Y. Shih, C.-F. Chuang / Information Sciences 158 (2004) 117–130 119

This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents our methodology.

Section 3 describes the facial features extraction based on the geometric face
model. Section 4 presents our experimental results. Conclusions are made in
Section 5.

2. Our methodology

In this Section, we introduce our method to process the frontal-view face

images for the extraction of head boundary, face boundary, and facial features
including eyes with eyebrows, nostrils, and mouth. Head boundary is the outer
profile of head including shoulders. Face boundary is the face contour that ex-
cludes hair, shoulders, and neck. We use rectangular boxes to locate facial fea-

2.1. Smoothing and thresholding

The scheme diagram of the double-threshold method is shown in Fig. 1. The

first step is to reduce noise by using a 3 · 3 median filter. After that, an edge
operator is applied. We tested the edge detection technique by Wechsler and
Kidode [13] and the result is shown in Fig. 2. The edge output appears too thin
and the top-face boundary is too weak to be detected in the later thresholding
procedure. In order to obtain fat boundary, Jianming Hu et al. [14] proposed four
masks (horizontal (size 3 · 7), vertical (7 · 3), 45 (9 · 3), and 135 (9 · 3)) to detect
image edges and select the maximum as the edge strength. Instead of using large
sizes, we develop smaller sizes of masks as shown in Fig. 3 for edge detection.
Experimental results show that our method is as good as their method. Thres-
holding is performed to transform the gray-level edge images into binary. The
high threshold value is determined by choosing all the high intensity pixels that
occupy 5% of the entire pixels. The low threshold value is decided by choosing all
the high intensity pixels that occupy 25% of the entire pixels. The high thres-
holded image is used to obtain the head boundary and the low thresholded image
is used to produce the face boundary. These thresholding percentages are de-
termined based on our empirical data in order to achieve the best results.

2.2. Tracing head and face boundaries

In order to trace the head boundary, we divide the high-thresholded image

into left and right halves. When we scan the edge image from top to bottom,
the first layer of the contour occurred is the head boundary and the second
layer of the contour occurred is the face boundary. For tracing the head
boundary, a starting point is located as the first white pixel on the first layer of
the left half. From the starting point, we trace the left and right profiles of
120 F.Y. Shih, C.-F. Chuang / Information Sciences 158 (2004) 117–130

Input Image

Median Filtering and

Edge Detection

Edge Image


High Thresholded Low Thresholded

Image Image

Boundary scanning

Head Boundary Face Boundary

Facial Features

x- and y-Projections

Facial Features
Rectangular Boxes

Face Boundary

Fig. 1. The scheme diagram of double-threshold method.

head. Because the outer boarder of the first layer is shifted outwards from the
actual boundary for a few pixels (say, p), we adjust the edge of the left half to
the right and the edge of the right half to the left by p pixels respectively.
Because some face profiles disappear in the high thresholded image, the low
thresholded image is used to trace face boundary. The head borders are re-
moved and a morphological opening is used to eliminate unnecessary noises.
After that, the image is scanned from four directions (right to left, left to right,
top to bottom, and bottom to top) to produce the face boundary.

2.3. Locate facial features

In order to identify facial features, we first extract their candidates. The

candidates are extracted by overlaying the face boundary obtained from the
F.Y. Shih, C.-F. Chuang / Information Sciences 158 (2004) 117–130 121

Fig. 2. The outputs of Wechsler and Kidode’s method: (a) and (c) are original images, (b) and (d)
are edge detection images.

-1 -2 -1
-1 -2 -1
0 0 0
-1 -1 0 1 1 1 2 1
-2 -2 0 2 2
-1 -1 0 1 1 1 2 1

(a) (b)

1 0 1 2 2 -2 -2 -1 0 1
-2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2
-2 -2 -1 0 1 -1 0 1 2 2
(c) (d)
Fig. 3. Edge detection masks: (a) vertical mask, (b) horizontal mask, (c) 135 mask and (d) 45

previous section on the binary edge image, and converting all the white pixels
in the binary edge image that are on or outside the face boundary to black.
After that, we apply x- and y-projections to locate facial features. In the can-
didate image, we use x-projection to obtain the facial features’ horizontal lo-
cations and y-projection to obtain their vertical locations. By combining the
horizontal and vertical locations, we can obtain four rectangular boxes: two for
eyes, one for nostrils, and one for mouth.
122 F.Y. Shih, C.-F. Chuang / Information Sciences 158 (2004) 117–130

2.4. Face boundary repairing

Sometimes, the chin edge is too low-contrasted to be completely detected by

edge detection. We use two approaches to repair the chin line of face boundary.
In the first approach, we utilize the center point of chin (i.e., the average point
of the available chin edge pixels) as the initial point in the grayscale image to
trace the chin line. The algorithm for tracing the chin line is described below.
(1) From the center point of the chin to its right:
Let the gray level of the center point of the chin be f ðx; yÞ. We choose
maxff ðx þ 1; y þ 1Þ; f ðx þ 1; yÞ; f ðx þ 1; y  1Þg to be the next connected point
and repeat the procedure until it reaches the right part of the face boundary. As an
example, Fig. 4(a) shows an image of facial features candidates, Fig. 4(b) shows
the unrepaired face boundary, and Fig. 4(c) shows the repaired face boundary.
(2) From the center point of the chin to its left:
We choose maxff ðx  1; y þ 1Þ; f ðx  1; yÞ; f ðx  1; y þ 1Þg to be the next
connected point and repeat the procedure until it reaches the left part of the
face boundary.

Fig. 4. (a) An image of facial features candidates, (b) the unrepaired face boundary and (c) shows
the repaired face boundary.

Fig. 5. The examples of repairing: (a) and (c) are images before repairing, (b) and (d) are images
after repairing.
F.Y. Shih, C.-F. Chuang / Information Sciences 158 (2004) 117–130 123

In the second approach, we adopt an elliptic model where the ratio of the
major axis to minor axis is 1.5. Fig. 5(a) and (c) illustrate the missing chin lines
due to the face shadows. By using the lower-end points of the left and right face
boundaries, we can compute the horizontal distance of the two end points as
the minor axis and fit in the elliptic model to repair the chin line. Fig. 5(b) and
(d) show the results after repairing.

3. Finding facial features based on geometric face model

3.1. Geometric face model

Sometimes, the facial features candidates are too clustered, the x- and y-
projections cannot work well. Under these circumstances, we apply the geo-
metric face model to locate facial features. The model utilizes the configuration
among eyes, nostrils, and mouth. We assume that in most of faces, the vertical
distances between eyes and nose and between eyes and mouth are proportional
to the horizontal distance between the two centers of eyes.
Referring to Fig. 5, let the distance between the two centers of eyes be
D. The geometric face model (Fig. 6) and related distances are described
below [10].

(1) The vertical distance between two-eyes and the center of mouth is D.
(2) The vertical distance between two-eyes and the center of the nostrils is
(3) The width of the mouth is D.
(4) The width of nose is 0.8D.
(5) The vertical distance between eyes and eyebrows is 0.4D.

The procedure of locating facial features by the geometric face model is il-
lustrated in Fig. 7.
Fig. 8 shows three examples of using the geometric face model. Fig. 8(a) is
the original images. Fig. 8(b) is the facial features candidates obtained by using
the method in Section 2. Because the facial features candidate are clustered, we
cannot apply x- and y-projections. Fig. 8(c) is the facial features candidates
after Sobel operation and thresholding. Fig. 8(d) shows the results after ap-
plying the geometric face model.

3.2. Geometrical face model based on Gabor filter

For particularly difficult cases such as poor lighting and shadows, we can
locate two eyes using Gabor filter [15,16] and then apply the elliptic model to
124 F.Y. Shih, C.-F. Chuang / Information Sciences 158 (2004) 117–130

Fig. 6. Geometric face model.

Input Image

Sobel Operation


Find Face Positions

Geometric Face Model

Fig. 7. The procedure of finding facial features.

extract face boundary. The three steps to locating two eyes are described as

(1) Apply Gabor filter to the original image.

(2) Apply Gaussian weighting to the filtered image.
(3) Locate peaks in the image and find the locations of eyes.
F.Y. Shih, C.-F. Chuang / Information Sciences 158 (2004) 117–130 125

Fig. 8. Examples of geometric face model: (a) original images, (b) facial features candidates after
thresholding, (c) facial features candidates after Sobel operation and (d) extractions of facial fea-

After two eyes are located, we apply the geometric face model to extract
other facial features. Let the distance between two eyes be D. The center of the
ellipse is placed at 0.4D below the midpoint of the two eyes. The length of the
major axis is given as 3D and of the minor axis is given as 2D.

4. Experimental results

Fig. 9 shows the results of using the double-threshold method. Fig. 9(a) is
the original image, (b) is the edge detection image, and (c) and (d) are high and
126 F.Y. Shih, C.-F. Chuang / Information Sciences 158 (2004) 117–130

Fig. 9. The experimental results of double-threshold method: (a) original image, (b) edge detection
image, (c) high thresholded image, (d) low thresholded image, (e) head boundary, (f) face
boundary, (g) facial features candidates, (h) rectangular boxes for facial features, (i) detection of
contours and (j) extraction of facial features.

low thresholded images respectively. Fig. 9(e) is the head boundary and (f) is
the face boundary. Fig. 9(g) is the facial features candidates. Fig. 9(h) is the
rectangular boxes for facial features. Fig. 9(i) shows the overlay of the head
and face boundaries with the original image. Fig. 9(j) shows the overlay of
facial features with the original image. We have experimented our algorithms
on more than 100 FERET face images. A partial set of our experimental re-
sults using the geometric face model is shown in Fig. 10. By comparing with
[10], our approaches demonstrate better results in head boundary tracing,
chin boundary repairing, and facial features detection. The programs using
F.Y. Shih, C.-F. Chuang / Information Sciences 158 (2004) 117–130 127

Fig. 10. Partial experimental results.

128 F.Y. Shih, C.-F. Chuang / Information Sciences 158 (2004) 117–130

Fig. 10 (continued)

MATLAB are implemented on SUN ULTRA 60 workstation. The execution

time is about 170 s including 15 s for the geometric face model to process a 384
by 256 image on FERET face database.
F.Y. Shih, C.-F. Chuang / Information Sciences 158 (2004) 117–130 129

5. Conclusions

We have presented a novel approach for the extraction of human head, face
and facial features. Two thresholds are used: the high-thresholded image for
tracing head boundary and the low-thresholded image for scanning face
boundary. We apply x- and y-projections to extract facial features such as eyes,
nostrils and mouth. Because low contrast of chin occurs in some face images,
its boundary cannot be completely detected. An elliptic model is used to repair
it. Because of noises or clustered facial features candidates, we apply a geo-
metric face model to locate facial features and an elliptic model to trace face
boundary. The Gabor filter algorithm is adopted to locate the positions of two
eyes. We have tested our algorithm on more than 100 FERET face images.
Experimental results show that our algorithm can perform the extraction of
human head, face and facial features successfully.
In this paper, we consider only frontal-view face images that have not
glasses. When the face is tilted intensively or rotated greatly, our two-dimen-
sional geometric model cannot fit the facial features completely. Under the
circumstance, our future work is emphasized on using a three-dimensional
model to adjust for the three-dimensional rotations of faces.


Authors like to express our appreciation to the producer of FERET facial

image Database by National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA.


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