Sap SD

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what is availability check, how to configure it..

When we create a sales order, there are several basic functions which are executed automatically for the dynamic order management . among these basic functions , availability check and transfer of reQuirements are crucial. the system first prepares schedule line containing the information on the desired delivery date and Quantities , this information is passed to MRP and an avialability check and transfer of reQuiremnts are executed First the system carries out backward scheduling and establishes the material avaialbility date = desired delivery date-transit time-loading time-picking & packing time and on this date an availability check is carried out using ATP logic which means avialable to promise Quanity =total ware house stock+incoing orders-outgoing along with the avialability check the reQuirements also are transferred to MRP. the configuration involves following 1. switching on at schedule line catagegory the avialability check and TOR 2. configure the avilability check using ATP and using the checking group and Checking rule

What is the difference between ATP check and availability check how these reflect in sales order(which check system considers) what are the IMG settings for the same. ATP Check is checking of availablty Quantities i.e ATP = Total Warehouse Stock + Planned receipts(Incoming Stock) - Planned Issues (Out going stock) Availbilty Check is an integral part of business process it determines the if the desire deliverible Quantity can be met on reQuested delivery date or not.Then it passes to Material ReQuirement Planning. Or we can also say.. avability check is nothing but checking of availibility of stock which is placed in the order , sys carries out this check through a available to promise (ATP) logic =whare house stock +planned recepts (incoming stock)-planned issues (out going stock) What we normally check for in the Database Testing? Database testing involves some indepth knowledge of the given application and reQuires more defined plan of approach to test the data. Key issues include : 1) data Integrity 2) data validity 3) data manipulation and updates.

Tester must be aware of the database design concepts and implementation rules what is the purpose of table maintanance,(i think it's for authorizarion purpose) what is ment by authorization? SM30 is table maintanacce It is used for checking who changed and what changes took place in the table. or Table maintanance is for creating,adding datas to an existing table.

What can u do in UTP? UTP:unit test plans in this we test the task by various test case senarios. In scripts how to upload logo (it's saved in .bmp file ) i am asking procedure? Example by giving various input values and checking the output Use transaction SE78 to import graphics to SAP. In the form painter, you can either include directly to the form using menu Edit->Graphic>Create or using the INCLUDE statement in a window. To use an INCLUDE statement, goto into the window script editor and use menu Include->Graphic. The include can look like this for a bitmap: /: BITMAP MYLOGO OBJECT GRAPHICS ID BMAP TYPE BMON

Or use report RSTXLDMC You run the report RSTXLDMC, give your logo(Saved as .tif file) in the parameter and run the report. Then Go to Se71 and include the image from the text elements. For this you go to the Page windows. Press the text elements button and the include the logo(Which actually has been saved as a TEXT) using Insert->Text-STandard. CHoose your LOGO.

Why u can call(r using) ssf_function_module_name in smartforms?

Calling SMARTFORMS from your ABAP program. Collecting all the table data in your program, and pass once or By using &Quot;ssf_function_module_name &Quot; the user can obtain the function mudule generated by the Smartform. The input parameter is the SMARTFORM name the output parameter is the function module generated .It has to be type RS38L_FNAM. After getting the output parameter . CALL FUNCTION(output parameter name). to SMARTFORMS

Q: We get a report screen: &Quot;Goods issue: Problem Log&Quot; during the delivery process when activating Post Goods Issue button. We want to include our own error message to this list if the selected batch is not on a customer defined table. What is the best way? A: Try User exit - USEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT_PREPARE

Q: Some materials have been blocked for procurement and production. Even though deletion flag is set for a material/plant level, the order can be still enteblack ( with a warning message). Is there a way to block such transactions for a material flagged for deletion? A: Sales Status field in the sales organization view of the material master may be used to block any transaction for the material. Q: We can define our own exchange rate types and use them instead of the defaulted types, 'M', 'B' and 'G'. How can we overwrite default types in SD? A: Exchange rate gets copied from the customer master record. Exchange rate types are to be maintained for the customer in the sales screen of the customer master record.

Shipping Q: The PL00 condition is fine in delivery. But when we try to print to either the screen or printer, an error V1032 occurs. Why? A: In order to use the Packing list PL00 (packing slip in delivery) you must do 'Packing' in the delivery note (edit->packing) Q: we have to enter a shipping point while creating a delivery. Is it possible to create delivery without shipping points?\ A: When you are releasing a sales order, choose Sales document -> SubseQuent functions-> Create delivery, then the shipping point will be brought in from the sales order. In all other scenarios you have to key in the shipping point. The above described scenario will only work if all items on the sales order are to be shipped from the same shipping point. Billing Q: SAP allows a non-inventory item and an inventory item to be in the same document till delivery but splits at the time of creation of billing document. Can we combine a non-inventory item with an inventory item in one invoice? Can we treat it as a value item in sales order so that it is priced and then make it as a text item in delivery documents so that it appears in the same invoice and does not split? A1: Make the non-stock material deliverable, but not pickable. Both items will carry into the delivery, and therefore appear on the same invoice.

A2: Change the copy rule for orders->invoices and deliveries->invoices to specify that invoice combination is permitted. However note that for system to create combined invoices, PO number, payment terms, sales organization, and distribution channel must be identical. Else undesirable combinations may be created by the system. Pricing Conditions Q: It is impossible to price at the material level (matnr) , when a material has a pricing reference (mvke-pmatn) set up against it in the master data. Pricing always look for the pref, even if a price is set up against the material and not the pref. How can we price by material and pref? A: The field used to look up at the price is defined in Access seQuence. You may find a step with PMATN as material number. If you insert a step with MATNR then the system will first look for the material, if not found (use the exclusion tick box) it will look for the pref. Customizing Q: We generated a new condition table. Assigned the condition to access seQuence. Created a condition record. Access seQuence is assigned to the output type. But when we create a billing document, output screen comes up blank for the output type. When we look up Determination Analysis, we get an error &Quot;Note 524 Access not made (Initialized Field)&Quot;. What else is reQuiblack to be done? A: Assign output determination procedure to the header of the document and the output type. Q: How can we set up to have the VAT# be accepted in the Ship-To Master File Data Control screen? A: IMG->Fin. Acct.->AR and AP ->Customer acct->Master Record -> Prepare to Create Customer-> Define Acct. Group. Q: We want to explode Bill of Material automatically at time of Order entry and explode an EQuipment BOM in the sales order. What are the setting reQuiblack? A: Use an item category that is configublack for bills of material for having a sales BOM to explode automatically. Standard SAP item categories are : TAQ - Pricing and inventory control take place at the BOM header level TAP - Pricing and inventory control take place at the BOM item level These can be automatically derived using the item category groups ERLA and LUMF, respectively. Q: How can we make the Customer Group 1 (or 2, 3, 4, 5) a mandatory field? A: Logistic General-> Logistics Basic Data: Business Partners -> Customers -> Control -> Define account groups and field selection for customer Choose Customer Acct. GR. (double-click). -> Field Status: Sales data (double click) -> sales (double click) .Check the radio button against Customer Gr as REQ. ENTRY. Save the settings to make customer GR entry mandatory .

Q: Is there an user exit to copy the data into planning table? A: Use user exit MCP20001 and include ZXSOPU01 Q. What exactly is automatic posting can you explain? A. Automatic posting could be, posting of accounting documents to FICO once invoice is created which can also be controlled manually. Automatiaclly detremine the freight while pricing in ship doc. and post to the relevant account to fico. usually automatic posting is posting of documents to FICO based on variuos account keys and account groups.

Q. How many clients we will create in land scape (like in development server, Quality server, production server ) if we are creating more than one in each server what is exact use of that client. A. Client landscape : Basic layout : dev -testing- production also - Sandbox env. for trial and error - Development env. for actaully creating transports(CTS) - Global env. If you have global implementations at different client locations (eg; canada, US, UK) (for testing purposes with actual master dataas well) - Testing env.(for regression testing purposes before moving to prodcution, integration etc..) - Prod. env. the actual production system The clients could be variable and could be created to a specific env. usually a dev. where abap, functional would mess around. say : client 100-functinal consultants client 300- abapers client 400- other users(like super etc) Q. How we can do invoice split depending on item category in which scenario we will use? A. You first need to go for copying controls either from sales to billing (invoice) or delivery to billing or billing to billing use transactions (vtaa,vtaf,vtla,vtfa,vtfl,vtff) all possibilities for copy controls. this basicly is flow of doc to doc. (may it be sales to billing, del to bil, or bil to bil etc..) -> this is where you see the Item category and you control whether split is possible or not with the indicator&Quot;B&Quot;. eg: representing split in invoice based on item category. The field here &Quot;data VBRK/VBRP&Quot; (headre/item)whcih actually is used for splits or combining different deliveries. create a splitting rule using VOFM (you need access key to get here). Here you define comparisions for the fields at header table and item tables and the comparision fields say SPART&Quot;division&Quot;. &Quot;purchase order &Quot;BSTKD Instance: 5 sales orders combined into 2 deliveries and the split at the invoice would be 5 individual billing with respect to fields PO and DIv. of each sales order would let you create 5 billings. You need to define the exact &Quot;field&Quot; in the comparisions both at header and item level that could lead to invoice split. the key here is the field that is different from header to item will cause split at the item level.

Q. Can any one explain how we will configure milestone billing , periodic billing and which scenario we will use? A. Menu path: IMG->sales &distr->Billing->billing plans->define billing plan types. You set the start date and end dates if applicable to the type of billing you are using. What time to be billed (end of month, start of month etc..) Milestone is a billing plan type where a customer is billed for the amount distributed between the dates until total value is reached eg: if the total billing amountis 1000 USD for a year. You will bill the customer in different amounts say 200, 500, 300 at different intervals as per customer agreement. On the other hand Periodic billling is billing the customer for the total amount(here 1000 USD) at regular intervals peridically until the customer agreement is reached. eg: 1000/12 for a 1 year agreement and say billed at the 1st day of every month. Q. What are some pricing routines and sd functional specs? A. Form routines for prcing and variuos other functions can be maintained form routines are something todo with ABAP code. Go to (VOFM) where all reQurements whcih are represented by form routines can be maintained. ReQurements are available to be assigned where access seQuenses are used (for determination procedures, here pricing). Once the tcode VOFM is accessed you will see reQurements and go select &Quot;pricing&Quot; again you need access key to create your own or copy a routine. Say you want header price not to have effect the item pricing, you need to go to the program to change abap code to meet the reQuirement. this specific reQuirement you created will be assigned in the pricing proc. determination &Quot;reQuirements field&Quot; usaully with a number beyond 600. Note: make sure you activate your routine for its effect to take place. Q. What is the purpose of text determination, account determination, partner determination, output determination,storagelocation determination answer1: Text determination: For transferring information from material or customer to order/delvery or invoice (and anything inbetween) Account determination: For transferring financial and costing information to proper financial docs Partner determination: For determing who is is legally resposible for A/r, who the goods are going to and whatever else you waana drive through this functionality. Output determination: What kinda output does a sales/delivery/billing document create and who gets it, where?. For example A partner might get an EDI notification for a sales order just confirmed, whereas a financial/leasing company gets the invoice!

answer2: (a) Text Determination: Any Texts in Masterial Master/Material Determination/Order/Delivery , etc is meant to convey messages to the subseQuent documents for compliance. e.g. &Quot;Give Top Priority&Quot; message mentioned in Order is meant for Production Dept. (b) Account Determination:is integration between Finance and SD. The A/P along with Account Keys need to be allocated accordingly with combination of Account Determination Group for Customer and Material if reQuired. (c) Partner Determination:To identify which type of Partner it is so that if reQuired for same Customer different Partner Functions may be reQuired e.g Only One Sold To Party per Customer. More than One Ship to Party/ Bill to Party/ Payer possible. Accordingly different Masters will have to be created. Useful for despatch of Material in casae of Ship to Party, sending Bill in case of Bill to Party and payment followup/Dunning in case of Payer. (d) Output Determination: What type of Output (Fax/Mail, etc) is reQuired, where and in what Format(ABAP Customisation may be reQuired in some cases especially Invoices). (e) Storage Location Determination: depends on Plant, Shipping Point and Storage Conditions Q. What are the five imp fields to be maintained in account determination A. Account Determination: Sales View, Sales Organisation, Distribution Chanel, Chart of Accounts, Account Assignment Group for Customer and Material and Account Keys. Q. What is meant by transfer of data from legacy code to sap Legacy Code ? answer1: It should be legacy data to SAP. What it means is you want to transfer all the customer and materials and all other information from Older (legacy system) to new SAP system. You can do it using many tools, most noticeably MDMs. answer2: Before installation of SAP, Data maintained by Company is called Legacy Data. At the time of instalation, it is reQuired to transfer Data from Legacy to SAP like Masters (Material/Customer, etc). It can be done in various ways like BDC, LSMW, etc. Q. What do you do really in pricing determination, and what are the main deifferences between pricing procedures? answer1: Pricing is determined by combination of Sales Organisation, Distribution Channel, Division, Customer Pricing Procedure and Document Pricing Procedure. answer2: We determine how the prices are calculated, taking into account sales area(sales org, distribution channel, division), document type and customer(generally sold-to-party). The main differences between pricing procedures would be the differences as we mentioned above, from the point of view of field entries. Coming to the output and the procedure, Suppose

the condition types used will be different and hence the following whole procedure. One pricing procedure determination to the others, which data control these differences

Q. What type of reports generally a support consultant maintain and report A. Depends on Customer reQuirements. Q. What is the purpose of shipping point determination not menu path So that Shipping Point is determined automatically once the settings for the same are done.

Q. What and where types of copy controls we change A. Copy Control: is basically meant so that Data is copied from preceding Document to subseQuent one. What subseQuent Document is reQuired is to some extent determined by Customer ReQuirements as well as Document Types. e.g. In general case of Standard Order, it will be Copy Control (Order to Delivery) from OR to LF . Q. How to and where to maintain copy controls A. Check for yourself in IMG (Sales Document types and Delivery Document Types) Q. What is purpose of maintaining common distribution channels and common divisions A. Common Distribution Channel and Common Divison are maintained so that if any master data like customer or material maintained with respect to one distribution channel can be used in other DCh. It prevents the multiplication of master records. Eg: A customer is created for say sales area 1000/20/00 then the same customer can be used in sales area 1000/30/00 if we maintain 20 as common distribution channel. Hence no need for extending the customers...the same for materials also. Q . What is the difference between the Avaialbility check 01 (Daily reQuirement) and 02 (Individual ReQuirement) in material master? A. 01 and 02 are the checking group. Availability check is carried out with the help of these checking group and checking rule. Checking group 01 and 02 are maintained on the material master. 01 - Individual reQuirement -For this system generates transfers the reQuirement for each order to the MRP .So that MM can either produce or procure.

02- Collective reQuirement.-In this all the reQuirements in aday or in a wek are processed at a time. System stores all reQ and passes on to the MRP in MRP run.In this system performance is high however you can not do the backorder processing whereas in other you can do

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