8085 Addressing Modes

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8085 ADDRESSING MODES: There are various techniques by which the address of the operand can be specified with

in the instructions. These techniques are called addressing modes. In 8085 microprocessor there are five addressing modes. Direct addressing mode Indirect addressing (or) Register indirect addressing Immediate addressing mode Register addressing mode Implied addressing/Implicit addressing. (1) Direct Addressing Mode In this addressing mode the address of an operand is explicitly specified in the instruction itself Example: LDA 4500 H load the contents of 4500 memory location in to Accumulator. IN 80 H load the accumulator with the data read from the input port whose address is 80 H. (2) Indirect Addressing Mode: In this addressing mode, the address of an operand is specified as a part of Register. Example: LDAX B load the accumulator by the memory location content whose address is specified by the Register pair BC. (3) Immediate Addressing: In this mode, the operand is specified as a part of instruction. Example: MV1 A, 99 H 99 is data that is moved to Accumulator. (4) Register Addressing Mode: In this addressing mode, the operands are specified in the Registers. The registers are specified in the instruction itself. Example: MOV A, B Move the contents of Register B to Accumulator. (5) Implied Addressing Mode: Certian instructions assume that the operand is in the Microprocessor register (Accumulator) so there is no need to specify the address of an operand. Example: CMA Complement the contents of Accumulator.

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