Tears of The Giraffe Background
Tears of The Giraffe Background
Tears of The Giraffe Background
Chapters 12: Mma Ramotswe runs The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency in Gaborone, Botswana, and is about to marry a mechanic, Mr KLB Maketoni. She visits his house and meets his unkind maid, and then goes to her agency, where she is visited by Mrs Curtin, an American woman whose son disappeared ten years before, while living in a commune in a nearby farm with a South African woman, a German man, and some local families. Mrs Curtin wants to know what happened to him.
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Teachers notes
Discussion activities
Chapters 12 After reading
1 Read carefully and pair work: Tell students: Read carefully what the Introduction says about the characters (page vii). What does Mma Ramotswe do in these chapters that shows her understanding, respect and interest for other people? Pairs share their answers. Write: Tell students to imagine that Michael, when he decided to stay in Africa, wrote a letter to a friend back in America. What did he tell him/her about his life on the farm? Groups share their letters and find what all letters have in common and whether this information is stated clearly or just suggested in the book.
After reading
Teachers notes
After reading
18 Discuss: Students discuss whether they agree with Mma Ramotswes idea that Mr Badule must be told the truth and that the whole problem goes away if he accepts it. Then they compare this to their ideas as expressed in activity 12. 19 Artwork: In groups. Students draw a sequence of four faces showing how Mr Rantas expression changes during his conversation with Mma Ramotswe. Then groups exchange their pictures, try to put them in order and explain why they think the order they choose is the correct one. 20 Role play: In groups of three, students take the roles of JLB Maketoni, Motholeli and Puso 20 years later. They speak about what each felt on that first visit to the garage.
After reading
11 Debate: Tell students: Mma Makutsi wonders whether she should tell the truth to her client because she does not want people to suffer. Divide the class into two groups. Each defends one of these positions: A: It is better not to say what we know about other people if this will hurt them; B: We must always tell people what we know about them and let them decide what to do. 12 Discuss: Tell students: In different ways, both Mr Badules son and the girl in the wheelchair and her little brother have a foster father, and both fathers are good men. Do you think the childrens feelings for their fathers are the same or different? Why? 13 Role play: In pairs, students take the roles of the girl in the wheelchair and her brother. They role play their private conversation after the shopping trip.
After reading
22 Research: Students search the Internet for information about apartheid. They prepare brief presentations for the class. 23 Pair work and role play: In pairs, students discuss what is wrong with Mma Makutsis solution to Mr Badules problem. Then they role play the conversation Mma Ramotswe had with Mma Makutsi. 24 Artwork: Students make the drawing of the giraffe and its tears on the basket as they imagine it. They share their drawings and discuss other possible reasons why the giraffe gives its tears to women.
After reading
15 Write: Tell students: The local newspaper publishes a piece of news under the headline: Maid arrested for carrying gun in shopping bag. The information in the article is based on the maids statement to the police. Write the article.
Vocabulary activities
For the Word List and vocabulary activities, go to www.penguinreaders.com.
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