Ae4131 Abaqus Lecture 2
Ae4131 Abaqus Lecture 2
Ae4131 Abaqus Lecture 2
Patrick Roberts x5-2773 Weber 201
What is ABAQUS CAE? Why learn ABAQUS CAE? Online Tutorials Sample problem Some helpful hints
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ABAQUS CAE has three very good tutorials 1. Simple 3D cantilever beam 2. Two hinges/ rigid pin assembly 3. Viewing and working with your output
TIP: You should open a Command Window, navigate to the directory you want to use, and finally, start ABAQUS CAE via command line. This way all your results files will end up in this directory (where you want them!).
Part Module
Create a new part as
2-D planar Type : Deformable Basic feature: shell Approximate size:
Property Module
We will add the material Steel and give it values of 209 103 MPa and Poisson's ratio of 0.3. We will create a section called BeamSection and give it a category of solid, type Homogeneous. We then assign this material to this section.
Assembly Module
We will create one instance of this beam.
Step Module
We will add a step after the system created Initial step called Load Step. The procedure type is General and the type is Static. For the output we want stresses, strains, displacements, forces/reaction.
Load Module
We want to fully constrain (encastre) the left end of the beam. Fixed boundary conditions must be placed in the system created Initial step. We will call this boundary condition Fixed.
The pressure load must be added in the step we created earlier called Load Step. Call this load Pressure and it has a value of 0.5 and is applied to the top of the beam.
Mesh Module
First we need to decide on the Mesh controls. In this case we will use quadrilateral. Next we choose element type. Under Family you will see Plane stress highlighted. If we choose linear with reduced integration we will be using the following element.
Job Module
We will create a job called 2DPlaneStressBeam Once this has been created just submit the job. The analysis should only take a couple of minutes.
Visualization Module
Once your analysis is complete we want to see the results. If we look at Von Mises stress distribution we see
Stress distribution
Additional Results
To see additional results choose Field Output and you can choose the type of output you would like to see. It will only show you what you initially choose in the Step Module. All of the results files are in the directory you started CAE in. For any errors, warning or other system data on how the analysis ran look at those files.