Syllabus - Undergraduate Methods Course For Non-Majors

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Syllabus for Education 400 Winter Semester Teaching of Music for Pre-service Elementary Classroom Teachers (Non-Music Majors)

Instructor: Sean Jackman Location: School of Music, Room 201 Office Hours: Mondays 4:30 5:30 pm Wednesdays 10:00 11:30 am Class Time: Mondays 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Materials: 1) Music Every Day: Transforming the Elementary Classroom by Carol P. Richardson and Betty Atterbury (2001). It is available at the Campus Bookstore. 2) A recorder. It is also available at the Campus Bookstore or you may use one that you have. Course Overview This course is designed to help elementary teachers learn the fundamentals of music and to provide practical suggestions for teaching music skills to children. Students perform and learn to teach music. It is delivered for general elementary teachers. School of Music Handbook, p. 59 Goals 1) To develop academic skills and gain knowledge of music education from the literature in the discipline. 2) To gain basic knowledge and skills in basic musicianship 3) To gain knowledge of and practice with various elementary classroom materials and methodologies for using music as a tool for teaching

Objectives Knowledge of Music Education To develop an understanding of musical concepts through performing, creating, describing, responding, and listening to music. To examine the role of music in the lives of children and the role of the school in fostering musical and aesthetic growth To explore the intellectual construct and practical applications of discipline integration

To explore the arts process, engaging in artistic processes that inform understandings in music - perceiving, responding, evaluation, understanding and creating To examine the philosophical underpinnings of contemporary music methodologies - Kodaly, Orff, Dalcroze. To demonstrate scholarship through writing and the application of knowledge to the preparation and organization of musical experiences Musicianship To develop basic musicianship skills including a rudimentary knowledge of music theory. To gain facility on the recorder as a learning vehicle to foster musicianship in the classroom To explore and understand the elements of music - melody, harmony, rhythm, form, texture, timbre, style and expression Classroom Methodology To develop strategies for the integration of music into other curricular areas To develop classroom strategies for in-tune singing, singing games, and listening creatively. Class Policies Attendance is required since this is a practical course involving the arts. You have to be here or you cannot learn. If there is an unforeseen circumstance that prevents you from attending, I expect to receive a message from you before the class or within 24 hours following the class. If you are unable to complete an assignment on time, I require that you contact me before the due date. Assignments for which no arrangements have been made will be given the grade of 0. Attendance is MIND AND BODY. It includes your willingness to accept responsibility for learning, trying at all times and thorough preparation of readings and assignments. Evaluation Assignment #1 Assignment #2 Assignment #3 Assignment #4 Assignment #5 Assignment #6 Participation/Attendance 10% 10% 15% 20% 20% 10% 15% ______ 100%

Please email me if you require accommodation due to learning disabilities, religious practices, physicals requirements, medical needs or any other reason. Grade Scale: A+ 97-100 A 93-96 A- 90-92 B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B- 80-82 C+ 77-79 C 73-76 C- 70-72 D+ 67-69.5 D 62-66 E 0-61

Assignment #1 A Musical Autobiography an essay that describes your personal experience with music and music teaching. Due: January 22 10% In this essay of not more than 750 words, outline the following: 1) The role of music in your family and community. Begin with the role of music in your family and community from as early as you can remember. What meaningful experiences did you have as you were growing up? Did your family having any traditions that involved music? 2) The role of music in your school experiences. Do you remember music class in school? Do you remember your music teacher? Have any of your experiences with music in school influenced how you feel about music today? 3) Why do you think that music belongs in the schools today? Should a specialist teach music or can anyone who likes the subject do it? What is the role of the classroom teacher in providing students with musical experiences? Include any other comments that you think are relevant. The questions are mean to guide you. Each one does not need to be answered. Essays should be typed and show in-depth reflection of your feelings and thoughts. Since this is an essay involving your

opinions, your mark will be based on how well you have expressed yourself. Proper grammar and good use of English is expected. Assignment #2 A Concert Experience a project that involves attending a concert of live music and writing about your experience. Due: February 5 10% In this essay of not more than 500 words, outline the following: 1) A description of the soloist or ensemble that you saw and the music being performed. What kind of music was it? How many performers were involved and what kind of instruments were being played? What part of the world does this music come from? 2) The reaction of the audience. How did the audience behave? Were they involved in any way? Did they have a role to perform in the music making? What do you think makes a good audience? Was it appropriate for all ages? 3) How you felt following the event. Why do you think the composer wrote this composition? Are there extra-musical elements? What do you think he/she wanted you to feel? Include any other comments that you think are relevant. The questions are meant to guide you. Each one does not need to be answered. Essays should be typed and show in-depth reflection of your feelings and thoughts. Since this is an essay involving your opinions, your mark will be based on how well you have expressed yourself. Proper grammar and good use of English is expected. There are many concerts and recitals in Ann Arbor. If you need assistance finding one, please contact me. Assignment #3 Lesson Planning an individual project that involves planning and teaching one music lesson (singing and instruments). Due: February 19 15% Lesson Format Suggested Grade Level Objectives for Music Materials needed Procedure:

Introduction Development Closure Evaluation/Assessment Activity Teacher Reflection We will spend time in class discussing this format. Please contact me if this is unfamiliar to you. As part of this assignment, you are required to teach the entire lesson to your colleagues. The teaching component should be approximately 5 minutes. Assignment #4 Lesson Planning a group project that involves planning and teaching three lessons that involve music and other curriculum areas. Due: March 19 20% Your cooperative group will create a unit plan of three lessons that correlates music and other subject areas. Any area of the curriculum is a possibility - visual arts, drama, language arts, physical education, science, social science and mathematics. Project Introduction and Rational 1) Provide at least a paragraph to explain why you think music and your chosen areas are meaningfully related. 2) Personal Interest Statements Explain why you chosen this particular subject to integrate with music. Did you realize anything new in the planning? 3) Working Agreement Indicate the chief contributions to the project of each person and sign the completed copy. Use the same lesson format that was used in assignment #3. As part of this assignment, your group is required to teach at least part of the unit in class. You have the freedom to decide how much of the lesson is appropriate to teach but it should be at least 15 minutes long. Following your model teaching, the class should have a good idea of what you were trying to teach and the strategies that you would use to accomplish this goal in your own classroom. Assignment #5 Portfolio a project that involves collected and organizing all of the useful materials from this course and sharing it with the class. Due: April 9 20% Your portfolio should include the following: A statement of your personal philosophy of music in the classroom Your class notes

All handouts and song materials Any comments that you would like to make about the course and what you have learned. It should be organized in a way that you will be easily able to refer to it when you are teaching. We will discuss more in class about portfolios as a way of assessment and I will supply models for you to see. Assignment #6 Recorder Tests individualized assessments of how well you are learning to play the recorder. Due: February 12 and March 26 (in class time) 10% I will give you pieces that you can prepare and ask you to play them for me privately. It will be an opportunity for you to show me how you are progressing and also for you to have an individualized recorder lesson.

Course Calendar January 8 Introduction, syllabus, survey, getting to know you activities, explanation of assignment #1, Chapter 1 January 15 Martin Luther King Holiday no class January 22 Assignment #1 due Why is music important in the schools? Introduction to recorder playing Rhythm Fundamentals - Chapter 2 January 29 Pitch Fundamentals - Chapter 3

February 5 Assignment #2 due Singing with Children - Chapter 4 February 12 Recorder test #1 Music listening Chapter 5 February 19 Assignment #3 due Music listening with Children Chapter 6 February 26 Winter Break no class March 5 Playing Instruments - Chapter 7 March 12 Playing Instruments with Children Chapter 8 March 19 Assignment #4 due Movement and music Chapter 9 Movement and Children Chapter 10 March 26 Recorder test #2 Creating Music Chapter 11 April 2 Creating Music with Children Chapter 12 April 9 Assignment #5 due Chapter 13 Course evaluation April 16 Course conclusion Events of the calendar are subject to change.

Welcome To Music Education 400.

I am aware that you come to this class with a variety of experiences. One of goals is for you to become aware of your own strengths throughout the term. Everyone is musical to a greater or lesser degree. The amount of musical training that you have may or may correlate to the innate ability you have. In this class we will enjoy making music together which is one of the best ways for me to ensure that you USE MUSIC IN YOUR CLASSROOM which is what the entire course is about. I will be visiting your classroom in fifteen years to see how you are making out! Part of learning together is getting to know each other. I am interested in learning more about you and the survey that you will complete on this first day is one way for me to find out why you are here and why you would like to learn more about music and music teaching. Bon voyage! Sean

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