War Assets Report 1
War Assets Report 1
War Assets Report 1
In this PLANT-FINDER you are provided with an inventory of most of the industrial facilities which your Government either buil t or acquired during the course of World War II. Having served their purpose in war, these plants are being offered to private enterprise -- for sale or lease, in whole or part __ as they become available for disposal as surplus.
The plants currently offered represent a cross-section of the most modern in American industrial facilities. They produced magnificently in war... and can be equally effective in peace. As tried and proved establishments, they offer unusual opportunities to American business and industry. They can be made to contribute substantial gain to the individual, the community, the state and our entire national economy.
No matter where you are, or what you require... whether your business is large or small. .. you are urged to search the PLANT-FINDER for the facili ties sui ted to your needs.
CalIon the War Assets Administration office nearest you for addi tional information and help.
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Industrial Plants
Listed by States -Indexed by Lessees or Operators
ClassiAed by Products or Functions
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This is a completely revised listing of most of the war plants owned by the Government. With a few exceptions they are available for industrial uses, The listing provides basic
information, such as locations, sizes, and general features of the properties,
The War Assets Administration has published this list of properties as an aid to those
interested in their utilization for peacetime production. Industry wil use it as an aid in securing additional facilities required to satisfy widely expanded markets,
Public-spirited groups, State, county and community, wil use it in developing methods
to assure the operation of the plants in their communities, thus providing employment
Individual plants noted "SURPLUS" are immediately available for purchase or lease.
Plants not so indicated are from time to time being declared surplus. Whether any
specific properties have been declared surplus or not, negotiations for their purchase
or lease may be entered into now subject to Governmental requirements and existing contract provisions, The plants indicated as "SOLD" are included for informational purposes only; the plants noted as "leased" may be purchased subject to the provisions
The War Assets Administration wil make detailed information available to those
interested in acquiring these plants. It has certain engineering reports, containing
plot plans, architectural drawings, engineerin9 details and information about local
transportation and utilities. It has ilustrated brochures available as noted on most of the properties. The Brochures, as well as the engineering reports, are available for study and review at the Regional Offices for Real Property DisposaL. Those offices
also wil arrange for inspection of these plants by persons having a bona fide interest in them.
't.~ ~,
The War Assets Administration is charged with the disposal of these properties as they become available, A number of them already have been sold or leased and ,~..;hg6tations on many others are under way. W AA desires to work with those inter. '.' ested in 4eveloping sound and reasonable arrangements for purchases or leases. Agreements rioy be entered into now, subject to contingencies of present contracts
and Governmental requirements. The WAA invites inquiries and negotiations rela-
tive .to these plants, in order to assure their proper utilization and the continuance
't.: /ef high levels 'of employment.
(Alabama) 1
Shipyard Surplus
Alabama Drydock and Shipbuilding Company
Mobile, Alabama On Pinto Island, Mobile Bay.-MariShipyard for the construction of cargo vessels and tankers. LAND: About 305 acres under lease and license, Included is
a parcel of 72,6 acres presently under condemnation proceed-
Sewage and Waste Disposal: Complete systems of storm and sanitary sewers and plant disposal system, Storage basins for the interception and collection of manufacturing wastes also
Two Power Houses: Provide generation of process steam and electric power required at plant, also supply steam and other
utilty services to another government-owned plant adjacent to project, Power Houses are well designed, of permanent
Warehouse No, 1 36,000 sq. ft, Warehouse No, 2 78,000 sq, ft.
extraction-type turbo generating units. The power house in T,N.T. Area is of similar construction, but has four boiler and
Plant area is equipped with Boilers, designed to generate from 150,000 to 180,000 lbs. steam per hour each and five 5,000 kw
tric generating capacity of 40,000 kw with ten boilers, Adjacent to each power house is a pump house, filter and water treating plant, with settling basins for supply of water to the
boilers and circulating water for the condensers.
Ammonia Plant: Not completed, only approximately 250/0 of construction being in place, Work in place includes most of
the coke oven construction, one of the stacks for the plant,
construction, or masonry, Some of structural steel with corlaunching ways 463' to 507' long by 60' wide; 8 end launching
ways 540' long by 72' wide.
Eighteen Crane Runways,
Powder Plant: Acid Area at the smokeless powder plant con-
Cotton Area used also to receive and handle wood pulp which
Oxygen, 2 "Driox" converters, 50,000 cu, ft, each. TRANSPORTATION: Yard served by major systems. About
Birmingham 0, R. P, D,
Explosives Plant
wringer houses, connecting walkways, etc. Nitrating Buildings are of steel frame construction with brick walls and corrugated asbestos roofing, Other buildings are of wood frame construction with corrugated asbestos wall and
roof covering.
Sylacauga, Alabama.-Army. LAND: About 13,162 acres. BUILDINGS: 575 buildings of all types on the project to-
equipment for fume and solvent recovery. Dry houses, blending towers, packing houses and miscellaneous buildings also form a part of powder manufacturing area. All buildings in
this area are of special design and construction, They are
tallng approximately 2,500,000 sq. ft. floor area, Staff' and ~esidence Area contains 25 single-family frame dwellngs (15
single-storyand 10 two-story) of good design and construction.
widely separated from one another to provide a measure of safety from fire and explosion hazard. The proving ground contains miscellaneous buildings and equipment for the field testing of smokeless powder and explosives manufactured in
the plant,
T~o Administration Areas: Main area, located at Plant No, 1, includes the main administration or offce building for the
cellaneous auxilary buildings, The T.N.T, Plant Area contains a smaller administration area with offce and auxilary buildings. All buildings except telephone exchange are of
frame construction. Shop and Maintenance Area: Includes locomotive repair shops and laundries of frame construction.
Inert Storage Area: Buildings located adjacent to the shop
T.N.T. Plant: Acid Area structures are all of steel and concrete designed solely for production, recovery, concentration, and handling of nitric and sulphuric acids as required in the plant. Oelum and Sellte Manufacturing Plants, constructed
within the acid area, are also of permanent design.
used for packing and shipping T.N.T, is a wood frame buildComplete box factory for the manufacture of wooden boxes
and maintenance buildings, and the warehouses for cotton and wood pulp storage adjacent to nitrating houses. Buildings are of wood frame construction with transite or corrugated metal siding and roofs, Two General Explosives Storage and Shipping Areas: The powder storage and shipping area contains 24 buildings of 1,725 sq. ft, area each, and 23 buildings of 3,050 sq, ft. each.
tains 43 concrete igloos for storage of high explosives with
ing with corrugated asbestos siding and roof. Manufacturing and Recovery Area. There are eight T.N.T. manufacturing lines, consisting of specially designed frame structures with manufacturing equipment. Buildings are relatively small, of special design and construction. Tetryl Area: Consists of special purpose structures, similar in design and construction to those of T.N.T, Manufacturing area, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Autoclaves, absorption columns, A.O.P. units complete, compressors, condensers, cool.
Wood frame construction with wood floors and corrugated asbestos or metal siding and roofs, The "magazine area" con-
ers, filters, separators, tanks, motors, pumps, instruments, bleaching columns, nitric acid concentrating units, sulphuric acid concentrating units, preheaters, furnaces, gassifiers, heater units, crystallzing kettles, powder mixers, hoppers, nitrators, blocking presses, recovery units (solvent), recovery units
2 (Alabama)
20'2" side aisles, concrete floor, structural steel framing, asbestos protected metal siding and roof.
UTILITIES: Water from Coosa River. Project pumping station with filter and treating plant. Sewage disposal facilties with storage basins for sludge. Electric power from project power plants. Excess power generated at the plant is sold to Alabama Power
concrete floor, structural steel framing, walls of 8" tile and 4" brick, steel decking. Air conditioned (6 penthouses 20' x
56' house air conditioning units),
Machine Shop No.2: Total area 156,700 sq, ft" clearance 15',
Process Steam from 2 central power plants. TRANSPORTATION: Central Georgia railroad, A. B. & C.
Railroad, and Southern Railway.
platform, clearance 15', concrete floor, structural steel framing, walls of 8" tile and 4" brick, metal deck. Compressor Building No, 4: Total area 2,850 sq. ft., clearance
Garage and Fire Station NO.5: Total area 8,370 sq, ft., clearance 13',
This project is available for lease in whole or part, subject to possible restrictions as to its proposed use,
Birmingham 0, R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-t89).
Gate House No.7: Area 1,412 sq, ft. clearance 8'7", concrete floor, wood construction.
Bath House No.6: Total areas 11,080 sq. ft, (Basement 570
Offce No. 11: Basement and two-story, total area 11,800 sq.
Cafeterias No. 12 and 13: Total area 7,900 sq, ft" clearance
12', wood with metal siding and roof. Heat Treat, Nos. 27, 28, 29, 30, 31: Each 3,530 sq, ft., clear-
Acetylene House No, 23: Total area 1,140 sq. ft., clearance
and roof.
Heat Treat No. 37: Area 3,730 sq. ft., clearance 20', concrete
Ovens No. 38: Area 1,250 sq, ft., clearance 10', similar to No.
LAND: 254 acres owned, and 58 acres leased for twenty years. BUILDINGS: Modification Building, floor area 1,440,000 sq.
bay doors are canopy type steel, 40' high, full o:ening. Sprinkler system, Modification Sheds are open type wood frame
Cuting Oil Storage No. 40: Area 1,440 sq. ft., clearance 13'4", concrete floor, steel framing, galvanized corrugated siding and
Seventeen smallr miscellaneous structures total about 4,000
Administration Building, Training Building, Protection Building, Flight Operations Building, Paint Building and ten minor
buildings, all wood construction; combined floor area 124,500
sq, ft.
carts, hoists, pumps, sanders, scales, cleaners, welding equipmept, hardness testers, tensile testing machines, air and elec-
machines, 2 hardening furnaces, blast pressure machines, accumulators (hydraulic), 11 forging furnaces, electro magnets, corner roller machines (hydraulic), breaking presses, piercing presses, compressors, draw benches, descaler machines, pumps,
plete (oil conveyor type). Six 10-ton, one 25-ton overhead cranes. UTILITIES: Water from City. Sewage disposal plant on site. Gas, power and light from local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur branch of L. & N, R, R, Birmingham O. R. P. D.-Brochure available AP-56.
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the war-time use of the property, prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
5 miles south of Gadsden, Alabama.-Army. LAND: About 337J, acres, BUILDINGS: Forge Shop No.1: One story, total area 84,000 sq. ft., includes walks, clearance 28'8" center aisle 18'6" and
Goslin-Birmingham Manufacturing Company, Inc., Birmingham, Alabama.-Army, Project used for production of shells. LAND: About 1.82 acres, leased,
50,000 sq. ft., ceilng clearance 15', concrete floor with concrete
(Alabama) 3
trowel finish, structural steel framing, corrugated sheet metal siding, corrugated sheet metal deck, brick and tile partitions
separate the Shell Shop from the locker, wash, storage, machine shop, offce, cafeteria, boiler room side of the building.
Among the larger buildings are: Filing Buildings (2 of 105,000 sq. ft. and one of 60,000 sq. ft.), one story with 16' clear-
and wood.
generators, air washing installations, vacuum distilation units, fillng plant equipment, CO Plant complete, glass lined kettles, reactor kettles, hydraulic presses, clothing renovating plant equipment, airveyor system, conveyor, pallets, automatic lift
of machine tools and maintenance.
About 2 miles from Huntsville, Alabama.-Army. There are 2 chlorine-caustic plants located in Huntsvile Arse.
nal, each with a capacity of 50 tons of chlorine per day.
UTILITIES: Water pumped from Tennessee River and treated by plant on site. Industrial sewage disposal system and sanitary sewage disposal system.
Substantially the only difference between them is that the plant known as No.2 does not have facilties to produce solid
caustic. The plants are located about 2% miles apart and have no direet connection except that they are served by common utilties. Each plant is a complete unit, except for utilties, and is not dependent upon the other, The two chlorine plants have normal 24-hour capacities of 50 to~s each of gaseous chlorin~, Plant No.1 can liquefy 25 tons
has a daily
Power and light from Tennessee Valley Authority. TRANSPORTATION: Arsenal system connects with Southern Railway and N. C. & St. L, R. R. This project is available for lease in whole or part, subject to possible restrictions as to its proposed use,
Birmingham 0, R, P, D.
daily an? Plant N"o. 2 can hquefy 50 ton.s daily, Each plant
Plant No.1 can fuse its entire daily production. Plant No.2 has no provision for fusing caustic. Each plant produces daily 1.4 tons of hydrogen, Plant No, 2 supplies hydrogen to another
process in the ArsenaL.
Shipyard Sold
9,226 sq. ft.
Ingalls Shipbuilding Corporation, Decatur, Alabai" a,-
BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: Each plant has a Cell Building, Rectifier Room, Liquefaction Building, Evaporation
tanks for salt and brine, chlorine, cell liquor and caustic.
Building, Administration Building. No.1 plant has a Caustic Fusion Building. Each plant has
oxide and black steel scrap. LAND: Approximately 26.5 acres. BUILDINGS: Can Detinning Building, Chemical Building and Machine Shop. Concrete block walls, wood columns and trusses. Combined floor area 23,000 sq. ft. Clearances 15' to 38', Boiler House, Warehouse and Offce Building, combined floor area 8,300 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Electric furnaces, miscellaneous tanks, pumps, conveyors, filters, evaporators, scrap balers, can shredders, etc,
UTILITIES: Water for industrial uses comes from an ArseSewers are divided into industrial and sanitary systems.
TVA high voltage line. Steam from Arsenal boiler houses, TRANSPORTATION: Railroad sidings, which are part of an arsenal operated system, connect to the Southern Railway
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company, TRANSPORTATION: Siding of L, & N. Railroad. Birmingham O. R, P. D.-Brochure available.
and the N. C. & St. L. R. R. This project is available for lease in whole or part, subject to
possible restrictions as to its proposed use.
Birmingham O. R. P. D,
About three miles southwest of Huntsville, Alabama, LAND: About 11,636 acres.
BUILDINGS: The project as a whole is divided into eight. principal parts as follows: 1, Line I, manufacturing area; 2, Line II, 'lanufacturing area; 3, Line III and IV, manufacturing area; 4, Line V, manufacturing area; 5, inert warehouse
All of the above parts except 6 and 7 have their own boiler
plants. There are a large number of well-built buildings with concrete floors, all well served by utilties.
wood construction.
Included are numerous process buildings, utilty and service buildings, warehouses and other types of structures. Construc-
LAND: About 20,625 acres, BUILDINGS: Total area about 4,000,000 sq. ft., 858 buildings.
Administration Bldg., 27,000 sq. ft., 1 story, clearance 12', Engine, Machine Shop, 18,000 sq, ft., 1 story, clearance 14',
4 (Alabama)
Ten Finished Ammunition Magazines, 12,000 sq. ft. ea" 1 story, clearance 15', concrete and masonry construction. 10 Inert Storage, 12,000 sa. ft. ea., 1 story, clearance 14'7", concrete, wood, APM corrugated metal construction,
2 Inert Storage, 12,000 sq. ft ea., 1 story, clearance 14'7",
BUILDINGS: Concentration Mil, Sinter Plant, Screen House, Crusher, and Sub-Station. Construction of steel framing, sheet metal walls and roof, Total floor area 79,000 sq. ft, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Tram cars, Jeffrey elevators, ore conveyors, sinter machine, rod mils, classifiers,
locomotives, Tyler screens. Portable tools include rock drils,
crete and masonry construction, 2 Burster Charge Assembly, 12,400 sq. ft, ea., 1 story, clear-
and masonry construction. Assembly, Packing & Shipping, 12,200 sq. ft., 1 story, clearance 13', concrete and masonry construction,
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Air compressors, marking machines, staking machines, Dennison presses, pelleting presses, scales, vacuum produce units, machine assembly and dis-assembly, machine assembly and crimping, mixers, pumps,
kettles, etc.
Leased land, buildings, machinery and equipment, designed for mining and washing of coaL Estimated deposit is 10,000,000
ings, and Breaker House. Total floor area 11,300 sq, ft,
LAND: 70 acres, leased for 20 years. BUILDINGS: Service Building, two Motor Generator Build-
TRANSPORTATION: Adequate transportation facilties are provided by two railroads, the Tennessee River, and a highway network. The railroad and road facilties connect to the Huntsvile Arsenal systems.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Tramcars, mine motors, pumps, coal loading and cutting machines, coal breakers, coal washer, compressors, conveyors, motor-generator sets, etc.
and completely treated,
This project is available for lease in whole or part, subject to possible restrictions as to its proposed use. Birmingham O. R, P. D.-Brochure available (AP-165).
LAND: Eight parcels totallng approximately 19.1 acres. Seven total 9.1 acres and are in the steel plant of lessee,
ings of steel mil construction, brick and concrete. Also 10
Eighth parcel is site of pump house. BUILDINGS: Total floor area 60,000 sq. ft. 18 major buildminor pump houses and control buildings,
Virginia City, Alabama.-Plancor 2039, Designed as washing plant to clean coal, constituting an in-
coke ovens; blast furnace; pig casting machine complete; turbo generator; turbo blower; two 100-ton diesel electric locomotives; 75 all steel box, hopper and gondola cars; 15 ton crane; 6 ton crane; 25 ton stiff leg derrick, etc.
(Arizona) 5
Aircraft Parts Plant
136,800 sq, ft,
Airesearch Manufacturing Company,
Phoenix, Arizona.-Plancor 944.
mezzanine; total area 728,000 sq, ft.; concrete and wood floors;
wood stud and column frame; one inch sheathing and asbestos cement shingle walls; ceilng heights 10' to 35'; three-ply built
Administration Building, two story and basement; 14,112 sq, ft.; concrete and wood floor; wood stud frame; gypsum board
walls; ceilng heights 9' to 12'; three-ply built-up roof.
height 14'.
Designed to produce aluminum tube blooms to be drawn into finished tubing and extruded shapes. LAND: 337 acres. BUILDINGS: The plant consists of six inter-communicating manufacturing units and fifteen other buildings with a combined floor area of about 1,250,000 sq. ft. The manufacturing
pressors, hoists, scales, and numerous miscellaneous items of laboratory and testing equipment, furniture and fixtures,
TRANSPORTATION: Spurs to Southern Pacific Railroad. Los Angeles O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-8),
trusion presses, drawbenches; stretchers; ingot boring machines; ingot saws; tube reducers, Swindell furnaces; convey-
ors; hoppers; elevators; etc. Also thirty-one electrically operated cranes, 5 to 20-ton capacity.
Sewage disposal plant on site. -Power and light from local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Two spur tracks and eleven sidings
on site, Southern Pacific R, R.
This plant has been leased for a period of five years, Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the provision of the lease in effect. Los Angeles 0, R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Designed to manufacture fibers and powder from yucca leaves. LAND: About 9.3 acres.
9,000 sq. ft,
construction, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Balers, conveyors, tanks, warehouse trucks, fiber drying system, shredder, etc.
LAND: 77,13 acres in five separate parcels. BUILDINGS: Six principal buildings of heavy reinforced concrete or strctural steel, combined floor area about 141,000 sq,
Sewage disposal into septic tank, Power and light from local utilty companies.
TRANSPORT ATION: Spur track of Santa Fe Railroad.
ft. Twenty smaller structures have combined floor area of about 48,000 sq, ft. Also 42 dwellngs: 27 four-room houses
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Mine machinery such as compressors, power crane, drils, grader, light plants, buggies, power shovels,. tractors, dozers, winch ,etc. Miling and concentrating equipment includes ball mils, classifiers, belt conveyors, crushers, screens, pumps, etc. Laboratory contains assay furnace, electric ovens, etc, Also machine tools and portable tools, including air compressors, electric drils, etc. Two 5-ton hand operated cranes, and two 60-ton, two 20-ton and four 5ton electrically operated cranes,
LAND: Approximately 197 acres of owned land in twelve parcels, approximately 100 acres of leased land in seven parcels,
UTILITIES: Domestic water is obtained from well on site; mine and mil water is pumped from river after treating, and stored in 3,500,000 gallon reservoir on site. Power and light
by local utilty company,
BUILDINGS: Three Assembly Buildings, combined floor area 340,000 sq. ft.; generally steel framing and roof trusses;
ceilng heights 16' to 40'; large canopy doors,
height 20',
50' on centers, both ways; floor area 76,000 sq, ft,; ceilng Foundry, Offce Building, Engineering Building, Personnel
Building, Cafeteria and minor buildings, combined floor area
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Boring, driling and grinding machines, lathes, routers, saws, shears, sanders,
threaders, bending, crimping and flanging machines, hammers,
presses, furnaces, hoists, etc.
Seven miles south of Tucson, Arizona,-Army, LAND: 1,749.83 acres under lease from City of Tucson,
BUILDINGS: 48, comprised of 37 Government-owned; 2 leaiid from the City of. Tucson; 8 built and owned by the op-
use of the property, prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
6 (Arizona) (Arkansas)
Los Angeles 0, R, P. D.
production of the open pit mine of others. Housing and educational buildings are included. Facilties designed to treat
BUILDINGS: Five principal structures and about 25 other buildings. Seven of these are at the Open Pit and twelve are at the Reduction Works. Generally, buildings are extensions
to structures of others. Construction of steel framing, cor-
EQUIPMENT: Conveyors, cyclone collectors, pumps, tanks, mine cars, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty company.
This plant has been leased for a period of three year.. Ne-
40,00,0 lb.. aluminum fluoride per year Aluminum Company of America, Bauxite, Arkansas, on U, S, Highway No, 67,
About 6 miles from Benton, Arkansas,-Plancor 226-X.
J ones Mils, Arkansas.-Plancor 226-K. Designed for production of aluminum ingots, Also a carbon baking plant to manufacture carbon electrodes used in the
project, BUILDINGS: 70 buildings, 45 dwellngs, 10 covered passageways and 2 cooling towers on the plant site,
LAND: 243 acres of plant site and 149 acres for housing
Principal buildings as follows: 6 utilty structures, combined
for housing facilties. BUILDINGS: Approximately 50 buildings, exclusive of housSinter Plant: 8 buildings; floor area 140,000 sq. ft,
floor area about 60,000 sq. ft., structural steel and brick. 23 industrial structures, including 8 pot room buildings and 4
metal siding, 45 four-room dwellngs, wood frame.
engine houses, with combined floor are of about 600,000 sq. ft.,
4 reduction lines in the 8 Pot Rooms in which are housed 512 electric cell reduction pots, Carbon plant contains crushers, grinders, and two carbon baking furnaces, with all auxilary
Two 5-ton, one 2-ton, and one 20-ton cranes; one 30-ton loco-
Other items including rectifier building equipment, air compressors, boilers, laboratory equipment, furniture and fixtures,
portable tools, etc, 18 overhead traveling cranes, capacities
from 3% to 75 tons.
Power and light by power plant on site and standby local utilty.
TRANSPORTATION: Spur of C, R. 1. & P. R. R. This plant has been leased for a period of 5 years, Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase sub;ect to
the provisions of the lease in effect.
lines ani; the 4 engine houses on site supply power for the two remaining reduction lines in the plant, TRANSPORTATION: C, R. 1. & P. Railroad. This plant has been leased for a period of 5 years,
Negotiations may be entered into for its purchae sub;ect to
(Arkansas) 7
including laundry. Acid area, Ammonium picrate area. Magazine (explosive) area. Utilties. Safety area.
Jacksonvile, Arkansas.-Army.
LAND: 7,341.83 acre's,
wood floors, wood frame, plywood walls, ceilng height 1st floor 9' and 2nd floor 9', roofing of paper and asbestos shingles.
BUILDINGS: Total number, 830. Administration Bldg., No. 101: 2 story, area 38,778 sq, ft.,
buildings. The shop maintenance and service area contains buildings and
facilties for general plant and equipment maintenance and repair, such as the maintenance shop, warehouse buildings,
storage and service garages, laundry, and other miscellaneous
1,520 sq, ft, all wood floors, wood frames, wood walls and shiplap, ceilng heights 7'4", built-up tar and paper roofs. Equipment and Repair Shop, Buildings No. 202: 2 story, area 25,983 sq. ft., concrete floor, frame of wood, walls of sheathing and asbestos shingles, ceilng height 14', buil-up tar and paper roof. ' Supply Bldg, No. 203: 12,990 sq. ft., 1 story,
Maintenance Bldg. No. 207: 12,990 sq. ft.
Inert Storage Bldgs. Nos. 301-316: Same as Bldg, No. 203.
buildings, The acid area embraces a synthetic nitric acid plant of capacity to meet the manufacturing requirements of the project, and a
sulphuric acid concentration plant also various miscellaneous
Four Assembly Bldgs. Nos. 606, 607, 706, 707: 43,532 sq. ft., one story, other features same as above No. 203, etc, except ceilng height is 10',
all 1 story, construction features same as above Bldg. 203, except ceilng height is 18', Twelve Loading Bldgs. Nos. 909 through 911, 1009 through
ing is :J" rubber flooring and ceilng height is 10'.
Four Boiler Houses Nos. 903, 1003, 1103, 1203: 17,544 sq. ft.
requirements. The area is separated from other areas of the plant an dsurrounded by safety areas.
ervoir of the City of Little Rock. Standby supply from deep
Gas Power-Light: Arkansas Power and Light Company,
LOLL, 1109 through 1111, 1209 through 1211, 96,408 sq. ft. all 1 story, construction features as above Bldg, 203, except floor-
UTILITIES: Water: Furnished from Lake Winona ResSewer: Sanitary system provided. Steam: 172,500 lbs./hr. at 275 psi.
179,551 sq. ft., all 1 story, construction features similar to Bldg. 202 above.
ing equipment, laboratory testing equipment, locomotives, railroad repair and maintenance equipment, construction equip-
EI Dorado, Arkansas.-Army. LAND: 3,221.12 acres. BUILDINGS: 117, with a combined area of 599,365 sq. ft, Administration Bldg. No.1, two story, 14,526 sq. ft.; wood floor, wood frame, wood walls, ceilng 10'; asphalt shingle
Boiler House No. 13, two story, 17,897 sq, ft.; concrete floor,
Maintenance Shops & Stores Bldg, No. 14, 32,402 sq. ft,; one
20' Building No. 17, one story,. sq. ft. by 18', 12,480 Processing
ceilng 20', bays generally 20' by 18',
Processing Building No. 16, one story, 40,573 sq. ft; same construction as boiler house, ceilng is 48'; bays generally
Adjacent to town of Marche, Arkansas (about 16 miles northwest of Little Rock), Plant capacity is arranged in nine (9) production lines.
Plant can probably produce at 130% of rated capacity.
orators, compressors, cooling towers, purifiers, laundry equipequipment, administrative offce equipment, automotive equip-
LAND: About 7,600 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area about 332,600 sq. ft. Buildings are generally not large. The largest is about 10,000 sq, ft. except for the boiler house and acid plants which are steel construc-
UTILITIES: Water from eleven wells on site. Sewage disposal plant on site. Power and light from 16,000 kva, generating plant on site,
8 (Arkanss)
TRANSPORTATION: Spurs to Missouri Pacific R. R, This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to
the provisions of the lease in effect,
ers, numerous conveyors, pelleting machines, riveting machines, hydraulic presses, scales, pumps, etc.
H. C. Filing Plant: Blenders, vacuum cleaners, continuous
rotary dryer, conveyors, fillng machines, printing and label-
Explosives Plant
About 8 miles northwest of Pine Bluff, Arkansas.-Army. LAND: About 15,050 acres,
or Chemical Manufacturing Area: In this area is a Chlorine
naces, ethylene generators, gas holders, fillng lines, reactors, scrubbers, pumps, super heaters, towers, tanks, regrigeration units (200 ton) fume washers, etc,
A. T. Manufacturing Plant: Airveyor system for arsenious
cases, air compressors, sulphuric acid coolers, dryers, filters, acetylene generators, glass lined reaction kettles, glass lined
two H. S, Reactors, H. S, Scrubbers, and a large fillng building, The Ethylene Generating units produce ethylene gas from ethyl alcohoL. The buildings are of a permanent type of construction. The large fillng building in this area is of permanent construction with a reinforced concrete frame and
The A, T, Manufacturing Plant has silos for dry storage and Airveyor system for handling powdered materiaL. The main
building in each M. 1. plant is a three-story reinforced con-
1,500,000 gallons per day is installed. The sanitary sewage facilities comprise a complete system flowing to a treatment plant
tity of storage space for liquids in steel tanks. Central Area: Includes Administration Buildings, Offcers' Barracks, Mess, Enlisted Personnel Area, Hospital and Post Facilties and Plainview Housing project. The buildings in this area are self-suffcient in the matter of heating and
process steam, Water, sewage facilties, gas and electricity
are part of the complete systems serving both the South and
Central areas, The roads for serving the entire area are well developed.
within the Central Area, but it is readily accessible to all plants and sections of the Manufacturing Project, In addition to the various apartments, a school has been built for
the children living in the housing project and a store is available for the purchase of meats and groceries, South Area: Includes Incendiary Munitions Plants, Nos, 1,
Plants, of which there are three, each consist of manufacturing buildings, raw material warehouses, lumber storage warehouses, bomb storage magazines, packing buildings, a spare parts storage building, and a boiler and compressor house for each area. The manufacturing buildings in the Incendiary
Munitions plants are constructed of reinforced concrete, The
LAND: In the Arsenal area, about 1,500' by 2,000', approximately 75 acres. BUILDINGS: Cell Building, containing 205 cells, Liquefaction Building, Caustic Fusion Building, Rectifier Room, Evaporation Building, Administration and Laboratory Building; Combined area approximately 60,000 sq. ft, All buildings of steel, masonry, corrugated asbestos construction, In addition
there are tanks for salt, brine, chlorine, cell liquor and caustic.
The N. P, Manufacturing and Filing Plant consists of one large manufacturing and fillng building, one warehouse, and a large storage capacity for liquids, at present used for gasoline. Three large reactors equipped with stirring blades
chlorine condensers, brine coolers, caustic liquid coolers, sulfuric acid coolers, wet gas coolers, water coolers, air dryers, body
capacity for liquid both above ground and underground, The Storage Dept has 220 underground storage igloos. There
are ten large warehouses in the depot area, All buildings and
2 complete rectifier units, chlorine drying towers, varied tanks, pumps, scales, etc,
UTILITIES: From and through facilties of the ArsenaL. TRANSPORTATION: Arsenal trackage to St, L, & S, W. R, R. and Missouri Pacific Railroad. This project is available for lease in whole or part, subject to possible restrictions as to its proposed use, Little Rock 0, R. P. D,
(Arkansas) (Californa) 9
capacity of 200,000 lbs. of steam per hour, TRANSPORTATION: Missouri Pacific Railroad serves plant. Little Rock O. R, P, D,-Brochure available,
10% zinc and reclamation is 80% of zinc oxide or 6,000 tons annually.
LAND: 10 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area about 10,000 sq. ft. Process buildings, steel and concrete. Utilty buildings, brick or wood, one
Ordnance Department, U. S, Army, Four miles north of Hope, Arkansas,-Army, LAND: 50,098,63 acres, BUILDINGS: 222, with total area of 438,207 sq, ft. Two Artilery Storage Buildings, one story, 12,300 sq. ft. each;
kilns, gas burners, pumps, engines, blowers, motors, etc, UTILITIIES: Process water from lessee reservoir, Domestic water from city, Septic tank on site.
Power, light and gas from local utiity company.
frame, walls and roof; 10' clear ceilng; Guard House, one story, 14,435 sq. ft.; wood floor, frame,
walls and roof, 10' clear ceilng. Warehouse, one story, 8,600 sq. ft. ; concrete floor; steel frame;
concrete floors; steel frame; wooden walls, wooden roof; 15' clear ceilng; bay 20' by 50'. Administration Building, one story; 11,114 sq, ft.; wood floor,
erally of brick or steel and concrete, with combined floor area about 20,000 sq. ft, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Major operating units
are: 1 Fluid Catalytic Cracking and Gas Concentration Unit,
wood walls and roof; 11' clear ceilng height. Carpenter Shop, one story, 6,140 sq, ft,; 13' clearance height. Four Machine and other Shops, one story, about 7,840 sq, ft. each; concrete floor; steel frame; brick and corrugated walls; wood roof; 21' clear height. Administration Building, Basement and two floors; 17,607 sq. ft.; wood floor; frame walls and roof; 9' clear ceilng. Two Inert Warehouses, one story, 8,225 sq, ft, each; concrete floor; wood frame, walls and roof; 12' ceilng height, Hangar, one story; 24,000 sq. ft.; concrete floor; steel frame; brick walls and metal roof; 28' clear height, Balance of space in buildings less than 5,000 sq, ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Drills, furnaces, grinders, lathes, handsaws, saws, presses, miling machines, port
able tools and automotive equipment,
UTILITIES: Water from plant wells. City of Hope furnishes standby, Other services from local utilty companies.
2) Isomerization Unit, and 3) HF Alkylation Unit. Tankage capacity-atmospheric: 234,000 barrels; pressure: 22,000 barrels,
Acrods Corporation,
Pittsburg, California,-Nobs 172.
UTILITIES: Water from deep well and other sources, Power and light from local utilty companies,
option to 'purchase,
Designed for production of about 4 milion pounds per month of coated welding electrodes, LAND: About 4,6 acres, owned by lessee, Government has
zanine, Total area about 47,200 sq. ft., wood frame, wood sheathing; walls concrete from grade to bottom of sash, wood
wooden columns, roof supported by timber trusses, Roof, flat, composition (felt, asphalt, gravel) on wood sheathing, Main production room is 34,800 sq. feet., with height to bottom
of truss of 27', The mezzanine is enclosed and is supported on structural steel framing, with composition floor, 9,700 sq,
ft., clearance 11',
height 12'2", There is an elevator to the mezzanine floor, capacity, 8,000 pounds, Sprinklered,
ing and is 27' by 95', with area of 2,600 sq. ft., and ceilng
land area, BUILDINGS: More than a hundred structures totallng about 275,000 sq. ft, Most units are small, the largest being Building No. 118, a rectangular building with concrete foundations and
floor, wood frame, stucco exterior, Flat roof of composition on 1" sheathing. Loading docks at ends of building, Ceilng
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Simpson mixers, wirecutting and straightening machines, 250-ton hydraulic extru-
height, 12'. Sprinklered. Area 42,700 sq. ft, Building No. 119, a rectangular building of fireproof construc-
10 (California)
tion with concrete foundations and floor, structural-steel framing with 2" concrete exterior-wall panels between steel members. Steel sash, steel sliding doors, flat steel deck roof with
composition covering. Ceilng, 11'. Sprinklered. Area,
LAND: Site is 57' by 54', with 10' right of way. Leased for 20 years. BUILDINGS: Shelter for the machinery, EQUIPMENT: One scrap metal baler with all accessories, UTILITIES: City and local utilty company,
San Francisco O. R. P. D.
chinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has
been removed.
UTILITIES: Water from City to storage tank on site. Sewage disposal facilties on site. Power and light from local
utilty company. Plant boilerhouse has two 250 hp. steam
Belair Shipyard Barrett & Hilp, San Francisco, California,-Maritime. For construction of concrete barges, LAND: About 181 acres (including 32 under water). BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: Administration Build-
Aluminum Plant
160,000,000 Ibs, aluminum
ing, 20,000 sq. ft.; Mold Loft Building, 21,000 sq, ft,; Ship
Warehouse, 25,000 sq, ft, Other utilty and shop buildings,
Designed for productiOn of aluminum ingots and carbon electrodes used in the reduction process.
LAND: 129 acres within plant fence. BUILDINGS: Total area 860,000 sq, ft. for 55 buildings, including 10 Pot Room buildings, rectifier station, 10 carbon process buildings, boiler house, cafeteria, etc. Most operational buildings are structural steel framing, corrugated asbestos protected metal siding,
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Machine tools, portable tools, material handling equipment, etc. Also included are a batching plant and wood treating plant.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Pot Room buildings contain 640 reduction pots. Carbon buildings contain melting furnaces, mixers, crushers, ball mils, baking furnaces, two 750 ton carbon anode presses, conveyors, dust collecting systems, scales, etc. Rectifier Building has mercury arc rectifiers.
Also included are: 82 6- and 10-ton cranes, and one 75-ton.
UTILITIES: Water by wells on site. Standby by City system. Sewage disposal, power, light by city systems. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of Santa Fe R. R. and
Pacific Electric R. R.
Alameda, California,-Maritime. LAND: About 45 acres (including 5 acres under water). BUILDING AND STRUCTURES: Administration, 28,000 sq. ft., is of wood frame, Machine Shop, 36,000 sq. ft.; Marine Building, 55,000 sq. ft.; Outfitting, 33,000 sq. ft,; Plate Shop, 128,000 sq. ft., are of structural steel and corrugated iron and wood. Warehouse, 89,000 sq, ft., is of reinforced concrete,
Other utilty and shop buildings.
Aluminum Plant
96,000,000 Ibs, of oluminum per year Aluminum Company of America,
Riverbank, California.-Plancor 226 A4,
Designed for production of aluminum ingots, LAND: 330 acres of which 70 acres are fenced in, BUILDINGS: Total area 476,000 sq. ft.
mobile cranes, machine tools, welding equipment, bending machines, varied shop equipment, etc.
on site, San Francisco O. R. P. D.
UTILITIES: City and local utilties. TRANSPORTATION: About 5 miles standard gauge track
205,000 sq. ft" Rectifier Building, 41,000 sq .ft., Carbon Rodframing with protected metal siding. .
128 pots each line. Carbon Rodding Building contains two Lectromelt furnaces, presses, sanders, mixers, tanks, etc. Metal building contains ingot furnace 20,000 #/hr, cap., 2 casting-machines, etc.
Also inluded are 16 6-ton cranes, 2 10-ton, 1 50-ton,
UTILITIES: Water by wells on site. Sewage disposal plant on site. Power and light furnished by City and County of San Francisco system.
(California) 11
tric lift trucks, etc. Also nine 10-ton overhead cranes j three 3-ton jib cranes.
UTILITIES: City and public utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of Pacific Electric RailThis plant has been leased for a 1?eriod of five years, Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subiect to the
tric Melting Furnace; two 25-ton open hearth furnaces with controls; 5-ton floor type charging machine; two 30-ton elecjib cranes; annealing furnaces; annealing ovens; Marion type '331 Crawler Diesel Crane; 25-ton Diesel electric locomotive;
two flat cars; 27 overhead traveling cranes.
LAND: 13.2 acres, BUILDINGS: Main Salt Plant Building; area 5,200 sq. ft.; clearance 16'6"; frame and masonry, Warehouse and Offce, area 2,400 sq, ft,
Cottages, four 3 room, one 6 room, frame.
EQUIPMENT: Locomotive, mine cars, drag line, conveyors, crushers, bucket elevator, pumps, etc. UTILITIES: Water from local wells, Power and light from a diesel driven 40 kva generator,
Sewage disposal system on site. Gas, power and light by local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track to main line of A. T. & S.
F. R. R.
Concrete Ship Construction,
(National City Shipyard), San Diego, California,-Maritime.
Aircraft Plant
1,833,000 sq, ft.
Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corporation, San Diego, California.-Plancor 20,
California Shipbuilding Corporation, (Terminal Island)
Wilmington, California.-Maritime,
LAND: Site consists of three tracts: 55.5 acres, "Parts Plant"; 3,6 acres, warehouse area; and 33.7 acres, parking area. BUILDINGS: Three factory buildings: combined floor areas 1,295,000 sq. ft,; steel frame; 5 ton monorail equipment servicing the entire area; clearance 36', Each building has five 4,000# freight elevators. Warehouse Building: two-story steel frame; floor area 100,000
sq. ft.; clearance 17'
SO,ooO sq. ft.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Horizontal shapers, abrasives, contour sawing and filing machines, etc,
Metal forming tools, 447 machines of diversified types. Other types of production equipment, 663 items of wood jointers,
arc welders, saw filers and setters, band saws, spray booths,
furnaces, sand blasters, etc, .
Radio Station
Laboratory and testing equipment, hardness testers, etc. 28,470 pneumatic and electric portable tools consisting of rivet guns, drils, etc, NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
Designed for short wave broadcasting, LAND: 640 acres. BUILDINGS: Three buildings, Transmitter, Garage, Pump
House. Total floor area 16,730 sq. ft., rinforced concrete.
sequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company, TRANSPORTATION: Spur tracks of Santa Fe Railroad.
Parts of this plant have been leased or sold.
EQUIPMENT: Some items of offce furniture and fixtures, UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site. Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty company.
San Francisco 0. R. P, D.-BrochwT'e available.
12 (Californa)
AIrcraft Plant
Vultee Field,
608,800 sq. ft.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, miling and shapprocess units for heat treating, chrome plating, painting, etc. Also adequate portable tools and equipment and laboratory equipment,
1. miles south of Downey, California.-Army. LAND: The entire tract of about 165. acres is held in fee title by lessee, The War Department has an equitable interest in the property to the extent of partial reimbursement made
to the lessee,
BUILDINGS: The plant consists of a total of 91 buildings and structures, 57 being owned by the operator and 34 having been
sequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
expansion, The major manufacturing portion of the plant consists of 7 original buildings and 9 War Department sponsored buildings, all of which form one large factory unit with-
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Four spur tracks of Pacific Electric
buildings are permanent type construction, with steel or reinforced concrete frames. The other buildings are of semipermanent or temporary construction. The total floor area, in square feet, within the buildings comprising the entire plant is as follows: Manufacturing; Operator owned 280,423 sq. ft., War Department Sponsored 438,474 sq, ft" total area 718,897 sq, ft,; Storage, Operator owned, 12,760 sq, ft., War Department Sponsored, 68,886 sq. ft., total 81,646 sq, ft.; Offce; Operator owned 42,400 sq, ft., War Department Sponsored 66,157 sq. ft., total area 108,557 sq. ft,; Laboratory, testing and other, Operator owned 29,160 sq. ft" War Department Sponsored 35,296 sq. ft., total area 64,456 sq. ft,
LAND: Approximately 21 acres leased. BUILDINGS: Engineering Building, blackout design; three
asphalt tile floor; 116,300 sq, ft, Cafeteria, construction similar to Engineering Building; 50' clear span; 10,460 sq, ft, Also Police Quarters Building, 18' by 30'; and Mock-up Building 26' by 56'; both of frame construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Drafting room, cafeteria, offce, blueprinting and photostat equipment, NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Sub-
PenIcilIn Plant
Designed for production of penicilin and biological products, LAND: 0.294 acre under 20-year lease.
building, Total floor area 19,840 sq, ft" ceilng height 12'. Air conditioning and refrigeration systems provide temperature
and humidity control for special zones, Sprinklered,
manufacture of penicilin and other biological products. Laboratories equipped for checking and testing, Conveyors pro-
equipment for
AIrcraft Plant
Designed to provide facilties for design and experimental tests. LAND: Approximately 13.8 acres. BUILDINGS: Engineering Building, 83,500 sq. ft.; Mock-up Building, 29,000 sq, ft,; Research Building, 18,000 sq. ft., wood frame, siding and trusses, Cafeteria and other buildings,
11,500 sq, ft.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Dril presses, grinding, miling machines, bending machines, shears, laboratory and
testing equipment, and furniture and fixtures,
Storage and Crating Building, 123.420 sq, ft.; wood frame; clearances 20' and 23', Exterior walls, wood, Blackout design,
Cafeteria in building serves 400 people,
out design.
LAND: 15 acres. BUILDINGS: Seven buildings, including Warehouse Building, area 103,600 sq, ft" clearance 30'; steel frame, sides and roof galvanized corrugated steel; blackout design.
Spar Cap Building No, 3, 52,730 sq, ft" clearance 21', BlackStorage Sheds, area 41,490 sq, ft,
sequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
This plant has been leased for a period of one year. Nego-
(Californa) 13
Aircraft Plant
982,00 sq. ft.
by 35' clear height; floor area 488,147 sq. ft" including addi-
LAND: One site owned, adjoining the main Douglas Plant, having area of 130 acres on which the Assembly Building and manufacturing facilties are located. The other site is leased
and contains the Hangar.
by 40' clear height; floor area 409,796 sq. ft., including addi-
tions, construction same as Building No, 1; sprinklers, airconditioning. Building No. 14, Mil Building, dimensions 100' by 300' by 20',
clear height; floor area 30,843 sq, ft., including additions, con-
BUILDINGS: Assembly Building, 1,600' by 350'; floor area 765,500 sq. ft.; wood frame; clearance 20' and 35', Hangar
Building, reinforced concrete frame with steel trusses; floor area 156,890 sq, ft.; clearance to trusses 40'. Minor buildings:
Garage, Shipping Building, Dope and Paint Building, wood
struction same as Building No.1; sprinklers. Building No. 15, Hangar, dimensions 300' by 500' by 40' clear
frame construction, reinforced brick walls, steel trusses; combined floor area 60,000 sq, ft, Sprinklered throughout, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Drop hammers, presses,
height, floor area 167,196 sq, ft., including additions, construction same as Building No.1; sprinklers, air-conditioning,
clear height, floor area 37,090 sq. ft., including additions, con-
bending and crimpi.-ig' machines, heat treat furnaces, sand blasting equipment, electroplating equipment, magnaflux units,
struction same as Building No.1; sprinklers, Building No. 17, dimensions 96' by 301', one-story, floor area
steel; floors, cement; sprinklers; air-conditioning, Building No. 18, Engineering, dimensions 75' by 725', 2 stories
28,896 sq. ft,; walls 8" concrete with brick filler; framing,
with 14' and 13' ceilng heights, floor area 112,065 sq, ft., including additions, walls 8" concrete with brick filler; framing, steel; floors, cement; composition roof with wood sheathing;
one elevator; sprinklers; air-conditioning, Building No. 110T, dimensions 110'6" by 196'6", one story, floor
wood and macadam.
hardness and strength testing-, complete laboratory for testing and calibrating flying instruments. Two 7% ton traveling
bridge cranes and numerous hoists and monorails,
etching equipment, etc. Also complete photographic equipment, large static test columns and beams, equipment for
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies, TRANSPORTATION: Spur track to Santa Fe Railroad. Los Angeles 0, R. P, D.-Brochure available.
area 21,713 sq, ft" walls, wood frame; framing, wood; floors,
Aircraft Plant
Nine minor buildings with a total floor area of 22,435 sq. ft, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Complete equipment for manufacture of airplanes, including all types of machine tools,
anodizing equipment, laboratory equipment, portable tools, automotive equipment, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
sequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Union Pacific Railroad siding.
A part of this plant has been leased for a period of five years.
clear height, floor area 282,086 sq, ft., including additions, construction same as Building No, 1, sprinklers, air-conditioning.
Building No, 3, Factory and Subassembly, dimensions 300' by
650' by 22' clear height, floor area, 205,624 sq. ft., including additions, construction same as Building No.1, sprinklers, airconditioning,
Building No, 4, Factory and Subassembly, dimensions, 300' by 650' by 22' clear height, floor area 205,839 sq, ft" including
additions, construction same as Building No, 1, sprinklers, airBuilding No.5, Raw Stock and Receiving, dimensions, 300' by 480' by 30' clear height, floor area 156,293 sq, ft., including
sprinklers. Building No.6, Receiving, dimensions, 300' by 480' by 30' clear
Styrene Plant
25,0 toni per year Dow Chemical Company,
Los Angeles, California.-Plancor 929.
by 30' clear height, floor area 108,931 sq. ft., including addi-
sprinklers. Building No.7, Offce Building, dimensions 75' by 500', three stories, 12' to 14' ceilng heights, floor area 82,860 sq, ft" walls
totallng 94,000 sq. ft, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Includes boilers, towers controls, piping, and all other essentials for (1) steam plant
with capacity of 180,000 tons per month; (2) ethylene plant
producing 850 tons per month from alcohol; (3) ethyl benzene
plant, 3,000 tons per month capacity; and (4) finished styrene
plant with output of 2,100 t?ns per month of end product,
steel; floors, cement, oak on cement and terazzo, composition roof on wood sheathing, sprinklers, air-conditioning.
bined dimensions, 75' by 659', one story, combined floor area, 51,853 sq. ft" including additions, walls, 8" concrete, framing,
Building No. 10, Paint Storage: dimensions 100' by 200' by 14'
UTILITIES: Water for boiler feed by private water company, Water for process, domestic, etc., by City. Sewage disposal by county system.
Power and light, and gas by local utilty company,
Building No.1; sprinklers. Building No. 11, Garage, dimensions 60' by 450', one story,
TRANSPORTATION: Spur track by Pacific Electric Railway. L08 Angeles O. R. P, D.-Brochure available,
14 (Californa)
Chemical Plant-Sulphuric Acid
65,000 tons per year
(Assignee of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. and also U. S, Rubber Co.),
Los Angeles, California.-Plancor 611.
Oakland, California.-Nobs -423, Designed for the production of steel castings for the construction, riwair and conversion of naval vessels,
bays for wash and locker rooms and storage), Total area,
girders. Purlins, large slow-burning wood; wood-plank roof,
Government has option to purchase, BUILDINGS: Main Building, Foundry, Size 208' by 409'6" with one wing 65' by 185', One story (two stories over nine
85,300 sq. ft" ceilng height, 43'6"; clearance, 33'3". Construction, structural steel for main columns, roof beams, and crane
steel sash, Concrete walls up to 8' in height and above that wood construction sheathed with redwood, Floors, 6", concrete
except for small area of dirt floors in molding bay aiid cleaning bay.
LAND: 84,2 acres, BUILDINGS: 31 permanent buildings totallng 359,000 sq. ft. Generally reinforced concrete construction, Six Rubber Process and Storage Buildings, total area 132,000 sq. ft,; three PolyBuildings, total area 75,000 sq, ft,; and nineteen minor buildings totallng 87,000 sq. ft. Also a cooling tower, footings, tank cradles and platforms,
Pattern Buildings. Two; each 55' by 109'; area 6,000 sq. ft.
Offce Building, One story, 50' by 32', area 1,600 sq. ft. Ceiling,9'9". Wood frame, stucco exterior, X-ray Building, One story, 32' by 47'2"; area 1,500 sq. ft"
height 27', reinforced concrete construction,
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Production equipment consists of highly specialized equipment used in manufacture of synthetic rubber, and includes filters, shredders, reactors,
type used in synthetic rubber or plastics laboratories. UTILITIES: Water, sewage disposal, light and power from
Natural gas from utilty company,
Acetylene Building. One story, 25' by 40', area 1,000 sq, ft"
ceilng 16', reinforced concrete construction.
Two Pump Sheds, frame, total area, 220 sq, ft, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Motive-type sand slinger, 36" by 60" jar roll-overs, 26" by 42" jar roll-overs, Muller-
Steam from adjoining Plancor, TRANSPORTATION: Spur tracks of Southern Pacific R.R. Los Angeles 0, R. P. D,-Brochure ai,ailable,
pots, transfer car, etc" hydraulic blast room complete with sand
37,000 sq, ft. Joshua Hendy Iron Works,
Sunnyvale, California.-Plancor 1103.
generators, complete, 1,000,000 volt X-ray, Two 30-ton, three 10-ton, one 15-ton, one 5-ton and one 3-ton cranes, UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies, TRANSPORTATION: Two spur tracks on site connect with
Southern Pacific Railroad.
Kaiser Cargo, Inc"
Richmond Yard No, 4, Richmond, California,-Maritime, LAND: About 68,5 acres (3,5 acres under water), BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: All wood frame construction, Training School (11,000 sq, ft,), Administration (18,000 sq. ft.), Utilty, three (90,000 sq, ft, total), Cutting Shed (23,000 sq, ft.), Other buildings total about 50,000 sq, ft.
San Francisco O. R. P. D,
Kaiser Company, Richmond Yard No, 3,
Richmond, California.-Maritime,
two 5-ton and one 3-ton cranes. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
Five graving basins, 590', Marginal piers (2), 1,575' long, 739' long.
tions may be entered into for its purchase subject to the pro-
(Californa) 15
Aircraf Plant
Culver City, California,-Plancor 1424.
BUILDING: One story with small mezzanine, Ground floor area 17,500 sq, ft" mezzanine 1,800 sq. ft, Clearance under trusses 16'. Main floor concrete on ground finished with
terior walls of wood with ship-lap siding.
M~CHINi;RY AND EQUIPMENT: Turret lathes, miling machines, grinders, thread milers, driling machines, hydraulic
metallc hardener. Mezzanine floor is wood, Structural framing is combination of steel columns and wood roof trusses. Ex-
Kaiser Shell Plant, Kaiser Industries, Four miles southwest of Fontana, California.-Army, Designed for production, machining and annealing of forgings, LAND: About 48 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area about 207,500 sq. ft. Bilet and Forging, area 32,750 sq, ft., clearances 33' and 43'.
Pump and Compressor, area 15,850 sq, ft., clearances 26'. Shipping and Storage, area 19,900 sq. ft., clearances 20'.
press, portable crane, hoists, spray booth, lift trucks, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies,
TRANSPORTATION: Railroad spur track,
Machinery and Annealing, area 98,600 sq, ft" clearance 20'. All have concrete floor, steel framing, corrugated metal siding, Administration Building 10,700 sq. ft, Wood frame. Minor structures generally of frame construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Grinders, lathes, millng
manipulators, piercing presses, draw presses, pressure blast machines, nosing presses, magnets, battery charging unit, electric tractor, hydro pneumatic accumulators, air compressors,
tanks, welding machines, electric trucks, pumps, motors, conveyors, coling conveyors, quench tanks, furnces, one 25-ton,
BUILDINGS: Evaporator House, houses a three-unit evapequipment, and is 29' by 42'. Foundations, .foors and walls of reinforced concrete, gable roof struc-
height 40' to bottom of trusses, Boiler House has two 200 h,p, steam boilers and their accesso-
two 15-ton one 10-ton, two 5-ton cranes. NOTE: Tiis plant description is based upon the war-time use
sequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
UTILITIES: Local and utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spurs fromA,T, & S.F. Ry,
LOB AngeleB 0, R. P, D,-Brochure uialable. (AP-57).
Aircraft Plant
131,200 .... ft. Kinner Motors, Inc., 635 West Clorado Street, Glendale, California.-Army,
Aircraft Plant
386,00 .q. ft.
Lockheed. Aircraft Corporation, Burbank, California,-Plancor 1193.
Aluminum Foundry
74,530 ...' fi.
Kinney Aluminum Company,
Vernon, Calornia,-Plancor 2087.
Designed to augment lessee's facilties for production of aircraft and aircraft parts. LAND: There are four parcels as follows: Site for Building No, 182, about 14,04 acres, Site for Engineering Test Building No, 80, about 0,53 acres,
Site for Buildings Nos. 330-334, inclusive, about 19,50 acres. Site for Building No. 230, about 4.27 acres.
Designed for production of small aluminum castings. LAND: Approximately 4%, acres.
BUILDINGS: Factory, brick walls, wood trusses; area 65,000 sq. ft" clearance 13'.
Building; total area 9,530 sq, ft. EQUIPMENT: Machine tools, electric dispatch oven and
platform scale.
20', There is also an offce mezzanine 5,000 sq, ft. floor area. Floor divided into four sections by reinforced brick fire walls. Exterior walls of wood sheathing with asbestos shingles. Wood
structure 300' x 680' with floor area 204,000 sq, ft, Clearance
ing designed to allow operation during blackout-has no windows, Automatic sprinkler system. Cranes-One 5-ton gantry
over railroad spur, Two I-ton cranes in building. Contains
spur tracks from Southern Pacific R.R. Engineering: Test Building, Unit No. 80-Main building of
wood frame, wood columns, girders, joists, and sheathing, with
and 10'5" x 20'2"; test chamber, 10'9" x 42' and 11'4" x 41' Area
building, 5,000 sq. ft,; test chamber, 1,060 sq. ft. .
Run-Up Shed No. 330 and No. 331-Each originally open shelter 102' x 361' of wood columns, trusses, purlins, and sheath-
Building is an extension to existing building of lessee. LAND: About 0.42 acres, leased.
ing with compo roof, Completely enclosed later with end walls of wood an~ cement plaster inside and out and rollng steel doors on sides. Total area about 39,000 sq, ft., including
offce lean-to of 20' x 102'. Clearance 20' to underside truss. Offce and Hydraulic Building No, 332-L-shaped, size 50'6" x
16 (California)
121' plus 60' x 60', Area, 16,280 sq. ft., including part second floor, Clearance in high portion, 29'; in offce, 10', Wood frame,
wood columns, steel beams, wood joist, wood trusses and sheathMonorail system installed, Sprinkler
ing with gravel-compo roof, All exterior surfaces plastered. Pilot House and Reservoir-No. 333-Reinforced concrete reswood joist, wood purlins and sheathing with composition roof,
Building 90' x 96' with addition on north 21' x 66' and lean-to
string type trusses; clearances 12' and 20', Floor area about
12,400 sq. ft, Other buildings, 7,400 sq, ft., frame,
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, miling machines, grinding machines, driling machines, heat treating unit, sandblast outfit, spray booths, plating installation, etc,
on east 20' x 48', Total area about 20,600 sq, ft. Clearances
about 10',
Run-Up Shed No, 3-Building No. 334-0pen shed, 32' x 480' of wood columns and bracing, wood roof trusses, purlins and
asphalt. .
sq, ft. Clearance 20'. Sprinklered,
Shipyard Surplus
Marinship Corporation
Tool Control Storage Building No, 230-First floor constructed of reinforced concrete 4" thick. Exterior walls of wood studs
Exterior sash are steel factory type, Roof purlins are supported by 60' wood Archrib trusses running north and south resting on wood columns spaced 20' center to center. Building is 200' wide and 400' long, and has covered loading dock on the east, 20" wide and 390' long, A reinforced brick fire wall
Sausal:to, California.-Maritime, LAND: 206 acres (including 99 acres under water) BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: Plate Shop (110,000 sq. ft.), Sub Assembly (97,000 sq. ft.) of structural steel, wood
divides the building into two equal parts, Floor area of building is 79,202 sq. ft., area of covered dock is 7,800 sq, ft. Ceilng clearance from floor to bottom chords of trusses is 20', Automatic wet type sprinkler system covers entire building,
tion, .
Yard Offces and Mold Loft (107,000 sq. ft.), Warehouse and General Store (122,000 sq, it,), Outfitting Shop (31,000 sq. ft.),
covered. Machine Shop (27,000 sq. ft,) General Shop (38,000 sq, ft.),
bile cranes, machine tools, welding equipment, bending maUTILITIES: City and lcal utilty.
San Francico 0, R, P. D.
filing machines, grinders, lathes, miling machines, sawing mascales, etc. About 1,600 items including straightedges, micrometers, sanders, saws, vises, etc.
chines, shapers, bending machines, brakes, presses, dolles, gages, racks, sanders, tables, tote boxes, trailers, trucks, floor
UTILITIES: By city of Burbank and public utilties, Los Angeles 0, R, P, D,-Brochure available,
Facilities tied in with lessee plant. LAND: Two leased parcels; total 17,500 sq, ft. BUILDINGS: Screening House, 16' by 22', light frame construction, Bag House, 12' by 20', steel frame.
ceivers, piping, valves, switches, controls, gas burners, etc., in
bag assemblies, one cyclone, vibrating screens, vibrating shak-
Designed for modification and servicing of airplanes. LAND: Two parcels, total 77 acres. BUILDINGS: Two Hangars, each with lean-to, and each 320'
by 400'; stucco on wood frame exterior walls, wood columns,
EQUIPMENT: Two furnaces, two compressors, two air released building, Screening House and Bag House contain two
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of Southern Pacific Railroad.
and roof trusses; combined floor area 256,000 sq. ft, Clear-
Warehouse, brick exterior walls, floor area 16,000 sq, ft,; ceiling height 20'. Ten minor buildings and barracks, 66,300 sq, ft. floor area; wood and brick construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Driling, grinding and miling machines, presses, rolls, flaring and beading machines, anvils, blowers, spray booths, compressors and furnaces; also portable tools, laboratory and testing equipment and furniture
and fixtures,
ance 35'.
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed,
UTILITIES: City systems. This plant has been leased for a period of 4% years. Negotia tions may be entered into for its purchase subject to the pro-
vided, The very dry climate eliminates almost entirely corrosive action on machinery. Infrequency of storms and favorable climate permits many industrial operations to be accomplished outdoors,
fenced area of the Modification Center and the remainder of the leased area is unused and unfenced, Land leased from
County of San Bernardino.
LAND: Total about 1,099 acres. About 1,035 acres are within
BUILDINGS: Total area within buildings about 498,600 sq. ft. Barracks (Some 20 buildings) total area 147,000 sq, ft. Two
story Frame Construction.
floors and wood framing,
LAND: 8 acres, BUILDINGS: Main Factory Building, one store, steel and concrete, clearances 14' and 23'. Floor area 81,600 sq, ft,
(Calfornia) 17
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, grinders, dril presses, saws, heat treat furnace, squaring power shear, tube
machine, drils, riveters, sandblast cabinet, power brake, quench tank (heat treat), compressors, portable generator,
scales, hand hoists, painting equipment, degreaser unit, jacks, pumps, etc.
furniture, offce furniture and equipment, etc.
washing machines, scales, etc. UTILITIES: Local utilty companies. San Francisco O. R. P, D.-Brochure available (NP-34).
UTILITIES: Water-Two wells on site, Sewer-Disposal plant on site. Power and Light-Furnished by California Electric Company,
TRANSPORTATION: Railroad-Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe
Torrance, California.-Army. Extension to lessee facilties used in production of tank castLAND: About 8,000 sq, ft, leased. Land is in lessee's plant. BUILDING: Addition to lessee building, one store, 6,840 sq. ft.,
clearance 29', concrete floor, structural steel framing, corru-
Plancor 1041.
LAND: 20 acres BUILDINGS: About twenty service and functional units. Total
area about 30,000 sq. ft. All buildings have concrete foundations, generally brick walls and concrete slab roofs. Several
gated asbestos cement and corrugated iron siding, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: 2 annealing furnaces, car
are air-conditioned,
bottom types, 3' by 6' by 12', 2 recirculating furnaces, car bottom type, 3' by 6' by 12', oil quench tank, water quench
tank, one 10-ton bridge crane,
Accessory facilties include Ethyl blending plant, cooling tower, and loading rack. Tankage capacity-atmospheric;
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies, Los Angeles O. R. P, D.-Brochure available,
TRANSPORTATION: Siding of A, T. & S, F, Railroad, A portion of plant has been leased for a period of two years.
the provisions of the lease in effect.
LAND: 46% acres owned, 1.2 acres leased, BUILDINGS: Assembly Building, 400' by 420'; floor area 210,000 sq. ft.; timber framing; clearance 33',
ance 25',
Radio Station
Factory, floor area 110,000 sq, ft,; timber framing; clearProcess Building, Offce Building, Research Building, Test
Building, Hangar, Radar Building, Warehouse, Cafeteria and Power House have combined floor area of 77,000 sq. ft, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Boring machines, dril presses, bench grinders, etc. Roll forming machines, nibbling machines, arc welders, riveters, shears, etc. Also four 5-ton electric cranes and three 2-ton cranes, UTILITIES: City and local utilty company, TRANSPORTATION: Sidings of Pacific Electric Railway. Los Angeles 0, R, P, D.-Brochure available.
Aircraft Plant
1,000,000 sq. ft.
one story, about 25,000 sq. ft., floor area and clearance 16',
ance 30'; monorail system, 2 elevators, sprinklers. Advanced Production Building: one story, 114,000 sq. ft" with mezzanine, 27,000 sq, ft.; steel framing; sawtooth roof; 100' by
200' spans.
ered with corrugated galvanized-iron siding, Floors are concrete throughout, Interior columns 10" by 10" wood, wood
18 (California)
25'; sprinklers; loading dock 55.000 sq. ft,
framing; clearance 14'.
Two Cafeterias: area 45,000 sq. ft,
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Production equipment consisting of finishing machines, die-making machines, automatic screw machines, cloth cutters, sewing machines,' spot
welders, welding machines, trucks, etc.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company, TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of AT & SF Railway.
A part of this plant has been sold. Negotiations may be entered into for the purchase or lease of all or part of the re-
gated metal walls; total area 115,000 sq. ft.; clearances 19' to 22', Offce, one-story, frame and stucco; area 3900 sq. ft.
straighteners and two tube reducing machines, machine tools, heat treat furnaces, generator sets, etc, Laboratory contains a tensile testing machine and other items.
Six cranes, capacities 3 to 6 tons.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur tracks of Union Pacific R.R. Los Angeles 0. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Permante Metals Corporation
Richmond Yard #1
Richmond, California.-Maritime.
Minor buildings total 3,760 sq, ft., wood construction, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Miling machines, lathes, planers, presses, shaping machines, band saws, elevating tables, floor cranes, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
52,000 sq. ft.; offce 16,000 sq. ft.; commissary 3,770 sq. ft.
LAND: 127 acres (including 14 acres under water). BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: Plate Shop (128,000 sq. ft,) steel framing, contains fourteen bridge cranes.
Administration (27,000 sq ft.), Fitting Warehouse (44,700 sq.
ft,), General Stores (53,000 sq. ft.), Mold Loft (67,000 sq. ft,),
Machine Shop (29,000 sq. ft,), Overflow Warehouse (48,000
sq. ft.), and others are all wood construction,
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus", Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
Shipways (7), 470', Marginal Piers (2), 1945', 300'. San Francisco 0, R, P. D.
Permante Metals Corporation Richmond Shipyard #2
Richmond, California.-Maritime,
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies, This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the pro-
LAND: 480 acres (including 115 acres under water), BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: Covered Assembly Building (180,000 sq. ft.).
thirty-eight bridge cranes, Electric Shop (27,000 sq. ft,), Craft (27,000 sq, ft.), Fittings
Warehouses, two (85,000 sq, ft.), General Warehouse (22,000
Tire Plant
sq. ft,), Machine Shop (51,000 sq. ft.), Warehouses two (70,000 sq. ft.), Warehouse A (221,500 sq. ft.), Personnel (45,000 sq.
ft.) and others all wood frame construction,
Designed to increase lessee's facilties for production of tires. LAND: About 0.24 acre. BUILDING: An extension to and opening into lessee's building. Two-story reinforced-concrete, concrete slab on ground, topped with %" of Duracrete. Second floor of concrete girder, beam, and slab construction. Concrete slab deck with built-up roofing. Area first floor 9,275 sq. ft., clearance, 13'6" to bottom
girder; area second floor, 8,431 sq. ft., clearance, 12'1" to bot-
San Francisco 0, R, P, D,
tom girder. Building is sprinklered. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Three Banbury mixers, two twin sheeting mils, three single sheeting mils, tire-building machines, tire presses, tire molds, tire-building drums,
band-building machines, bead-flipping machines, 8" tuber, 66"
bias cutter, calendar, fabric dipping equipment, motors, generators, controls, etc.
Designed for production of magnesium metal. Plant equipped for production of magnesium alloys, LAND: Approximately 138 acres. BUILDINGS: Two furnace buildings, one story and basement,
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company, TRANSPORTATION: Railroad, Spur track on lessee plant connects with major railroads.
visions of the lease in effect. San FraAcisco 0, R, P, D,-Brochure available,
tions may be entered into for its purchase subject to the pro-
area 258,830 sq. ft. Foundry Building, Mil Buildings, Pellet Building, Offce Building and minor buildings, total 38,600 sq. ft. Construction generally frame with galvanized iron sidings, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Three Raymond mils,
capacity 21,000 pounds fine per hour, complete with pneumatic classifying and dust collecting systems; Symons cone crusher;
(Calitbrnia) 19
draft brick furnaces; one 100 ton hydraulic press, special design; retort residue handling equipment. Two 5-ton cranes, UTILITIES: Water from three wells on site.
Sewage septic tanks and disposal beds on site,
Gas and light from local utilty company.
Truck Crane Ramps: These are earth ramps approximately 27' by 300', located between the first and second shipways and
Outfitting Trestle for Wooden Ships: Timber pile-bent conOutfitting Marginal Wharf: A timber pile-bent wharf, 32' by
Outfitting Trestle: Timber-pile wharf, 40' by 1,200' in size, Trestle Crane ways: Serving the two drydock basins are three
craneways provide a roadway for servicing the drydock basins
of timber pile-bent construction.
Service Buildings
62,000 sq. It,
west basins and called the center craneway, and a trestle craneway 134' on centers of each side of the center craneway. These
and support for the Colby cranes. The trestle craneways are
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Typical shipyard equipment, machine tools, welding equipment, etc.
UTILITIES: City and local utilties. TRANSPORTATION: Western Pacific R. R. serves plant
LAND: 41. 3 acres. BUILDINGS: Main Factory Building, one story, steel frame;
Offce and other buildings, 15,500 sq, ft, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Furnaces: 7 induction, electric; 1 rotary hearth bilet; 1 sloping hearth bilet heating;
and 6 annealing.
One 2,200-ton hydraulic extension press, piercing mil, air
machine, metalloscope, etc. Cranes: three 5-ton, two 7%-ton, one 10-ton. There are also conveyors.
LAND: 32.05 acres, BUILDINGS: Main Factory, om; story, 250' by 700', floor area 175,000 sq. ft.; wood frame, bow type trusses; clearance 20',
reservoir. Sewer connects to county system, Power and light by public utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Pacific Electric Railway, Los Angeles 0, R, P. D.-Brochure available.
Hangar, one story, 200' by 500', area 100,000 sq, ft.; steel
frame, electrically operated doors; clearances 20' and 35',
Maintenance Buiiaing, Administration Building, Engineering and Laboratory Building, three Warehouses, and Cafeteria
have combined area of 123,400 sq. ft.; generally wood construction.
ing machines, press breaks, furnaces, spot welders, etc.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Miling and boring machines, grinders, drop hammers, hydraulic presses, tube bendMain factory has two overhead traveling cranes; Maintenance
Pollock Stockton Shipbuilding Company,
Stockton, California.-Nobs 676.
Building, one 5-ton overhead traveling crane. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus", Subse-
A complete shipyard and appurtenances including land, buildings and structures, piers and ways, drydock basins and undocking gates, services, and miscellaneous.
ing of wood construction 40' by 200' with the south leg of the T 28' by 40'. The frame of the building is covered with 1" by 8"
ing, Tool Storage, Rigging Loft, and Blacksmith and Electrical Shop Additions. The machine shop building is of frame conto bottom of
Aircraft Plant
Mold Loft and Joiner Shop, of wood construction, 60' by 220'. The building being one large rectangular room. Monitor-type ventilation runs the length of the building. Outfitting Warehouse: Wood frame building, 60' by 260', with
12' clearance from floor to bottom of trusses. It is all one area
San Diego, California.-NOa-130. LAND: Leased from City for long term. Buildings utilze an
area of about 13 acres.
BUILDINGS: Final Assembly No. 140. Area 112,400 sq. ft., 200' by 570', clearance 35', concrete, floor, wood timber construction with wood roof trusses, clear span 200'. Sprinklered.
mezzanine 95' by 305' and leanto 20' by 152'. Main floor cleargated siding. Sprinklered.
Sub-Assembly No. 140a. Area 95,300 sq. ft., 306' by 215' with
ance 25', concrete main floor, structural steel framing, corruOffce, two-story, frame stucco, total area 35,800 sq. ft. Offce and Cafeteria, two story, frame, stucco, total area 24,000 sq. ft, Compressor Room, Fire House, Boiler Room, Gate House, Metal
assembly and open storage platforms. Shipways: Four sets of ways were built, A truck-crane trestle was built between ways Nos. 1 and 2 and between Nos. 3 and
4. Each shipway is of timber pile-bent construction.
20 (California)
Drawing Building, Salvage, Target Butt, Transportation Building, total area about 25,000 sq. ft., construction either wood
Butadiene Plant
15,000 short tons per year
frame or masonry.
Designed to produce butadiene by the Houdry Catalytic process for dehydrogenation of normal butane,
LAND: Three parcels totallng 8% acres leased land, BUILDINGS: Nine buildings totallng 29,000 sq, ft, floor
area, Buildings generally are frame, wood, corrugated iron
trussed rafter frame, wood siding walls, Four Assembly Buildings, three one-story; one two-story; 4,760
siding. Three Storage Buildings, one-story, total area 10,160 sq, ft" same construction as other storage buildings,
construction except composition roof,
sq, ft. each, wood and concrete slab floor, wood stud and
sq. ft. each, concrete slab floors, wood posts and beams, wood
San Bernardino, California.-Army. LAND: Approximately 637 acres, leased. BUILDINGS: Thirteen Storage Buildings, one-story, 6,000
Domestic water from city. Gas, power and light from local
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Loading presses, crimping machines, dough mixers, powder mixing machines, with
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies, Sewer systems within site, TRANSPORTATION: Main line of the Atchison, Topeka and
LAND: Approximately 40.8 acres; leased; located within refinery of lessee; divided into three areas, 28.5, 12.0, and 0,3
Butadiene Plant
30,000 tons per year
including various control houses, compressor buildings, pump houses, warehouses and storage buildings, machine shop, laboratory, offce building, etc. Construction generally frame; some brick, concrete and structural steel.
EQUIPMENT: Thermofor Catalyst Cracker; T, C, C, Recovery Unit; Alkylation Unit; Isomerization Unit; Distilation Unit; Boiler Plant (240,000 Ibs./hr. of steam); Tankage
Domestic water from municipal system,
covery, Butadiene Purification, General Facilties, and Storage units. LAND: Approximately 95 acres,
BUILDINGS: Administrative, repair' and servce buildings and functional units such as control houses, compressor building, etc" forty structures. Total floor area 87,000 sq, ft., one
heat exchanger, reactors, compressors, controls, pressure storage tanks, etc.
story, wood frame and brick construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Towers, pressure vessels,
UTILITIES: City and local utilties company, TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Pacific Electric Railway, Los Angeles 0, R, P, D.-Brochure available.
Butadiene Plant
35,000 tons per year
LAND: 10,450 sq. ft, EQUIPMENT: Three air compressors, oxygen column, soda
tower, eight air drying cylinders, three oxygen drying cylin-
151,800 sq. ft. Tavares Construction Company, Inc.,
National City, California.-Plancor 407.
and compressor station. Production equipment is intermingled with lessee facilities. Equipment is of refinery type, i.e, towers, heat exchangers, controls, piping, etc. UTILITIES: Local utility companies. Los Angeles O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
BUILDINGS: Fourteen service buildings; one story, wood frame and masonry; total floor area 20,000 sq. ft. EQUIPMENT: Functional units consist of absorption plant
LAND: 69,2 acres. BUILDINGS: 53 buildings with total floor area of 151,800 sq. ft,; wood frame construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Four Gantry cranes,
(California) 21
Ammunition Plant
LAND: Three acres. BUILDINGS: Four buildings, total area 34,400 sq. ft.; oneand two-story; reinforced concrete; clearances 20' to 30'. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Electrolytic cell units,
unit, generator sets, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse
quently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
ammonia compressor, complete dryer assembly, gas scrubber
divided into three longitudinal bays, One-story with partial mezzanine for offce space, total area, 18,906 sq, ft" clearance, 24', Timber frame, asbestos siding, asphaltic concrete floor,
tar and gravel roof. The west bay is serviced by two 6-ton floor-operated bridge cranes ~nd four I-ton floor-operated
Western Pipe & Steel Company
crane, Crane girder is a wooden truss, The east bay is subPlate Shop: This building is about one-half mile from the
repair shop, Construction of building similar to Repair Shop.
The Plate Shop is divided into two longitudinal bays 44'9" by 100' and 26' by 100', clearance 21'6", laminated columns, asphaltic concrete on crushed gravel base. Main bay, one story,
Toolroom, two stories, Main bay, 4,241 sq, ft., Toolroom bay, 2,426 sq. ft., Main bay clearance 31'6", Toolroom bay clearance, first floor 13', second floor 12'.
San Francisco, California.-Maritime, LAND: 206 acres (Including 166 acres under water), BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: Layout & Fabrication Shop (113,500 sq, ft.), Mold Loft Warehouse (61,000 sq, ft,), New Fabricating Shop (32,000 sq. ft.), Old Fabricating Shop (35,000 sq. ft.), Steel Building (26,000 sq, ft,) of wood or steel with galvanized iron sheathing. Administration Building (16,500 sq, ft.), Frame Shop (27,600 sq, ft.), General Warehouse (170,000 sq, ft.) and other warehouses, utilty buildings,
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Air compressor, annealing furnace, surface lay-out table, forging hammer, arc-welding machines, shear, vertical, heavy-duty metal band saws, power hacksaws, press brake, boriIlg, driling, i,illing, and ,tapping machines, punch press, boring and drilling machines,
radial driling machines, grinding machines, floor grinders,
mobile cranes, machine tools, welding equipment, bending machines, electrical and copper shop equipment.
50,4 sq. ft.
Designed for production of catalyst "1707" to be used in manufacture of synthetic rubber by others.
Yard, Incorporated,
Pasadena, California,-Plancor 614,
LAND: 4* acres, BUILDINGS: Seven buildings; one story, frame and masonry; total area 20,000 sq, ft.
64,0 sq. ft.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Equipment for dissolving and clarification, tanks, for mixing, pumping, dewatering, miling, primary calcination, dust collecting system, kiln fee
tanks and pumps, pellet hydration, reject handling, etc.
San Francisco O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.-
LAND: 0.5 acre, leased. BUILDINGS: Two Army Storage Buildings, one story, total
built-up roof.
area 6,661 sq. ft., 6" concrete floor, wood frame, stucco walls,
Shop Building, one story, 7,704 sq, ft" bays 18' by 24', wood
syste~, sprinkler system, macadam driveway and parking area. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Owned by Western Air
22 (California) (Colorado)
Ordnance Plant
sq. ft, Main floor is concrete on ground with wood brick finish,
ing machinery, 2-ton electric hoists, lh-ton electric hoists, platforms, truck trailers, scales, jib cranes, lh-ton floor operated bridge crane, 3 10-ton travelift cranes, dust collectors, etc.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies, TRANSPORTATION: Southern Pacific R. R, nearby.
San Francisco O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-76).
Aircraft Engine Parts Plant
61,800 sq. ft. Aircraft Mechanics, Inc.,
Colorado Springs, Colorado,-Plancor 1306,
quench tank, compressors, portable generator, scales, hand hoists, painting equipment, degreaser unit, jacks, pumps, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utility companies. \
TRANSPORTATION: Spur track connects to main 11. P,line.
Denver O. R. P, D.-B1'ochure available (AP-19).
Chemical Plant, Chlorine
Coke Plant
327,000 tons per year
Colorado Fuel and Iron Corporation Minnequa, Colorado.-Plancor 665, Includes Steam Generating Plant, to supplement and operate
in connection with lessee-owned steel mil equipment, and ByProduct Coke Ovens,a battery of 74 Kopper's patented Becker
type under-jet, combination coke ovens.
20 tons per day liquid chlorine 56 tons per day solid caustic
BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: Steam Generating Plant, 7,350 sq, ft., steel frame, tile walls.
masonry and brick, floor area 15,160 sq, ft, EQUIPMENT: Steam Generating Plant has one 150,000 lb,
Coke Ovens, 43' by 290', capacity about 900 tons per day. Exhauster, Sulphate Storage, and Benzol Apparatus Buildings,
per hour steam generator, complete with superheaters and accessories, By-product Plant has three primary coolers, three exhausters, two 21-foot saturators, two 30" automatic driers,
and similar type equipment.
Benzol Plant includes coolers, stil column and necessary auxiliaries. UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur tracks on site. Denver O. R. P. D,-Brochure available.
Compressor Building No, 243, two story, 128' by 58' by 25'. Reinforced concrete, wood timber, masonry. Evaporator Building No. 251, three-story, 122'by 62' by 52', Reinforced concrete, steel, masonry,
side, 194' by 20' by 18', contains the caustic pot furnaces and
and interior walls, Cell Building No. 242, one-story, 437' by 94'. Clear height 18', Concrete, masonry, wood timber framing,
LAND: About 900 acres, leased. BUILDINGS: Hangar, area about 400,000 sq, ft" one story, with two-story wings. Hangar floor concrete on ground, wing
Caustic Fusion Building No. 254, three one-story ,sections. Main section 194' by 43' by 30', contains caustic pots and caustic packing equipment, Lean-to section along the south
firing aisle. A drum-making section 34' by 61', 14' high projects from north side of main section. Main section is served
by a traveling crane of 15-ton capacity. Steel, concrete, ma-
crete, walls f face brick with cinder block. Roof of hangar wood sheathing, of wings reinforced concrete. Clearance
hangar 35'; w,ings first floor 15', second floor 10', Sprinkler system. Cafeteria, area about 19,000 sq. ft., one story, clearance 10', seating capacity 850 people, Reinforced concrete floor, maBonry construction, face brick with cinder block walls,
Warehouse, one story, 7,300 sq. ft., clearance 13', concrete floor,
brick walls.
inforced concrete and brick, Gate House and Offce, one story, area 6,000 sq. ft., clearance 9', concrete floor, brick walls.
Boiler House, one story, area 5,680 sq, ft" clearance 28', re-
750-volt mercury arc, consisting of transformers, rectifier, cooling equipment, etc. Compressors, condensers, coolers, refrigeration systems, drying towers, tanks, pumps, fans, instruhoods, loading device, assembling machine, etc.
ments, caustic coolers, evaporator (caustic and salt crystallizer included), filters, refrigeration system, repulper, pots,
UTILITIES: Water, industrial water (untreated) comes from the river through a dual main distribution system. Filered
water (treated) is supplied through arsenal mains,
Quarters Ferry Command, 3,800 sq. ft., clearance 7'9", concrete and wood floor, brick walls,
Pump House, 1,100 sq. ft. Ammunition Storage, 800 sq. ft,
Sewers, three systems serve the Arsenal and chlorine plant: industrial sewer system carries contaminated waste to the
(Colorado) 23
ment plant,
Power and light from local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Arsenal operated railroad system connects with the Burlingtn and Union Pacific Railroads. This project is available for lease in whole or in part, subject
to posBble restrictions as to its proposed use.
Thionyl Chloride Plant: Total area about 10,000 sq, ft. No. 471: Three-story; steel, corrugated asbestos, Total area 6,000 sq, ft.
A. T, MANUFACTURING AREA: No, 523: Two-story, 4,800 sq. ft, Wood, asbestos, protected
No, 523A: 1,400 sq. ft, Wood. i. O. B, PLANT: No. 742: One-story, 48,000 sq, ft, Clearance 15'; concrete floor, brick and tile walls, wood deck, rolled roofing. No. 311: One-story; 7,800 sq. ft,; 10' clearance; concrete
No. 472, No, 473, No, 475: Total area 3,600 sq, ft. Wood,
metal siding.
LAND: About 19,600 acres. BUILDINGS: Tne buildings suitable for manufacturing are
compactly arranged. There are numerous warehouses, most
of them at carloading height, provided with spur tracks, and
312: two-story; 10,200 sq, ft.; 9'9" & 9' clearance; con-
No, 313: one story; 9,700 sq. ft.; 12' clearance; concrete
No, 316: one story; 2,600 sq, ft,; 9' clearance; wood,
No, 314: one story; 8,400 sq. ft,; 14/ clearance; concrete floor,
floor, wood,
house and its installations are of permanent character, The buildings are of brick, tile, and concrete construction, The entire arrangement of plant, including buildings, utilty
services, roadways, etc" is that of a modern chemical plant,
No, 317: one story; 10,800 sq, ft.; 13' clearance; concrete
No, 321: three story; 44,000 sq. ft.; 10', 19'6", 29'6"; reinTwenty eight warehouses in plant: Each area 10,800 sq. ft.
forced concrete,
Nine Barracks Buildings, 8,000 sq. ft. ea., 8' clearance, wood,
clearance, wood.
Bldgs. No. 165 to No. 168 inclusive, 5,300 sq, ft, total, 9'
construction. T129 to T134 inc, Total area about 8,000 sq. ft.; wood construction,
hts, 8'6"; wood construction.
No. T121 to No. T128 inc. Total area about 15,000 sq, ft,; wood
UTILITIES: Potable water obtained from City of Denver to a milion-gallon reservoir on the reservation, Industrial water provided by canals tapping the High Line
Building No, 111: Two-story, total area 37,000 sq, ft, Clear.
Building No, 112: 2,300 sq. ft, Height 11', Concrete and
No, T141, No, T142: Total area 5,000 sq, ft. Wood con-
lons. A pumping station of 3,000 gallons per minute capacity provides water from the storage basins to the plant a,rea. Sewage system consists of a treatment plant having a capacity
for 6,000 persons.
struction. No. 611: Area 4,500 sq. ft.; brick and tile.
613: Area 6,400 sq. ft,; (2 story) brick and tile, No, 622: Area 1,600 sq, ft.; brick and tile, No. 623: Area 2,400 sq, ft,; wood,
627: Area 15,000 sq. ft,; similar to 624. No. 631: Area 4,700 sq. ft.; wood, asbestos, metal cover siding, No. 633: Area 2,400 sq. ft.; brick and tile.
Warehouses No. 618, No. 619: Area each 109,000 sq. ft.;
400 cars. This project is available for lease if whole or in part, subject
to possible restrictions as to its proposed use,
wood timber framing, wood walls (granule siding), wood trusses, wood deck, rolled roofing. Clearance height 14', No, 411 and No, 41lA to J, inc.: Total area 21,200 sq. ft.
(Basement 6,000 sq. ft., first floor 15,200 sg, ft). . Wood frame construction, Unit contains 10 tanks (10 dia, by 28' long).
Clearance height 13' to 15'.
ment 8,300 sq. ft., first floor 5,300 sq. ft.) ; wood frame structures. No. 432: Area 9,000 sq, ft, One story; concrete floor, tile
No. 412 and No, 422: Total area each 13,600 sq, ft, (Base-
Designed for processing of metallurgical fluorspar to obtain an ore concentrate of approximately 85%, Ore furnished
No. 511, No. 514: Each three-story. Total area 12,400 sq. ft.
Concrete floors, tile walls,
Reinforced concrete,
LAND: 3.44 acres. BUILDINGS: Mil Building, frame construction; floor area 3,000 sq, ft" clearances 25' to 33', Other minor structures. EQUIPMENT: Complete ore miling plant involving handling
of crude ore and preparing it for concentration. Production
units utilze patented "sink-float" process.
No, 515, No. 516: Each three-story, Total area 9,400 sq. ft,
No. 517: Area 8,700 sq, ft. Concrete floor, brick and tile
24 (Connecticut)
Tire Manufacturing Plant
200,000 sq. ft.
Armstrong Rubber Company,
West Haven, Connecticut-Plancor 2385.
sequently, however, the independent disposal. of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
removed. '
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur from the New York, New Haven
and Hartford Railroad,
Bridgeport, Connecticut-Army, LAND: Owned by lessee, BUILDINGS: Assembly Building, one story, industrial type structure, 185' by 503' with low one story service additions along the sides. Area Main floor 103,000 sq. ft, A basement
for boiler room, storage, etc" has area of 30,000 sq. ft. Side bays (2) clearances 43'9", center bay clearances 50'6", struc-
This plant has been leased for a period of one year. Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to
protected metal. First floor over basement, reinforced concrete construction, Spur track runs through building, Con-
New Haven, Connecticut,-Plancor 2107, LAND: About . acre, leased. BUILDING: : Basement and three story structure, reinforced
Floors 150 Ibs. liveload. Clearances 12' and 13'. Freight elevator, Sprinklered,
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Machine tols, riveting machine, coil winding machines, etc.
New York 0, R. P, D,
Connecticut-Plancor 108.
Ordnance Plant
185,0 sq. ft.
Bridgeport, Connecticut.-NObs-46.
and concrete. .
LAND: Lessee owned. Navy has purchase option. BUILDING: Four story and basement, of steel framing, brick
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Mainly machine tols
columns and wood roof trusses, walls are of brick construction, floor construction is reinforced concrete with wood finish,
clearance height in the factory area is 16', Building is
In addition to the manufacturing building, there are three smaller buildings on the site. Boiler House (area about 3,000
sq, ft.), Shook Shed (area about 4,200 sq, ft.) and Coal Storage Building, The boiler house has three 268 h.p, coal-fired stoker-fed boilers, The entire plant is fenced in, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Automatic surface grinders, double spindle grinder, grinding machines, centerless
Ordnance Parts Plant (Gun Silencers) Surplus 14,700 sq. ft. Maxim Silencer Company,
90-93 Homestead Avenue,
Hartford, Connecticut,-Nod, 2164,
LAND: About 1/3 acre. BUILDINGS: A one story structure with a 2 story front,
Area first floor 13,000 sq, ft., second floor 1700 sq. ft. Total 14,700 sq. ft. Ceilngs 10' and 12',
grinders, radius grinding machines, cone radius grinding machines, cup radius grinding machines, hydraulic surface grinders, gag-matic internal grinding machines, electric indicator grinding machines, vertcal surface grinders, honing machines, lapping machines, lathes, presses, magnetizing machines, cold blow-off machine, hydraulic stretch, assembly presses, washing
machines, electrical equipment, scales, belt collector unit, dust collecting systems, etc,
Concrete first floor, wood second floor, Brick walls, steel sash.
Skylight entire length of one story section, Sprinklered.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Power shear, welding equipment, hoists, platforms, etc,
(Connecticut) 25
Connecticut. Plant 1.
Aircraft Engine Parts Plant (Engine mounts, fi"ings, etc.)
25,200 sq. ft. M, B, Manufacturing Company, Inc.,
Plant 2,
LAND: Approximately 6 acres.
BUILDING: One story and mezzanine; factory and offce floor area 22,400 sq. ft.; mezzanine area 2,800 sq. ft, Clearance main floor 15', mezzanine 10', Walls cinder block, brick
veneered, Sprinklered.
LAND: About 2 acres, BUILDING: One story, 215' by 75' with offce wing 80' by
20'. Factory area 13,500 sq. ft, Clearance 15'. Masonry
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, miling, grinddegreasers, etc. Furniture and Fixtures: Numerous items,
ing, driling machines, plating and heat treating equipment,
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subor part of the original machinery and equipment has been
sequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
property line,
BUILDINGS: Bar Mil, area 62,300 sq. ft., steel and tile
straighteners, three furnaces, pickling machine, hydraulic testing machine, etc. Also two 10-ton and one 5-ton cranes.
UTILITIES: City and local utility companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of N,Y" N.H., & H, R,R, Boston 0, R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Ordnance Plant
54,00 sq. ft.
Royal Typewriter Company,
Hartford, Conecticut.-Plancor 2384,
.! . i ~
Corporation, ig . l':
200,000 sq. ft. Construction generally steel framing, cinder block walls.
LAND: Approximately 11.1 acres. BUILDINGS: Nine principal buildings, total floor area about
Test Hangar No.2, 51,320 sq. ft., one story, brick walls, clear-
pany. Water by two deep wells on site, Sewage disposal by city system.
ing tables, dril presses, riveters, shapers, hammers, etc. ',~1;(':_ UTILITIES: Fire system in.cludes one 400,000 gallon t~nk~"'~"'''.t
and one 300,000-gallon tank with booster pumps. !,-'t' ,U"...,
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26 (Connecticut)
Aircraft Plant
230,000 sq. ft.
United Aircraft Corporation,
Designed for production of chemical modifier, D,D, Mercaptan (D,D.M.), used in the manufacture of, synthetic rubber,
35'. Sprinkler system,
South Avenue,
Bridgeport, Connecticut,-Plancor 857,
LAND: Owned under adjacent Plancor # 129, BUILDING: Brick, floor area 10,000 sq. ft., ceilng height
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: The equipment is special purpose for the manufacture of D,D.M. Functional or processing equipment includes two electric furnaces, centrifugal pumps, air compressor, storage tanks, reactors and stils, acid concentrating unit consisting of heating tubes, steam ejectors, condensers, coolers, preheaters, instruments, etc., one-ton air
nected group about 470' by 350', generally one story, brick walls, clearances 10' to 18' except 32' in bay with craneway. Two 10-ton cranes, Other buildings of concrete and brick
Sewage empties into river, Light and power from sub-station of Plancor #129. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of N. Y. N, H, & H. R.R. Boston O. R. P. D,-Brochure available.
Connecticut.-Plancor 129.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Tanks, agitators, reactors, condensers, colloid mils, rubber mil, Banbury mixer, baling press, curing press, etc, Also requisite instrument, and controls, flexing machine, tensile tester, and similar apparatus. UTILITIES: From adjacent plancor, TRANSPORTATION: Through adjacent plancor facilties, Boston O. R. P, D.-Brochure available.
Ordnance Parts Plant (Speed gears, hoists)
81,60 sq. ft.
cludes reactors; stripping mils; Proctor & Schwartz drying systems; National Erie Extruders; 22" by 60" Adamson rubber mils; wash mil; Horton spheres, total capacity 315,000
gallons; tanks, total capacity 275,000 gallons, etc,
A co-polymer plant designed to produce Buna-S rubber. LAND: Approximately 12,83 acres. BUILDINGS: 12 major and 2 minor buildings, total floor area about 125,000 sq. ft.; steel framing, brick walls, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Process equipment in-
Vickers, Inc.,
LAND: About 2:5 p.cres, under option to purchase, BUILDING: Building No.2, one story and part-mezzanine
sq, ft., clearances, two bays have height 21', two bays have height 33', one bay part 21' and part 33', Structural steel framing and trusses, walls with brick to sil height and fac-
structure, area, first floor, 70,400 sq. ft., area inezzanine, 11,200
TRANSPORTATION: Four sidings of New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, Boston O. R, P, D.-Brochure available,
Chemical Plant-O.E.. Chemical Modifier
concrete floors, roof of 2" plank with built-up tar and gravel roofing. Wet-pipe sprinkler system. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Varied machine tools,
heat treat furnaces, hoists and other production equipment,
Sixteen 5-ton box bridge cranes, span 40', four 10-ton bridge
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding from N, Y" N, H, & H. R. R, Boston O. R. P, D,-Brochure available (NP-87).
(Delaware) (Florida) 27
Machine Shop
5,000 sq. ft.
Bellanca Aircraft Corporation,
New Castle, Delaware-Plancor 628, LAND: 0.319 acre, BUILDING: An extension to lessee's plant #1, 50' by 100',
one story, brick walls, steel trusses, Sprinklered.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, miling machines, radial and dril presses, grinding and polishing ma-
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property, prior to its designation as "Surplus", Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
or part of the original machinery and equipment has been' re-
UTILITIES: Water and sewer by city, Power and gas by local utilty companies, TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia 0, R. P. D.-Brochure available.
UTILITIES: Water by municipal system, Power and light by local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Pennsylvania Railroad. This plant has been leased for a period of one year. Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the
provisions of the lease in effect.
Nickel Plant
LAND : 1n~ acres leased. BUILDINGS: Buildings consist of fourteen connected struc-
Aircraft Plant
122,000 sq. ft.
Bellanca Aircraft Corporation,
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: 12-ton electric furnace, half-ton electric furnace, casting machine with pouring ladle,
briquetting machines, ball mil, 8-ton charging bucket, ingot buckets, accessory items of nickel oxide refining equipment, etc, Three travellng cranes 1lf to 15 ton, and basket type
New Castle, Delaware-Plancor 754. LAND: 16 acres. BUILDING: One-story structure, steel frame, cinder block
walls, Clearance 30' in assembly area, Twelve I-ton monorails with electric hoists, Sprinldered,
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Wilmington Marine Terminal R.R,
Aircraft Parts Plant
200,000 sq. ft.
Florida Emergency Pipeline Company,
A war emergency facilty created for the transportation of petroleum products from barge unloading facilties on Timber Island, near Carrabelle, Florida on the Gulf Coast, to barge terminal facilties in the Jacksonvile, Florida area on the St, J~hns Rivi:r. The property consists of approximately 198.7 miles of right-of-way, about the same mileage of 8%" steel pipe, 6 line pumping stations, two terminal stations, 8 used
oil storage tanks with a total capacity of 330,000 barrels at
ing racks have capacity for handling 120 tank cars simultaneously in two minutes. In connection with this terminal there is another terminal at Jacksonvile, Florida, and 100 tug boats and 269 barges.
LAND: About 360 acres, BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: Boiler House, one story,
reinforced concrete frame with concrete block walls, 8600 sq. ft, Clearance 30'; Area 1000 sq. ft, Ceilng 8',
the Carrabelle tank farm, one of 5,000 barrel used oil storage tank at each of the pumping station sites, employees' cottage and other appurtenances, All line pumps, prime movers
Administration Building, one story, 20' by 50', concrete floor, concrete block walls, Four Docks, each 20' wide by 72l' long, Creosoted wood pilng
and creosoted heavy timber,
and bottom, capacity 750,000 gallons.
and practically all of the line pipe were used elsewhere before being installed in this system, The pipe line, 198,7 miles in length, includes 193.7 miles of 8%" o.d, used pipe which was
taken up, reconditioned, shipped, welded and coated before laying, Protective casings on railroad and highway cross-
Brochure available.
N egotiation handled by
UTILITIES: Water from wells on site. Septic tank on site, Power and light from local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Site trackage connects with main line
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Pumps, motors, compressors, derricks, lathe, dril press, grinder, vises, cutter,
28 (Florida)
of Atlantic and St. Andrews Bay R. R. Depth of river channel 12', Jacksonville O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Miscellaneous shopyard machinery such as shears, galvanizing equipment, machine tools, electric winches, magnet, platebending rolls, etc,
cranes; dump trucks; trailers; concrete chutes and vibrators, compresso'rs and accessories; welding equipment; small hand tools; pipe bending, cutting and threading equipment.
This project originally constructed as an oil terminal designed for receiving oil by rail and dispatching by tug and barge up the inland waterways, Facilties provide for storage capacity
of 2,700,000 barrels, The railroad spur connecting with stor-
Ice Plant
100 tons per day
Another terminal is located at Panama City, Florida, LAND: About 229 acres. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: Boiler House, one story, reinforced concrete building with concrete block walls, Area
about 3,400 sq, ft, Ceilng height 32 ft,
700 h.p, each and 269 wood and wood-steel composite barges,
Main Offce, one story, 20' by 50', concrete block walls. Area 1,000 sq, ft, Ceilng 8'.
and heavy creosoted timbers,
Two DQcks, each 705' long by 20' wide, creosoted wood pilng
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Two air compressors, derricks, filters, motors, pumps, etc" and maintenance tools, including lathes, bench dril, bench press, bench grinders, etc. UTILITIES: Water from wells on site, Septic tank on site,
LAND: About 1 acre, BUILDINGS: Processing Building, single-story, floor area 3,207 sq. ft., ceilng height, 43', Foundations reinforced concrete, structural steel framing, steel roof trusses, sides and
story, ceilng 28', floor area 3,207 sq, ft. Structural steel fram-
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Two sets of evoporaboilers, 490 h,p, complete with accessories; softener equipment; pumps, motors, controls, etc, UTILITIES: Water from well on site.
Power and light from local utilty companies,
LAND: About 25 acres consisting of 16 acres high bulkheaded land and 9 acres submerged land. Frontage on St,
TRANSPORTATION: Property served by spur track of
Birmingham O. R. P, D,
Ellenton, Florida-Maritime.
baking and burning at high temperature. Cylinders containing Nodulite aggregate and only 8lh bags of cement per cubic
in concrete ship construction, The aggregate known as Nodulite is made from fuller's earth by treatment in the plant and
yard have tested better than 6,000 Ibs. per square inch at 28 days.
LAND: Total of 333-1/3 acres in two tracts, The acreage has substantial deposits of fuller's earth at depths of 3 to 12
feet and is excavated by stripping the topsoil, Excepting about 3 acres which is covered by the plant, roadway, etc"
Hooker Point Shipyard,
McCloskey & Company,
Hooker's Point,
the fuller's earth, BUILDINGS: Offce, frame, 16' by 70' and 8'8" high.
Tampa, Florida-Maritime. concrete cargo vessels, Included are 41 buildings and strucComplete shipyard used for the construction of oceangoing
tures, basins, piers, docks, wharves, roads, railroad sidings, etc. LAND: About 121 %, acres.
wall on north and east side; steel framing and trusses: corrugated iron siding and roof, Dry Clay Storage, 60' by 60'; wood frame, wood trusses and
deck, concrete floor.
house, 54,000 sq, ft.; Cafeteria, 8,000 sq. ft, ; Fabricating Shops, 34,000 sq. ft.; 53,000 sq. ft.; and 89,000 sq, ft; Machine Shop, 25,000 sq. ft.; Other shops, offces, lofts, etc" total some 100,000
sq. ft, All construction is frame and buildings are one story.
trusses with wood deck on 6" by 6" wood posts; size 45' by 210' long and 23'6" high.
Raw Clay Storage, open ramp with walls only; wood roof
building has reinforced concrete tower and steel trusses; cement storage has concrete floor, wood framing and trusses,
open construction. Shop and Storage, 18' by 60' by 12' high: concrete floor: wood
framing and deck.
Boiler and No, 3 Control Room, 24'6" by 29' by 10' high con.
(Florida) (Georgia) 29
crete floor; brick wall between boiler room and control room;
steel and pipe framing, steel trusses; corrugated iron roof,
Designed for a fish dehydration plant, Plant site is on water-
LAND: About one acre. Tract of land in Lee County, BUILDINGS: Main Building, 75' by 141', approximately
tos siding and roof, concrete floor. Boiler and Change House, 20' by 60', area about 1,200 sq. ft" construction similar to main building.
Panama City Shipyard,
manufactured by Proctor and Schwartz, with motors, compresboning tables, deoiler, grinder, etc.
Panama City, Florida.-Maritime. LAND: About 117% acres. BUILDINGS: 59 wood frame structures, total area 578,000 sq. ft, Fabrication Shop, 175,680 sq. ft,; Mold Loft, 23,000 sq. ft,;
Machine Shop, 30,800 sq, ft.; Small Parts Warehouse, 18,000
sor, and acc'essories. Also included are unloading conveyor, cypress receiving tanks, scaler, cleaning tables, cooker, and
supply effectively maintained during dry season. Power and light from local utility companies.
Boulevard to Fort Myers.
sq, ft,; Pipe Shop, 21,700 sq. ft.; Boiler Shop, 27,500 sq. ft,; Electric Shop, 17,800 sq. ft,; Three Warehouses, 89,300 sq, ft.;
Paper Plant
1,60 tons per month Santa Rosa Pulp and Paper Company, Pensacola, Florida,-Plancor 528,
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Gantry cranes, overhead cranes, locomotive cranes, crawler cranes. Numerous items of
metal working equipment, woodworking equipment, machine
tools, etc.
UTILITIES: City and local utilties. TRANSPORTATION: About 6-2/5 miles trackage on site,
connect to Atlanta and St. Andrews Bay R,R,
Jacksonville O. R, P. D,
St, Johns River Shipbuilding Company,
Jacksonvile, Florida,-Maritime,
Aircaf Plant
Marietta, Georgia.-Army. LAND: 2,827 acres: 595 acres in airfield, 429 acres. in indus. trial area, 1,801 acres in cantonment area and 2 acres underpass, BUILDINGS: Eleven major buildings, 3,751,000 sq. ft., thirtyeight minor buildings, 199,000 sq. ft,
Nose Hangar, NR: 1 story, area 8,000 sq, ft" same construc-
Hangars No.1 and 2: 1 story, area of each 27,000 sq. ft, and
zanines, area 3,071,000 sq, ft., concrete floors with wood block and concrete finish, frame of steel, outside walls 18" brick masonry to a height of 10', above is corrugated asbestos cement
gravel roof.
height 10', corrugated metal roof. Warehouse No.5 and 6: 1 story, area of each 38,400 sq. ft" concrete floor and all wood construction, ceilng height 12'.
floor and all wood construction with metal siding walls, ceilng
siding, ceilng height from 9' to 45', 3 ply built-up tar and
ft" concrete floors in basement, 1st and 2nd floor of wood, frame of concrete in basement, other floors of wood, exterior wall of
Final Assembly and Clean Up Bldg. (B-4): Six stories, area 186,917 sq, ft., construction features like Main Assembly
construction features same as Main Assembly Bldg., except ceilng height is from 11' to 35'.
Paint and Storage Building (B-3): 1 story, area 64,747 sq. ft"
cameras, compressors, electric furnaces, generators, grinders, hammers, hoists, lathes, electric motors, presses, pumps, riveters, sanders, band saws, shapers, transformers and air
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: N. C. & St. L. R.R,
This plant is available for lease only,
Dead Storage Bldg. (B-6): 1 story, area 69,572 sq, ft., con-
30 (Georgia) (Idaho)
Shipyard Surplus
J. A, Jones Construction Company, Brunswick, Georgia,-Maritime,
Machine Shop, 300' by 169', irregular 52,771 sq, ft.; both steel, corrugated iron siding and steel windows. Mold Loft, 305' by
EQUIPMENT: Approximately 140,000 crates and boxes. 300-foot belt conveyors installed.
Warehouse, 58' by 381', 28,362 sq. ft. All these buildings are
to Manufacturing Company,
The usual auxilary service and utilty building, the largest being the Cafeteria, 16,000 sq. ft.; Carpenter Shop, 12,000 sq. ft.; Riggers loft, 10,000 sq. ft,; Training School, 11,000 sq, ft,; and together totallng some 80,000 sq, ft., nearly all of frame
construction. STRUCTURES: Shipways (six) 552' by 77'. Timber on wood
wood staging,
pilng. Exterior ship staging, steel towers and dogs with
LAND: About 5,000 sq. ft, of land, under twenty-year lease, BUILDING: Basement and one-story reinforced-concrete,
and concrete walls, steel framing and trusses, steel sash, preunderside of truss, 10'6". Freight elevator. Fluorescent lighting. Sprinklered.
steel, and brick structure, 48' by 94', Concrete floors, brick
cast concrete deck. Area per floor 4,512 sq. ft. Total area
about 9,000 sq, ft, Clearance first floor 11'2", second floor to
Crane Runways at Shipway (seven), 1,591'6" by 32'. Concrete grade beams on wood pilng,
UTILITIES: Water wells on site. Storage, one 100,000 gallon elevated tank, Sewers discharge into Oglethorpe Bay (no treatment).
Power-Light by local utilty company,
Shipyard Surplus
Southeastern Shipbuilding Company,
Savannah, Georgia,-Mari1ime,
219.54 acres,
LOCATION: Savannah, Georgia, LAND: About 116% acres owned and 103 acres leased. Total
MacEvoy Shipbuilding Company,
Savannah, Georgia,-Maritime.
BUILDINGS: Administration, 47,200 sq. ft,; Warehouse No, 1, 32,000 sq. ft,; Sheet Metal Shop, 14,300 sq. ft.; Fitting Out Shop, 26,000 sq. ft,; Warehouse No, 2, 65,000 sq. ft.; Joiner Shop, 18,000 sq, ft,; and are of wood frame construction, Pipe and ~achine Shop, 33,600 sq, ft.; Mold Loft, 32,000 sq. ft.; Fabricating Shop, 87,000 sq, ft.; are of steel frame construction,
Other buildings generally frame total about 120,000 sq. ft, STRUCTURES: Six Shipways, 62' by 576', Timber on piles.
Seven crane runways at shipways, 30' by 700',
Outfitting-four berths, one wharf, 56' by 1,800', are timber
on wood piles,
Oxygen Plant
93,6,0 cu. ft. per year
National Cylinder Gas Company, Brunswick, Georgia,-Plancor 1155.
'.rtllber Plant
36,0 sq. ft.
(Illois) 31
Bengs Plant
42,700... ft.
Aetna Ball and Roller Bearing Company,
Chicago, Ilinois.-Plancor 309,
Bearings Plant
45,0 sq. ft.
For the purpose of increasing the production of metallc zinc and associated products, in connection with the operation of
residue from the Monsanto Plant is shipped to Fairmont City for additional treatment for recovering cadmium and zinc,
ore per year; Acid plant to produce 50,000 tons 40% Oleum
salts per year; and Retort furnace to produce 5,750 tons zinc
Fairmont City Plant has twenty-five buildings nearly all of a functional nature, Roaster Building, 27,400 sq. ft" 60' high,
LAND: 287 acres, BUILDINGS: Seventeen intercommunicating units under one roof, 2,217,000 sq. ft, floor area, clearances 33' to 44', all steel
frame, brick walls.
Minor units total 71,000 sq. ft" clearances Hi' to 25', Offce and Personnel Buildings, total 47,000 sq. ft, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Thirty-two 27,000 lb, reverberatory remelting furnaces, complete with D.C. casting
68,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Monsanto Plant; 192 zinc cells complete with anodes and cathodes; crushers, conveyors,
equipment, electrically heated soaking pits, consisting of sixteen pits in each battery, spindle miling machines, 120" and
96" reversing hot mils, 5-stand 80" hot mil and four 72" cold mils, slab re-heating furnaces, intermediate annealing fur-
and mould cars, ball mil, hammer mil, ore roaster, preheating furnace, cadmium retort furnace, remelting furnace, furnace 800 and 112 retort zinc, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies, Chicago 0, R, P. D.-Brochure available.
UTILITIES: Water and sewage disposal by City. Power and light from local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of Baltimore and Ohio Central Terminal and the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail-
Wire Plant
115,0 ... ft.
roads, This plant have been leased for a period of five years, Negotia-
LAND: Rectangular tract of 3,18 acres, BUILDINGS: Some 23 units, mostly connected, built at varying dates, and generally rehabiltated. Two buildings are new,
Total floor area approximately 115,000 sq. ft" generally of
cooling tanks, steel pools, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies, TRANSPORTATION: Switch tracks of Chicago Great Western
and Chicago and Northwestern Railroads,
LAND: . acre.
BUILDING: Power Plant, reinforced concrete and brick, area about 21,000 sq, ft., clearance in turbine room 23', boiler room
44' and 49'.
EQUIPMENT: Four 500 h.p, boilers and one 627 h,p, boiler,
coal conveyor system, pumps, etc, Also an electric generating
plant, two 500 k.w. turbo generators with accessories, UTILITIES: Water from lessee and well,
Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure availble.
LAND: Approximately 1.36 acres in two parcels. BUILDINGS: Machine Shop, main floor 23,500 sq, ft" mezzanine 1,500 sq. ft" and grinder room extension 750 sq, ft,;
32 (Ilinois)
masonry walls; steel frame; sprinklered; two 5-ton overhead
Woodworking Building, two story; total floor area 19,000 sq. ft.; reinforced concrete and brick; sprinklered. Three small structures, total floor area 4,500 sq. ft, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, miling, grinding,
furnaces, woodworking machine, drafting equipment, lockers, time recorders, etc,
cranes (15' to rails); clearances 13' to 24'.
BUILDINGS: Main Building, approximately 96' by 536', reinforced concrete, flat slab industrial type, three stories,
Garage and Shop Building, area 1,308 sq, ft.; Storage Shed, area 2,047 sq, ft,; frame construction, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Grinding, miling maequipment, etc,
freight elevators, 6,000 lb, capacity.
municipal system, Sewage by municipal system, Power and light by local utilty company, TRANSPORTATION: Switch track of Chicago, Burlington
Chicago O. R. P, D.-Brochure available,
mile of the city limits, BUILDINGS: Factory and Administration Building, one story
and mezzanine masonry structure approximately 199' by 203',
building has concrete foundation and floor, with wood block floor finish in work space; steel frame, steel sash and steel deck
roof, with tar and gravel roofing, Sprinklered,
including boiler room, Floor area is about 42,626 sq. ft, The
Chicago, Ilinois-Navy-NObs-610,
Boiler House, one story, 42' by 60' is appended to Factory and Administration Building,
to it. One story, floor area 735 sq. ft,
floor area 559 sq, ft. There are also a Garage Building, Main
Warehouse, Warehouse, and Paint Storage Building, Total
area approximately 7,000 sq, ft. Also 34 open concrete bins, 135' long by 20' wide.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Boring, driling, grinding, and miling machines, lathes, planers, presses, etc, Laboratory and Testing Equipment: Weights, indicators, tables,
Shipyard Surplus
Chicago Bridge and Iron Company, Morris Road, about % mile east of
Seneca, Ilinois.-Nobs 462,
Shipyard used for the construction of LST'S, consisting of 15 ship construction berths, tracks for moving ships to a single
UTILITIES: Water from wells owned by others, Sewers connect to Rockford Sanitary District's line, Power and light, local utility company, TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of C. M. St. P, & P. R. R. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
frame construction on bath house, cafeteria, administration building, guard house, personnel offces, warehouses, numerous
small portable field offces, pipe, sheet metal, carpenter, machine, electric, and paint shops, garage, riggers lofts, toilet
and washroom buildings, shelters, etc, Fire protection system,
compressed air system throughout. Yard graded, drainage
LAND: % acre.
BUILDINGS: Two Factory Buildings, brick construction, total floor area 27,400 sq, ft" completely sprinklered, Freight elevator 1,000 pounds capacity.
West Machine Shop about 68,000 sq. ft., clearance 20'. Electrical Shop about 40,000 sq. ft, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Typical shipyard equipment including complement of machine tools, hoists, welding equipment, pipe benders, small tools, etc.
river. Complete sewer system and treatment plant on site, Power and light from local utilty companies,
land and Pacific.
West Warehouses each about 50,000 sq. ft., and clearance 16',
LAND: About 195% acres. BUILDING: (See enumeration under "Plant"), East and
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Filter presses, furnaces, tanks, etc, UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Switch track of C, M. St. P, & P, R,R. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Optical Devices Plant
LAND: 9% acres,
(Ilinois) 33
Hemp Mil
31,000 iq. ft.
Commodity Credit Corporation,
Polo, Ilinois.-Plancor 1531-2.
From raw materials, such as alloy steel bilets and rods ingot
parts of the product are manufactured in this and satellte plants. The component parts are then assembled, tested, inspected, reassembled and shipped, all of these operations being carried out at this plant. LAND: Plant site comprises 475 acres.
Hemp Mil
31,0 sq. ft.
Commodity Credit Corporation,
Kirckland, Ilinois.-Plancor :1531-17.
1. Machine & Assembly, brick and concrete, 2. Magnesium Foundry, brick and concrete 3. Aluminum Foundry, brick and concrete,
5. Test Cells Bldg., reinforced concrete,
Hemp Mil
LAND: 50 acres. BUILDINGS: Straw Storage Building, area 5,880 sq. ft., clear-
ance 15'-6"; block walls, gravel floor, clear span wood bowstring roof trusses.
Dryer Building, double deck construction, each deck divided into three spaces to serve as air ducts for dryers; concrete block
11. Boiler House No.1, brick and concrete, 56,183 12. Boiler House No.2, brick and concrete, 24,747
13. Personnel Building, brick, 18,490 14. Propeller Test Building, reinforced concrete, 13,860
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Boring, driling broaching and for~ing machines, grinders, lathes, planers,' shapers, presses, rolling, forming, bending, burring, flanging machines,
ta.nks, scales, degreasers, wheel formers, comparators, coil
winders, torque testers, sharpeners, ovens, agitators, etc. Also
Mil Building, floor area 7,200 sq. ft., concrete block walls and floor, wood bowstring trusses. Bale Storage Building, floor area 5,376 sq. ft., similar to Mil
Building. ' Locker, and Offce Building, total Boiler House, Shop Building,
floor area 5,470 sq. ft. Clearances 9', 10', 30'.
press, trucks and trailers, steam engine, etc.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvesters, gathering binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units, baling
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site. Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty. dling and sand reclamation equipment, and other foundry items. The rated capacity of the foundry is 24,000,000 lbs. of ,Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available. castings per year. Magnesium Foundry is equipped with sand handling and mixing equipment, core drawing machines, core pack ovens, core spraying booth, spraying dry ovens, cooling tunnels, melting Hemp Mil Surplus furnaces, and heat treat and aging ovens and other foundry 31,00 sq. ft. items. Rated capacity of this foundry is 18,000,000 lbs. per Commodity Credit Corporation, year. Lexington, Ilinois.-Plancor 1531-19. UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. General Notes: Twenty-three acres of Assembly Building are Designed for producing and rough processing hemp fibre and refrigerated-air conditioned. Process piping of gas, compressed tow. air, vacuum, cooling water, ammonia, fuel oil supply and re- LAND: 40 acres. turn, gasoline, lubricating oil (new, used and waste), varsol, BUILDINGS: Straw Storage Building, area 5,880 sq. ft., clearcleaner and coolant solutions, and cutting and core oil is in- ance 15'-6"; block walls, gravel floor, clear span wood bowcapacity 25,000 lbs. per heat. There is also included sand han-
emergency lighting, fire alarm, autocall paging, and time recorder systems. Entire plant telephonically connected by auto-
Dryer Building, double deck construction, each deck divided into three spaces to serve as air ducts for dryers; concrete block
matic dial system. Four miles of railroad track on the site. This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the provisions of the lease in effect.
Mil Building, floor area 7,200 sq. ft., concrete block walls and
Bale Storage Building, floor area 5,376 sq. ft., similar to Mil
Building. Boiler House, Shop Building, Locker, and Offce Building, total floor area 5,470 sq. ft. Clearance 9', 10', 30'.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvesters, gathering binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units, baling press, trucks and trailers, steam engine, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the war-time use
of the property, prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
34 (Illnois)
or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
Hemp Mil
31,0 sq. ft.
Commodity Credit Corporation,
Galva, Ilinois.-Plancor 1531-26.
UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site. Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty. Chicgo O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Hemp Mil
31,000 sq. ft. Commodity Credit Corporation,
Earlvile, Ilinois.-Plancor 1531-22.
LAND: 41 acres. BUILDINGS: Straw Storage Building, area 5,880 sq. ft., clearance 15'6"; block walls, gravel floor, clear span woo bowstring roof trusses. Dryer Building, double deck construction, each deck divided
into three spaces to serve as air ducts for dryers; concrete block walls; area 7,480 sq. ft. .
LAND: 41 acres. BUILDINGS: Straw Storage Building, area 5,880 sq. ft., clearance 15'-6"; block walls, gravel floor, clear span wood bowstring roof trusses.
Mil Building, floor area 7,200 sq. ft., concrete block walls and floor, wood bowstring trusses.
Bale Storage Building, floor area 5,376 sq. ft., similar to Mil
Dryer Building, double deck construction, each deck divided into three spaces to serve as air ducts for dryers; concrete block
Mil Building, floor area 7,200 sq. ft., concrete block walls and floor, wood bowstring trusses.
floor area 5,470 sq. ft. Clearances 9', 10', 30'.
Bale Storage Building, floor area 5,376 sq. ft., similar to Mil
Boiler House, Shop Building, Locker, and Offce Building, total
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvesters, gathering binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units, baling press, truck and trailers, steam engine, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property, prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is posible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has ben
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvesters, gathering binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units, baling
press, trucks and trailers, steam engine, etc.
UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site. Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
Hemp Mil
31,0 sq. ft.
Commodity Credit Corporation,
Minok, Ilinois.-Plancor 1531-30.
UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site. Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Hemp Mil
31,0 sq. ft.
Hemp Mil
31,0 sq. ft.
Commodity Credit Corporation,
Muncie, Ilinois.-Plancor 1531-37.
BUILDINGS: Straw Storage Building, area 5,880 sq. ft., clearance 15'-6"; block walls, gravel floor, clear span wood bowstring roof trusses.
Dryer Building, double deck construction, each deck divided into three spaces to serve as air ducts for dryers; concrete block
walls; area
7,480 sq. ft. Mil Building, floor area 7,200 sq. ft., concrete block walls and floor, wood bowstring trusses. Bale Storage Building, floor area 5,376 sq. ft., similar to Mil
LAND: 48 acres. BUILDINGS: Straw Storage Building, are 5,880 sq. ft., clearance 15'6"; block walls, gravel floor, clear span woo
Dryer Building, double deck construction, each dec divided into three spaces to serve as air ducts for dryers; concrete
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvesters, gathering binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units, baling press, truck and trailers, steam engine, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the war-time use
of the property, prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse-
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
Building. Boiler House, Shop Building, Locker, and Offce Building, total floor area 5,470 sq. ft. Clearances 9', 10', 30'.
block walls; area 7,480 sq. ft. Mil Building, floor area 7,200 sq. ft., concrete bloc wals and floor, wood bowstring trusses. Bale Storage Building, floor area 5,376 sq. ft., similar to Mil
UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site. Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
baling press, trucks and trailers, steam engine, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property, prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse
quently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
(Ilinois) 35
3,442,000 sq. ft. Buildings are from 100 sq. ft. to about 25,000
Storage buildings each about 25,000 sq. ft. with clearances of 10' or 15'. (Some of wood timber and corrugated asbestos).
and disassembling machines, powder mixing machines, staking machines, assembly machines, loading machines, tablet presses, pelleting presses, inserting machines, primer assembling ma-
Aircraft Plant
2,250,000 sq. ft.
crete, second floor wood, structural frame wood, walls, part facing brick with stud wall backing balance drop siding, 3-ply
tar and gravel roof.
Administration Bldg. No.4: 2 story, 166,000 sq. ft., constrcstructural frame wood, walls face brick veneer to window sils,
balance wood ship lap, roof, tar and gravel, 3 ply. Assembly Bldg. No.6: 1 story, 1,686,000 sq. ft., floor concrete, structural frame wood, walls, lower sections brick, center sec. tions steel sash, upper sections cement panel, roofing tar and
gravel 3 ply, bays 25' by 24'.
lar to boiler house.
This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Nego-
Paint Shop No.8: 1 story and basement, 43,724 sq. ft., constructon similar to Hangar No.7 except walls are concrete
woo, walls bevelled redwood siding, roofing tar and gravel. Tow Target Building NO.8: 1 story, 13,311 sq. ft., concrete
2 ply rubberoid rofing.
and testing eqipment. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spurs to Chicago, Northwestern R. R.
and Chicago, Minneapolis & St. Paul R. R. Chicgo O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-20).
Eleck Motor Plant
floors, floor area 5,000 sq. ft. Storage Building; No. 23, mil construction, 80' by 137' by 29' average height, two stories, 13" common brick walls, gable
Freeport, Illnois.-Nobs-44. LAND: About 43 % acres. BUILDINGS: Foundry Building; Nos. 16B, 16C, and 34B, two stories, 13" common brick and concrete walls, concrete
concrete, and maple on pine planks for second floor, floors and
roof supported by heavy timber framing. Elevator to second
77' by 575' by 20'6" average height. One story, 13" common brick walls with 33% glazed areas, concrete floor, light steel trusses, full length monitor 31' wide by 6' high, corrugated metal roofing. Total approximate floor area, 44,275 sq. ft.
12" brick partition walls. Buildings 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31 have
27. Over-all dimensions of the above buildings 77' by 867' long, averaging 16%' high at eaves and varying from 24' to 31' high at ridge, one story, 13" common brick walls, 12% glazed, con-
of roof supported by steel purlins on light steel trusses and 10% on wood trusses, steel-framed monitors. Total approximate floor area, 66,760 sq. ft.
Nos. 5 and 5% considered collectively, 77' by 96' by 36' average height, two stories, 13" brick walls, concrete floor on first
floor, and frame floor on second story, gable roof of pine sheathing on steel purlins and light steel trusses. Floor area
14,780considered collectively, 77' by 669' by 22'6" avsq. ft. . Nos. 6 and 20,
36 (Illiois)
erage height. One story, 13" brick walls, concrete floor, double-pitched roof of pine sheathing on steel purlins on light
average height, one story, 13" common brick walls, frame gable roof of pine sheathing on pine framing, concrete and fir floor, sheet iron asphalted, or tar and felt roofing. Total floor
area, 4,095 sq. ft.
Nos. 7, 8, and 12, considered collectively, 77' by 366' by 23' average height, one story, 13" common brick walls, floor of
steel and wood purlins supported by light steel trusses, asphalt and felt roofing, monitor. Floor area 28,180 sq. ft. No. 12A, 31' by 73' by 24'6" average height, one story, 13" common brick walls, concrete floor, gable roof, pine sheathing on steel beams, tar and felt roofing, monitor. Floor area, 2,260 sq. ft. No. 11A, 112' by 31' and 48' by 54', average height varying from 18' to 20', one story, 13" common brick walls, concrete
floor, double-pitched roof of pine sheathing on timber trusses,
Iron Foundry
24,000 tons per year
Steel Plant
390,000 tons O. H. ingots per year
gable roof of pine sheathing on steel purlins on light steel trusses, tar and felt roofing, monitor. Part of building No.9,
30' by 64' by 25' high, sawtooth roof, balance same as above. Total floor area 15,394 sq. ft. Warehouse Building; No. 11, main building used as warehouse
and shipping room, 77' by 321' by 22' average height above
Nos. 9 and 10, considered collectively, 77' by 175' by 22' average height, one story, 13" common brick walls, concrete floor,
products of the lessee. The three open hearth furnaces wil produce approximately 32,500 tons of steel ingots per month; the month, and the one slab furnace wil heat approximately 22,000
maple flooring. 13" common brick walls, gable roof of pine sheathing on steel purlins on light steel trusses. Attached to
floor which is 3' above grade at south side. Concrete floor and
LAND: Approximately 17 acres. BUILDINGS: Open Hearth Building is structural steel frame
with provision for an additional furnace; floor area 150,962
sq. ft.; ceilngs, 82' and 21'.
south wall is an open loading platform 13' by 290' long with limestone foundation and concrete floor, 3' above grade and a
Motor generator building, graphite building, material storage hoppers building, an addition to hot strip building, addition to
offce building extension. Total floor area, 77,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Three 155-ton open hearth
hour slab furnace.
shearing and shipping building, laboratory building and main
without canopy. Southwest corner of warehouse has a 2-trailer Main building floor area, 24,720 sq. ft., canopied loading platform floor area, 3,770 sq. ft., uncovered loading platform floor area, 1,610 sq. ft.
truck loading stall even with grade, approximately 25' by 30'.
Garage; No. 15A, 30' by 43' by 14' average height, 9" and 13"
furnaces; two 100 ton per hour soaking pits; one 50 ton per
Rollng stock: 200 cars, one motor crane, one 30-ton battery
locomotive, three 25-ton diesel locomotives and one 44-ton
common brick and frame walls, flat frame roof, asphalt and felt roofing and concrete floor. Floor area, 6,785 sq. ft.
room), stone and concrete foundation. This building includes engine room, boiler room, and coal bin. Floor area 6,970 sq. ft.
ings are sprinklered.
Powerhouse; No. 14, 82' by 85' averaging 25' high, 13" common brick walls, concrete floor, corrugated sheet iron roofing
diesel locomotive. Other items: 1,240 cfm air compressor, gas burners, car-pullers, conveyors, crushers, fans, furnaces, motor
stacks, switches, tanks, thermometers, transformers, cooling tower, etc. In open hearth building: two 200-ton ladle cranes,
Some thirteen other units total about 35,000 sq. ft. All build-
two 75-ton ladle cranes, one 150-ton stripper crane and two 7.-ton charging cranes. In other buildings: one 10-ton, three
15-ton, one 30-ton cranes.
EQUIPMENT : Chromium plating equipment, heater units, generators, tanks, controls, tank ventilators, anodes, motors, water-treatment equipment, acid storage, lifting bars, pumps, stirring rods, solvent machine and miscellaneous items.
Power and light by lessee and by local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur tracks of Ilinois Terminal Rail-
crane, one 2-ton hoist, one 114 ton hoist, one i.-ton hoist.
steam-driven generating units, total capacity 768 kw. Connections for additional current with local utilty. TRANSPORTATION: Five spur tracks from Chicago, MilChicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (NP-6).
LAND: Parcel of 1.08 acres, plus right-of-way, both leased. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: The major unit consists of a group of four reinforced concrete silos, each 24' inside diameter and 60' high, arranged in a cluster. There is also a Refractory Shed, 30' by 75', area 2,200 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Principally two functional
units for feeding coke to rotary kilns, calcining, and discharg-
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Switch track connection with Indiana Harbor Belt R. R.
Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure availble.
(Ilinois) 37
ings, varying according to the loading being done. The buildings are all specialized in layout and construction, and vary in size from a few hundred feet to approximately 22,000 sq. ft. in
In Lee County, Ilinois; approximately 7 miles southeast of Dixon, Ilinois.-Army. LAND: About 8,341 acres.
floor space. There are three to six major buildings in each loadBuildings.
With the exception of lines 5 and 6, each loading line has its own boiler house for heating and supplying process steam as required, and a change house and lunch room. Lines 5 and 6 are served by the Boiler House in the Shop and Maintenance
Area. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Thread cleaning machines,
cabinet dryers, hoppers, powder blenders, granulating machines, screening machines, ball mils, staking machines, pellet presses, hydraulic presses, crimping and assembling machines, marking machines, nailng machines, shadow-
Cafeteria No. 1002, 15,000 sq. ft., seats 525 people. Fire and Police Building No. 1003, 9,000 sq. ft. Employment Building No. 1004, 8,000 sq. ft. Hospital Building No. 1005, 8,800 sq. ft. Communications Building No. 1006, 1,250 sq. ft., this building is of masonry construction. Women's Dormitory No. 1008, an "H" shaped building, with approximately 24,000 sq. ft. Men's Dormitory No. 1009, an "H" shaped building, with approximately 24,000 sq. ft. Ten Residence Buildings.
such as guard houses, wash rack, bottle gas storage building,
etc. All the major buildings in the area are of wood frame
and assembly machines, spraying machine, melt units, etc., also offce furniture, offce equipment, cafeteria equipment, laundry
UTILITIES: Water from nine deep wells. Sanitary sewage system consists of some 44,400' of underground pipe and connects with two gravity trunk lines running directly to treatment plant. Power and light from local utilty company.
TRANSPORTATION: C. B. & Q. and i. C. Railroads.
Laundry and Dry Cleaning Building No. 1106, 8,400 sq. ft. Car and Truck Building No. 1107, 9,900 sq. ft. Wash and Grease Building No. 1108, 3,400 sq. ft. Change House, Lunch Room and Laboratory No. 1113, 9,600
Steel Foundry
2,4 tons per year
room for accommodating the people working in the area. In addition, there are a few small minor buildings in this area. Construction generally floors and floor finish of concrete; walls
corrugated asbestos on wood roof deck.
sq. ft. This building has change house facilties and a lunch
storage buildings each with 21,410 sq. ft. of floor space. The second contains four double inert storage buildings of the same size, and one single inert storage building with 10,754 sq. ft.
framing is of wood, walls are of asbestos and wood, and roofs
into two separate areas. One area contains four double inert
Designed to recover cadmium from gases, and to produce a higher grade of slab zinc. LAND: 0.59 acres.
BUILDINGS: Two buildings, total floor area 11,400 sq. ft., reinforced concrete and steel construction.
dling, crane bridge, elevators, precipitators, roasters, sinter machine, speed reducers, stack, etc.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Conveyors for ore hanUTILITIES: City and local utiity company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track by N. Y. C. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
The Standard Magazines for Finished Ammunition are of wood frame construction with wood floors and walls, and roofing of
lighting, or plumbing facilties in any of these buildings. Build-
BUILDING: 30' by 120', area 3,600 sq. ft., ceilng 20'. Concrete, brick, steel joists. Building is an extension to lessee's rollng mil building. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: One rollng mil, two slitting machines, one coiler. UTILITIES: Lessee. Chicago O. R. P. D.
38 (Illinois)
Aircraft Plant
170,0 iq. ft.
Howard Aircraft Corporation, also
Majestic Radio and Television Corporation,
St. Charles, Ilinois.-Plancor 783.
500 sq. ft. Layout conforms to the typical loading plant layout in which the lines are widely separated and each line consists of a few main buildings with numerous small detached auxiliary buildings, with most buildings connected by covered passageways. Construction generally consists of wood framing with asbestos protected metal roofing and siding.
with asbestos protected metal roofs and siding. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Crystallzing equipment, screening machines, evaporating pans, pelleting presses and other type presses, mils, shakers, pumps, scales, primer machines, staking machines, loading machines, assembling machines, powder lifters, powder blenders, shell coating and drying units, cleaning machines, crimping machines, mixing
LAND: Three parcels, 208 acres. BUILDINGS: Four main buildings and ten minor buildings.
Offce Building, floor area 21,600 sq. ft.; brick exterior.
Factory Building, one story brick and mil construction' area 126,800 sq. ft.; ceilng height 14'. '
Boiler House, Garage, Hammer House, one combined building
brick exterior walls, radial brick stack, floor area 4,453 sq. ft: Hangar, one story brick, clearance 14', area 11,967 sq. ft. Ten minor buildings. Total 2,100 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND gQUIPMENT: Grinders, lathes, milers, shears, brakes, cut-off machines, spray booths, etc. UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site.
TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of Chicago and Northwest-
chines, factory trucks. Driling machines, dril presses, radial drils, grinders, lathes, and other maintenance equipment. UTILITIES: Water from Crab Orchard Lake.
Complete sewer system and disposal plant.
and Quincy R. R.
Power and Light from local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Branch lines of Chicago, Burlington
tions may be entered into for its purchase subject to the pro-
LAND: 5.3 acres. BUILDINGS: Main Building, brick and masonry construction,
floor area 134,950 sq. ft., clearances 14' to 27', sprinklered.
Secondary Building, Personnel and Garage Building, 10,450
sq. ft., brick walls, sprinklered. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Complete installation of
melting furnaces, turbo blowers, heat treat furnaces, core
Aircraft Plant
190,0 sq. ft.
LAND: 53 acres. BUILDINGS: Factory and Offce Building, 200' wide by 840' long, divided into center high bay 70' wide and two side bays
each 65' wide. Clearances 18', 11'. Total floor area 168,000
sq. ft. Brick walls, steel sash. Sprinklered.
Hangar Building, area 19,290 sq. ft., clearance 20', frame, brick
walls. Sprinklered.
Project has an ammonium nitrate production unit. LAND: About 22,474 acres. BUILDINGS: There are 536 buildings on the site.
The various areas are briefly described as follows: The staff and residence area contains 15 single residences with garages, and two dormitories. Frame construction.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Switch track of Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Negotia tions may be entered into for its purchase subject to the provisions of the lease in effect.
Administration area, administration buildings, cafeteria, infirmary and miscellaneous service buildings. Frame construction.
eral plant maintenance and repair, including machine shop, blacksmith shop, woodworking shop, garage and locomotive house, laundry and miscellaneous facilties. There are seven
Shop and Maintenance area, buildings and facilties for genshop buildings, each of 10,000 or more square feet. The Inert Storage and Shipping area, 37 buildings having total
floor area of 385,500 sq. ft. Wood frame construction with asbestos protected corrugated iron walls and roofs. Ammunition (Explosive) Storage and Shipping area, 43 above ground type magazine buildings with total floor area of 300,000 sq. ft. Wood frame construction with walls and roofs of asbestos protected corrugated iron or of cement-asbestos. There are also 171 concrete igloos of standard type, total floor area about 240,000 sq. ft.
plant. Loading lines, total of 7 complete lines, total floor area of 878,Ammonium Nitrate area contains a standard type evaporating
(Joliet Arsenal) 10 miles southwest of Joliet, Ilinois. Designed for the manufacture of T.N.T., Oleum, etc. LAND: About 20,860 acres.
BUILDINGS: Total area about 1,520,000 sq. ft. Principal buildings about 39,000 sq. ft. area. Coninclude . 2 Power Houses, each 2 story,
crete, steel and brick.
Main Offce, 2 story about 78,000 sq. ft., wood. General Warehouse, about 18,000 sq. ft., concrete, steel, brick. Combined Shops, about 33,000 sq. ft., concrete, steel, masonry.
(Illnois) 39
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Numerous items of spemanufacturing plant; sulphuric acid concentrating; anhydrous ammonia; nitric acid concentrating; storage facilties, etc. Included are scale tanks, platform scales, numerous types of
proess tanks, storage tanks, pumps, exchangers, motors, incial production equipment including facilties for 20-ton Sellte
Gas plant produces and sells gas to others. TRANSPORTATION: Three railroads enter the plant site. St. Louis O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
UTILITIES: Water from City and wells on site. Power and light by local utilty company.
Sewage disposal system on site.
struments, controls, Nitrabors, mono; Nitrators, Bi and Tri; fortifiers; TNT flakers; bleaching columns; absorption coland equipment, cafeteria equipment, hospital equipment, and
complete shop and maintenance equipment.
Three 45-ton, two 80-ton, and one 55-ton Diesel locomotives,
umns; condensers; after-coolers; air compressors; ammonia compressors; fiters; separators, etc. Also offce furniture
LAND: 8lA acres. BUILDINGS: Eight buildings, total floor area 80,000 sq. ft.
Steel storage yard area' 25,500 sq. ft. Construction generally
two 5-ton, three 2-ton and one Ph-ton cranes. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Switch track of B. & 0., C. T. R. R. This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Negotia tions may be entered into for its purohase subject to the provisions of the lease in effect.
Steel Foundry
S,4 toni caitlngi per year
Key Company,
27th and McCasland Avenues,
East St. Louis, Ilinois.-Plancor 1390.
17,500 sq. ft.
Designed for the production of steel castings. LAND: 6.19 acres. BUILDINGS: Foundry Building, one story brick, steel reinforced concrete. Total floor area 96,690 sq. ft., clearances 23' and 30'. Three minor buildings totallng 23,600 sq. ft., masonry construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Electric melting furnace, sand handling, conditioning and conveyor system, jolt molding
hammers, electric drils, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. Processing water from well on site. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of the Terminal Railroad Assoiation. St. Louis O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
BUILDING: Two-story, reinforced concrete columns and crane bay. A built-in craneway in center bay designed for a
Gas, power and light from local utilty companies.
LAND: About 2% acres, under option. BUILDING: A one-story addition was built to existing manufacturing plant. Overall dimensions are 280' by 360' having
LAND: Approximately 210.76 acres in six parcels. BUILDINGS: 28 buildings, total floor area 74,000 sq. ft. structural steel, brick and concrete. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Coke Plant: car dumper, ore bridge, pulverizers, and one battery of forty-nine Koppers patented Becker ovens, capacity 1,190 tons of coal per day. Ore Handling and Sintering Plant (Dwight-Lloyd design);
two furnaces, capacity 465,000 tons of pig iron per year. Also pig casting machine and three turbo blowers.
30' by 280'. Height is 24' and clearance below beams 21'. Brick walls, structural steel framing. There are 4 monitors on roof,
also one crane bay extending above main roof. Steel columns
block finish. Wet pipe sprinkler system. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Varied types of machine tools, and other production equipment.
One 2% ton, one 5 ton, two 10 ton, one 15 ton cranes, and a
36" conveyor.
UTILITIES: Furnished by city and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Railroad, B. & 0., C. T. R. R. switch alongside of property. Chioago O. R. P. D.-Broohure available (NP-J,).
40 (Illnois)
Ore Reduction Plant Surplus Aircraft Parts Plant (Airplane Wings) Surplus
4,650 tons of Zinc Concentrates and 17,800 toni of Calcium
Designed for the mining and miling of zinc and fluorspar bearing ores.
LAND: Approximately 14 acres. BUILDINGS: Mil Building, steel frame construction, 10,000
sq. ft., ceiling height 33'.
Six minor buildings total 55,000 sq. ft.; wood frame and
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Drillng machines, lathes, miling machines, bending machines, scrap metal balers, beading machines, gondolas, welding machines, etc. Portable tools
and furniture and fixtures, including cafeteria equipment.
Power Plant, steel frame, 3,580 sq. ft., ceilng height 16'. Four minor frame buildings, totallng 4,200 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Five 60-ton open hearth
furnaces and accessories; sand and sand re-conditioning equip-
cars; two compressors; three 75-ton Allance overhead cranes; two 50-ton Alliance overhead cranes; six 25-ton P & H over-
diesel locomotive; 40' steel flat cars; two 40' air operated dump
head cranes; four and one-half miles standard gauge railroad tracks, switches and turn-outs.
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Direct connections to the Terminal
This plant has bee'n leased for a period of five years. Negotia tions may be entered into for its purchase subject to the provi
sions of the lease in effect.
Steel Plant
750,000 tons E. F. ingots per year
River. BUILDINGS: Total floor area about 3,100,000 sq. ft.
Machine Shop
46,500 sq. ft.
Ostrander-Seymour Plant 1874 South 54th Avenue,
Bloom and Bar Mil and Pit Furnace Building, two.story and
Tilting and Electric Furnace Building, structural steel; floor
area 460,000 sq. ft.
Total floor area of remaining 66 buildings, approximately 840,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: One blast furnace; nine 70-ton electric furnaces; four 225-ton tilting open hearth furnaces; one 44" blooming mil; one 32" and 36" bar mil; sintering plant; battery of 75 coke ovens; by-products plant with
facilties for recovery of benzol light oils, phenol, pyridine, tar
Ordnance Plant
238,800 sq. ft.
Pressed Steel Car Company E. 136th Street and S. Brandon Avenue
and sulphate.
Chicago, Ilinois. Comprises an extension to the lessee's plant for the production
of tanks.
LAND: About 5lh acres, leased. BUILDINGS: Manufacturing Building A, Area 66,900 sq. ft.,
siding. Manufacturing Building B, Area 51,300 sq. ft., one-story, clearance 32', construction similar to Building A.
Power and light by local utility companies. TRANSPORTATION: System of switch tracks served by
Manufacturing Building C, Area 120,600 sq. ft., one-story, clearance 32', concrete floor. Structural frame of steel and re-
inforced concrete columns and steel trusses. Corrugated cement asbestos siding.
Additions to lessee's buildings, and equipment installed in lessee's buildings to increase production of annealed steel
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Main lines of the N. Y., Chicago and
St. Louis R. R. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-52).
(Illnois) 41
Part of these facilities have been sold and leased. Negotiations may be entered into for purchase subject to the terms of the
lease in effect. Chicago O. R. P. D.
Garage building, repair and maintenance, 5,000 sq. ft. floor area. Dry Cleaning and Laundry building, 9,200 sq. ft. of floor area. These buildings, with the exception of the Boiler House which
has brick and tile walls, are all of wood frame construction,
frontage of 1280 ft. along Normandy Avenue and 380 ft. along
Fullerton A venue.
storage of the unfinished product, each having 21,700 sq. ft. of floor area. In the Oak Ordnance section there are 20 two-story houses of wood frame construction. The Administration area contains the following main buildings: Administration building, 34,559 sq. ft. of floor area, two-story
BUILDINGS: The main building, complete in 1942, is onestory, 1082 ft. by 362 ft., with additions 78 ft. by 100 ft. for storage purposes at the north end and 42 ft. by 68 ft., two stories and basement, for offce purposes at the south end. The building is steel frame construction with brick walls and
precast roof slabs. Main building floors are reinforced concrete
Cafeteria, 18,858 sq. ft. of floor area. Employment Offce, 8,221 sq. ft. of floor area. Infirmary, 3,682 sq. ft. of floor area. Three Dormitories, two-story buildings, capacity 160 persons
All the buildings in this area are of wood frame construction.
facturing space, and 10' 4" and 10' 11" in offce space. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: The facilties of the plant furnish a complete production from basic metals, primarily for
sq. ft. Ceilng clearances are 24 ft., 25 ft. and 32 ft. in manu-
18,720 sq. ft., first floor 336,000 sq. ft., and second floor 22,000
Maintenance and Diesel Repair building, 26,263 sq. ft. of floor area. General Warehouse, 12,430 sq. ft. of floor area. Woodworking Shop, 10,068 sq. ft. of floor area. Laundry and Dry Cleaning building, 8,016 sq. ft. of floor area.
cipal buildings:
machine tools, miscellaneous metal forming and sheet metal tools, other production equipment, laboratory and testing equipment, furniture and fixtures and portable tools.
Cranes and hoists are located in casting shop, machine shop, rollng mil and manufacturing areas.
having 28,303 sq. ft. of floor area. These buildings are all of
ing lines.
There are five or six major buildings in each of the four load-
Interconnections with all major railroads in the Chicago area. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
3,900,000 sq. ft.
area. Melt Load building, 13,828 sq. ft. total floor area. Driling and Boostering building, 21,222 sq. ft. total floor area. Assemble, Pack and Ship building, 21,872 sq. ft. total floor area. Inert Storage building, 30,095 sq. ft. total floor area.
frame and asbestos construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Presses, shell coating and
The buildings in the loading lines are of wood frame or wood
Receive Paint and Clean building, 19,913 sq. ft. total floor
Iliopolis, Ilinois.-Army.
LAND: About 19,094 acres.
timers, drying units, material handling equipment, riveter machines, spinning machines, squeezers, crimping machine, automatic loading machines, assembly machines, marking machines, blending machines, screening machines, etc. Complement of machine tools. Also offce furniture and equipment,
UTILITIES: Water supplied to both sections of the Plant by eight wells located on the site. The system consists of a complete filtering and treatment plant, one 7,500,000 gallon con-
crete reservoir, one 100,000 gallon elevated steel tank, and one 50,000 gallon elevated wood tank.
There is a sewage treatment plant in the Oak section which
The majority of the buildings in this area are of wood frame construction, with concrete floors, and asbestos siding and
General Warehouse, 10,350 sq. ft. floor area, one-half of this building houses the cafeteria for employees of the shop area.
The Shop and Maintenance areas have the following main buildings: Maintenance and Repair buildings, 25,500 sq. ft. floor area.
tenance areas. ,
Woodworking building, 10,350 sq. ft. floor area. Boiler House, supplies power and heat for Shop and Main-
42 (Illnois)
Communication Equipment Plant
10,00 sq. ft.
Simpson Eectric Company,
Chicago Ilinois.-Plancor 1550.
Building No. 14, one story, 2,300 sq. ft.; clearance 9'3". Construction similar to Building No. 13.
Building No. 15, one story, 9,000 sq. ft.; clearance 12'6"; concrete floor, timber framing hollow tile walls; sprinklered. Building No. 16, one story 7,600 sq. ft.; clearance 12'6". Similar to Building No. 15.
lined), vaporizers, Karbate condensers, centrifuges, vacuum refrigeration unit, Dorrco filters, repulpers, ammonia refrigeration unit, dust collectors, fractionating columns, stripping
Open Hearth Furnace Building, concrete spandrel and structural steel frame, total floor area 100,380 sq. ft. Clearance
18', charging floor 38'.
exterior, clearance 12'.
stils, varied tanks, cooling towers, reactors (glass lined), dissolvers (steam jacketed glass lined), filter press, pumps, motors, instruments, controls, piping, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Ilinois Central Railroad.
This project is presently leased.
Offce Building, 58,700 sq. ft., brick exterior. Stores Building, 15,590 sq. ft., one-story, steel frame, brick
Chemical Laboratory, 2,080 sq. ft., brick and concrete, clearBearings Plant
Pattern Shop, one-story, 11,680 sq. ft., steel frame and spanfurnaces and accessories. Sand and sand re-conditioning equipand finishing equipment complete, heat treating equipment
cars, two compressors, three 75-ton Allance overhead cranes, two 50-ton Allance overhead cranes, six 25-ton P & H overhead cranes, four and one-half miles standard gauge 70 lb. and 90 lb. rail, railroad tracks, switches and turn-outs. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
sequently, however the independent disposal of the machinery
LAND: Approximately 50 acres. BUILDINGS: Manufacturing Building, floor area 801,191 sq.
ft.; clearances from 12' to 18'. One story, partial basement,
Steel framing, concrete floor, brick and tile walls. Fluorescent lighting. Minor Structures include Acid and Excelsior Building, Styene
Chip House, basement 3,108 sq. ft., first floor 6,240 sq. ft.
LAND: About 15% acres owned and 5% acres leased. BUILDINGS: Building No.1, total area 20,700 sq. ft. (First
floor 16,500, second floor 2,600, third floor 800, fourth 400,
fifth 400.) Height first floor to underside roof is 28'3". Height first floor to first mezzanine is 8' First floor concrete; mezzanine
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Boring, broaching, drilling, grinding machines, lathes, planers, shapers, etc.; ovens,
floors (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th) are steel grating; structural steel framing, brick walls; sprinklered. Building No.2, total area about 50,000 sq. ft. (First floor
37,500, second floor, mezzanine 12,500.) Clear height 21'6", monitor section 29'6". Concrete floor on ground; timber framing and trusses; wood walls and deck; sprinklered.
Building No.3, total area 39,000 sq. ft. (First floor 14,600. second 9,000, third 7,700, fourth 7,700.) Clearances 14'11",
equipment and furniture and fixtures. Numerous portable tools and equipment, such as drils, shaft
machines, files, hoists, etc.
heat-treat furnaces, degreasers, anodyzing equipment, plating equipment, magnaflux units, etc.; also laboratory and testing
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding from Indiana Belt Harbor R. R. This plant has been leased for a period of 5 years. Negotia tions may be entered into for its purchase subject to the pro-
Building No.4, one story, area 1,000 sq. ft.; clearance 11'6";
Building No.5, total area 900 sq. ft. Building No.7, one story, 700 sq. ft.
with transite. Building No.9, two story, total area 7,800 sq. ft.; clearance 10'6"; concrete floor, steel framing, hollow tile walls. Building No. 13, one story, area 18,000 sq. ft.; clearance 14';
11'6"; concrete floor, steel columns, hollow tile and wood walls
Building No.8, one story, 11,700 sq. ft.; Clearance 14' and
(Illois) 43
Used for manufacture of hydraulic power units for aircraft gun turrets. LAND: 9.6 acres.
BUILDINGS: Main Factory Building, four story, 65' by 217';
reinforced concrete; floor area 55,600 sq. ft.; ceilng height 12'. Shop Building, one story, 160' by 374'; floor area 61,700
sq. ft.; brick, steel frame. Four frame buildings, one story,
combined floor area 6,000 sq. ft.
ing machines, heat treat furnaces, welders, etc.
column and wood truss frame, concrete block and brick walls,
ceilng height 13' to 18', built-up roof, bays about 40' by 60'.
identical construction, bays about 40' by 60'.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Switch track of Ilinois Central RailChicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure availble.
Building "B" (Machine Shop): 3 story, area 97,797 sq. ft., Building "C" (Administration Bldg.): Basement and 2 story, area 99,609 sq. ft., same construction, bays 16' by 20'. Buildings "D" and "E": 2 story, area 268,404 sq. ft., same construction. Building "F" (Boiler House): Basement and 2 story, 56,000 sq. ft. area, construction same. Building "K" (Lumber Storage Bldg.): 1 story, area 10,170
Tentalum Plant
258,0 sq. ft. Tantalum Defense Corporation,
North Chicago, Ilinois.-Plancor 495.
sq. ft., same construction. Balance of the buildings are of miscellaneous nature. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Variety of general purpose machine tools, special purpose tools, portable tools, materials handling equipment, automotive equipment, dies, jigs, and fixtures.
Designed for the production of tantalum oxide and tantalum metal in the form of powder, sheet, rod, wire electronic tube
parts and fabricated chemical equipment.
use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
LAND: About 8.26 acres. BUILDINGS: Total floor area about 258,000 sq. ft. Two
columns, saw toth roof construction, floor area 110,000 sq. ft. Two Chemica Buildings, brick walls, reinforced concrete columns, three and four stories high, floor area 84,800 sq. ft. Another Metallurgical and Chemical Building and minor buildings have total floor area of 63,000 sq. ft.
Metallurgical Buildings, brick walls with reinforced concrete
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, shapers, pipe threading machines, power shear, swagers, a 500 lb. forging
hammer, etc. Also laboratory and testing equipment and furniture and fiures.
LAND: About 19 2/3 acres. BUILDINGS: Building No.1, Shop Buil?ing, 121'5" by 402', total area 48,800 sq. ft., one story, approximately 16' clearance
height. Reinforced concrete floor with creosoted wood block covering structural steel superstructure with concrete curtain
conduits serve all working areas. North elevation has a loading platform with roller-type overhead steel doors, which is
Building No.2, Machine Shop, and No.3, Foundry. 89'8" by
401'4", total area of 36,000 sq. ft. each, one story with approxi-
rooms are located between Buildings 1 and 2 in two passageways. Approximately 18' by 45', 1,620 sq. ft., one story. There
is a brick addition approximately 18' by 255', 4,716 sq. ft. at
inforced concrete bins 20' by 22' by 10' each.
walls with glazed steel sash. Two women's toilet and locker
the south elevation. Adjacent to north elevation are 19 reBuilding No.4, Radiograph Shed. 15' by 50', 750 sq. ft.
LAND: 0.42 acre. BUILDING: Three story, 61' by 130', reinforced concrete construction, brick exterior walls. Sprinklered. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Broaching, gear finishing, miling machines, process furnaces, etc. Freight elevator. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse-
Building No.5, Heating Plant. 35' by 56', 2,240 sq. ft., one story with small mezzanine. Adjacent to west elevation is a
16' by 20', 320 sq. ft., 200-ton capacity reinforced concrete
44 (Illinois) (Indiana)
127', one story, 6,604 sq. ft., ceilng height 21', reinforced concrete, brick. Sprinklered.
Cafeteria Building. 38' by 112', one story, 4,256 sq. ft., brick.
Fifteen Car Shelters. 15' by 140', wood structures.
ing furnace and accessories, battery of two core ovens, hydryzing furnaces, tempering furnaces, heat-treating furnaces, wheelabrator tumblast, sand conveyor equipment, blast-cleaning cabinet, blast machinery, turn-over power-draw machine, roll-over molding machine, jolt ram molding machine, sandslinger, core-blowing machine, ladles, flasks, transite-core
terns, core boxes, Brinnel testing machine, core wire straightening and cutting machine, acetylene generator and equipment,
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Planers, lathes, driling, threading machines, motor-operated saws, borematics, arc melt-
Wyman-Gordon Company
Harvey, Illinois.-Plancor 89. Designed for production of steel forgings for engines and propellers.
plates, dust collectors, special steam boiler and equipment for testing valves, valve-holding equipment, wood and metal pat-
ping 47,530 sq. ft., clearance 19'and 28'; Die and Maintenance,
clearance 16'.
electric traveling, one 7%-ton 50' span crane, one 2-ton motordriven crane, twenty-four jib cranes (1,000 lb. to 4,000 lb.), one 3-ton hand power traveling crane. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
19,200 sq. ft., clearance 25'; Product Testing, 22,900 sq. ft.,
sequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Furnaces, heat exchangers, steam drop hammers, rollng presses, grinding, miling and
centering machines, planers, metal saws, welding machines,
UTILITIES: Municipality and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Plant has direct service by the B. & O. R.R., and the Alton & Southern R.R. St. Louis O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (NP-ll).
impact testing machine, and portable tools. Also one 7 % ton, three 10 ton and one 20 ton traveling cranes, and electric hoists. UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of B. & O. R. R.
This plant available for lease only.
Test Building, Aircraft Engines
28,500 sq. ft.
Allson Division of General Motors Corporation,
Speedway City, Indiana.-Plancor 1123. Designed for experimental testing of airplane engines.
use of the property, prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original equipment and machinery has been removed.
LAND: 1.2 acres. BUILDING: Reinforced concrete construction, four horizontal concrete test cells with utilty control rooms. Ceilng
height in test cells 30', first floor control rooms 17', setond
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Sidings of Pennsylvania Railroad and
Wire Plant
18,40 sq. ft.
Anaconda Wire & Cable Company, Marion, Indiana.-Plancor 136.
Designed to produce cast armor and steel castings. LAND: Approximately 94% acres. BUILDINGS: Main Foundry Building: floor area 1,284,500 sq. ft.; divided into Foundry Section, 420,000 sq. ft., clearance 29'; Cleaning and Finishing Section 508,000 sq. ft., clearance 42'; Heat Treating Section 141,000 sq. ft., clearance 29'; open
000 sq. ft., Structural steel framing and sash, brick walls.
Offce Building, Boiler House, and minor buildings total 183,000
concrete floor. Also concrete mezzanine floor 40' x 25'. Stee sash, monitor type roof. A steel tower 80' by 20' extends to height of 67' above ground floor and has steel grating- plat-
Hearth Section 124,500 sq. ft., clearance 29'; and Lockers 91,-
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Insulating tower system, brominating system, twinning machines, packaging machine, stranders, micro welders, wood pellets, steel reels, extruding machines, sheaves, rubber warming mil, strip cutters
sets of spark systems, insulating heads, spools, etc. ' Laboratory and Testing Equipment and Furniture and Fix-
sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Six open hearth furnaces, two charging machines, heat treating and annealing furnaces, gas-fired pre-heat furnaces, gas-fired holding furnaces,
tures. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
sequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
core and mold drying ovens, shot blasts, sand blasts, sand slingers, sand mils. Also complete machine shop. Through-
(Indiana) 45
parts Surplus
Bendix Aviation Corporation,
South Bend, Indiana.-Plancor 14.
annealing and tempering furnaces, handling equipment with complement of portable tools, automotive equipment, dies, jigs and fixtures.
TRANSPORTATION: Spur tracks to CCC & St. Louis R. R. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-26).
Brass Fabricating Plant
sq. ft., clearance 13'. Partially sprinklered. Twelve small traveling cranes with hoists.
Plant 13 (Drop Test): One story with monitor in center. Brick walls; steel sash, area 4,913 sq. ft.; clearance 13'. Plant 14 (Refrigerator Air Box Laboratory: One story structure with brick walls; area 3,200 sq. ft.; clearance 13'; sprinkler system.
Plant 15 (Engine Test): Reinforced concrete construction;
Indianapolis, Indiana.-Plancor 59. LAND: Plant site of approximately 89 acres, and well field
story, steel construction, corrugated siding, 1250' by 345', 31' clearance; floor area 413,375 sq. ft. Casting Shop, one story 550' by 302', 31' clearance, floor area 165,100 sq. ft.
ment, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
ft. Service Storage Building, one story wood and steel con-
sequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been re-
struction, 261' by 100', clearance 13', area 26,100 sq. ft. Eleven other minor buildings, including Boiler House, Per-
sonnel Building and Garage, are of steel or concrete construction and have a combined floor area of approximately 34,000
tions may be entered into for its purchase subject to the pro-
sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Production equipment includes, melting, bilet heating, cake heating, annealing and
picklers; slab miling machines; 50 to 2,000 ton presses; 50,000 lb. drawbenches; rod straighteners; shears; machine
LAND: Approximately 4% acres. BUILDING: One story; floor area 141,480 sq. ft.; clearance
to bottom of truss 13'; steel framing, brick walls, continuous
water wells on site. TRANSPORT ATION: Siding of Pennsylvania Railroad. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Coke Plant
400,000 tons per year
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, driling, grinding, miling machines, lift trucks, scrubbing machines, press,
testing machines, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
of the property prior to its designations as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
LAND: 4.5 acres leased land. BUILDINGS: Substation, valve house, Cottrell pump house,
sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Battery of 77 coke ovens complete with all accessories, benzol equipment and other by-
Hemp Mil
31,000 sq. ft.
3 miles southwest of
Hemp Mil
31,000 iq. ft. Commodity Credit Corporation,
Remington, Indiana.-Plancor 1531-29.
46 (Indiana) 0
Steel Foundry
13,500 toni caitlngi per y_r Continental Foundry & Machine Company
East Chicago, Indiana.-Plancor 272 CH.
area 55,800 sq. ft., concrete on 1st floor, wood on 2nd, mason9' to 12', 3-ply roof, bays 12' by 42', and 16' by 16'.
ry and wood frame, hollow tile and brick walls, ceilng height
construction as magazines except ceiling height is 13' to 14'.
Building No. 129: 1 story, total area 96,520 sq. ft., same
LAND: 1.7 acres. BUILDINGS: Four buildings, total floor area 72,000 sq. ft. Machine Shop Extension, added to existing Machine Shop of others, 24,300 sq. ft.;. clearances 45' and 26'; steel framing,
brick walls, steel monitor type. Hull Shop Extension to Foundry, 34,000 sq. ft.; clearances 38'
average; construction similar to Machine Shop.
ft., masonry frame, concrete block frame, ceilng height 13', 3-ply roof, bays 16' by 16'. Balance of buildings are of miscellaneous nature.
Building No. 130: 2-story, total area 44,000 sq. ft., same construction as primer building. Warehouse Building No. 132: 1 story, total area 24,500 sq.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: General purpose machine tools and production equipment, conveyors, materials handling equipment, portable tools, automotive equipment,
naces; quench cooling system; shakeout unit, speedslinger, electric vibrators, dust collecting system, and numerous .machine tools. Also seven traveling cranes, 10 to 50 ton ca-
use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has ben removed.
Steel Foundry 30,0 tons heavy steel caitlnis per y_r Continental Foundry & Machine Company,
East Chicago, Indiana.-Plancor 338.
LAND: 8.1 acres. BUILDINGS: Foundry building; 338' by 775'; total floor
Indianapolis, Indiana.-Army. Designed for production of armor plate for tanks. LAND: About 18.9 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area about 305,000 sq. ft. Manufacturing Building, total area 261,800 sq. ft., one story
btu portable mold dryers, core plates, steel flasks, silca spray
wash system, single and double track core ovens, complete mechanical sand handling system. Also two 10-ton gantry cranes and fifteen traveling cranes, 20-60 tons.
points. Steam heating units with blowers. Forced air coling utilzing ducts (part of heating system).
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Switch tracks into plant.
Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure av.ailable.
sq. ft., first floor reinforced concrete, masonry walls. Offce, one story, 12,600 sq. ft., clearance 10', all wood construcEight minor buildings, most of wood construction.
Curtiss-Wright Corporation,
Ordnance Plant
358,140 sq. ft.
trucks, lift trucks, car pullers, pumps, hoists, battery chargers, spray booths, conveyor systems, etc. UTILITIES: Local and city utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur from Cincinnati, Cleveland Chi-
also incorporates a powder farm which is located 7 miles north of the major manufacturing plant near Inglefield, Indiana.
Evansvile, Indiana.-Army. Designed to produce small arms ammunition, but was later converted to remanufacturing tanks, bombs, etc. Installation
BUILDINGS: Total number 224. (182 at main manufacturing plant, 42 at powder farm). Powder Farm, Magazines: 1 story, total area of all, 19,000
height 10', 3-ply roof.
Gary, Indiana.-Army.
Designed for manufacture of tank armor plate. LAND: About 57.9 acres, owned, about 24.6 acres, leased. BUILDINGS: Total area about 1,241,000 sq. ft. Consisting
(Indiana) 47
Building No. 15, 375' by 1,020', area 383,000 sq. ft., clear-
and reinforced concrete frame, brick walls, concrete floor, tile roof. No. 18 (68' by 118') with 8,000 sq. ft. floor area. No. 19
houses the boiler room.
toilet facilties.
Building No. 10, 90,000 sq. ft., clearance 32'. Building No. 12, 68,000 sq. ft., clearance 32'. Building No. 11, 61,000 sq. ft., clearance 32'. Building No.1, 55,000 sq. ft., clearance 42'. Building No. 18, 45,000 sq. ft., clearance 32'. Building Nos. 8, 9, 42,000 sq ft., clearance 32'. Building No.5, 30,000 sq. ft., clearance 32'. Building No. 13, 34,000 sq. ft., clearance 45'. About 75 other units frrom 300 to 25,000 sq. ft. Production units of structural steel, concrete floors, asbestos
siding. Other structures generally of masonry or wood.
Building No. 20. 59' by 275', 16,200 sq. ft. floor area. Has
lating car-type furnace, motor generator sets, annealing furnace, welding equipment, heating oven, cold-cut sawing machine, coil-winding machines, shaft-centering machine, etc.
Also seven 5-ton overhead, one 7lh-ton overhead, three 10-ton,
1,000-2,000 lb. capacity.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Flat transfer cars, furnace cars, manipulator cars, draw furnaces, preheat furnaces, heat treating furnaces, armor plate grinders, straightening machines, hydraulic presses, furnace charging tables,
30 cranes up to 50 ton capacity.
conveyor systems, lifting devices, magnets, cutting machines, scales, etc. Complement of machine tools. Buildings contain
UTILITIES: Lessee, city and local utiliy companies. TRANSPORTATION: N. Y. C. R. R. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-121).
LAND: 6.69 acres. BUILDINGS: Factory Building, one-story, steel frame masonry walls; floor area 110,500 sq. ft.; clearance 15'. Test Building, two-story, reinforced concrete, houses forty test
cells with control rooms, etc.; floor area 118,900 sq. ft. Both buildings sprinklered. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Miling and grnding machines, lathes, laboratory and testing equipment and furniture and fixtures. One 5-ton crane, one three-ton crane, one
sets) Surplus
Kokomo, Indiana.-Nobs-474.
llh-ton crane. 23 electric hoists, JA ton to 2 ton capacity. Fifty chain hoists 1 ton to 2 ton capacity. Note: Portion of this equipment may be in Plant No.5.
sequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been reo
average 40' (estimated). Buildings Nos. 1 and 3. Two story, steel and timber frame, brick walls, and flat roof of tie and felt, asphalt tile floor covering on all floors. Building No. 1 is 43' by 39' with total
floor area of 2,600 sq. ft. Building No.3 is 64' by 110', with
total floor area of 15,200 sq. ft. Cafeteria facilties in Building No.3. Buildings Nos. 2, 4 to 17, inclusive, and No. 20 are of onestory construction with steel frame, brick walls, and flat roof. Buildings Nos. 2 and 4. Principally women's and men's toilet and locker roms. Building No.2 is 25' by 138', has floor area
of 3,500 sq. ft. and No.4 is 48' by 102', has 4,900 sq. ft.,
asphalt tile covered floors.
Building No.5. 460' by 116', 54,300 sq. ft. of floor area. This
Nos. 6 to 12, inclusive, and Nos. 14 to 17, inclusive, have 2"
8,9,10, and 11, each 68' by 345', with total floor area of 94,000
different levels; walls of brick and concrete block; area 63,600 sq. ft. Capacity of plant is 4,500 g.p.m.
woo block floor over concrete. NO.6 is 104' by 475' with 49,400 sq. ft. floor area, NO.7 is 68' by 345', with 23,600 sq. ft. floor area, including men's and women's toilet facilties; Nos.
ft. and used as storage area. No. 16 is 21,200 sq. ft. floor area,
sq. ft., No. 12 is 67' by 238' with floor area of 18,900 sq. ft., Nos. 14 and 15, each 68' by 168', total floor area of 22,800 sq.
Note: Portion of this equipment may be located in Plant No.3. Manufacturing Building has eleven cranes, 1 to 10 ton capacity, conveyors, electric hoists, JA ton to 2 ton, and fifty
unused, and No. 17 with 25,900 sq. ft. floor area also unused. Building No. 13. Approximately 90' by 110', floor area 9,900
house but not used for Navy operations. Buildings Nos. 18 and 19. One story construction with steel
Power House has two 10-ton traveling cranes. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
48 (Indiana)
sequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
Charlestown, Indiana. Designed for the loading of ammunition and the manufacturing of bags for such loading.
Aluminum Foundry
10,200,000 pounds per year
LAND: About 5,036 acres. BUILDINGS: Areas with buildings thereon are briefly described as follows:
The staff and residence area contains housing for personneL.
the main administration building, this area contains the employment offce, hospital, telephone exchange, cafeteria, and
other miscellaneous buildings.
frame, floor area 50,848 sq. ft., clearances 25' and 34'.
and 18'.
LAND: 17.5 acres. BUILDINGS: Forge Shop, one story brick, structural steel
equipment, served by both rail and truck. The ammunition (explosive) storage and shipping areas at
separate area is provided for storage and handling of black
siding on wood frame, floor area 55,100 sq. ft., clearances 26'
Die shop, bilet storage, one story brick, steel frame, floor area
Cafeteria, Offce Building and fifteen minor buildings, generally of brick construction, with total floor area 125,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Forging presses and up~
of the plant and are surrounded by safety areas. The inditablished safety requirements. These areas are served by
moved. .
H. Weir Cook Airport,
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property, prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been re-
The loading lines contain the buildings and facilties for loading, fillng the bags, and completing the assembly and packing
of propellant charges. Each loading line includes a "canteen"
systems of roadways and rail facilties. The Bag Manufacturing area contains the bag manufacturing
building with rest room and toilet facilties, also main and
design to meet the requirements of the loading operations. All buildings in the loading lines are connected by ramps.
auxilary buildings and facilties. The buildings in the loading lines, other than the canteen buildings, are of special
The larger units include Building No. 1001, one story, total area 167,200 sq. ft., clearance 16', concrete floor on ground with 3" factory wood decking and 1" hardwood flooring finish, structural steel fr'aming, concrete block walls, wood deck, and composition roofing. Fluorescent lighting, sprinklered.
ing. Incandescent lighting, steam heating, sprinklered. Building No. 1021, one story, 17,500 sq. ft., clearance 16', concrete floor steel framing, concrete block walls, wood deck,
composition roofing. Building No. 2501, one story, 28,400 sq. ft., clearance 10', wood
concrete floor, troweled finish, structural steel framing, sawtooth roof, concrete block walls, wood deck, composition roof-
Buildings No. 1011, one story, 42,700 sq. ft., clearance 16',
construction. construction. Building No. 2531, one story, 61,300 sq. ft., clearance 10', conblock walls, wood deck, composition roofing.
Building No. 2511, one story, 17,000 sq. ft., clearance 10', wood
joining the hangar. Hangar Building, concrete floor, structural steel framing, exterior walls of brick with steel sash to approximately bottom
of truss and corrugated transite above; metal deck, built up roofing. Has 150' sliding (motor operated) door. Area 24,000
concrete deck, built up roofing. Area 18,000 sq. ft., clearance 13'.
sq. ft. plus 3,000 sq. ft. in mezzanine. Clearance 30'. Offce Building is two-story, of reinforced concrete and brick,
clearance 10', concrete floor, troweled finish, masonry walls, wood deck, asbestos roll roofing.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Machine tools, rectolector, woodworker jacks, platforms, stands; etc. Also Laboratory and testing equipment and Furniture and Fixtures. UTILITIES: Water from two wells on site. Sewage disposal system on site.
Power and light from local utilty company.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Numerous sewing machines (single and double needles), metal and copper tables, shadowgraph scales, platform scales, volumetric powder measuring machines, printing presses, powder wrapping machines, cloth laying tables, cloth cutting machines, cloth roll cutting machines, powder drying units, dyeing and washing units, nailng machines, powder stacking machines, cloth reroll maequipment, garage equipment, machine shop and maintenance equipment, hoists, etc. Also ample offce furniture and equipchines, handling equipment, etc. Also included are laundry
(Indiana) 49
UTILITIES: Water from two deep wells on site. Adequate system of sanitary sewers.
Power and light from adjacent Indiana Ordnance Works.
TRANSPORTATION: B. & O. R. R. This project is available for lease in whole or in part, subject to possible restrictions as to its proposed use. Louisville O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-lll).
UTILITIES: Water by City. Storm sewers into canaL. Power and light by generators on site and also by local utilty
company. Gas manufactured on site.
Explosives Plant
3,060,000 sq. ft.
Indiana Ordnance Works.
TRANSPORTATION: Pennsylvania, New York Central and Indiana Harbor Belt Railroads. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Shipyard Surplus
Jeffersonvile Boat & Machine Company, On the bank of the Ohio River in
E. i. duPont deNemours and Company, Charlestown, Indiana.-Army. LAND: About 4,950 acres. BUILDINGS: Some 880 buildings on the site. Distributed in Nitrocellulose Area, Powder Area, Acid Area, Power and Water, Administrative and Maintenance, Organics, etc. Process
buildings up to 20,000 sq. ft. in area, either of steel and con-
for the building of naval vessels (LST's) and towboats. LAND: About 42% acres in yard proper (fenced) plus' some
2114 acres of railroad right-of-way.
Jeffersonvile, Indiana.-Nobs. 388. PLANT: Land, buildings, machinery and equipment used
crete, or masonry. or wood with corrugated siding. Power House (123,000 sq. ft., four story) is of concrete, steel, brick and corrugated asbestos siding. Administrative and Maintenance Buildings generally of steel and masonry. Combined Shops building has 33,600 sq. ft.
Main Offce (three story), 74,500 sq. ft. General Storehouse
building, two story, wood frame, 42' by 202', Offce, wood frame, 33' by 100', Pipe Shop, metal frame, 54' by 170', Administration Building, two story, block frame, 35' by 224' Offce, two
process tanks including scale tanks, cotton dryer, picker and feeder units, wringer units, filter units, boilng tubs, Jordan engines, dewaterers, poacher tubs, dehydrating presses, ether manufacturing and alcohol rectifying units, mixers, mixing and
kneading machines, macerators, blocking presses, horizontal
finishing presses, vertical finishing presses, vertical blocking
story, wood frame, 37' by 45', Cafeteria, two story, block frame,
frame, 42' 112', Locker room, block frame, 50' by 38', Welding school, metal frame, 74' 40', Tool room, wood frame, 30' by 120',
Carpenter shop, wood frame, 30' by 150', Paint shop, wood
presses, powder cutters, separators, screens, refrigerating machines, sieves, solvent recovery systems, compressors, air rebleaching columns, acid boilers, fans, motors, pumps, conveyors, etc. Also included is a complete complement of maceivers, converters, absorption columns, cooler condensers,
No.2, wood frame, 54' by 744', Shop, wood frame, 80' by 190',
Outfitting Docks. (a) Outfitting dock extension at the bulkhead line of the Ohio River about 300' long and provides a
total continuous outfitting dock frontage of about 1,370'. Timber construction. Gantryway support serves the entire dock.
kva. .
boat location assembly ways each 327' by 50'. Reinforced concrete construction. Lounching Ways. Five lounching ways
Steam. Power House No.2, six boilers, 960,000 lbs. per hour.
Refrigeration: 2130 tons per day.
the Ohio River. Gantry track, 2,500' long, serving the nine
boat location assembly ways.
48' wide each or total width of 240' by 230' to the shore line of
cranes, etc.
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property, prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been re-
may be entered into for purchase or lease of all or part subject to the terms of the lease in effect.
Louisville O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (NP-5).
and concrete. Remaining buildings consists of service and functional buildings, total area of about 61,000 sq. ft.; generally of concrete and brick. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Coal and ore handling
equipment, 146 coke ovens, 2-1250 ton blast furnaces, pig cast-
LAND: Approximately 50 acres. BUILDINGS: Twenty-two buildings, total area 187,000 sq. ft. Power House is multiple story, 126,000 sq. ft., structural steel
Tell City, Indiana.-Plancor 1668. LAND: 12 acres. BUILDING: One-story T shaped structure; area 80,000 sq.
50 (Indiana)
ft.; clearance 16'. Construction concrete and brick. One-story
brick storage building; area 3,000 sq. ft. Sprinklered.
Manufacturing Plant
10,000 sq. ft.
P. R. Mallory and Company,
Indianapolis, Indiana.-Plancor 1967.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Grinders, radial drils, lathes, miling machines, arbor presses, buffers, spot welders, grid winding machines, degreasers, grid formers.
Manufacturing Plant
74,0 sq. ft.
P. R. Mallory & Company, Inc.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.-Plancor 2166.
Missouri Valley Bridge & Iron Company, Wabash & Ohio Streets,
Evansvile, Indiana.-On Ohio River.-Nobs 461.
LAND: About 13,452 acres. BUILDINGS: Plant contains 1,276 buildings of which 960
istrative staffs of the plant operator and the Ordnance Department; also cafeteria, hospital, and other miscellaneous
suited to permanent occupancy. ' admin Administration area contains buildings housing the
described as follows: The staff and residence area contains 21 homes, with garages,
vations of U. S. Navy.
two-story steel-frame, wood covered structure having a onestory wood-frame addition, 42' by 67'. Constructed with 5" reinforced concrete floor. First floor divided into machine ship (two story high room), toolroom and shop space. Second floor and mezzanine floor divided into offce space. Five-ton jib crane and 10" monorail installed in shops area. Total
service buildings. Adminisration buildings are frame buildings originally designed for temporary construction. Shop and maintenance area contains buildings and facilties for general plant maintenance and repair, machine shops for making special tools and fixtures used in loading operations
blacksmith shop, woodworking shop, repair shops for auto~ motive and railroad equipment, laundry, and miscellaneous
facilties. Total floor space approximately 100,000 sq. ft. for
Utilty Building, No. 47. 50' by 250', one story, wood frame
Electrical Shops Building. Building No. 42. 50' by 220' twostory wood frame structure 24'4" high having floor ar'ea of
22,000 sq. ft. 5" reinforced concrete first floor. Two-story
and steel sash walls. Principal buildings have railroad sidings. Inert storage and shipping area contains forty-five identical
four principal buildings and a number of small units. Construction of main buildings is steel frame with cement block
reinforced concrete vault. Administration Building, No. 51. A two story, wood and stel
by railroads. Ammunition (explosive) storage and shipping area contains forty-eight 51' by 218' storage buildings. These
have steel frames, tile walls, cement asbestos roofs, concrete
story, wood frame building, 21'2" high. Floor are 6,400 sq. ft. Cafeteria Building, No. 54. 52' by 98' two story, wood frame
structure 19'1" high with floor area of 10,190 sq. ft. Com-
floors at car floor level, no windows, no heating or plumbing; separated by standard safety distances; all served by railroad.
This area also contains thirty-nine standard concrete igloos 30' by 60'. In addition, in a separate area, are twenty-five
pJete with all cafeteria equipment. Numerous other buildings, mostly small, and totallng some 40,000 sq. ft. Ten shipbuilding ways, five located on each side of Transfer Ways. Each building way 48' by 355', constructed of 8" reinforced concrete with 1:\' footings under 10" 20-lb. double
Loading line area contains a total of thirteen typical lines, arranged in eight groups, consisting of a few principal buildings with numerous small auxilary buildings, widely dispersed and with most of the units of each line connected by
channel track.
covered walkways. Lines completely conveyorized. Construction consists principally of steel frame buildings with cement
asbestos walls and roofs, steel window sash, concrete floors.
Steam for heating and process is from boiler plants which are at considerable distances from the buildings. Lines are provided with detached change houses containing lockers show-
long. long.
Pier and Mooring Facilties: Dock No. 1. A T shaped pier, over all length of 198' and a width of 89:\'.
ruze presses, pellet presses, spin testing, taping and stenciling 109 assembly presses, multiple spindle assembly presses, ejectscales (shadowgraph) and numerous other items. '
Plant also contains a well-equipped shop and maintenance
~achines,. electric arc welders, w.elding equipment; pipe-thread109 machines, shears, power vises, hydraulic presses punch
and shear mac~ines, power hammer, ho!sts, pumps, c~mpres. trial trucks, tube bending machines, pipe bending m~chines
Steam from eight boiler plants having a total of 20 oil-fired boilers of 300 B.H.P. each. TRANSPORT A TION: Plant has 78 miles of standard gauge railroad, connecting directly to Wabash, Baltimore & Ohio
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: L & N siding into yard.
St. Louis O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (NP-48).
(Indiana) 51
naces. Chicago O. R. P. D.
Municipal Airport,
Evansville, Indiana.-Army. LAND: About 3.2 acres owned, and 46 acres leased from City of Evansvile. BUILDINGS: Modification Building, 77,570 sq. ft. of which 5,760 sq. ft. is on mezzanine floor. Clearance 25'. Concrete floor with monolithic finish. Mezzanine floor wood. Wood timber framing, wood siding and wood deck. Sprinklered.
Service Building, 24,580 sq. ft. of which 5,100 sq. ft. is on second floor. Clearance 20'. Construction similar to Modification Building.
Coal Mine
840,000 tons per year
Utilty and Boiler House, one story, area 4,520 sq. ft., clearance 12', concrete floor, masonry walls.
Administration, area 11,540 sq. ft. with 5,770 sq. ft. on each of two floors. Clearance first floor 8', second floor 9'. Wood
Plant Protection Offce, 1,060 sq. ft.; Fire House, 2,050 sq. ft.; Inflammable Storage: 530 sq. ft.; Detonator Storage: 190 sq. ft., two Pump Houses, 590 sq. ft.; are all one story with concrete floors and either wood or masonry construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, grinders, dril
LAND: About 1455 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area 381,000 sq. ft.
structural steel and corrugated iron siding. Service Building, 21,100 sq. ft., structural steel, corrugate iron siding. Offce Building, 2,000 sq. ft., brick.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Stripping shovel, loading shovel, coal dril, track scales, pumps, compressor, transformers, and other miscellaneous equipment.
presses, sanders, heat treat furnace, squaring power shear, tube machine, drils, riveters, sandblast cabinet, power brake, quench tank, compressors, portable generator, scales, hand
hoists, painting equipment, degreaser unit, jacks, pumps, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
UTILITIES: Power and light from local utilty company. Water pumped from coal pit and creek and stored in large
of the property, prior to its designation as "Surplus". Suband equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. St. Louis O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-7).
313,60 sq. ft. Phelps-Dodge Copper Products Corporation, Hammond, Indiana.-Plancor 1789.
LAND: 62 acres.
BUILDING: Main Building-Size 280' x 1120'. Used as warehouse, clearances 33' and 20', structural steel and brick; also
LAND: 5 parcels total approximately 318 acres. BUILDINGS: Manufacturing Building, 920' by 1040'. Total
area including basement 1,062,000 sq. ft. Clearance in fac-
tory 18', in offce 12'. One story modern factory and offce with
partial basement. Windowless type. Structural steel framing, with metal deck over an area 760' by 1040'; and reinforced concrete framing with concrete slab roof over the remaining area of 160' by 1040'. Walls of face brick with tile
backing. Floors are wood on concrete. Fluorescent lighting.
Aircraft Plant
Republic Aviation Corporation, Evansvile, Indiana.-Plancor 721.
Sprinklered. Industrial Relations Building, brick, steel and concrete; floor area 19,416 sq. ft. Fluorescent lighting. En-
gine Test, Concrete foundation, floor, walls and superstructure. Floor area basement 193,130 sq ft., first floor 192,905 sq.
ft. Clear height, basement 10', first floor 16'. Power House, brick and tile walls, concrete floors, structural steel frame. Area basement 12,899 sq. ft., first floor 17,035 sq. ft. Chip
and Oil House, two story and basement, concrete foundations
and floors, brick and tile walls, steel frame. Area, basement
4,967 sq. ft., first floor 12,771 sq. ft., second floor 1,393 sq. ft. Salvage, Soluble Oil, Search Passage, Aqua Valve, Chip Storage Shed. Total area 45,130 sq. ft.
Designed to augment lessee's facilties for heat treatment of alloy steel bars and wire. . LAND: Building site on lessee's land (leased). BUILDING: Leanto addition, 1,800 sq. ft. ; brick. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Installed in lessee's building: two cal' type annealing furnace, Pangborn Rotoblast
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Boring, broaching, driling, grinding machines, lathes, heat treating equipment, plat-
ing equipment, presses, clearing machines, ammonia handling machines, etc. Laboratory and testing equipment and numerous items of furniture and fixtures. Also Portable Tools and Equip-
52 (Indiana) (Iowa)
ment and Jigs, Dies, Fixtures, Gages, Patterns, Templates,
sulphuric acid concentrators, including columns, condensers,
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property, prior to its designation as "Surplus". Suband equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Four railroad sidings into plants.
A part of this plant has been sold. Negotiations may be
tanks, kettles, pasting mils, etc. Filtering equipment, drying equipment, gelatin extrusion machines, fume and acid recovery equipment, etc.
entered into for the purchase or lease of all or part of the re-
Ilinois Railroad and by branch lines of the B & 0 and Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroads. Project is available for lease in whole or part subject to possible restrictions as to its proposed use. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-16l).
Steel Plant
120,000 toni alloy steel per year
while only a few of the buildings are fully complete. Contains the following areas, Nitrocellulose, Powder, Acid, Power and Water Supply, General Facilties, Administrative, Maintenance,
Staff Residential, Process.
Designed to produce electric alloy steel ingots, such as tungsten carbide steel, nitro alloy steel, stainless steel, high carbon steel and open hearth alloy steel.
LAND: 2 acres.
LAND: About 19,890 acres. BUILDINGS: About 1,250,000 sq. ft. of floor area which
includes about 400,000 sq. ft. in the discontinued smokeless
There are 392 buildings including 62 essentially complete buildings in the discontinued smokeless powder area. Also
farm buildings purchased with the land number about 550. No
buildings covered by "Secret" classification are included.
ladles, slag cars, mold cars, etc., and a charging machine. Also one 100-ton, one 25-ton, one 15-ton, one 10-ton and one 5-ton
UTILITIES: Process water from Lake Michigan; domestic water from artesian well of others.
Oxygen Plant
5,600,00 cu. ft.
Air Reduction Sales Company, Bettendorf, Iowa.-Plancor 1399.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spurs on site served by the DavenRiver passes the plant approximately 500 yards to the south. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (NP-15).
Bettendorf, Iowa.-Nobs-706.
Used for the manufacture of mine-sweeping gear and other
LAND: About 6% acres. BUILDINGS: Main Offce Building, 17,174 sq. ft., HeatTreating Building, 2,456 sq. ft., Personnel Department Building, 2,260 sq. ft., Sheet Metal Shop, 2,702 sq. ft., Fabrication Building, 12,276 sq. ft., Receiving, Welding, Painting, and
ft. Machine Shop, 20,240 sq. ft., Boilerhouse, 1,452 sq. ft., B~r Stock and Casting Storage Building, 8,400 sq. ft., Steel
and Miscellaneous Storage Building, 2,400 sq. ft.
Grating Building, 25,199 sq. ft., Assembly Building, 18,040 sq.
Designed for recovering high protein by-products for agricultural feeds from distilers' waste slop. LAND: Approximately 0.35 acres. BUILDING: Main Process Building, 55' by 92', two story, reinforced concrete framing, hollow tile walls. Total floor
area, 9,800 sq. ft. Clearance first floor 13', second floor 24'.
crete floors, either frame construction or brick walls. Some have wood trusses, other steel trusses. Majority of the buildings are connectinir, having common walls.
Six other units total about 6,000 sq. ft. Buildings have con-
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Two high pressure boilers with all accessory equipment and controls. An evaporator with necessary equipment and controls to process 38,000 lb.
3.75% to 30% solids. A spray dryer with all"necessary equipper hour of distilers' slop to change its consistency from
(Iowa) 53
Power and light from public utilty companies.
block walls; area 7,480 sq. ft. Mil Building, floor area 7,200 sq. ft.: concrete block walls and floor, wood bowstring trusses. Bale Storage Building, floor area 5,376 sq. ft., similar to Mil
floor area 5,470 sq. ft. Clearances 9', 10', 30'.
Hemp Mil
31,000 sq. ft.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvesters, gathering binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units,
baling press, trucks and trailers, steam engine, etc.
UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site. Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Hemp Mil
31,000 iq. ft. Commodity Credit Corporation,
Hampton, Iowa.-Plancor 1531-25.
LAND: 40 acres. BUILDINGS: Straw Storage Building, area 5,880 sq. ft., Clearance 15'6"; block walls, gravel floor, clear span wood bowstring roof trusses. Dryer Building, doubled deck construction, each deck divided
block walls; area 7,480 sq. ft. Mil Building, floor area 7,200 sq. ft., concrete block walls and floor, wood bowstring trusses. Bale Storage Building, floor area 5,376 sq. ft., similar to Mil
into three spaces to serve as air ducts for dryers; concrete
Building. Boiler House, Shop Building, Locker, and Offce Building, total floor area 5,470 sq. ft. Clearances 9', 10', 30'.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvesters, gathering binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units, baling press, trucks and trailers, steam engine, 'etc. UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site.
Power and light from local utilty. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Sewage disposal system on site.
LAND: 38 acres. BUILDINGS: Straw Storage Building, area 5,880 sq. ft., clearance 15'-6"; block walls, gravel floor, clear span wood bowstring roof trusses.
block walls; area 7,480 sq. ft. Mil Building, floor area 7,200 sq. ft., concrete block walls and
Bale Storage Building, floor area 5,376 sq. ft., similar to Mil
Hemp Mil
31,000 sq.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvesters, gathering binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units,
LAND: 40 acres. BUILDINGS: Straw Storage Building, area 5,880 sq. ft.,
UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site. Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
bowstring roof trusses. Dryet Building, double deck construction, each deck divided
into three spaces to serve as air ducts for dryers; concrete
Hemp Mil
31,000 sq. ft.
Mil Building. Boiler House, Shop Building, Locker, and Offce Building, total
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvesters, gathering binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units,
baling press, trucks and trailers, steam engine, etc. UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site.
bowstring roof trusses. Dryer Building, double deck construction, each deck divided
into three spaces to serve as air ducts for dryers; concrete
LAND: 40 acres. BUILDINGS: Straw Storage Building, area 5,880 sq., ft.,
Hemp Mil
31,000 sq. ft. Commodity Credit Corporation,
Iowa Falls, Iowa.-Plancor 1531-27.
block walls; area 7,480 sq. ft. Mil Building, floor area 7,200 sq. ft., concrete block walls and floor, wood bowstring trusses. Bale Storage Building, floor area 5,376 sq. ft., similar to Mil
Building. Boiler House, Shop Building, Locker, and Offce Building, total floor area 5,470 sq. ft. Clearances 9', 10', 30'.
LAND: 47 acres. BUILDINGS: Straw Storage Building, area 5,880 sq. ft., clearance 15'-6"; block walls, gravel floor, clear span wood bowstring roof trusses. Dryer Building, double deck construction, each deck divided
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvesters, gathering binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units,
54 (Iowa)
Hemp Mil
31,000 sq. ft. Commodity Credit Corporation,
Traer, Iowa.-Plancor 1531-13.
clearance 15'-6"; block walls, gravel floor, clear span woo bowstring roof trusses. Dryer Building, double deck construction, each deck divided
LAND: 40 acres. BUILDINGS: Straw Storage Building, area 5,880 sq. ft.,
bowstring roof trusses. Dryer Building, doubled deck construction, each deck divided
block walls; area 7,480 sq. ft. Mil Building, floor area 7,200 sq. ft., concrete block walls and floor, wood bowstring trusses. Bale Storage Building, floor area 5,376 sq. ft., similar to Mil
Building. Boiler House, Shop Building, Locker, and Offce Building, total floor area 5,470 sq. ft. Clearances 9', 10', 30'.
into three spaces to serve as air ducts for dryers; concrete
block walls: area 7,480 sq. ft. Mil Building, floor area 7,200 sq. ft., concrete block walls and floor, wood bowstring trusses. Bale Storage Building, floor area 5,376 sq. ft., similar to Mil
floor area 5,470 sq. ft. Clearances 9', 10', 30'.
Building. Boiler House, Shop Building, Locker, and Offce Building, total
M~CHI.NERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvesters, gathering binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units
baling press, trucks and trailers, steam engine, etc. '
UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site. Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvesters, gathering binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units, baling press, trucks and trailers, steam engine, etc. UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site. Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Hemp Mil
Hemp Mil
31,0 sq. ft.
Commodity Credit Corporation,
Mason City Iowa.-Plancor 1531-8.
Dryer Building, double deck construction, each deck divided into three spaces to serve as air ducts for dryers; concrete block
LAND: 40 acres. BUILDING~: "Straw Storage Building, area 5,880 sq. ft., clearance 15 -6 ; block walls, gravel floor, clear span woo bowstring roof trusses.
Hemp Mil
31,0 sq. ft.
Building. '
UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site.
Sewage disposal system on site.
Mil Building, floor are 7,200 sq. ft., concrete block walls and floor, wood bowstring trusses.
Bale Storage Building, floor area 5,376 sq. ft. similar to Mil
Hemp Mil
31,0 sq. ft.
l\AC~INERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvesters, gather109 binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units baling
press, trucks and trailers, steam engine, etc. '
bowstring roof trusses. Dryer Building, double deck construction, each deck divided
block walls; area 7,480 sq. ft. Mil Building, floor area 7,200 sq. ft., concrete block walls and floor, wood bowstring trusses. Bale Storage Building, floor area 5,376 sq. ft., similar to Mil
Building. Boiler House, Shop Building, Locker, and Offce Building, total floor area 5,470 sq. ft. Clearances 9', 10', 30'.
into three spaces to serve as air ducts for dryers; concrete
LAND: 40 acres. BUILDINGS: Straw Storage Building, area 5,880 sq. ft.,
Ammunition Plant
2,134,00 iq. ft.
Des Moines Ordnance Plant,
U. S. Rubber Company,
LAND: Plant area about 2,445 acres, Accuracy range 1 966 acres, Right-of-way utilty lines, 37 acres, total 4,448 acre~. BT.ILDINqS: The Administrati.on Building is a two-story
bUllding with a wood frame, brick and tile sidewalls wood floors, wood roof deck with built-up felt roofing. '
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvesters, gathering binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units, baling press, trucks and trailers, steam engine, etc. UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site. Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
In addition there are three two-story barracks type constructed buildings all of wood, with asphalt shingle roofs. These build-
Hemp Mil
31,0 sq. ft.
ing frame, tile inside walls faced with red brick, and a steel
deck roof with felt roofing. Building No. 4A is of concrete and brick with wood roof frame and deck, and felt and tar roof. CaL. .30 Bldg. No.1, total sq. ft., 288,000, CaL. .30 Bldg. No.2,
total sq. ft., 283,000, CaL. .50 Bldg. No.3, total sq. ft., 391,000,
total sq. ft., 220,500.
LAND: 64 acres.
CaL. .50 Bldg. No.4, total sq. ft., 324,000, CaL. .50 Bldg. No. 4A,
Garage Building for repair and maintenance of locomotives,
(Iowa) 55
Element Line, 14 buildings; Artilery Primer Line, i 7 buildings; Ammonium Nitrate Plant, 29 buildings; Inert Storage,
Yard L, 36 buildings; Inert Storage Yard M, 4 buildings; Inert
Maintenance Control Stores Building, 52,500 sq. ft. floor space, wod construction, wood walls and roof. The Plant has a Steam Power Plant for processing and heat-
sq. ft. floor space, permanent construction. Tool and Gage Shop Building, 60,000 sq. ft. floor space, perma-
C, 43 buildings; T.N.T. Magazines, Yard 4,25 buildings; Ammunition Magazines, Yard D, 44 buildings; Ammunition magazines, Yard F1, 44 buildings; Ammunition magazines, Yard K, 54 buildings; Ammonium Nitrate, Yard G, 27 buildings; Raw
the Power Plant is a diesel electric standby generator for emergency lighting, 400kw capacity. The Water Treatment and Pump House is in the general manufacturing area, 10,743 sq. ft. floor space, permanent construction. In this system is a 500,00 gallon capacity underground
tank reservoir.
buildings; Administration and Maintenance, 105 buildings; Farm Houses, 12 buildings; Storages (Barns, churches, etc.), 19 buildings; Railroad Service, 23 buildings; Sewage System, 18 buildings; Water System, 15 buildings; Electric System, 22 buildings; Protective, 14 buildings; Emergency Reservoir, 2 buildings; Renovation Plant, 19 buildings; Burning Field, 1
The Primer Manufacturing Area consists of Primer Mixing Buildings, Primer Premix Houses, Primer Premix Control
Building, Primer Manufacturing Buildings, Tracer Composi-
3 Tracer Mfg. Bldgs., 11,400 sq. ft. total floor space and Primer Mfg. Bldg., 41,400 sq. ft. floor space, all of permanent fireproof
type construction.
tion Manufacturing Buildings, Primer Pre-dry Houses, Wet P E.T.N. Sieve House, etc. There are a total of 82 buildings in all, ranging from 54 sq. ft. wood constructed buildings to the
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Blenders, mixing kettles, tanks, pumps and motors, rotary pelleting presses, evaporating pans with coils, screens, mixing kettles with agitators, steam
melt units, heavy duty vacuum cleaners, etc.
Accessory items include: Paint spray booths, paint spray ma-
bailng presses, portable elevators, etc. Complete complement of maintenance items including machine
tools, hoists, etc.
contains special buildings, firing ranges, and recording equipment for testing the performance of the finished ammunition.
UTILITIES: Water from four deep wells in area. An earth dam built across Long Creek and located in southgallons of raw water at spilway height. Suffcient water is also pumped from Well No.4 into this reservoir to offset the
a water treatment plant for domestic and plant use.
manufacturing area for testing the product. This building has 43,000 sq. ft. floor space, and is of permanent construction.
let uints, assembly machines, draw machines, charging machines, compress, eject and insert machines, varied press type machines, head turn machines, trim finish machines, taper and
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Anneal, pickle wash and dry cases, drying oven machines, stress relief and anneal cases, carton packers, clip loader machine, wash, polish and dry bil-
Sewage disposal plant on site. Power and light from local utilty companies.
plug machines, gage and weigh machines, loading machines, ball bilet assembly machines, inserting pruner machines, and
varied other specific duty machines. Miscellaneous items include battery chargers, motors, balers, blenders, pumps, scales, belting machines, handling equipment, factory trucks, etc.
and Gauge Building. They contain lathes, grinders, shapers, milers, screw machines, metal cutting saws, shears, boring machines, drilers, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse-
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been re-
Alcohol Plant
UTILITIES: Water from City. Sewage and waste disposal by plants on site. Power and light from local utility companies, also gas. TRANSPORTATION: Spur from C. & N. W. R. R. and Fort
850,0 galloni per month.
hundred sq. ft. to 50,000 sq. ft., aggregating 3,250,000 sq. ft. Project is very large and buildings are distributed as follows:
Burlington, Iowa.-Army. Project contains an Ammonium Nitrate Unit. LAND: About 19,616 acres. BUILDINGS: There are 907 buildings, ranging from a few
buildings are a processing group which includes a boiler house, distilery, denaturing plant, fermenter room and feed recovery drier. Buildings are generally of concrete and tile and brick construction, with total floor area of 76,400 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Five stoker fired boilers, high pressure cooking line, distilation unit, four hammer mils, magnetic separators and feeders, roller mil, three steam heate rotary drum driers, six double drum atmosphere steam driers,
holding and mixing tanks, conveyors, etc.
~nd Northwestern Railway Company.
ings; Booster Line "A" 10 buildings; Booster Line "B", 15 buildings; Fuze Line "A" 10 buildings; Fuze Line "B" 16 buildings; Detonator Line, 35 buildings; Fuze Component Line, 7
buildings; Temporary Detonator Line, 10 buildings; Percussion
Loading Line 1, 45 buildings; Loading Line 11, 27 buildings; Loading Line 111, 26 buildings; Loading Line IlIa, 25 build-
This plant has been leased. Negotiations m.y be entered lK for its purchase subject to the lease in effect. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure availa,ble.
56 (Iowa)
Steel Foundry
2,400 tons caitings per year.
LAND: Approximately 1:1 acres. BUILDING: One story, fireproof foundry building of brick and steel construction, total floor area 14,500 sq. ft. Main bay,
40' by 160', houses craneway extending 108' into storage yard
under crane, side bay 14'.
to permit unloading of railroad cars. Clearances, main bay 22'
Bettendorf, Iowa.-Army.
LAND: About 65.7 acres.
with a floor area of 350,000 sq. ft. that has been rehabiltated and to which have been added a North addition, 42,000 sq. ft., a south addition of 15,000 sq. ft., and a sand storage addition
BUILDINGS: Total floor area approximately 579,000 sq. ft. Foundry and Additions. No. 59, comprises an original building
of 27,000 sq. ft. The original building has steel framing, concrete floor, brick walls, clearance from 20' to 40'. The North and South additions are of reinforced concrete and timber construction, concrete block walls, clearances, 25'. The Sand Storage addition has an earth floor and full timber construction.
tumblast, electric welders, sand mixer, band saw, etc. Also two
3-ton jib crane, seven electric hoists and one roller conveyor.
with 25,125 sq. ft. floor area. Brick walls, steel trusses, wood
floor and roof. Clearance 20'.
visions of the lease in effect.
This plant has been leased for a period of 4 113 years. Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the proChicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
brick walls, gypsum plank deck and built-up roofing. Store Room and Train Shed No. 54, 13,600 sq. ft., new cooling
inforced concrete vault 15' by 23'. Area 17,200 sq. ft. Power House, No. 57 20,370 sq. ft., is of structural steel framing,
Shed No. 68, 16,422 sq. ft.; and eighteen other miscellaneous buildings of varied construction with floor areas up to 7,000
Steel Plant
64,512 tons per year.
sq. ft.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Numerous furnaces (Open-hearth, annealing, heat treating, hardening, etc.), hydraulic Shakeouts, wheelabrators, jolting machines, core ovens,
paint mixing and handling systems, shipping press, dril presses, miling machines, lathes, grinders, boring machines, planers, arc welders, etc. Thirty-five ton, three 10 ton, and three 20 ton overhead cranes. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies.
TRANSPORT ATION: Switch tracks and sidings from Davenport, Rock Island and Northeastern R. R.
Tire Plant
180,000 sq. ft.
buildings of lessee, total approximately 1 % acres. BUILDINGS: Manufacturing Building, extension to building of lessee, a three story and basement reinforced-concrete structure, 167' by 220'. Brick curtain walls. Floors are flat slab con-
Designed to expand lessee facilities for manufacture of miltary purpose tires. LAND: Comprises three plots, each adjacent to existing plant
elevators, capacity 20,000 lbs. Floor area about 147,000 sq. ft., clearances 12' and 14'.
struction designed for 300 lb. per sq. ft. Twin bank of electric
Laboratory and Cafeteria Building, extension to buildinO' of lessee, two-story, 44' by 285'. Wall-bearing masonry consliuction, with 12" walls of brick. Area about 25,000 sq. ft., clearances 10' and 11'.
Cement House, two-story and basement, area 8,800 sq. ft. Reinforced-concrete construction throughout with block tile curtain walls, steel sash. Electric freight elevator, 2,000-lb.
LAND: 3.61 acres. BUILDING: Brick building, five stories, with basement, 453'
by 120'; total floor area 312,000 sq. ft.; ceilng heights, base-
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: "A" frames; Banbury mixers; band builders; bead-flipping machines; bead-wrapping machines; cutters; fabric-dipping and drying units; painting
machine; pressure-shaping and tire-bagging machine, com-
chines, dril presses, spot facing machines, beaders and crimpers, forming machines, acetylene and oxygen system compressors, heat treat furnaces, acetylene generators, mogul
metalizing set, sand blast and dust collecting system, solvent stil, six cranes, six conveyors, and seventeen hoists.
tory trucks; processing tanks; etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies.
Wabash R. R.
This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Nego-
Steel Foundry
79,200 sq. ft.
(Kansas) 57
Aircraft Plant
Aircraft Assembly Plant No.2.
North American Aviation, Inc., 1,750,000 sq. ft.
300' clear span with 45' clearance; 20 cranes from 1 to 10 ton, and 9 electric hoists from 1 to 10 ton capacity; monorail system. Warehouses, 3 frame buildings; total area 825,000 sq. ft.; covered docks alongside; clearances 16' and 20'.
2 miles north of Kansas City, Kansas.-Army. LAND: 89 acres, 6 additional acres leased. BUILDINGS: Assembly Bldg. No. 1. 1 story and mezzanine
bays generally 50' by 50'.
Other buildings, generally steel frame with steel sash; total floor area 116,000 sq. ft. Cafeteria and Test rooms ir-conditioned; sprinkler system and Auto-Call system throughout plant.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Machine tools include broaching, grinding machines, lathes, planers, sanders, etc. Metal forming machines include arbor presses, bending mil,
screw press, shears and tube benders, etc.
Drop Hammer Bldg. No.3, 1 story, 15,743 sq. ft., same con16',17'.
Paint Storage Bldg. No.2, 1 story, 10,677 sq. ft., same construction as assembly bldg. except ceilng height is 16', 17'.
Buildings 1 and 5 are air conditioned.
Balance of buildings of miscellaneous nature. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Driling, miling, welding,
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been re-
UTILITIES: Water from City and 7 deep wells on site. Sewerage system serving the entire area. Gas, electricity from Kansas municipal utilty, also a power
plant on the site for emergency.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur tracks by Santa Fe Railroad. Kansas City O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Aircraft Plant
46,600 sq. ft.
Beech Aircraft Corporation,
Coffeyvile, Kansas.-Plancor 959. LAND: 11.9 acres. BUILDINGS: About 20 buildings with a total floor area of
29,000 sq. ft. Construction generally of reinforced concrete
6 miles east of Wichita, Kansas.-Plancor 557. LAND: 11 acres. BUILDINGS: Flight Hangar, 43,600 sq. ft.; steel columns and
trusses, walls galvanized iron on frame; clearance 32' sprin-
Clock House, 3,000 sq. ft.; frame construction.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Miling machines, planers, shapers, borers, threaders, presses, shears, strippers, sand-
welders, riveting machines, etc. Also laboratory and testing equipment and furniture and fixtures. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
of the property prior to its deRignation as "Surplus". Subse-
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. Steam from three boilers, total capacity 150,000 pounds steam
per hour.
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
UTILITIES: City and local utility companies. Kansas City O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Aircraft Plant
2,898,00 sq. ft. Boeing Airplane Company,
Wichita, Kansas.-Plancor 139.
Miltary Chemical Works, Inc., Approximately two miles northeast of Galena, Kansas.
include: Gas Reforming Building, 120' by 320', area 43,500 sq. ft., clearance 42'.
LAND: About 2,332 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area about 460,000 sq. ft. Larger units
Synthesis Building, 75' by 343', area 23,800 sq. ft., clearance
Power Plant Building, 179' by 218', area 88,000 sq. ft. Con-
58 (Kans)
ft. floor area, mostly of masonry construction with some frame buildings. Process structions contains 7 cranes up to 20 ton capacity. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Actual processing plant
crete floors, tile walls, wood roof deck with asbestos shingle
consists basically of four tandem units from the Gas Plant through the Ammonia and Nitric Acid Plants. Each of these four units is capable of producing 90 tons per day of ammonia or 55 tons of ammonia and 75 tons of Nitric Acid. The Ammonium Nitrate Solution Plant consists of three 100-ton units.
Framing is of wood, tile, masonry or steel. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Machines, Screen, washing and drying, dipping, assembling, thread cleaning, marking, fuse assembly, gage, primer loading, disc inserting, etc.
serting, dial, consolidating, etc.
plant. Domestic use from wells. Sanitary sewer system and disposal on site. Power and light furnished by Plant Power House and local utilty company. Power.House has four 5,000 kw generators of special type. Steam from five stoker-fired boilers,
Additional items such as crystallzing and mixing kettles, briquet elevators, evaporating pans, motors, scales, tanks, paint spray booths, pre-heaters, melt units, dryers, hoppers, dryng
tumblers, blenders, conveyors, rumbling barrels, etc.
Also shop furniture, offce furniture, offce equipment, cafe-
each capable of generating 180,000 lbs. per hour. Refrigeration: Two l,200-ton York Ice Refrigerating Machines.
teria equipment, hospital equipment, etc. UTILITIES: Water pumped from Neosho River to 1,000,000 gal. reservoir. Emergency supply from well and ponds. Sewage disposal plants and septic tanks on site. Power and light from local utilty company. Steam, individual boiler houses have been provided for each
main area or production group, with total capacity 167,000#
Project contains facilties for the manufacture of amatol and nitrate of ammonia. LAND: About 17,215 acres. BUILDINGS: Staff and Residence Area consists of 20 wood frame dwellngs for housing staff and key personnel of the
plant. Administration Area contains the following main buildings:
by 244'. Cafeteria, 126' by 148'. Employment Offce, 39' by 191'. Hospital, 200' by 38'. Guard House, 39' by 133'. Boiler
Cleaning, 40' by 120'. Eight Dormitories, 134' by 174', two-story with basements.
Administration Building, two-story with partial basement, 139'
Alcohol Plant
3,4,0 gallons per year.
House, for heating the area, 35' by 46'. Laundry and Dry
There are also several minor buildings in the area, of wood frame construction, walls of wood, and composition roofing.
struction with bow string type steel roof arches; clearance 26'
and 30'.
Building of lessee. Floor area 6,960 sq. ft.; brick masonry con-
Maintenance and Repair, 51' by 400'. Carpenter Shop, 40' by 90'. Offce and Change House, 51' by 81'. Boiler House, supplies heat and process steam as required in
the Maintenance Area.
Yeast Building, frame construction, 1,400 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Motors, turbines, yeast tanks, dryer and collector, screens, presses, softeners, etc. These facilities have been leased. Negotiations may be enured into for purchase subject to provisiom of lease in effect. Kansas City O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Fuz, Booster Group. Twenty igloos 60' by 26'. Finished Ammunition Building Group. Twenty-five buildings
51' by 216'.
by 26'.
and masonry structural framing, tile walls, wood roof deck, and asbestos shingle roofing. There are no windows in these
buildings, and they are not heated. Ammonium Nitrate Area contains three standard evaporating and crystallzing units.
(Kansas) (Kentucky) 59
saws, a complete complement of portable tools.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spurs from Union Pacific R. R. *
This plant has been leased for a period of years. Negotiations
6,000 ft. Its gross floor area is approximately 621,000 sq. ft., of which 400,000 sq. ft. is represented by net storage area, after allowances for aisles, etc., the equivalent of approximately 3,000 railroad carloads. Ceilng height averages 12'.
The mine has good drainage, and a 5' concrete floor was laid
over the entire storage area.
tile walls, concrete columns, steel trusses, corrugated transite deck. Floor area 6,800 sq. ft. Garage and Utilty Building, of similar construction, and covered reinforced concrete and steel Loading Dock, 458' by 18'.
system of 8" pipe, compressors, condensers, coolers, ammonia receivers, tanks, pumps, etc. Also electric and gasoline tractors, trucks, trailers, etc. UTILITIES: Water is obtainable from the Missouri River, from wells on the Missouri side of the river, and from the City. Sewage disposal facilities on site. Power and light from local
utilty company.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Refrigeration system with a capacity of 750 tons, with extensive brine distribution
Ste Plant Facilties
American Rollng Mil Company,
Ashland, Kentucky.-Plancor 1694.
Designed to faciltate lessee's handling of molds and ingots. LAND: Some 12,000 sq. ft. leased. STRUCTURES: Steel framed uncovered craneway, being an
extnsion of lessee's Mold Yard Building.
tration or feed preparation unit, HF alkylation unit, and isomerization unit. Accessory facilties include Ethyl blendinr
plant, C-S blending unit, and tank car and truck loading racks.
29,000 barrels.
Cleveland O. R. P. D.
Stel Plant
Light and power from local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Several sidings, Chesapeake and Ohio
Railroad. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Butadiene Plant
60,00 ihort tons per year.
Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corporation,
Laboratory and Offce Building, three story; floor area 9,600 sq. ft., reinforce concrete frame, brick walls. Sub-Station, one story, brick and steel, 7,600 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Electric furnaces, chargsub-station equipment, push cars, etc. Also complete steel
Plant produces its own catalyst used in the process and also
LAND: 144% acres. BUILDINGS: thirty-four buildings, total floor area 139,000
59,000 sq. ft. Twelve special purpose buildings, and seventeen miscellaneous small structures.
each rated at 20,000 short tons annually.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Three separate units, Three Dowtherl1 heating units, vapor-phase converters, heat exchangers, stils, storage vessels, and Filtros catalyst equipment, ten alcohol storage steel tanks, capacity 12,000,000 gal-
hour each, and two boilers rated 200,000 pounds stem per hour each.
Catlettsburg, Kentucky.-Plancor 1067. LAND: Two parcels, total approximately 101 acres. BUILDINGS: Boiler House, Warehouse, Shop and 29 other
buildings have total floor area of 62,600 sq. ft. Larger build-
Gas, power and light from local public utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur tracks by Terminal Railroad.
Dock facilties on Ohio River for handling alcohoL.
60 (Kentucky)
Hemp Mil
31,000 iq. ft. Commodity Credit Corporation,
Winchester, Kentucky.-Plancor 1531-1.
B. F. Goodrich Company,
Zinc Mil
11,00 sq. ft.
Explosives Plant
620,000 sq. ft.
Mil Building, one-story, wood frame; 90' by 113'; floor area 10,057 sq. ft., ceilng height 24'. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Crushing, pulverizing
arid classifying unit for treatment of all ore; battery of three vibi:atory tables; flotation units; conditioning, thickening and
drying units. Also laboratory and testing equipment for as-
Kevil, 16 miles from Paducah, Kentucky.-Army. This plant was designed for production of TNT and oleum. LAND: About 16,125 acres.
saying, testing, and weighing of ore and concentrates. UTILITIE S : Water from City and four wells on site. Septic tank on site.
Power and light from local utilty companies.
of wood frame construction without basements. There are five two-story and ten one-story buildings, complete with all
utilty services.
Aircraft Plant
1,063,000 sq. ft.
wood frame construction with wood drop siding and roll roofing. The combined shop has a floor area of approximately
cellaneous buildings, all of wood frame construction. The explosive storage (magazine) area contains 92 magazines
or igloos, rectangular type, with
total area 90,000 sq. ft. Steel or wood frame, masonry walls.
LAND: 222% acres. BUILDlN.GS: Administration Building, Laboratory and Office Building, Shops and Stores Building, Garage, Cafeteria,
Salt Cake Storage Building, floor area 19,000 sq. ft., timber framing, metal siding.
asbestos walls.
walls, wood frame front wall with asbestos shingles and gysum plant roof. Each building has 1,510 sq. ft. floor space. The
buildings and three loading docks are served by trucking roads.
The power plant is well designed with steel frame, corrgated metal side walls and roof and is effcient in operation.
set installed to take care of emergency power and lighting on
the proj ect.
Power House, 16,500 sq. ft.; steel frame, brick and corrugated
There are installed in the building three water tube boilers, each having a capacity of 100,000 lbs. of steam per hour, pul-
Five functional buildings, floor area 300,000 sq. ft., and minor buildings, 38,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND ~QUIPMENT: Tanks, vessels, pumps, compressors, etc. Equipment necessary for following areas or
processes: tank farm and car spots; acid manufacture and
The acid area is divided into two sections known as the "East
c,!talyst and mon?vinyl acetylene manufacturing; chlorobuta: ~iene manufacturing and storage; polymerization and finishing; and power house.
equipment in the acid areas are of concrete and steel construction. The majority of the buildings are sheathed with wood,
109 boilers, furnaces, pulverizers, blowers, etc., each with capacity of 180,000 lbs. steam per hour.
or with corrugated asbestos. Buildings are of special design. The TNT manufacturing area contains six lines for the nitration of toluene and production of TNT. The buildings in this
area are all of special design and construction. The buildings
plosion and many of the structures are barricaded.
Gas, power and light from local utilty company.
controls, and Nitrators, mono; Nitrators, Bi and Tri; fortifiers, TNT flakers, bleaching columns, absorption columns, condensers; after-coolers; air compressors; amomnia compressors ; filters; separators; etc. UTILITIES: Water is obtained from the Ohio River through
(Kentucky) 61
Power and light from local utilty company. Louisvile O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
ances from 8' to 35'. Entire first floor of concrete, steel trowel-
upper floor area 74,400 sq. ft., total area 317,400 sq. ft. Clear-
Louisvile, Kentucky.-Army. LAND: About 54 acres. BUILDINGS: Main Building, first floor area 243,000 sq. ft.,
Designed for production of Buna-S synthetic rubber. LAND: Approximately 45.3 acres. BUILDINGS: Administration, Pigment, Reactor, Recovery,
etc. Total floor area 98,000 sq. ft. Buildings generally reinforced concrete framing, brick curtain walls where enclosed.
ed. Structural frame part timber, part reinforced concrete columns and steel trusses. Walls are part wood, part masonry. Sprinklered. Compressed air piping. Boiler House, area 4,350
sq. ft., one story, concrete floor, masonry and reinforced concrete.' Cafeteria, area 8,760 sq. ft., one story, concrete floor, timber framing and trusses, wood walls and deck. Warehouse, area 18,000 sq. ft., one story, concrete floor, timber
Reactor Area: Twenty-four 3,750 gallon reactors, six blowdown tanks, coolers, etc.
Remaining buildings have combined area of about 18,000 sq. ft. with concrete floors and either wood or masonry construction.
rubber disintegrators.
quench tank, compressors, portable generator, scales, hand hoists, pointing equipment, degreaser unit, jacks, pumps, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies.
Louisville O. R. P. D.-Brochure (AP-9).
wells on site, each with capacity of 1,500 g.p.m. Sewage disposal facilties on site. Light and power from local utilty companies. Steam for both heating and power is obtained from central
at 200 lbs. pressure is available. Louisville O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Acetylene Plant
500,040,000 cu. ft. annually.
National Carbide Corporation,
About 4%, miles southwest of Louisvile, Kentucky, Jefferson County, Kentucky.-Plancor 1607.
LAND: One acre, leased. BUILDINGS: Generator Building, one story, structural steel and reinforced concrete, sides asbestos protected corrugated
ing, floor area 2,500 sq. ft., clearance 12', construction same as
Generator Building.
steel; floor area 3,200 sq. ft., clearance 37'. Compressor Build-
BUILDINGS: Process Building, 42' by 42', three story, structural steel framing, concrete floors, steel sash, asbestos cement
installation, etc. Also a 7% ton overhead crane. UTILITIES: Water from well on site. Power and light from
local utilty company.
Nitrogen Plant
4,480,00 cu. ft. per month.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Tanks, agitators, reactors, condensors, colloid mils, rubber mil, Banbury mixer baling press, curing press, etc. '. Also requisite instrument, and controls, flexing machine, tensile tester, and similar apparatus. UTILITIES: From adjacent plancor. TRANSPORTATION: Through adjacent plan cor facilties. Louisville O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
33', rest of building 18'; sprinkler system. Two trolleys with two 2-ton and one I-ton chain hoists.
BUILDING: Extension to existing building of others; one story brick structure; area 2,100 sq. ft.; clearance in high bay
PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT: Two decarbonizers and accessories; air compressor installation; nitrogen column with
engine, generator, recording instruments, etc.; nitrogen com-
LAND: 836 acres. BUILDINGS: Thirty-five with total floor area of 233,028 sq. ft. Offce Building No.1, one story, 17,290 sq. ft., concrete
floors wood frame, cove siding exterior with gypsum board inside ~alls, roof of corrugated iron. Two Barracks, Buildings No. 2 and No.3, each two story,
62 (Kentucky)
12,600 sq. ft., wood floors and frame, exterior cove siding, interior gypsum wall board, roof corrugated iron. Cafeteria Building No.4, one story, 5,250 sq. ft., wood frame. Garage Building No.7, one story, 6,665 sq. ft., reinforced concrete floor, wood frame, roof of corrugated iron.
frame. Maintenance Building No. 10, two stories, 19,810 sq. ft., steel
ating unit, two dehydrating machines, tanks, pumps, motors, air compressor, conveyor, agitators, etc. UTILITIES: Water from wells on plant site, and from city.
Power and light from local utilty company.
frame. ,
sq. ft., steel frame.
Plant Stores, Building No.8, one story, 10,129 sq. ft., steel
frame, roof of wood sheathing and tar paper. Power House, Building No. 17, three story, 29,680 sq. ft., reinforced concrete floor, steel frame; walls metal and brick; roof, concrete slab with tarred roofing of felt, pitch and gravel. Gas Production Building No. 20, three story, 18,560 sq. ft., reinforced concrete floors; steel frame; walls metal on steel girts; roof of corrugated steel on steel girts.
Compression Building No. 23, two story and mezzanine, 42,720
Warehouse A, Building No. 15, one story, 5,000 sq. ft., wood
Coal Mine
600,00 tons per year.
Republic Steel Corporation,
Pikevile, Kentucky.-Plancor 583. LAND: About 1,046 acres of surface rights, leased. BUILDINGS: Eleven buildings and one loading tipple. Also
twelve dwellngs.
sq. ft., steel frame. Twenty-two minor buildings, combined floor area 32,764 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Forges, grinders, shapers, miling machines, dril presses, lathes, boring mils, weld-
Coal Washing Plant, three story, total area 8,500 sq. ft. Other units total 21,000 sq. ft. Dwellngs are basement and two story, about 1,600 sq. ft. each. Plant Buildings mostly of steel superstructure and corrugated iron siding. Dwellngs of frame construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Mostly conveyors and coal washing equipment to handle 48,500 tons per month.
towers, gas generators, filters, reactors, condensers, activators, electric traveling cranes, gas washers, scales, pumps, and misalso City.
Septic tanks on site. Power and light from local utilty companies.
Railroad. Louisville O. R. P. D.
Louisvile, Kentucky.-Plancor 47. BUILDINGS: Finishing, Machine Shop, Press Room, Heat Treater, Grinding, Cleaning and Offce Units, total floor area
clearances 12' to 80'. All under continuous 218,000 sq. ft., roof area; brick walls and galvanized siding, wood and steel
LAND: Leased for twenty-five years. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: Dryer Building, twostory, 52' by 85' of steel-frame construction with corrugated siding and roof. Concrete slab at second floor.
Pump House, 8' by 12', concrete floor, wood-frame construction. Wood Cooling Tower, 400 gallon per minute capacity.
sash. Minor buildings total 1,500 sq. ft. floor area. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: 7 extrusion presses, 500to 5,000-ton; 10 remelt furnaces, capacity 45,000 lbs. each; 21 furnaces, various types; three 50-ton straightening presses; 15 draw benches, 2,500 lbs. to 7,000 lbs.; shape strtchers up to
400-ton ~apacity; and items of general purpose utilty, laboratory and testing equipment. Four 10-ton, five 5-ton, and one
2-ton traveling bridge cranes.
UTILITIES: City and public utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of L. & N. Railroad.
Louisville O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
UTILITIES: City, lessee, and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of L. & N. R. R. Clweland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
5 to 6 toni fee per day. Wilow Springs Distileries, Inc., (Assignee of Wathen Brothers Distillers),
Greenbrier, Kentucky.-Plancor 1902.
PLANT: Land, Distilery House, Evaporator House, machinery and equipment for recovery of distilery grain from distiler's waste materials at lessee's plant.
LAND: 0.6 acre. BUILDINGS: Dryer and Evaporator House; two stories, con-
two-story, structural steel framing, concrete floors, tile exterior walls, precast roof with build-up roofing. Area 8,000
crete block and wood walls, wood sash; floor area 7,075 sq. ft., clearance 14', in evaporator room 28'.
sq. ft., clearances 14' and 11'. Pup House, 17' by 26', area 400 sq. ft.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Bagging machine with accessories, 50 hp electric motor, traveling screen with motor, screw conveyor, pumps, fan, tanks, filtering machine, evaporator.
Louisville O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
(Louiiana) 63
Plant and Sinter Plant. The Alumina Plant uses the Bayer
processing a petroleum feed stock into butadiene, incorporating reactors, towers, tanks, drums, pumps, compressors, heat ex-
Some 35 utilty and functional buildings, generally one story brick masonry construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Special equipment for
UTILITIES: Water by wells on site. Gas, power and light from lessee, local utilty company and
cor 264 and Plancor 1118.
traction. LAND: 318 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area about 520,000 sq. ft.
sq. ft.
tected metal siding. Others of brick masonry construction with timber framing.
cludes battery charging sets, car pullers and dumpers, cooling'
Machine Shop has 59,000 sq. ft. Power House, 42,000 sq. ft. Larger structures generally structural steel framing with proMACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Production equipment intowers, coolers, compressors, crushers, capacitors, filter presses,
Aircraft Plant
749,00 iq. ft.
bers, kilns, hammer mils, tanks, turbines, transformers, scrubbers, 50-ton diesel-electric locomotive, etc.
UTILITIES: Water from deep wells on site. Sewage disposal into Mississippi River. Power and light for plant designed to be furnished by Power
area 404,500 sq. ft., clearances 10' to 36', steel frame and brick
Low Bay Addition: 200' by 360', floor area 72,600 sq. ft.,
Service Building: 144' by 268', floor area 70,890 sq. ft., clear-
hour. About 10 acres of the plant land has been sold and the alumina
reminder, or for purchase of the part leased subject to the prov0n of the lease in effect.
plant (excluding Sinter plant) leased. Negotiations may be entered into for the purchase or lease of all or part of the
Administration Building: 50' by 520', floor are 55,210 sq. ft., brick and frame. Drop Hammer Building: 60' by 180', floor area 10,800 sq. ft., clearance 18', similar to Main Factory Building. Flight Hangar Building: 452' by 122', floor area 57,580 sq. ft.,
clearance 31'.
A vondale Marine Ways,
Avondale, Louisiana.-Maritime.
Concrete Reservoirs: 500,000 gallons and 50,000 gallon capacity. All buildings except Garage have sprinkler systems.
Shipping and Garage Building, Warehouse, Garage, Loft and Boiler House: total floor area 59,000 sq. ft.
miling machines, hammers, metal forming machines, riveters, welders, etc. Approximately 17,700 lin. ft. of monorail train runway, four 5-ton and one 10-ton traveling cranes. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
sequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been re-
LAND: 1 * acre.
BUILDING: Shop Building, one story, 80' by 360', with mezzanines 40' by 120' and 40' by 80'. Structural steel framing,
zanine 10'.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, grinders, millers, presses, welding machines, heat treating equipment, furnaces, forging machines, conveyors, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
five years.
project subject to the provisions of the lease in effect. New Orleans O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been re-
Butadiene Plant
55,000 ihort tons per year.
BUILDINGS: Process Building, 42' by 42', three story, structural steel framing, concrete floors, steel sash, asbestos cement
LAND: About 53, acres. BUILDINGS: Total area about 55,000 sq. ft.
64 (Louisiana)
actors, condensers, colloid mils, rubber mil, Banbury mixer, baling press, curing press, etc. Also requisite instrument, and controls, flexing machine, tensile tester, and similar apparatus. UTILITIES: From adjacent plancor. TRANSPORTATION: Through adjacent plancor facilties. New Orleans O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Synthetic Rubber Plant
30,000 long tons per year.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Absorbers, blowers, circulators, compressors, converters, cooling towers, drums, exchangers,' reformer furnaces, heaters, mixers, gas holders,
chlorinators, tanks, pumps, piping, instruments, controls, etc. UTILITIES: Water Sources; Dayou Bartholomew, Quachita
River and deep wells. Septic tanks on site.
Copolymer Corporation,
Baton Rouge, Louisiana.-Plancor 876.
Designed to manufacture Buna-S type synthetic rubber from butadiene and styrene furnished by others.
LAND: 24112 acres.
Synthetic Rubber Plant 60,00 long tons per year. Firestone Tire & Rubber Company,
Lake Charles, Louisiana.-Plancor 1056.
BUILDINGS: Total area 112,000 sq. ft., not including Reactor Structure. Seventeen one-story buildings, largest 29,000
Structure is three story, steel and concrete.
Designed as a copolymer Plant for production of Buna-S synthetic rubber. Two separate 30,000 ton production units operating independently.
LAND: Approximately 82.6 acres. BUILDINGS: Two units each of Pigment and Preparation; Reactor building; Recovery, Rubber Process and Storage. Total
floor area 106,000 sq. ft. Construction generally reinforced
concrete. Administration Building; Utilty Building; Guard House; Rubber Fines; Transfer Pump House; Cooling Tower;
Pump and Compressor House. Total floor area 46,000 sq. ft.
Construction generally brick and wood.
TRANSPORTATION: Spur track and sidings on site. New Orleans O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Buildings, Boiler House and Process Utilties Structure. UTILITIES: Water from three wells on site.
Light and power from Plancor 706. Natural Gas by owned gas line. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track on site. New Orleans O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Sewage disposal system on site.
Shipyard Surplus
Leasehold interest is assignable.
outfitting docks and some fifty buildings constructed of concrete, steel and wood. The 10,500 ton Liberty ship was built
Delta Shipbuilding Company, New Orleans, Louisiana.-Maritime. Shipyard consisting of eight ways and crane runways, six
Aircraft Plant
2,324,00 sq. ft.
Designed to build cargo planes. BUILDINGS: Twenty-one buildings, and other facilties such as tanks, towers, incinerators, etc. Manufacturing Building, 1,365' by 1,095', wing 535' by 315'. One-story, brick walls and asbestos shingles; wood sash, steel
framing; truss spans north to south are 100', 125',60' and 40';
ance 40'.
east to west, all bays, 105' span; mezzanine 120' wide by
1,365' long. Floor area approximately 1,872,000 sq. ft. ClearOffce Building, 50' by 837'; two-story, brick walls, wood sash.
Floor area 78,000 sq. ft.
STRUCTURES: Ways (8) each 80' by 460'. Concrete slab and beam on timber pilng.
pilng. UTILITIES: By City and local utilty. TRANSPORTATION: Some nine miles of trackage oil site.
New Orleans O. R. P. D.
Engineering Building, 50' by 1,157'; two-story, same construction as Offce Building. Floor area 108,000 ,sq. ft. Dry Kiln; Boiler House; Lumber Storage; Veneer Mil; Foundry and Hammer Shop; Garages; minor buildings. Combined
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Boring, miling maand one stiff-leg crane 70'.
chines, lathes, metal forming tools, blowers, hammers, hoists, analyzers, rectifiers, air drils, pneumatic drivers, etc. Twentysix 5 ton traveling cranes; also ten monorail 5-ton trolleys
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property, prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
Sewage disposal plant on site. TRANSPORTATION: Louisvile & Nashvile Railroad. This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the
provisions of the lease in effect.
erally from 1,000 to 4,000 sq. ft., construction mostly concrete floors with structural steel on wood timber framing.
(Louisiana) 65
9 miles southwest of Minden, Louisiana.-Army. LAND: About 15,874 acres. BUILDINGS: Staff and residence area contains twenty-five frame houses.
Power House, steel frame, brick walls; area 41,750 sq. ft.;
Chlorine Plant, brick building; floor area 15,500 sq. ft., clear-
38,748 sq. ft.), cafeteria, police and fire stations, employment offce building, hospital, laboratory, telephone exchange. In this area are also dormitories. Shop and Maintenance Area contains machine shop, blacksmith shop, woodworking shop, pipe shop, electrical shop, re-
90'; floor area 31,200 sq. ft. 32 service buildings of wood construction and Functional Building of steel frame construction, combined floor area about
storage warehouse, laundry and other minor buildings. Total floor area is about 65,000 sq. ft. Buildings are generally of wood frame construction with roof and side walls of asbestos
EQUIPMENT: Power Plant No.1: total capacity 75,000 kw. Contains nine turbo-generators, and eight B & W gas fired boilers, capacity 134,000 lbs. steam per hour. Power Plant NO.2: one 35,000 kw. 13.8 kv. generator and Foster Wheeler boiler, capacity 420,000 lbs. steam per hour. Rectification: Twenty-four mercury arc rectifiers.
Feed Preparation: dolomite handling equipment.
have no heating, plumbing, or windows. Ammunition (explosive) Storage and Shipping Facilties are
other. They consist of 33 igloos 26' by 40', 100 igloos 26' by 60', 4 igloos 12' by 12', and 13 warehouses 51' by 208'. Igloos are the standard concrete type. Warehouses are similar to the inert storage warehouses. Warehouses are individually
served by the railroad, igloos generally by roads, some also
by railroad.
mils, etc. Weak Liquor Preparation: mixers, thickeners, etc. Kiln Gas Preparation: lime kiln, scrubbers, exhausters, gas holder (750,000 cu. ft. 3 lift panel), compressors, carbonating filter, clarifying filters. Evaporation: evaporators, filter wheel, salt drier, etc. Briquetting: blender, presses, etc. Electrolytic: feeders, magnesium cells, heating transformers, mud crusher, etc. Refining: tilting furnaces, etc.
Chlorine Recovery: anode gas scrubbers, HCL stripper condenser, freon refrigerating equipment, chlorine disposal fur-
have been used for the manufacture of fertilzer. Loading Lines consist of one bomb loading line, one 155 mm.
Layout is the typical arrangement in which the lines are widely separated and each line consists of a few main buildings
nace, etc.
loading lines, one booster loading line, one primer loading line.
Twenty-two cranes and seven hoists. Cranes from 2-ton to 65-ton capacity.
three packing and shipping buildings, one 30,227 sq. ft., one 10,237 sq. ft. and one 40,500 sq. ft. Loading lines are of wood frame construction, with corrugated asbestos protected metal
siding and asbestos shingle roofs on 2" wood sheathing.
able for other purposes, the principal ones being four receiving warehouses, three 28,912 sq. ft. each, one 31,873 sq. ft. and
with numerous small detached buildings, with most buildings connected by ramps. Lines contain a number of buildings suit-
use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
UTILITIES: Water wells and sewage disposal system on site. Power, light and steam from plant.
Parts of this plant have been sold and leased. Negotiations
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Machines: Screen, washing and drying, dipping, assembling, thread cleaning, marking,
may be entered into for the purchase or lease of all or part of the remainder, or for purchase of the part leased subject to the
New Orleans O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
provisions of the lease in effect.
Additional items such as crystallzing and mixing kettles, briquet elevators, evaporating pans, motors, scales, tanks, paint spray booths, pre-heaters, melt units, dryers, hoppers, drying tumblers, blenders, conveyors, rumbling barrels, etc.
Plant has its own sewerage system including sewage treatment
Power, light from local utilty companies.
Also shop furniture, offce furniture, offce equipment, cafeteria equipment, hospital equipment, etc. UTILITIES: Water from deep wells on site.
TRANSPORTATION: Plant has 48.7 miles of railroad connecting to Louisiana & Arkansas R. R. and to Ilinois Central. This project is available for lease in whole or part, subject to possible restrictions as to its proposed use. New Orleans O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-HtJ).
LAND: About 15 acres. BUILDINGS: Ammonia Oxidation Plant, Compressor House, Administration, Laboratory, Change House, Boiler House, Machine Shop, and Catalyst Storage; total floor area 55,400 sq. ft. Brick and wood construction. Seven minor units, floor area
5,400 sq. ft.
coolers, condensers, presses, rammers, etc. Also laboratory and testing equipment, furniture and fixtures.
Steam Boiler House on site. TRANSPORTATION: Three sidings of Kansas City Southern.
of the lease in effect.
This plant has been leased for a period of ten years. Negotia tions may be entered into for its purchase subject to the term
66 (Louisiana)
of the property, prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
frame offce structure of 2,600 sq. ft., a marginal wharf, bulkheads, and a 1,000 ton timber floating dry dock. Facilties are
UTILITIES: Water, steam power, gas furnished by lessee. New Orleans O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Pendleton Shipyards Company, Inc.
Butadiene Plant
15,000 short toni per year.
New Orleans, Louisiana.-Maritime. Designed for construction of ocean going tugs. LAND: About 44 acres, leased.
(14,000 sq. ft.) of steel frame with galvanized iron covering. Administration (10,500 sq. ft.) and other units total about 50,000 sq. ft., generally frame construction. UTILITIES: City and local utilties.
TRANSPORT ATION: About 1 %. mile trackage on site served by L. & N. New Orleans O. R. P. D.
LAND: Two parcels total about 40 acres. BUILDINGS: Twelve buildings, total floor area about 30,000 sq. ft. All one story, brick and concrete or wood frame construction. Several shed structures. EQUIPMENT: Production equipment for fractionation, extraction, auxilary and dehydrogenation process units. Equipment is of refinery type and consists of towers, pressure vestanks, instruments, piping controls, etc. Installation has a Marley double flow type cooling tower.
Refinery-Aviation Alkylate
2,400 barreli per day.
Steam Plant contains five steam generator units, each rated at 172,500# steam per hour.
LAND: Approximately 31.7 acres. BUILDINGS: Twelve buildings, generally with reinforced concrete or wood frame, brick walls and concrete floors, total
floor area about 22,000 sq. ft.
EQUIPMENT: Major process units are Dehydrogenation Unit and HF Alkylation Unit. Accessory facilties include Ethyl blending equipment, cooling tower, and loading rack. Tankage capacity-atmospheric: 191,000 barrels; pressure:
51,000 barrels.
UTILITIES: Water from wells. Power and light from generator plant on site.
Steam plant on site.
Land: 7.9 acres. BUILDINGS: Control House, Foamite Building and several minor structures. Brick and wood construction, total area
tors, and accessory facilties. Equipment incorporates towers, pressure vessels, pumps, heat exchanger, compressors, instru-
about 1,600 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Functional units include an Acid Treating Unit, Fractionation Unit, Dowtherm Generaments, controls, tanks, etc.
Designed to manufacture catalyst #1707, used in making synthetic rubber. LAND: Approximately 1.71 acres. BUILDINGS: Storage Building; Filter Building; Laboratory and Offce; Pelleting Building; three small functional units. Total floor area 13,700 sq. ft. Construction of wood frame and
EQUIPMENT: Calcinators, collectors, feeders, fiter, hammer mil, pellett and pug mils, dryer, etc. UTILITIES: Water from wells.
Gas, power and light from local utilty company.
LAND: 39.28 acres. BUILDINGS: Twenty-three refinery type buildings, steel or wood framing, brick walls or corrugated asbestos siding. Total
floor area about 134,000 sq. ft.
Designed to augment lessee's facilties for production of hydrocodimer and C.S., aviation gasoline components.
LAND: Three leased tracts totallng 1814 acres. BUILDINGS: Three buildings, area about 16,500 sq. ft.:
structural steel, brick walls. Four buildings, area 19,000 sq. ft.; wood frame construction.
valves, condensers, coolers, heat exchangers, pressure vessels, pumps, compressors. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the war-time use
Gas from public utilty company.
maximum transmission capacity of approximately 127 milion cubic feet of natural gas for a 24 hour day. Other facilties include three cathodic protection stations, radio system, regucottages for employee housing, warehouse, tool room and work shop, two pump houses and prefabricated steel building to house generator. An additional line consisting of approximately 5:1 miles from the Union Sulphur Roanoke Gas Field
lator and meter stations, two dehydration plants, three 4-room
line is swamps, rivers, bayous, fields and woods. The line is designed for an inlet pressure not to exceed 700 p.s.i. with
to construct, operate and maintain through the parishes of Calcasieu and Jefferson Davis and into the parishes of Cameron and Arcadia, Louisiana. Terrain traversed by the pipe-
of approximately 97 miles of high pressure welding API steel pipe of various dimensions from 6" to 20" in diameter, coated and installed on leased right-of-way strip of widths necessary
10,200 sq. ft., clearance 18' to underside truss and 10' to suspended ceilng, concrete floor with cement topping or asphalttile finish, structural framing is reinforced concrete, brick
U sed for production of deck machinery for ships. LAND: About 1.97 acres.
total area 70,000 sq. ft., basement, 100' by 372', ceilng height
walls, wood trusses. Building No.2, Forge Shop. One story, area about 26,000 sq. ft., clearance 18'6" on sides and 29'2" center, concrete floor, structural framing consists of steel columns and wood trusses,
brick walls. Connected to Building No. 3 by a covered passage-
Building No.3, Machine Shop. One story, total area about 32,000 sq. ft., clearance 16', concrete floor, structural steel
framing, brick walls, wood deck on wood trusses.
Building No.4, Oil Pump House. 200 sq. ft., concrete and
Building No.5, Paint Storage. 280 sq. ft., concrete and wood. Note. Buildings Nos. 1, 2, and 3 were existing buildings and
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Radial drils, driling machines, tube bender, lathes, welders, saw table with saws
and motors, scale, compressor, dust collector.
equipped with special oil-distribution system for furnishing oil to Buildings Nos. 2 and 3 for production purposes. There
are one 25,000-gallon and five 10,OOO-gallon steel tanks
in the
Cranes, 2 bridge electric traveling cranes; 1 1 .-ton, 7' outreach crane truck; 10 Budgit hoists.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: 'Driling machines, pipecut-off machine, boring, driling, and miling machines, swaging machines, Tocco units, two-station, draw furnaces, hardening furnaces, quench tanks with conveyors, cleaning ma-
UTILITIES: City and local utility companies. TRANSPORTATION: Building is about 300' from siding of
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Maine Central Railroad.
Boston O. R. P. D.-Brochure (I.'paila,ble (AP-176).
LAND: Site contains about 37 acres. BUILDINGS: Building No.1, Offce. One story, area about
South Portland Shipbuilding Corporation,
Acetylene Plant
21,0,0 cu. ft. per yer
Air Reduction Sales Company,
South Baltimore, Maryland.-Plancor 1401.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Two acetylene generators and lump carbide hoppers with charging valves and funnel; sludge pump, acetylene compressors, air compressor, etc. UTILITIES: Water from private company.
Power and light from local utilty companies.
Beth-Fairfield, Maryland.-Plancor 1400. LAND: 2.55 acres. (Plant site . acre; sludge pond 2 acres). BUILDINGS: Main building and boiler house, brick walls;
total floor area 2,350 sq. ft. Wooden shed 20' by 15', Gas
LAND: 1.03 acres. BUILDINGS: Main building one story; wood framing; brick
68 (Maryland)
stack 53' high; floor area 8,300 sq. ft.; clearances 10' to 20'.
Four minor structures: Pump House, Cooling Tower, Sub-
floor area 222,000 sq. ft.; steel frame, brick walls; clearance,
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Two oxygen fractionating columns with accessories; two oxygen compressors; oxygen dryer with oil filter, recuperator, etc.; two soda towers and
separator, etc.; gas holder, balloon (oxygen holder) 1,500
UTILITIES: County, District, and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding on adjacent property. Baltimore O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Explosives Plant
Three minor buildings 1,260 sq. ft.; frame construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Plating equipment, heat treat furnaces, sand blast machines, grinders, miling and stripping machines, shears, press brakes, etc. Laboratory and testing equipment including oscilators, multivibrators, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad.
Alleghany Ordnance Plant, Frankfort District, West Virginia, opposite Pinto, Maryland.-Army.
LAND: About 425 acres. BUILDINGS: There are 62 buildings with a total area of
103,300 sq. ft.
BUILDINGS: An irregular shaped one story warehouse building of 8744 sq. ft. is located on tract No. 1.
height 11'6", concrete floor on ground, wall of concrete block, wood deck, built-up roofing. Heating by warm air. Mechan-
Ballstics Building P2, area 14,065 sq. ft., one story, clear
ical ventilation. Sanitary facilties. Primer Charge and Assembly Building P7, area 25,650 sq. ft. (Basement 6,500 sq. ft., first floor 19,150 sq. ft.). Clearance basement 8'6", first floor 9' to 12'. Construction similar to
building P2. First floor over basement of wood. Air-condi.
Designed for reactivating of fine mesh semi-finished silca gel. LAND: About 0.21 acre, leased. BUILDING: Area 9,380 sq. ft., 70' by 134', adjoins lessee's
building. Brick construction, clearance 24', sprinkler system.
156. Sanitary facilties installed. The balance of the buildings are small (less than 1,500 sq. ft.), and six are original existing barns or farm houses. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Includes benches, offce
equipment and portable tools. (Original equipment removed).
UTILITIES: Water from 2 deep wells on site. Sewage system consists of collecting mains, septic tank, and tile field with outfall. Power and light from local utility companies.
TRANSPORT ATION : Siding on north side of site. Baltimore O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-88).
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. These facilities are presently leased. Negotiations may be
entered into for purchase subject to the lease in effect.
Designed to manufacture 3 to 8 mesh silca gel. LAND: 11.27 acres. BUILDINGS: Process Building, single story, structural steel
frame; floor area 72,600 sq. ft.; clearances 35' and 53';
sprinkler system.
Offce Building, wood frame; floor area 6,770 sq. ft., clearance
Boiler House, structural steel; floor area 6,920 sq. ft.; clearWarehouse, floor area 10,000 sq. ft.; cinder block walls.
LAND: 20 acres.
Twelve minor buildings total 16,850 sq. ft.; cinder block and wood frame construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Storage tanks, unloading tanks, settling tubs, tunnel dryer, lime feeders, water stil, process piping, etc. Two 10-ton traveling cranes.
Towson, Maryland.-Plancor 30. LAND: Two parcels totallng 28.33 acres. BUILDINGS: Manufacturing Building 300' by 520'; total
(Maryland) 69
Electro-Plating Plant
9,6 sq. ft.
. Gilbert Cummins and Company, 2800-02 Frederick Avenue,
Baltimore, Maryland.-Plancor 1798.
ance 25'.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Complete York refrigerating unit consisting of compressor, ammonia receiver, motors vent set with condenser, conveyor and accessories.
UTILITIES: City and public utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Baltimore and Ohio Rail-
This plant has been leased for a period of two years. Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the
LAND: 1.4 acres. BUILDINGS: Main manufacturing building, brick walls; steel sash; floor area 5,670 sq. ft.; ceilng height 13'. Four minor buildings totallng 4,000 sq. ft. floor, masonry walls. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Drils, presses, lathes. UTILITIES: City and public utility companies. This plant has been leased for a period of two years. Negotiations may be entered into for
LAND: 0.63 acre under twenty year lease. BUILDING: Ceilng height 12'; floor area 27,250 sq. ft.; brick
walls and tile with hollow core filled with rock wooL.
story, clearance 16'8". Concrete floor on ground, mostly wood block finish, wood timber framing, concrete block walls. One ton monorail hoists and three ton travellng crane hoists in-
Baltimore, Maryland.-Army. LAND: About 18% acres. BUILDING: Main Plant Building, area 213,000 sq. ft., one
Aircraft Plant
64,0 sq. ft.
Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corporation,
Fairchild Aircraft Division,
crete floor, asphalt tile finish. Wood frame construction. Gate House, 800 sq. ft., wood frame. .
Offce Building, area 4,000 sq. ft., one story, clearance 10', con-
pleted hangar and partly completed hangar. Total floor areas of 646,200 sq. ft. as follows: Plant No.2, 221,000 sq. ft., Plant No.3, 216,000 sq. ft., Plant No.4, 123,000 sq. ft., Plant No.6, 26,000 sq. ft., Hangar 60,000 sq. ft., ceilngs 16' by 46'. Building is one story with part basement and mezzanines. Steel
framed with skylights, except hangar portion which is wooden arch construction. Floors are concrete and wood block; siding
Hagerstown, Maryland.-Army. LAND: About 60 acres. BUILDING: The building is a single structure divided rough-
driling machines, welding equipment, warehouse trailers, centrifugal oil extractor, vapocarb hump furnace, complete tramrail system, skid platforms, steam cleaning units, scales, rotabins, welding booths, Pangborn blast room, paint spray boths,
type), driling machines, grinders, turret lathes, engine lathes, sanders, varied type saws, cut off tubing saws, miling ma-
hand and power shears, crimpers, forming rolls, processing furnaces, processing refrigerators, 3 power drop hammers, arbor 'presses, paint equipment, air compressors, hoists, tote
pans, surface plates, shelving and racks and bin units, etc. Also
Aircraft Plant
2,950,00 sq. ft.
Glenn L. Martin Company,
Middle River, Maryland.-Army. LAND: 108.54 acres owned by Martin and covered by options
but not leased. 78.9 acres of the above, together with the
known as Plant No.2, located across the airport from the original Martin Plant known as Plant No. 1.
BUILDINGS: Total number, 22. Combined area 2,959,298
sq. ft. B Extension Plant No. I, Assembly: Dimensions
Plant Site
151,244 sq. ft., walls, brick and concrete block with Gunite, framing, reinforced concrete and steel; floors, concrete; one
3-ton elevator; five 5-ton cranes; sprinklers; hot air circu-
342.8' by 226.2', two stories, basement and first floor, floor area
243.5', floor area, 174,262 sq. ft., construction same as B Extension; sprinklers, hot air circulation.
D Building, Plant No.1, Navy Assembly; Dimensions 403' by C Extension Plant No.1, Subassembly: Dimensions 341.2' by
Chesapeake Avenue and East Hanover Street, Baltimore, Maryland.-Maritime. LAND: About 3.89 acres.
Baltimore O. R. P. D.
1,003', two stories, basement and first floor, floor area 806,663
70 (Marland)
forced concrete and steel; floors, concrete; six 5-ton elevators; four 5-ton cranes, sprinklers, hot air circulation.
H Building Plant No.1 Drop Hammer: Dimensions 96.75' by 159.25', part basement and first floor; floor area, 2.0,134 sq. ft., walls, reinforced concret~; floors, con~ret~; fraiping, steel
and reinforced concrete; sprinklers, hot air circulation.
E Building, Extension, Plant No.1; Engineering: Dimensions 62' by 368.55'; basement and three floors; floor area 88,704 sq. ft., walls, brick; framing, reinforce~ concret~; floor~,
Cleveland Avenue and Chesapeake Avenue, Dundalk, Baltimore, Maryland.-N obs 492. Used for production of arc welding electrodes and gas welding wire.
three floors' floor area 13,083 sq. ft., walls, brick; framing,
Laboratory Extension, East and West Wings, Plant No.1: East wing 32.6' by 60.5'; West wing 42' by 83'; ~asement !lnd
LAND: About 2.114 acres. BUILDING: Manufacturing Building. A one and two-story building, part basement. Standary type masonry bearing, woo
roof building. Dimensions: L-shape, 50' by 570' and 80' by
able' floor area about 45,000 sq. ft. Clear story heights range
from 11' to 20'. 12" wall bearing cinder block above grades,
160' with cellar 50' by 60' and second story 26' by 66'. Service-
107.33'; basement and three floors, floor area, 18,704 sq. ft., walls brick and concrete block; framing, steel; floors, concrete
on R~bertson Pan System; sprinklers; air conditioning.
K Administration Building, Airport: Dimensions 42.67' by
97.17', three stories, floor area, 11,258 sq. ft.; walls, brick and concrete block; framing, steel; floors, concrete on Robertson
Pan System; sprinklers; air-conditioning.
N, 1, 2, 3 Hangars, Airport: dimensions 122.2' by 470.5';
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Production Equipment includes' two vertical extruding presses, one mixing machine,
one flash rod baker, one Day Ro-Ball screen, two steam jet
units, one disc grinder, f01;r dra~ block, one. wire poi~ter, two
basement and hangar floor; floor area 112,627 sq. ft.; walls reinforced concrete and Gunite; framing, steel and reinforced
by 902.5' with north platform 60' by 701' and south platform 50' by 902'; basement and first floor; floor area 1,260,087 sq.
ft., walls, reinforced concrete and Gunite; framing, reinforced concrete and steel; floors, concrete; four 5-ton elevators; two 5-ton cranes; sprinklers; hot air circulation. AL Oil House, Plant No.2: dimensions 102.17' by 102.17'; base-
ment and first floor; floor area 20,069 sq. ft.; walls, reinforced concrete and Gunite; framing, reinforced concrete and
steel; floors, concrete; sprinklers; steam heat. AH Drop Hammer Building, Plant No.2: dimensions 100.8'
by 260.8'; one story; floor area 25,494 sq. ft.; walls, rein-. Halethorpe, Maryland.-Plancor 1778. forced concrete; framing, steel; floors, concrete; hot air cir- Plant has all facilties for taking either aluminum or magculation. AN Paint Hangar, Plant NO.2: dimensions 130' by 314.5';
part basement and first floor; floor area 48,255 sq. ft.; walls
reinforced concrete and Gunite; framing, steel; floors, concrete; deluge sprinklers: hot air circulation.
AP Personnel, Plant No.2: dimensions 47.75' by 107.25'; base-
LAND: 32 acres. BUILDING: Floor area 272,000 sq. ft.; steel frame; brick
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Three 27,000 lb. aluminum remelt furnaces, six 4,000 lb. magnesium remelt furnaces' extrusion presses; one 3,000 ton and one 1,500 ton forg-
ment and two floors; floor area 14,106 sq. ft.; walls, brick and concrete block; framing', steel; floors, concrete on Robertson
Pan System; sprinklers; air-conditioning. AW Warehouse Plant No.2: dimensions 120' by 601'; one
story, floor area 71,080 sq. ft.; walls, brick; framing, rein-
forced concrete; floors, concrete; sprinklers; steam heated. . 6 minor buildings with a total floor area of 9,902 sq. ft.: general type of construction, concrete block walls, concrete floor,
two 16-ton traveling, four 10-ton traveling and two 5-ton trav-
wood framing.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Complete equipment for manufacture of airplanes including all types of machine tools and processing equipment, laboratory equipment, portable tools,
UTILITIES: City and local utiliy companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Baltimore and Ohio Rail-
A. part (small parcel of land) of this plant has been sold. Negotiations may be entered into fol" the purchase or lease of all
or part of the remainder.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Pennsylvania Railroad sidings at both
Baltimore O. R. P. D.-Brochures (AP-l?8 and AP-179).
LAND: 10.7 acres. BUILDING: Structural steel frame, concrete wall and corrugated asbestos cement siding; clearance 27'.
(Maryland) (Massachusetts) 71
cranes and one gantry crane. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
Alcohol Plant
sequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been re-
Curtis Bay,
Designed for preparing grain by miling and cooking for fermentation, and providing machinery for recovery and pack-
with six silos; structural steel framing; tile walls; total floor
area 15,000 sq. ft.
For recovery of distilers' dried grains. LAND: Site leased. BUILDING: New Dryer Building, three floors, approximately 50' by 70' having a total floor area of 10,000 sq. ft. Clearance first floor 17'; second floor 12'; third floor 12'. Stee frame construction on concrete piles, concrete floor slabs, brick walls, and precast concrete roof slab. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Dryers, screen, filter press, tanks, pumps, condensers, etc.
unit consisting of various tanks, jet heaters, etc. Drying and packing cycle unit includes conveyors and elevators, pumps, centrifugals, etc. UTILITIES: Lessee and public utilty companies. City systems available.
sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Miling, grinding, boring machines, tanks, furnaces, ovens, conveyors, welders, lift
trucks, etc. Also two 10-ton and two 3-ton traveling cranes.
steel frame. Rectifier House, brick walls; 252 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Four tanks (10,000 gaL),
LAND: Leased land. BUILDINGS: Extension to existing building, 1,690 sq. ft.;
sequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been re-
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur lines of B. & O. R. R.
gotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the provion of the lease in effect. Baltimor O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
This plant has been leased for a period of four years. Ne-
Aircraft Engine Parts Plant
with grid feat slab roof. Floor area 10,000 sq. ft.; bays 28'
by 30'; clearance 16'. Rockwood automatic water fog system. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Boring, driling, and mil-
LAND: Two parcels, total 50,865 sq. ft. BUILDINGS: Manufacturing Building, 100' by 150', one story, basement and penthouse; concrete framing, brick walls. Floor area 35,165 sq. ft., clearance 17'. Sprinklered.
Pump Test Building, 90' by 112', one story; reinforced concrete
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
vibrators, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
72 (Massachusetts)
43,707 sq. ft. American Type Founders, Inc., Cowdry Machine Div.
UTILITIES: City and local utiity companies. Boston O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (NP-36).
LAND: 1.22 acres. BUILDINGS: One story, structural steel, wood block floor,
brick walls and steel window sash. Center bay of building has
a clear height of approximately 23' and bays either side have
a clear height of approximately 14'. Center bay equipped with traveling overhead 5 ton crane. Wet sprinkler system. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Borers, lathes, milers,
press, electric profiers, grinders, slotters, rifling machine,
. honing, deep hole drils, and other metal forming tools. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies.
Boston O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-148).
Pinevile Street, Springfield (Indian Orchard), Massachusetts.-N6bs-32. LAND: About 8% acres. BUILDING: One complete building containing a complete
factory area, storage facilties, administrative areas, poweraid
house, substation, X-ray facilties, locker, toilet, and firstfacilties. One story, with offce-bay section of two stories,
area, first floor, 126,834 sq. ft., area, second floor, 6,896 sq. ft., total 133,730 sq. ft.; clearances; high-roof section of foundry
45' to underside truss, low-roof section of foundry 33' to
uiiderside truss, distance to top crane rails 26', offce-bay sec-
48 Loring Avenue,
Salem, Massachusetts.-N obs-356.
tion, 11' each floor. Construction; Exterior walls of brick to underside sash and corrugated asbestos siding to roof, structural-steel framing, steel sash, concrete, wood block, and
dirt floors. Offce-bay section is of steel framing, brick walls,
LAND: About 1% acres in three parcels, owned by lessee with Government option to purchase.
BUILDING: Consists of main factory
Main Factory; One story, area 12,460 sq. ft., clearance 14', concrete foundations, steel framing, brick walls with continu-
ous steel sash, saw-tooth roof, wood deck with built-up roofing, floor of 9" reinforced concrete with wood block. Sprinklered. Addition to Main Factory; One story, area 7,800 sq. ft., clearance 14', concrete foundations, brick walls, continuous wood sash, lally columns supporting low roof and wood trusses for monitor roof, wood plank deck with buil-up roofing, concrete
floor with wood block. Sprinklered.
Sand bin; 80' long 28' wide by 12' deep of reinforced concrete. Pattern shop and storage space fully protected by automatic sprinklers.
boring mils, tromelt furnaces, sand and mold handling equipment, core and cleaning equipment, X-ray, etc.
Three 15-ton electric traveling cranes, three 10-ton electric traveling cranes, one 5-ton electric traveling crane, two 3-ton electric traveling cranes.
Note: Certain items of equipment installed in lessee's buildon site for added water.
ment area for boiler plant. Area, first floor, 85,000 sq. ft.,
ft., basement, 1,400 sq. ft. Several small additions to the Main Building were constructed by lessee. Construction, structural-steel framing, brick curtain walls with continuous steel sash, cast stone, and limestone
Temporary Boilerhouse, one story, 740 sq. ft., wood frame construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Varied lathes, horizontal
driling, boring and miling machines, boring machines, driling machines, dril presses, hobbing machines, shapers, grinding
walls, wood sash; floor area 12,000 sq. ft., clearance 15'.
screw machines.
Minor buildings 1,900 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, milers, presses,
Sprinklered. .
machines, miling machines, ovens, electric lift trucks, spray booth, dust collector, hoists, generator sets, degreaser, miscellaneous small tools, scales, tanks, super-micrometers, embos-
(Massachusetts) 73
UTILITIES: City and public utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track from main line of Boston &
Maine R. R.
LAND: Lessee site. BUILDING: Boiler House, 47' by 48', area 2,200 sq. ft., clear-
Designed for production and finishing of alloy ~astings for aircraft. LAND: Approximately 0.28 acre. BUILDINGS: .Building No.1, one story, 4,125 sq. ft., clearance 16'; steel frame, sheet metal siding. Building No.2, one story, 2,800 sq. ft., clearance 15', steel frame, sheet metal siding. Building No.3, two stories, 3,500 sq. ft., steel framing, metal
Building No. 4,
sheet plastic). LAND: 3 acres leased land (twenty-year lease). BUILDING: Five brick buildings; total floor area 10,300 sq. ft.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Flasks, furnaces, three 1ton and one 3-ton cranes, miscellaneous other equipment.
EQUIPMENT: Production equipment is of special de~ign for the chemical process. Included are vessels, tanks, piping,
etc. Plant equipped with scrap recovery system.
use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
LAND: Three plots totaling about 4.2 acres. BUILDINGS: Building No.1, Offce and Storage, three-story,
each floor 12,450 sq. ft., total area, 37,350 sq. ft., clearances 12',
reinforced-concrete construction, brick walls, concrete deck.
LAND: 86.4 acre.s. BUILDINGS: Manufacturing Building, one story, steel frame,
steel sash; clearance 46'; floor area 359,000 sq. ft. Sprinkler
Cafeteria seating 300. Otis freight elevator, capacity 4,000. lb. Building No.2, Bomb Plant, one-story, and part mezzanine. (first floor, 38,000 sq. ft., Mezzanine, 7,400 sq. ft.).
Clearance 30' and 33'6", concrete floor, structural-steel framing, brick walls, concrete deck.
Building No.3, Storage Building one-story, 5,400 sq. ft., clearance, 18'7" and 21'10", concrete floor, brick bearing walls, concrete deck.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Production Equipment, includes: Furnaces, Swaging machines, Boring, driling, and miling machines, cleaning machines, cut-off machine, paintquench tanks, motors, conveyors, hoists, lift trucks, hydraulic jacks, maintenance equipment, etc.
spray booth, degreasers, compressors, dust-collection systems,
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of. the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Submoved.
sequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been re-
23,4 sq. ft.
Western A venue,
West Lynn, Massachusetts.-Plancor 864.
LAND: About %, acre. BUILDING: One-story masonry structure, floor area 23,460
sq. ft., steel frame and sash, brick walls.
LAND: Approximately 10 acres. BUILDINGS: Main Building, floor area 137,400 sq. ft.; brick
14 (Massachusetts)
Land-Not included. Building located in mil yard of the lessee. BUILDING: General Machine and Offce Building, 60' by 240',
with wings about 22' wide on each side. Two story, (second
story entered from Main Street and first floor from parking
LAND: Two parcels of land total 48.176 acres. BUILDINGS: Main Building, one story, windowless masonry structure, 501' by 401'. Total floor area, 355,500 sq. ft. Clearance heights 18' in low bay and 40' in high bay. Brick walls, steel framing. Administration Building, one story masonry structure, steel
sash; floor area 3,675 sq. ft.
Ammunition Plant
480,0 sq. ft.
Lowell Ordnance Plant No. 1.
Garage, one story masonry building; floor area 1,175 sq. ft.
Oil and Scrap Metal Storage Houses, one story, windowless,
wood structures, total floor area 7,220 sq. ft. Cooling Tower, 1,160 sq. ft.
Remington Arms Corporation, North Lowell, Massachusetts.-Army. LAND: About 13% acres. BUILDINGS: The original building, the Main Offce Building,
was buil and used for the manufacture of heavy duck for
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been re-
sails. The Main Manufacturing Building was later added for the manufacture of textiles. The Main Storehouse was buil at the same time and designed for the storage of bales of cotton. Built as an auxilary to this plant, there is a water filtration plant with a capacity of 1,000 gallons per minute of river
125,400 sq. ft., basement 41,400 sq. ft., clearance 7'4". First
floor 42,000 sq. ft., clearance 12'3", second floor 42,000 sq. ft.,
clearance 12'3". Basement floor is concrete, upper floors 2" by 4" laminated wood construction on girders, wood timber
framing, walls of concrete in basement, wood above. Sprinklered. Contains cafeteria seating about 350.
floor, 60,000 sq. ft., clearance 15'9", second floor, 57,000 sq. ft.,
clearance 15'9", third
243,000 sq. ft., basement 57,000 sq. ft., clearance 8'9", first
floor 12,000 sq. ft., clearance 16'. Reinforced concrete construccrete deck. Wet pipe sprinkler systems. Cafeteria seating 500.
BUILDING: Gauge Building, two story building, with part basement. Dimensions 216' by 82'. (Basement 82' by 40').
Ceilngs 11'3" and 10'9", total area 39,000 sq. ft. Concrete
Bright Hardening Building No. 2A, total area about 7,400 sq.
Storage Bldg. No.3 (Built in 1917), total area about 75,000 sq. ft., basement and seven stories, each about 9,400 sq. ft.,
clearance basement 7'4", first floor 9'4", all others 7'11", reinforced concrete construction throughout. Sprinklered. Boiler House No.4, total area 4,700 sq. ft. (Basement 2,350
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, grinders, lapUTILITIES: City and local utilty companies.
sq. ft., first floor 2,350 sq. ft.). Basement and first floor are
concrete, wood timber and trusses above first floor, wood deck,
Other buildings mostly of wood construction. Total area about
built-up roofing, clearance, basement 9'4", first floor 35' to underside of truss.
25,000 sq. ft.
heading, cases head turn, cases body anneal, cases taper, fin-
crank, cases first trim, cases second trim, cases pocketing, cases
NOd-1765.-NOa-13. Buildings only, constructed on privately owned land, and consist of additions to existing buildings of lessee. BUILDINGS: A 3 story addition 60' by 96' containing 17,280
sq. ft. and a one story section 84' by 85' comprising 7,140 sq.
ishers, trim and burr, mouth and neck annealing units, cases visual insp. caL., cases piercing machines, bullet first draws,
bullet second draws, bullet third draws, bullet fourth draws, bullet jacket trims, bullet visual inspections, bullet swaging
machines, bullet assembly machines, bullet cannelure machines, lead extrusion press, foilng presses, vacuum driers, bullet jack
lubricate and dryers, heat treat furnaces, process capacity 400
ft. Structural steel framing, wood floors, brick and APM walls. Sprinklered. Machine Shop, an addition to existing building. One story 140'
by 196'. Area 27,500 sq. ft. Structural steel framing, brick to underside of steel sash which extnd to eaves. Sprinklered.
Boston O. R. P. D.
lubricate, bullet polishing barrels, blueing and washing machines, wash and water polishers, grinders, lathes, miling ma-
(Maschusetts) 75
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Boston and Maine R. R. Boston O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-119).
Ammunition Plant
367,50 sq. ft.
South Lowell Ordnance Plant No.2,
and stainless steel piping, pumps, etc. UTILITIES: Water and sewage disposal by City. Power and light by local utilty company through lessee's substation. TRANSPORTATION: Siding on adjacent property. Boston O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
LAND: About 138 acres. BUILDINGS: Building No. 50, area 218,600 sq. ft., one story with some 19,000 sq. ft. on second floor, clearances from 7' to 17', concrete floors, brick and wood construction. Partly sprinklered.
Ballstic Building No.8, area about 17,000 sq. ft., first floor
12,500 sq. ft., clearance 12'6", second floor 4,500 sq. ft.
Powder Storage Magazines No. 19A-G, area each 7,700 sq. ft., one story, wood construction.
Boiler House No. 44, area 3,200 sq. ft., concrete floor and foundations, wood construction above ground:
clearance 9', concrete floor, wood construction. Warehouse No. 100, area 9,700 sq. ft., clearance 12', concrete floor, wood construction.
LAND: About 214 acres. BUILDINGS: Almost a hundred small buildings, only several
No. 37, Guard Room, 2,534 sq. ft.; No. 39, Hospital, 2,400 sq. ft.; No. 22, Garage and Fire Station, 1,770 sq. ft.; No. 24, Miscellaneous Storage, 1,631 sq. ft.; and No. 21, Maehine Shop,
1,531 sq. ft.; etc.
of which have more than a nominal floor area. The largest are
Garage T1, area 2,600 sq. ft., concrete floor, wood construction, metal siding.
Other buildings are generally small and total about 18,000 sq.
Salvage T2, area 2,700 sq. ft., concrete, steel, brick corrugated
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Powder sifters, rote screeners, hammer mils, vibrator feeders, conical ball mils, blending machines, filing machines for grinding magnesium
bar stock, etc.
cases heading, cases head turn, cases body anneal, cases taper, finishers trim and burr, mouth and neck annealing units, cases visual insp. caL., cases piercing machines, bullet first draws, bullet second draws, bullet third draws, bullet fourth draws,
bullet jacket trims, bullet visual inspections, bullet swaging
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the war-time use of the property, prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment have ben re-
machines, bullet assembly machines, bullet cannelure machines, lead extrusion press, foilng presses, vacuum driers, bullet jack
lbs. per hour, barrels cuprodine units, labellng machine, gauzing machines, straight line loading machine, gauze and weigh machines, cases wash and dry machines, pickler, wash and dry machines, cases zinc plating units, drier, cartridge cases, cases lubricate, bullet polishing barrels, blueing and washing machines, wash and water polishers, grinders, lathes, miling machines, planers, polishing-lapping-honing, presses, saws, shapers, shears, etc.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Boston & Maine R. R. Boston O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-119A).
LAND: Approximately 4% acres. BUILDING: One-story, brick walls, reinforced concrete construction, steel sash; ceilng height 16'. Sprinklered.
EQUIPMENT: No. 11 Banbury Mixer, Stuart Bollng mixing mil; York refrigerating system. UTILITIES: City and public utilty company. Boston O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Chemical Plant-Polydichlorostyrene
Monsanto A venue,
Sold 44,0 sq. ft. Raytheon Manufacturing Company 29-41 Chapel Street, Newton, Massachusetts.-Plancor
LAND: About 1.13 acres. BUILDING: Four stories, steel framing, brick and tile walls. Total floor area about 13,000 sq. ft., clearances 9' to 10'. Sprin-
76 (Massachusetts)
Foundry Avenue and Seyon Street, Waltham, Massachusetts.-N obs-67. LAND: Parcel A, 6.240 acres; parcel B, 0.445 acre; parcel C,
7.030 acres; parcel D, 4.320 acres; total, 18.035 acres.
sq. ft., brick, concrete and steel construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Furnaces, molding ma-
mers, etc. Also cranes, hoists, and monorail systems. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
frame, welded connections, brick exterior walls, first floor concrete slab on grade, second floor is reinforced-concrete slab,
sprinkler system.
BUILDINGS: Tube Building (Offce and Manufacturing Building). Approximately 322' by 200', two stories, 129,600 sq. ft., floor area, ceiling heights 13'. Construction: Steel
steel roof deck, asphalt tile floor in offce areas. Wet-type
UTILITIES: City and public utiity companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur of Boston & Albany R. R. Boston O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Steel Foundry 22,0 sq. ft.
Roxbury Steel Castings Company,
Nitrogen Building. Approximately 60' by 65', one story, 3,400 sq. ft. floor area, clearance approximately 14'. Construction: Wood columns and girders, brick extrior walls, concrete slab on grade.
"G" or Seyon Street Building (Offce and Manufacturing
63 Gerard Street,
Boston, Massachusetts.-Nobs-1.
One story and small mezzanine, 125,000 sq. ft. floor area; ceil-
Steel frame, steel roof trusses, 8" clay tHe exterior. walls, concrete floor slab on grade, steel roof deck. Mezzanine and build-
ing additions are of wood and concrete block. Dry-type sprinkler system.
185' by 60'. Four stories, 76,000 sq. ft. floor area, ceilng
third floor, 8', fourth floor, 8'. Construction: Reinforced-concrete frame to third floor, wood frame for fourth floor and
is concrete on grade, second floor is iron-bound maple on reinforced concrete, third and fourth floors are wood construction.
Preliminary Processing Building. 227' by 121', connected to the Final Test Building. One story, 27,700 sq. ft. floor area, ceilng height 14'6". Construction: Concrete floor slab on fill, cinder block exterior walls, interior wood columns, wood roof
roof, cinder-block exterior walls to third floor, plywood exterior walls to roof, gypsum plank and concrete roof slab, first floor
ment. Clearances: Basement to first floor, approximately 6'; first floor to roof, 12'. Construction: Reinforced-concrete frame,
Cafeteria Building. 123' by 110', capacity 700 people. One story with basement, 26,000 sq. ft. floor area, including base-
story, total area, about 54,000 sq. ft., clearances: first floor, 7'11", other floors 10' to 12'. Building has one elevator. Sprinkler system throughout. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Bench lathes, screw ma-
Building, mil type, masonry foundation, brick bearing walls, wood framing, wood columns, wood floors, wood sash, four
hardening ovens, meter standards, signal generators, osciliscopes, marking machines, conveying equipment, trucks and
About 15,000 sq. ft. in seven units. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Special production equip-
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. Also 2 water wells on site. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Boston and Maine Railroad. Boston O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (NP-56).
story brick and masonry, two elevators, ceilng heights 12' and
LAND: About % acre. BUILDING: An existing structure purchased with site, four
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Special equipment for manufacturing radio tube mounts. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. Boston O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
LAND: Approximately 40 acres. BUILDINGS: Factory and Offce Building, a reinforced concrete structure 440' by 682'; floor area 361,100 sq. ft.; ceilng
(Massachusetts) 77
heights in factory 20', offce 11', factory under offce 16'. Wood sash.
plant as follows: First Aid and Personnel Building, Oil Storage and Fire Station Building, and Fuel Oil Pump house.
Personnel Building is one story, brick walls, wood sash; area 4,690 sq. ft.; sprinklered.
chucking, screw machines, lathes, plating equipment, X-Ray
Contract NOd-1931 includes power plant system boiler with auxilary equipment and electrical equipment. Also a panel
house on lessee-owned land.
machine equipment, furnaces, drils, etc. Also many hoists with monorails. UTILITIES: Town and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of New York, New Haven
and Hartford Railroad.
LAND: Site of Heat Treat Building No. 74, about 31,600 sq. ft. BUILDINGS: Heat Treat Building No. 74, 97'10" by 281'10",
comprising main floor area of 28,000 sq. ft. One story,
25', concrete floor, brick walls, steel sash, structural steel framroof deck.
tile floors, air conditioning system. Oil Storage House and Fire Station No. 72. 21' by 46', about 1,000 sq. ft., brick structure with concrete floor. Oil Pump House No. 71. 9' x 10', brick with concrete floor and
First Aid and Personnel Building No. 73. 33' by 53', area, 1,750 sq. ft., one story brick structure with open-truss joists,
Panel House. 13'6" by 21'6", area 300 sq. ft., brick and steel
500-ton press, one 180-ton press, two 106-ton presses, one hy-
LAND: Approximately 0.43 acre. BUILDING: One-story, 12,000 sq. ft. floor space, clearance
12', steel frame, brick walls.
one 9' diameter rotary hearth forging furnace, one 7' diameter
rotary hearth forging furnace, one air compressor, planers,
MA.CHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, miling machines, screw machines, gas furnaces, trucks, etc.
use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
UTILITIES: City and public utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Public siding about 100' from site. Boston O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
ing, and miling machines, driling machines, boring and turning mils. One 5-ton overhead traveling crane. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Boston and Albany Railroad. Boston O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (NP-48).
Manufacturing Plant
20,0 sq. ft.
Wrentham Products Company
Designed for production of ground thread tape. LAND: Approximately 1 acre. BUILDING: Two story, steel frame; brick walls, total floor area 20,000 sq. ft., clearance 12'. 3-ton overhead track with
chain hoists. Sprinklered.
66'. Lower section about 15' high of brick and steel sash, upper part corrugated transite and insulated with asbestos board. Main floor of reinforced concrete. Structural-steel framing. Loading platform full length of north side of building.
BUILDING: 180' wide by 400' long, constructed in three bays; side bays 50' wide, and center bay 80' wide. Clearances 36' and
UTILITIES: City and public utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Boston O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
surface grinder, scales, tanks, metal-cutting saw, conveyor system, fans, generator set, etc. UTILITIES: Water from City and Hovey Pond. Filter bed, septic tanks, etc., on site. Power and light from local utilty company.
Plant has a 451 hp. oil-fired steam boiler.
78 (Michigan)
Aircraft Engine Parts Plant
42,0 sq. ft.
Aeronautical Products, Inc.
Ryan Road,
Oxygen Plant
5,6,00 cubic feet per me
Service Building
Building is an Administration Building, 011 leased land, equipment in lessee's building to augment production malleable iron castings.
Designed as a foundry for production of metal castings. LAND: Approximately 144 acres. BUILDINGS: Foundry Building, one story and mezzanine,
226' by 531'; area 140,450 sq. ft.; clearance 20'. Brick and
concrete faced with brick. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Air compressors, blowingmachines, conveyors, dust collecting systems, furnaces, gas ovens, magnets, ladles, moulding machines, various machine
tools, etc.
Switch Room and Pump House, one story, 102' by 46'; ste
tiation may be entered into for its purchase subject to the provion of the lease in effect.
Detroit O. R. P. D.
This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Nego-
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Core blowers, ovens, chines, oil reclaimers, sanders, spray booths, tumblers, driling, grinding and miling machines, lathes, shapers, etc. UTILITIES: Industrial water from pumping station on site.
Domestic water from wells on site. Sanitary sewers connected to sewerage disposal plant on site. Electric power and light from local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding on site.
of the lease in effect.
This plant has been leased for a term of five years. Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the ter
Other buildings generally reinforced concrete, 50,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Six 27,000 lb. remelt fur-
UTILITIES: Domestic water from city. For precess, fire purpose, etc. from canaL.
LAND: Approximately 3.16 acres. BUILDINGS: Main factory building, two story, brick and steel, total floor area 64,300 sq. ft. Clearance first floor and side bays 16'; cen-
Steel Storage Building, one story, total floor area 3,340 sq. ft. Concrete block walls. Ceilng clearance 16'. Heat Treatment Building, one-story, steel frame, total floor
Chip House and Storage Building, one story, wood frame, total floor area 3,100 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Shapers, broaching and boring machines, etc.
Argus, Inc.,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.-Plancor 246.
LAND: Approximately 0.83 acre. BUILDING: One story, brick and steel structure 178' by 120',
ceilng height 12'. Sprinklered.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of Michigan Central Rail-
This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the provions of the lease in effect. Detroit O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
(Michigan) 79
tural steel construction. Clearance 16'. Sprinklered. Also a small Boiler House, outside sub-station and emergency water
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Broaching and tapping machines, lathes, saws, and other standard machine tools; also
trucks, hoists, and conveyors.
LAND: 73 acres. BUILDINGS: Main Building, 1,297' by 680', one story steel frame, brick walls. Floor area totals 700,000 sq. ft., clearances
25' to 70'.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Five reverberatory remelt furnaces; fourteen extrusion presses from 1,650 tons to
5,500 tons; draw-benches; straighteners; heat treating facilties, etc.
Eighteen 60-ton cranes; one 10-ton, one 5-ton cranes, four monorail hoists and fourteen electric hoists.
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the war-time use of the property, prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
UTILITIES: City and public utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur tracks of Wabash Railroad. This plant has been leased for a pe'riod of ten years. Negotia tions may be entered into for its purchase subject to the provisions of the lease in effect.
and two-story offce portion; total floor area is 299,000 sq. ft. Production area is steel frame with sawtooth roof construction;
and steel sash. Clearance in factory area 16'. Sprinklered.
Aircraft Plant
S3,4oo sq. ft. Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company
Muskegon, Michigan.-Plancor 1863.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Pere Marquette Railroad.
A part of this plant has been sold. Negotiations ma'1J be entered into for the pnrchase or lease of all or part ol the "e-
LAND: 8% acres. BUILDINGS: Main Building, brick walls, wood sash, floor area 52,200 sq. ft., clearance 20', sprinklered. Seven minor buildings, brick walls, floor area 1,200 sq ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Thirteen Forge miling, routing machines, wood working equipment, arbors, shears,
etc., also laboratory and testing equipment and portable tools.
Boekeler Associates,
Trenton, Michigan.-Plancor 2015.
Designed for utilzation and recovery of by-products incidental to production of alcohoL.
LAND: 0.26 acres, leased. BUILDING: Building separated by party wall of cinder block
from building of others. Clearance 21'. Cinder block walls,
steel roof trusses, steel columns. Monitor extends entire length of building, total floor area 4,450 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: One Swenson evaporator,
complete; Louisvile rotary steam tube dryer, complete; three
leased land.
Muskegon Heights, Michigan.-Plancor 2028. LAND: Site of cafeteria about 0.35 acre. Other structures on
80 (Michigan)
basement, 100' by 125'. Construction structural steel, reinforced concrete framing, brick walls. Total floor area 18,800
sq. ft.
story, 114' by 168', area approximately 20,000 sq. ft. including
Other structures, on leased land, are: Cleaning Building, one
UTILITIES: By city and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Railroad: Spur track by Pere Marquette R. R.
walls. Shop Stores and Canteen Addition, two story, 70' by 176',
A part of this plant has been leased for a period of one year.
tural steel framing, corrugated siding. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Cafeteria Building, nu-
Plant #4, Crane Shed Extension, one story, 82' by 191', struc-
Negotiations may be entered into for the purchase of the entire project subject to the provisions of the lease in effect. Detroit O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Detroit, Michigan.-Plancor 4. The building is a unit of lessee's own plant for the production of internal combustion engines, specifically used for the rebuilding of certain types of engines.
dimensions 130' by 268'; one story; cinder block walls; conslab with built-up roofing. Clearance to underside truss 14'.
Detroit, Michigan.-Plancor 166. LAND: Plot approximately 70' by 223', totaling 0.36 acre. BUILDING: Two story brick and concrete structure. Overall size 62' by 222'; tot.al floor area 27,000 sq. ft. Clearance first
ard machine tools, furnaces, plating equipment, tanks, degreasers, sandblasters, spray booths, etc., are charged to this plancor but are located in other portions of lessee's plant.
floor 12', second floor 10'. Wood columns, wood trusses. Brick walls, steel sash. Fluorescent lighting in drafting and shop areas. Sprinkler system
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Laboratory and testing equipment, including hardness testers, pit scales, comparators, dynamotors, fans, scales, pressure gages, etc. Note: Some of
the equipment listed may be located in plants at Muskegon.
Industrial Building
Chrysler Corporation Detroit, Michigan.-Plancor 1009.
LAND: Three parcels totallng 7.1 acres. BUILDINGS: Main Building, 31,200 sq. ft., 120' by 261', all wood construction; clearance 16', sprinklered. Storage Shed,
all wood, area 1,500 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Various machine tools,
miscellaneous metal farming and sheet metal tools used in
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all UTILITIES: City, local utilty company and lessee.
conjunction with aluminum forging equipment located in adjacent buildings of others. UTILITIE S: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur and track of Detroit Terminal
R. R.
A part of this plant has been sold. Negotiations may be entered into for the purchase or lease of all or part of the
843,0 sq. ft. Continental Aviation & Engineering Company 76 North Getty Avenue Muskegon, Michigan.-Plancor 166. LAND: Approximately 43 acres. BUILDINGS: Total floor area 843,000 sq. ft. Manufacturing Building: Area 763,000 sq. ft. Ceilng heights
Detroit, Michigan.-Plancor 656. LAND: Approximately 0.46 acre. BUILDINGS: Factory and Boiler House, concrete and brick
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Radial dril, gear grinder, racks, tool stands, benches, etc. One 10-ton traveling crane
minor buildings. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Boring, broaching, driling miling grinding machines, furnaces, demagnetizers, etc.
Chip and Oil House, Service & Cafeteria Building and other
quently, however, the independ~nt dispo~al. of th~ machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
(Michigan) 81
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
Sidman Street,
Bay City, Michigan.-Plancor 988.
Designed for production of magnesium alloy dry sand castings. LAND: Approximately 7 acres.
BUILDINGS: Main Foundry Building, area 105,000 sq. ft., typical steel frame mil building with main bay and transept bay together in overall size 463' by 187'. Main bay has steel
trusses. Exterior walls, brick. Two mezzanine floors. Area
main bay, 78,000 sq. ft., clearance 23'. Transept bay area
Contains eighteen cranes up to 5-ton capacity.
7,800 sq. ft., clearance 42'. Mezzanine floors, 19,300 sq. ft.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Moulding machines, pattern machines, melting furnaces, core blowing machines, blowers, core sandmixing. unit, core ovens, sand blast equipment,
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of New York Central Rail-
LAND: Approximately 11 acres. BUILDINGS: Main Factory 590' by 840', one story and part basement, masonry construction; ceilng heights from 9' to 22'. Area 347,000 sq. ft. Acetylene Generator House, masonry walls, timber framing,
3,000 sq. ft., ceiling height 12'.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Dril presses, grinders, lathes, screw machines, polishing machines, milers, shapers, forges, hammers, presses, shears, furnaces and accessories,
plating units; welders, etc.
Magnesium Cell Feed Plant Surplus of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
380,00,0 pounds magnesium chloride per year. Dow Magnesium Corporation,
Ludington, Michigan.-Plancor 477.
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
BUILDINGS: Moore Filter Building, structural steel frame, mil type building, brick walls, area 42,000 sq.. ft. Clearances,
16' and 31'.
sq. ft. Offce, Garage, Warehouse, Shop, Laboratory Building, etc., steel frame and masonry, 200,000 sq. ft. combined area. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Complete power house equipment. Complete Moore filtering equipment including laundry; evaporator, lime dorr, lime klln, shelf dryer
and carbu-
rate equipment.
One 150-ton, one 25-ton and one 10-ton cranes, four monorails
and numerous hoists.
Clair River.
LAND: 11 % acres. BUILDINGS: Buildings No.1 and 2, one story, steel frame, monitor type, brick walls. Floor area 175,000 sq. ft., ceilng
heights 13' and 21'. Boiler room 40' by 65'.
sq. ft., ceilng heights 13' to 15'. One story brick offce building 1,610 sq. ft.
UTILITIES: City and public utilty company. TRANSPORT ATION: Siding of Pere Marquette Railroad.
tions may be entered into for its purchase subject to the provisions of the lease in effect.
This plant has been leased for a period of 5 years. Negotia-
Designed to extract magnesium metal from magnesium chloride cell feed by the Dow .electrolytic process. Also facilties
timber. Total area about 175,000 sq. ft. In addition there are eight furnace assemblies and towers for conversion of
and furniture and fixtures. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
mines for transportation by water to lower lake ports. LAND: 1,986 acres. DOCKS: 3 docks, each 66 ft. wide by 1,986 ft. long; approxi-
82 (Michigan)
feet of timber plus caps and stringers. SLIPS: Dredging of 550,000 cubic yards. LAND IMPROVEMENTS: Roads, culverts and drainage
briquetting machines, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
UTILITIES: Water, power, and light and gas from lessee. Detroit O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
LAND: 9.2 acres, leased. BUILDING: 292,000 sq. ft., heavy type production foundry
with concrete foundations, concrete columns, spandrel beams, wood trusses and purlins and walls of brick and gunite. W 90d
ings to augment production of superchargers. LAND: About 0.80 acre within Ford Plant site, leased. BUILDING: One story with basement, 49' by 370'; reinforced
LAND: Approximately 39.18 acres. BUILDINGS: Main Plant and Extensions, 735' by 330', floor
area 242,500 sq. ft., steel framing, steel sash, clearance 65'
and 30'. Foundry Building, one high bay housing metal casing facilty, one medium bay housing melting furnaces, etc., steel
framing, steel sash, area 24,700 sq. ft., clearances 65' and 28'.
Offce, Laboratory, and other buildings, total area 33,800 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Five 18,000 lb. reverberatory remelt furnaces; five extrusion presses; stretchers, heat
treating and other equipment, machine tools. Also eight cranes, 5 and 10-ton capacity.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Pere Marquette Railroad. This plant has been leased for a period of seven years. Neprovisions of the lease in effect.
Northwest corner of River Rouge Plant, Dearborn, Michigan.-Army. LAND: No land owned or leased by Government. BUILDING: Aircraft Engine Building, including Test Cells. Main Plant, two stories, offce portion, three and four stories.
terior, tile interior walls. Steel frame. Four freight elevators in plant, two passenger elevators in offce portion. Plant
ly air-conditioned.
No basement other than power distribution rooms, brick excontains twenty-nine 5-ton and nine 15-ton cranes. Complete-
production machinery and equipment used for precision work, including heat-treating, plating, forging, forming, wood-work-
ing, handling, fire protection and maintenance equipment. Complete laboratory and testing equipment for aircraft engine
LAND: 7.43 acres, leased. BUILDING: Two story building 262' by 801', with third floor mezzanine through center of the building. Reinforced concrete,
structural steel, brick. Clearances 12' to 29', mezzanine 15'.
UTILITIES: From operator and City. TRANSPORTATION: Siding inside plant connects through Ford system with trunk lines entering area. Detroit, O. R. P. D.
(Michigan) 83
UTILITIES: Water from wells located about 5 miles away mains, after having been filtered and chlorinated. Emergency facilties available for obtaining additional water from Huron
River as well as from Ypsilanti Municipal System. Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light requirements partly produced in Power House
on site, balance furnished by local utilty company.
tions). Boring, broaching, gear cutting machines, lathes, planers, clarifiers, comparators, oil coolers, cutting machines, checking machines, compressors, generators, hoists, etc. Also
sequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been re-
project subject to the provisions of the lease in effect. Detroit O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Aircraft Plant
S,O,O sq. ft.
Ford Motor Company,
33,4 sq. ft. Ford Motor Company, Lincoln Plant, Warren and Livernois A venues, Detroit, Michigan.-Army. LAND: About %, acre, leased.
BUILDINGS: Test Cell Building, area 30,764 sq. ft., base ment and three-story, clearance 9' to 12'. Building of reinforced concrete construction, built-up roofing, fluorescent and incandescent lighting. A 2-ton bridge crane installed in south half of building. Each test cell in north half of building has
monorail with I-ton hoist. Aqua Trap House, basement and one story, total area 740
LAND: Plant site 444 acres, airfield site 944 acres, site of Water Treatment plant 6 acres and site for Hangar #2 Building 182 acres. Total land 1,576 acres. 300 additional acres
sq. ft., concrete and brick. Barrel Storage and Pump House, one story and small basement area, total area 1,930 sq. ft., clearance 12', concrete and brick construction.
Main Manufacturing Building consists of following areas: West end, 1,200' by 580'. In this area is a two-story portion housing testing laboratories, hospital utilties, etc., on first floor, and kitchens, cafeterias, dining rooms, engineering department on second floor. Main portion, 700' by 2,300' consists of a major assembly and sub-assembly area; 150' wide
Steel Foundry
602,0 sq. ft.
2,650,000 sq. ft. Mezzanines, second floors, fan rooms, tunnels, etc. 1,040,000 sq. ft. Total area 3,690,000 sq. ft. Clearances
main areas 30' and 36'. Sub-assembly area and under second
floor 20', mezzanines 10' to 11'. Construction of steel frame with enclosing walls of brick, steel sash and gunite. Sprinklered.
Other buildings and areas:
Dearborn, Michigan.-Army.
Engine Parts Plant
41,0 sq. ft.
Parts Storage, 470,000 sq. ft.; Hangar No.1, 264,000 sq. ft.; Hangar No.2, 240,000 sq. ft.; Power House, 47,400 sq. ft.;
Winter Hangar, 37,400 sq. ft.; Oil House, 12,000 sq. ft.; Personnel, 21,300 sq. ft.; Service Garage, 19,600 sq. ft.; Commis-
sary, 15,000 sq. ft.; Paint and Dope, 11,000 sq. ft.; Miscel-
Aluminum Foundry
43,200,00 Ibs. per year.
General Motors Corporation,
Flint, Michigan.-Plancor 504.
Manufacturing Building has certain portions completely air conditioned. Offce Building is entirely air conditioned. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Standard machine tools
including driling, grinding, milin~ machines, lathes, punch
presses, boring machines, spot welders, arbor and straightening presses, riveting machines, shapers, planers, miscella-
collectors, furnaces, inspection machines, refrigerators, sewing machines and equipment, spray booths and air washers, scales, plating equipment, testing machines, etc.
hammers, etc., 4,000 electric motors of over % H.P. All portions of the Manufacturing Building are equipped with electrically operated cranes from 2 to 15 tons capacity. In addition there are numerous monorails, and both manual and
LAND: Consists of approximately 348 acres about 10 miles from center of Flint, Michigan, business district. BUILDINGS: Nine (9) buildings, total floor area of 563,119
sq. ft. Also sprinkler reservoir.
84 (Michigan)
Engineering Building. Construction is reinforced concrete frame and floor including roof deck. Plain face brick apron walls with concrete trim. Architectural steel sash. Asphalt tie finished floors. Total floor area 33,200 sq. ft. Ceilng height 10 ft. Manufacturing Building: "L" shaped with large portion 340 ft. by 1,200 ft. and small leg of "L" 380 ft. by 240 ft. Lean-to
at north end 40 ft. by 280 ft. Total area 526,000 sq. ft. Clear-
Manufacturing Building
sequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been re-
ance to bottom of truss 16 ft. and in crane bays 25 ft. and 35 ft. Construction is steel frame, brick apron walls, stand-
ard steel sash and asbestos siding. Concrete floor with wood
block finish. Partially sprinkled.
Pump House (810 sq. ft.). Primary Switch House (655 sq.
ft.). Oil Pump House (550 sq. ft.) and 2 Gate Houses (294
sq. ft.). All except Gate Houses are masonry construction.
Seven (7) Minor Buildings: Consist of Acetylene Generator House (1,060 sq. ft.). Filing Station (880 sq. ft.). Water
Plywood Plant
277,0 sq. ft.
Haskelite Manufacturing Company,
Grand Rapids, Michigan.-Plancor 839.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, presses, shaping, planing, grinding machines, welders, furnaces, hardness
LAND: 21 acres. BUILDINGS: Manufacturing Building, one story and part basement; area 259,000 sq. ft.; walls face brick and tile backing; air conditioned; clearances 40' and 30'. Contains six 5-ton
Manufacturing Building lias two 50-ton cranes, four 15-ton cranes, four 10-ton cranes and one 5-ton crane. Conveyors3 final assembly type. 1 overhead type, 3 chain conveyors.
Administration Building, Employment Building and minor buildings total 18,000 sq. ft.
spreaders, glue dryers, jointers, splicers, saws, etc. UTILITIE S: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Two side tracks from Pere Marquette
This plant has been leased for a term of three years. Negotiations may be entered into for its sale subject to the term
masonry, steel sash and gunite. Floor area 192,600 sq. ft.,
area 38,400 sq. ft.
Designed for production of heavy and light aluminum forgings. LAND: Approximately 18.6 acres. BUILDINGS: Total floor area 231,000 sq. ft.
Detroit, Michigan.-Plancor 199. LAND: Approximately . acre. BUILDINGS: Building "K", 50' by 242', two story, steel framing, brick walls. Total floor area 25,000 sq. ft. Clearance 14'.
Building "L", 50' by 6', three story, steel framing, brick walls, steel sash; total floor area 9,000 sq. ft. Ceilng heights 12' to
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Grinding, miling machines, arbor presses, plating equipment, etc.
clearance 47'.
shop, including sanders, steam drop hammers, dril presses, forge and trim presses, miling machines, shapers, etc. Main Plant has two 40-ton bridge type cranes, one 15-ton and four 10-ton. Also nine 3-ton trolley type. There are eighteen
. to I-ton hoists.
UTILITIES: City and local utilties company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track connects with main line. Detroit O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
removed. .
49,6 sq. ft.
Huck Manufacturing Company,
sequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur tracks of Pere Marquette Rail-
Baldwin Street,
Big Rapids, Michigan.-Plancor 769.
LAND: Area 0.51 acre. BUILDING: One story, brick and masonry walls, steel sash.
LAND: One acre. BUILDING: Total area 28,200 sq. ft., clearance 23., brick
walls. Sprinklered.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Boring, drillng, grinding, miling machines, jacks, grinders, etc. One 20-ton traveling crane, four semi-gantry cranes and hoists; one 12-ton
(Michigan) 85
Cafeteria Building
Steel Foundry
720 tons per year.
Muskegon Heights, Michigan.-Plancor 2171. LAND: Three acres. BUILDING: Cafeteria, brick and steel construction, ceiling
12'. Sprinklered. Capacity 175 people.
Michigan Steel Castings Company, 1971 Guoin Street, Detroit, Michign.-Plancor 440.
Chemical Plant
112,0 sq. ft.
Ordnance Plant
33,300 sq. ft.
Midland, Michigan.-Army.
Service Building
20,960 sq. ft.
LAND: 88' by 138' building site, and parking lot 150' by 150'.
Broadway and Hoyt Streets, Muskegon Heights, Michigan.-Plancor 509. Designed for manufacture of component parts of medium or
heavy machinery.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track on site. Detroit O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Lapaco Chemicals, Inc.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Boring, driling, gear cutting, miling and planning machines, lathes, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track serves site. Detroit O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
76,161 sq. ft.
LAND: About 5 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area 12,000 sq. ft. Consists of several manufacturing and utilty buildings of either wood frame or
concrete block construction.
hoppers, screener, etc.
Centerline, Michigan.-Army. Designed to box trucks. LAND: 12.2 acres, leased. The lease is qualified.
concrete slab floor, wood frame, wood walls, ceilng height 16',
except ceilng height is 15'. Three miscellaneous small buildings combined area 1,977 sq. ft.
cranes, cranefalls, cutters, hoists, trolleys, conveyors, and necessary motors and other handlin~ equipment with complement
of portable tools, automotive equipment, dies, jigs and fixtures. Also all necessary timing, recording and storing fixtures.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur from N. Y. Central R. R.
Detroit O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-25).
86 (Michigan)
Machine Shop
12,700 s... ft.
Wilow Run, Michigan.-Plancor 2294. LAND: About 23% acres. BUILDINGS: Main Building consists of hangar, offce and
shop, boiler and store rooms.
walls are cinder block with brick facing. Radiant floor heating by low pressure steam supplied by 200 h.p. oil fired boiler. Deluge sprinkler system. Offce and Shop Area is two-story structure 61' by 152', with
a 42' by 67' penthouse and a 16' by 18' elevated observation
26,400 sq. ft. Concrete floor, steel roof trusses span 158'. Hangar doors are canopy type, electrically operated. Extrior
tower. Exterior walls are cinder block, brick, glass block; floors
are poured concrete slab. Clearance first floor 14', second floor
Detroit, Michigan.-Plancor 2003. Designed for testing rotor blades and augmenting production
Boiler and Store Room is one-story, 22' by 70', and cinder block
walls; concrete floor. Clearance 19'.
LAND: About one acre. BUILDING: Erected for testing purposes, octagonal in shape, 93' diameter. Construction structural steel and reinforced concrete. Clearance 45'.
etc. Testing equipment consists of special equipment for "Rotab" test. Also furniture and fixtures.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Machine tools and other items including battery charger, hoists, paint booth, stands,
UTILITIES: Water from adjacent Army Air Base. Sanitary sewer is connected to pumping station of the Army
Power and light from local utilty company. Detroit O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Bus Terminal
14,8 s... ft.
Peoples Transport Corporation,
Machine Tool Plant
13,700 sq. ft.
Putnam Tool Company,
2981 Charlevoix Avenue,
Mt. Ellott and Harper Avenues Detroit, Michigan.-Plancor 978. LAND: 1.6 acres leased.
Detroit, Michigan.-Plancor 678. LAND: % acre. BUILDING: One story, 100' by 137', steel frame, concrete block walls, clearances 21' and 13'8". Adjacent building of
Clearances 15', 21', 22', steel sash, masonry walls, steel trusses.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Boring machines, broach. ing machines, planers, spray booths, exhaust systems, drying
systems, ovens, photographic equipment, calibrating apparatus,
building. No separating wall between the buildings. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Grinding and milHng machines, lathes, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. Detroit O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
air filters, welding equipment, etc. Also eighteen small traveling cranes, one crane, electric hoists, and air hoists. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property, prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse-
UTILITIES: Water and sewage disposal by city. Power and light from private plant of others. Gas from local utility company. TRANSPORTATION: Sidings of New York Central R. R. Detroit O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
(Michigan) 87
Detroit, Michigan.-Plancor 1311. Designed to augment lessee's facilties for production of steel ingots from low grade scrap. LAND: About 2 acres, leased, in various parcels within lessee's plant.
Designed to produce plywood and wood structural members. LAND: 3 acres. BUILDINGS: Three buildings, total 43,300 sq. ft., of brick
mil type construction, clearances 16' to 24'. One 5-ton bridge
BUILDINGS: Hot Metal and Scrap Storage Building, Chipping Building, Briquetting Building, Crusher Building, Cupola Building. Also a cooling tower and two electric switch houses. First two buildings are extensions to lessee's structures, total area 53,000 sq. ft., structural steel, metal siding. Other buildings are independent new structures, 22,000 sq. ft., concrete block walls and concrete construction.
UTILITIES: City and public utility companies. TRANSPORTATION: Two spur tracks of Michigan Central and New York Central R. R. Detl'oit O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
one 90-ton railroad scale, one 50-ton railroad scale, one skip
car, one car spotter, two 65" magnets, feeder and elevator, dust collecting system, one 6-ton gas locomotive, one 50-ton rebuilt steam locomotive and six gondola cars, etc.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding into plant. Detroit O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
LAND: About 11. acres. BUILDINGS: Building No.1, 5,400 sq. ft., clearances 24'8" and 12'5". Concrete floor, steel framing, concrete block walls,
concrete decks.
ing, wood siding. Building No.3, two story, area 34,900 sq. ft. (First floor 27,200
Building No.2, area 14,700 sq. ft. Concrete floor, steel fram-
sq. ft., second floor 7,700 sq. ft.). Clearances from 10' to 21', concrete floor, steel framing, wood siding. Three 5-ton cranes
Machine Shop
Building No.4, two story, area 9,200 sq. ft. each floor.) Clearances 11'8" and 10'8". (16' in die shop.) Concrete first floor,
wood second floor, wood framing.
Building No.5, one story, area 33,000 sq. ft. Clearance center aisle 30' under crane, sides 12', floor of paving brick and concrete, steel framing, corrugated asbestos siding. Contains one 40-ton, and one 5-ton cranes. Building No.6, one story, area'18,500 sq. ft. Clearance 25'5",
floor of acid resistant brick and concrete, reinforced concrete
beam and slab deck, concrete block walls. Contains one 7.ton crane.
Building No.7, one story, 24,000 sq. ft. Clearance 25' under crane, construction similar to No.5. Contains two 5-ton cranes.
Building No.8, area 3,400 sq. ft. Clearance 12'3" to 22', concrete floor, wood construction. Building No.9, area 1,500 sq. ft. Clearance 12'5", concrete floor,
LAND: Two parcels about . city block apart. First parcel is approximately 1.57 acres bounded by four city streets and
entirely occupied by building. Second parcel, approximately
1.69 acres, used as a parking lot. BUILDING: Consists of manufacturing section and offce extension, total floor area 102,700 sq. ft. Manufacturing section is monitor type building, one story with mezzanine, steel framing, brick exterior walls with steel sash. 11' and 21' ceilngs.
wood construction. Buildings No. 10 to 15, inc., total area about 3,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Wheelabrator tumblasts ;
miscellaneous small furnaces; heating furnaces, slot type
forge; hardening furnaces, continuous tray pushers; 2 draw furnaces; bilet shears; pickling machine; normalizing furnaces
tons) ; forging machines; hammers (4,0001bs. to 7,500 lbs.); magnets; etc. Machine Tools: (saws, engine lathes, radial drils, shapers, surface grinder, die sinkers, milers., planers, driling machines,
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Plant is within the Lincoln Yard of
the Pennsylvania, Ohio and Detroit Railroad Co.
This plant has been leased for a period of 9 years. Negotia-
tions may be entered into for its purchase sub.iect to the provisions of the lease in effect.
88 (Michiga)
sq. ft.
Timken Detroit Axle Company Clark Avenue and Jefferson Avenue Detroit, Michigan.-Army.
Used for manufacture of
years ago and were rehabiltated. LAND: About 9% acres. BUILDINGS: 4 story, area 110,212 sq. ft. Clearances 13' to
elevators. Water tower mounted on north end of building.
Building No.4, Manufacturing Building; five story, area 148,500 sq. ft., clearances 12' to 14'. Second, fourth and fifth floors have wood block finish, brick spandrel walls, reinforced con-
framing; reinforced concrete for fourth and fifth floors; concrete roof; sprinklered. One 2-ton crane and one 3%-ton crane
on first floor. An 8,000-lb. and a 20,000-lb. elevator installed.
Building No.5, Pickling Building; one story, area 4,400 sq. ft., clearance 26'6"; concrete floor; steel framing, corrugated steel
framing and trusses; wood deck, built-up roofing; incandescent lighting. Contains 3 boilers. Coal is fed to stokers by a
420'. One story, and mezzanine of about 5,000 sq. ft. Steel framing, brick walls, steel sash. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, dril presses,
and testing equipment.
Detroit, Michigan.~Plancor 41. LAND: Approximately 2.1 acres. BUILDING: Extension to existing building of others, 200' by
Building No.7, Power House; total area 28,500 sq. ft. Basement and 2 story, clearances 7' to 40'; concrete floors, steel
10-ton crane.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track from Belt Line R. R. Detroit O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
tions may be entered into for its purchase subject to the pro-
LAND: 1.23 acres (leased). BUILDING: Manufacturing Building, clearances 39' and 18';
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Dril presses, grinding and miling machines, gear cutters, heat treating units, rectifier, transfer car, vises, etc. Seven traveling cranes and twenty
jib cranes.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Portable equipment including jacks, hoist, Load-O-Meter, grinder, computing pump,
UTILITIES: City and public utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of Pere Marquette R. R. Detroit O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Vickers, Inc.,
Eight Mile Road and Hubbell Road, Royal Oak, Michigan.-Plancor 310.
000 sq. ft., mezzanine area 63,570 sq. ft., clearance in factory 20'. Steel frame, brick walls, steel sash. Offce Building, two story, 40' by 400'. Floor area 32,000 sq. ft.
(Minnesta) 89
Blast Furnace
266,0 tons per year.
American Steel and Wire Company of New Jersey
Duluth, Minnesota.-Plancor 686.
31,0 sq. ft.
Designed to augment lessee's production of pig iron. LAND: Three tracts totallng about three acres within boundaries of lessee's plant. About 0.18 acres in addition are leased. BUILDINGS: Eight government owned and constructed buildings, consisting of boiler house, boiler pump house, cast house, service building, blast furnace pump house, substation building,
stock house and hoist house building and offce building and
garage. Total floor area about 40,000 sq. ft. Mil type construction with
structural steel framing with
LAND: 46 acres.
scale cars, five open top hot metal cars, five steel ladles, thirty steel dump hopper ore cars.
Power and light from local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Railroad spur track. Minneapolis O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Mil Building, floor area 7,200 sq. ft., concrete block walls and floor, wood bowstring trusses. Bale Storage Building, floor area 6,376 sq. ft., similar to Mil
floor area 6,470 sq. ft. Clearances 9', 10', 30'.
Shipyard Surplus
Barnes-Dulutp. Shipbuilding Company,
Duluth, Minnesota.-Plancor 297.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvesters, gathering binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units, baling press, trucks and trailers, steam engine, etc. UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site. Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty.
visions of the lease in effect.
about every forty-five days. LAND: About 9.7 acres including slips and docks. BUILDINGS: Moldloft, Carpenter Shop, Wood frame, twostory, area 20,450 sq. ft. Tool Shop, reinforced concrete, onestory, area 6,100 sq. ft. Blacksmith Shop, Stores, wood con-
tions may be entered into for its purchase subject to the pro-
This plant has been leased for a period of one year. Negotia-
struction, two-story, area 9,900 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Bending slabs, welding
and acetylene cutting equipment, hoists, jacks, drils, etc. UTILITIES: City and public utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Northern Pacific Railroad adjoins site.
Hemp Mil
31,00 sq. ft. Commodity Credit Corporation,
Lake Lilian, Minnesota.-Plancor 1531-20.
8,700 sq. ft. Char-Gale Manufacturing Company
St. Cloud, Minnesota.-Plancor 2268. LAND: About * acre leased for 25 years. BUILDING: An extension to lessee structure, consists of a one story warehouse 85' by 105', area 8,700 sq. ft., clearance
12' and 9'. Mil type construction with concrete block walls,
block walls; area 7,480 sq. ft. Mil Building, floor area 7,200 sq. ft., concrete block walls and
floor, wood bowstring trusses.
Bale Storage Building, floor area 5,376 sq. ft., similar to Mil
tions may be entered into for its purchase subject to the provisions of the lease in effect.
Building. Boiler House, Shop Building, Locker, and Offce Building, total floor area 5,470 sq. ft. Clearances 9', 10', 30'.
90 (Minnesota)
baling press, trucks and trailers, steam engine, etc. UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site. Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty. Minneapolis O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Hemp Mil
block walls; area 7,480 sq. ft. Mil Building, floor area 7,200 sq. ft., concrete block walls and
floor, wood bowstring trusses.
Building. Boiler House, Shop Building, Locker, and Offce Building, total floor area 5,470 sq. ft. Clearances 9', 10', 30'.
Bale Storage Building, floor area 5,376 sq. ft., similar to Mil
Designed for producing' and rough processing hemp fiber and tow.
LAND: 40 acres.
clearance 15'6"; block walls, gravel floor, clear span wood bowstring roof trusses.
baling press, trucks and trailers, steam engine, etc. UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site. Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty. Minneapolis O. R. P. D.-Brochure a1,ailable.
Hemp Mil
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvesters, gathering binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units,
block walls; area 7,480 sq. ft. Mil Building, floor area 7,200 sq. ft., concrete block walls and
Bale Storage Building, floor area 5,376 sq. ft., similar to Mil
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvesters, gathering binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units,
baling press, trucks and trailers, steam engine, etc.
UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site. Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty. Minneapolis O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Hemp Mil
block walls; area 7,480 sq. ft. Mil Buildirig, floor area 7,200 sq. ft., concrete block wall and floor, wood bowstring trusses. Bale Storage Building, floor area 5,376 sq. ft., similar to Mil Building. Boiler House, Shop Building, Locker, and Offce Building, total
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvesters, gathering binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units, baling press, trucks and trailers, steam engine, etc. UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site. Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty. Minneapolis O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
clearance 15'6"; block walls, gravel floor, clear span wood bowstring roof trusses.
Hemp Mil
31,0 sq. ft.
Commodity Credit Corporation,
Jackson, Minnesota.-Plancor 1531-36.
block walls; area 7,480 sq. ft. Mil Building, floor area 7,200.sq. ft., concrete block walls and
floor, wood bowstring trusses.
Bale Storage Building, floor area
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvesters, gathering binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units, baling press, trucks and trailers, steam engine, etc. UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site. Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty. Minneapolis O. R. P. D.-Brochure ava.ilable.
Hemp Mil
31,00 sq. ft. Commodity Credit Corporation,
Blooming Prairie, Minnesota.-Plancor 1531-34.
block walls; area 7,480 sq. ft. Mil Building, floor area 7.200 sq. ft., concrete block walls and
floor, wood bowstring trusses.
Building. Boiler House, Shop Building, Locker, and Offce Building, total
Bale Storage Building, floor area 5,376 sq. ft., similar to Mil
baling press, trucks and trailers, steam engine, etc. UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site. Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty. Minneapolis O. R. P. D.-Brochure a.vailable.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvesters, gathering binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units,
clearance 15'6"; block walls, gravel floor, clear span wood bowstring roof trusses.
Hemp Mil
31,0 sq. ft.
Commodity Credit Corporation,
Montgomery, Minnesota..,Plancor 1531-41.
(Miiincsotn1 9\
Ordnance Plant
97,600 sq. ft.
gated asbestos walls and roofing. The three boilng tub houses, each with 43,642 sq. ft. floor area; the pulping houses, each
Como Forging Plant, Minneapolis-Moline Power Implement Company St. Paul, Minnesota.-Arm~'.
with 16,300 sq. ft. area; the poacher tub houses, each with
27,375 sq. ft. area; the blending tub and wringer houses each
with 11,960 sq. ft area, together with other miscellaneous buildings in this area, are all of wood frame construction.
been dismantled.
Buildings for D, E and F lines were not completed and have
Explosives Plant
2,684,0 sq. ft.
Gopher Ordnance Works.
The Powder Manufacturing area for A, Band C lines contains the buildings and equipment for forming, manufacturing, processing and packing the smokeless powder. The buildings are all of special design. The Recovery area virtually forms a part of the powder manufacturing area and contains the buildings and equipment for solvent recovery. All of the buildings and much of the equipment in the Recovery areas are of special design. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Building Group No. 100:
cotton dryer, picker and feeder, boilng tubs, Jordan engines,
dwellngs and ten-story dwellngs complete with garages and all service facilties constructed in this area. Water and electricity are supplied by connection to the utilties at Rosemont.
shredders, pulp dryers, etc. Building Group No. 200: Tanks, tank scales, and varied other scales, dehydrating presses, pumps, filters, breakers, elevators,
bers, strippers, Horton storage tanks, ether boilers, powder
tank agitators, alcohol columns, precoolers, condensers, scrub-
Each dwellng has its own septic tank. The buildings are well
mixers and macerators, hydraulic vertical blocking presses, blending hoppers, compressors, finishing presses, cutting rna.
chines, powder sifters, hoists, motors, etc. Building Group No. 300: Low pressure ammonia storage tanks, varied tanks, ammonia condensers, ammonia compressors, recovery filters, surge pots, etc.
Building Group No. 900: Tanks, pumps, scales, turn-tables, screens, coolers, scrubbers, absorbers, columns, etc. Location: 300 B area. One Sulphuric Acid Concentrating Unit No. 10,
Chemical S.A.C., with cottrell of lead extruded tubes. Rated
tration building, a two-story wood frame building with 110,090 sq. ft. of floor area; employment building with 20,447 sq. ft.
floor area; cafeteria building with 10,320 sq. ft. floor area;
capacity based on tons of 100% sulphuric acid for various concentrations; from 125 to 138 tons per 24-hour day.
mil and machine shop, 18,080 sq. ft.; pipe shop, 17,630 sq. ft.; automotive repair shop, 19,110 sq. ft.; truck storage building, 15,760 sq. ft., and other miscellaneous shop and storage buildings, all of wood frame construction. The service area is served by trucking roads and railroad sidings. The railroad classification yard, pole yard and salvage yard are located adjacent to and between the two main manufacturing areas.
The service area contains the carpenter shop, 21,600 sq. ft.,
houses: wood frame structure 30' by 62' each. There is also a group of 8 DNT storage buildings of igloo type, each 34' by 76'. All buildings in the explosives storage and shipping area
are served by trucking roads.
wells. Raw water for use of plant is pumped from Mississippi River.
The river pump house, also the pump houses at the various
wells, the reservoirs, settling basins, etc., are well designed
Sewage disposal plant on site. Power and light from local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur tracks to Minneapolis, St. Paul
and Pacific R. R.
Minneapolis O. R. P. D.-Brochure vailable (AP-SO).
project. Power House (Building 401A) is located adjacent to the nitrocellulose lines A, B, and C and the acid area. This power
house is equipped with five boilers with a total capacity of 950,000 lbs. of steam per hour at 500 lbs. psi., using Ilinois bituminous coaL. This power house, with its auxilary buildings and equipment, is well designed with steel frame and masonry walls. Power House (Building 401 B) was not completed and a portion of the construction was dismantled.
buildings and equipment for supplying the requirements of the Smokeless Powder Plant. In this area are also the Ammonia Oxidation plant, and the Oleum plant. Much of the construc-
tion in the acid area is necessarily of permanent type. The structures and much of the equipment are of special design and construction suitable only for the purposes for which they were built. The majority of the structures adjacent to D, E,
and F lines either were not. completed or have been dismantled.
with 22,976 sq. ft. floor area, the cotton and wood' pulp dry
wooden structures.
houses and other miscellaneous buildings. The cotton storehouses are served by railroad sidings. They are one-story
Modification Center No. 12. Northwest Airlines, Inc., St. Paul Municipal Airport. St. Paul, Minnesota.-Army.
the nitration of cotton and wood pulp. The three nitrating buildings are of special design with steel frames and corru-
LAND: About 362 acres, entire airport, leased. BUILDINGS: North Hangar, area 102,600 sq. ft., concrete floor, steel trowel finish. Parabolic glued laminated wood
92 (Minnesota)
Manufacturing Buildings Noc. 501, 503 and 576, wood construction, two story, first floor concrete, second floor of wood,
South Hangar, area 102,600 sq. ft., construction and details as for North Hangar. Shop and Offce, area 85,900 sq. ft., two story, clearance first floor 11', second floor 9'. First floor concrete on ground, second floor wood. Structural frame is timber and concrete
block. Walls unfinished concrete block. Roof deck wood plank.
Lead Shop Building for melting salvage, and extruding. Tool and Gage Shop Building, 60,000 sq. ft. floor space, per-
Maintenance Shop, wood construction, with approximately 45,Miscellaneous Storage Building, 46,000 sq. ft. floor area,
Automatic wet pipe sprinkler system. Air Transport Command Barracks, area 5,800 sq. ft., all wood
construction, clear height 8'.
wood construction.
scribed as three buildings, are really constructed as one unit. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, grinders, miling machine, contour saw, air compressors, two small electric furnaces, arc welder, etc.
floor space.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: C. R. 1. & P. Railway passes western boundary of airport.
Minneapolis O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-12).
of masonry construction. Plant No.2 has two boilers, gas-fired, and one coal-fired boiler
housed in a building of wood construction.
manufacturing area, 14,000 sq. ft. floor space, permanent construction. There is a 1,000,000 gallon reservoir, and a 300,000 gallon elevated tank.
Aircraft Plant
149,200 sq. ft.
Powder Canning Areas and two Primer Manufacturing Areas. The Powder Canning Areas consist of a large number of small
The Primer Manufacturing Areas consist of Primer Mixing Buildings, Primer Pre-mix Houses, Primer Pre-mix Control
small buildings in these areas. There are two Primer Manufacturing Buildings, each having an area of approximately
40,000 sq.
Offce Buildings, frame with stucco walls, area 8,200 sq. ft. Other Buildings, frame with brick walls, area 12,000 sq. ft.
The Ballstics Area is adjacent to the main plant, and contains special buildings, firing ranges, and recording equipment for testing the performance of the finished ammunition. This
area is surrounded by required safety areas. In addition to the above, there are two Ballstics Buildings in the manufacturing area
This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Nego-
for testing the product, each having approximately 37,000 sq. ft. floor space, of permanent construction. The explosive storage, or powder magazine area consists of
21 buildings of wood construction with approximately 23,600
total sq. ft. of floor space. Approximate size of each building 46' by 25', no windows, connected by walkways, all served by
19,800 sq. ft.
disposal plant on site. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Anneal, pickle wash and
cases, carton packers, clip loader machines, wash, polish and dry bullet units, assembly machines, draw machines, charging
machines, compress, eject and insert machines, varied press
Ammunition Plant
3,876,00 sq. ft.
chines, ball bullet assembly machines, inserting primer maitems include battery chargers, motors, balers, blenders, pumps, scales, belting machines, handling equipment, factory trucks,
chines, and varied other specific-duty machines. Miscellaneous
10 miles north of Minneapolis, Minnesota.-Army. LAND: About 2,412 acres. BUILDINGS: The Staff and Residential Area has 14 houses
with garages.
and Gage Building. They contain lathes, grinders, shapers, milers, screw machines, metal cutting saws, shears, boring
machines, drilers, etc.
The Administration Building, two-story, wood frame construction, brick and tile sidewalls, wood floors, wood roof deck with
built-up felt roofing, total floor space approximately 65,000 sq. ft.
Manufacturing Buildings Nos. 101, 102, 103, steel and masonry
TRANSPORTATION: Minneapolis Transfer Railroad, which connects with all railroads entering the twin cities.
This project is available for lease in whole or part, 8ubject to
constructi.on, one story with mezzanine, concrete or grating floor, and a steel deck roof with felt roofing, the three having a total floor area of approximately 900,000 sq. ft.
(Mississippi) 93
The administration areas include the areas as originally constructed for the bag loading facilties, and also additional
LAND: About 1'\ acres. BUILDINGS: Main Building 65' by 135'; one-story with monitors, wood frame construction; 8,620 sq. ft., clearances 10' to 34'. Also Cooling Towers, Substation, Pump House,
Control House.
structed to serve the bag loading facilties, 24,292 sq. ft., one story, frame; hospital building, 8,534 sq. ft., one story, frame;
employment building, 4,301 sq. ft., one story, frame; guard
quarters, 3,690 sq. ft., one story, frame; cafeteria, 10,858 sq.
EQUIPMENT: Two oxygen fractionating columns and deriming stoves, expansion engines, D.C. generators, etc.; two
compressors, special design for pumping oxygen; oxygen drier sq. ft., respectively. These are substantial frame buildings unit complete; two soda towers, steel, with two circulating served by railroad connections. Additional miscellaneous shop pumps, soda mixing tank, soda mixing pump, etc.; low-pres- and maintenance buildings include four buildings, each of sure oxygen storage balloon, 1,500 cu. ft. capacity, 9' diam., 9,216 sq. ft., and four buildings, each of 6,144 sq. ft., which air compressor unit complete; two high-pressure oxygen stor- were added when the conversion to troop facilties was efage tanks consisting of cylinders, distribution manifold, etc. -fected. These buildings are of wood frame construction with wood sheathing covered with tar paper. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies.
TRANSPORTATION: L. & N. station about one mile. New Orleans O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
facilties, among which is a cold storage building, 9,000 sq. ft. in area, wood frame construction with wood sheathing covered
with building paper and with concrete floor at car floor leveL.
This building is equipped with a refrigerating unit. All of the
ing connections, with floors and platforms at car floor leveL. The ammunition (explosives) storage and shipping area con-
tains 97 igloos of standard type together with 7 loading docks or platforms located on the railroad loop which serves the area. The igloos are served by trucking roads. The bag manufacturing area consists of one main building
with an area of 62,487 sq. ft. This building has steel frame,
jacent are the change houses, one with 32,495 sq. ft., and the
crete floors. The bag manufacturing building was remodeled
concrete tile walls, wood sheathed roof and wood floor. Adother with 16,369 sq. ft. floor area. These building have concrete tile walls, wood trusses, wood sheathed roof, with conto provide an auditorium and recreational facilties, and offce
Ingalls Shipbuilding Corporation,
BUILDINGS: Administration (27,900 sq. ft.), wood construction. Warehouse (44,000 sq. ft.), Mold Loft (92,000 sq. ft.), Sheet Metal Shop (19,000 sq. ft.), Warehouse (26,000 sq. ft.) are of steel framing and metal siding. Other structures mostly wood. Some buildings partly owned. Shipways (10), Crane runways (11), Outfitting dock.
The bag loading area consists of four complete bag loading lines for loading smokeless powder, together with change
houses; also two ignitor lines for loading black powder, to-
smokeless powder lines each contain the following principal buildings: two bag loading buildings, two ignitor service magazines, two smokeless powder service magazines, container and
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Locomotives, overhead cranes, locomotive cranes, mobile cranes, machine tools, sheet metal working equipment, welding equipment, pipe shop equipment, etc.
shipping buildings, and canteen. The ignitor lines are similar to the smokeless powder lines but on a much smaller scale. The reinloading buildings are of very special design with heavy
forced concrete walls. The principal buildings are connected
houses serving the loading area consist of two main buildings similar to those at the bag manufacturin! area. One is of 17,315 sq. ft. floor area and the area of the other is 32,495 sq. ft. with concrete floors, wood trusses, wood roof sheathing, and
concrete block walls.
Troop facilties. The additions to the loading facilties, barracks, and other buildings, generally located adjacent to the administration, service, and inert storage areas, comprise a large number of buildings, mainly of temporary frame conhas been removed.
struction, wood sheathed, and covered with building paper. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Most plant equipment
UTILITIES: Water from 3 wells. Sewage disposal plant on site. Power and Light: From local utilty companies.
TRANSPORTATION: Branch line of Ilinois Central R. R.
A part of this plant has been sold. Negotiations may be en-
briefly as follows: The staff and residence area contains 15 single-family dwellings. These are (equipped) frame buildings.
tered into for the purchase or lease of all or part of the re-
94 (Misouri)
LAND: 30 acres. BUILDINGS: Ten buildings with total floor area of 395,000 sq. ft. Main Factory Building was acquired with land, and additions made; steel frame, steel roof trusses, 302,000 sq. ft.,
ceilng height 18'. Maintenance, Pattern Shop and Stockroom; corrugated iron
St. Louis, Missouri.-Plancor 161. LAND: About 37* acres. BUILDINGS: Manufacturing Building, one story structure
with part basement; brick walls, steel frame, and ins'lated
steel deck roof. Total floor area 537,000 sq. ft.; clearances
on stel frame with steel trusses, floor area 31,200 sq. ft. Sand Mixing, Storage Bins and Kiln Building; three and
13', 17'. Contains 9 cranes, 108 electric chain hoists; sprinklered. Engineering Building and Administration Building
Offce Building, Employment, Laboratory, Boiler House, Cafeteria; combined floor area 41,400 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Furnaces, kilns, mold-
total 81,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Forging, grinding and miling machines, shapers, lathes, and presses, crimpers, rolls, and shears.
sequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartme use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. This plant has been lepsed for a. pe1"od of five years. Negotiations may be entered into f01' its purchase subject to the
provisions of the lease in effect.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Two railroad sidings on site.
provisons of the lease in effect.
This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the
Aircraft Plant
1,571,0 sq. ft.
Curtiss-Wright Corporation,
Lambert Field,
BUILDINGS: Factory, Offce and Engineering Buildings, Boiler House and Airplane Shelter. Main Factory floor area 1,240,000 sq. ft.; one story with basement; steel frame and monitor roof; ceilng clearances 20' and 42'. Two inside rail-
tinuous basket conveyor, three electric elevators, two hydraulic elevators; sprinklered.
road loading docks. Cranes consist of six bridges and five cabs of 5-ton capacity covering high bay area, 3,000 ft. con-
Photographic Film Plant 70,0 sq. ft. Hammer Dry Plate and Film Company, 2711 Miami Street,
St. Louis, Missouri.-Plancor 2035.
bar folders, shears, plumbing, heat treat furnaces, burring machines, honing machines, maguaflux machines; and laboratory and testing equipment. Also offce furniture, first aid equipment, cafeteria equipment, etc. Also included is a very large
power screw drivers, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
Depot. BUILDING: Clothing Renovation Building. 139' by 201'. Twostory. Clearance first floor 16'-6", s'econd floor 14'-2"'.
UTILITIES: Citj' and local utilty company. Sewagi~ disposal plant on site, 500,000 gallons per day capacity.
(Missour) 95
brick and tile backing, basement concrete floor, wood first floor.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Kansas City Terminal Railways Co. This project is available for lease in whole or in part, subject to possible restriction as to its proposed use. Kansas City O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-97).
108', one story, 10' to eaves, walls of red face brick with cinderblock backing, concrete floor, gypsum deck on wood framing, total area, 3,780 sq. ft.
repaired). 40' by 200', one story, 16' floor to eaves, concrete
altered). 30' by 60', basement and one story, walls of face Wood hip-type roof with asbestos shingle roofing, total area, 3,600 sq. ft., clearance, basement, 8' and 9'6", first floor 10'10". Building No.2. Employees and Laboratory Building, 35' by
Building No.3, Warehouse. (Existing structure, altered and
Ammunition Plant
2,115,000 sq. ft.
Lake City Ordnance Plant, Remington Arms Company, Inc., Independence, Missouri.-Army. LAND: About 3,909 acres. BUILDINGS: Larger units as follows: Caliber .30 Shop, 962' by 463', first floor 289,760 sq. ft., second
floor 105,100 sq. ft., total area 394,860 sq. ft.
floor, corrugated-iron siding on wood framing. New roof (wood) on hip-roof construction, area about 10,400 sq. ft. Building No.4, Drum Storage. One story, 40' by 90', area,
3,600 sq. ft., ceilng 14', brick walls, concrete floor.
Building No.5, Atomizing Building 50' by 220', one story, clearance height, 12'4" and 15', brick walls, concrete columns, con11,000 sq. ft.
Caliber .30 Shop, 962' by 422', first floor 276,260 sq. ft., second
brick walls (3 sides), frame wall (one side). Building No. 16, Garage. 32' by 111', height, 15' to eaves. An existing one-story, brick structure, concrete floor, steel
wall columns, wood deck on steel framing, area 3,568 sq. ft.
Buildings Nos. 17 and 18. (Existing structures). Each 22' by
Each 18' by 21', area, 378 sq. ft., height 11', concrete floor,
306,998 sq. ft., second floor 113,310 sq. ft., total area 420,308
floor 9,098 sq. ft., total area 234,229 sq. ft. Administration Building, 316' by 232', first floor 21,368 sq. ft., second floor 21,368 sq. ft., total area 42,736 sq. ft. Ballstics Bldg., 290' by 426', first floor 35,164 sq. ft., second
floor 2,854 sq. ft., total area 38,018 sq. ft.
area 56,866 sq. ft. area 19,948 sq. ft.
Caliber .50 Manufacturing Bldg., 541' by 573', first floor 173,732 sq. ft., second floor 14,990 sq. ft., total area 188,722 sq. ft. Caliber .30 Shop, 743' by 363', first floor 225,131 sq. ft., second
32', height, 15' to eaves, concrete floor, brick walls, area 700 sq. ft.
pressors, air compressors, bag house collector units, electric vibrators, atomizing nozzles, dust collectors, conveyors, motors, pumps, Rotex screeners, lift trucks, hoists, scales, etc.
Francisco Railroad.
Tool & Gauge Shop, 543' by 92', first floor 56,865 sq. ft., total
UTILITIES: Furnished by local utilties and municipaliy. TRANSPORTATION: Siding from the St. Louis and San
Salvage Building, 244' by 93', first floor 19,028 sq. ft., total
Boiler House, 74' by 61', base. 5,897 sq. ft., 122' by 105', first floor 9,369 sq. ft., total area 15,266 sq. ft.
brick and tile walls, concrete floors. Large factory buildings have clearances of 12' on main floors and are sprinklered.
13'-6", concrete floor, masonry construction.
Primer Mfg. Bldg., area 50,000 sq. ft., one story, clearance
Included are anneal, pickle wash and dry cases; drying oven machines; stress relief and anneal cases; cartn packers; clip
Manufacturing Plant
115,00 sq. ft.
gauge and weigh machines; loading machines; ball bullet assembly machines; inserting primer machines; and varied other
Plant contains a well-equipped maintenance shop and tool and gauge building.
chargers, motors, balers, blenders, pumps, scales, belting machines, handling equipment, factory trucks, etc.
Alcohol Plant
system. Power and light from local utilty company. Installed capacity in Steam Power Plant is 225,000 lb./hr.
classification yards on site.
LAND: About 14.9 acres. BUILDINGS: Eleven principal buildings, including Mil and
Building, etc. Also several smaller buildings and tank installations. Total area 96,000 sq. ft. Buildings are of modern
Elevator Building, Grain Processing Building, Distilation EQUIPMENT: Includes all the various units necessary in
rated are grain unloading and handling equipment, miling unit with grinders, separators, dust collectors, etc.; processing unit
for mixing, cooking, cooling, preparing grain for transfer to
stils, etc.; fermentation vats, etc. UTILITIES: Water from wells on site and pumped from river. Gas, power and light from local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Three railroad sidings on site.
LAND: About 10 acres. BUILDINGS: Building No.1 Offce. (An existing residence,
96 (Missur)
Current for both light and power from D. C. generators offcific Railroad and the Frisco Railroad.
veyors and necessary pumps and motors for the operation of the equipment. Practically all of this equipment is located in the Lessee's buildings. There is a small amount of laboratory and testing equipment for mil control consisting of samplers,
plates, etc. UTILITIES: Water from well on site and pumped from mil
sieves, pulverizers, balances, small furnace, smalL, crusher, hot
Gas by local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Two spur tracks by the Missouri Pa-
72,0 tons castings per y_r.
Power and light from local utilty company. St. Louis O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Designed for production of miscellaneous castings. LAND: Approximately 14.9 acres in two tracts. BUILDINGS: Main foundry, approximately 150' by 1,560';
roofing. Large areas exterior sash. Clearances 34' and 40'.
LAND: Approximately 394 acres. BUILDINGS: Manufacturing Building, Offce Building, PerGarage, Oil House, Aluminum Chip Building, Steel Chip Building. Manufacturing Building is reinforced concrete and brick; one and two story; floor area 2,933,000 sq. ft. Test Cells divided into three groups; production test cells, engineering test cells,
and dynamonometer test cells; cells and stacks are reinforced concrete. Offce Building is two-story and basement; masonry
and brick construction; floors covered with asphalt tile; ceilngs
includes X-ray apparatus, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utiity company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur tracks on site. St. Louis O. R. P. D. -Brochure available.
650 tons ore per day.
have accoustical tile; floor area 501,000 sq. ft. Total floor area of remaining structures about 58,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Engraving, lapping, marking, miling, polishing and riveting machines, screw machines
and flexible shaft machines, sand blast booths, plating equipment, painting equipment, de
oil tanks, alkali and rinse tanks, conveyor systems, power washers, anodizing equipment, spray booths, air cleaning
booths, thread grinding vapor systems, drying and s10rinking
copper and lead ores. Designed capacity 250 tons of crude lead ore and 400 tons of crude nickel-cobalt-copper daily.
LAND: Two parcels totallng 55% acres. BUILDINGS: Fifteen buildings, construction generally wood
frame, corrugated iron sides and roof. Largest is Mil Build-
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subseremoved.
ing, area 14,100 sq. ft., ceilng 50'. Total area of all buildings about 37,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Ore breakers, ore crushers, conveyors, ball mils, classifiers, flotation machines, pug mil, Dorr thickeners, reverberatory furnace, filters, roaster,
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding on site. Kansas City O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Steel Foundry
LAND: Approximately 3.58 acres. BUILDINGS: Four buildings; total floor area 100,000 sq. ft.
frame with corrugated sheet metal roof and siding. Main bay has single span of 75' with clearance height of 36'. Equipped with five electric overhead traveling cranes and three 5-ton
wall cranes. X-Ray Building, Locker Building and Inspection Offce, total 15,000 sq. ft.
machines, hydraulic presses, ladle bales, molding machines,
ucts and includes heat-treating facilties. LAND: About 12 acres. BUILDINGS: Core Plant, total area 190,300 sq. ft, basement
29,500 sq. ft., clearance 10'6" and 34'9", first floor 142,300
sq. ft., clearance 22'9" and 10'6", second floor 12,500 sq. ft., clearance 11'9", third floor, 6,000 sq. ft., clearance 10'. Con-
crete basement floor, concrete first floor (beam and slab de-
(Missouri) 97
finish on first floor about 70% wood block, 20% cement, balance
Warehouse, one story and mezzanine, first floor 50,000 sq. ft., mezzanine 4,300 sq. ft., total area 54,300 sq. ft., clearance first
first floor concrete slab on ground, mezzanine floor wood, structural steel framing and trusses, walls of wood studs with
Furnace Building, total area 49,800 sq. ft., basement 14,800
sq. ft., clearance 12', first floor 31,000 sq. ft., clearance 18'9",
First floor concrete, second floor, wood, first floor mostly wood block finish, structural steel columns, and trusses, walls wood studs with sheathing and siding.
crete floor, asphalt tile finish, brick walls. Storage Shed, area about 3,400 sq. ft., earth floor, wood con-
Hazardous manufacturing units are in two similar areas, adjoining the Plant No.1 and Plant No.2 manufacturing areas.
operations: Primer manufacturing, tracer manufacturing, and
Laboratory, total area about 4,700 sq. ft., clearance 14', con-
powder canning. In addition there are many small magazines in these areas. The principal buildings in these areas are two Primer Mfg. Bldgs., each with area of about 44,000 sq. ft. and
three tracer charge buildings, having gross areas of 43,659,
gauging machines, automatic screw machines, Hydryzing furnaces, washer machines, wash, rinse, and dry machines, chip
conveyor system, oil coolers, air compressors, hydraulic surface grinders, lathes, milers, shapers, dril presses, etc. UTILITIES: Furnished through the facilties of the Small Arms Ammunition Plant adjoining, except sewers, which discharge into St. Louis System.
some of frame construction and separated by heavy concrete barriers. Ballstics areas consist of two areas, one at the manufacturing
plant and one at the Tyson storage area. Proof house at the
manufacturing plant is a one-story, reinforced concrete structure, gross area 80,000 sq. .ft. This contains testing ranges and related facilties. At the Tyson storage area are outdoor testing ranges.
Explosive storage area is at Tyson. It contains 52 standard
Ammunition Plant
4,700,0 sq. ft. St. Louis Ordnance Plant.
In addition are three chemical warehouses having gross area of 17,676 sq. ft., a number of very small magazines for storage of T.N.T. and P.E.T.N., a small administration building, and a number of small service buildings. This area is served by railway.
buildings having total floor space of about 4,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Principal items include the following machines: Loading, annealing, cannelure, clip dryer, gauging and weighing, twining, partition, packing, pickling, case, trim, second trim, trim finish, washing and pickling,
wash, rinse, and dry, load and insert, inspection assembly,
BUILDINGS: The eight principal manufacturing buildings, arranged in two groups of four, and varying in size from apbuildings, also well built and equipped for manufacturing purposes, contain about 500,000 sq. ft. of floor space. In the
draw, fourth draw, ball bullet, bump, head and pocket, taper and plug, blanking and cupping, assembly, extraction, etc., and numerous other items of ammunition production equipment.
Also included are annealing furnaces of 2,000 lbs. per hour capacity and others. Building No. 110 contains numerous lathes, drils, automatic
lic presses, shears, etc. Additional machine tools in the various
maintenance areas in the plant buildings.
screw machines, boring machines, grinding machines, hydrau-
sq. ft.
and the Personnel Building. Administration Building is twostory and basement, of brick, steel and concrete, area 107,000
Manufacturing area (general) is divided into Plant No.1 and Plant No.2.
taining toilet and locker rooms. Construction similar to Administration Building. Gross floor area is 30,330 sq. ft.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Principal buildings of the manufacturing plant are served by a plant railway system having a
total trackage of about five miles and capacity of 249 cars. Sys-
tem connects to the Terminal and Wabash Railroads. This project is available for lease in whole or in part, subject to possible restrictions as to its proposed use.
St. Louis O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-110).
Explosives Plant
Tool and Gauge Bldg., Steel, concrete, and brick, two stories
and basement, area 166,400 sq. ft.
and part basement, area 265,500 sq. ft. 50 CaL. Production Bldg., steel, concrete, brick, two stories and part basement, area 345,400 sq. ft. 50 CaL. Production Bldg., steel, concrete, and brick, two stories and part basement, area 345,400 sq. ft.
Warehouse No. 105L: One story, 36,400 sq. ft., clearance height 7' to 15', concrete floor, brick walls, wood deck.
Personnel Bldg. No. 107, total area 30,100 sq. ft., basement,
About 20 miles west of St. Louis.-Army. LAND: About 17,700 acres. BUILDINGS: There are a total of 1,038 buildings of various
area of approximately 1,342,000 sq. ft.
3,600 sq. ft., clearance 9', first floor, 13,300 sq. ft., clearance
9'4", second floor, 13,200 sq. ft., clearance 9'6", reinforced concrete floor slabs on steel bar joist, structural steel framing, brick walls, concrete slab deck on steel bar joist. Plant No.2: 30 CaL. Production Bldg., steel, concrete and brick, two stories and part basement, area 345,000 sq. ft.
98 (Missour) (Montana)
four-unit plant. There are four sulphuric acid concentrating plants, each of four units. There are four nitric acid concen-
ings are of wood frame construction. The box factory and storage area contains the box factory, shock storage, box storage, container storage and other mis-
cellaneous buildings. These buildings are all wood frame structures suitable for light manufacturing or assembly operations
trating plants, three of which are three-unit plants and the fourth is a five-unit plant. There are two Sellte manufacturing plants. The T.N.T. (explosives) manufacturing area contains 18 lines
buildings, equipment, etc., for the manufacture of T.N.T. The individual buildings in these areas are relatively small, of special design and construction.
These groups comprise approximately twenty main buildings with floor areas of from 3,000 to 18,000 sq. ft. each, all of wood frame construction.
The explosives storage (magazine area) contains 100 concrete
columns, A.O.P. units complete, compressors, condensers, coolers, filters, separators, tanks, motors, pumps, instruments, bleaching columns, nitric acid concentrating units, sulphuric
igloos. All buildings and the entire area are served by trucking roads.
In the water supply and treatment area are the wells with
trators, blocking presses, dehydrating presses, vertical finishing block presses, recovery units (solvent), recovery units
their pumps, also the two water treatment plants which handle the project water supply, which is delivered through the plant
distributing system. The buildings are of permanent design and construction. There are three waste water disposal plants each
facturing wastes. The buildings have steel frames with either wood or corrugated walls and roofs. Sanitary sewage is collected at 17 different points, and handled through septic tanks.
having an evaporator house, incinerator house and caustic storage, equipped for evaporation and treatment of manu-
UTILITIES: See area description. Electric power is obtained from local utilty company. There
each with a capacity of 125,00 lbs. of steam per hour. Steam
are two steam power plants on the project furnishing power and process steam. Each power house contains three boilers
There are two general sections to the acid area which serves the project. The structures and equipment in the acid area are
of special design and construction of generally permanent type,
located in each power house. TRANSPORTATION: Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad.
St. Louis O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-186).
Chromium Mine & Ore Reducing Plant Surplus Pracessing Capacity 1,00 tons daily. Anaconda Copper Mining Company Columbus, Montana.-Plancor 133.
hall equipment, home outfitting furniture and bedding, etc. UTILITIES: Water-D.P.C. owns water rights on ample supply of water with Little Rocky Creek and springs as source.
LAND: D.P.C. owns very small acreage for rights of way for
There are leases on mining properties. Other sites are groundowned by U. S. Forest Service who have given D.P.C. Special Use Permits as follows:
LAND: DPC owns a small acreage, off-leasehold, purchased for right-of-way for highway construction and electric power transmission line. Metals Reserve Company owns 52.26 acres of land at Movat Mil Site.
Building. Practically all buildings have incandescent lighting. Also toilet facilties in nearly all structures. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Production EquipmentAt Mine: Suffcient air powered drils, air powered mucking
approximately 35 acres at Mil Site. DPC has a strip of land 100 feet wide by 1.25 miles long between mine and mil bins of which part is held on Special Use Permits from U. S. Forway, electric power transmission line and telephone line are located on this ground. Mine Camp. Part of the residences and part of the shops are
Mouat and Sampson to Metals Reserve Company. Aerial trainlocated on land held by DPC on Special Use Permits from U.S. Forest Service totaling 34 acres.
Part of the residences, part of the shops, and all of the under-
machines, storage battery locomotives, mine cars, etc. for production of 1,000 tons crude ore per day.
(Montana) (Nebraska) 99
ground workings are located on mining claims leased by Metals Reserve Company from Mouat and from Sampson.
Leases are for ten years from December 20, 1941 to December
20, 1951, and Metals Reserve Company has the right to extend
the leases another ten years. The claims leased from Mouat are the Bald Eagle, Mountain View, Rough Oak, which are
patented. Also the Adam, Princtons, Skunk, Samson, Aldco,
UTILITIES: Water. DPC owns water rights on amply supply of water. Sources and estimated gallons used at full production: Mine for operation, 30 gallons per minute, poor grade from Mountain View Lake and for domestic use, 25 gallons per minute from Verdigris Creek; Mil for concentrator, 2,000
gallons per minute from Stilwater River and for domestic, 15 gallons per minute from Verdigris Creek.
F., Cap, Jame, Soup, Pine, Smelter, Lake Placer, Monte Alto
approximately 342.43. Mouat also leased his interest in Moun-
Sewer. Installed by DPC with disposal in one septic tank at mine site and one at mil site. Power and Light. Ample supply of electricity can be purchased
lumbus, which is 45 miles from Mouat Concentrator.
BUILDINGS: There are about 218 different types of buildings at the mine site and mil site such as bunk houses, dwellings, recreation hall, mess halls, hospitals, laboratory shops
Highway. There is an excellent blacktop highway between Mouat Concentrator and Columbus, Montana.
and warehouses, offce, compressor building, concentrator building, etc. Total area of all structures about 300,000 sq. ft. Construction is timber frame and trusses are generally used in the shops and warehouses. Largest building is the Concentrator Building. Practically all buildings have incandescent
lighting. Also toilet facilties in nearly all structures. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Mine Site. In minesuffcient air-powered Drils, air-powered Mucking Machines, Storage Battery Locomotives, Mine Cars for production of
2,000 tons crude ore per twenty-four hours.
Other. Two 500 HP and one 700 HP electrically-driven Air Compressors to supply compressed air for mine operations.
Mil Site. Necessary machinery in Crusher Plant and Concentrator to treat 2,000 tons crude ore per twenty-four hours, in-
Designed as a flotation plant to concentrate low-grade (12% to 20%) to high-grade (33% to 40%) manganese carbonate ore. LAND: About 1.5 acres, leased. BUILDINGS: Crushing Plant and Mil Building, 16,600 sq.
ft., and Offce Building, 1,300 sq. ft. Timber frame construction.
Ample supply of offce equipment including filing cabinets, typewriters, adding and calculating machines. Ample supply of
beds, bedding, etc., for bunk houses and guest house. Ample
maintenance work.
EQUIPMENT: Crushers, screens, grinders, classifiers, flotation units, conditioners, pumps, thickeners, etc. TIE S: Water from wells on site and city. UTILI
Gas, power, light from local utilty company.
Ametal Melt and Pour: 3 floors, concrete floors, 9,458 sq. ft.,
ceilng height 1st floor 22', 2nd floor 8', 3 rd floor 8'.
Grand Island, Nebraska.-Army. Designed for shell and bomb loading and crystallzing ammonium nitrate from solution. LAND: 12,778 acres, 4,299 acres of which have been leased. BUILDINGS: Total number 568.
Buildings consist of administrative building, including dorm-
ceilng height 17'. TNT Melt and Pour: 6,761 sq. ft., concrete floor, ceilng height
Assembly-Packing-Shipping: 9,196 sq. ft., ceilng height 18'. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Machine tools, production equipment including electric and induction motors, 1%
ammonium nitrate area, shop area, storage area, bomb loading lines, storage magazines, guard and farm buildings. Ex-
through 200 kva transformers, air compressors, cranes, hying machines, evaporating pans and mercury tractors. Lab-
ters, concrete or wood floors, roll type or shingle roofing. Administration Building: 1 unit of basement and 2 floors, wood
floors, wood roof, each floor 21,286 sq. ft., ceilng heights, basement 13', 1st floor 11' 2nd floor 9'7". Ammonium Nitrate Area: 6 Evaporator Bldgs., 1,415 sq. ft. each, concrete floors, 6 Crystallzer Bldgs., 7,232 sq. ft. each,
concrete floors.
Booster Line: Inert storage, 7,235 sq. ft., concrete floor. Booster Assembly 6,987 sq. ft., concrete floor. Tetryl Pelleting Bldg., 3,189 sq. ft. concrete floor, Booster Service Mag. 2,491 sq. ft., concrete floor. (All 12' ceilng heights) 6 Booster Line Ramps 9,653 total sq. ft., concrete floor, 7' ceilng height,
each line 10' wide by 200' long.
Inert Storage Area: 6 Bldgs., 11,118 sq. ft. each, 14' ceilng height.
Inert Storage: 49,392 sq. ft., concrete floor, ceilng height 16'.
these purposes. Approximate annual capacity of facilties follows: 190 proof Ethyl Alcohol, 17,500,000 gallons; feed recovery
height 17'. Nose Pour Bldg.: 6,705 sq. ft., concrete floor, ceilng height 11'.
63,000 tons; mold bran 25,000,000 lbs.; corn oil 4,900,000 lbs.; C02 35,000 tons.
100 (Nebraska)
333,795 sq. ft., first floor concrete and wood block, second floor
hangar 28', in work room 14', in offce 9', in loading dock 18';
is 6.28 acres; Iowa 0.22 acre. BUILDINGS: Total floor area 113,000 sq. ft. Main Building, three story and basement, steel frame, brick walls; floor area 91,300 sq. ft. Alcohol Weighing and Loading Building, Drum Dryer Building, Sacking and Offce Building, etc., 21,700 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Facilties for the following operations: grain handling, grain processing, fermentation, yeast processing, stiling and rectifying, alcohol storage,
wood; concrete and frame structural features. Wall construction of concrete tie block and wood. Clear ceilng height in
built-up 4-ply asphalt roof. Bays in work space and offces approximately 19'6" by 20'. Hangar clear span of approximately 158'6". Unit No.2 is equipped with one-half ton twohoists, hand operated, and electric freight elevator.
UTILITIES: Water from City and from wells on Iowa site. Power, light, gas, steam from local utility company. TRANSPORTATION: Railroad siding into plant. Omaha O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Building B, 308. The balance of the buildings consists' of electric, air, and heating building, oil storage house, pump house, reservoir, guard tower, pedestrian tunnel, and garage. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Grinders, presses, lathes,
Aircraft Plant
duction equipment, heat treating equipment, laboratory and testing equipment, furniture and fixtures, and automotive
Omaha, Nebraska.-Army.
BUILDINGS: Assembly Building, basement and one story, area 1,394,700 sq. ft., concrete floor, wood block and asphalt tile finish, reinforced concrete and steel frame, walls of concrete and gunite, ceilng height basement 15', 1st floor 22',
28', 44', 4-ply tar and gravel roof.
Personnel Building, three story, area 20,180 sq. ft., concrete floor, terrazzo and asphalt tile finish, frame of steel, walls
of face brick with common brick backing, ceilng height 10', 4-ply tar-gravel roof.
Oil House, basement and one story, area 20,000 sq. ft., concrete
height, basement 10', 1st floor 16' 4-ply tar and gravel roof. Paint Shop, basement and one story, area 82,000 sq. ft. Same
construction features as Oil House except ceiling height is 15' in basement, 30' on 1st floor.
is 28'.
plant for converting nitrate liquor into nitrate crystals. LAND: About 17,368 acres. BUILDINGS: Staff and residence area contains ten six-room
and five five-room frame houses with garages. There are two wooden dormitories. Administration area contains the following buildings:
Hangar No.1 & 2, basement and one story, area 119,200 sq. ft. Same construction features as Oil House except ceilng height
wood, ceilng height 9', composition tar and gravel roof.
composition roof.
Administration Building, floor area 43,350 sq. ft., Cafeteria floor area 15,540 sq. ft., Employment Building, floor area 8,900 sq. ft., Hospital, floor area 8,100 sq. ft., Telephone Exchange Building, floor area 1,140 sq. ft., Laboratory floor area 3,000 sq. ft., Assembly Hall floor area 12,275 sq. ft. These are
change Building which is of brick. Sh?p. and maintenance area contains the following principal bUlldings: General Warehouse, floor area 10,670 sq. ft., Maintenance and Repair Bldg., floor area 25,930 sq. ft., Boiler Plant floor area 4,500 sq. ft., Dry Cleaning and Laundry Bldg., floor area 10,670 sq. ft., Wood-working Shop, floor area 10,670 sq. ft.,
all frame buildings with wood siding except Telephone Ex-
South Unloading Dock, one story, total area 38,880 sq. ft, all concrete construction, ceilng height 22', 4-ply roof.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Driling, miling, riveting, swaging, threading, forming, punching, numbering, sewing, scrubbing, machines; grinders, lathes, presses, sanders,
50,355 sq. ft., Equipment Storage, floor area 6,900 sq. ft. These are generally of wood framing with tie walls.
In another area, called the Heavy Equipment and Garage Repair Shop Area, are the following facilties: Garage and Repair Shop, floor area 12,383 sq. ft., Warehouse, floor area
house which is included in the description of the lines. Ammunition (explosive) storage and shipping areas: The finished ammunition area contains 102 igloos 26' and 60' with a total floor area of 159,000 sq. ft. These have concrete walls and wood roof construction.
The high explosive area contains 117 similar igloos 26' by 40'
with total floor area of 121,000 sq. ft.
Inert Storage: Each loading line has its inert storage ware-
Electricity from local utilty company, also gas. TRANSPORTATION: Spur from C. B. & Q. R. R.
This plant is available for lease only.
ings with a total floor area of about 150,000 sq. ft. per line, exclusive of ramps. This area includes the boiler house serving each line. Layout conforms to the typical loading plant, in which the lines are widely separated and each line consists of a few main buildings with numerous small detached buildings, with most buildings connected by covered passageways.
Fort Crook, Nebraska.-Army. LAND: Approximately 87.3 acres. BUILDINGS: 9, with combined area of 747,689 sq. ft. Building No. B, 308 consists of Units, 1, 2, and 3: 2 story,
Principal buildings in each bomb loading line are an Inert Storage Warehouse, 50,000 sq. ft. floor area; Receiving and Painting Building, 18,000 sq. ft.; Assembly, Packing and Shipping Building, 10,000 sq. ft Booster line contains 10 buildings having a total floor area
Steel Foundry
4,0 tons castIngs per yer.
b.y.30'. These are frame construction, with asphalt shingle siding on wood sheathing.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Numerous items including hoppers, pulverizers, screens, conveyors, preheaters, !Delt units, evaporatingscales, crystallzing kettles, platforms, industrial trucks, skids, pans, pelleting presses, feed presses, blenders, battery charging units, bomb printing and striping machines, hoists, tanks, pumps, lift jacks, etc.
We1I equipped maintenance and machine shop facilties. UTILITIES: Water from 11 wells on site. Sewage disposal by project facilties, including sewage treatment plant.
Designed to augment lessee's production of steel castings. LAND: About 2.13 acres, leased.
Main Foundry with lean-to and various adjoining rooms. Structural steel framing, brick and steel sash sidewalls. Area main portion 16,200 sq. ft., lean-to 8,000 sq. ft., miscellaneous rooms adjoining building 1,800 sq. ft.
Clearance main portion 26', other clearances from 11' to 19'.
Power and light from local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: About 35 miles of plant track connecting to the Union Pacific and the Chicago, Burlington and
Quincy R. R.'s.
melt furnaces, two jolt rollover machines, four furnace charging brickets, fifteen air grinders, machine tools, etc.
Also three traveling cranes.
This project is available for lease in whole or part, subject to possible restrictions as to its proposed use.
Omaha O. R. P. D. (AP-129).
Magnesium Plant
112,000,00 lb.. per y_r.
At Gabbs are located the mines and concentrates mil. At Henderson is the metals and refining plant, producing magnesium
of wood frame construction. Total area about 63,500 sq. ft. On site is a housing development of sixty homes, 4 rooms each,
All wood frame construction. At Boulder City are fifteen permanent 2-bedroom stucco houses.
also 2 dormitories 6,300 sq. ft. each and mess hall 7,200 sq. ft.
son. Power, Water, etc., both locations. The plan cor is currently being operated as a multiple-tenancy
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Plant includes numerous items of equipment for following plant units: Ore Reclaiming from Stockpile, Coarse Crushing, Fine Crushing, Grinding,
Pulp and Leaching, Sulphur, Thickener, Neutralizing, Evaporating, Sand Filter, Roasting, Nodulizing, Finished Product. Roasting Plant contains an 11' by 360' rotary kiln complete.
project subject to the provisions of the leases in effect. San Francisco O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
from the plant site and 150' above the plant. Modern sewers
Aircraft Parts Plant
Sold BUILDINGS: Two brick buildings built about forty years ago for textile mil. Main Building and Wiring. Total floor area, 210,000 sq. ft., divided into five floors of 28,000 sq. ft. in the main building
brick bearing walls, wood beams and floors, interior wood col-
and five 14,000 sq. ft. floors in the wing. Ceilng heights, 13'6", 12'6", 12'6", 12'3", 13'6", respectively. Mil-type construction,
umns, tar and gravel roof. (Third and fourth floors in main building are new). Present floor load design about 75 lb. Two reconditioned elevators, 1,000, 2,000 lb. capacity and 1 new 3ton capacity elevator. Cafeteria with 1,100 capacity with complete kitchen equipment on third floor. Wet-pipe sprinkler system on all floors.
Picker Building. A three-story separate building connected
Aircraft Parts Plant
50,40 sq. ft. Air Associates, Inc.,
etc. Aluminum Plant: 3 pot lines each containing 128 reduction pots. Metal Service Building: one 27,000# remelt furnace, 2 ingot casting machines. Twenty 6 ton, two 10 ton cranes. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse-
Oxygen Plant
64,0,000 cu. ft. per year.
Air Reduction Sales Company,
by Pennsylvania R. R.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: About 2. miles of track on site, served
Philadelphia O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Warren and King Streets, Gloucester, New Jersey.-Nobs-258. LAND: About . acre made up of two plots separated by a city street. BUILDINGS: Consist of main plant (oxygen plant), flow master control house, transformer substation, garage (designated
"Trailer Building").
Oxygen Plant, 66' by 105' overall. One story, total area 6,864 sq. ft., clearances: engine room 18', soda tower 35', storage room 23', boiler room 13', elsewhere 10'. Construction: con-
by 27'.)
Trailer Building, 50' by 67'3", clearance 15' to underside truss,
one story, floor area, 3,120 sq. ft., concrete foundations, pilastered brick walls supporting three 50' span steel trusses, concrete floor.
faction units, electrical equipment, pumps, piping, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies.
Milington, New Jersey.-Nobs-347. Used in the production of thermal insulation, particularly pipe
Aluminum Plant
64,600 sq. ft. Aluminum Company of America, Burlington, New Jersey.-Plancor 226-A3.
LAND: About 1 acre, more or less. BUILDING: 100' by 180', one story. Two penthouses with two clear stories extending above roof, one over drier oven and the other over boiler room. Area, first floor, 18,000 sq. ft.,
clearance 12', area, penthouses, 10,000 sq. ft. Construction:
concrete foundations, concrete block walls (plastered), brick piers, and steel sash. Steel girders and beams supported on steel columns, roof gypsum plank with built-up roofing. Fluorescent lighting. Drier oven is 20' by 100' by 8' high, constructed of cinder blocks
LAND: Approximately 69. acres, of which approximately 4Y: acres lies under water between wharf line and bulkhead
BUILDINGS: Some 30 buildings, including 6 Pot Room Buildings (200,000 sq. ft.), Rectifier Building (37,300 sq. ft.), Metal Service (45,000 sq. ft.), Carbon Storage (86,000 sq. ft), 2 Carbon Baking (73,000 sq. ft.), Carbon Rodding (71,000 sq. ft.).
protected metal siding.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Platform cars, turntables, dust-collecting system, pallets, dryer racks, drum mix-
UTILITIES: Local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: D. L. & W. Siding. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (NP-16).
LAND: Approximately 7% acres. BUILDING: Total area 88,000 sq. ft. One story, monitor type,
Parts Foundry
18,000 sq. ft.
tural steel frame, exterior walls of brick with steel sash. Installed are 12 hand push cranes complete with electrification up to 2,500 lb. capacity; 15 hoists up to two-ton capacity; 15
systems of various types conveyors.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Furnaces, tanks, pyrometers, core sand hoppers, bench vises, lathes, grinders, saws,
Couse Laboratories,
300 Passaic Street,
This plant has been leased for a period of two years. Nego-
Ordnance Plant
LAND: 3 parcels containing approximately 13 acres. BUILDING: One and two story factory and offce-type brick
building. Overall size 327' x 242'. Structural steel framing.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, miling, grinding, boring, driling machines, furnace, oven, scale, power
presses, tank trucks, etc. Laboratory and testing equipment and furniture and fixtures.
BUILDINGS: 1 story building with corrugated iron walls on steel frame, cinder floor and concrete foundation. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: All equipment and ma-
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Pennsylvania Railroad adjacent to
UTILITIES: Local utilty company. Plant has its own sewage disposal facilties.
TRANSPORTATION: Erie Railroad siding 700' from building. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Designed as a laboratory, experimental and development plant equipped with a complete metallurgical laboratory. LAND: Approximately 20 acres. BUILDING: One story, experimental factory and laboratory
building 307' by 380' with three story offce section 63' by 306',
main section 117,000 sq. ft., offce section 88,850 sq. ft., mezzanine 15,800 sq. ft. Clearance main section 21'. Reinforced
concrete construction with tile exterior walls. Sprinklered.
Pipe Line
Negotiations for this facilty have been closed, and its disposal
1680). . .
1,340 miles.
"Big Inch" Pipe Line from Longview, Texas to
Two 15-ton, two 5-ton, three 3-ton, eight 2-ton, and one I-ton cranes.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, grinding maanvils, etc. Many items of laboratory and testing equipment. Also ample furniture and fixtures and portable tools.
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
Brochure available.
Pipe Line
TIE S: Water supplied by others from well. Power and UTILI light by local utilty company. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Brochure available.
PLANT: Land, building, machinery and equipment used for the production of cathode tubes and oscilographs. LAND: About 0.791 acre. Frontage of 63' on Main Avenue
and a total area of about 10,000 sq. ft. Land is lessee-owned
BUILDING: Offce and Factory Building. Total floor area 30,000 sq. ft. An irregular-shaped structure of two-story, basement, and penthouse. Basement, clearance 9', first floor and
second floor, clearances 14'. Construction, brick exterior walls
with interior plaster and paint finish, structural-steel columns,
girders, and beams, concrete basement floor, upper floors maple, wood plank deck, steel sash. Sprinklered.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Electric furnace, bombarders, bulb dryers, exhaust positions, trimming machines, stem machines, sealing machines, glass lathes, Tenneysphere
Eastern Aircraft,
Linden, New Jersey.-Plancor 569.
chamber, baking oven, spray booths, air compressors, maintecal pyrometers,hydrogen ovens, etc. UTILITIES: City and local public utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Erie Railroad. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (NP-B5).
East Coast Shipyard Bayonne, New Jersey.-Maritime.
ing, grinding and miling machines, saws, lathes, shapers, shearing machines, anodyzing, fire-fighting, photographic,
machines, transformers, etc. Also included 135 chain hoists, 7
cranes, 1 conveyor section.
82,000 sq. ft. Federal Shipbuilding and Drydock Company
BUILDING: Warehouse Building. One-story, brick 100' by 820'. Concrete floor, wood roof.. Dry sprinkler system. Railroad siding full length north side of building. New York O. R. P. D.
UTILITIES: Municipality and local utility companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur from Pennsylvania Railroad. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Aircraft Plant
LAND: 74 acres separated by a railroad into two parcels of 56 acres and 18 acres.
BUILDINGS: Hangar Building, area 80,000 sq. ft., with Offce and Lean-to additions of 22,000 sq. ft.
construction. Storage Building, area 182,000 sq. ft., wood construction. Engineering and Experimental Building and other buildings, total 76,000 sq. ft.
Miscellaneous small units about 6,000 sq. ft.
presses, shaping, shearing and boring machines, crimper, ham-
LAND: Two parcels totalling about 0.56 acre. BUILDINGS: Main Building, one story and basement steel frame building with stuccoed cement block walls. Area basement 8 000 sq. ft., main floor 20,000 sq. ft. Clearances main
floor 10: and 15'. Fluorescent lighting.
Inspection & Shipping Building, steel frame, brick veneer, hollow tie walls. Area 3,000 sq. ft., ceilng 16'. Both buildings connect to lessee's buildings.
mer, rolls, shears, heat treating furnace, sand blaster, shapers, jointers, welding machines, riveters, spray guns, electric drils, air hammers, buffers and reamers. Also laboratory and testing
equipment including X-Ray, metalloscope, stress and strain recorder, comparator, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Sub-
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of Lehigh Valley R. R. This plant ha/l been leased for a period of one year. Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the provisions of the lease in effect.
sequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding leads to Erie Railroad, covered
loading dock.
LAND: Area of 36,400 sq. ft., under option to purchase. BUILDING: Main Building, one story, 137' by 250', floor
sash rows in high portion of building. Gypsum
tions may be entered into for its purchase subject to the pro-
crete floor, structural-steel framing and trusses, brick walls to sil height, corrugated asbestos side walls between the upper
plank deck.
86,800 sq. ft.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Cranes. Two 15-ton 45' span overhead traveling cranes. Machine tools and other items
of production equipment.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of D. L. & W. Railroad. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (NP-52).
LAND: About 0.69 acre. BUILDINGS: Two existing buildings joined by party walls
Penicilln Plant
54,0 sq. ft.
Heyden Chemical Corporation,
Princeton, New Jersey.-Plancor 1957.
A mil-type manufacturing building that has been rehabiltated, altered, and repaired. Four story, no basement. Total area about 70,000 sq. ft., clearance, 11' to 12'. Brick exterior walls, timber columns and framing. Three interior brick fire walls divide building into four sections. Upper floors are wood, first floor is concrete, flat roof. All floors have automatic
sprinklers. Manufacturing' building of structural steel, brick, and concrete, four-story building, total area, 15,000 sq. ft. (first and second
floor, 10,000 sq. ft.; third and fourth floor, 5,000 sq. ft.). Clear-
ance, 12', brick exterior walls, fireproof structural steel framing, steel sash, concrete floor slabs. Automatic sprinkler system. Cafeteria on first floor (4,000 sq. ft.) has asphalt tile floor
Boiler house. One story, brick, area 1,800 sq. ft., ceilng height, 25', brick walls, concrete floor. Contains two boilers, one operating and one sealed.
BUILDING: Total floor area 38,500 sq. ft. One story and mezzanine manufacturing building, 138' by 242', 32,000 sq. ft. on main floor, 6,500 sq. ft. in mezzanine. Structural steel
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, driling machines, miling machines, dril presses, screw machines, boring
ment, filters, pellet machines, material handling equipment, screening and bagging equipment, pumps, compressors, dust collecting system, etc. UTILITIES: Power and light from utility companies. Other utilties furnished by lessee. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of Pennsylvania R. R. This plant has been leased for a period of one year. Negotia tionsmay be entered into for its purchase subject to the provisions of the lease in effect.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Functional units containing tanks, filtering and mixing equipment, pan dryers,
hoists, spot welder, optical grinding machines, and equipment for adjusting and testing range finders. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse-
LAND: Area . acre. BUILDING: Four story factory, total floor area 79,600 sq. ft.
floor loads, 200 and 300#/sq. ft. Two 7,500 pound capacity electric elevators. Reinforced concrete construction, brick curred except fourth story. tain walls. Sprinkle MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Machine tools including
driling, grinding, tapping and miling machines, shaper, cut97' by 205'. Ceilng height first story 15', others 12'. Allowable
Tape Plant
11,0 sq. ft.
Lee & Beiln
Carlstadt, New Jersey.-Plancor 2357.
off saws, etc. Other production equipment, including dryer ovens, filter press
and pump, kilns, paint spray and die making machines, etc.
Also portable tools, electric trucks, hand hoists, portable crane, electric welder, punch machine, air hammer and dril, electric
dril, etc.
Laboratory and testing equipment of many types and ample furniture and fixtures.
clearances 14' and 9'. Part of exterior is cement coated. Concrete floor.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Special production equipment for printing, finishing, and packaging tape, mil room, etc.
EQUIPMENT: Five locomotive cranes, air compressors, cars, furnaces, hoists, welding machines, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORT ATION: Siding of Pennsylvania R. R. Philadelphia O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
steel frame structure with monitor, brick and hollow tile walls, concrete floor, wood block finish, steel sash. Sprinklered. Area,
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Main line Pennsylvania Railroad is
200' from property.
and runway and two electric hoists. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
New York O. R. P. D.
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
UTILITIES: Water from three wells. Sanitary sewage disposal to battery of six septic tanks together with drainfields. Power and light from local utilty companies. Philadelphia O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
12,600 sq. ft.
Resistoflex Corporation,
Titeflex, Inc.,
500 Frelinghuysen Avenue,
Ordnance-Powder Plant
238,0 sq. ft.
New Jersey Powder Company
of Newark. About
BUILDING: One story and basement used for manufacturing. 50' by 83' used for boiler room, pump room, coal storage, shop, etc. Clearance basement 14', first floor 14'. Manu-
Penn-J ersey Shipbuilding Corporation,
grinder, lathes, miling machine, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Sub-
Designed for production of cargo boats. LAND: About 514 acres. BUILDINGS: Mold Loft and Structural Shop Building, three story concrete block masonry and structural steel; area 20,000 sq. ft.; clearance in Mold Loft 14', in St;uctural Shop 24'.
timbers on pile foundations.
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company.
Negotiations may be entered into for the purchase subject to
the provisions of the lease in effect.
This plant has been leased for a period of eleven months.
Offce Building, four story and basement of brick construction, area 12,000 sq. ft. per floor; clearances 12' and 9'; sprinklered. Boiler House, brick construction; clearances 20', 30', sprinklered; area 9,000 sq. ft.
chines, surface plates, furnaces, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Radio Tube Plant
11,400 sq. ft.
pickling equipment, various types furnaces. Also bonderize, cadmium, chrome and bronze plating facilties.
Miscellaneous items of spray booths, magna
LAND: Approximately 44 acres. BUILDINGS: Some 25 buildings, generally heavy mil construction consisting of heavy timber framing with brick walls. Plant completely overhauled and extensively renovated. Consists of main building and numerous incidental units. The Magnesium Foundry and Sand Reclaim Building are new and of modern design. Magnesium Foundry (112,000 sq. ft.) of modern steel frame construction. Sand Reclaim Building of reinforced concrete, steel and brick (22,700 sq. ft.). MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Machine tools, drills, grinders, lathes, milers, presses, saws, etc. Numerous items including specialized foundry equipment,
flux units, arbor
presses, etc.
teria equipment. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse-
ment including bombarders with tubes, exhaust position, heavy duty stem machine, sealing machine, etc.
BUILDINGS: Consists of two adjoining buildings of brick and wood mil type construction, two story and basement; clearance 10' to 13'. Rehabiltated. Sprinklered. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Tube production equip-
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Wright Aeronautical Corporation,
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Steel Tubing Plant 27,00 tons per year. Wallngton Tube Corporation,
Wallngton, New Jersey.-Plancor 1806.
LAND: 75.85 acres on the Passaic River. BUILDINGS: 12 major and 10 minor buildings, including
shops, storage and factory buildings, etc.
Construction is generally heavy timber and concrete superstructure, masonry walls, steel sash.
clearances 9' to 29'.
Iron Mines and Ore Reduction Plant Surplus 418,4 tons Iron ore per year. Alan Wood Steel Company, Ringwood, New Jersey.-Plancor 662. Mines property and crushing plant, concentrating mil, and accessories for the production of lump ore and iron ore con-
East Manufacturing Building: 136,000 sq. ft., one story, clearances 15' to 20'.
and 18'.
by others.
family dwellngs, church and school, of wood construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Ball mils, jaw crushers, cone crushers, gyratory crushers, cobbers, classifiers, compressors, feeders, filters, generators, separators, pumps, sizers,
BUILDINGS: Group of 23 service structures, new and rebuilt, total area 89,000 sq. ft.; also seventy, one and two
Boiler House and other service buildings total 38,700 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Machine Tools; boring, grinding, and driling machines, tapping and threading machines, lathes, saws, presses, etc. Other Production Equipment: includes compressors, magnaflux units, oil conditioners, plating and cleaning tanks, coal stoking units, etc.
Portable Tools: 2370 items consisting of air, electric and chain
benders, etc.
samples, shovels, tanks, scales, etc. One 20-ton electric crane, one 4-ton hand powered crane. UTILITIES: Water is supplied by two deep wells on site. Sewers discharge into a system of septic tanks.
Power and light furnished by public utilty company.
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subseand equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
UTILITIES: By City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Railroad siding on site.
A part of this plant has been sold. Negotiations may be en-
tered int9 for the purchase or lease of all or part of the re-
UTILITIES: Water from wells and Magnesium Cell Feed Plant Surplus light from local utilty company. other sources. Power and
61,100,000 Ibs. of magnesium chloride per year.
International Minerals & Chemical Corporation Near Carlsbad, New Mexico.-Plancor 265. Designed to produce magnesium chloride cell feed for use at Austin, Texas, plant. LAND: About 614 acres. BUILDINGS: Fifteen buildings and structures consisting of
four principal and ten minor buildings and a loading dock.
Total floor area about 78,300 sq. ft. Principal buildings include
TRANSPORTATION: Spur, 1,600' long, to Texas & New Mexico R. R. Denver O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
quette Building, 3,000 sq. ft., Boiler House, 12,000 sq. ft. Con-
Evaporator, 45,000 sq. ft., Shop Building, 5,300 sq. ft., Bri-
are also about 8% miles of feeder pipe line and housing accommodations for employees.
meters, pumps, silos, ovens, spray dryers, primary multiclones, blowers, briquette presses, magnetic separators, tanks, turbo mixers, instruments, controls, etc. Power plant on site consisting of six gas diesel engine generator sets and one steam turbine. Capacity 3,650 kw. Steam generated by two 500 hp stoker fired boilers.
Plant, about 3.3 acres; and dwellng site, about 1.8 acres. BUILDINGS: 168 Burner Buildings, each 1,920 sq. ft., light steel frame, sides and roof of V -crimp steel sheets. Processing Buildings, 2,340 sq. ft., and Warehouse, 8,640 sq. ft. Other
buildings aggregate 7,700 sq. ft. In addition, there are eighteen
veyors, air separators, pulverizers, absorber, reactivator, boilers, tanks, drums, motors, etc.
Sewage disposal system on site. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of A. T. & S. F. R. R. Denver O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Monument, New Mexico.-Plancor 2254. Designed for the manufacture of channel type carbon black.
plant, and housing for employees.
Designed for manufacture and processing of acid grade fluorspar. LAND: Approximately 47%, acres. BUILDINGS: Total area 14,400 sq. ft.
LAND: Approximately 160 acres at Carbon Black Plant site, and 1% acres at Treater Plant. BUILDINGS: 80 Burner Buildings, each 12' by 160', eight
steel frame, sides and roof of sheet iron. Also Processing
ener mechanism, various types tanks, filters, reagent feeders, rotary dryer, samplers, conveyors, bucket elevators, screens,
crusher, pumps, dust collector equipment, etc.
Laboratory, Offce, Pump House, 1,200 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Flotation machine, thick-
sq. ft. In addition, there are fourteen four room and bath
frame dwellngs.
veyors, pulverizers, screens, loading and bagging equipment,
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Burners, scrapers, conpumps, air compressor, tanks, reactivator, etc.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding from Santa Fe Railroad. This plant has been leased for a period of two years. Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the provisions of the lease in effect.
Ordnance Forging Plant Surplus
61,00 sq. ft. Adirondack Foundries & Steel, Inc., Watervliet, New York.-Plancor 372. Designed to manufacture large rough tube forgings. LAND: Approximately 5 acres. BUILDINGS: Manufacturing Building, one and two stories;
area 55,300 sq. ft.; clearances factory area 36' and 50'; struc-
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: One 1,000-ton forging press, straightening press, melting furnace, lifting tongs, annealing ovens, circular type vertical furnaces, lathes, grinders,
drils, etc.
cranes, span 45 and 62 ft.; and one 15-ton crane, span 66 ft.
Boiler Room, 5-ton crane, span 18 ft.
Main Building has one 7%-ton crane 50 ft. span; two 10-ton
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track from Delaware and Hudson
Power House and Storage Building, total area 5,700 sq. ft.
Aircooled Motors Corporation, Old Liverpool Road, Salina, New York.-NOa-100. LAND: About 6.6 acres (land under all biaildings except A,
buildings on site, including 16 Pot Rooms Buildings, each 34,000 sq. ft. Construction mostly structural steel framing with protected metal siding. Rectifier Buildings (2) are of
brick and steel. Metal Servce, carbon rodding, offce and
B, B.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Principal items are 8 pot lines, each containing 12B reduction pots. Rectifier buildings
BUILDINGS: Consist generally of additions to existing shop buildings and others of the lessee. Building A, 33' by 200', area 6,600 sq. ft., concrete floor, masonry and steel construction. Sprinklered. (On leased land.) Building B, 33' by 100', area 3,300 sq. ft., similar to Building A (on leased land).
Building B2, Cafeteria, 3,300 sq. ft., prefabricated steel structure (on leased land).
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Long Island R.R.
A small part of the plant has been sold. At the present
Building No.5, 65' by 95', area 6,400 sq. ft. Building No.6, 51' by 65', area 3,400 sq. ft. Building No.7, 51' by 160', area 8,300 sq. ft. Building No.8, 66' by 104', area 6,800 sq. ft. Engineering Building Addition, 67' by 119', area 8,000 sq. ft.
and it is estimated that this facility will be required by the Navy until July 1, 1947. Negotiations may be entered into for the purchase or lease of all or part of the plant subject to the
provisions of the lease in effect.
time the plant is being leased by the Navy for other purposes
Test Cell Building, 63' by 79', area 5,000 sq. ft. Test Cell Addition, 40' by 41', area 1,600 sq. ft. Vertical Dynamometer, 33' by 72', area 2,400 sq. ft.
All buildings are of masonry and wood with concrete floor, except Test Cell Building which is of reinforced concrete.
New York O. R. P. D.
Oxygen Plant
11,200,00 cubic feet per month.
Designed for production of aluminum ingots, also facilties for production of carbon electrodes used in the reduction process. LAND: About 616 acres. BUILDINGS: Total floor area of 850,000 sq. ft. for 53 buildings, including six pot room buildings, rectifier station, metal
tural steel framing with protected metal siding. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Process equipment in-
age, etc. Pot rooms of 34,000 sq. ft. area, each are of struc-
Oxygen Plant
3,600,000 cubic feet per month.
equipment, 36 ignition mercury rectifiers, hammer mils, furnaces, numerous machine tools, pig molds, laboratory testing
capacity and one 75-ton traveling crane.
equipment, etc. Also various cranes from 5-ton to 10-ton
Alloy18,0 tons alloy ban and wire per y_r. Steel Plant Surplus
Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corporation, Brigham Road, Dunkirk, New York.-Plancor 99.
with Transmission line of Consolidated Edison Co. at Taylor- . vile. TRANSPORTATION: Massena Terminal R.R. serves plant
connecting with New York Central and Canadian National
LAND: 10 acres. BUILDINGS: Total floor area about 210,000 sq. ft. Main Building: Three aisles, mil type, 216' by 875" used for
bilett heating, bar rollng, annealing finishing and shipping. Floor area 191,700 sq. ft. Steel frame, with exterior walls of
monitor over center aisle. Clearance in center aisle 40 ft., side aisles 29 ft. Crane tracks in all three aisles.
furnaces, swing frame and centerless grinders, cold drawing equipment, straighteners, merchant and bar mils, lathes and
Building and Power Sub-station Building total 16,900 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Heating and annealing
Wingdale, New York.-Plancor 546. Designed to produce magnesium metal from dolomite by the
ferro-silcon process. Facilties designed to include quarrying
plant include one 5-ton, five 10-ton, one 20-ton with top aux-
ilary, one 20-ton with two manual 10-ton hoists, and one 2-ton gantry crane.
plant). Tram. right of way, 21 acres (connecting sites). Total 329 acres. BUILDINGS: Twenty buildings and structures with total floor
area 221,000 sq. ft. Largest is Smelting Building, 100' by
704', two story, area 136,000 sq. ft.; reinforced concrete cinder block walls, steel trusses. Most other buildings are cinder block walls and either reinforced concrete or wood.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Secondary crushing equipment; lime calcining (two 8' by 125' rotary kilns); mixing and pulverizing equipment; briquetting three presses, cap. 6,000#
no (New York)
ton, 1 hydraulic press, 500 ton, 6 vertical hardening furnaces (25' high by 8' diameter), 6 drawing furnaces (25' high by 6' diameter), 6 normalizing furnaces (6' high by 40' long by 11' wide), 1 oil fired forge furnace, tanks, dust collectors, stands, 120,000 lb. compression testing machine, lathes, power
saws, centering machines, threading machines, grinders, miling machines, shapers.
Spur on site. .
Aircraft Parts Plant
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: D. & H. R. R. and N. Y. C. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-42).
Ordnance Plant
288,0 sq. ft.
American Locomotive Tank Plant, Jay Street,
Used by lessee in operations for manufacturing tanks, locomotives, etc.
Hangar, Cafeteria Building, two story, 65,000 sq. ft., first story below grade, concrete blow ground, cinder block above grade.
LAND: Site of Shipping Building, 4.14 acres, owned. Site of Buildings "A", "C", and Warehouse, 5.2 acres, leased.
floor 81,934 sq. ft., 2nd floor 5,336 sq. ft., floor of reinforced
hangar 23', cafeteria 14'. Some installations not completed. Paint Storage, 30' by 60', 1,650 sq. ft., clearance 13', cinder
nects with lessee-owned building.
BUILDINGS: Combat Tank Assembly. Building "A", 1st concrete, steel framing, walls of asbestos cement insulation
Combat Tank Hull Assembly. Building "C", 1st floor 48,069
Heater Unit Building, one story 32' by 78', 2,500 sq. ft., con-
sq. ft., 2nd floor 2,500 sq. ft., reinforced concrete, steel framing,
booth, sand blast, humidifiers, scales, etc. UTILITIES: Water from wells on site. Power and light from local utilty companies. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Aircraft Service Building
Tank Shipping Building, 1st floor only, 61,968 sq. ft., concrete,
masonry and wood, ceilng height 20'.
Four other buildings. Total area about 8,500 sq. ft., one story,
concrete floors, wood frame construction.
Combat Tank Assembly Building has one 35-ton and one 15-ton
bridge cranes, also eight Ph-ton wall cranes.
American Export Airlines, Inc., LaGuardia Field, New York, New York.-Plancor 1629.
Building designed for servicing aircraft, and also provides
offce space.
Combat Tank Hull Assembly Bldg. contains two 15-ton and one 10-ton bridge cranes. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, driling, grinding, miling, planing, boring machines, hoists, dust collectors, annealing. furnaces, battery chargers, welding equipment, com-
LAND: On lease from City of New York, 1.58 acres; on permit from City of New York, 5.38 acres.
BUILDING: Building surrounds three sides of present Seaplane Hangar No.2, which is owned by City of New York.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: N. Y. C. R. R. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-36).
struction brick and wood. Ground floor area 69,000 sq. ft.,
second floor 21,000 sq. ft. Clearances 12', 14' and 17'. Sprin-
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Refrigerators, stoves and various other items of cafeteria and kitchen equipment.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
LAND: L shaped area, 14,264 sq. ft. BUILDING: One-story, 68' by 145', floor area 9,450 sq. ft.
tom of trusses 12'6".
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
of which about 5,800 sq. ft. is upper mezzanine floor. Clearance main floor from 25' to 57', concrete floor on ground with cement and wood block finishes, structural steel framing, corrugated asbestos siding and roof.
construction. .
Offce Building, area 4,300 sq. ft., two story, wood frame construction.
Bausch & Lomb Optical Company, 10 Champeney Terrace, Rochester, New York.-Nord-1068.
U sed for production of optical equipment. with buildings rehabiltated.
An existing plant
A, B, C, D; Four
Building A, 58,864
3,300 sq. ft., clearance 30', concrete floor, wood and concrete
sq. ft.; Building B, 2,720 sq. ft.; Building C, 69,264 sq. ft.; Building D, 3,816 sq. ft.; total floor area 134,664 sq. ft., ceiling heights 12'. Buildings are of reinforced concrete beam
Aircraft Parts
365,00 sq. ft.
and slab construction with poured concrete floors and roof. Walls are of concrete with wood sash. Sprinklered.
conditioning in various parts of the building. Building E, Boilerhouse: One story with area of 3,888 sq. ft.
Cafeteria is in Building C with seating capacity of 500. Airand 20' clearance to truss, concrete floor and columns, steel
Elmira, New York-Army. Used for production of bombsights. LAND: About 28.7 acres, leased.
trusses, concrete walls, wood plank deck. Building F, Warehouse: One story with area of 19,200 sq. ft. and 9' ceilng height, concrete floor, wood timber framing, frame sidewalls with asbestos shingle siding. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Special production equipment used in optical products manufacturing.
570', one story and partial basement, total area 350,000 sq. ft., clearance 16', reinforced concrete construction, bays 30' by 30',
brick walls, concrete floor and roof, sprinkler. West half of building air conditioned. Some nine other small units up to 6,000 sq. ft., with total area about 15,000 sq. ft.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Miling machines, lathes,
dril presses, driling machines, complete plating equipment,
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding from N. Y. C. R. R. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (NP-46).
oven dryer, chip disposal system, welding outfit, dust collectors, chain hoists, motors, generators, chemical laboratory equipped
with hoods, tables, burners, oven, scales, etc. Also offce furni-
ture and equipment, first aid items, cafeteria and kitchen equip-
Aircraft Plant
1,250,000 sq. ft.
Bell Aircraft Corporation,
UTILITIES: Water furnished by City. Three wells on site used for supplying water to refrigeration units of the air
for the boilers.
BUILDINGS: 32 permanent buildings, 6 temporary buildings, and a spray pond, reservoir, ejector pit, impounding
Manufacturing Building: One story with basement and mez-
zanines. Total floor area 726,000 sq. ft. Spans 50', 100', 200'.
Steel Plant
Bethlehem Steel Company,
Steel Foundry
77,000 sq. ft. Bison Castings. Inc.,
cells 20' and 24'. Steel framing, brick and hollow tile walls. Flow and Pressure Test Building, Boiler House and minor buildings, total 90,300 sq. ft. Major buildings sprinklered. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, drilers, grinders,
milers, sanders, shears, oil dispensing units, battery ch.argers,
575 Howard Street, Buffalo, New York.-Nobs-727. PLANT: Land, building, machinery and equipment for production of steel castings.
LAND: About 2.9 acres. BUILDINGS: Main Foundry Building: An existing structure renovated for production of steel castings. Foundry section,
one story; Offce section, two story; Total floor area, 58,950 sq. ft.; clearances: Foundry, 19'; Monitor Section, 27'; Offce Section, 8'6". Construction, structural steel framing, walls are
Three 3-ton ladles and pouring mechanism; two tumbling barrels and dust collector; one l%-ton electric steel furnace; one 2-ton
capacity electric steel furnace; one sly tumbler and air blower;
one large cupola, 75/100-ton capacity (per 10-12 hour day); one large cupola, 50j100-ton capacity (per 10-12 hour day); one large cupola, 100/200-ton capacity (per 10-12 hour day);
one core oven and car, 12' by 18' by 20'; one annealing oven and car, 4' by 12' by 3'; one electric floor scale, capacity 4,000 lb.;
Davenport rollover machine; one 20" by 42" high-speed pitless; one model "B" 4' by 8' shakeout; two Osborne No. 332 jolt rollovers; one Osborne No. 559 jolt rollover; one Johnson & Jennings No. 918 rollover; one type H0961242 annealing oven;
112 (N ew Y otk)
Cheplin Laboratories,
East Syracuse, New York.-Plancor 1935.
BUILDINGS: Manufacturing Building, cinder concrete block walls; total floor area 82,000 sq. ft.; ceilng heights 20'. SubAssembly Building and Assembly Building, one and two stories, cinder block, steel sash; combined floor area 54,000 sq. ft. Other buildings total 22,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Grinding machines, shaping and shearing machines, generators, plating machines, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
ance. Glazed utility tie walls on the street front and returns,
cement block elsewhere. Sprinklered.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Drils, grinders, lathes, miling machines, anodizing unit, heat treating plant, spray
booth, sand blast, magnaflux outfit, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utility company. New York O. R. P. D.-B1'ochure available.
UTILITIES: Local utilty company. Sewage disposal plant on site. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Ordnance Plant
312,500 sq. ft. Buffalo Arms Corporation, Buffalo, New York-Plancor 109.
216 N. Main Street, Freeport, Long Island, New York.-Nobs-14. Used for offces, also grinding and polishing work in connection
Steel Foundry
1,380 tons per year.
Buffalo Brake Beam Company, 33 Chandler Street, Buffalo, New York.-Plancor 1773.
14,000 sq. ft., ceilng, first floor 14', second floor 10'. Reinforced concrete foundations, structural-steel framing including
girders, beams, lintels, and monorail beams, front elevation,
aprons on south and east sides. Fluorescent lighting.
Storage Building, 101,200 sq. ft., clearance 17'; one story brick; and steel.
LAND: About 5.3 acres. BUILDINGS: Ten buildings, total floor area 161,000 sq. ft.
concrete and brick. Offce, two story, 15,000 sq. ft., brick construction, ceilng 10'
and 13'.
UTILITIES: Vilage of Freeport. TRANSPORTATION: Long Island R. R. with nearby siding. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (NP-13).
Other buildings total about 16,000 sq. ft., mostly wood frame
furnace, eight 15-T car type special annealing ovens, two muffle
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Malleable Iron Foundry with duplex melting equipment including cupola, 20-ton iron
Steel Foundry, includes three ton electric special furnace, complete, core ovens, molding equipment, sand slinger, sand blast-
production of propellers and under-water fittings for ships. LAND: About one-half acre.
BUILDINGS: Foundry, one story, 102'5" by 93' over-all, area about 7,500 sq. ft. Machine Shop, one story, 60'6" by 93', area about 5,500 sq. ft., clearances 21', concrete foundations, wood framing, brick and concrete-block walls, concrete floor, wood deck. Finishing Building, size 60' by 107', one story, area 6,400 sq. ft., clearance 20' in center bay, 10' in side bays, wood-frame conwalls.
Freeport, Long Island, New York.-Nobs-637. Used as foundry, machine shop, and finishing in connection with
ing equipment, etc. Also two l%-ton, one 3-ton, one 5-ton, and one 10-ton cranes.
Breeding Plant
10,600 sq. ft. Carworth Farms, Inc.,
New City, New York.-Plancor 1486.
radial dril, truck-tractor, budgit hoist, etc. Also one 5-ton two 3-ton traveling cranes and one 10-ton Reading crane.
(N ew York) U3
Aircraft Plant
402,000 sq. ft.
Curtiss-Wright Corporation,
BUILDINGS: Main Manufacturing Building, structural steel framing, steel columns, steel roof trusses. Brick and corrugated asbestos side walls. Total floor area approximately
340,000 sq. ft. Clearance main area 35'. Seven overhead trav-
etc. .
Aircraft Plant
LAND: North Plot 23% acres, contains the buildings. South Plot, 21% acres, used as parking area and coal storage area,
UTILITIES: Water from City and local utilties. Sewer from City and local utiities. Power and light from City and local utilties.
Acetylene gas generated on site. Installed capacity 20,000
cubic feet per day.
New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-35A).
with composition board siding. Total floor area 37,200 sq. ft. Hospital Building, Oil Storage' Building, Lumber Shed and Incinerator Building, total 24,800 sq. ft. UTILITIES: Lessee and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of New York Central Railroad. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
14th Avenue,
College Point,
2,188,000 sq. ft.
Curtiss-Wright Corporation,
Dolomite Products Company, Inc.,
Rochester, New York.-Plancor 1801.
LAND: About 10% acres. BUILDINGS: Main Building, 101,000 sq. ft., brick and
steel construction. Sprinklered, fluorescent lighting, clearances 16' to 35'.
ing, 12,000 sq. ft., addition to boiler house 1,500 sq. ft.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Mixers, mils, crackers, presses, trimmers, cutters, pallets, scales, etc.
apparatus. LAND: About 1,924 acres. BUILDING: Seven story. Clearances 10' and 12'.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, driling, miling, grinding machines, alumilte process tank, anodizing dip tanks, chromic acid anodize tank, motor generator sets, etc. Numerous items of special jigs and fixtures and special functional
Farmingdale, Long Island, New York.-Army. Designed to produce and test aircraft engines. LAND: .703 acre.
284 sq. ft., reinforced concrete construction. Air-conditioned in
offce area and 90% sprinklered.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-35).
Machine Shop
37,0 sq. ft.
Ten test cells, one story, 17,204 sq. ft., construction of reinforced steel and concrete contiguous with each other and existing test house; sound proof control rooms.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Machine tools and equipment; laboratory and testing equipment applicable for the
Chemical Plant
75 tons catolyst per month.
Filtros, Inc.,
Thompson Road,
sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Miling and bending machines, presses, babbitting machines, brazing machines, miling cutters, ovens, sanders, spray booth, tumbling barrel, riveting hammers, welding equipment, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Suband equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
TRANSPORTATION: Spur of New York Central Railroad. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Schenectady, New York.-Plancor 174. LAND: Approximately 2914 acres. BUILDINGS: Manufacturing Building (New), 1,001' by 202'; clearances 16' and 21'; one story; factory 199,680. sq. ft.;
lean-tos 24,580 sq. ft. Brick walls, wood structural timber,
217,100 sq. ft. Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation, Port Washington, Long Island, New York.-Plancor 999.
Manufacturing Building (Remodeled), two story building, portions wood frame and siding and other portions brick wall. Floor area 72,500 sq. ft.; clearances 12' and 17'. Sprinklered. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, miling, driling,
Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation, Syosset, Long Island, New York.-Plancor 559. LAND: Approximately 13 acres.
sequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
BUILDINGS: Three production buildings (offce space included) joined together to form one building. One small residence, and four one-story wood frame storage bins. Production Building, one-story, open wood frame construction on concrete, with asbestos-cement board exterior finish
continuous fenestration. Clearances 9' and 16'. '
This plant has been leased for a period of 5 years. Negotia tions may be entered into for its purchase subject to the pro-
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Driling, grinding, miling and boring machines, lathes, presses, and shapers, etc. UTILITIES: Water from town. Septic tanks, leaching chambers and cesspools on site.
Power and light from local utilty company.
(N ew York) 115
is first floor and 26,075 is second floor. Brick walls, built-up roof, concrete floor, sprinkler system, one 5,000 lb. capacity
elevator; cafeteria with 300 seating capacity included.
no elevator.
East Building 36,739 sq. ft., one floor only. Construction same,
Cafeteria contains 4,883 sq. ft. first floor; 3,640 sq. ft. second
Explosives Plant
564,000 sq. ft.
Lake Ontario Ordnance Works,
floor, total of 8,523 sq. ft. Brick walls, built-up roof, first floor concrete, second floor wood.
Power house, contains 8,395 sq. ft.; first floor 7,374 sq. ft.;
second floor 1,021 sq. ft. First floor concrete, second floor
(10 miles north of Niagara Falls, N. Y.), Youngstown, New York.-Army. LAND: About 7,440 acres exclusive of easements. BUILDINGS: 597 buildings and structures. The major buildings are Main Offce Building, First floor 19,948 sq. ft., second
9,384 sq. ft.; clearance 10'-0"; Medical Service Building, first floor, 8,639 sq. ft., clearance 10'-0"; Dormitories, North, first floor, 5,340 sq. ft., second, 5,340 sq. ft., clearance 8'-3" each,
Seven minor buildings containing 17,156 sq. ft. of floor area; mainly wood siding, wood frame, concrete floors, metal roofs,
are utilzed for storage.
grinders, metal saws, miling machines, punch presses, optical machines, (edging, grinding, centering), heat treat furnaces,
plating tanks, plating and burnishing barrels, wood working equipment, etc.
house, first floor, 10,340 sq. ft., 15'-5" clearance; Combined Shops, first floor, 31,679 sq. ft., clearance 14'-0". Generally of wood frame construction with asbestos shingle siding. Boiler
House ground floor, 18,204 sq. ft., clearance 9'-0", operating
floor 8,856 sq. ft., clearance 38'-0", structural steel, corru-
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Two spur tracks with capacity of 32 cars, connect to D. L. & W. RR. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-172).
gated siding; Box Factory & Shook Storage, first floor, 20,622
sq. ft., clearances 12'-0" to 16'-0", wood, firewalls, corrugated
steel siding.
Lipe-Rollway Corporation,
1153 West Fayette Street,
Syracuse, New York.-Army. Designed to manufacture truck clutches and machine tools. LAND: Approximately three acres. BUILDINGS: Building J, six stories, 81,270 sq. ft., all floors reinforced concrete flat slab, structural frame of reinforced concrete columns, and beams, walls of reinforced concrete.
Bays 20' by 23', ceilng height about 13'.
Four other buildings are minor and of miscellaneous nature.
Farmingdale, New York.-Plancor 35. LAND: About 714 acres. BUILDINGS: Connect with lessee's structures. Building E, Floor area 60,500 sq. ft.; factory type, one story, high and low bays. Structural steel framing, brick walls. Sprinklered. Clearances 18' and 13'. Building F, area 36,700 sq. ft.; one story, mil type, high and
low bays; brick walls, wood trusses. Clearances 19' and 13'.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Driling, washing, handling, grinding, cutting, turning, pressing and miling machinery, with complement of portable tools, automotive equipment,
dies, jigs, and fixtures.
Sprinklered. Building G, area 38,200 sq. ft.; one story, similar to Building F.
brick and wood. Clearance first floor 15', second floor 9'.
es. Clearance 15'.
Offce Building, area 14,000 sq. ft.; two story and basement;
Boiler House, area 2,450 sq. ft.; one story; brick, wood truss-
UTILITIES: Lessee and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Long Island R. R. forms north boundary of site. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Aircraft Plant
192,100 sq. ft.
about 4 miles north of Binghamton, New York.-Army. Plant, originally constructed in 1917-18 for manufacturing
cans, rehabiltated and retooled for production of aviation
training devices.
15', other stories 11', floors designed for 200 pounds live load. Sprinklered. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Boring, driling, finishing, grinding, honing, miling, shaping and tapping machines,
lathes, presses, riveter, cadmium plating equipment, portable cranes, electric heater assemblies, electric ovens, spot welder,
monorail and equipment, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
sequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
Ore Reduction Plant, Magnesite 42,00-50,00 tons sintered ore per month.
National Lead Company,
Tahawus, New York.-Plancor 1648. Designed for the treatment of magnesite by the sintering
concrete block.
LAND: About 7% acres. BUILDINGS: Four buildings, total area about 40,000 sq. ft. Sintering Building, 36,000 sq. ft., structural steel, concrete,
siding. Ore Bins, eight cylindrical ore bins 18' diameter by 49' high
of reinforced concrete.
sq. ft. Conveyor, 922' by 7' by 7'6", steel framing and corrugated
Niagara, New York.-Army. LAND: About 19 acres. BUILDINGS: Twin Hangars, area 144,800 sq. ft. of which 22,200 is on second floor. Clearance 29'6" in main portion.
trusses, wood siding, wood deck, built-up roofing. Sprinklered. Compressed air piping. Boiler House, basement floor only, area 2,350 sq. ft. Concrete floor, masonry construction, concrete roof. Other buildings consist of pump house, guard house, ammunition and paint storage, oil storage, shed, flight shed, sentry
Concrete floor with cement finish. . Wood timber framing and
UTILITIES: Municipality and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: About 3 miles of track on site, and government owned connecting line to D. & H. RR. (Plancor
1245) .
National Lead Company,
Tahawus, New York-Plancor 1245. Standard gauge railroad from Terminal of Delaware and Hud-
floor and wood construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, grinders, dril presses, heat treat furnace, squaring power shear, tube machine, drils, riveters, sand blast cabinet, power brake, quench tank, compressors, portable generator, scales, hand hoists, painting equipment, degreaser unit, jacks, pumps, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-tt).
DESCRIPTION: Classified as "industrial trackage", these facilties comprise 29.71 miles of main line and 2.97 miles of siding tiockage. Total mileage 32.68 miles of 90 pound rail,
New York O. R. P. D.
Ordnance Plant
101,600 sq. ft.
National Carbon Company,
Binghamton, New York.-Nord-1179. LAND: About 3-1/3 acres. BUILDINGS: An existing plant to which alterations, renovations, and additions were made. Main Plant is a U-shaped structure consisting of six interconnected buildings. Structure has basement and three floors
with total area of 105,000 sq. ft., clearance about 9'6" in
New York Air Brake Tank Welding Plant, Rochester Ordnance District Production Equipment Warehouse No. 7500.
New York Air Brake Company,
Buildings Nos. 1-5, inclusive, constructed of 16" stone foundation, 12" brick walls, wood columns, beams, and joists, with
built-up roof.
wings, single story, 102,600 sq. ft., concrete sub-floor with 3" wood blocks, structural steel frame, brick walls, corrugated
36' clear height and three have 19'.
Building No. 6 constructed of concrete foundations, stucco over wood lath walls, wood columns, beams, and joists. Building contains six locker rooms, complete kitchen, and doubleserving cafeteria. SprinkIered.
Acetylene House, single story, 320 sq. ft., concrete floor, masonry frame, face brick walls, asphalt shingle roof.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, grinders, band saws, broaching machine, punch presses, arbor presses, annealing furnaces, granulating machine, spot coating machine, dryng and baking oven, horizontal slitter, degreaser, tanks,
Chemical Plant
116,700 sq, ft. Niagara Falls CWS Plant.
E. 1. duPont deNemours and Company,
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Erie R. R. Property also
Buffalo Avenue,
Niagara Falls, New York.-Army. LAND: About 10% acres, part owned and part leased. BUILDINGS. Manufacturing Bldg. No.3, total area about
30,000 sq. ft., four story, steel, reinforced concrete, masonry. Dryers Bldg. No.1, two story, 11,000 sq. ft., steel, reinforced
concrete, masonry.
Solvent Recovery No. 14, basement and two story, 11,000 sq. ft., steel, reinforced concrete, masonry.
sonry, wood.
232,00 sq. ft. Odenbach Shipbuilding Corporation, Greece, Monroe County, New York.-Plancor 1543.
Evaporator No.2, about 7,000 sq. ft., four story, steel, maChange House, 8,300 sq. ft., Offce 9,000 sq. ft.; Warehouse 7,100 sq. ft.; Shop Building 4,500 sq. ft.; Maintenance (2) 3,600 sq. ft. each; mostly masonry construction with some
revolving boom barge cranes. Approximate capacity four 186' tank vessels and three 60 ton cranes per month.
Other minor structures. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Special chemical production equipment including such items as Pfaudler reactors,
brick lined reactors, rotary fiters, centrifugals, evaporators,
sq. ft. Machine Shop, one story 60' by 425', area 25,000 sq. ft.; clearance 26'8". Construction similar to Main Bldg.
micronizer equipment, water and caustic absorption towers, azeotropic equipment, lime absorbers, pumps, dust collectors, scales, refrigeration equipment, piping, instruments, controls,
lime unloading and slaking equipment, packing equipment.
age tanks, filter presses, melt and storage tanks, feed and
Total floor area 31,100 sq. ft., clearance 11' 3". MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Four automatic welding
Main Building, two 15 ton, one 25 ton, one 50 ton overhead
maintenance tools.
electric traveling cranes. Machine Shop: 10 ton Shaw box traveling crane.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: N. Y. C. Railroad. This project is available for lease in whole or part, subject to
possible restrictions as to its proposed use.
TRANSPORTATION. Siding of N. Y. C. R. R.
New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Steel Foundry
Explosives Plant
310,393 sq. ft. New York Ordnance Works.
National Anilne Defense Corporation,
Buffalo, New York.-Army. Designed to augment operator's foundry capacity in manufacture of gun mounts, recoil mechanisms, etc.
Syracuse, New York.-Army. Designed to produce ammonium picrate. LAND: 6,844.37 acres.
sq. ft. Six Manufacturing Buildings, total area 81,000 sq. ft., all
LAND: About 4i. acres. BUILDINGS: Foundry Extension, an addition to Otis Elevator Company Foundry, has total area of 114,150 sq. ft., first
floor 110,000 sq. ft., second floor 4,150 sq. ft. Clear height in
main floor 33' and 29'. Floor of sand and concrete, structural
framing is steel and wood, walls of concrete block and corrugated asbestos siding. Sprinkler system.
one story; area of each 13,500 sq. ft.; concrete flo~r, con~r.ete
and wood finish; wood frame, walls of wood sheathing, ceiling .Car Shed, with a combined floor area of 1,650 sq. ft. height 1 l' to 18'; built up three-ply roof. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Three ton electric meltSix Dryer Houses, total area 64,056 sq. ft.; two story; area ing furnace, charging buckets, crane ladles, ladle dryers, elec-
Acid Building 6,968 sq. ft.; two story, ceilng height 9' to 20'. Acid Concentrate Building, 6,746 sq. ft.; two story, concrete
floors, concrete and acid proof brick finish, concrete and stel frame, walls of steel siding, ceilng height 21' to 47'.
height 12' to 30'.
Acid Concentrate Building, 26,561 sq. ft.; two story, ceilng
Five Change Houses, total area 23,687 sq. ft.; one story;
Storage Garage, 13,600 sq. ft.; one story. Utilty and Service Building 17,690 sq ft.; two story.
sq. ft. each.
and storage tanks, processing pumps, filters, scrubbers, fans,
This plant has been leased for a period of one year. Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the
provisions of the lease in effect.
Aircraf Service Building
reactors, sifters, furnaces, acid concentrators, condensers, laboratory and testing equipment, automotive equipment, offce,
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the indepen?ent dispo.sa~ of th~ machinery
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been re-
LAND: Total area of site 7.3 acres, on which rental is paid on 6.7 acres to the City of New York, the balance being a
BUILDINGS: Two buildings, each adjacent to and adjoining the hanirar building of Pan-American Airways.
North Building, 150' by 260'; South Building, 150' by 300',
steel trusses. Offce and stock room sections two story, first story 14'6", second story 9'6". Fluorescent lighting throughout. Sprinklered.
sections ~me story, steel frame and brick walls with 99' span
Offce Building, two story, brick and wood; area 56,700 sq. ft. Hangars and other buildings total 230,700 sq. ft.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, borers, drilers,
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the
Yonkers, New York.-Army. U sed for manufacture and loading of wire cable. LAND: Site is leased. BUILDING: An industrial type building, 55' by 369', clearance
13'9", concrete floor, steel skeleton, brick walls, steel sash, fluorescent lighting. Sprinklered.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Two armoring machine assemblies, winders, coiling and loading machines, towers, test-
ing machines, lift trucks, two ten-ton cranes. UTILITIES: City and local utility company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding from New York Central Rail-
ing site 77,600 sq. ft., railroad-way 1,159 sq. ft., parking lot 20,000 sq. ft., parking lot 39,000 sq. ft. BUILDING: Floor area 77,600 sq. ft.
One-story building, has steel frame supporting flat type roof
Designed for steel pipe fabrication. LAND: Four separate parcels separated by city streets. Build-
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding on site. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
with mezzanine floor. Steel skeleton censtruction with reinforced concrete floor slabs, gypsum plank roof, face brick and
Designed floor load 300 lb. live load. Basement 15,067 sq. ft.; first floor 15,067 sq. ft.; trim room balcony 1,279 sq. ft.; mezzanine floor 2,967 sq. ft.; loading dock 1,441 sq. ft. Total floor
area, 35,821 sq. ft. Clearance basement 9', first floor 17'6". . MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Machine tools, air compressors, degreasers, melting furnaces, conveyors, pumps,
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
LAND: About 210 acres, under sub lease from others. BUILDINGS: Concentrating Mil Building, 158' by 180', Part four story. Total area 78,000 sq. ft. Sintering Building, 64' by 266', three story. Area about 48,000
sq. ft. Hoist and Compressor House, one story 60' by 240', with part
basement. Area 20,000 sq. ft., clearance 33'. Crushing Building, area 11,000 sq. ft., clearance 52'.
exterior, walls of sheet metal siding. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Concentration Plant has
conveyor, vibrating feeders, Magnetic separators, screens, mils,
Aircraft Plant
1,366,000 sq. ft.
Republic Aviation Corporation,
table feeders, pug-mils, etc. Crushing Plant has screens, cone crusher, magnetic separators, conveyors, etc. Shaft is equipped with 3 tracks, ore skip and man cage.
Mine has about 4 miles of track, locomotives, mine cars,
loaders, pumps, etc. Rollng Stock includes one 125-ton Diesel locomotive, 45 75-ton
ore cars, etc.
Cranes, three 3-ton, one 10-ton, and one 25-ton.
General Utilty, U shaped, one story and part basement; area 340,400 sq. ft., wood and steel framing, brick and concrete
walls. Clearance 22'.
Sub Contract Warehouse, one story, mil type, with basement; wood timber and brick; area 103,500 sq. ft. Clearance 22'. Administration, two story, part basement; area 71,400 sq. ft.;
steel frame and brick. Ceilngs 10'.
Sewage disposal plant on site. Power and light by local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Mine and Mil serviced by Lake Champlain & Minevile R.R. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
. "\
Manufacturing Building Extension, 870' by 640' with mezzanine floors and part second floor. Total floor area 691,000
Revere Cooper and Brass, Inc., Rome, New York.-Plancor 1360. Designed for recovery of nickel copper alloy, copper and zinc from scrap.
Foundry Building, one story, structural steel frame, exterior walls brick and tile, steel sash. Total floor area 109,000 sq. ft.;
Administration Building, ground floor, three upper floors, and
penthouse. Total area 97,000 sq. ft. Concrete construction,
LAND: About 3 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area about 26,000 sq. ft.
Refinery Building, 78' by 263', one story, 20,500 sq. ft., clear-
brick walls, metal sash. Service Buildings total 136,900 sq. ft. Buildings have sprinklered systems except Administration
Offce leanto, one story, brick and wood, area 3,100 sq. ft. Two
Personnel Building 1,500 sq. ft., one story, brick. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Furnaces, casting ma-
veyors. Manufacturing Building has 30 conveyors, 3 air hoists, 29 general hoists, one tramway, 9 trolley and 6 monorail systems. Garage has 10-ton hydraulic car lift. Most buildings air conditioned. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Standard machine tools including grinding, lapping, polishing, tapping, threading maother production equipment such as ovens, furnaces, tumbling barrels, etc.; laboratory and testing equipment including X-Ray
chines, etc.; miscellaneous metal forming and sheet metal tools and machines, including grinders, shears, presses, etc.,
11,600 sq. ft.
units, hardness testers, oscilators, etc. UTILITIES: Local utilty companies. This plant has been leased for a period of three years. Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the
provisions of the lease in effect.
Rigid-Tex Corporation, 658 Ohio Street, Buffalo, New York.-Plancor 1588. Designed to improve quality of metal sheets by special process.
LAND: Over one acre. BUILDING: Steel frame; exterior walls brick and composition protected corrugated metal siding, continuous steel sash; clearance 29'. Building has 7%-ton overhead crane on rails covering
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Pennsylvania Railroad property adjoins site, and spur track can be installed. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Steel Foundry
36,00 tons castings per year. Symington-Gould Corporation,
121 Lincoln Avenue,
clearance 16'. Remainder of building houses offce, heating, etc., floor area 6,650 sq. ft. Sprinklered. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Driling, miling, shaping, shearing and bending machines, lathes, planers, presses
and cut-off machines.
Steel Foundry
1,250 tons per month.
UTILITIES: Water from wells on the property. Sewage disposal through septic tank.
Power and light from local utilty company.
Symington-Gould Corporation, Depew, New York, about 9 miles east of Buffalo, New
14,500 sq. ft., clear height 7'3"; concrete floors, brick walls,
occupied by buildings.
wood deck built-up roofing; sprinklered. Building No. 602, (Extension to existing building), one story,
total area 134,750 sq. ft.; clearance center aisle 45'1", balance
BUILDINGS: Manufacturing Building, one story with mezzanines; 1,440' by 640', with exterior walls 28' high. Total floor area 1,085,000 sq. ft. Clearance 16'. Steel frame, brick
plank deck, built-up roofing; sprinklered. Building No. 601, two story, total area 4,500 sq. ft.; clearance
9' each floor. First floor concrete, wood finish. Second floor
wood, walls of concrete and block, wood deck, built-up roofing; sprinklered. Building No. 323, one story, total area 4,200 sq. ft.; clearance 16'3"; concrete floor, steel framing, wood deck. Building is
open. Building 319, two story, total area 2,500 sq. ft.; clearance 10'6";
Building 603, 604, 605, two story, total area all three units,
Ordnance Plant
118,0 sq. ft.
U. S. Hoffman Machine Corporation,
naces, six core ovens, one speed muller, one speedslinger, five
structed of wood, steel, and masonry; roofs are tar and gravel on wood with a substantial part having porex slabs; floors are
mol machines, sand handling system, acteylene generator unit, three lifting magnets, four mold ovens, two sand mixers, 150
cast steel flasks, three hydraulic presses (one 500-ton, one
head cranes.
out screen, air hoists, hoppers, scales, pumps, conveyors, jib cranes, motors; cranes, one 5-ton, six 10-ton, two 35-ton over-
include Water Pump House, Acetylene Generator Building, Fuel Oil Storage Building, Fuel Oil Storage Tank Area, Quench
Oil Storage Tank Area, Storage Building, Lumber Storage
Building and Substation; combined floor area approximately
compressors with motor generator sets, starting panels, coolers, receivers, and filters; eight chain hoists; hydraulic jacks; three
Harnischfeger overhead cranes; three induction hardeners; heat-treating furnaces; hydraulic presses; chip crusher and conveyor system; compressed-air system; electrical distribuof the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse-
cutting tools. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
Designed to produce steel castings. LAND: Approximately 1.85 acres. BUILDINGS: Main Foundry Building and detached Guard House. Foundry proper consists of two bays 300' by 130'. Total area 59,000 sq. ft.; clearance 38'; masonry and brick
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION; Spur track of New York Central
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Furnaces, ladles, ovens, molding machines, pre-heaters, sand mixers, grinders, press, wire machine, etc. Also six 5-ton and one 10-ton inside cranes
and two 5-ton outside cranes; fourteen jib cranes in various departments.
Alcohol Plant
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subseand equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
quently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
LAND: About 1/3 acre. BUILDING: Total floor area 6,600 sq. ft. One story and four story structure 30' by 100' (one story) plus 30' by 40' (four
story). Structural steel with corrugated iron siding.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Grain cleaner, dust collector, bucket elevators, conveyors, roller mils, magnetic separators, grain precookers, malt precookers, tanks, mixers, etc.
Buffalo, New York.-Plancor 1184. LAND: Approximately 0.85 acre. BUILDING: One-story factory type 240' by 108', clearance
12', brick and tile bearing walls. Sprinklered.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding serves plant. These facilities are presently under lease. Negotiations may be entered into for purchase subject to term of lease in effect. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available. Machine Tool Plant
11,500 sq. ft. Utica Drop Forge and Tool Corporation,
Utica, New York.-Plancor 1780.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Driling, grinding, miling machines, lathes, degreaser, tumblast machine, furnaces,
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
center bay, clearance 34', and two 40' wide side bays, clearance
19'. Sprinklered.
19.0 sq. ft. Utica Drop Forge & Tool Corporation, 2415 Whitesboro Street, Utica, New York.-Plancor 2386. Used to make parts for jet plane engines. LAND: 0.636 acre, leased. BUILDING: Irregularly shaped structure with 16,815 sq. ft. on main floor and 2,300 sq. ft. on mezzanine. Steel framing,
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, grinding machines, driling, miling machines, etc. Six 3-ton, two 50-ton,
one 10-ton, two 20-ton overhead traveling cranes. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Machine tools, drop hammers, presses, furnaces, blast cleaning machines, tumblast,
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the
provisions of the lease in effect. New York O. R. P. D.
Ore Reduction
Plant, Tungsten
10.0 10 1S,o Ions per year.
Buffalo, New York.-Plancor 680. LAND: Three plots, total area 2.7086 acres.
forced concrete construction; clearances 28' and 23'.
PLANT: Land and buildings used for treatment and purification of tungsten ore. LAND: About 8% acres. BUILDINGS: Total floor area 138,000 sq. ft. Factory and Warehouse, 113,000 sq. ft., one story, bow type roof, concrete block walls, clear span trusses. Clearance to
underside truss 35'. Sprinklered.
BUILDINGS: Main Factory, floor area 59,400 sq. ft., reinBuilding No. 116, floor area 19,700 sq. ft., steel frame, brick,
Building No. 117, one and two-story building, floor area 40,700
sq. ft., steel frame, brick, clearances 19' and 8'.
steel sash, clearance 12'.
All buildings sprinklered.
Building No. 118, one-story, floor area 3,000 sq. ft., brick walls,
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Boring, grinding and mil-
Offce and Laboratory, 16,500 sq. ft., one story, wood frame,
stucco exterior. Sprinklered.
UTILITIES: Water by municipality and wells on site. Other utilities by municipality and local utilty company. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Building No. 115 has three 3-ton and two 5-ton overhead, floor operated cranes, 40' spans. No. 117 has four 3-ton monorails.
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property, prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company.
TRANSPORTATION: Spur tracks connect with Lehigh Valley Railroad. New York O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Worthington Pump & Machinery Corporation, Buffalo, New York.-Plancor 542. BUILDING: 135' by 602', one and two story, steel frame con-
Aircraft Plant
287.0 sq. ft.
Fairchild Engine & Airplane Corporation, and
Firestone Tire and Rubber Company,
Burlington, North Carolina.-Plancor 506.
Gas, power and light from local utilty company.
BUILDINGS: Main Factory Building, one-story, new and reconditioned, total floor area 269,000 sq. ft. New construction has structural steel frame, brick and gunite walls. Cafeteria addition is frame construction. Old construction brick walls, steel truss saw-tooth roof framing. Clearances, 12', 15'
tiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the pro-
This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Nego-
and 26'.
Two Hangars, Boiler House, Hammer Building, and minor buildings total 18,000 sq. ft.
All buildings sprinklered.
LAND: Approximately 44 acres. BUILDINGS: Twenty-five buildings, total area 344,000 sq. ft.
Thirteen utilty buildings account for about 32,000 sq. ft. Gen-
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
buildings are from 10,000 sq. ft. to 34,000 sq. ft. Clearances generally 30'. Four are reinforced concrete construction, re-
mainder of steel framing, corrugated asbestos siding. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Coke storage and han-
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of the Southern Railway.
Charlotte O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
A war emergency facilty created for the transportation of refined petroleum products from the Plantation Pipe Line Company's terminal at Greensboro, N. C., to terminal facilties
way; about the same mileage of 8%" electric welded steel pipe
The property consists of approximately 179 miles of right-ofline made up of both new and used pipe; four line pumping
lands, railroads, rivers and streams on a permanent basis. The pipe line, 179.5 miles in length, includes 166 miles of used
North Carolina Shipbuilding Company,
Wilmington, N. C.-Maritime.
laying. In addition to the used pipe, 13.5 miles of new 8%" seamless, grade B pipe was installed in the line. Twenty-six 8" gate valves, one 8"check valve, forty-four 8" plug valves
and other fittings were also installed. Approximately 5,000
lineal feet of protective casing pipe was used on railroad and highway crossings. Twenty-two swing bridges across creeks
and rivers were erected for line walkers.
112,SOO sq. fi.
Wright's Automatic Machine Company,
Aircraft Engine Parts Plant
8S,S00 sq. ft. Aeronautical Products, Inc.,
Washington Courthouse, Ohio.-Plancor 1085.
Sold MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: All owned by Government under Plancor 834.
Aircraft Plant
106,0 sq. ft.
Aeronca Aircraft Corporation, Middletown, Ohio.-Plancor 779.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spurs to New York Central Railroad. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-21).
Ordnance Parts Plant
1S,O sq. ft.
Aircraft Plant
Aircraft Assembly Plant No.7, Fisher Body Division, General Motors Corporation,
Brookpart Vilage, Ohio,
LAND: 411.43 acres. BUILDINGS: Assembly Building No.1: Basement, one story
frame of concrete and steel, concrete block walls, ceilng height
12' to 45', 4-ply tar and gravel roof, bays generally 50' by 50',
50' by 200', 50' by 100'.
Designed for rollng aluminum blooms, rods and bars. LAND: About 300 acres.
Administration Building No.2: Basement and 2-story, area 148,000 sq. ft., wood joist and sub floor, frame of mil construction, face brick walls, ceilng height 9' to 10', asphalt
sq. ft. and 91,000 sq. ft., respectively, and clearances 32', 26', 33'. Eight other structures contain about 62,000 sq. ft. each with 33'
ry walls. Utilty buildings generally of brick construction.
clearances. The remaining buildings total about 280,000 sq. ft. Factory structures of structural steel framing and brick mason-
ft., concrete floor, concrete frame up to 12', upper part all wood, concrete wall up to 12', beyond wood, ceilng height 40', 4-ply asphalt composition, bays 25' by 30'.
capacity 2,700 lbs. each; ten gas fired tilting scrap furnaces,
each; nineteen soaking preheat furnaces; eight other furnaces;
straighteners; scalpers; metal saws; caustic dip unit, etc.
capacity 3,000 lbs. each; four furnaces capacity 14,000 lbs.
tower, area 12,000 sq. ft., concrete floors, concrete frame, concrete walls, ceilng height 8' to 10', 4-ply asphalt roofing.
crushed stone floor, 12" cinder block frame, cinder block wall sand filled, no roof. Balance of buildings consists of garages, guard houses, maintenance sheds, ranging from 42 sq. ft. to 18,135 sq. ft.
UTILITIES: Water from six wells on site and from city. Sewage disposal plant on site. Gas, power, light from local
utilty companies.
(Ohio) 123
Cleveland, Ohio.-Ma:ritime.
Designed to augment lessee's production of alloy stainless steel ingots. LAND: 5 acres. BUILDINGS: Alloy Furnace Building, Laboratory and Offce, Maintenance Track Scale House, Sheds, Four Transformer Buildings. Total area about 40,000 sq. ft. Alloy Furnace Building, single span 82' by 285' with leanto 36' by 282'; steel framing, corrugated sheet steel siding; clearance main portion 40';
ond plant extensions. Lessee's existing railroad siding was extended to enter and serve the Navy-owned building.
Pearl, Eggleston, and Third Streets, Cincinnati, Ohio.-Nobs-148. LAND: About 2% acres. BUILDINGS: One building, constructed as the first and secproximately 78,000 sq. ft. and a clear ceilng height of 35' The building is independent of the prime contractor's buildings except for connecting passages.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Foundry contains one gasoline powered locomotive, seventeen charging cars, eight
ingot cars, four electric furnaces, three preheat furnaces,
First Extension: A one-story heavy machine shop building with a partial basement of approximately 40' by 100', con-
UTILITIES: Lessee and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur tracks of major railroads. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Iron Ore Reduction Plant
floors poured on grade. The extension contains six bridge craneways and seven gantry crane tracks.
Designed for production of iron ore sinter to be used for charging blast furnaces and open hearths. LAND: Approximately 1.15 acres.
first and second window levels and at ends of the monitors. The floors are of reinforced concrete poured on grade. The
BUILDINGS: Total floor area about 25,500 sq. ft. Sintering Building, three-story, reinfored concrete and cement block construction, with structural steel framing. Total floor area
floor 22'. Control House and Fan Room, Receiving Bins and
18,800 sq. ft. Clearance, first floor 28', second floor 10', third
Transfer Building, total area 4,600 sq. ft. Brick and con-
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Gear hobbing machines, grinding machines, lathes, miling machines, planers, radial
drils, etc.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies through lessee's facilties. TRANSPORTATION: Siding into building served by Pennsylvania Railroad.
construction. Approximate area 2,100 sq. ft. Two-story height with a mezzanine for electric controls. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Sinted conveyors, sinter
vibrating screens, sinter pug mil, sinter machine, feeder
screens and hoppers, rod mil, coke conveyors, dust collecting equipment, etc.
UTILITIES: Water from well off-site. Power and light from local utilty company. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Steel Foundry
10,000 Ions per year.
LAND: Area 7% acres. BUILDINGS: Factory Building, 44,600 sq. ft., clearances in crane section 37' and 25'; steel frame, walls partly concrete and partly asbestos protected corrugated metal siding; steel sash.
10,400 sq. ft., steel frame, brick walls. Also Carbide Storage and Gas Generator; Guard House, Garage, Fuel Oil Pump House, Boiler House, and underground storage tanks. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Bending and shearing machines, lathes, presses, etc.; expanding, trimming and welding machines, etc.; three hydraulic-lift bull dozers, thirteen
hoists, etc.; three 5-ton floor controlled Travlift cranes; ten
budget jib crane assemblies each 1,100 pound capacity.
Designed to augment lessee's production of steel castings. LAND: About % acre leased. BUILDINGS: Total floor area 18,500 sq. ft. Main foundry (extension to lessee's building), Locker Rooms, Compressor Building, Offce Building, Pyrometer Building. Foundry extension, 17,000 sq. ft., clearance 55', structural steel
framing, corrugated transite siding. Other buildings are one
story, brick or concrete block. . MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Annealing furnace, core
screenerator, swing grinders, transfer cars, etc. Also 75-ton
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse-
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been re-
crane and two jib cranes. UTILITIES: Lessee and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding serves plant. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Pennsylvania Railroad. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
124 (Ohio)
Hoover Company,
Canton, Ohio.-Plancor 1765.
Penicilln Plant
LAND: Approximately 30 acres. BUILDINGS: Machine Shop, one story masonry, 56,680 sq. ft., clearance 16', brick walls, steel sash, steel framing.
43,560 sq. ft., clearances 63' and 25'.
Die Shop, one story metal clad steel frame building, 18,590
Forge Shop, one story and part basement, metal clad steel,
Offce and Service Building, Boiler and Coal Bunker House,
Martins-Ferry Division,
Martins-Ferry, Ohio.-Navy NOd-2031.
sq. ft.
LAND: About 23% acres. BUILDINGS: Entire facilty consists of old and new Offce
welding machines, tumble blasts, compressors, motorized equipment, machine tools, etc. Also conveyors, traveling cranes and hoists.
Sewage disposal by city. Gas, power and light by local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Switch track with two spurs from the
Pennsylvania Railroad.
UTILITIES: By city and local utilties. Plant has own water purifying system.
B & 0 R.R. and Pennsylvania R.R.
Cleveland O. R. P. D.
This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Negotiations may be entered for its purchase subject to the provisons of the lease in effect. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Steel Forging Plant 117,0 sq. ft.
Champion Machine & Forging Company,
Cleveland, Ohio.-Plancor 145.
LAND: Approximately 4.02 acres. BUILDINGS: Offce and Machine Shop Building, Forge Shop, Boiler House, Die Storage Building and Transformer Build-
LAND: About % acre. BUILDINGS: Total floor area 56,000 sq. ft. Crystallzing Building, two and three story, reinforced concrete
ceilng 12', 10', 9' respectively.
4,300 sq. ft., clearance 34'.
Die Storage Building is one story and basement building, concrete, steel and brick. Ceiling heights 31' and 17'. Area 28,000 sq. ft. Offce and Machine Shop Building is one and two-story building, brick walls, steel sash. Floor area 19,400 sq. ft.
to third floor, wood timber above. Total area 34,000 sq. ft.,
Ore Melting Building, steel framing and brick, one story, area
Additions to lessee's Offce, Ore Storage, Maintenance Buildings total 13,500 sq. ft. Brick masonry and wood.
threading machines, die making machines, saws, welding equipmachine tools. Also 27 cranes installed, varying from 1 ton to 20 tons capacity.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Agitators, crystaIIzers, evaporators, precipitators, mixers, dissolvers, settlers, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of B & 0 R.R. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
UTILITIES: By city and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur of Wheeling and Lake Erie RailPlant available for lease only.
(Ohio) 125
Machine Shop
Cleveland, Ohio.-Army. LAND: Contractor owned, no lease. BUILDINGS: Building "A": A complete addition to an existing plant, used for heat treating purposes. Building is Lshaped, two story, fronting on East 77th Street, (36,000 sq. ft.
77,4 sq. ft.
of floor area, 18,000 sq. ft. for each floor), the part along 77th Street is two stories high (60' by 170'), there is a two story, saw-tooth connection to the main building, 80' by 96'. Base-
with 5-ply covering, walls are of brick with steel sash and
and 45'.
sq. ft., offce section 8,900 sq. ft. Factory ceilng heights, 18'
Storage Shed, combined floor area 5,000 sq. ft.
steel doors. At the east end of the building there is a hydraulic electric elevator to serve both floors. The building is heated with steam unit heaters and has a sprinkler system and plumbing fixtures. Building "B": Complete addition to an existing plant, used for general manufacturing purposes, one story in height (132' by
140'), having a total floor area of 22,860 sq. ft., with base-
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, grinding, boring machines, arbor presses, welders, spray booths, forge furnace,
etc. Also two 25-ton electric 60' span traveling cranes; two
Building "C": Building located at the corner of East 77th Street and Osage Avenue, is a two-story building (161' by
196'), with a total floor area of 60,000 sq. ft., 30,000 sq. ft. on each floor. Basement is of reinforced concrete with a floor of
Surplus tooth roof with top hung sash, purlins are of steel with 2" roof
boards, covered with 5-ply combination covering, walls are of brick with steel sash. Building is equipped with a sprinkler
LAND: 2.13 acres. BUILDING: Two stories, brick walls, steel interior columns and floor beams, steel sash. Clearances 11'. Freight elevator
and two I-ton, 44' span hand propelled cranes. Sprinklered.
house the general offce, administrative and engineering departdimensions of 50' by 145'. It has four full floors and a base-
tion, with concrete slab, with space between for all wires, conduits, etc., floor is of concrete with coverings of asphalt tile, building has an electric pushbutton elevator serving all
floors; all walls and ceilngs are plastered; entire building is air-conditioned and steam heated, using the same system for both heating and cooling; has appropriate plumbing and sewage
systems, and is protected with a stand-pipe sprinkler system.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: One elevator, 3 one-ton conditioning, heating and sprinkler system equipcranes, air
BUILDINGS: Building No.1; two-story brick, steel and UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies.
timber frame, 161' by 462'. Common brick, with plaster and
elevators. Sprinklered.
clearance first floor 17' and second floor 14'. Three freight
TRANSPORTATION: Spur of Wheeling and Lake Erie R.R. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure availble (AP-18l).
Building No.2; four-story reinforced concrete frame and brick masonry structure, 160' by 245'. Two freight and one passen-
Building No.3; two-story reinforced concrete frame and brick masonry structure, 80' by 187', area 29,900 sq. ft., story heights
Four other buildings, generally steel frame, combined area
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of New York Central Railroad.
Parts of this plant have been sold and leased. Negotiations
LAND: Approximately 62% acres. BUILDINGS: Consists of major and minor structures with floor areas of approximately 800,000 sq. ft. Factory Building, one-story and part basement structure, floor area 698,000 sq. ft., clearances 13' and 23'; wood timber fram-
Offce Building, four stories, floor area 70,368 sq. ft., clearances 10' and 12', upper floors wood with mastic tile, ceilngs
126 (Ohio)
accoustical tile; exterior walls of face brick; wood structural
framing. Minor buildings total 31,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Grinding, miling, boring
equipment, factory t::ucks, dust collecting units, furnaces, welding equipment, welding and spray booths, etc.
Twenty-six I-ton, three 1 %-ton, four 2-ton electric cranes; numerous hand operated and electric hoists from %-ton to
6-ton capacity.
Designed for clothing impregnation for gas protection. LAND: Inside the boundaries of the Army Services Forces
clearance 11', structural steel framing, brick walls, continuous steel sash, concrete floors and roof.
floor, 30,800 sq. ft., clearance 13', second floor, 27,600 sq. ft.,
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding from New York Central. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
concrete floor, timber framing, brick and tile walls, wood deck, buil-up roofing. This building contains 6 boilers. It also supplies the steam requirements for the ASF Depot.
Pump House about 350 sq. ft., concrete and brick.
Two elevators and chutes between first and second floor. Boiler House, one story, area about 4,000 sq. ft., clearance 19',
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Pre-dryers, final dryers, compressors, balers, conveyors, pumps, motors, floor trucks, lift trucks, etc. UTILITIES: Water furnished by the Depot Pumping Station from wells on site.
extractors, impregnators,. tanks, washers, air
Depot Sewerage System. Power and light from local utilty companies via Depot distributing system.
LAND: About 0.44 acres. BUILDINGS: Two processing buildings, total area 7,800 sq.
ft. One 51' by 90' with leanto, 40' clearance; the other 28' by 75'
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Varied tanks, furnaces, extractors, 70-ton arbor press, fiter presses, scrubbing towers with pumps, blowers, etc., dryers, briquette presses, etc. UTILITIES: City and utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of New York Central Railroad.
Designed for production of aerial bombs, steel bridge units, etc. LAND: About 1% acres. BUILDINGS: An addition to lessee's building totallng 42,300
walls. An addition to lessee's power house totallng 1,270 sq. ft. separated by party wall. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Consists of supplementary equipment including air compressor, cyclone separator,
pumps, transformers, two 10 ton overhead traveling cranes, diesel powered twenty-five ton overhead traveling cranes,
UTILITIES: From lessee. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Designed for reclamation of non-ferrous scrap metals. LAND: Approximately 2.42 acres. BUILDINGS: Scrap Reclamation Building, composed of two
Preparation Section. Scrap Storage Building, 51' by 82', floor area 4,100 sq. ft., steel framing and trusses, concrete block walls, clearance 16'.
tion of materials, 70' by 142'. Concrete block walls. Floor area 16,600 sq. ft.; ceilng height 21' in Melting Section and 17' in
sections: one for melting, 47' by 143', and the other, prepara-
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Metal, turnings crusher, hammermil type; metal cleaning and drying machine complete with all accessories; Stearns, magnetic separator; hard rubber-
Mount Vernon, Ohio.-Plancor 731. Used to augment lessee's production of gas and motor driven
LAND: About % acre. BUILDING: One story with mezzanine, brick walls, steel col-
Seven cranes 5 to 10 ton capacity. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
(Ohio) 127
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Fifteen annealing furnaces, straighteners, turning machines, steam locomotive,
steel furnaces.
twenty-five years.
pumps, etc. Also five 10-ton cranes. UTILITIES: Lessee, city and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Sidings of B. & O. Railroad. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Copperweld Steel Company,
Warren, Ohio.-Plancor 335.
BUILDINGS: Total floor area about 150,000 sq. ft. Some seventeen structures, th two largest containing about 34,000 sq. ft. each and the others 300 sq. ft. to 17,000 sq. ft.
Construction either concrete and steel with galvanized siding, or concrete and brick.
ovens, bottom cars, pulverizers, rotoclones, slag cars, ladle transfer cars, locomotives, hot metal mixer, briquetting ma-
straightener, scales, platforms, etc. UTILITIES: Water by wells on site. Power and light by local utilty companies. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Radio Station
Designed for production of alloy steel in conjunction with lessee's plant. BUILDINGS: Total floor area 460,000 sq. ft.
24 buildings and parts of buildings. Largest unit is 113,000
steel framing with corrugated steel siding and roofing. Smaller units of concrete and brick. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Ingot strippers, heating furnaces, charging machine, conveyors and turntables, caustic bath furnace, pickling machines, drawbenches, straighteners, annealing furnaces, rust heating furnace, furnace pusher, three electric furnaces, etc. UTILITIES: City, local utilty company and lessee. TRANSPORTATION: Sidings of B. & O. R. R. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
sq. ft. Two other units about 63,000 sq. ft. each. Structural
story. Front section approximately 203' by 34'; rear section, 175' by 75'. The total floor area is approximately 29,000 sq. ft.
concrete block.
Sewerage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty company. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Aircraft Plant
2,373,000 sq. ft.
Curtiss-Wright Corporation,
Designed for heat treating alloy steel. LAND: About 1.68 acres. Adjoins Plancor 333 and 383.
BUILDING: Total area 72,500 sq. ft. , Annealing Building and Lean-to of structural steel framing
with galvanized iron siding. Clearance 36'.
Columbus, Ohio.-Plancor 18. LAND: 210.9 acres; 107.4 acres owned; 103.5 acres leased.
items; production and mobile handling equipment, 3,930 items; portable tools and equipment, 1,002,000 items. Several cranes
elevators, refrigerating machines. Compressed air lines throughout manufacturing areas. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse-
Annealing Building, 120' by 822', height 35', area 98,640 sq. ft. West Transept Building, 103' by 623', height 41', area 65,000 sq. ft.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spurs of Pennsylvania and B. & O.
128 (Ohio)
Factory Building
frigeration Building, Warehouse and Packaging Bldg., Furnace Building and six minor structures.
three story, steel framing, reinforced concrete, brick and cor-
rugated asbestos.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Process Equipment; Handling and storage equipment; Spray Dryer and Furnace
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse-
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of New York Central Railroad. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Equipment; Miscellaneous items, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
quently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
UTILITIES: By adjoining Plancor 244 and local utilty comTRANSPORTATION: Siding of New York Central Railroad.
Designed for production of synthetic cracking catalyst for use in 100 octane gasoline manufacture. LAND: Approximately 5 acres. BUILDINGS: Total floor area 66,000 sq. ft. Six buildings, largest is Main Process Building, 48,300 sq. ft.,
structural steel framing, concrete block walls, height 50'; sprin-
Ordnance Plant
Diebold, Incorporated,
Canton, Ohio.-Plancor 554.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Rotary driers, calciner, water treating system, tanks, rotary filters, cyclone separator, elevators, hoppers, grinding mil, sand filters, piping system
for entire process, conveyors, unloading equipment, etc.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORT ATION: Switching facilties of B. & O. R. R. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Designed for production of magnesium metal and alloys by the elecrolytic process, Dow method. LAND: Approximately 29.16 acres. BUILDINGS: Total floor area 276,000 sq. ft. Complete plant includes four large cell buildings, each housing 27 cells with furnaces, etc., and facilties for converting chlorine
offce building, control laboratory, alloy plant, steam generatbuildings. Most buildings of structural steel framing, brick walls or corrugated asbestos siding. Magnesium Building, 27,000 sq. ft. Cell buildings are 19,500 sq. ft. each, Warehouse 27,000 sq. ft. Boiler House on site contains steam generating plant with rated cap. 4,200,000# steam
per hour.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Sidetrack of New York Centra ex.
This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Negotia tions may be entered into for its purchase sub;ect to the provisons of the lease in effect.
Cleveland O. R. P. D.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Process equipment includes numerous items for various process units such as: evap-
ment complete with auxilaries. 23 cranes up to 5 ton capacity. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. Sewage disposal plant on site. TRANSPORTATION: Sidings of New York Central Railroad. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Ferro-Alloy Plant
Steel Foundry
Designed for production of steel castings. LAND: Approximately 0.79 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area 22,400 sq. ft.
Factory, addition to building of others, 100' by 212', 21,200
(Ohio) 129
sq. ft., clearances 28', 14' in two side bays. Mil type construction, steel frame, steel trusses, brick walls, steel sash. Acetylene Building, 60' by 20', clearance 16', brick and concrete.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Electric furnaces, gas grinders, presses, lathes, etc.
furnaces, dust collecting system, ovens, molding machines,
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of New York Central into adjacent site. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Parts Plant (Flexible couplings)
BUILDINGS: Process Building, 42' by 42', three story, structural steel framing, concrete floors, steel sash, asbestos cement
LAND: About 15 acres. BUILDING: Main Manufacturing Building, rehabiltated in 1942, structural steel framing and trusses with monitor type
roof construction. Three 50' bays wide and 21' bays at 20' long.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Tanks, agitators, reactors, condensers, colloid inils, rubber mil, Banbury mixer, baling press, curing press, etc. Also requisite instrument, and controls, flexing machine, tensile tester, and similar apparatus. UTILITIES-From adjacent plancor. TRANSPORTATION: Through adjacent plancor facilties. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
ish, total floor area 44,400 sq. ft. Sprinklered. Offce and Personnel, two story, brick structure with limestone
trim in front. First floor is concrete, second floor wood. Floor area 16,700 sq. ft. Sprinklered.
111.0 sq. ft. Firestone Truck Rim Plant, Cambridge, Ohio.-Army. The government acquired an existing plant which had been
started. LAND: About 4% acres; BUILDINGS: The plant subdivisions are all adjoining structures, each having at least one wall in common with the adjacent subdivision.
Raw Steel Storage, 27,000 sq. ft., ceilng 33', structural steel,
Chemical Plant
S4,600 sq. ft.
Ferro Enamel Supply Company,
Cleveland, Ohio.-Plancor 1073.
Ring Lines, 14,000 sq. ft., ceilng 18'6", structural steel, con-
LAND: About 1 % acres. BUILDINGS: Total floor area 54,600 sq. ft. Main Processing and Warehouse Building, one story and mez-
Rim Lines 27,600 sq. ft., ceilng 33', structural steel, concrete, corrugated steel siding. One 25-ton crane. Plating and Storage 18,600 sq. ft., ceilng 33', steel concrete and brick. Offce 4,400 sq. ft., brick..Train Shed 16,600 sq. ft.
Paint Storage, 2,400 sq. ft.
ing. One section of heavy steel framing and steel bins. Area
50,200 sq. ft., clearances 16' to 23'.
neling machine.
Boiler House and Nitric Acid additions to Main Building, total 4,400 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Ball mil, screen mils, agitators, kettles, filters, dryers, furnaces, condensers, absorbers, pumps, etc.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: B. & O. Railroad and Pennsylvania
Designed for production Buna S type synthetic rubber. LAND: About 17.3 acres. BUILDINGS: Various functional and utilty structures either
construction. Total area 108,000 sq. ft.
zanine floor 40' by 100', total area 49,400 sq. ft. (first floor 45,300 sq. ft., second floor 4,100 sq. ft.). Clear height main
floor 27'. Reinforced concrete floors and spandrel walls, the
floor is a six inch concrete slab on cinder fill. The walls are of
masonry for eleven feet and asphlt protected metal thence to eaves with pivoted metal sash. The roof is of asphalt pro-
piping, dryers, balers, etc. UTILITIES: By city and local utilty companies. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Manufacturing Building No.2. Substantially a duplication of Manufacturing Building No.1, total area 44,200 sq. ft. (first floor 40,200 sq. ft., second floor 4,000 sq. ft.). Clearance main
130 (Ohio)
floor 27'. On the North end of the building there is constructed a one-story addition constructed of brick.
The floor is a 5" concrete slab. The building is 125' long and 48'
Storage Building: Wood frame with drop siding walls. There are two rows of wooden columns supporting a wood roof deck.
wide. The clear height is 12', total area 6,000 sq. ft. Boiler House: Monitor Type building 53' by 67' and approximately 33' high. It has reinforced concrete floors and spandrel
ance 17'.
for 15-ton traveling bridge cranes. The shop area comprises an area of about 44,000 sq. ft. of floor space, having a height of
20' to the crane rails, and a clear height of 27' to the bottom chord of the roof trusses. Footings, foundation walls, floor, and
structural frame, up to and including the crane runway girders, are reinforced concrete. Exterior walls are salt-glazed buff-
walls, asphalt protected metal side walls and roof. This build-
ing houses three 250hp boilers. Total area 3,500 sq. ft., clear-
mately 20' wid, with 8' clear height, extends practically the
Railroad track extends through east end of shop.
construction. Total area 3,060 sq. ft., clearance 8'. Ammonia Storage Building: This building is of the canopy type. Total area 1,300 sq. ft.
Miscellaneous small structures total about 1,500 sq. ft.
UTILITIES: City and public utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Switch track to the Nickel Plate R. R. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-!,7).
Communication Equipment Plant
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: B. & O. Railroad spur tracks are adjacent to the east wall of Diesel shop "B" and a siding extends
into the east end of the shop.
Aircraft Plant
1,01,00 sq. ft. Goodyear Aircraft Corporation, Southern side of Akron Municipal Airport,
Akron, Ohio.-Plancor 536.
doors on west side and a 200' canopy door at each end. Reinforced concrete reservoir (600,000 gallons). Total area 201,-
LAND: Approximately 1 % acres. BUILDING: Factory area in one bay, full length, with clear-
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Grinding and miling machines, lathes, drop hammers, power presses, etc. Main building has several overhead traveling monorail type
area of hangar is covered by 5 ton overhead cranes, electrically
ated, and auxilary conveyors. Numerous hoists are scattered throughout the building, mostly electrically operated. Entire
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Boring mils, grinders, miling machines, lathes, mold dryers, etc. Also three overhead traveling cranes, six electric hoists, two hoist trolleys.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Sidings of B. & O. and Penna. R. Rs. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Diesel Engine Plant
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been re-
75,0 sq. ft.
UTILITIES: Water and sewage disposRI by city. Power and light by adjacent DPC owned project. TRANSPORTATION: Sidings of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
under option. The plant facilties are owned by the U. S. Navy Department. Land area about 1.6 acres. BUILDINGS: Offce Building. Two story rectangular building about 90' by 148', comprising a total area of about 26,000
sq. ft. of floor space and having clear story heights under the floor and roof beams of 10'. Footings, foundation walls, structural frame, beams, floor and roof slabs are reinforced concrete. Curtain walls are brick with continuous wooden double-
LAND: Approximately 135.8 acres. BUILDINGS: Main Building, one story with mezzanines, of
main floor approximately 500,000 sq. ft., mezzanines 210,000
hung windows.
sq. ft. Total approximately 710,000 sq. ft., includes clear spans
up to 200'. Clearance center bay 32'. Sprinklered.
Diesel Shop "B". Adjoins the east wall of the offce building. Their adjacent walls are separated by only a few inches and have one small communicating door. It is a one-story shop
building about 148' by 302'. It has two longitudinal rows of
interior columns dividing the area into three equal and open
bays in width. Each bay contains a crane runway designed
(Ohio) 131
traveling cranes of I-ton capacity. Furniture and Fixturesshop equipment, cafeteria equipment, hospital equipment, offce equipment. Portable Tools-Several thousand items of electric
concrete floor slabs, brick exterior walls. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Special process equip-
and pneumatic drils, air hammers, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse-
cludes reactors, dryers, balers, pumps, piping, compressors, instruments, controls, etc.
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been re-
UTILITIES: City and local utiity company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding and spur from B & 0 RailCleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of B. & O. Railroad. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Great Lakes Engineering Works,
Aircraft Plant
LAND: Approximately 9.38 acres. BUILDINGS: Airship Building, structural steel columns and 200' structural steel roof trusses. Spandrel walls with steel
party wall columns with lessee's building, and 12 common open bays. Clearance 40'. Floor area approximately 226,000 sq. ft.
sq. ft., clearances 25' and 15'.; wood columns, wood roof trusses, concrete block walls.
lathes, arbor presses, spreaders, extractors, blowers, etc.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Gantry cranes, locomotive cranes, overhead cranes, etc.
UTILITIES: City and local utilties. TRANSPORTATION: About 2 miles track on site.
Cleveland O. R. P. D.
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
Gun Breech Ring Project, Ohio Steel Foundry Company, West 4th Street, Lima, Ohio.-Army.
Designed to augment operator's facilties for production of breech rings and fittings for heavy artilery.
clear height 22'. Structural steel framing, concrete floor on ground, wood block
natural light on three sides.
finish. Masonry walls with steel and wood sash. High degree of
BUILDINGS: Process Building, 42' by 42', three story, structural steel framing, concrete floors, steel sash, asbestos cement
siding. and Warehouse, 42' by 42', one story, of similar ' Laboratory
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Tanks, agitators, reactors, condensers, colloid mils, rubber mil, Banbury mixer, baling press, curing press, etc.
Also requisite instrument, and controls, flexing machine,
tensile tester, and similar apparatus. UTILITIES: From adjacent plancor. TRANSPORTATION: Through adjacent plancor facilties. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Designed for the manufacture of precision instruments. LAND: Three acres. BUILDINGS: Main shop area 38,900 sq. ft., one story, clearance 12'. Two story sections at each end, 10,500 sq. ft. Two
small additions have 1,600 sq. ft. Shop area of masonry and wood timber construction. Two story sections of structural
steel framing. Sprinklered.
Designed to manufacture synthetic rubber. LAND: 21 acres. BUILDINGS: Sixteen buildings, a number of functional
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Boring, broaching, drilling, grinding and miling machines, riveters, shaping and woodworking machines. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
structures and tank farms. Total floor area about 118,000 sq. ft.
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
132 (Ohio)
or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
Ammunition Plant
190,000 sq. fi.
Kings Mils Ordnance Plant
Kings Mils, Warren County, Ohio.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Wheeling & Lake Eri.e R. R. This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the proCleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Designed for manufacturing cartridges. LAND: About 110 acres. BUILDINGS: Main Manufacturing Building G-1: First Floor, 99,000 sq. ft., clearance 12'. Second Floor, 1,200 sq. ft., clearance 9'6". Concrete slab on ground, sparkproof finish. Framing consists of brick piers and exterior walls of 8" hollow tile.
Wood deck except over wing where concrete deck is built. Automatic wet pipe sprinkler system. Sanitary facilties for
about 600 people. Tracer Charging Building G-2: One story, 10,400 sq. ft., clearance 10', concrete floor on ground, sparkproof finish, reinforced concrete framing, concrete and tile walls, sprinklered. Garage G30: One story, 13,000 sq. ft., clearance 11', concrete
LAND: Approximately 3% acres. BUILDING: One story shop section, 63,500 sq. ft., and two
story and sections, 21,500 sq. ft. Steel frame construction, exterior walls of brick and steel sash. Clearances in shop 16' and 26'. Sprinklered.
floor, wood construction, sprinklered. Change House G32: One story, 16,500 sq. ft., clearance 11'7",
concrete floor, wood construction, sprinklered. Cafeteria G33: One story, area 8,700 sq. ft., clearance 10',
concrete floor, wood construction, sprinklered.
Storage G34: One story, area 9,600 sq. ft., clearance 11'3",
Primer Charging G36: One story, 7,000 sq. ft., clearance 12'.
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
Most of the other buildings are small, being generally under 600 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: First trim case, case head and stamp, horizontal single spindle machines; horizontal finish trim, case taper, primer cup charging units; insert pierce
and prime, cup and anvil assembly pilar press; shaker and
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Wheeling & Lake Erie RailThis plant has been leased for a period of five years. Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the pro-
shaker and grooving unit; shaker unit; etc. UTILITIES: Water from 2 deep wells on site. Sanitary disposal through disposal plant on site. Power and Light from local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Pennsylvania R. R. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-116).
Iron Foundry
24,000 Ions casiings per year.
BUILDINGS: Building A. Main shop and offce building, with locker rooms, and heating plant, consisting of an offce and locker room section across the front and between the two side highboys of the factory. The offces are on the second floor,
LAND: About 55 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area 202,000 sq. ft. Foundry Building, monitor type construction, steel framing, brick walls, steel sash. Floor area 175,400 sq. ft. Typical clearance 26', in melting bay 48'.
clearance 45'.
300'5" by 400'4", floor area, 118,600 sq. ft. Approximately 20% of building is equipped with a sprinkler system. All storBuilding B, one story, reinforced concrete boilerhouse, addition to Building A, floor area, 2,370 sq. ft. Building C, one story, reinforced concrete and tile constructed guardhouse, floor area, 125 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Varied types of machine
age areas are sprinklered.
Power House, structural steel frame, corrugated asbestos siding and roof, area 2,400 sq. ft.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Air furnaces, melting cupolas, molding machines, annealing ovens, cleaning mils,
Thirty-one conveyors; three 3-ton cranes; one 50-ton crane; 12-ton jib crane; 10-ton yard crane; fourteen 1- and 2-ton
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Main lines of B. & O. and Norfolk &
(Ohio) 133
Sold Concrete slab on earth, wood block finish, steel sash, monitor
type hip wood roof. Sprinklered.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Track of New York Central to plant
Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Designed to produce brick for lining of steel mil ladles. LAND: Approximately 1.36 acres. BUILDINGS: Total floor area 27;800 sq. ft.
Mitcalf Street Lima, Ohio.-Army. Designed for production of cranes, shovels and combat vehicles. LAND: Tank Arsenal, about 2% acres, leased.
Test Farm, about 100 acres, owned.
clearance 12'; brick wall, steel sash, steel trusses. Press Machine Building, 51' by 92'; brick side walls, steel sash,
steel trusses; area 4,740 sq. ft.; clearances 12' and 25'.
Kiln and Dryer Buildings, 40' by 600', area 23,060 sq. ft.;
dryer 120' long, continuous kiln 425' long, numerous kiln cars.
Heavy reinforced concrete floor on ground, structural steel framing, masonry walls with steel sash, contains two 30-ton,
crete floor on ground, wood construction, clearnces 15'.
Test Farm Building No.1, area 4,500 sq. ft., one story, conM~CHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, grinders, borers,
Miscellaneous items including waste clay elevators, conveyors, oil storage tanks, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of Pennsylvania R. R. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
93,0 sq. ft.
Test Farm, water from wells on site. Other servces from local
utilty company.
silcon. process.
LAND: Approximately 8.7 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area 247,600 sq. ft. Foundry Building, one story, 682' by 202', with basement 380'
LAND: About 200 acres. BUILDINGS: Twelve major buildings have total floor area
of about 177,000 sq. ft. Largest is Smelting Building two
story, 100' by 655', of concrete and brick construction.' Also
inforced concrete sand bins. Basement floor area 60,000 sq. ft.,
foundry floor 136,000 sq. ft., sand area 26,000 sq. ft. Clear-
sq. ft.
Smelting Building has four I-ton cranes. UTILITIES: Water, two deep wells on site. Sewage disposal by own disposal plant.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur of New York Central R. R.
Parts of the plant have been sold and leased. Negotiation
TRANSPORTATION: Siding of New York Central R. R. Certain facilities are on monthly lease cancellable on 80 days' notice either party. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
pied by building.
BUILDING: One story 92' by 407', clearance 14' concrete columns, brick curtain walls. Wood roof trusses' span 90'.
dimensions 310' by 500', floor area 155,000 sq. ft., steel frame
134 (Ohio)
with lattice box columns, side walls brick, steel sash. ClearMACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Molding machines, core
paring and handling equipment, vibrating feeders, storage bin,
belt and some bucket type conveyors.
blowing machines, core ovens, various type furnaces, sand pre-
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur tracks of Pennsylvania Railroad and New York Central R. R. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Chemical Plant, Calcium Carbide
70,000 Ions annually.
National Carbide Corporation,
sheathing and plywood construction on upper exterior walls. Steel columns are encased in concrete, concrete floor with
mostly 2" wood-block surface. Roof is monitor-type con-
asphalt tile finish. Heat Treatment and Cleaning Building. 101' by 203'. Total
The two-story offce extension, area 3,000 sq. ft., is a brick structure with concrete floors and roof slab. First floor is
Designed for production of calcium carbide for generating acetylene gas elsewhere.
main factory building. Heat treatment section is 59' by 201' with clearance 29' to underside truss. Cleaning section is 39'
by 160' with clearance 24'6". Cooling platform, 40' by 40' with
Bldg., Coke Drier Bldg. and other service and functional buildings.
LAND: Approximately 52 acres. BUILDINGS: Total floor area 105,000 sq. ft. Main Bldg., Carbide Storage, Laboratory and Offce, Service
Largest structure, Main Building, has 61,000 sq. ft., clearances
10' to 60'. Structural steel, concrete, brick or corrugated siding.
clearance 17', adjoins the cleaning section. Three reinforced concrete scrap bins, 16' by 20' by 6', are lois enclosed by an 8' high chain-link fence.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Grinders, contour machine, miling machines, boring machines, radial drils, varied
lathes, metal saws, gear cutters, gear finishing machines, pot
furnaces, welding equipment, surface combustion furnaces, gas furnaces, stress relief furnace, straightening press, tanks, gear tapping machines, magnaflux unit, layout plates, etc.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding on site. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Oxygen Plant
S,200,000 cubic feel per monih.
Aircraft Engine
Harvard Street,
Cleveland, Ohio.-Plancor 1089.
Designed for production of magnesium-aluminum powder and reclaiming of magnesium from scrap.
Twenty-one buildings, rebuilt and new. Most are one story of
about 40,000 sq. ft. each. Clearances from 10' to 38'.
LAND: Approximately 12 acres. BUILDINGS: Factory Building, 360' by 580', 256,560 sq. ft. One-story monitor mil-type, brick, wooden columns and wood
Sprinklered. Boiler House, brick and concrete, 1,500 sq. ft. Oil House, 780 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Machine Tools; boring, grinding, miling machines, lathes, arbor presses, contour machines, magnaflux units, furnaces. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
roof trusses. Clearances, first floor 15', 20', 28', second floor 9'.
crushers, sifters, bag closers, blowers, scales, lift trucks, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utility companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding serves plant. A part of this plant has been leased for a period of three years. Negotiations may be entered into for the purchase or lease of
all or part of the remainder, or for purchase of the entire
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
project subject to the provisions of the lease in effect. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding across Harvard Street.
Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
(Ohio) 135
Pipe Line
Sold ment including electric melting furnaces, molding machines, tumbling mils, etc. Also 21 bridge cranes; 10 jib cranes; 6 air
hoists, 32 chain hoists, 42 electric hoists, 40 trolleys; 1,100'
Steel Foundry
S,400 Ions caslings per year.
Ohio Steel Foundry Company, Springfield, Ohio.-Plancor 1024. Designed to augment lessee's production of small steel castings. LAND: About 2.6 acres within lessee's plant. BUILDINGS: Total floor area 82,000 sq. ft., consists of additions to various buildings of le8see, an acetylene building,
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. Surplus TRANSPORTATION: Siding from B. & O. Railroad. This plant has been leased for a period of three years. Nego-
briquette building, laboratory, transformer room, core building. Most structures are wood timber construction, the largest of
which is the Core Building, 39,000 sq. ft., ceilng 26'. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Compressors, acetylene
Lima, Ohio.-Army.
mils, dust collecting systems, etc. Also three overhead cranes. UTILITIES: Local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Railroad siding. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
breech rings, rolls and fittings for heavy artilery. LAND: 0.45 acre, leased. BUILDING: One story, structural steel framing, masonry, wood and steel sash wall construction, tar and gravel roof. UTILITIES: Power, light, water and sewage are extensions
of existing facilties of operator's installations.
Steel Foundry
20,000 Ions per year.
Cleveland O. R. P. D.
Steel Foundry
1,476 Ions per year.
DESIGNED for production of steel castings. LAND: Approximately 13.37 acres, of which 2.4 acres leased. BUILDINGS: Total area 158,000 sq. ft.
walls, steel sash; 12' by 775', 96,000 sq. ft.; clearances 47' and
Osgood Company,
Marion, Ohio.-Plancor 953.
Heat Treatment Building, 45,641 sq. ft., brick and glass block walls; wood, timber framing, clearance 22'.
Personnel Building,
block walls; area 13,800 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Grinders, presses, planers, lathes, annealers, generators, furnaces, radiographs, trans-
and two 15-ton, two 25-ton, one 60-ton traveling cranes, four jib cranes, three monorail systems. Numerous electric hoists from 1M-ton to 3-ton capacity.
LAND: Approximately 2 acres. BUILDING: Four story, no basement, structure of brick and concrete. Over-all dimensions approximately 295' by 157',
with mushroom type columns; framing and floors reinforced
clearance first floor 18', other floors 14'. Construction is flat slab
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Sidings of the Baltimore & Ohio RailThis plant has been leased for a period of three years. Nego-
miling machines, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
Steel Foundry
7,200 Ions caslings per year.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding from New York Central RailThis plant has been leased for a period of five years. Nego-
PLANT: Land, buildings, machinery and equipment designed for production of small steel castings. LAND: Approximately 26 acres. BUILDINGS: Total floor area 267,000 sq. ft. Main Foundry Building, 451' by 382', area 164,000 sq. ft., clearances 10' to 52'; exterior walls brick, wood and steel sash.
Pattern Storage and Shop, floor area 61,000 sq. ft., clearance 9', wood construction. Furnace Building, clearance 40' in furnace section, 18' in trans-
former room; area 22,000 sq. ft., steel framing and trusses;
All buildings sprinklered.
brick walls, wood and steel sash. Personnel Building, Stores and Compressor Building and Storage Shed, combined area 20,000 sq. ft.
buckets, mold skids, pallets, pouring devices, foundry equip-
136 (Ohio)
story, altered to serve as utilty building for employees of
Plant. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
quently,. however, the independent disposal of the machinery
or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
l,OSS,ooO sq. fi.
TRANSPORTATION: About 32 miles of rail line in plant and classification yard for 170 cars. Served by B. & O. R. R.
About 80 miles improved roads in plant. U. S. No. 250 and
Five miles south of Sandusky, Ohio.-Army. LAND: About 9,009 acres. BUILDINGS: 528 buildings. The staff residence area has 20 residences, all of wood frame
construction. There also are nineteen buildings (residence)
and twenty-four barns which were acquired with the land. The Ilew buildings are completely supplied with all service facil-
ing wit? a floor area of 11,500 sq. ft., the cafeteria building,
the offce building with a floor area of 41,400 sq. ft., the boiler
also several small miscellaneous buildings. Other than the communication building and the boiler house, all buildings are of
wood frame construction. The shop and maintenance area contains the combined shops,
shop, locomotive shop and other miscellaneous buildings used
Cincinnati, Ohio.-Nobs-154.
Designed for manufacture, assembly, and storage of heavy
metal valves.
LAND: About 0.6 acre (26,700 sq. ft.). BUILDINGS: Main Factory Building. Two stories and full
ft. L. L.. with concrete roof designed for 250 lb. per sq. ft. L. L.
storage. The water supply areas and equipment include the pumping
pipe lines leading to the project area. Raw water is delivered
stations at the lake and rights-of-way and casements with
to provide for a third story addition, if and when required The floor area is three floors at 20,336 sq. ft. each totaling 61,008 sq. ft. with clearances of 12' in basement and i3' on the first and second floors. The window sash are of wood. The building is equipped. with 0!1e 12,000 lb. capacity, automatic, elevator. BUlldmg is provided throughout with fluorescent
li~hting, sp~inkl~rs, an? electrical bus-duct systems, and contams one mterior remforced concrete truck-loading dock.
Locker and washroom areas, dispensary, and offce areas are
to two reservoirs on the project area from which it is distribtributing system serving all areas. The structures on the water
supply system are of permanent construction.
uted to the purification and treating plants and the plant dis-
provided. This building is a self-contained unit. Heat Treat Building. One story clear-span steel frame leanto with two concrete block walls; precast concrete roof slab concrete floor throughout. Building is framed into and utilze's two existing walls of lessee building. Total floor area, 4,750 sq. ft.,
clearance 14'6".
to each of the three acid areas. These plants are of permanent construction with masonry buildings. There is a total installed
MACHr~ERY A~D EQUIPME~T: Miling machines, shapers, drill~ng m.achines, lathes, grmd~rs, radial drils, boring and turiing mills, cutter and tool grmders, sawing machines
werders, hY:draulic. presses (50 and 25 ton), dust-collecting
at 250 lbs. per square inch using powdered coaL. The boilers
units, centrifugal oil extractor, degreaser, hardness testers air compressors, tanks, scales, lift trucks, tempering furn~ces
2-tn cranes (5 electrified), numerous hoists. '
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-9).
The buildings and equipment in all of the TNT areas are simiThe Pentolite area contains three lines of specially designed
and constructed buildings all relatively small, widely separated. The buildings in each line are connected by walkways or ramps.
The box factory area has timber sheds, box shock, storage
LAND: About 14,627 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area about 2,483,000 sq. ft.
Plant has the following areas and facilties:
essary equipment are TNT Plant, DNT Plant, Box Factory, Anhydrous Ammonia, Ammonia Oxidation Plant, Sulphuric
(Ohio) 137
Plant. Some of the larger units are briefly described as follows: Administration (2-story), 24,000 sq. ft., wood. Hospital, 16,000 sq. ft., wood.
Cafeteria, 20,000 sq. ft., masonry and wood.
Designed to augment lessee's facilties for production of pig iron, coke, by-products (gas, light oil, benzol, toluol, etc.) and
blast furnace coke.
Dormitory & School (Basement & 2-story), 16,000 sq. ft., wood. Garage & Repair, 22,000 sq. ft., concrete, steel, brick. Maintenance, 18,000 sq. ft., concrete, steel, brick.
Locomotive Repair, 8,000 sq. ft., concrete, steel, brick.
2 Receiving & Painting, 17,000 sq. ft. ea., masonry and steel.
masonry and steel. Dril & Boostering, 15,000 sq. ft., masonry and steel. 2 Driling & Boostering, 10,000 sq. ft. ea., masonry and steel. Assembling & Shipping, 26,000 sq. ft., masonry and steel. 2 Assembling & Shipping, 8,000 sq. ft. ea., masonry and steel. 2 Inert Storage & Truck Repair, 24,400 sq. ft. ea., wood, sheet asbestos. Receiving & Painting, 17,000 sq. ft., wood, sheet asbestos. Assembly, Pack, Ship, 7,100 sq. ft., wood, sheet asbestos. Neutral Liquor Storage, 16,100 sq. ft., concrete, brick, wood. Neutral Liquor Storage, 20,100 sq. ft., concrete, brick, wood.
Fuze Assembly, 32,000 sq. ft., masonry and steel.
tion. Smaller buildings of masonry construction. Power House, 26,000 sq. ft., has clearance of 85'. Warehouse & Machine Shops, 17,000 sq. ft. Boiler House, 9,500 sq. ft., clearance 70'. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Battery 75 Koppers coke ovens, 1,300 tons blast furnace, pusher machine, quenching car
and locomotive, ore unloader, ore bridge, Dorr thickener, hot ladle cars, diesel locomotive, gondola cars,. hopper cars, etc.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. Water also pumped from river. TRANSPORTATION: Sidings on site. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Tin Plating Plant
150,000 Ions per year.
Metal Parts, 40,000 sq. ft., concrete, steel, brick. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Blenders, mixing kettles,
steam jacketed kettles, blending kettles, hammermils, pre~ heaters, melt units, heavy duty vacuum cleaners, etc.
chine, air compressors, electric lift trucks, scales, conveyors,
Niles, Ohio.-Plancor 817. Designed for the electrolytic application of tin to continuous
strip of thin sheet metal. Plant is within lessee's plant and
baling presses, portable elevators, etc. Complete complement of maintenance items including machine tools, hoists, etc., and also hospital equipment, offce furniture, offce equipment, etc.
operates in conjunction with lessee's system. LAND: About 1 %, acres. BUILDINGS: Total floor area 67,000 sq. ft. Tin Plating Building, one-story, part basement; steel framing, corrugated protected metal siding; 47,000 sq. ft., clearance 32'.
Four other buildings of brick masonry construction total 20,000
sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Consists of a special production line of equipment utilzing the electrolytic process for
tin plating on strip steel. Also one 10-ton and one 15-ton
traveling cranes.
UTILITIES: Lessee, city and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Railroad sidings serve plant. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
392,000 Ions sinlered concenlrales and 32S,00 Ions coke per year. Republic Steel Corporation
Warren, Ohio.-Plancor 259- W.
Steel Plant
318,000 Ions E. F. Ingols per year. Republic Steel Corporation
Canton, Ohio.-Plancor 284.
pusher machine, quenching car and locomotive, reversing mament, sintering plant complete, and many miscellaneous items.
with corrugated steel siding. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: 61 Wilputte coke ovens,
LAND: About 8% acres. BUILDINGS: Total floor area 132,000 sq. ft. Electric Furnace Building, one story, basement under charging floor, steel mil framed building with walls of corrugated
siding. Area 85,000 sq. ft. Clearances 44', 57'.
chine, coal and coke handling equipment, coke quenching station, by-products and purification equipment, sulphate equip-
Pit Cooling Building, 31,400 sq. ft.; clearance 37'. Stripper Building, 15,800 sq. ft., clearance 50'; of construction similar to Electric Furnace Building. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Five 70-ton electric melt
UTILITIES: Lessee, city and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Sidings of B. & O. Railroad. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
UTILITIES: Lessee, city and public utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Sidings of Pennsylvania Railroad. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
138 (Ohio)
392,000 nel Ions pig iron and 3S0,OOO Ions sinlered concenlrales per year.
LAND: About 5.85 acres. BUILDING AND STRUCTURES: Blast Furnace together with Hoist House, Control Houses, etc. Also Sintering Plant,
in floor area 21,760 sq. ft., steel framing, corrugated steel
electric furnaces. Plant is experimental and is of "outdoor" type. LAND: About 1.29 acres.
ft., one story, masonry and wood construction.
Warren, Ohio.-Plancor 1514. Designed for manufacture of charge metal (sponge iron) for
Power House, 3 story and basement, steel framing with brick masonry walls. Total floor area 41,000 sq. ft. Operating floor clearance 70'. Contains 2 steam generating units. Car Dumper, steel framed structure several stories high, used
to faciltate ore handling.
EQUIPMENT: Herreshoff furnace, preheater, gas washer Cottrell precipitator, gas holder, desulphurizer, ore dryer'
cars, Cottrell precipitators, sintering machine, pug mils, synatron feeders, water conditioning equipment, etc.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Blast furnace and stoves, gas washing and cleaning equipment, iron ladles and
UTILITIES: City, local utilty companies and lessee. TRANSPORTATION: Three sidings connect with major railCleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
LAND: About % acre. BUILDING: Addition to lessee's plant, 20,000 sq. ft. One story, steel framing, steel sash; monitor type. Clearance 23' to underside truss. MACH;INERY AND EQllIPMENT: Roller hearth; bright annealing furnace and miscellaneous items, annealer racks
tube cleaning machines, belt polishing machines, etc. '
Designed to produce forgings and for heat treating of metals. LAND: Approximately 17.2 acres. BUILDINGS: Twelve major and minor buildings. Total floor
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of New York Central R. R.
Also covered loading dock for Lake freighters.
Factory Building of steel frame construction, steel trusses and columns; floor area 153,000 sq. ft.; ceilng heights 54' and 20'. Eleven minor buildings, combined floor area 15,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Various types of furnaces, including heating, reheating, cooling, etc.
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subseremoved.
Sanitary sewers discharge into septic tank. Gas, electric power and light, local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Three sidings of Pennsylvania RailCleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lifting magnet, crushers, bucket elevators and conveyors, rotary kiln, chutes, apron feeders, briquetting presses, etc. UTILITIES: Water from City and well. Power and light from Plancor 284. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Pennsylvania R. R. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Designed to increase lessee's production of annealed products. LAND: About % acre, leased. BUILDING: Lean-to addition to lessee's building, area 6,200 sq. ft., steel with corrugated iron siding. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Six annealing furnaces, gas fired, with complete accessories.
Cleveland O. R. P. D.
tube forgings and shells. The plant was reconditioned, building added, and equipment installed.
of about 357,000 sq. ft. The principal units are:
W. 71st Street, Carthage, Cincinnati, Ohio.-Army Plant acquired by the government for the manufacture of gun
LAND: About 125 acres. BUILDINGS: Thirty-eigoht buildings with a total floor area
Forge Shop A: 1 floor; 32,300 sq. ft.; height 18' and 21'; concrete, cinders floor construction; struct. steel framing; corr.
galv. iron siding walls.
Forge Shop B: 1 floor; 37,400 sq. ft.; height 18' and 37'; con-
(Ohio) 139
Machine Shop D: 1 floor; 39,900 sq. ft.; concrete floor construction; struct. steel framing; corr. galv. iron and brick
In the nine lines there are a total of 168 buildings. Of these 168 buildings, there are 16 main buildings, each line containing one or two main buildings. These 16 buildings vary in size from approximately 15,000 to 26,000 sq. ft. of floor space. The majority of the buildings in the lines have walls of concrete block or poured concrete, plain or reinforced with
Machine Shop F: 1 floor; 46,600 sq. ft.; height 24'5"; concrete floor construction; struct. steel framing; corr. asbestos walls. Forge Shop: 1 floor; 54,900 sq. ft.; concrete and cinders floor construction; struct. steel framing; corr. galv. iron walls. Heat Treat Bldg. H: 1 floor; 20,600 sq. ft.; concrete floor conHeat Treat Bldg. J: 1 floor; 33,500 sq. ft.; height 54'; earth and cinders floor construction; struct. steel framing; corr. galv.
iron walls.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Conveyors, staking machines, marking machines, pneumatic presses, spinning mascreening machines, blending machines, charging machines
Forge Shop T: 1 floor; 32,300 sq. ft.; height, See Sect.; concrete and cinders floor construction; struct. steel framing; corr.
galv. iron walls.
Administration Bldg.: 1st floor; 8,400 sq. ft.; height 13'; wood
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: One 3,000 ton forging press, and two 1,000 ton forging presses, and presses of lesser capacity, varied type large furnaces, bilet breaking press, complete chip handling and oil extracting system, one 1,000 ton
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: 11.2 miles of railroad track within Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-88)
saw machines, one 1,040 ton piercing press, one 340 ton draw bench, bilet feeders, loading devices, conveyor systems, etc., complete complement of heavy machine tools, some 20 cranes up to 25 ton capacity, and laboratory and testing equipment. UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: B & 0 switch track into plant. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-HS)
Aircraft Parts Plant (Fuel Pumps)
Electroplating Plant
141,0 sq. ft. Searchlight Mirror Plant No.1, Mariemont, Ohio.-Army.
Cincinnati, Ohio.-Army.
Butadiene Plant
1S,OOO short Ions per year.
U. S. Rubber Company and Permanente Metals Corpora- LAND: 4.34 acres, leased, located in lessee's refinery plant. "BUILDINGS: Functional buildings of reinforced concrete tion, one mile north of Marion, Ohio.-Army. brick masonry and timber wood framing. ' LAND: About 12,452 acres. Six buildings total area about 37,000 sq. ft., viz: Gas ComBUILDINGS: The Administrative area has a total of 15 build- pressor Building, Refrigeration Compressor Building Control ings. The Administration Building, "E" shaped, has a floor Building, Water Pump House, Boiler House, Control Room. space of 21,452 sq. ft. of each of two floors. In addition to MACHIN~R~ the Administration Building there are six dormitories, a cafe- ment consistingANp EQUIPMENT: Special process equipchiefly of towers, pressure vessels, reboilers teria, employment and hospital building under one roof, tele- preheaters, heat exc~a~ger~, water cooling towers, pumps: phone offce, fire and police station, control laboratory, and two compressors, valves, pIping, instruments, controls, etc. recreation buildings. All the buildings in this area are of UTILITIES: Lessee, city and local utilty companies. frame construction with asphalt shingle roofs. The Staff area consists of 10 buildings, for housing key staff Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available. personneL. These buildings are of frame construction with
asphalt shingle roofs.
The Storage area has 10 main buildings, along with a few miscellaneous small buildings. The 10 main storage buildings are each 50' by 512', 25,600 sq. ft. floor area, of wood construction with asbestos siding and roof. The Shop area consists of the following main buildings: Maintenance and Repair Building 26,000 sq. ft., Laundry 8,700 sq. ft.. Woodworking Building 10,700 sq. ft., General Warehouse 10:700 sq. ft., Garage Building 5,100 sq. ft., Boiler House 5,000
sq. ft. All of the above buildings have walls of concrete block
Ordnance Plant
49,100 sq. ft.
Canton, Ohio.-Army. Used for production of upset seamless gun tubes. LAND: About 6.15 acres.
one roof. Building: No.1, Toilet and Locker, one story, area 1,000 sq. ft.,
BUILDINGS: Plant acquired by government, rehabiltated and altered, combining Buildings Nos. 1, 2, 2A, and 4 under
clear height 14'. Concrete floor, brick walls.
area, 18' in shop. Wood floors, brick walls.
having 1192 sq. ft. floor space each. These buildings are of wood co~struction with asbestos siding and roof. Have no
Nine Fuze and Booster Loading Lines. These Iines are separated from each other by prescribed safety distances, as are the buildings in each line.
2, Igloo area. There are fiv~ igl~os of the standard type. Building No. andGen~ral Offce and Machine Shop, one story, 7,200 sq. ft. attic 3,000 sq. ft. Clear height 14' in offce
140 (Ohio)
Buildings No. 4 and No.5, Main Shop, area 29,600 sq. ft., clearance 35'. Building is 360' long, consisting of 18 bays at
20' centers. Structural steel framing and trusses, galvanized
framing, galvanized corrugated steel siding and deck. Building No.3, Time Offce, area 400 sq. ft., brick construction.
clearance 9'6", First floor, 90,400 sq. ft., clearance 13', Second
spread footings. Concrete slab floors on which
floor, 77,800 sq. ft., clearance 10'8", Third floor, 77,800 sq. ft.,
is laid a wood
subfloor topped by asphalt treated flooring. The largest portion of the walls consists of horizontal pivoted sash and the
ling- crane; two 2-ton electric monorail cranes; one 5-ton electric crane. (Building No.5 is a new extension 100' in length.)
buildings, two of 3,000 lb. capacity, one of 6,000 lbs. and one
of 10,000 lbs. Sprinklered.
Building No.7, Oil House, 216 sq. ft., concrete floor, hollow
Building No.8, Garage, 520 sq. ft., gravel floor, wood construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Forging machine, 300-ton straightening press, 500-ton straightening press, welding machine, gas-fired continuous stress relieving furnace, electric normalizing furnace, electric hardening furnace, electric tempering furnace, seven feeder tables, four feed and discharge
chines, centerless grinders, electric eye machines, electric heat treating furnaces, draw furnaces, quench oil tanks, cutting
oil tanks, oilng system, coolant tank, washing machines, in-
floor, feeder machines, grinding machines, various type facfor machine and maintenance shops.
ties of the lessee.
tory trucks; machine tools; lathes, miling machines, surface grinding machines, grinding machine, and miscellaneous items
UTILITIES: City and local utilties and through the facilTRANSPORTATION: Switch tracks from N. Y. C. R. R.
Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-82).
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of Wheeling and Lake Erie
Bearing Plant
276,000 sq. fi. Timken Roller Bearing Company,
Columbus, Ohio.-Plancor 920. Designed for production of tapered roller bearings. LAND: Approximately 9 acres. BUILDINGS: Manufacturing Building A (Offce, Canteen and
crete block, 242' by 402', ground floor area 96,000 sq. ft., mezzanine area 4,000 sq. ft.; ceilng heights 14' and 19'.
Manufacturing Building B (Machine Shop, Storage, Heat ceilng heights 25' and 16' except in crane bay where height
Treating), 272' by 382', floor area 104,000 sq. ft.; 90' crane bay;
block walls and sheet iron siding.
is 49' and 31'. Building is one story, steel framing, concrete
Steel Foundry
20,000 Ions per year.
Boiler House Building C, brick walls, are 3,444 sq. ft., clearance
Unitcast Corporation,
1414 E. Broadway,
Toledo, Ohio.-Plancor 646.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Honing, lapping, miling machines, lathes, presses, demagnetizers, furnaces, washers, one 5-ton crane, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Pennsylvania R. R. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
units of old and new sections. Foundry Unit is a one story steel mil building with walls of brick masonry. The Machine and Core Room Units and Sand Storage Areas
are partly two story in height with construction similar to
Foundry Unit. Clearances 22' and 27'. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Wheelabrator tablasts
and tumblasts, blow guns, core ovens, core blowing machines,
Toledo Core Plant, Wilys-Overland Motors, Inc., Yost Street, Toledo, Ohio.-Army. LAND: About 3% acres.
core mold sprayers, heat treating furnaces, three electric steel furnaces, ladles, moulding machines, sand handling system, electric lift trucks, Kuhlman tower (capacity 28,000 lbs. steel
castings). Moulding Department has 36 Osborn moulding
BUILDING: Total area about 350,000 sq. ft. Building constructed about 1911 and was thoroughly rehabiltated in 1942.
(Ohio) 141
rail systems; various sets of conveyors. Also grinding, miling machines, lathes, wire machines, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur of Wheeling & Lake Erie R. R. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Used for manufacture of steel products such as oil pans for diesel engines, crankcase weldments, drives, etc. An existing
plant was altered, rehabiltated and extended.
LAND: About 19.13 acres. BUILDINGS: Engineering and Administration, Building No. 1.. .Two s~ories, and basement. The first story is 50' by 425',
ceiling height 9 and 12'. The second story is 50' by 270', ceiling height 8'9". The basement is approximately 50' by 76'
ceiling. height 11'1". The total floor area, including the base~ ment, is 36,538 sq. ft. Frame is wall bearing with clear-span
flooring on reinforced concrete floors.
steel trusses, brick and tie walls, linoleum and asphalt tie
steel factory sash with stucco on metal lath comprise the wall
surfaces. It is 150' by 532' with north lean-to 9'2" by 532'
and south lean-to 41' by 532', total size 200'2" by 532', clearanc~
Manuf~ct~rintt and Fabrication Areas, Building No.6. Original bUllding is one-story, structural steel frame, continuous
lean-to 24', total floor area is 106,576 sq. ft. The roof is highlow bay, monitor type.
ratory has five laboratory test mils, Banbury mixer; three plastometers, tear testers, pump units, rubber buffng machine,
torsion tester, abradors, precision viscorimeter, and miscellaneous items for rubber testing and research.
The new west addition has one story, 150' by 371'44", floor area
walls up to sil height, continuous steel sash, protected metal siding. The roof is high-low bay, monitor type.
The ne.w east ad~ition is, irregular in shape, has one story,
steel frame. North side has brick wall up to sil height and continuous steel factory sash complete the wall surfaces. The east and south sides are brick walls with steel factory sash.
Clearance in center section B, C, and D bays is 37'11", north
Ordnance Plant
section A bay is 24', and south lean-to E bay is 24'. The roof is high-low bay, monitor type. The original building, East
and West additions, have reinforced concrete floors. Some twenty other units total about 36,000 sq. ft., mostly of brick and wood construction.
Service Building
Designed for laboratory research. LAND: 175' by 180' containing approximately 0.72 acre. BUILDING: One story, 90' by 121', brick walls, structural steel
framing and reinforced concrete framing. Glass block windows, roof partially sawtooth. Clearance 15'.
Some thirty-two traveling cranes from 2- to 20-ton capacity. About forty-five 3-ton jib cranes. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding from Erie Railroad. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (NP-54).
Aircraft Plant
131,200 sq. fi.
building are steel and motor operated. Boiler Room and fireproof vault included in building. Sprinklered.
LAND: Approximately 7 acres. BUILDING: Steel frame building with corrugated asbestos siding, steel sash, clearance 32'. Airplane entrance doors to
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, miling machines, shaping machines, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subseand equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that
Designed for production of magnesium sand castings. LAND: Approximately 4 acres. BUILDINGS: Main building 121' by 334', total floor area
45,300 sq. ft. Consists of an original building, remodeled and
expanded. One-story brick and steel, sawtooth roof, steel windows, monitor sash. Several additions and mezzanines total
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of N. Y. C. This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the terms
of the lease in effect.
2,320 sq. ft. Clearance 14'. Sprinklered. New pattern Storage Building, new Boiler House and new Guard House total
4,000 sq. ft.
etc. Four 1 ton and one 2 ton cranes, four conveyor systems;
15 hoists 1 to 2 ton.
Clearance 18'. North Shop: one story, part basement; area ment, mezzanine; area 1,478,000 sq. ft. Clearances 18'; con-
LAND: Approximately 6.25 acres. BUILDING: Four stories and basement, irregular in shape, total floor area 467,000 sq. ft.; clearances first story 16', other floors 13'; reinforced concrete, flat slab construction; design
permits addition of fifth story. Each floor designed to carry 250 pounds per square foot. Sprinklered.
Foundries No. 1 and No.2; total combined areas 556,000 sq. ft.; clearance 18'. Combined capacity 11,000,000 pounds of castings per month. Test Cells: one story, part basement;
area 200,000 sq. ft. Remaining buildings total 550,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Machine tools include
lapping, shaping and screw machines, radial drils, thread ma-
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Boring, grinding, miling machines, bending, contour machines, shapers, anodizing equipment, plating equipment, furnaces, etc. Also one 2-ton
core blower machines, forming machine and rolls, 300 furnaces, ladle heaters, 65 ovens, sand handling equipment, speed-milers,
shaft equipment, miscellaneous machine equipment, etc. Foundry equipment includes autoclaves, cleaning machines,
chinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has
been removed.
collectors,/scrub machines, etc. Numerous items of portable tools, numerous items of carburetor testing equipment, and numerous items of test cell equipment. About 20 cranes, 520
hoists and 90,000 lin. ft. of roller conveyors.
UTILITIES: City nd local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: New York Central and Toledo Ter-
Wright Aeronautical Corporation Lockland, Ohio.-Plancor 10. LAND: Approximately 217 acres, about 12 miles from down-
Gas-Power-Light: from local utilty company. Steam: 7 boilers in Boiler House. Cap. 424,000 # per hour. TRANSPQRTATION: Direct railroad switches at points throughout the plant connect with N. Y. C. and Pennsylvania
Chemical Plant-Butane 320 barrels per day.
Cyril, Oklahoma.-Plancor 1036. Designed for the production of butane for the aviation gasoline program. LAND: About 0.6 acre within lessee's plant, leased. BUILDING: Compressor House extension to lessee's building. Area 1,560 sq. ft.
compressors, drums, engines, driers, accumulators, condensers,
instruments, controls, etc.
Tulsa O. R. P. D.
Texas County, Oklahoma.-Plancor 2317.
LAND: About 80 acres. BUILDINGS: About 96,000 sq. ft. in some forty utilty and
LAND: 59.29 acres, and easement for water and power line. BUILDINGS: 192 burner buildings, each 13' by 124', concrete
Shops Building, 30' by 105', ................. .3,150 sq. ft.;
dwellings, 5 and 6 rooms, and g-arages. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Major functional units
racks, transport fleet and garage, and chemical handling equip-
concrete floor, steel frames and sash, sheet iron siding and roof.
Warehouse Building, 75' by 120', .............. .9,000 sq. ft.;
are two stage fluid catalytic cracking and gas concentration unit, HF alkylation unit and isomerization unit. Accessory
concrete floor, steel frame and sash, sheet iron siding and roof. Other units total some 6,000 sq. ft. Also ten 2 bedrooin and ten 3 bedroom houses with hardwood
floors and rolled slate roofs.
(Oklahoma) 143
truck, etc.
Aircraft Plant
2,400,000 sq. ft.
Pacific Railroad.
LAND: About 334 acres. BUILDINGS: Assembly No.1, area 1,654,400 sq. ft., clear-
Cardox Corporation,
Claremore, Oklahoma.-Plancor 1048.
road spur through building. Hangar No.2, area 169,000 sq. ft., clearance 45', (leanto 23'). Sprinklered.
Paint Building, area 61,600 sq. ft., clearance 35', one story.
Clearance 11'.
Offce, area 256,000 sq. ft. (128,000 sq. ft. in each of two floors).
Boiler House, 42,000 sq. ft., clearance 40'. All of structural
LAND: Area 2.15 acres. BUILDING: 135' by 194'; one story; area 26,700 sq. ft.; reinforced concrete framing; hollow tile walls; clearances 14',
steel framing and trusses with brick walls and metal deck except Offce Building which is of reinforced concrete and
chlorate cells, evaporators, crystallzers, centrifuges, dryer, pulverizer, pumps, tanks, electrodes, etc.
Thirteen Warehouses, 140,000 sq. ft., classroom, 28,000 sq. ft. wood timber construction.
machines, broaching machines, borers, grinders, lathes, honing machines, planers, crimpers, brakes, benders, drop hammers,
chinery and equipment has been authorized, and it. is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has
been removed.
TRANSPORTATION: Siding on lessee's property adjacent to plancor site. Tulsa O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
sewing machines, lift trucks, tanks, etc. UTILITIES: Water from 9 wells on site. Storage reservoir. Sewage disposal plant on site.
Gas, power, and light from local utilty companies.
TRANSPORTATION: Spur track connects with major lines. Tulsa O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-l0).
Aircraft Plant
2,080,000 sq. ft.
LAND: About 50 acres. BUILDINGS: Total floor area about 50,000 sq. ft. About
36 buildings and miscellaneous small units on. the site. Con-
LAND: 332 acres owned, and 752 acres leased. BUILDINGS: Assembly Building No.1, three story and fan deck, 1,553,000 sq. ft., concrete floor, concrete finish, frame of steel columns, trusses and purlins, brick walls and metal
Drop Hammer Building No.2, three story, 40,800 sq. ft., concrete floors, concrete frame, brick walls and concrete block walls, ceilng height 30', built-up roof, bays generally 25' by
Paint Shop No.3, one story, 55,780 sq. ft., construction features same as Assembly Bldg., above except ceilng height is
35', bays generally 24' by 150'.
41', 19' by 25'.
Hangar Building No.4, two-story, 175,000 sq. ft., same construction features as Assembly Bldg.
Offce Building No.5, two story, 88,000 sq. ft., concrete floors,
asphalt tile finish, frame of concrete columns, steel columns, trusses and purlins above, brick and metal siding walls, ceilng
crete frame, floors, and roof slab; and brick filler walls.
story, 56,600 sq. ft., same construction details as Assembly Building except ceilng heights are 14' 6", 1st floor, 12' 2nd
ing, bending, boring, stamping, crowning, cut-off, forming, honing, and miling machines; compressors, coolers, corers, die making equipment, drils and dril presses, dryers, flangers and
144 (Oklahoma)
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur tracks of St. Louis, San FranThis plant is available for lease only.
About 12 miles southeast of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. LAND: About 149 acres.
Zinc Plant
13,000 Ions per year.
sq. ft., clearance: Hangar area, 35'; center area, first floor, 12'-6"; second floor, 12'. Concrete floors, structural frame of
Designed for production of metallc zinc. LAND: Approximately 20 acres. BUILDINGS: Eleven buildings, total area about 46,000 sq. ft.
Building No.2, total area about 323,000 sq. ft., construction and
Warehouse: area, 8,000 sq. ft., one story, wood construction,
clearance, 8'. Pump House: area, 2,000 sq. ft., concrete and masonry.
ft. each; clearance 9'. Waelz Feed Preparation and Kiln Feed Building, timber frame
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, grinders, dril presses, saws, heat treat furnace, squaring power shear, tube
machine, drils, riveters, sandblast cabinet, power brake, quench
and roof; irregular shape building with ground floor 2,680 sq.
varied height 15' to 56'.
ft., 440 sq. ft. intermediate platforms, 800 sq. ft. top floor;
Other units total about 9,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Numerous items includ-
ing three zinc block furnaces complete, 800 retorts each; blast
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of St. Louis and San Francisco R. R.
E. i. duPont deNemours and Company, Pryor, Mayes County, Oklahoma.-Army. LAND: About 15,845 acres.
of about 2,530,000 sq. ft. The Staff Residence area, on the banks of the Grand (Neosha) River, contains twenty-five residences of one-story frame con-
6,800 sq. ft.; first floor 259,500 sq. ft.; second floor, 60,100 sq.
The Administration area (main area) contains the Main Offce Building with 76,000 sq. ft. of floor space on two floors, SuperTelephone Exchange Building, Change House, Cafeteria (11,100
forced concrete columns and beams. Steel trusses and bar joist
purlins for hangar area. Walls are concrete for the first four
ler system. Cafeteria with seating capacity of 400.
feet and concrete blocks above. Roof deck gypsum plank in hangar area and reinforced concrete over center area. Sprink-
other miscellaneous buildings. There is a smaller Administration Area west of the main area containing an Offce Building with 18,230 sq. ft. floor area, two story, Medical Service
sq. ft.). Clearances, construction, and details' same except no cafeteria. Field offce, one story, 4,200 sq. ft., wood construction. Other buildings total about 2,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, grinders, dril
presses, sanders, heat treat furnace, squaring power shear,
first floor, 259,500 sq. ft.; second floor, 60,100 sq. ft.; tower, 200
South Building, area, 326,600 sq. ft., (basement, 6,800 sq. ft.;
wood frame construction. The Service Areas are divided into two sections: (a) adjacent
to the Acid Area at the Smokeless Powder Plant, and (b) to the Acid Area at the T.N.T. and Tetryl Plants. adjacent
tube machines, drils, riveters, sandblast cabinet, power brake, quench tank, compressors, portable generator, scales, hand hoists, painting equipment, degreaser unit, jacks, pumps, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus." Subse-
In area (a) are the combined shops with 33,655 sq. ft. of floor area; Maintenance Offce Building, 10,180 sq. ft.; Locomotive
and other miscellaneous buildings.
House; two Storehouse Buildings with a total of approximately 28,500 sq. ft.; Automotive Storage Building, 11,020 sq. ft.;
In area (b) are the Box Factory, 18,280 sq. ft., General Store-
house, 10,420 sq. ft.; Combined Shops, 20,670 sq. ft.; Parking Garage, 11,440 sq. ft.; machinery and other storage and miscellaneous buildings. All buildings in the Service Area are of wood frame construc-
contain forty-eight Shipping Buildings, twenty-four of which have 3,240 sq. ft. floor area, and twenty-four 1,845 sq. ft. floor
(Oklahoma) 145
There are other miscellaneous buildings in the area, all served by trucking roads. The magazine area near the T.N.T. Plant contains forty-eight beehive type magazines, all widely separated and served by trucking roads. Rail connections serve the
plant substation connected with the plant's electrical distribution system and served by the Grand River Dam Authority. TRANSPORTATION: 47.7 miles of railroad and sidings on the site, served by the M. K. & T. R. R. and the Kansas, Oklahoma and Gulf R. R.
sulphuric acid concentrating buildings, and equipment for supplying the smokeless powder plant, and certain requirements of the T.N.T. Plant. The structures in this area are of perma-
loading platform at the area. The Smokeless Powder Plant comprises the following areas: The Acid area contains ammonia oxidation units, nitric and
pulp dry houses. All buildings in this area are of wood frame
The Nitrating area contains buildings and equipment for the
nent type, steel frame and concrete, the buildings generally having side walls and roofing of corrugated asbestos. Buildings and much of the equipment are of special design and construction. The Cotton area contains one wood pulp and three cotton storehouses, each with 23,040 sq. ft. floor area; also cotton and
LAND: Area 3.4 acres, leased, and on easement. BUILDINGS: Total area about 16,335 sq. ft.
design with steel frames and corrugated asbestos walls and roofs; boilng tub houses, pulping houses, poacher tub houses, blending tub and wringer houses, all of wood frame construc-
miscellaneous structures; brick, concrete, steel and timber construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Sulphur melters, hoppers, agitators, sulphur burners, drying towers, gas filters, converters, water softening plant, gas coolers, tanks, pumps, in-
the nitrating area and contains buildings and equipment for forming, manufacturing, processing, and packing the smoke-
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Two sidings on site. This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the provisions of the lease in effect.
The Acid area is somewhat similar to that of the smokeless powder plant, and is adjacent to the T.N.T. and tetryl areas which it serves. It contains mmonia oxidation, and ammonia
and acid storage facilties, nitric and sulphuric acid concentrating facilties, and the sellte plant, change house, and labo-
Coal Mine
21S,OOO Ions per year.
ratory of special permanent design. The T.N.T.manufacturing area contains buildings and equipment for nitrating toluene, and the manufacturing and packing of T.N.T. The buildings are relatively small, of special design and construction, and widely separated to comply with safety requirements.
also .
turing area in the design and construction of its specialpurpose buildings, which are small, widely separated, and connected by covered walkways or ramps. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Some principal items are autoclaves, absorption columns, A.O.P. units complete, compressors, condensers, coolers, filters, separators, tanks, motors,
pumps, instruments, bleaching columns, nitric acid concentrating units, sulphuric acid concentrating units, crystallzing
etc. Total area about 16,000 sq. ft., with construction generally
of brick and timber and corrugated iron. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Mining hoists, locomotives, coal loaders, conveyors, mine cars, coal drils, rock drils,
kettles, powder mixers, preheaters, furnaces, gassifiers, heater units, hoppers, nitrators, blocking presses, dehydrating presses, vertical finishing block presses, solvent recovery units, ether and alcohol recovery units, refrigeration systems, sellte plant, scales, conveyors, handling equipment, storage tank farms, etc.
Numerous items of laboratory and testing equipment including
eters, receiver, rotameters, scleroscope, recording thermomment, cafeteria equipment and a complete complement of shop
Sewage disposal plant consists of one 5,000-gallon septic tank with tile laterals in disposal field. Power and light from local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Kansas City Southern R. R. loading,
unloading and storage tracks.
mented by wells.
Coal Mine
215,000 Ions per year.
Sheffeld Steel Corporation,
Lone Star Steel Company,
less Powder Area. Septic tanks are installed to handle wastes from outlying buildings. Acid wastes are treated in an acid neutralizing plant. Power is supplied by the project Power Plant, a well designed,
located in the Tetryl area and the other located in the Smoke-
McAlester, Oklahoma.-Plancor 1507, Carbon No.4. Designed for the production of coal suitable for metallurgical
LAND: Approximately 146 acres of surface land, and approximately 2,336 acres of coal lands.
Boiler House, Wash House, Oil House, Pump Houses, Shop, Sub
asbestos walls and roof. It has six boilers with a total rated
capacity of 960,000 pounds of steam per hour, and four 5,000 kw. steam turbo-generating units. There is a 28,000 k.v.a.
brick, timber, corrugated iron. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Mining hoists, locomo-
tives, coal loaders, conveyors, mine cars, coal drils, rock drils,
compressors, rock dusting machines, etc. UTILITIES: Water from deep well, stored in pond reservoir
holding 15,000,000 gallons. Sewage disposal facilties on site.
House, Shop, Garage, Offces and Warehouse, and other facilties necessary for the independent functioning of the mine.
Total floor area of buildings about 17,000 sq. ft. Construction of concrete, brick, timber, corrugated iron. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Mining hoists, locomotives, coal loaders, conveyors, mine cars, coal drils, rock drils,
Coal Mine
43S,OOO Ions per year.
mining machines and complete equipment for the coal washing plant. Auxilary equipment such as boilers, air compres-
sors, rock dusting machines, etc. UTILITIES: Domestic water from San Bois Lake. Industrial
and fire water is pumped from 2,000,000 gallon storage pond.
Acetylene Plant
1,200,00 cu. ft. per monih.
piping, electric tow cleaner, dehydrators, straw elevator, jack frames with spindles, gauge slaubers, wet twister machine. UTILITIES: Well on site, also small clear lake on adjacent property. Power and light from local utilty company. Portion of this plant classified "Agricultural" and so assigned
Designed for production of aluminum ingot and carb9n electrodes used in the reduction process.
LAND: 590 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area 825,000 sq. ft. Approximately sixty different buildings,. inclu~in~ Rectifier
Station Pot Rooms, Transformer Service Buildmg, Pump
framing with protected metal siding. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Process equipment includes 48 Westinghouse Ignition Rectifiers, 512 reduction pots, electric furnaces and equipment for casting alloyed ingots,
carbon mixers, carbon presses, carbon bake unit. Numerous
miscellaneous items. Silver bus bars must be removed.
LAND: 100 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area about 208,000 sq. ft. Process building, Administration and Service Buildings of concrete, steel and brick construction.
known as the aqueous bisulphate alumina process. UTILITIES: Water from wells on site and Wiliamette River. Power and light from Bonnevile Power Administration. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track from Oregon Electric Railway Company.
This plant has been l~ased for. a period of 5 y,ears. Negotiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the proviions of the lease in effect. Portland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Steel Foundry
12,000 Ions caslings per year.
cor 1855.
Designed for production of flax fibre and semi-finished yarn. LAND: Approximately 30 acres. BUILDINGS: Spinning Mil and Offce Building, overall dimenconst~uction, rustic siding; clearance 18' in center bay, 8' to 14'
LAND: 4% acres. BUILDINGS: Six buildings, total area 76,000 sq. ft.; structural steel and wood framing, sheet metal siding. Main Foundry, 82' by 740'; 60,700 sq. ft. plus balcony 5,000 sq. ft.
sions 120' by 80/; area 9,600 sq. ft.; mil type wood frame
in outside bays.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: 25-ton lectromelt steel furnace, annealing ovens, core drying oven, mixing mils, sand
cleaning, molding and handling machines, etc. Also three 20ton bridge cranes.
construction; without side walls. Six Retting Tanks, reinforced concrete; each tank 60' by 20'. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Scutcher, exhaust fan and
Shed for Storage, 300' by 80'; height 9' at eaves; all frame
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse-
(Oregon) 147
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of Union Pacific Railroad. Portland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Commercial Iron Works, On West bank of the Wilamette River, At the foot of S. W. Gibbs Street,
Portland, Oregon.-Nobs-75 & 489.
Shipyard Surplus
Designed to provide facilities for quick freezing and cold storage. LAND: City block of 0.92 acres.
klered. Three 8,000 lb. capacity elevators. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Five ammonia compressors, with required accessory equipment.
BUILDING: An existing building of four stories and basement, 200' by 200', brick walls, timber wood framing. Sprin-
Consists of four covered shipways for new construction, an outfitting dock, a conversion and repair dock, and a side haul
marine railway. Yard is complete with the necessary admin-
of 3,000 ton nominal capacity. LAND: About 43 acres, with frontage of 3,600' on river. Land
is leased.
BUILDINGS: Mold Loft (19,500 sq. ft.), 2 Ship sheds, each 20,000 sq. ft., Warehouse and Offce, 24,500 sq. ft., Outfitting
and utilty units. Mostly of frame construction.
68 S. E. Washington Street,
Portland, Orgon.-Plancor 1812.
machines. Also crawler crane, one 25-ton bridge crane, flat cars, one 40-ton, one 36-ton, and one 20-ton gantry crane, jib cranes. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur tracks of Southern Pacific Railroad. Portland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (NP-57).
36,000 sq. ft.
Hyster Company,
BUILDING: Total area 30,200 sq. ft., 100'by 200' with part basement and part second floor. First floor area 16,700 sq. ft.; second floor 3,900 sq. ft.; basement 9,600 sq. ft.; wood frame
bridge cranes and one 2-ton elevator.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Consists of two complete ice plants: one 200 hp and one 100 hp motors, York compressor, two ammonia condensers, ammonia receiver, tanks and accessories; one double acting "Ball" ice machine, consisting of comaccessories.
Shipyard Surplus
Oregon Shipbuilding Company,
31' to bottom chord of center span, 17' in side spans. Contains one 10-ton overhead traveling crane, 50' span.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Union Pacific R. R. Portland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Kaiser Company,
Portland, Oregon.-Maritime. LAND: 330 acres (33 acres under water included). BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: Plate Shop (142,000 sq. ft.), Assembly Building (273,000 sq. ft.), Steel and corrugated iron. Machine Shop (21,000 sq. ft.) Mold Loft (67,000 sq. ft.), Administration (95,000 sq. ft.), Dock Shop No.1 (95,000 sq. ft.), Dock Shop No.2 (54,000 sq. ft.), New Pipe Shop (45,000 sq. ft.), New Warehouse (217,000 sq. ft.) all wood construction.
Shipways (11), 473'.
cranes, O.H. cranes, jib cranes, locomotives, crawler and mobile
Shipyard Surplus
Swan Island Yard,
Portland, Oregon.-Maritime. LAND: About 239 acres. BUILDING AND STRUCTURES: Administration (79,000 sq.
ft.), General Stores (216,000 sq. ft.), Machine Shop (35,000 sq.
sq. ft.), of wood construction. Assembly (210,000 sq. ft.), Machine Storage (38,000 sq. ft.),
Foundry Surplus
Pacific Chain and Manufacturing Company, N. W. Vaughn Street and N. W. 20th Avenue,
Portland, Oregon.-Plancor 1752.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty. This plant has been leased for a period of years. Negotiations may be entm'ed into for its purchase subject to the provisions
of the lease in effect. Portland O. R. P. D.
Designed for the production of anchor chains. LAND: Plot 230' by 230', comprising 1.21 acres. BUILDING: 200' by 100', central craneway 35' clear height and 40' wide, central ventilating monitor 154' long; timber
sheds, floor area of sheds 11,709 sq. ft.
wood frame, wood sash; floor area 20,610 sq. ft. Sand bin
148 (Oregon)
Two 10-ton, two 3-ton travellng cranes, two 2-ton jib cranes;
one %-ton chain hoist; eight lengths of conveyors. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies.
nal Railway.
Silca Plant
LAND: Ten acres. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: Offce, 400 sq. ft., Boiler
House 1,100 sq. ft., frame and tin construction. Also, two timber bins, each 100-ton capacity, railroad car unloading
UTILITIES: Water on site, ground water flow. Light and power from municipality. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Southern Pacific Railroad. Portland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
am Flax Growers.
Designed for processing flax for production of flax fiber. LAND: Approximately 120 acres; part of which is flax acreage supplying pull flax for plant.
frame construction, wood siding, wood sash.
Designed as magnetic separator plant for treatment of chrome concentrates to segregate the oxide for incorporation in steel
alloy elsewhere. LAND: Approximately 60 acres.
10'; area 9,450 sq. ft. Deseeding Building, 80' by 80'; clearance 16'; area 6,400 sq. ft. Boiler House, Garaire, Fuel and Service Building, approximately 143' by 51'; average clear height 23'; floor area 5,560
Retting Tanks, two reinforced concrete units 120' long by 35' wide by 7' deep. Each unit is divided to form six tanks. Offce and Warehouse, 77' by 30'; ceilng 12'. Fibre Storage, concrete, 12' by 30'. Pump House, 13' by 13' by 10' high. Tow Cleaning Building, 73' by 48' by 12' high, area 3,504 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Truck scale, binding units,
sq. ft.
ground floor area; wood superstructure; corrugated steel siding and roofing.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Feeders, magnetic separators, flotation machine, Dorr classifiers, concentration tables,
dryers, pumps, tanks, generators, etc. Numerous conveyors
deseeder equipment, scutching machine, pumps, hoppers, pressure tank, electric motors, flax wagons, platform scale, hand truck, air compressor, etc.
canal and pond on the site.
Power and light from local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Two spur tracks from Southern Pacific
Sewage disposal by septic tank on site. Power and light from local utilty company.
Designed for processing flax for production of flax fibre. LAND: Approximately 134 acres. BUILDINGS: Four Flax Straw Sheds, 245' by 56'; frame construction; height to eaves 20'.
castings. LAND: About 0.9 acre. BUILDINGS: Total area 14,000 sq. ft. Main Foundry, 8,000 sq. ft.; clearances 20' to 28'; frame con6,000 sq. ft.
Scutching Building, 105' by 32' by 22' high; two-story, frame construction. Offce and Service Building, 60' by 41'; loading shelter 17' by 41'; covered driveoay 23' by 44'; one-story, frame construction.
eaves 20'.
Boiler House, 40' by 45'; fuel shed 40' by 30'; frame super-
boiler room 23'. Two Retting Tanks, reinforced concrete units 120' by 35' by 7' deep.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Flax scutchers, deseeders, binding units, pumps, scales, motors, baler, combine, etc.
from Tualatin River.
UTILITIES: City and local utiity companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track connects with Northern
Shipyard Facilties
27,400 sq. ft. Wilamette Iron & Steel Corporation,
Portland, Oregon.-Plancor 772.
ing and outfitting. LAND: 12% acres owned, 20 acres leased. BUILDINGS: Total area 27,400 sq. ft.
wood frame; area 16,800 sq. ft.
UTILITIES: Water from well on site and nearby mil-race. Power and light from local utilty company.
TRANSPORTATION: Spur of Southern Pacific R. R. Portland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
267,0 sq. ft., and three shipways. Wilamette Iron & Steel Corporation,
Portland, Oregon.-Plancor 50.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Flat cars, compressors, metal saws, three Gantry cranes, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. Portland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
14,600 sq. ft.
locomotive Assembly Plant Surplus BUILDINGS: 18 buildings, total area 267,000 sq. ft.
Wilamette Iron and Steel Corporation,
3050 N. W. Front Avenue, Portland, Oregon.-Plancor 1956.
LAND: Approximately 13.9 acrs. BUILDINGS: Assembly Shop, 134' by 109'; frame construction with timber truss roof; floor area 14,600 sq. ft.; clearance
to craneway 24', to bottom of trusses 40'.
Transfer Table, 60' by 170'; permits transfer of locomotive
equipment from thirteen storage tracks to any of five railroad lines servicing property. Timber Trestle, 18' by 690'; extends to the harbor line of the
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur tracks of major railroads. Portland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
for storage of coal for use in transfer of equipment. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Includes a stiff-leg derrick of lOO-ton, 125-foot boom, 75-foot mast, with a 3-drum
electric hoist. 70-ton, 81-ft. span traveling crane; three 1:1-
Lumber Mil
102,000 sq. ft. Youngs Bay Lumber Company, Inc.,
Roseburg, Oregon.-Plancor 1862.
ton and two 2-ton chain hoists. UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Plant served by major railroads. Dock-
LAND: About 45 acres, part of which is leased. BUILDINGS: Sawmil, Sorting Shed, Planing Mil, Boiler Room, Shop and Offce Building. Total area 102,000 sq. ft.; general construction of timber, heavy mil type, lumber or open siding. Sawmil, 50,000 sq. ft.; Planing Mil, 25,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Principal items are a saw mil and planing mil complete. Also included are chains,
rolls, sprockets, conveyors, dust collector, pumps, motors, saws,
lathes, grinders and portable tools.
LAND: About 12 acres. BUILDINGS: Some twenty units with total area about 60,000
sq. ft. Largest is Stil and Yeast Bldg. of 36,100 sq. ft. Boiler
Oxygen Plant
5,00,000 cu. ft. per month.
LAND: 0.08 acre. BUILDING: One story and part basement, 44' by 52'. South
wall against lessee's building. Brick walls, steel framing.
Floor area 2,300 sq. ft. Clearance high bay 26', low section 17'.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Oxygen fractionating column with all accessories, oxygen compressor, two soda
LAND: 116 acres. BUILDINGS: Total floor area 1,474,000 sq. ft., 33 buildings. Main Building consists of 14 interconnecting units, one story, steel frame superstructure, sawtooth trusses, exterior walls of
buildings total 260,000 sq. ft., generally of brick masonry construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Twelve remelt furnaces,
fifteen extrusion presses 1,600 to 2,500 tons; fifteen stretchers;
brick masonry. Miscellaneous appended structures. Total area 1,214,000 sq. ft. Clearances from 19' to 68'. Detached
150 (Pennsylvana)
Offce Building, one story, 31'4" by 70'6", floor area 2,000 sq. ft.,
ceilng 13', asphalt tie floor on concrete slab, brick walls with
1899 and 1918. Extensive rehabiltation and reconstruction work was done, additions built, etc.
Most structures one story, exterior walls of brick masonry.
New Castle, Pennsylvania.-Plancor 1148.-1 (F9). LAND: About 45 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area about 625,000 sq. ft. Some fifty-nine existing buildings on site formerly used by Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation and constructed between
wood sash.
Wash-Locker Building, one story, 27'4" by 81'4", floor area 2,160 sq. ft., ceilng 11', concrete floor, brick walls with steel sash, poured-in-place gypsum deck on steel framing.
Press Room Building, 170,900 sq. ft., is largest unit, size 109'
ceiling 17', concrete floor, brick walls, steel framing. Drum-Storage Building, one story, 79' by 94', floor area, 7,200 sq. ft., ceiling 13', concrete floor, brick walls with steel sash, steel framing.
wood frame building. Sifter Building, two story, 35' by 83', total floor area, 5,650 sq.
Boiler house, one story, 20' by 30', floor area about 400 sq. ft.,
Tool Shed, one story, 20' by 28', area 560 sq. ft., ceilng 9',
ft., ceilng first floor, 11'9"; second floor, 9'11". First floor is asphalt plank on concrete slab, second floor is wood on steel framing. Steel framing, brick walls with steel sash. Two
freight elevators.
grinding machines, milers, planers, arbor presses, wood working machinery, etc., comprising a complete machine and die
Plant has own generating equipment to produce 1,500 kw at
250 volts DC. Added current by local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Sidings of Pennsylvania Railroad. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
all accessories and controls, 5,000 lb. capacity remelting atomizer furnaces, air preheat furnaces, dust-collector units com-
maintenance equipment, lift trucks, steel platforms, etc. UTILITIES: Water from township supply system. Sewage disposal through septic tanks.
Other services from local utilty companies.
vania Railroad.
BUILDINGS: Total floor area 816,000 sq. ft. in 19 major buildings. Metal Building, Hammer Building, Heat Treat Building, Shipping Building, Hydraulic Press Building, and
Machine Shop account for 595,000 sq. ft. and are structural
except Shipping and Heat Treat, which is reinforced concrete framing and wood trusses. Offce Building, 58,800 sq. ft., of reinforced concrete construction with brick walls. Other buildings total 162,500 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: furnaces, steam hammers, hydraulic forging presses, lift trucks, etc. Also miling
machine and die shop.
machines, lathes and grinding machines, comprising a complete
One 25, two 20, six 10 and six 5-ton cranes, four I-ton mono-
LAND: 57.16 acres. BUILDINGS: Ttal area 321,000 sq. ft. Main Manufacturing, extensively rehabiltated, brick construction with steel frame, floor area approximately 129,000 sq. ft.
Etching and Cleaning Building, new structure, brick walls, steel trusses, floor area 15,000 sq. ft., clearance 20'. Heavy Hammer Shop, new structure, steel frame construction with brick walls, floor area 27,200 sq. ft., clearance 30'. Repair and Maintenance Building, rehabiltated, brick walls,
wood roof trusses, floor area 70,000 sq. ft., clearance 17'.
rails. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the war-time use
of the property, prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subseand equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
Laboratory Building No. 13, two story offce type brick structure, floor area 5,500 sq. ft.
Offce Building No. 14, 200' by 40', new structure, two story masonry building, area 16,000 sq. ft.
sq. ft., clearance in boiler room 38'.
Boiler Plant No. 15, new two-story concrete and brick, 14,000
UTILITIES: Plant has its own water supply from dam and
Treat: six 1,000 lb. per hour aging and heat treating furnaces, two car bottom furnaces, three electric tool hardening furnaces.
lbs. per hour, hot trim presses, five forging presses. Heat
(Pennsylvania) 151
Also cold trim presses, high speed metal cutting band saws, etching tanks, cut-off saws, etc.
Plant contains seventeen cranes of various capacities: one Y2
ton, three I-ton, six 10-ton, four 15-ton, and one 20-ton; also
three I-ton jib cranes; four Y2-ton electric hoists and a coal
twelve 25-ton cranes. Other equipment includes welding equipment, gas cutting equipment, hoists, industrial trucks, shop buggies (10-ton) etc.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Three spur tracks of NYC Railroad. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
UTILITIES: Drinking water from local utilty company. Service supply from wells on plant site. Power and light from local utilty companies.
ers with accessories.
Shipyard Surplus
American Bridge Company,
TRANSPORTATION: Pennsylvania R. R. serves plant. Ohio River frontage. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (NP-99).
LAND: About 63lf acres together with all accretion land and riparian rights. BUILDINGS: Offce Building No.1, 36' by 100', two-story, frame building with asphalt shingle siding and roofing. Hardwood finish floor, total area, 7,200 sq. ft., ceilng height 12'. Offce Building No.2, 48' by 93', two-story frame building sim-
Berwick, Pennsylvania.-Army.
Plate Shop No.3, consists of three aisles and two lean-tos, two
the Government.
ing and painting tanks. LAND: 0.35 acres land owned by the operator and leased to
siding, arched roof with 1" gypsum and built-up roofing, concrete floor.'
Assembly area approximately 242,000 sq. ft. Construction, steel columns supporting steel trusses, exterior walls concrete to 6" above floor level, corrugated siding, 2 lines steel sash. Floor concrete (152,000 sq. ft.) and blacktop (90,000 sq. ft.),
Company from their own plant. TRANSPORTATION: D. L. & W. and Pennsylvania Rail-
sists of two sections with 12" tile fire wall between, south end
of three-story 84' by 288', and north end of one story 84'6" by
240'. Three story section of reinforced concrete floors and
Arcos Corporation,
50th and Paschall Avenue,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.-Plancor 1453.
Two 5-ton freight elevators in three story section. Sheet Metal, Pipe, and Carpenter Shop No.5, 62' wide (27' center monitor and 2 lean-tos, each 19') by 252' (14 bays at
Some twenty-five other units total 53,000 sq. ft., mostly one story of either masonry or frame construction.
Steel Foundry
6,000 tons castings per year.
Size of Areas: Over-all dimensions, 1,220' by 370', North Berth Area, 430' by 370', South Berth Area, 430' by 370', Transfer
Track Area 360' by 370', Individual Ship berths 400' long and
60' wide, c. to c. of crane rails.
Atlantic Steel Castings Company, Crum Lynne, Pennsylvania.-Plancor 573. LAND: Approximately 15. acres. BUILDINGS: Total area 82,000 sq. ft.
top of crane rails. Scaffolding; Each berth has six wood scaffolds, three on each
Launchways; consist of twelve launching skids, each 136' long. Outfitting Dock; Dock is 1,630' long and 35' wide over-all, provided with four access trestles, and designed to accommodate the outfitting of five LST craft at one time.
Dock construction; Construction of pilng and heavy timber.
wing, 17,000 sq. ft., 85' by 200'. Steel framing, concrete block walls. Clearances 14' to 35'. Twelve other units total about 31,400 sq. ft.
Main Foundry, area 33,600 sq. ft., 106' by 320', with cleaning
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Flask equipment, core drying ovens, rotoblast furnaces, cupolas, sand handling system, sand mixers, turnover machines, power saws, planer, grinder, vises, air tools, molders, drils, rammers, reamers, etc.
Two 7Y2-ton and two 5-ton cranes; four jib cranes; six electric hoists.
ing roll. Building No.4, one 15-ton crane. Building No.5, one 15-ton crane, machine tools, maintenance equipment.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: and Cranes: Plate Shop No.3; Two 10-ton, six 15-ton, four 25-ton cranes, three jib
UTILITIES: Bol'O and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Two sidings of Pennsylvania R. R. This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Nego. tiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the
152 (Pensylvana)
Aircraft Engine Test Buildings 22,0 sq. ft.
Aviation Corporation,
Lycoming Division,
LAND: 43,000 sq. ft. BUILDING: The building is built in a T-shape, one leg of the
T comprising 19,008 sq. ft. of the main engine laboratory
proper, and the other leg of the T comprising 2,990 sq. ft. for two engine flight test cells. The main engine laboratory con-
height under the beams is 22'. Within the shell of this build-
ing there are constructed nine dynamometer rooms of reinforced concrete, three special test rooms of reinforced concrete,
and four special test rooms of cinder block. The test cells are equipped with automatic motor-driven, horizontal doors on top of the intake and exhaust stacks. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Testing equipment includes tanks, motors, dynamometers, regulators, engine bases,
electrical equipment, etc. Also ten I-ton manually-operated
UTILITIES: City and local utilties. TRANSPORTATION: Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia 0.. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Used for manufacture of cranes, winches, etc. LAND: About 1.61 acres.
BUILDING: 87' by 270', one story, clearance to underside truss 23', structural steel framing and trusses and includes a 5-ton craneway spanning building width, brick walls with tile
capped parapets, steel sash above craneway level extend length of each side of building, gypsum slab deck, concrete floor (section of floor in northwest corner 13' by 32' is constructed of
railroad rails and concrete for test floor). Electrically oper-
ated steel roll-up doors on east end across railroad track enterbunker is adjacent to boiler room. Tunnel 8' wide by 8' high is
crete construction.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Boring, broaching, driling, grnding, miling and shaping machines, furnaces, ovens,
demagnetizer, testing machines, welding machine. Laboratory and testing equipment: Starters and switches, film
equipment, generator set, metallographic equipment, heaters, testing machine, and X-ray units.
Furniture and fixtures: 2,870 items.
constructed transversely beneath middle of building with 4 storage rooms opening off the tunnel. All of reinforced conMACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Boring machine, lathes, radial dril, grinders, woodworking machine, electrc welders, arbor press, drill press, hoists, jib cranes, one 5-ton travellng crane and one 2-ton gantry crane. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur into property served by Pennsylvania Railroad.
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been re-
Aviation Corporation,
Lycoming Division,
654,0 sq. ft.
BUILDING: Two story fireproof structure with concrete and brick masonry walls, steel framing. Floor area 2,400 sq. ft. Clearance from operating floor to underside truss 32'. Also
concrete silo 15' diameter for coal storage.
Beryllum Plant
73,500 sq. ft. Beryllum Corporation of Pennsylvania,
Temple, Pennsylvania.-Plancor 695.
(Pennsylvana) 153
LAND: Approximately six acres. BUILDINGS: Main Building, one-story masonry structure
collectors, coal crusher, paddle mixer, press feeders, two block presses, two packaging machines, numerous hoppers and con-
and trusses, conci:ete floor, cinder block walls, metal deck, 3-ply impregnated asbestos roofing on insulation. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Rotary dryer, stoker, dust
12' to 40'; steel framing. Several crane runways extend the Pump House, one-story, steel and brick; floor area 890 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Furnaces, crane bale,
length of the Shop and Bilet Yard. Sprinklered.
160' by 432', brick walls. Floor area 76,000 sq. ft.; clearances
veyors, storage bins and tanks, pumps, scales, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding and spur from Pennsylvania
Reading R.R.
planers, shapers, presses, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse-
Truck Terminal
Aircraft Plant
959,000 sq. ft.
Brewster Aeronautical Corporation,
Steel Plant
Bethlehem Steel Company,
Johnsville, Pennsylvania.-Plancor 60. LAND: Two adjacent tracts: One of approximately 72 acres
Steel Plant
Bethlehem Steel Company,
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.-Plancor 287.
17 acres contains the hangar. BUILDINGS: Assembly Plant Unit No.1: One story 502' by 602' with partial basement approximately 165' by 200' and basement boiler room 40' by 80'. The building is divided into
Ordnance Foundry
109,00 sq. ft.
bays, trusses 40' on centers and 26' clearance to underside of truss. The sub assembly section has flat roof with monitors,
Blaw-Knox Company,
Cafeteria, anodic room, and small parts paint shop are attached
199'; area 32,900 sq. ft., clearances 24' to 37'. One story structural steel standard mil building.
ceilngs 9'6". Reinforced
LAND: Two parcels totaling about 2 acres in lessee's plant. BUILDINGS: Mil Building (addition to lessee's): 172' by
100' by 100'. First floor concrete on ground and flat slab construction over basement. Structural steel framing and trusses.
basement, boiler room, tunnels.
Brick exterior walls. Continuous steel sash in walls and monitors. Total floor areas approximately 373,800 sq. ft. including
Wash House: 36' by 150'; three story; area 12,000 sq. ft.,
concrete and structural steel. East Pattern Storage: 47,000 sq. ft., two story, ceilngs 14'
and 15'. Structural steel framing, asbestos protected metal
area approximately 360,000 sq. ft. Main portion of construction similar to Unit No.1, with bays of same dimensions and
wood trusses and columns.
Also ten bridge cranes from 10- to 35-ton capacity. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding from Pennsylvania R. R. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
31,00 sq. ft.
Blaw-Knox Company,
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Ladle cars, buckets, transfer cars, ovens, pumps, sand handling equipment, speedmullers, speeds lingers, metal machines, flasks, furnaces, etc.
Offce Building Unit No.1: Two story, 75' by 340'. Total area
Offce Building Unit No.2: Two story and basement, 92' by 180'. Concrete and steel construction with brick exterior.
Personnel Building: One story 50' by 92'. Paint Storage Building: 85' by 100'.
Hangar: 280' by 360'. Cinder block walls divide the building into 3 sections, each 120' wide. East and west sides have
Minor units have total floor area approximately 1,900 sq. ft.
LAND: About 2:1 acres. BUILDINGS: Screen Dryer and Boiler Building, 32' by 102', clearance 16'; Mixer and Press Building, 30' by 60', clearance
pots, paint spray booths, sanders, furnaces, spot welding machines, etc. Also metal presses, power saws, riveting machines,
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Numerous items including anodizing equipment, tumbling barrels, cadmium plating equipment, demagnetizers, degreasers, leverage presses, melting
154 (Pennsylvania)
chines, lathes, etc.; and accessory laboratory and testing equipment, furniture and fixtures.
phia Electric Company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Reading Railroad. Philadelphia O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Two air compressors; cupola, 84"; electric truck, 4,000 pound capacity; sand mixer,
6' by 3' by 11'; sand reclaiming unit, complete; platform
scale; two 60-ton bridge cranes, span 52', equipped with 10-ton
auxilary hoists; 60-ton bridge crane, span 80'.
Aircraft Plant
1,133,90 sq. ft.
Edward G. Budd Manufacturing Company, Red Lion and Verree Roads,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.-Plancor 927.
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subseand equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of Pennsylvania Railroad.
Part of this plant has been sold. Negotiations may be entered
eight bays 1,800' long, of which two large bays are 125' wide
and six smaller bays about 47' wide. Brick walls; roof mono-
into for the sale or lease of all or parts of the remainder. Philadelphia O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Administration Building, two story, 91' by 250'. Ceilng clearance 10'. Slow burning type construction wood floors and roof.
Contains cafeteria and hospitaL.
Pump House and Guard Houses, combined area 25,400 sq. ft.
ing machines, form rollers, etc. Also nine 10-ton and two
5-ton electric cranes, two floor type conveyors, each 1,200' long.
Danvile, Pennsylvania.-Army. LAND: About 93 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area about 400,000 sq. ft.
Process Buildings Nos. 101, 102, 103, each four story, 47,800
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Sidings from Philadelphia & Reading
tiations may be entered into for its purchase subject to the pro-
This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Nego-
Shop No. 106, area 11,700 sq. ft., one story, concrete floor,
brick walls, timber truss roof framing, wood deck, asphalt
shingle roofing.
Power House No. 107, area 45,300 sq. ft. (Basement 21,500 sq. ft., first floor 23,800 sq. ft.). Clear heights are variable
(basement about 17', first floor about 21'). Reinforced concrete and steel construction with brick and tile walls and steel sash,
precast deck. Contains coal bunkers, track hopper, coal, ash
Steel Plant
165,000 N tons per year.
handling equipment, water treatment equipment, etc. Laboratory No. 108, area 6,700 sq. ft. (First floor 3,360 sq. ft.,
second floor 3,360 sq. ft.). Clearance 11', reinforced concrete,
Offce No. 112, area 18,800 sq. ft., two story, clearance 9', wood frame construction.
Steel Plant
1,700,000 tons per year.
floor, concrete, mezzanine wood, wood timber framing, corrugated cement asbestos siding and roof. Process Building No. 160, area 47,800 sq. ft., construction and
details similar to Building No. 103.
Storage Warehouse No. 158, area 61,400 sq. ft. (First floor 34,800 sq. ft., mezzanine 26,600 sq. ft.), clearances 10', first
Blast Furnace
floor, wood frame with cemesto siding. Some seventeen other small units total 35,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Chemical process equipment incorporating tanks, columns, condensers, evaporators,
Maintenance No. 161, area 11,400 sq. ft., one story, concrete
LAND: Consists of two parcels, leased; Approximately 25,000 sq. ft. occupied by Machine Shop Extension and approximately 8,700 sq. ft. occupied by Foundry Building Extension. BUILDINGS: Machine Shop Extension is addition to building of others. Area 25,000 sq. ft. including lean-tos; structural
TRANSPORTATION: Pennsylvania R. R. (Sunbury Division). This project is available for lease in whole or part, subject to possible restrictions as to its proposed use. Philadelphia O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-~7).
(Pennsylvania) 155
3,496 sq. ft., ceilng heights 9', brick and wood construction.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Numerous items including
ment, scales, core and mold ovens, heat treat furnaces and
and bending machines, lathes, rammel'S, grinders, etc., one 40ton, two 30-ton and four 15-ton overhead bridge cranes.
sand handling system, flasks and core plates, shop blast equip-
sq. ft., including mezzanine of about 6,000 sq. ft., clearance .main bay 29', leanto 18'. Steel framing including craneway, brick walls with steel sash, concrete floor. Sprinklered. West side uses wall in common with lessee's building. Standard
Pattern Storage Building; On lessee's land about one mile from main plant. Area 11,900 sq. ft., clearance 20', one story, structural steel framing and craneway, corrugated metal sidcrane, etc.
ing. Uses two sides of adjoining lessee building. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Varied machine tools, furnaces, welders, electric induction hardening unit; one 10-ton
UTILITIES: By and through lessee's facilties. TRANSPORTATION: Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad
Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure
available (NP-58).
Aircraft Plant
BUILDINGS: Administration Building, two story frame structure, walls covered with asbestos board. Floor area 82,390
with asbestos board. Floor area 73,000 sq. ft., ceilng 28'. American Armament Building, one story, brick walls, struc-
Hangar Building, one story, 200' by 256'; reinforced concrete columns supporting wood roof trusses, frame walls covered
15', sprinklered.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Furnaces, chipping hammers, hardness testing machines, bar pickling machines, lathes, hacksaws, grinders and eight overhead traveling cranes.
tural steel framing. Floor area 57,970 sq. ft., ceilng height
Also Garage, Plant Protection, and Crash Garage, total about 15,000 sq. ft., frame and masonry construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, boring machines,
driling machines, planers, presses, anodic and plating equipment, compressors, tanks, heat treat furnace equipment, de-
greasers, etc.
LAND: Approximately 31 % acres. BUILDINGS: Factory, one story, 601' by 601', with extension
40' by 223'. Steel frame throughout, with monitor roof trusses, brick walls. Clearance 15'.
Boiler House, Utilty Building and minor buildings total 17,000 sq. ft.
Continental Foundry & Machine Company, Coraopolis, Pennsylvania.-Plancor 294. Designed for production of steel castings. LAND: Approximately 2% acres. BUILDINGS: Foundry Building, 353' by 244'; clearance 35'; steel roof trusses, metal sash; overhead traveling cranes in
all aisles; total area 82,370 sq. ft.
ment, etc. One 5-ton overhead crane. Great number small hoists installed throughout factory. Laboratory and testing equipment and furniture and fixtures.
concrete floors and roof deck. Total area 10,230 sq. ft., clearance 14'.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of N. Y. C. R. R. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
156 (Pennsylvana)
Turbine Plant
228,000 sq. ft. General Electric Company,
Erie, Pennsylvania.-Plancor 153 T.
Nevile Island,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.-Plancor 2376. Project was authorized for production of phthalic anhydride, but was not completed.
LAND: About 2.3 acres. BUILDINGS: Four units, total area 11,600 sq. ft. Warehouse, 7,000 sq. ft., is one story, brick, steel and concrete.
Clearance 16'.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Salt heater and stack, including boilers, roaster, dryers, etc.; Dowtherm heating unit;
tanks; pumps, compressors, mixers, piping, instruments, etc.
UTILITIES: Water from two wells off leasehold. Other services through lessee. TRANSPORTATION: Pittsburgh & Ohio Valley R. R. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse-
monitor type; one story; structural steel frame and trusses; 225' wide by 1,000' long; cinder block wall dividing Forge Shop from Finishing Department; reinforced concrete foundation; side walls brick, steel sash and corrugated asbestos siding; roof of corrugated asbestos, monitor sidewalls are fixed steel
sash and asbestos sheets; clearance 27'.
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
Twelve auxilary minor structures with combined floor area of approximately 86,000 sq. ft., in general have concrete foundations, brick walls, wood roofs with composition roofing. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: One 60-ton hydraulic
press, one 75-ton hydrovertical press, sand blast machines,
welders, conveyors, six preheat, forging and electric furnaces; spraying equipment, shop locomotive; flat cars; also boring, grinding, tapping, miling machines, lathes, presses,. shears,
etc. Also four 7%-ton girder type cranes, three 1 Y2-ton single-
leg gantry cranes, fifty-nine motor operated hoists up to ih ton, and twenty-six hand operated hoists. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse-
possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
LAND: Approximately seventy acres of graphite deposits. BUILDINGS: Mil Building, 10,300 sq. ft., concrete block walls, brick pilasters, wood roof trusses. Rolls Building and Garage, total 4,630 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Includes power shovel, bulldozer, power loaders, crushers, ball mils, crushing rolls, screens, flotation machines, wilfley tables, power conveyors, pumps, motors, etc. UTILITIES: Water from wells on site. Power and light from local utilty company.
This plant has been leased for a period of ten years. Negotiations may be ente1'ed into for its purchase subject to the
UTILITIES: City and public utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding from Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Bearing Plant
55,000 sq. fi.
Howarth Pivoted Bearings Company,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.-N obs-670.
Alcohol Plant
1,300,000 gallons per year.
Electroplating Plant
3,400 sq. ft.
LAND: About 1.87 acres. BUILDINGS: Main Building: Constructed about 1916 and taken over by the Navy in 1942 when considerable rehabiltation work was done. It is an 8-story reinforced-concrete structure. Dimensions, 98'6" by 395'. About 36,750 sq. ft. of each
floor, or a total of about 300,000 sq. ft.
Story heights: First floor, 12'6" and 17'10", 2nd to 7th floors, inclusive, 12'6", 8th floor, 12'2". Exterior walls of brick and
Turbine Plant
Floor is 8" reinforced concrete throughout. Flooring on 5th, 6th, and 7th floors is wood on sleepers embedded in cinder-
concrete fill. On the 1st to 4th floors, inclusive, and 8th floor,
the main manufacturing areas are laid with creosoted wood
(Pennsylvana) 157
dispensary, etc. Sprinklered. Roof is reinforced-concrete slab with tar-and-slag roofing. Two skylights, each 15' by 150', are set in the roof.
There are two 20,000 lb. duty and two 6,000 lb. elevators with
accessories, heating and annealing furnaces, pickling tanks, sand blasting machines, heating and hardening furnaces, drawing bench, motor generator, lathes, cut-off machines, shears,
bending and straightening machine, etc. Also two 3 ton and
operating machinery located in penthouses on roof. Masonry walls enclose a 40' by 40' boiler room at southeast corner of first floor.
Cafeteria has a capacity of 250.
ton, one 10 ton, three 15 ton, three 20 ton overhead traveling cranes.
one 5 ton floor operated cranes; one 3 ton, ten 5 ton, one 7%
Concrete floor.
UTILITIES: Boro and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Sidings of Pennsylvania and B. & O. R.R. This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Negotiations may be entered into for ita purchae subject to the
provisions of the lease in effect.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Railroad runs along south side of
Johnstown Forging Plant, Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Johnstown, Pennsylvania.-Army. LAND: About 14 acres.
each bay, clearances 33' and 44', concrete floor, structural steel framing, corrugated asbestos and brick masonry walls. Corrugated asbestos and corrugated reinforced glass roof deck. Con-
LAND: Three separate parcels containing total of 256 acres. BUILDINGS: Factory, one story, mezzanine, basement and sub-basement. Reinforced concrete construction. Floor area
938,000 sq. ft. Maximum clearance 18'. Contains cafeteria.
windowless, industrial type structure; floor area 62,400 sq. ft.
way in the yard with 2 15-ton cranes for handling bilets. Two minor buildings, area 900 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Building contains two
complete shell forging units, together with the required heat treating unit. Included are furnace charging machines, lifting
Framing floor and roof slabs are concrete; walls are brick. Personnel Building, garage and minor buildings total 120,000 sq. ft.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Grinding, miling, boring, gear cutting machines, lathes, benches, trucks, degreasers,
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use or part of the original machinery and equipment has ben of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse- . removed. quently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery UTILITIES: Local utilty companies. and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all TRANSPORTATION: Conemaugh and Black Lick R. R. (opor part of the original machinery and equipment has been
UTILITIES: Water from 6 driled steel cased wells with well turbine pumps electrically driven. Two elevated steel tanks,
one of 50,000 gallon capacity for drinking, and one of 150,000 gallon for factory purposes.
Sewage disposal by city. Power and light from local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Pennsylvania Railroad. This plant has been leased for a period of three years. Nego-
Steel Plant
25,200 tons per year.
Designed to augment lessee's facilties for bonderizing of stee black plate and to produce terne plate thru an electrolytc
Designed to augment lessee's production of electric steel such as high-speed tool steel, steel for propeller blades, etc. LAND: Three acres owned, one-third acre leased. BUILDINGS: Seventeen structures, total area 113,500 sq. ft. Some are extensions to lessee's buildings. Mostly steel frame mil type with corrugated protected metal siding. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lectromelt furnaces, in-
grade and incorporating eight water process filtering beds. EQUIPMENT: Two electrolytic tuning lines, two brightening lines, one shearing and classifying line, one side trimming line, two assorting lines, anode mold and furnace; all complete with
158 (Pennsylvania)
Aircraft Plant
184,000 sq. ft. Kaiser Cargo, Inc.
coolers, converters, 40% oleum coolers, intermediate coolers, varied tanks, pumps, motors, conveyors, elevators, instruments, heat exchangers, piping, controls, etc.
Bristol, Pennsylvania.-Plancor 80. LAND: 14.6 acres. BUILDINGS: Manufacturing Building, one story and mezzanine, masonry structure, 218' by 576'; floor area 139,200 sq.
UTILITIES: From TNT plant. TRANSPORTATION: Spur into plant from TNT plant railroad system.
Sprinklered. Offce Building, two story masonry structure; floor area 41,000
Geneva Pennsylvania.
UTILITIES: City and public utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
The staff residence area contains 10 two-bedroom and 10 threebedroom, single family residences, one story; also garages. The
The administration area includes the main administration building, hospital, cafeteria, guard headquarters, garage, three offce buildings, the telephone exchange and several small miscellaneous buildings. All buildings are one story and of wood frame construction except the telephone exchange which is of
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.-Nobs 42. Used for production of steel valves. LAND: About 1 acre owned by Lessee, Navy option to purchase.
BUILDING: 100' by 284'6". One and two-story, clearances from 10' to 22', structural steel framing, walls of brick and
permanent design and masonry construction. The barracks buildings, seven in number, with their four mess halls are on a tract adjacent to the administration area. These buildings were constructed with reinforced floors. The buildings are all one story wood frame construction in this area. Boiler plant has capacity of 16,500 lbs. of steam per hour. The shop and maintenance area is served both by railroad and trucking roads. The main buildings in this area, some 17 in
number together with other miscellaneous small buildings are all of wood frame construction. The main buildings range from
approximately 3,000 sq. ft. to approximately 14,000 sq~ ft.
blass block, concrete floors with wood-block finish in shop and oak flooring in offces. Deck of 2" gypsum plank.
floor area.
The explosives storage (magazine area) is located at some
ment, etc.
Cranes. One 5-ton, span 30'8". Jib cranes and hoists. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORT ATION: Pennsylvania R. R. is about 100' away. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (NP-24). Chemical Plant, Oleum
26,760 tons per month.
distance from the other developed areas of the project. In this area there are 100 magazines for storage of TNT and other explosives all served by a network of trucking roads. The well area is located on the low ground in the valley northsystem on the project.
east of the main project area. There are 17 driven wells together with pumps, reservoir, water treatment plant, etc., sup-
Keystone Ordnance Works, Oleum Plant, General Chemical Meadvile Corporation, Geneva, Pennsylvania. Designed for production of sulphuric acid in the form of 40% oleum. The plant is a combination two- and three-unit plant
with some single auxilaries. Plant is located within the site of the Explosives plant and utilzes the utilties of that plant. LAND: About 22 acres. BUILDINGS: 14 buildings. Total area about 75,000 sq. ft.
4,000 sq. ft., clearance 9', concrete floor, asphalt tile finish,
frame, concrete and masonry walls. There are installed six boilers each with a capacity of 100,000 Ibs. per hour burning pulverized coaL. Complete coal and ash handling is provided. A steam turbine driven emergency unit of 1,250 kva capacity is installed. The substations for receiving and distributing electric power for the project are adjacent to the power house
and have an installed capacity of 45,000 kva. The acid area contains the acid handling, producing and con-
Change House M-12-A, one story, 2,200 sq. ft., concrete floor,
Machine Shop and Storehouse M-12-B, one story, 4,600 sq. ft., clearance 9'-5", concrete floor, wood framing, tile walls, wood
construction similar to M-12-6.
deck. Raw Materials and Storage M-13, one story, area 3,900 sq. ft.,
The TNT manufacturing area consists of twelve lines for nitration of toluene and production of TNT. The buildings are specially designed frame structures with their manufacturing equipment, mainly tanks and piping. The buildings in this area
are relatively small.
Burner Building M-14-A, one story, 9,000 sq. ft., clearance 34'6", concrete, structural steel, tile walls, concrete deck, asbestos roofing.
within the acid area. This plant is of special design. The box factory with the shook storage and box store house buildings,
together with the adjacent garage and locomotive house, are of
Contact Building M-15, one story, 14,600 sq. ft., clearances 27', 10', and 14'. Construction similar to M-14-A except wood deck. Filters Buildings, M-110-A, M-110-B, M-110-C, one story area
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Sulphur melters, sub. limers, combustion chambers, hot gas filters, cooling towers, acid coolers, gas coolers, filters, drying towers, drying acid
(Pennsylvana) 159
Oxygen Plant
200,00,0 cubic feet per month. Linde Air Products Company,
Essington, Pennsylvania.-Plancor 1223.
Furniture and Fixtures, includes offce furniture, offce equipment, hospital equipment, cafeteria equipment, etc. Machine Tools, maintenance equipment, including lathes, drils, grinders, shears, etc.
UTILITIES: Water from wells on site. Sewage disposal plant (bio-filtration type) on site. Power and light from local utility company.
Steam from Power House, 600,000 Ibs./hr.
LAND: 10.9 acres. BUILDINGS: Welded Motor Frame Building; section 199' by
700', one story. Service wing 60' by 300', two story, area 36,000
sq. ft. Total floor area 177,000 sq. ft. Clearances in factory area 24' to 40'. Structural steel framing, brick and corrugated siding.
Engineering Building: two story and basement. Reinforced
concrete construction throughout. Total floor area 27,000 sq. ft. Gate House: 3,000 sq. ft. floor area. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: One complete bar mil
shear; boring machines, contour machines, miling machines,
with auxiliary equipment, one 500-ton straightener press, air hammer, bending and straightening rolls and bed and unicamographs, cutting off spindles, furnaces, oxygraph equipment, sand blast units and welding equipment.
Designed for production of butadiene from ethyl alcohol and production of styrene.
440,000 sq. ft. Some 78 buildings and a number of other structures. Power Plant is the largest, six story, 133,000 sq. ft. reinforced
LAND: 346 acres. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: Total floor area about
Laboratory and testing equipment including pyrometer, dark room equipment and X-ray equipment.
road Company.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Two sidings from the Reading RailPhiladelphia O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Engine Parts Plant Facilties
gallon capacity, and other special structures. Steam-Boiler House contains four water tube boilers with most
steam per hour.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Special piicess for makpressors, piping, heat exchanger, instruments and controls.
trols, etc.
Lukenweld, Inc.,
First Avenue, South Coatesvile, Pennsylvania.-N obs-766.
UTILITIES: Water pumped from river and by wells on site. Sewage disposal plant on site. Power and light from generating station on site. Turbo generator 35,000 kw capacity.
Used for Diesel motor subassembly and flash-welding experimentation. LAND: Owned by Government under Plancor 55. BUILDINGS: Flashweld Building, one story, 46/ by 94'8",
area 4,354 sq. ft., clearance 30' to underside truss. Walls are
timber clear-span trusses.
12" concrete block from ground level to roof truss seat. About
Steel Foundry
68,000 sq. ft. Lehigh Foundries, Inc.,
Easton, Pennsylvania.-Plancor 2354.
LAND: About 2Y: acres. BUILDING: Foundry Building; an irregularly shaped building with the main section 100' by 275', housing melting, sand
tension to Plancor 55 Building. It is of steel framing with walls and roof of asbestos-protected corrugated metal. Concrete floor.
preparing, molding and cleaning areas. The shipping and finishing area is 100' by 100'; scrap storage area, 50' by 125';
service area, 70' by 125'; annealing area, 75' by 28'. Total entire first floor about 62,600 sq. ft. Mezzanine area of about 5,800 sq. ft. Structural steel framework, concrete block curtain walls, steel sash, asbestos-protected metal and precast concrete roof.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Electric melting furpresses, miling machines, grinders, lathes, three cranes, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utility company. TRANSPORTATION: L. & S. Division of C. R. R. of N. J. Philadelphia O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Ordnance Plant
32,800 sq. ft.
LAND: Approximately 23.2 acres. BUILDING: Thoroughly rehabiltated building with overhead
160 (Pennsylvania)
Floor area Main Building, 12,000 sq. ft., leanto 1,559 sq. ft.,
ceilng heights and clearance: Main Building 20' to bottom
sewage discharged into septic tanks on property. TRANSPORTATION: Several sidings of Lehigh Valley Rail-
Ordnance Plant
frame of structural steel columns and roof beams. B-1 (e), Machine Shop, one story, 25' by 75' with 1,875 sq. ft. floor area, clearance 15' to bottom of roof beam. Brick pilastered walls with steel roof girders and beams. Boilerhouse and Lean-to. One story, 31' by 40', 1,102 sq. ft. floor area. 15'6" to bottom of truss. Brick walls 13" thick support wood trusses. B-1 (g) Fire Station, Hot Water Generator Room. One story,
19' by 31', 589 sq. ft., floor area, clearance 12'.
area, clearance 10'.
B-2, Storage Shop: One story, 17'6" by 18', 315 sq. ft. floor
B-3, Gas Booster Building. One story, 14' by 17', 238 sq. ft. floor area, clearance 8' to underside of roof beam. B-4, Offce Building. Two story and part basement building.
23'6" by 36'2". Floor area: First and second floors total 5,277
sewers discharge into septic tanks on site. TRANSPORTATION: Several sidings of Lehigh Valley Rail-
sq. ft., basement, 731 sq. ft.; ceilng heights, basement, 6'10",
first floor 11'2", second floor, 10'. Wood joist floor and roof framing on brick walls, with interior brick columns and lally
B-5 (a) Heat Treatment Shop. One story, 139' by 197'4",
35' to bottom chord of trusses. Two bay wide by nine bay long,
floor area 27,428 sq. ft., clearances, 28.5' to top of crane rails,
Ordnance Plant
200,700 sq. ft. Mack Manufacturing Company South 8th Street and Harrison Street,
Allentown, Pennsylvania.-Plancor 1592.
steel column and truss frame, with crane runways in each aisle designed for a loading of two 10-ton capacity cranes of
66'10%" span constructed as an integral part of the frame. North and east walls are 8" brick. South and west sides open
above the adjoining roof levels. Floors are 6" reinforced con-
LAND: 5.77..cres. BUILDINGS: Main Building, reinforced concrete construction, four and five story ;
crete. B-5 (b). Annealing Shop: One story, 74'6" by 158'6", floor area 11,808 sq. ft., clearance 20' to top crane beam, 26.5' to
tions may be entered into for its purchase subject to the provison of the lease in effect. Philadelphia O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
This plant has been leaBed for a period of one year. Negotia-
by 165', area 11,820 sq. ft., with lean-to 16' by 125', area 2,000 sq. ft. Clearance, 15' to bottom of roof trusses. Lean-to clear-. ance, 11'6" to bottom of roof beams. Three lines of steel columns carry roof trusses over Roughing Machine Shop and roof beams over lean-to. East and. west walls are 8" hollow
B-5 (c), Roughing Machine Shop and Lean-to. One story, 94'7"
tile except for the two southerly bays of east wall, which are
8" brick. North
8" brick. The north, west, and south walls of lean-to are corrugated metal siding on steel girt framing. Reinforce concrete floors.
B-6 (a) Transformer House. One story, 13' by 26', 338 sq. ft. floor area, clearance 10' to underside of roof bems. B-6 (b) Storage Building; One story, 57'8" by 13', floor area
750 sq. ft., clearance 11' to underside of roof beams. B-7, Warehouse and Lean-to. One story, 63' by 94', area 5,932
sq. ft. Lean-to is 18' by 65', area 1,170 sq. ft. Clearance:
side of Intermediate Machine Shop, utilzing the structural walls of Intermediate Machine Shop and Boilerhouse. One
Floor is 4" reinforced concrete.
LAND: About 4.7 acres. BUILDINGS: B-1, Machine Shop Building; A leanto on east
story, 25' by 176', 4,400 sq. ft. floor area. Ceilng height 10'6" at eaves. Steel columns on east side and brick pilasters of Intermediate Machine Shop on west side carry steel roof beams.
Warehouse, 12' to bottom chord of roof truss; lean-to, 14' to low point of roof beam. Three lines of steel columns with stel trusses in Warehouse and steel roof beams in lean-to. Floors of 8" reinforced concrete, walls of corrugated galvanized iron
fastened to steel girt framing.
B-1 (b) Intermediate Machine Shop, one story, 80' by 176', floor area 14,080 sq. ft., ceilng height 20' to bottm chord of
roof truss. Frame is brick pilastered walls supporting wood
roof trusses 20' on centers. 4" reinforced concrete floors mini-
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Plant trackage connects with Pennsylvania R. R.
to the Intermediate Machine Shop and the Assembly and Shipping Building. The south end of building is of two-story construction, balance of building, one story. Dimensions: 30' by 176', first floor; 28' by 31.5' second floor. Floor area, 5,280 sq.
ft., first floor; 882 sq. ft., second floor. Ceilng heights, 14', 11'2". Brick pilastered walls with steel beams and monitor-
roof trusses. B-1 (d), Assembly and Shipping Buildings, one story, over-all
dimensions: Main building, 80' by 150', leanto 15'5" by 101'.
(Pennsylvana) 161
Ordnance Foundry
Designed for heat treating of castings. BUILDINGS: Main Mil Building, 75' by 354'; area 26,000
sq. ft.; clearance 35'; mil type construction; steel framing,
clone, acetylene generators, shakeout machine and sand reclamation system, grit blast rooms, rotoblast and dust collec-
frame carries steel roof trusses and overhead traveling cranes. Brick walls. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Molding machines, roto-
area 27,500 sq. ft. Clearances 58' and 47'. Structural steel
brick walls, corrugated asbestos siding and roof. Connecting Building between Main Mil Building and Foundry Building of others, area 7,700 sq. ft., clearance 25'.
Metallurgical Laboratory Building and X-Ray Laboratory,
furnace, etc. One 30-ton, one 10-ton and three 71h-ton cab operated cranes.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Molding machines, rotoblast, arc welders, nineteen furnaces, hydraulic presses (500-
UTILITIES: Lessee and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of New York Central. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Radio Tube Plant
sq. ft.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Pennsylvania Railroad.
Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Tire Plant
senger tires.
LAND: Site of building in reservation. BUILDINGS: Clothing Renovation Plant. Two story, about
27,900 sq. ft. each, total area 55,800 sq. ft., clearances 14' and
gated asbestos siding; ceilng heights average about 12', sprinklered. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Air bag extractor, air bag puller mechanism, press cradles, bale cutter, mixers, sheeting mils, molds, tire curing presses, tire building machines,
Boiler House, one story, 2,200 sq. ft., clearance 24', wood frame
utilty company. Power and light from local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Pennsylvania Railroad. Under interim lease. Negotiations may be entered subject to
terms of lease in effect.
Explosives Plant
808,000 sq. ft.
Pennsylvania Ordnance Works,
LAND: Approximately 3.4 acres. BUILDINGS: Manufacturing Building, 9,700 sq. ft.; one story, structural steel framing, 81' by 120', brick walls and
Pennsylvania.-Army. The plaut has twelve TNT lines, of which six are only partially
Offce Building, one story frame, 1,450 sq. ft. Four silos of
complete with all necessary electrical equipment, clamshell
LAND: About 8,645 acres. BUILDINGS: About 380 constructed buildings and about 200
Total floor area is about 808,000 sq. ft. The principal units are the Main Offce Building, two story, wood frame, 46,400 sq. ft.; the Power House, one story and basement, concrete, steel, and corrugated asbestos, 38,000 sq. ft.; the Box Factory, one story, wood, 38,000 sq. ft.; and the Combined Shops, one story, concrete and wood construction, 32,000 sq. ft.
bucket, calcining shells, bucket elevators, track hopper, loading hopper, 7Y2-ton overhead traveling crane. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Steel Foundry
10,200 tons castings per year.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Tanks, pumps, motors, instrument controls, piping, ammonia compressors, ammonia condensers, Hortonspheres, heat exchangers, cyclone acid seppauling towers, surge pots, preheaters, agitator unit, furnaces, rotary blowers, concentrating drums, nitrator tanks, flaking machines, conveyor systems, pulsometers, water stils, stirring machines, analytical balances, etc. UTILITIES: Water from River. Sewage disposal plant on site.
Power and light from local utilty company. Also installed
arators, cyclone mist separator, converters, bleaching columns, aftercoolers, absorption columns, air receivers, converters,
Designed for making cast steel parts of various machines. LAND: 0.632 acre, leased for thirty years. BUILDING: Extension to building of others, is 168' by 169',
162 (Pennsylvania)
Chemical Plant
Hydrofluoric Acid, Sulphuric Acid, Synthetic Cryolite, Aluminum Fluoride.
Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company, Cornwells Heights, Pennsylvania.-Plancor 423.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Philadel~hia Belt Line R. R.
Philadelphia O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-24).
2,400 iq. ft. Philadelphia Non-Ferrous Foundry, Inc.
Pennzoil Company,
Oil City, Pennsylvania.-Plancor 1044.
stocks furnished by lessee. LAND: About 8.86 acres. BUILDINGS: Total floor area about 31,900 sq. ft. Twelve structures including control houses, pump houses, compressor house, boiler house, etc. Construction, brick and concrete.
Fairmount Avenue and North Eight Street, Philadelphia, Pa.-Nobs-798. Project used for the production of nonferrous castings. LAND: About 0.055 acre-under option to purchase. BUILDING: Foundry-(Navy Building N-1). An extension
to an existing building. Irregular size, varying from 29' to 32'
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Chief processing units are HF alkylation unit. Necessary facilties include cooling tower, Ethyl blending plant and loading rack. Tankage capacity-atmospheric: 123,000 barrels; pressure: 13,000 barrels.
wall facing Eight Street is 13" brick with parapet capped with
terra cotta tile. Walls of adjoining buildings close the building
on three other sides (these are not party walls except for 30 feet on south elevation). Concrete floor on ground.
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
and racks, flask equipment, sand-blast facilties, two Fishertype stationary oil-fired crucible melting furnaces, etc. Cranes: One hand-operated 3-ton crane, one hand-operated
I-ton crane, one jib crane (I-ton, wall-type), two jib cranes (I-ton Budgit), one I-ton electric hoist, one I-ton hand-oper-
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. Steam supplied by 3 coal fired boilers on plant site. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Philadelphia Armor Plate Plant No.1, Henry Disston and Sons, Inc., Wissinoming and Disston Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.-Army.
Nevile Island
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.-Plancor 2468.
LAND: Consists of an irregular plot containing about onehalf acre, bounded on all sides by lessee-owned land, and all necessary easements.
Philadelphia Armor Plate Plant No.2. Henry Disston and Sons, Inc.,
by 90' by 67', structural steel, with steel bins lined with brick. Roofing and siding of corrugated asbestos. Booster and Fan Building, 27' by 100/ by 22', structural steel
plete from rolled steel to finished product ready for assembly. Armor up to 3" may be handled. LAND: Total of about 19:1 acres. BUILDINGS: Building No.5, total area about 237,400 sq. ft., divided as follows: Basement 34,400 sq. ft., first floor 203,000 sq. ft., clear height 32' to trusses, 23' to cranes; construction, concrete floors, structural steel framing; walls, hollow tile and
corrugated asbestos. Complete coverage by 5 and 10 ton cranes.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Four 10-foot gas producers complete with all accessories; two gas booster and air
fans With controls, accessories, etc.; two gas coolers; tar pre-
cipitator, with rectifying apparatus; feeder conveyor; piping, valves, fittings, instruments, controls, etc. UTILITIES: Lessee.
This plant has been leased for a period of 9 years. Negotia-
12,300 sq. ft., second floor 5,400 sq. ft., clearance first floor 12',
Building No.6, Offce. Total area 17,700 sq. ft. First floor
tions may be entered into for its purchase subject to the proCleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Building No.7, Boiler House. Total area 10,700 sq. ft. (ground floor 6,000 sq. ft., boiler room floor 4,700 sq. ft.) Clearance
varies, concrete floors, brick walls.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Portable grinders, bending brakes, roller hearth and other type furnaces, straightening presses, steel melting ladles, gravity roller conveyors, washing machines, transfer tables, lift trucks, water spray quench units, oil quench units, sand blast room, lifting magnets, welding equipment, wheelabrator tumblast, steel mil trucks, cutting tables, skid platforms, scales, hardness testing machines, etc. Ten 5-ton cranes, six 10-ton cranes.
Steam Plant
150,000 Ibs. steam per hour.
Pittsburgh Coke & Chemical Company,
Designed to generate steam for lessee's plant. LAND: About 14 acre in lessee's plant.
(PennsylvaIa) 163
reinforced concrete, structural steel, exterior brick walls. Clearance main section 42'.
Steel Foundry
EQUIPMENT: Two 75,000# per hour bent tube water tube boilers with coal pulverizers, soot blowers, ash handling system, controls, motors, etc. Burners for either pulverized coal or blast furnace gas. UTILITIES: From lessee.
Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Iron Plant
127,000 tons pig iron per year.
Designed for producing cast armor for one piece hulls and turrets for army tanks. LAND: About 6:1 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area 176,500 sq. ft. Foundry extension, one story 96' by 700' with brick leantos,
36' clearance, steel framing, corrugated metal siding, 88,000
sq. ft. Shop, one story 83,000 sq. ft., timber framing, brick and corru-
mostly altered and reconditioned but some new; of steel, brick or wood. Cast House, 7,700 sq. ft., clearance 25', is largest. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Blast furnace, blowing
engines, gas washer, locomotives, electric cars, electric magnet,
LAND: Approximately 11"h acres. BUILDINGS: Some 14 structures, total area 28,000 sq. ft.,
Eight minor buildings, total area 5,500 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Annealing ovens, fur-
blasts, core drying ovens, etc. Also machine tools and three
10 ton, five 15 ton, one 40 ton and four 50 ton cranes. UTILITIES: Water by bol'O and wells on site.
Gas, power and light from local utilty companies.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Railroad sidings on site. Philadelphia O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
ment lessee's forging plant facilties. LAND: Leased, site of Power House Addition. BUILDING: Boiler House addition to lessee's power plant, 1,400 sq. ft., structural steel and corrugated iron siding. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Stoker fired boiler complete with accessory handling equipment, etc. Also welding mabroachers, etc.
Building No.1, 64' by 344', 66,048 sq. ft. Building No.2, 62' by 103', 19,158 sq. ft.
inforced concrete. Entire third floor is wood flooring finish. Roof trusses are full-span structural steel. Brick curtain walls supported by reinforced concrete spandrel beams, wood sash. An elevator, 4,000 lb. capacity, is installed on west side.
floor, 12'. All columns, beams, girders, and floor slabs are re-
Building No. 11, 64' by 103', 19,776 sq. ft. Clearance on each
Blast Furnace
432,000 tons pig iron per year.
Surplus fire towers serving the building at all floors. Overhead wet-pipe sprinkler system throughout. Heavy Press Shop. One story, 50' by 55', area 2,800 sq. ft.,
11,500 sq. ft., clearances from 11'4" to 13'10".
BUILDINGS: Various functional units such as Blower Engine House, Cast House, Hoist House, Pump House, etc. Total area about 35,000 sq. ft. Generally structural steel framing with corrugated metal siding or brick walls.
Ore Storage Yard and Stock Trough. Area Ore Yard 73,500
clearance 18' to underside truss, concrete floor, brick wall bearing with wood trusses, monitor-type roof. Sprinklered. Inspection and Shipping. Two story, 50' by 115', total area,
sq. ft., Stock Trough 6,420 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Blast Furnace, capacity of approximately 1,300 tons of hot iron per 24 hours. Accessory items include: Two 175' long ton Treadwell mixer
type hot metal ladle cars; dust catcher; wet washer; electrical
beams. Sprinklered throughout. A 4,000 lb. freight elevator is installed. Boiler Room and Powerhouse. One story, irregular 50' by 80' by 46' by 92', total floor area, 3,350 sq. ft., clearance, 20', reinforced concrete construction throughout with brick spandrel
Die Storage Building. One story, 40' by 65', area 2,600 sq. ft., clearance 16'. Plastered brick walls, wood trusses, wood deck,
precipitator; Dorr-Thickener and filter system. The blast is provided by a De Laval turbo blower located in the Blower
House. Car dumper with capacity of 150 tons; one transfer car
and two scale cars, etc. Ore Yard has one 10-ton ore bridge crane; Blower Engine House has one 30-ton overhead crane, 53 ft. span; Cast House has one 15-ton crane, 60 ft. span and one 10-ton crane, 48 ft.
from Monongahela River. Power and light from local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Sidings of NYC RR. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Crane Runways. 38' span, 92'6" long, clearance, 24' to top UTILITIES: Drinking water by City, process water taken crane rail. 3-ton overhead crane.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: None. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Reading Railroad. Philadelphia O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (NP-26).
crete floor.
Locker Room Building. Two story, 20' by 44', total area, 1,760 sq. ft. Personnel Building. One story, 17'6" by 103', total area, 1,800 sq. ft., ceilng height, minimum, 7', brick bearing walls, con-
164 (P~nnsylvania)
UTILITIES: Water - Power - Light. Furnished through
existing facilties of lessee.
Alcohol .Plant
55,000,000 gallons per year.
Coal Mine
1,760,000 tons coal per year.
LAND: About 5,045 acres leased for 20 years. BUILDINGS: Coal Washer Building, Coal Bin, Rotary Dump.
All are of structural steel and total floor area is about 21,000
LAND: About six acres. BUILDINGS: Process Building, 200' by 52', with two story
height in main area 60', in lean-to 15' and 10'. Steel frame,
lean-to 30' by 134', area approximately 20,000 sq. ft. Ceilng
sq. ft.
Cleveland O. R. P. D.
Machine Shop
81,300 sq. ft.
Rheem Manufacturing Company,
Wiliamsport, Pennsylvania.-Army.
Forge and Machine Shop 147,6 sq. ft.
Rheem Manufacturing Company,
Danvile, Pennsylvania.-Army.
LAND: About 7.8 acres. BUILDINGS: Process Building, 200' by 52' with two story
lean-to 30' by 134', area approximately 20,000 sq. ft.
steel sash, corrugated asbestos siding and roof. Minor buildings and sheds have over 1,000 sq. ft. additional floor area. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Saw-tooth crushers, rofans, etc. Also two 200hp. stoker-fired steam boilers.
Ceilng height of main area 60', lean-to 15' and 10'. Steel frame,
LAND: 406 acres, leased. BUILDINGS: Total area 19,600 sq. ft. Primary Crushing, 3,800 sq. ft.; Washing and Screening Plant,
5,200 sq. ft., Cone Plant 3,660 sq. ft, combination structural steel and timber, generally with corrugated metal siding.
crushers, screens, apron feeders, conveyors, etc.
tary dryers, screens, feeder mixers, vertical fluxers, pressers, pulverizers, coal crushers, conveyors, pumps, elevators, tanks,
UTILITIES: On site and from local utiliy company. TRANSPORTATION: Reading R.R. Philadelphia O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Five utiity units total about 7,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Primary Crushing: roll
Washing and Screening: scrubber screen, cone crushers, log washers, all with motors, controls, etc.
meters, densifiers, pumps, etc.
8,00 sq. ft.
Republic Steel Corporation,
Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania.-Plancor 518-B.
UTILITIES: Water from wells on site. Power and light from local utiity companies. TRANSPORTATION: Railroad siding. Philadelphia O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
before drawing (installed in lessee building). LAND: Building extension erected on lessee land. BUILDING: Rough Stock Building. An extension to lessee structure. Standard mil building of one story. 80' x 100'. Clear height, 37' to underside truss. Floor area, 8,000 sq. ft. Building is of concrete foundation, 8" concrete floor, brick walls, and steel
runways each 80' long.
LAND: Approximately 72 acres. BUILDINGS: Main Building 280' by 1,080' with extension
80' by 963', total area 380,000 sq. ft.; one story, clearance 14'.
sash (two sides and one end), structural steel framing and trusses, insulated metal deck roof with 20-year roofing. There is a tile shop offce enclosure. Building has two 15-ton crane
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: One continuous roller
hearth annealing furnace with charging and discharging roller tables, motors, blowers, kick-off mechanism, water cooling sys-
Employment Offce, Power Building, Truck Garage and minor buildings total 20,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, screw machines, grinding, driling, filing machines, etc. Also five cranes, 1 to
(Pennsylvania) 165
% ton; one electric hoist, 1 ton. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
UTILITIES: Bol'o and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Reading Railroad.
LAND: Approximately 0.82 acre. BUILDING: The manufacturing area, 60' clear span by 300' with a wing 60' by 100' has a total floor area of 24,000 sq. ft.
This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Nego-
Clearance in main portion is 27' and 14' in wing. Steel columns, steel trusses, brick walls. Crane supports extend full length of 300 ft. section with 57 ft. span. One 5-ton crane.
naces, draw bench, straightening machine, bar pointer, etc. UTILITIES: Bol'O and public utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Track into building from P. & L. E.
Designed for production of carbon electrodes for dry cell batteries. LAND: About 10:1 acres. BUILDINGS: Finishing Building, 122' by 233', one story with
monitor, structural steel framing, sidewalls of concrete block
and continuous steel sash, concrete floor. Area 28,600 sq. ft.,
Furnace Building 122' by 233', one story with two supJlorted floors at one end, concrete foundations, structural steel framing, corrugated siding with continuous sidewall sash, concrete
clearance 20'.
floor, freight elevator to supported floors. Has two 3 ton girder cranes.
Floor area 34,060 sq. ft., ceilng height main floor 20'. Has two 3-ton girder cranes.
floor, 1,600 sq. ft., clearance 20'.
Boiler House, 40' by 40', one story, cinder block walls, concrete
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Carbon furnaces, car gang saws, horizontal extrusion presses, hydraulic slugger
scoop, centerless grinders and accessories, conditioned sand bin,
presses, mixers, paraffn tanks, pitch kettle, rotary dryers,
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania.-Plancor 2167. Designed to provide lessee with additional facilties for manufacturing brass rods.
BUILDING: Steel framed mil building with monitor running full length; exterior walls of brick masonry, steel sash,
BUILDINGS: Perry Forge Building No.1, one story, area 66,300 sq. ft.; clearance 43', concrete and earth floor, strucOfce Building No.2, two-story, area 2,700 sq. ft.; brick walls, woo floors and roof. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Four steam hammers up to 10,000 lbs., ten forging furnaces, three preheat furnaces, seventeen heat treat furnaces, two oil quench tanks and equipment, two straightening presses, threading machines, honing machine, lathes, saws, etc. Also nine 2-ton jib cranes, twelve I-ton jib cranes, and two 5-ton, two 15-ton, one 20-ton, and
two 2-ton traveling bridge cranes.
This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Nego-
tural steel framing, galvanized sheet steel siding, corrugated ste roof. Railroad sidings enter building.
19,500 sq. ft. Trojan Powder Company, Seiple Station, 7 miles north of Allentown, Pennsylvania.-Army.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Sidings of Pennsylvania Railroad. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-101).
166 (Penmylvania)
Steel Foundry
36,0 tons castings per year. United Engineering & Foundry Company, New Castle, Pennsylvania.-Plancor 765. PLANT: Land, buildings, machinery and equipment designed for the production of rollng mil equipment and heavy machine tools. Steel castings up to 200 tons can be produced in Foundry and the Machine Shop is equipped to machine and finish such
parcels. .
with continuous wood sash. Foundry Building, one story and mezzanine; steel frame carrycrete and brick.
ings account for 850,000 sq. ft.; the remaining nine buildings account for 25,000 sq. ft. Machine Shop, one story and mezzanine, steel frame carrying crane runways full length of building. Exterior walls of brick
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Foundry and Forge Shop contains 50-ton and 100-ton ladles; 12 Gathmann molds; one
100-ton open hearth furnace; three 50-ton open hearth furnaces; five car-type annealing furnaces; two Pitt-tye an-
Designed to augment lessee facilties. LAND: About:1 acre, leased. BUILDING: Warehouse, one story and lean-to, frame construction with walls of hollow tile and Celo siding. Clearance 25', fluorescent lighting, sprinklered. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Electric brazing units,
sandblast room, degreaser, coil winder, spot welder, arc weld-
cars, plates
Also twelve bridge cranes up to 2 ton capacity; sixteen jib cranes up to 2:1 ton; and twenty-eight hoists up to 2 ton. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse-
sand handling equipment, Pangborn shot blast cleaning system, etc. Outside Crane Run-Ways: two runways constructed of structural steel frame, one equipped with 75-ton overhead
crane and the other equipped with one 15-ton overhead crane
Foundry Building; capacities 10 to 125 tons. 33 boom jib cranes, 32 electric lifts and hoists, four 10-ton wall cranes.
Water supply for process pumped from Shenango River. TRANSPORTATION: Complete plant trackage system served by three major railroads. This plant has been leased for a period of three years. Nego-
LAND: Approximately 23 acres. BUILDINGS: Main Factory, structural steel and masonry, total floor area 556,000 sq. ft., sprinklered.
and masonry, total area 45,300 sq. ft. Accoustical tile ceilngs,
asphalt tile finished floors. Sprinklered, air conditoned.
Building, and minor buildings total 49,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, grinders, planers, miling machines, woodworking machines, track scales, welding machines, and pneumatic tools, 22 electric overhead cranes up
to 50 tons.
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime
Warner Company,
Devault, Pennsylvania.-Plancor 1238. Designed for the production of dead burnt magnesite, a re-
covery from dolomitic lime stone, which is first processed into lime by others. This plant processes the lime to produce magnesite and also a by-product in the form of high-calcium lime.
LAND: Approximately 9.12 acres. BUILDINGS: Total floor area 35,000 sq. ft. Includes compressor house, shaker house, main process building, stores, boiler house, lime and magnesium storage, pump house. Construction generally steel framing, cinder block walls. Main process building 18,700 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Vertical spray tower of
top entry agitators; 250h.p. 180 pound steam boilers; fifty foot
special design; five 60" turbo-gas absorbers, two 5h.p. vertical
UTILITIES: Public utilty company and township. TRANSPORTATION: Sidings of two railroads. Philadelphia O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Turbine Test Building
50,700 sq. ft. Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company,
Lester, Delaware County, Pennsylvania.-Plancor 2061.
cooler; two 160' Alls-Chalmers kilns; multiclone; six saturators, Dorrco slaker, etc.
steel framing, exterior walls of brick with back up tie. Special inside construction to meet testing study requirements.
Winfield Avenue,
Scranton, Pennsylvania.-Plancor 1496.
LAND: Approximately 14 acres. BUILDING: Cinder block and brick walls, steel sash; timber trusses support roof of saw tooth type in manufacturing area;
clearances 10' to 16'.
gaging systems, platform trucks, turning arbors, tool holders, boring bars, lathes, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. Philadelphia O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Machine Shop
LAND: About 143 acres plus 38 acres under water. :iWILDINGS ANI? STRUCTURES: Shop and Piers (500' ings, 6 end launching ways (480' long), 2 FingerUtilty buildlong).
Boston O. R. P. D.
Alumina Plant
36,500,000 Ibs. per year.
Ferro-Silcon Plant
40,000 tons per year.
Ancor Corporation
Harleyvile, South Carolina.-Plancor 1831. Designed for production of alumina from clay through a sinter
LAND: 195 acres at plant site and 137 acres some ninety
BUILDINGS: Sixteen buildings, total area 63,000 sq. ft.
Five utilty buildings, 17,200 sq. ft., one story, cement tile
block masonry.
LAND: About 1.1 acres owned and 0.3 acres leased. BUILDINGS: Total floor area 56,500 sq. ft. Main Building, 50,500 sq. ft., clearances 43' and 36'. Contains Furnace Room and Shipping Room. Steel framing with corruMachine Shop, Storage Room, Ferro-Silcon Building, Marley Tower Building have combined area of 6,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Three reduction furnaces
gated metal siding.
Seven process structures, 43,000 sq. ft., structural steel framing, corrugated asbestos siding.
Boiler House, 2,000 sq. ft., masonry.
Three minor units, area 2,800 sq. ft.
treatment, leaching system, dissilcation, pumps, filters, kilns, towers, tanks, compressors, ball mils, hammer mil, conveyors, vibrators, etc. UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site. Modern sewage disposal plant on site.
Power and light from local utilty company.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of Seaboard Railroad and
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad.
Industrial Equipment Plant
89,700 sq. ft.
BUILDINGS: Offce and Storehouse, Machine shop, Boarding House, Bath House, Supply House and five miner's dwellngs.
Coal Mine
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hoists conveyors crane, lathe, dril press, etc. ' ~
wells on site. TRANSPORTATION: Brimstone R.R. Connects with Southern R.R. at New River.
Nashville O. R. P. D.
168 (Tennessee)
Explosives Plant
1,040,000 sq. ft.
ours and Company,
brick bearing walls for first and second floors, wood frame
ings 12'.
Control House, Machine Gun Range, Target Butt, a group of
llh miles west of Milington, Tennessee.-Army. LAND: About 5,531 acres. BUILDINGS: A total of 226 buildings with an area of about
1,040,000 sq. ft. The buildings in the administration area are of wood frame construction with wood siding, wood floors, and roofs with roll
roofing. The Shop and Maintenance Area contains warehouse building, maintenance and repair shops, locomotive round house, and certain small miscellaneous structures, all of "temporary" wood
The Explosive Storage Areas are divided into two sections, the
house buildings and two shipping buildings, all of light wood frame construction with corrugated siding and roofs, and the
high explosives storage area, containing seven rectangular
LAND: About 11 acres, leased. BUILDINGS: Catalyst Yard: An open structural steel fivestory high structure.
12'9", wood construction, asbestos sheet siding.
Change House: One story, 6,150 sq. ft., clearance 10'3" and
The Power Plant is of permanent construction, well designed and economical in operation. Area 117,000 sq. ft. Some of the larger buildings are, Boilng Tub House, No. 108, two story, 74,600 sq. ft., 13' and 16' ceilng heights.
Pulping House, No. 109, two story, 22,500 sq. ft., 16' and 19'
ceilng heights.
igloos of timber construction and eight rectangular igloos with concrete walls and wood roofs.
CWS Offce: One story, 1,200 sq. ft, clearance 10', wood construction. Manufacturing Building: Total area 6,700 sq. ft, one story, clearance 16', reinforced concrete, steel and brick construction. Storage Building: Total area 54,000 sq. ft, clearance 12'4" and
Poacher Tub House, No. 112, two story, 46,500 sq. ft., 15' and 16' ceilng heights.
ceiling height 10'.
Filing Building: Total area 30,500 sq. ft., clearance 15', confloor, structural steel framing, corrugated cement asbestos siding and deck, steam unit heaters and radiators.
Main Offce No. 703, one story, 28,200 sq. ft. 10' ceilng. Administration Building No. 703A, one story, 18,200 sq. ft.,
sq. ft., clearance 12'6", concrete floor, steel framing, tile walls, gypsum block deck.
Combined Shops No. 717, one story, 23,700 sq. ft., 10' to 18' ceiling heights.
columns, A.O.P. units complete, compressors, condensers, coolers, filters, separators, tanks, motors, pumps, instruments,
bleaching columns, nitric acid concentrating units, sulphuric
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Includes ammonia compressors, ammonia condensers, ammonia receivers, acid towers, electro-static precipitator, rectifiers, caustic tower, acid treater
acid concentrating units, preheaters, furnaces, gassifiers, heater units, crystallzing kettles, powder mixers, hoppers, nitrators, blocking presses, dehydrating presses, vertical finish-
and cooler, pumps, tanks, piping, controls, instruments, etc. Also fillng equipment including scales, hoists, conveyor system, truck crane, automatic lift trucks, etc. UTILITIES: Lessee and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Railroad yards serve entire plant. Nashville O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-9l).
Chemical Plant, Oleum
410 tons oleum per day.
East Tennessee Ordnance Works,
(ether and alcohol), refrigeration systems, sellte plant, scales, plete complement of shop and maintenance equipment. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
conveyors, handling equipment, storage tank farms, etc. Comof the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
Power and light from the project power plant in which are
installed 6 steam turbine driven units of 3,125 kva capacity each, and from local utilty companies.
Steam supplied by six boilers, pulverized coal fired, each with a capacity of 90,000 lbs. of steam per hour. TRANSPORTATION: Ilinois Central Railroad. A complete system of railroad tracks and sidings serves the various plant areas.
Kingsport, Tennessee.-Army. The Holston Ordnance Works consists of two plants about four air liRe miles apart connected by an interplant railroad. Plant A produces glacial acetic acid and acetic anhydride for use as
Building has been used as Offce and Cafeteria. LAND: 19-acre leasehold and 3.9 acre parcel under lease from city of Nashvile. BUILDINGS: Offce and Cafeteria Building, 202' by 84', two
raw materials at Plant B. Plant A also has extensive facilties for the refining and concentrating of weak acetic acid returned from Plant B. LAND: About 135 acres.
(Tennessee) 169
Build.ng No.5, one story, 4,000 sq. ft., clearance 38'. Reinforced concrete, structural steel; walls of brick and tile and
asbestos metal.
Building No.3, one story, 6,000 sq. ft., clearance 13'. Concrete floor, wood construction.
Fourteen other minor buildings.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Pug mil, mixers, drying and roasting ovens, oxidizer with accessories, screeners, separators, shakers, tanks, extractors, columns, feeders, compres-
ash handling equipment, etc. Tank Farm: 30 tanks, aluminum, 20' by 20'.
20 tanks, wood, 20' by 20'.
sors, conveyors, elevators, hoists, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse-
Building No.9.
gages, instruments, etc. UTILITIES: Domestic water from City of Kingsport. Filtered water pumped from river and treated at Filter Plant
UTILITIES: Local utilty companies and T. V. A. TRANSPORTATION: Spur of L. & N. R. R. Nashvile O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-l9).
This project is available for lease in whole or in part, subject to possible restrictions as to its proposed use. Nashville O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-141).
Explosives Plant
2,280,000 sq. ft.
LAND: 10 acres in the southeast corner of Memphis Municipal Airport. Land leased from City of Memphis.
Holston Ordnance Works, Plant B Tennessee Eastman Corporation About 4:1 miles west of Kingsport, Tennessee.-Army. This project consists of explosives producing, storing and shipping facilties, including nitric acid plant as well as main administration offces and shops and magazine area. LAND: About 6,412 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area about 2,280,000 sq. ft. (tank farms
not included). Consist of special process structures, steam plant, and various utilty structures. Process buildings generally of reinforced concrete and brick; utilty buildings gen-
BUILDINGS: Factory and Offce Building, Cafeteria Building, Employment Offce, Boiler Plant, Sewage Disposal Plant, Ma-
chine Shop, Storage Shed, two Gate Houses and two Fire
Pump Houses.
Factory and Offce Building, one-story and mezzanine, 203' by
328'. Ground floor area 65,000 sq. ft., mezzanine area 6,000
sq. ft. Steel columns and 100 ft. span steel roof trusses. Exterior walls of concrete and asbestos siding. Clearance 22'.
Cafeteria Building, one-story wood frame; area 3,700 sq. ft. Other buildings total 28,700 sq. ft.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Bending, driling, grinding, miling machines, lathes, shearing machines, crimping machines, lift trucks, welding machines, plating equipment,
erally of brick and wood. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Columns, pots, pumps,
vapor units, condensers, hoppers, separators, dewatering systems, colloid mils, conveyors, kettles, packers, steam engines,
etc. Complete complement of machine tools for shops and
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subseand equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all or part of the original machinery and equipment has been removed.
UTILITIES: Water: Drinking from City of Kingsport. Filtered, Holston River (Filer Plant Bldg. No. 203). Raw, Holston River.
Complete sewer system with final disposal in Holston River. Power and light from local utilty company.
Steam: 1,010,000 Ibs. per hour.
Refrigeration: 3,000 tons per day. (ten 300 ton units in D
Buildings) .
approximately 155,000 sq. ft. Mil Building, 35,600 sq. ft.; is six story of reinforced concrete construction with brick walls. Ring Furnace Building, 80,000 sq. ft., is structural steel and corrugated asbestos siding. Other buildings mostly wood timber framing and brick.
LAND: Approximately 21:1 acres. BUILDINGS: Eight buildings on site with total floor area
LAND: About 50 acres. BUILDINGS: Building No.1, one story and part two story, area 78,000 sq. ft., clearances 11' to 27', structural steel framing, walls of brick and tile and asbestos metal.
ditioning equipment, air compressor, etc., and one 10-ton and two 7:1-ton bridge cranes.
170 (Tennessee)
Coke Plant
128,000 tons/year.
LAND: Approximately 4.2 acres. BUILDING: One story, brick and reinforced concrete, 160'
by 800', ceilng height 12'. Twelve storage rooms 52' by 182'
fully insulated with 8" cork.
Milan, Tennessee.-Army. Contains an ammonium nitrate crystalizing unit. LAND: About 30,793 acres (including easement of 1,810 acres for power line). BUILDINGS: Two staff and residential areas (32 buildings in the Wolf Creek Ordnance Plant and 10 in the Milan Ordnance Depot), and four well constructed dormitories adjacent
to the administration area.
Q. O. Chemical Company,
Memphis, Tennessee.-Plancor 1233.
There are three modern, well-equipped fire stations, two at the Wolf Creek Ordnance Plant, and one at the Milan Ord-
21,600 sq. ft. Reynolds Metals Company,
Memphis, Tennessee.-Plancor 1790.
buildings of the standard type, most of which are approximately 50' by 200', with good roads and in some cases railroad sidings. In these areas there are. 24 buildings at Wolf Creek
Ordnance Plant and 3 buildings at the Milan Ordnance Depot.
Ammunition (Explosive) Storage and Shipping Area. These areas consist of igloos and storage buildings of standard type.
Plant and 712 buildings at the Milan Ordnance Depot. Am-
contains in addition to change house facilties, a building for tank and bulk storage of materials, a boiler house, also the
buildings, equipment and facilties for evaporating and crystal-
Ferro-Silcon Plant
13,440 tons per year.
The loading lines are modern and conventional type for the
Designed for the manufacture of electric furnace ferro-silicon. LAND: About 14,000 sq. ft.
BUILDING: Furnace Building, one story steel frame with monitor running full length of building. Building is an exfurnaces, including transformers, oil switch, regulator, contol-
loading or sub-assembly operations are carried on; also certain small service buildings and magazines, or rest houses, for ma-
combine assembly, packing and shipping. Each line includes various miscellaneous and auxilary buildings in which special
nected by walkways or ramps, the majority of which are
covered for weather protection. There is a total of 217 buildings in the loading lines. The majority of the buildings are of permanent type construction. Residential buildings, dormitories, cafeteria, fire houses,
of tile, brick and steel construction. There are ample water and sewage systems. Steam required for heating and for operation of the ammonium nitrate plant is provided by a
series of conveniently located boiler plants.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Blenders, crimping machinery, disassembly machines, assembly machines, granulators, dryers, fuse making and removal machines, rotary as-
system various type scales, including various type presses, Colton press, stamping presses, sifters, tanks, hoppers, etc. Railroad Equipment includes railroad box cars, flat cars, dump
ton to 100-ton) diesel crane locomotive (25-ton), etc. Maintenance equipment, including lathes, grinders, milers,
Plant has complete sanitary sewer system with disposal plant
on site. Power and light from Tennessee Valley Authority.
The TNT manufacturing area. There were 16 production lines proposed for construction in this area. Of these lines, NO.1 to No. 12, inclusive, were completed and placed in opera-
buildings are relatively small, special in design and widely dispersed to provide a measure of safety.
The box factory with the shook storage and box store house buildings, together with the adjacent garage and locomotive
garage and administration boiler house. The service or shop area consists of general repair, paint and
locomotive shops combined tool house, gas cylinder store, box
struction. The shop area is adequately served by roads and
railroad sidings.
densers, absorption towers, bleachers, denitrating towers, sulphuric acid concentrating plants, Cottrell precipitators, nitric acid circulators, carbon mist precipitators, pumps, motors, instruments, controls, piping, etc. Complete complement of shop
and maintenance tools.
UTILITIES: Water from Tennessee River. Two pump houses to individual water reservoirs. Sewage disposal plant on site.
areas). Magazine Area 1io. 1 contains 100 concrete barrelspace each. Magazine Area NO.2 contains 100 Corbetta Bee
Hive type concrete magazines each having a floor space of adequate system of roads and railroad shipping facilties. The water supply system consists of two river pump houses, two raw water storage reservoirs, and two water treatment plants. Equipment consists of two coal-fired boilers. The
Power Houses are well designed and constructed of corrugated
Railroad. About 16% miles of trackage on site. Also 65 miles surfaced roads on site.
A vailable for lease in whole or in part, subject to possible
restrictions as to its proposed use.
Power and light from two gas engine driven generators on site,
total capacity 1,500 kw.
UTILITIES: Water from wells on site and lake on adjacent site. Sewage disposal system on site.
A completely new refinery designed especially for the production of 100 octane aviation gasoline.
connecting pipe lines. The refinery and tank farms are lo-
TRANSPORTATION: Siding of St. Louis B. & M. Railway Company. River terminal connects with Intracoastal CanaL. Houston O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Aircraft Plant
3,68,760 sq. ft.
LAND: Seven tracts of land totallng approximately 508 acres and forming the Refinery and Tank Farm, and San
total area about 73,000 sq. ft. construction-brick and tile or corrugated transite walls, concrete or steel framing. Three
en buildings at refinery.
units are crude topping unit, thermal reforming" unit, fluid gravel roof; bays 25' by 25'. catalytic cracking unit, gas concentration unit, HF alkylation ."B" Boiler House: 1 story, 28,720 sq. ft., floor, reinforced concrete; steel frame; walls, brick, concrete block and tile to unit. isomerization unit, and acid treating unit. Accessory
About 6:1 miles west of Fort Worth, Texas.-Army. LAND: 432.26 acres. BUILDINGS: "A" Assembly Building: 3-story, 2,954,000 sq. ft., concrete floor; steel frame, walls; Qrick, concrete block and tile; roof, ribbed metal on purlins with built-up felt, pitch, and
facilties include cooling tower. Ethyl blending plant, tank car loading rack and loading facilities at the water terminals.
of east wall and west wall is brick fire wall; bays 25' by 16';
12', balance metal siding and 3" glass wool insulation; part
172 (Texas)
gravel, insulated.
roof, ribbed metal on purlins with built-up felt; pitch and "E" Engineering Building: 2 story, 167,660 sq. ft., floors,
TRANSPORTATION: 22 miles of railroad trackage on site. This plant has been leased for a period of six months. Negotia
"0" Administration Building: 2 story, 89,660 sq. ft., floors reinforced concrete; frame, reinforced concrete to 2nd floor, structural steel above; walls, masonry for 12' then insulated metal; roof, ribbed metal and purlins with built-up felt, pitch and gravel. "c" Cafeteria: 1 story, 25,850 sq. ft., floor, reinforced concrete; steel frame; walls, masonry to 12' then insulated metal, roof, ribbed metal and purlins with built-up felt, pitch and g:ravel. "H" Hangar Building: 3 story, 180,470 sq. ft.; floor, reinforced concrete; steel frame; walls, masonry to 12' then
insulated metal; roof, ribbed metal and purlins with builtup felt, pitch and gravel.
steel; walls, north and south, brick and tile; roof, built-up felt, pitch and gravel.
Designed for production of synthetic cracking catalyst for use in manufacture of 100 octane aviation gasoline. LAND: Approximately 41.8 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area about 50,000 sq. ft., fifteen buildings
and structures. Process Buildings mostly reinforced concrete framing with tile walls; some of wood construction.
"X" Experimental Building: 1 story, 161,670 sq. ft., floors, concrete; steel frame, walls, masonry to 12'; then insulated metal siding and corrugated cement asbestos; roof, poured gypsum and ribbed metal on purlins with built-up felt, pitch
and gravel.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Agitators, bag machines, ball mil, conveyor systems, vibrating feeders, filters, gas combustion furnaces, rotary kilns, tanks, tower, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies.
frame; walls, brick and tie; roof, wood deck with built-up felt,
pitch and gravel. 14 Minor buildings, total area 20,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Bending, boring, broaching, cut-off, die-making, driling, grinding, miling, punching and riveting, sanding, screw, sewing, spraying, testing and measuring machines, sand blasters, welding and cutting equipment, heat treating furnaces, stamping hammers, joiners, lathes, planers, presses, saws, shapers, shearers, slitters, slottel's, threaders, swagers, coolers, cranes, refrigeration units, automotive equipment, administrative offce equipment, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Texas and Pacific Railroad. This plant is leased.
Dallas O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-28).
BUILDINGS: - Total area 25,500 sq. ft. Process Building 10,000 sq. ft., wood frame construction. Warehouse 8,000 sq. ft., hollow tile walls. Four smaller units 6,000 sq. ft., four
sheds 1,500 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Burners, chlorinators, contors, pumps, screens, sublimer units and shells, tanks, motors, etc.
Steel Plant
178,000 tons of O. H. Ingots per month.
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
Designed for the mining of iron ore and the production of pig iron and steel ingots, blooms and plate.
284 acres near Jacksonvile for mining operations. BUILDINGS: Total area 591,850 sq. ft. 59 buildings on the plant site and intermingled with lessee owned buildings. Most buildings structural steel framing with single span roof trusses
buildings are the Blooming Mil (54,000 sq. ft., clearance 52'). Plate Mil Building (110,000 sq. ft., clearance 43'), Bilet Yard Building (58,000 sq. ft.). MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Blast furnace, capacity 274,000 net tons per year, complete with 3 stoves and accessory
equipment; battery of 47 Koppers ovens, quenching car and
and corrugated asbestos protected metal siding. The larger
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Missouri Pacific R. R. San Antonio O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
and equipment, cast house and equipment, gas cleaning equipment, pig casting machine, clay and lime mixing equipment, steam boilers, air compressors, tracks, locomotives, steam shovels, two lOO-ton open hearth furnaces, mil tables, runout
LAND: About 160 acres, leased and located in aBd by lessee's plant. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: Total floor area 136,000
tables, transfer tables, manipulators, crushing and screen machinery. Laboratory and testing equipment consists of
microscopes, camera and accessories, micrometers, metallo-
buildings, ore bins, five sets of kilns. Construction either all wood, wood with tile walls, or structural steel with corrugated
galvanized sidings.
graphic polishing machines, testing machines, hydraulic surfacing machines, 400,000 pound tensile testing machines, etc., 28 cranes in the various buildings, from 5 tons to 200 tons
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Three horizontal retort furnaces, two Rupp. roaster units, a Dwight Lloyd sintering
cars, crushers, bucket elevators, pug mils, etc. UTILITIES: Lessee and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur tracks connect with Santa Fe
machine, also auxilary equipment such as conveyors, charge
(Texas) 173
Shell Union Oil Corporation, Moore and Sherman Counties, near Etter, Texas.-Army. LAND: 8,325 acres.
BUILDINGS: Total number 369, total area 844,170 sq. ft. Loading, Storage and Shipping Bldg., one story, area 7,000 sq. ft., concrete slab floor, wood frame, corrugated sheeting
walls, ceilng height 15', corrugated sheeting for roofing.
Designed for specific purpose of ammunition loading and for crystallzing ammonium nitrate from solution. LAND: 18,151.32 acres. BUILDINGS: 453 buildings. Administration Bldg. No.1, 2 story, area 42,973 sq. ft., floor and structural frame of wood,
walls of drop siding on insulation board, ceilng height 9'10",
asbestos composition roofing, bays 8'6" by 5'.
same construction as above except ceiling height is 20' to 33'. Maintenance Shops and Store Bldg., one story, area 35,500 sq. ft., concrete slab floor, concrete reinforced frame, glazed tile
walls, ceilng height 18', built-up roofing.
Synthesis Bldg., basement and one story, area 68,930 sq. ft.,
sq. ft.
Purification and Regeneration Bldg., one story, area 37,000
sq. ft., same construction as Loading Bldg., ceilng height 24'. Compressor Bldg., basement and one story, area 66,000 sq. ft., construction features identical to Synthesis Bldg. Plant Bldg., basement and one story, area 41,000 sq. ft., con-
crete slab floor, structural steel frame, corrugated sheet walls, ceilng height 8' to 25', sheeting roof.
3 Amatol Screen Bldgs. (112, 212, 312), area 15,420 sq. ft.
27,948 sq. ft., same construction features as above except walls
of tile, ceiling height of 16'.
Warehouses (7 in number), one story, area of each 3,000 sq. ft., same construction as Loading Bldg.
The balance of the buildings are small or are of temporary
Steam and Power House, basement and one story, area 75,000 sq. ft., same construction as Plant Bldg.
3 Amatol Melt and Pour Bldgs. (Nos. 113, 213, 313), area
6 Cooling Bldgs. (Nos. 114, 115, 214, 215, 314, 315), area 35,520
height 17'. .
3 Assembly Loading and Shipping Bldgs. (Nos. 120, 220, 320), area 33,303 sq. ft., same construction features. 6 Nose and T.N.T. Pour Bldgs. (Nos. 126, 226, 326, 117, 217, 317), area 41,568 sq. ft., ceiling height is 19'.
ceilng height 28'5".
compressors, heat exchangers, refrigeration equipment, cooling towers, ammonia towers, pressure storage tanks, and general chemical processing equipment, instruments, etc.
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subseand equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
Bulk Storage Bldg. (No. 505), one story, area 33,744 sq. ft.,
UTILITIES: Water from 8 deep wells on site. Sewage disposal plant on site. Electricity from steam powered generators, 14,060 kva.
Gas from 12 wells on site.
Local utilty company as standby.
tools, compressors, mixing kettles, processing and storage tanks, pumps, rectifiers, preheaters, screws, presses, other
TRANSPORTATION: 5.75 miles spur track on site with classification yard and three track scales. Spur track from
Santa Fe Railroad.
This plant has been withdrawn from Surplus for the Army fertilizer program but should become available some 12 -18
available. Dallas O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-125).
months hence. Negotiation may therefore be carried on looking to ultimate disposal. Certain equipment is immediately
Complete sewage disposal plant. TRANSPORT ATION: Spurs to St. Louis & Southwestern
R. R. and Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe R. R.
Project consists of channel type carbon black plant, gas desulphurization plant, gas supply line, railroad trackage, and
dwellngs for workmen.
ing buildings, one bead building, four warehouses, three air vent
Forge and Machine Shop
shop, offce, change house, pump house. Treater or gas desulphurization plant consists of a gas purification plant, steam generator equipment, etc.
Gas supply line is about 12:1 miles of 20" pipe line conveying gas from the treater plant to the carbon black plant.
174 (Texas)
Seagrave to plant site and about 1,000-foot switch track at
BUILDINGS: 180 Burner Buildings, each 1,392 sq. ft., clearance 9'. Light steel framing with sides and roof of black steel
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Missouri-Kansas & Texas
Railroad and Colorado & Santa Fe Railroad.
Three Refining Buildings, concrete floor, steel framing, sides and roof corrugated cement asbestos. Area of each, 583 sq. ft., clerance 21'. . Bead Building, similar to Refining Building, area 2,717 sq. ft.,
This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Negotia
clearance 28'. .
ance 17'.
with asbestos shingle siding. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Channel tables, channel scraper assemblies, carbon collecting hoppers, collecting helicoid screw conveyors, three Mikro pulverizers, revolving bead
bin, pumps, etc. Also, at the Treater Plant, three Fluor gas
cleaners, absorber, stil, heat exchangers, boilers, tanks, pumps, cooling tower, instruments, etc.
Designed for processing and miling of rice. LAND: About 2lh acres. BUILDING: Offce and Plant Building. Plant and Warehouse portion of the structure has five floors, 133' by 212', with a
inforced concrete framework with exterior walls of hollow tie; concrete floors and deck. All grain storage bins are reinforced concrete. Sprinkler in warehouse section. Offce Wing .Portion is one-story structure, 6,800 sq. ft., clearance 9'. Reinforced concrete construction with brick exterior
tioor area of about 35,000 sq. ft. Clearances 14' to 21'. Re-
ceihng 8'.
piping, instruments, pumps, etc. " UTILITIES: City and local utiities.
TRANSPORTATION: H.B. & T. R.R. Houston O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
totaling 154.91 acres. Also a leased right-of-way of over two miles for feeder gas pipe line. BUILDINGS: 228 Burner Buildings, each 160' by 12', concrete foundations, steel frame, crimped sheet iron sides and roof.
Two Processing Buildings and Bag Storage Warehouse, combined area approximately 16,000 sq. ft. Five auxiliary utilty and service buildings comprise 8,000 sq. ft.; and the twenty
LAND: Plant site 149.4 acres, and Housing site 5.51 acres,
frame dwellngs, each one-story, account for approximately 14,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Conveyors, channel drives,
air separators, settling tanks, micro-pulverizers, pelletizing
drums, bucket elevators, vibrating screws, dump scales, storage tanks, etc. UTILITIES: Water from well. Sewage disposal by filter beds on site.
Power and light from local utilty company.
construction are reinforced concrete or structural steel frame with brick walls and partitions, concrete floors and corrugated
transite or concrete roofs.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Major process units are Thermofor catalytic cracking and retreating units and feed
preparation unit, HF alkylation unit, and isomerization unit
LAND: 104.2 acres. BUILDINGS: Main "Factory, one-story with mezzanine; 527'
Administration Building, Engine Test Cells, and minor buildings total 49,800 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Miling, boring, broaching and driling machines, presses, grinders, lathes, furnace, temperature regulators, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse-
Houston, Texas.-Army. Designed for production of centrifugally cast, rough machined, heat-treated gun tubes. LAND: About 124 acres.
(Texas) liS
BUILDINGS: Total area about 597,000 sq. ft. Principal units are: Steel Foundry No. 50, one story, with basement at west end.
Total area 208,800 sq. ft., basement (Motor Generator Room)
Styrene Plant
21,600 sq. ft. First floor, 187,200 sq. ft., clearance 45'. Concrete floor, structural steel framing, galvanized corrugated
metal siding and deck. Mercury vapor and incandescent light-
Toluene is produced as a by-product. Plant manufactures finished styrene to be used by others for the manufacture of
Machine Shop No. 51, one story, area 162,000 sq. ft., clearance 35', construction similar to No. 50.
clearance 60', construction similar to No. 50.
Heat Treat Building No. 52, one story, area 86,400 sq. ft., Administration Building No.1, two story. Each floor 15,500 sq. ft., clearance 10'3" and 9'6". Total area 31,000 sq. ft. All
85,000 sq. ft., the largest being a warehouse of 22,000 sq. ft.
Most construction is of brick load-bearing walls and wood.
klered. Fluorescent lighting. Personnel No.3, one story, area 24,000 sq. ft., clearance 14', concrete floor, wood construction, central steam heating with
wood construction. Steam boiler and duct system. Sprinradiators. Laboratory No.5, one story, 17,000 sq. ft., clearance 12', con-
Each process unit is designed for full automatic operation, usStorage Facilties, five steel tanks, total capacity 57,550 barrels
ing mechanical instruments, meters and controls. Many of the pipes and fittings are of chrome alloy or stainless steel.
struction similar to No.3. Fluorescent lighting. Fire Station No.6, one story, 4,400 sq. ft., clearance 12', construction similar to No.3.
Warehouse No. 17, one story, 31,300 sq. ft., clearance 14', con-
crete floor, timber framing, corrugated metal siding and deck. Gas unit heaters, incandescent lighting. Paint and Oil Storage No. 18, one story, 2,500 sq. ft., clearance
Maintenance Building No. 53, one story, 13,800 sq. ft., clearance 35', construction similar to No. 50. Briquetting Building No. 55, two story, first floor 6,400 sq. ft.,
14', construction similar to No. 17.
together with pumps, compressors, etc. Refrigeration consists of 380,000 BTU per hour refrigeration unit. UTILITIES: Water obtained from wells and reservoir in connection with adjacent Plancors. Gas, power and light, steam
from adjacent Plancor No. 243.
Magnesium Plant
157,000 sq. ft. Dow Chemical Company,
Freeport, Texas.-Plancor 81.
concrete. Second floor 2,000 sq. ft., wood. Timber framing, galvanized corrugated metal siding and deck. Clearance, main
floor to under side of truss, 35'. Forge Shop No. 56, one story, 2,400 sq. ft., wood and galvanized corrugated metal.
floor, wood. Rectifier Room No. 59, one story, 1,500 sq. ft., concrete floor,
Compressor Building No. 57, one story, 1,000 sq. ft., concrete
concrete block walls. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Centrifugal casting machines, driling and boring machines, boring mils,. bo!ing and miling machines, forging hammer (4,000 Ibs.), chippmg hammers, shapers, hack saws, metal saws, bilet shears, 20 hydraulic presses (400 tons), planers, lathes, turret lathes, surface
Supplemental facilities to lessee for production of magnesium ingots from sea-water, by the Dow electrolytic process. LAND: 71h acres, leased, in lessee's plant area. BUILDINGS: Total area 157,000 sq. ft. Nine buildings and three extensions to lessee's buildings. Included are two 2-story Magnesium Cell Buildings with total floor area of 102,400 sq.
ft., of structural steel, concrete and brick. Cell Rectifier Build-
lessee's buildings total 15,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Includes electrolytic cells,
motors, etc. .
and annealing furnaces. Also pouring cars, flat cars (40 ton),
dust collectors, locomotive crane (25 ton), diesel locomotive
(20 ton), compressor units, hoists, ignition rectifiers, quench 6 25-ton, 7 20-ton overhead traveling cranes. UTILITIES: Water from 2 wells on site. Sewerage treatment plant.
Power and light from local utilty companies.
Designed to produce magnesium metal from sea water, oyster shell and salt brine, by the Dow electrolytic process.
Facilties are as follows:
flume. Power House for the generation of steam and elecLime Kilns where oyster shells are converted to calcium oxide,
Designed for manufacture of Thiokol, type N, synthetic rubber. LAND: About 391h acres.
BUILDINGS: Total area 63,000 sq. ft. Warehouse, 30,000 sq. ft., brick walls, welded pipe strusses. Six other buildings total 33,000 sq. ft., generally wood conelevators, vibrators, air blowers, packing press, etc.
hp boilers.
to slaked milk of lime. Dorr tanks and f1occulators concentrate the milk of lime, precipitate magnesium hydroxide from sea water containing 0.127 per cent of magnesium. The magnesium hydroxide slurry is
then concentrated.
struction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Tanks, filters, heat exchangers, agitators, Dorr tanks, motors, conveyors, bucket
UTILITIES: From adjacent Plancor 243, and lessee. Boiler Plant on site contains five 100 hp boilers and four 150
Shelf dryers produce magnesium chloride crystals of 72% to 800/ purity. These flakes or crystals serve as the feed stock
176 (Texas)
produce magnesium metal and chlorine from the magnesium
Overhead wet-pipe sprinkler system throughout. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Banbury mixers, dipping and drying fabric machine, varid molds, tire-building machines, expanders, cutters, batch conveyors,. bead-winding
Brine wells, cell brine plant, and chlorine cells serve to proAlloy Plant produces alloys of magnesium alloyed with aluminum, zinc, and manganese.
Completely equipped hospitaL.
There are also the various utilties and service buildings necessary for the operation of the plant.
machines, tube-splicing machines, band-building machines, tirecuring presses, tube-curing presses, etc.
LAND: About 875 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area about 925,000 sq. ft. 73 buildings in the plant, including eight Magnesium Cell buildin.gs, ea.ch 41,500 sq. ft. Buildings include following groups: . Lime Kiln
Plant, Magnesium Hydrate Pump Houses, Moore Filters, S:telf
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Complete and modern equipment to carry out the various process steps outlined. Magnesium Cells total 216 units, capacity 1,200 Ibs. of mag-
UTILITIES: Water from wells and by pumping from canaL. Power plant on site contains two 35,000 KW and one 45,000 KW turbo generators.
Steam boiler rated at 1,900,000 Ibs. steam per hour.
TRANSPORTATION: Seven miles of trackage on plant site . served by Houston and Brazos Valley R. R. Houton O. R. P. D.-Brochure availa.ble.
Butadiene Plant
12,800 short tons per year.
LAND: About 47.8 acres. BUILDINGS: Twenty-two buildings and structures with total
floor area of about 159,000 sq. ft. Process buildings generally
copolymerization, rubber processing, and final drying and baling. Principal items in the various processes are, reactors with
accessories, fiters, dryers, balers, numerous tanks, piping, cmpressors, pumps, stripper columns, weighers, conveyors, latex strainers, rubber fines recovery unit, condenser units, ex-
LAND: 33 acres. BUILDINGS: Eighteen buildings with total floor area about 41,000 sq. ft. General constructi0I! features: concrete foundations and floors, wood or steel pipe trusses, and corrugated
transite or mineral surfaced roofs.
UTILITIES: Local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track on site. Houston O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Aircraft Plant
82,000 sq. ft.
Globe Aircraft Corporation,
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Major functional units are fluid catalytic cracking unit, HF alkylation unit, gas concentration unit butane isomerization unit, and hydrogen sulfide unit. Accessory facilties include Ethyl blending plant, removal cooling tower, and railroad sl?ur with 20 spot loading rack.
UTILITIES: Water from wells on site. Gas, po~er lInd light from local utilty companies. Steam from five boilers installed
per hour.
Designed to manufacture synthetic rubber, Buna-S type. Process uses Butadiene and Styrene furnished by others as the
Tire Plant
Designed to augment lessee's facilties for production of tires. LAND: Leased. BUILDING: An extension to manufacturing building of lessee. Concrete floor, closed title wall on north. side serve~ as ,?all
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: This process consists of the purification and polymerization of butadiene and styrene
of lessee portion, other walls are hollow tile, faced. with J;rick. Structural-steel framing, precast concrete deck with ?Ullt-u~
columns, condensers, various type process tanks, decanters, coolers, compressors, pumps, instruments and controls, coagulating, creaming and soap tanks, various other types process
(Texas) 177
UTILITIES: From adjacent Plancor 484. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of Panhandle and Santa Fe
Driscoll, Nueces County, Texas.-Plancor 638. Designed for the production of butanes used in the production of 100 octane gasoline components. LAND: Approximately 40 acres, leased. BUILDINGS: One new water treating building and several extensions to lessee's building, all totaling 5,700 sq. ft. Con-
raw materials of butadiene and styrene furnished by others. The entire plant consists of four units, each of. which is a complete processing unit for the manufacture of synthetic rubber.
Each unit has two production (or processing) lines. LAND: Approximately 124 acres.
of brick masonry construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Process consists of the purification and polymerization of butadiene and styrene and the processing of the resulting latex. Typical equipment for various areas handling raw materials: styrene stripping col-
Corpus Christi, Texas.-Plancor 638. LAND: About 30 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area 31,000 sq. ft.
Three principal and fourteen minor buildings. Construction
frame, with brick walls and reinforced concrete floors. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Principal functional units are Catalytic Dehydrogenation, HF Alkylation, Prefractionating, and Reforming and Gas Recovery. Accessory facilties include cooling tower, Ethyl blending plant, cumene blending
plant, and loading rack. Tankage capacity-atmospheric:
270,000 barrels; pressure: 28,500 barrels.
tanks, mixers, revolvator, latex tearing rolls, disintegrators, filters, dryers, baler presses, conveyors, scales, latex strainers,
instruments and controls, etc.
pounds steam per hour.
Agua Dulce, Nueces County, Texas.-Plancor 638. Designed to furnish additional facilties for the production of
iso and normal butane which are components in the manufacture of 100 octane aviation gasoline.
BUILDINGS: One new water treating building and several extensions to lessee's building, all totallng 6,400 sq. ft. Concorrugated iron roof and sides. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Absorption, stabilzing,
Horton spheres.
struction of prefabricated steel and timber, with galvanized
and distilation equipment; compressors, cooling towers, 3 150 H.P. boilers, and accessories. Plant has 2 5,000-barrel
consist of seventeen structures generally of concrete and brick and totallng some 190,000 sq. ft. of floor area. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Special process plant and
equipment is designed for carrying out the copolymer process
Ordnance Plant
410,00 sq. ft.
numerous varied type tanks, reactors, baling presses, conveyors, weighing apparatus, compressors, strainers, instruments and controls. Complete laboratory for testing rubber
ingredients and products.
178 (Texas)
98'9" floor area including lean-to on sides and one end. Concrete floor on grade. Center section equipped with 50' span, 3-
ton electric-driven crane; clearance floor to bottom chord leanto, 20', center section clearance floor to crane 25', and to bottom chord, 32'. Siding and roof corrugated galvanized iron. Hanger Building No. 32. One-story building, 195' x 100'6".
Steel frame, corrugated iron siding and roof. Concrete floor
age and accessory steps. Equipment includes towers, pressure vessels, heat exchangers, reactors, pumps, compressors, tankage, instruments, controls, etc.
Heat Treat Building No. 34. One-story steel mil-type building, 252'6" x 146'; clearance floor to bottom chord, 22'10". Concrete floor on grade, corrugated asbestos siding and roof.
and frame, concrete and brick walls, saw-tooth roof. Forge Shop No. 38. One-story steel mil-type building, 553'6"
x 104'7" with clearance height floor to bottom chord of 45'10".
and roof, concrete floor on grade. On north side of building with one-side columns common to the building, is a structural
steel crane runway for 90'-span, 25-ton crane.
Equiped with 25-ton 100-ft. span overhead crane full length of building. Steel frame, corrugated galvanized steel siding
Synthetic Rubber Plant 30,000 long tons per year. Humble Oil and Refining Company,
Baytown, Texas.-Plancor 1082.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Includes Pangborn shotblasts, draw furnaces, hardening furnaces, Lindberg furnaces,
industrial heating units, varied presses (200-ton to 1,000-ton)
Designed for the production of synthetic rubber, butyl type. LAND: 58 acres.
oratory and testing equipment, furniture and fixtures, portable tools and cranes, (twenty-six electric cranes, 1 to 10 tons.) NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse-
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Special process equipment designed to produce butyl synthetic rubber, finished in cakes, and ready for shipment to tire manufacturers and others. UTILITIES: Water by lessee.
Power and light from generating plant on site, containing two
steam turbine driven generators; total capacity 9,000 kw.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Two spur tracks from the Houston
Belt and Terminal Railroad Company.
steam per hr. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of the Missouri-Pacific R. R. Houston O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Butadiene Plant
1,040 short tons per month.
LAND: 1.10 acres in lessee's plant site. BUILDINGS: Nine buildings, total area 19,000 sq. ft., consisting of compressor houses, control houses, and laboratory.
mined at Carlsbad, N. M.
and structures.
equipment consisting of towers, pressure vessels, heat exchangers, pumps, compressors, instruments, piping, controls, etc.
LAND: 382 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area about 550,000 sq. ft. 77 buildings
struction is structural steel framing, brick curtain walls or
Four Magnesium Cell Buildings and two Magnesium Cell Service Buildings account for about 300,000 sq. ft. General con-
UTILITIES: Lessee and local utility companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of Southern Pacific R. R. Houston O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Butadiene Plant
30,000 tons per year.
tanks, carbonators, centrifuges, etc., to the reaction tanks. (b) Carbon dioxide is produced and drawn from the kiln thru the dust collector, thru the carbonators to the reaction tanks. (c) HCL is drawn from the reaction tanks and piped to the mixed acid tanks.
towers and piped to storage tanks.
feed stock.
bers, filters, repulpers, kettle, hoppers, to the magnesium cells, where it is reduced by the Dow electrolytic process.
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
(Texas) 179
UTILITIES: City and local utiity companies. Water supply augmented by well on site. Sewage disposal plant on site.
tory and administration facilties. Contiguous to the acid facilties is the usual acid tank farm for the storage of anhydrous ammonia, oleum and other acids. T. N. T. Manufacturing Area consists of six typical lines for
Boiler Plant supplies steam. Contains two 500 HP gas-fired boilers. TRANSPORTATION: Five spur tracks of Missouri Pacific Railroad.
A part of this plant has been leased for a period of three
the manufacture of T. N. T. by the nitration of toluene. The buildings in this area are specially designed, generally small in ground area but two and three stories high, with main structural members of steel.
years. Negotiations may be entered into for the purchase or lease of all or part of the remainder, or for purchase of the
entire project subject to the provision of the lease in effect.
The Box Factory is a one-story timber frame building, with brick fire walls, 17,558 sq. ft. of floor area. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Special equipment for the following principal units: anhydrous ammonia; ammonia oxidation; nitric acid concentrator plant; acid area tank farm; sellte manufacturing;
580,000 sq. ft.
sulphuric acid concentrating plant; nitrating houses; bi-fortifier houses; wash houses; acid and fume recovery. Complete complement of shop and maintenance equipment, and
laboratory and testing equipment.
BUILDINGS: The Staff Residence Area is about threefourths mile northwest of the Administration Area. There
are ten staff residences of one story, frame construction with
TRANSPORTATION: Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas RailThis project is available for lease in whole or in part, subject
floor area of 1,517 sq. ft. each and six have 1,222 sq. ft. each. All residences are completely supplied with utilty services.
The administrative area contains the following buildings with
the respective floor areas: Administration Building, two stories 38,186 sq. ft.; administration building annex, two
stories, 14,814 sq. ft.; cafeteria, 9,520 sq. ft.; employment,
8,707 sq. ft.; medical service, 6,379 sq. ft.; telephone building (brick), 1,015 sq. ft.; six dormitories, two stories, 6,240 sq. ft. each; two recreation buildings, 1,440 sq. ft. each; garage, 2,560 sq. ft.; and other minor buildings. All buildings, except
as otherwise noted, are one story, wood frame construction.
area, together with their respective floor areas, are as follows:
Combined shops, 32,060 sq. ft.; garage and repair shop, 4,200
sq. ft.; bus parking garage, 12,516 sq. ft.; locomotive house, 3,389 sq. ft.; storehouse, 10,508 sq. ft.; material shed, 4,110 sq. ft.; laundry, 1,281 sq. ft.; six change houses, cafeteria;
1,620 sq. ft. areas. The magazines have concrete side and rear
walls, earth barricaded to top of wall, with wood construction
Laboratory, Gate House, Central Heating Plant, and other minor buildings. Administration Building has a floor area of
86,000 sq. ft. Buildings in this area are in general of frame
for front wall and roof. The magazines are at the usual distances from each other and from other structures as a safeguard against explosive hazards.
ing carpenter shop, paint shop, pipe shop, electrical shop, ma-
chine shop, tin shop, warehouses, garage, repair shops for railway and automotive equipment and other miscellaneous
facilties. Buildings in this area are in general wood frame
pumping capacity of approximately 25,000,000 gallons per day through a 30-inch raw water supply main, 1:1 miles to the
sq. ft. Inert storage and shipping arelt, actually two separate areas, containing 20 warehouses 100' by 221', total floor area 442,000
sq. ft. These have concrete floors, tile walls, composition roof
Sewage and Waste Disposal: The plant sewage system serves all developed areas of the plant except for a few minor iso-
on wood sheathing. Floors are at car floor leveL. All are served by railroad. Ammunition (Explosive) storage and shipping area, containing 3 5ieparate groups of igloos and a group of warehouses.
Evaporator Building is four story, timber frame, with part basement, with a total floor area of 26,161 sq. ft., and houses three quadruple effect evaporator installations with accessories. The incinerator building, 3,612 sq. ft. of floor area, houses the firing end of four gas-fired rotary furnaces. The Power House has steel framing and corrugated black
steel siding and roofing. Its ground area is 23,873 sq. ft. It has four water-tube, gas-fired boilers of a capacity of 100,000
filtration and sludge beds. Effluent is chlorinated. Trade wastes are evaporated and incinerated in a plant with a capacity of 18,000 gallons of waste liquor per hour. The
There are 138 igloos 26' by 60', 59 igloos 26' by 40'. These are
the standard concrete type. There are 38 warehouses 51' by
Ammonium Nitrate area, consisting of three standard evaporating and crystallzing units. Loading lines, typical of loading plants in which widely separated lines consist of a few main buildings with numerous
small detached buildings, generally connected by ramps. There
218', total floor area about 420,000 sq. ft. These are steel frame buildings with tile walls and corrugated iron roofs.
pounds of steam per hour each and Qle standby steam turbo-
are about 300 buildings in the loading lines, which can be classified as follows: 17 buildings ranging in size from 10,000
Acid Area: Consists of five ammonia oxidation units for the manufacture of nitric acid, of seven nitric acid concentrators
180 (Texas)
6 boiler houses. 14 change houses with cafeterias. 231 minor buildings, including small magazines, small buildings of specialized nature, and detached buildings housing hazardous
walls, concrete floors, built-up roofs on wood sheathing. Some have steel frames, others wood. Many of the larger buildings
are served by railroads.
screen machines, bricket elevators, evaporating pans, motors, scales, tanks, paint spray booths, pre-heaters, melt units, wash-
machines, marking machines, dial presses, hydraulic presses, pelleting presses, dryers, hoppers, fuze assembly machines, assembly and crimping machines, gage machines, screening mapresses, blenders, conveyors, hoppers, primer loading machines.
screening machines, preheaters, crimping presses, ejecting presses, shell washer, assembling machines, thread-cleaning
LAND: 18% acres. BUILDINGS: Fifteen buildings with a total area 22 000 sq. ft. Principal features of construction are brick struct~ral
M~CHINERY AND ~QUIPMENT: Principal operating umts ~re fee~ preparation unit, azeotropic distilation unit, and acid treating and rerun unit. Accessory facilties include cooling tower and loading rack. There are. 23" storage tanks
with a total capacity of 228,250 barrels.
with a treatment plant and pump station and a standby supply from Bringle Lake. Plant has its own sewage disposal facilties. Power and light from local utility company.
lessee, water via lessee's lines, steam from two 150 HP boilers.
necting to T. & P. R. R. and St. L. & S. W. R. R. This project is available for lease in whole or in part, subject to possible restrictions as to its proposed use.
Dallas O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-124).
Dallas 9, Texas.-Army. LAND: 48.24 acres. BUILDINGS: Hangar T-3, one story and mezzanine; 161,000 sq. ft.; concrete floors, wood frame and walls; ceilng height
35', bays 20' by 80', 20' by 120'.
Hangar T-6, one story and mezzanine; 124,000 sq. ft. bays
product items. LAND: Main plant site 799.03 acres. In addition, the Plancor
Designed for the production of pig iron and coke and by-
Site, 1,221.33 acres; Railroad Right of Way, 61.87 acres; Ore Lands purchased in Fee, 7,350.74 acres: Ore Rights only, 21,765.57 acres; Total, 33,544.00 acres. Power Line easement,
50.83 acres. Pipe Line easement, 3.24 acres.
construction. Balance of twenty-two buildings consist of paint house cafeteria, flight line service shed, equipment shed and miscell~neous buildings.
Warehouse T-7, one story and mezzanine' 26010 sq. ft.' same construction, ceilng height 20'. " , Warehouse T-4, one story and mezzanine, 8,068 sq. ft.; same
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Vertical press brakes BUILDINGS: Total area about 158,600 sq. ft. There are tube benders, air compressors, contour machines, grinding: twelve dwellngs. Twenty-eight structures in addition to miling, shearing, welding and cutting machines'complement of portable tools, automotive equipment, etc.
three principal buildings, thirty-six minor buildings, and functional units such as cooling towers, coke ovens, blast
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track from M K & T Railroad.
Dallas O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-4).
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Boiler units, chlorinators, compressors, condensers, controllers, conveyors, cranes, crushers, elevators, hydrators, locomotives, lifting magnets,
Styrene Plant
50,000 tons per year.
circuit breakers, railroad cars and hot metal cars. Four cranes from 5 to 50 tons. UTILITIES: Water from wells and reservoirs.
Power and light from plant power units which consist of two
steam driven generators, total rated capacity 17,500 k.w.
type boilers.
sels, tanks, heat exchanger, pumps, piping, furnaces, instruments, controls, etc.
Oxygen Plant
5,600,00 cu. ft. per month.
UTILITIES: Water from deep wells and pumped from bay. Power and Light from generating station of nearby Plancor
1129. Outdoor type steam plant, 16 oil field type boilers.
(Texas) 181
Aircraft Plant
2,985,000 sq. ft.
Project consists of a boiler house and electric generating plant to supply steam and power to others. LAND: Approximately 1.15 acres.
BUILDINGS: Total area, 16,000 sq. ft. Five one story buildings of brick with steel framing or frame construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Five Edgemoor 619 hp
boilers produce 225,000 Ibs. per hour of 215# p.s.i. gao steam; two 1,000 kw electric generators, 3,690 rpm steam turbine type
Manufacturing Building (Plant B): Two story with added one story portions and part basement. Blackout type. Main
additions are steel and wood. Total area 1,368,700 sq. ft.
includes high bay area 200' by 1,150' with 200' clear span and
(Plant A, 15,000 sq. ft.) (Plant B, 210,000 sq. .ft.): 2 and 3 buildings (13) total about 450,000 sq. ft. and include Power Plant, Cafeterias, Storage, Foundry, Shops, etc. Mostly strucstory. Structural steel and reinforced concrete. Other larger
tural steel construction.
Minor buildings total about 41,000 sq. ft. Miscellaneous units include hose houses, guard houses, etc. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Grinding, miling machines, shapers, hones and lap
ing Tools, several hundred items including one 35-ton st~aightening press, eleven 4-ton punch presses, five 3-ton drop hammers, 14 power hammers, 5 hydro presses, 300 ton to 5,000
ton, 18 drop hammers, etc. Other Production Equipment,
pel'S, polishers, cut-off machines, screw and threading machines, etc. Miscellaneous Metal Form-
numerous items of wood working machines, wire marking machines, motorized handling equipment, welding equipment, wire
stitchers, cleaning equipment, including 7 Pangborn sand blast
ment, cafeteria equipment, etc. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
ing units, sand mixers, furnaces, ovens and quenchers, etc. Laboratory and Testing Equipment, 60 items. Furniture and Fixtures, 13,000 items including offce machines, offce equip-
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery and equipment has been authorized, and it is possible that all
or part of the original machinery and equipment has been
Designed to produce butadiene from petroleum products. LAND: Approximately 317.6 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area approximately 142,000 sq. ft. Six-
wood. Also twenty small functional units, mostly control houses, pump houses, and compressor houses. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Feed Preparation includes four Carrier air conditioning refrigeration units with a
hours; Dehydrogenation, Butadiene Purification; Furural Rerun, Absorption Oil Rerun, Butadiene Rerun (Styrene). In-
LAND: Three tracts comprising 1.29 acres, leased. BUILDING: 91' by 108' extension to lessee's plant in which
four additional units for producing hydrofluoric acid have
UTILITIES: The plant has its own filter plant in operation, capacity 8,500,000 GPD. Raw boiler water is secured from lower Neches Valley Authority and is stored in a reservoir of
112,000,000 gallons capacity on plant-site.
Complete sanitary sewer system and Imhoff disposal plant on site.
Gas, power and light from local utilty companies. Steam
along the full length of the main room, used for machine shop,
fluoric absorption systems, refrigerating system; dust-collecting equipment; acid storage tank, pumps, air compressors,
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Four rotary retorts and accessories; conveyor and accessories; four anhydrous hydrocontrol equipment, etc.
pressure. Each boiler is equipped with all accessories. TRANSPORTATION: Spur of Kansas City Southern Railroad.
182 (Texas)
Water Softener Plant and its own sewage and disposal facilPower and light from local utilty company.
Boiler Plants, included in the project have a total capacity
LAND: About 7~ acres, leased. BUILDINGS: Three functional buildings, total floor area 5,800 sq. ft. of brick, reinforced concrete and wood construc-
equipment to manufacture iso-pentane, incorporating towers, pressure vessels, tanks, pumps, compressors, pipes, instruments, controls, etc.
Shipyard Surplus
Pennsylvania Shipyard, Incorporated,
Beaumont, Texas.-Maritime.
UTILITIES: Lessee and local utilty companies. Steam-Boiler plant on site. Houston O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
must be dismantled and removed to other sites. EQUIPMENT: Includes welding equipment, machine tools, lathes, furnaces, compressor pumps, offce furniture, etc.
Houston O. R. P. D.
Amarilo, Texas.-Army.
Also iiicludes an Ammonium Nitrate Plant designed for production of 266 tons of crystalline ammonium nitrate per day.
LAND: About 16,094 acres. BUILDINGS: 414, with a total area of about 1,428,000 sq. ft. Staff and residence area contains nineteen frame single homes,
Administration area contains thirteen buildings, including Administration Building (43,775 sq. ft.), Telephone Building, Hospital (12,000 sq. ft.), Cafeteria (16,320 sq. ft.), Employment Building (8,459 sq. ft.), two dormitories (combined area
65,888 sq. ft.) and other small service buildings. All are
each with garage.
for ~lectrolytic refining of anode copper. LAND: Site of buildings leased. BUILDINGS: Total area 227,400 sq. ft. Tank House, extension to lessee's building, 195,000 sq. ft., clearances 8' to 23', steel framing, tile walls. Furnace Refinery, extension to lessee's building, area 23,000 sq. ft., clearances 29' to 32', steel framing, corrugated metal
slitting machines, motors, tanks, anode cars, gasoline locomo-
frame buildings. Shop and maintenance area contains twelve buildings, including machine shop, carpenter shop, laundry and dry cleaning
Ten minor units, total area 9,400 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Air hoists, looping and
shop, garage, locomotive repair shop, warehouses and miscelsq. ft. Construction is generally wood trusses on masonry
tive, drils, air hammers, etc. UTILITIES: Lessee and local utilty company. Dallas O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
walls, concrete floors, composition roofing on wood sheathing. Ammunition (explosive) storage and shipping facilties are
divided into three separate areas containing a total of 217
Butadiene Plant
45,000 tons annually.
Philips Petroleum Company, Borger, Texas.-Plancor 484.
igloos. These have concrete walls, wood roof decks with built-
one booster line. Each bomb loading line has about thirty
buildings with a combined floor area of about 150,000 sq. ft. per line, exclusive of ramps. This area includes the boiler house serving each line. Layout conforms to the typical loading plant. Principal buildings in each bomb loading line are
LAND: Approximately 486 acres. BUILDINGS: 48 buildings on site with total floor area about 198,400 sq. ft. Construction of utilty buildings (36,000 sq. ft.) of brick, tile and concrete. Functional units generally structural steel framing with concrete, cement, asbestos siding or
and Painting Building, 18,000 sq. ft., Assembly, Packing and Shipping Building, 11,000 sq. ft., Booster line contains ten buildings having a combined floor area of about 31,000 sq, ft.
Principal buildings are the Inert Storage Warehouse, about
wood frame.
11,000 sq. ft., and the Assembly Building, 5,500 sq. ft.
metal roofs.
refrigeration units, etc. UTILITIES: Water from wells on another site and pumped to the plant site.
Power and light from generating power plant on site, containSewage disposal system on site.
natural gas for fueL.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Screening machines, evaporating pans, mixing kettles, crystallzing kettles, preheaters, processing storage tanks, pulverizing hammer mils, inspection tables, melt units (TNT), pelleting presses, stencil
cutting machines, scales, lift trucks, telescopic electric trucks,
powder buggies, printing and striping machines, etc. Also offce furniture and equipment, cafeteria equipment, hospital
Boilers are supplemented by waste heat exchange boilers, capable of producing 146,000 Ibs. of steam per hour. TRANSPORTATION: Santa Fe R. R.
(Texas) 183
Refinery-Aviation Alkylate
Ordnance Plant
178,800 sq. ft.
Rheem Manufacturing Company,
Houston, Texas.-Plancor 2375.
LAND: About 4.5 acres, DPC-owned. BUILDINGS: Total area about 18,000 sq. ft. Twelve buildings, largest Alkylation Unit Pump House (9,500 sq. ft.). Construction generally of reinforced concrete, brick, or wood;
concrete floors; and wood or transite sidings. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Principal functional units
are Feed Preparation Unit and Sulfuric Acid Alkylation Unit. Tankage capacity-atmospheric: 50,000 barrels. UTILITIES: Sewage disposal, gas, water (portion), and power and light from Lessee. Water (portion) from well on site.
Steam supplied by two Erie boilers.
LAND: Approximately 4% acres. BUILDINGS: Offce Building, 30' by 76' with extension 15' by 16', floor area approximately 2,400 sq. ft., ceilng height 8'4". Wood frame, wood trussed roof, drop siding exterior.
ing attached Acetylene Generator House and fan room. Two 66' bays run 450' length of building, each with crane runway.
sheet siding and roofing. Clearances 36' in bays, and 18'.
sq. ft. All one story. Construction generally timber wood framing with either hollow tie walls or walls of wood and corrugated iron. Also Blacksmith Shop, Guards Offce, Guard
TRANSPORTATION: Depressed spur track in shell building from Houston Port Terminal R. R. Houston O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Butadiene Plant
50,000 short tons per year.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, boring, grinding, miling machines, presses, woodworking tools, factory trucks,
jib cranes and 30 monorail lh ton cranes. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime -use ()f the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
Designed for production of butadiene from a petroleum base feedstock furnished by lessee. LAND: About 272 acres. BUILDINGS: Total floor area 160,000 sq. ft.
57 utilty and functional buildings.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Southern Pacific has one spur track and 3 sidings into plant. Houston O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
General utilty buildings (thirteen, 58,000 sq. ft.) are brick and
Functional buildings (twenty, 100,000 sq. ft.) are reinforced concrete. Minor buildings twenty-four, total 2,000 sq. ft.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Feed Stock Preparation consisting of towers, vessels, pumps, heat exchangers, and
tankage. Butylene Dehydrogenation consisting of steam separators, heaters, reactors, heat exchangers, coolers, pumps, compressors and tanks. Butadiene Purification, involving extrac-
LAND: About 15% acres. BUILDINGS: Total area 5'1,600 sq. ft. Thirty buildings, construction is generally steel, brick, and concrete.
Unit, (2) HF Alkylation Unit, and (3) Thermal Reforming Unit. Accessory structures and equipment include cooling
pipeline connections with other refineries, docks, and war emergency pipeline. Tankage capacity: atmospheric 253,700 barrels;
pressure 24,000 barrels.
Steam from four boilers installed in the boiler house. TRANSPORTATION: Three sidings of Texas City Terminal
R. R.
LAND: Approximately 9% acres. BUILDINGS: Factory Units, buil as addition to building of others; floor area approximately 58,000 sq. ft., clearance 14'.
184 (Texas)
Walls of brick, steel sash, metal siding above sash, steel framing, steel roof trusses. Foundry and Pattern Shop, 7,240 sq. ft., clearance 13'. Steel trusses, hollow tile walls.
span by 181', 7,240 sq. ft., clearance 13'. Power House and Maintenance, 6,100 sq. ft., clearance 13'. Shipping Bldg., 5,600 sq. ft., clearance 13'. Warehouse, 12,800 sq. ft., clearance 14'.
Reservoir of reinforced concrete, capacity 250,000 gallons.
Process and Painting, and Jigs and Fixtures, each 40' clear
Unit, and (2) HF Alkylation Unit. Accessory facilties include cooling tower, Ethyl blending plant, loading rack, and machine
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Beading machines, benders, contour machines, drilers, grinders, lathes, milers, presses, shapers, sanders, heat-treating furnace, gas-fired ovens, blast
Steam boiler house contains 4 boilers, capacity 47,000 lbs. of steam per hour per boiler.
tions may be entered into for its purchase subject to the provis of the lease in effect.
Southern Acid and Sulphur Company, Inc., On the Houston Ship Channel, approximately five miles east of Houston, Texas and about 3.8 miles from
Pasadena, Texas.-Plancor 2100.
LAND: 16 acres.
Phosphate Storage bldg., 17,700 sq. ft. Ten buildings of either structural steel frame and trusses and asbestos protected metal
sides, or concrete brick walls and wood.
LAND: 1% acres leased, located in lessee's plant. BUILDINGS: Total area 13,300 sq. ft. Seven buildings such
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Conveyors, feeders, grinding mils, separators, hoppers, condensers, compressors, vari-
vessels, heat exchangers, pumps, compressors, piping, instruments, controls, etc. UTILITIES: City, lessee, and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of Missouri-Pacific R. R.
Dallas O. R. P. D.
LAND: About 1 . acres, leased. BUILDING: Brick, 32' by 46', one story and mezzanine 1,900 sq. ft., total area, height 31'. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Sulphur melting pot, combustion furnace, recuperator, scrubbing tower, coolers, and towers, precipitator, blowers, convertors, heat exchangers, etc. UTILITIES: Lessee and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Railroad sidings.
Ordnance Plant
55,00 sq. ft. Texasteel Manufacturing Company, Steeltown, Port Arthur, Texas.-Nord-2350. Used for manufacture of antiaircraft projectiles.
BUILDINGS: Personnel Building, Flood Control Building and Pump House, Fabricating and Machine Shop, Garage and
Oil Storage Building, Tool Grinding Building, Compressor
Southport Petroleum Company of Delaware, Texas State Highway No. 146 near
Texas City, Texas.-Plancor 591.
Building. Fabricating and Machine Shop, one story, 36,000 sq. ft., 27'5" to trusses, 86' by 425', 10" concrete floor slab, wood framing
main building except clearance between floor slab and trusses 18'5". Building complete with all services. Other buildings total about 12,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, presses, miling machines, draw furnace, pusher-type hardening furnace, closedend shell mil, 2 double-chamber gas-fired press furnaces, 2
Todd-Houston Shipbuilding Corporation,
compressor, conveyors, lift trucks, midget electric hoists, lUting magnets, flatcars, descalers, sandblast machine, painting
equipment, quench tank, de greaser, gage blocks,
Houston, Texas.-Maritime. " LAND: About 342 acres. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: Main Shop (185,000 sq. ft.) Group Shop (33,000 sq. ft.) corrugated transite on steel framing. Sheet Metal Shop (21,000 sq. ft.), steel frame. Offce
Building (43,000 sq. ft.). Plate Shop (30,000 sq. ft.). Main
Warehouse (120,000 sq. ft.). Joiner Shop (21,000 sq. ft.), and
others, all of wood construction. Shipways (9), 440'. Marginal Pier, 2,833'.
UTILITIES: Local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Kansas City and Southern Railroad
spur track. Dallas O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (NP-f9).
UTILITIES: Water by wells on site. Gas, Power, Light by local utilties. TRANSPORTATION: About 9% miles of trackage in yard,
served by Port Terminal Association. Houston O. R. P. D.
Designed for producing shredded steel from tin cans. LAND: About 1.2 acres, leased. BUILDINGS: Total area 3,850 sq. ft. Can Shredding Plant, 2,800 sq. ft.; Service Building, 880 sq. ft.;
From La Rosa Field to McCampbell Field, Texas.-Plancor 2319. Approximately 98,700 linear feet of eight-inch pipe line, fully doped and wrapped in accordance with standard pipe line practice. Equipment for recording flow of natural gas through
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Items for cutting, handling, baling tin cans, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies.
Houton O. R. P. D.
Yin Smelter
Rated Capacity: 96,000 tons of pig tin per year.
LAND: 50 acres. BUILDINGS: 17 buildings with a total area 274,000 sq. ft.
The two largest are the ore storage structure (84,000 sq. ft.)
and the furnace building (76,000 sq. ft.). Most buildings are
Designed for the manufacture of channel type carbon black. sulphurThere are also fifty miles of feeder pipe line, three de izing plants, and housing developments for employees.
one story of steel frame with corrugated asbestos siding. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Weighing equipment, ore
LAND: 425.79 acres, approximately 395 acres of which is at the Carbon Black Plant site and the balance in ten small tracts,
sites of other installations. There are also extensive right-
gravitation, flotation, filtering magnetic separating and laundry machines, storage and measuring tanks, furnaces, casting
equipment, slag and metal handling equipment, coal and slag
, eighty-four one-story frame dwellngs, 720 sq. ft. each. and Testing Equipment: 1,900 items. Furniture and Fixtures: MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Burners, scrapers, con3,500 items. veyors, pulverizers, loading and bagging equipment, machine UTILITIES: Water from wells on site. shop equipment, etc. Sewage disposal system on site. UTILITIES: Water from wells and other sources. Gas, power and light by local utilty companies. Power and light from local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: 6 spur tracks on site connect with major TRANSPORTATION: Texas & Pacific Railroad. railroads. Dallas O. R. P. D.-Brochure available. Houston O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
agitators, sixteen tanks, a boiler plant, eight pumps, nine conveyors, ann. various bins, process piping and miscellaneous
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the war-time use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subseremoved.
vanadium recovery.
Designed to treat vanadium to produce vanadium oxide. Designed to treat 600 tons of ore per month with 70 to 80%
LAND: 5 acres leased. BUILDINGS: Total floor area 10,700 sq.. ft. Ten buildings varying from 168 sq. ft. to 3,800 sq. ft. All construction wood
frame. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Crusher, six 'roasters, two
UTILITIES: Water from well on site. Power and light provided by a 75 h.p. diesel engine belted to an electric generator. Salt Lake City O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
186 (Utah)
Steel Plant, Mines, Quarry
700,00 tons steel plant per year.
250,000 tons structural shapes per year.
height and remainder 18' ceilng height. .Four additional wood frame buildings, total area 6,300 sq. ft.
227'; area 19,522 sq. ft.; main part of building has 40' ceilng
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Six kilns and numerous items of brickmaking equipment, including crushing and grinding equipment, dryer equipment, elevating and conveying equip-
ment, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur tracks of Union Pacific R. R. Salt Lake City O. R. P. D.-:Brochure available.
Alumina Plant
72,000,000 Ibs. per year (designed capacity).
LAND: 10 acres. BUILDINGS: Main building, two stories, 200' by 260', floor
iron; the front wall is stucco. Sprinklered. Four small buildings total area 2,200 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Annealing ovens, cutters, presses, arc and spot welders, drils, glass lathes, grinders,
area 104,000 sq. ft. Light structural steel and wood construction, three of the enclosing walls are corrugated galvanized
Designed for production of alumina on an experimental basis. Potassium sulphate is produced as a by-product. Alunite ore.
the raw material, is mined at Marysvale, Utah.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. Salt Lake City O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
LAND: At Salt Lake City approximately 79 acres. At Marysvale, Utah, four parcels totallng approximately 7 acres.
Twelve other buildings, 40,000 sq. ft., wood frame. Also sub-
Geneva Steel Company, Ironton, Utah and Carbon County, Utah.-Plancor 687.
water reservoir 325,000 gal. capacity, tailngs pond approximately 13 acres, steel fuel oil storage tank 101,600 gallon capacity, wet salt storage pit 4 tons capacity, acid plant for
Designed for the production of pig iron, coke and by-products. LAND: Project located on two properties. Blast Furnace and
Sintering Plant are located on a parcel of approximately 11.62 acres at Ironton, Utah. Coke Plant is located on a parcel of approximately 265 acres
recovery of dilute sulfuric acid from furnace gases, and waste liquor treatment plant. At Marysvale, Utah, site there are 7 structures, all wood frame
construction with total of approximately 13,000 sq. ft. The largest is one building with an area of 8,700 sq. ft. housing
Blast Furnace Plant. BUILDINGS: Blast Furnace and Sintering Plant consists of
main building 158' by 29' and various accessory units. Buildings have reinforced concrete frames, brick walls, wood sash.
Offce, Warehouse, Laboratory, Garage and Repair Shop. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Car pullers, track hoppers, vibrating feeders, multiple hearth Skinner type furnaces, jaw crushers, hammermils, crystallzers, disintegrator, rotary dryer, filters, pumps, tanks, conveyors, elevators, Dorr classifiers, etc.
Brick and Pattern Storage, wood frame, floor area 6,240 sq. ft.
of coke per day, two batteries 32' by 906/, two batteries 32' by
Coke Plant has 500 beehive coke ovens, capacity about 800 tons
Coal Storage Bins, 36' by 610', 3,550 tons capacity, timber construction, corrugated metal siding.
locomotives, scale cars, loading machines and hopper cars, etc.
Current for the blast furnace and coke ovens is supplied by local utilty company.
Designed to produce synthetic calcium tungstate. LAND: Approximately 2.92 acres. BUILDINGS: Two manufacturing buildings, a change room. a laboratory and offce building, a warehouse and two small buildings. All are one story and total about 20,000 sq. ft. Chemical Plant, Main Building, steel trusses on wood columns.
area 12,576 sq. ft., ceilng clearance 18'. Other buildings total 7,500 sq. ft. of frame construction.
Designed for production of silca brick. LAND: Site consists of approximately 14%, acres. BUILDINGS: Total area 25,800 sq. ft. Main Manufacturing building is all frame structure 86' by
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Agitators, digesters. filters, presses, tanks, cooling coils, filters, pumps, roaster.
and local utilty companies.
Ammunition Plant
1,378,000 sq. ft.
Redwood Road,
21,420 sq. ft. of floor space, are of wood frame construction, and have no heating,' lighting, or plumbing. There are 10 buildings of temporary construction at the northwestern end of the Administration Area, ranging in size from 7,000 sq. ft. to 9,000 sq. ft. . MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Screw machines, spindle
machines, rotary cutter machines, toggles and crank presses
Salt Lake City, Utah.-Army. LAND: About 5,000 acres. BUILDINGS: The various areas are briefly described as follows:
The Administration Building, which houses the administrative offces and hospital, two-story, wood frame construction, approximately 478' by 182' (61,252 sq. ft. floor area) with concrete foundations and floors, 'walls of brick or masonry, and
buil-up roofings. It has its own heating plant.
equipped maintenance and machine shop, etc. Also offce furniture, offce equipment, cafeteria equipment, hospital equipment, etc.
30-Calibre Shop Building No.1, contains 296,489 sq. ft. of floor space, including mezzanines, offces, and locker rooms. 30-Calibre Shop Building No.2, contains 270,898 sq. ft. of
floor space, including mezzanines, offces, and locker rooms.
floor space, including mezzanine, cafeteria, offces, and locker rooms.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Plant served by M. K. & T. R. R. and
the Frisco Line.
repair and maintenance of locomotives, trucks, and automobiles, approximately 155' by 78'.
Tool and Gage Shop, approximately 303' by 143', 42,476 sq. ft.
of floor space.
Forge Shop, 31' by 64', 1,979 sq. ft. of floor space. Lead Shop, 182' by 81', 13,558 sq. ft. of floor space.
Boiler House, 107' by 102', used for heating and for process
Monticello, Utah.-Plancor 293. Designed for the production of vanadium oxide from ores by the chemical roast-leach process. LAND: Site consists of about 186 acres in three contiguous parcels separated only by a state highway. In addition there is
a leased parcel at Thompson, Utah, on which a warehouse is located.
The hazardous manufacturing area is composed of the folPrimer Mixing Group, consisting of Primer Pre-Dry Houses,
Primer Manufacturing Building, approximately 323' by 323',
with approximately 38,381 sq. ft of floor space, of steel frame construction. Powder Canning Group, consisting of numerous small specialpurpose buildings of various sizes. These buildings are of
laboratory, leaching building, crushing building. Most construction is wood frame. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: The mil bin is equipped
with a 10 inch Grizzly and has capacity of 200 tons. Contains
wood construction.
Tracer Manufacturing Group, also containing numerous small special-purpose buildings ranging in size from 3' by 3' to 52' by 86 ft.
Ballstics Building adjacent to the Manufacturing Area is 265' by 426'. This building is used for testing Small Arms Ammunition.
Primer Storehouse Area, with 19 storehouses ranging in size from 15' by 29' to 20' by 36', all of wood frame construction.
Powder Magazines, with 21 buildings, each 45' by 25', a total of
by oil; two 500 kva Alls-Chalmers steam turbines. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: P. & R. G. R.R. at Thompson, Utah. Salt Lake City-Brochure available.
Power Plant contains two 350 hp steam boilers which are fired
Aircraft Parts Plant
274,00 sq. ft.
Bell Aircraft Corporation,
54,000 sq. ft.
of 160' by 149', area 22,500 sq. ft., clearances 13' and 20' struc-
Springfield, Vermont.-Army. LAND: Owned by operator. BUILDINGS: At north end of lessee building is an extension
An independent one story, offce building 54' by 222', area 12,300 sq. ft., structural steel, cinder block, asphalt tile floor on con-
Three minor structures of wood construction total area, 4,500 sq. ft. Buildings contain 14 cranes from 1 to 10 ton. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Turrel lathes, milers,
planers, boring machines, etc. Drafting room equipment.
crete base.
Boston O. R. P. D.
Springfield, Vermont.-Army.
Alcohol Plant Facilties '
Belle Meade Distiling Corporation, Belle Meade, Virginia.-Plancor 1465.
Bag loading area consists of four complete bag loading lines for loading smokeless powder and two complete igniter lines for
of the following principal buildings: canteen, boiler house, two duplicate bag loading buildings, magazines, container and shipbuildings. The principal units are connected by covered pas-
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Dephlegmotor, condensers, coolers, stil, tanks, pumps, truck scales, motors, etc.
Richmond O. R. P. D.
but on a much smaller scale. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Boilers, battery charg-
rotary lift, scales, powder sifters, threading and sewing mapresses, etc.
Pulaski, Virginia.-Army.
D~signed as a bag loading plant. LAND: About 3,845 acres. BUILDINGS: 364 buildings. The staff and residence area contains 15 single homes of from
6 to 8 rooms each. These are well built and equipped frame
cafeteria, bath house, recreation building, laboratory and boiler house. Principal buildings 3reof frame construction. Total floor space in offce buildings is about 70,000 sq. ft.
houses. Each has a two-car garage. They are heated from a central plant. Administration area contains 13 buildings including 2 administration buildings, employment offce, garages, hospital, canteen,
trates. LAND: About 9 acres, leased. BUILDINGS: Total area 7,200 sq. ft.
Mil Building, Crusher House, Machine Shop, Change Room,
hoists, crushers, flotation machines, classifier, ore feeder, filter, Dorr thickener, tanks, etc.
working shop. Included also are storage facilties for maintenance materials, automobile and tractor storage and repair
facilties, paint and oil storage building, boiler house, coal and
fuel oil storage, laundry, men's change house, women's change house. Shop buildings are, in general, of wood frame with corrugated iron roof and walls. Maintenance shops proper have a total floor area of about 22,500 sq. ft. Inert storage and shipping area contains 13 warehouses having
a total area of about 135,000 sq. ft. Construction is wood frame
with corrugated iron roof and side walls. All are served by
Radford Arsenal, or
Radford Ordnance Works,
Ammunition (explosive) storage and shipping area contains 50 high explosive magazines of the above ground tvpe. These are
Radford, Virginia.-Army. LAND: Ordnance Works about 4,120 acres; Radford Vilage about 99 acres. BUILDINGS: There are 1,145 buildings of all types with a total of about 2,800,000 sq. ft. of floor space. The various
areas are briefly described as follows:
block walls, wood deck roof, wood floor over concrete sub-floor.
It has good natural light and ventilation. It is provided with
4 two-family, two-story, frame staff residences, plastered walls, asbestos shingles, each with basement and oil burning heating
plant. The single family residences have attached garages.
(Virginia) 189
acre tract of land in the southwestern portion of the City of Radford. It consists of 43 Colonial type, single family, two-
ground area. The boilng tub house and poacher and blending
story fr;ime dwellngs, all with basement and hot water heat-
with detached garages for the other dwellngs. Water, electricity and sewerage are furnished by public utilties through facilties constructed as part of the project. Dormitory Area is located at the southeastern portion of the
developed area and consists of cinder block, barracks buildings,
one-story but a second story has been added
ft. ground area respectively. There are numerous other lesser structures, including acid storage and weigh houses, the fume
house are of heavy timber frames with high clearances to roof system and cover approximately 17,500 and 29,800 sq.
exhaust and acid recovery systems, and change houses. Excepting as mentioned, and the change houses which are brick,
manufacturing buildings in this area are of timber construclines and contain buildings and equipment for dehydrating,
The dormitories have approximately 12,600 sq. ft. per floor. This are.a also contains a cafeteria and a two-story recreation
building, steel frame, concrete block exterior walls, 22,510 sq.
Administration Area. It consists, principally, of the following buildings: Administration, 50,644 sq. ft.; cafeteria, 3,714
sq. ft.; employment, 7,299 sq. ft.; hospital, 8,583 sq. ft.; maintenance offce, 6,495 sq. ft.; laboratory, 6,036 sq. ft.; road department offce, 7,100 sq. ft.; and several buildings of lesser areas. The construction is generally concrete block exterior walls
and asbestos shingles.
pentolite house and dry houses. The area also contains acetone
Shop and Maintenance Area. It includes a locomotive shop, forge and welding shop, garage, tool house and minor buildings. There are also several shop and maintenance facilties
sq. ft. ground area. TNT Area contains two lines for the manufacture of TNT.
timber framed and mostly with transite siding.
facilties and the oleum plant. All buildings in this area are
houses aggregating about 216,000 sq. ft. floor area. The major
Explosives Storage and Shipping Areas: Storage buildings are the above-ground magazine type generally with tile walls,
tanks; pumps; motors; scales; screen assemblies; shredding machines; ether unit complete; boilng tubs; wringers, etc. UTILITIES: See description of Power Plant, Water Supply
and Sewage Areas.
Power Plant Areas: Steam for the main manufacturing areas (located south of New River) is produced by a power plant with five coal-fired boilers, each with a continuous capacity of
175,000 pounds of steam per hour.
TRANSPORTATION: The Virginian Railroad and the Bristol Division of the Norfolk and Western Railroad. This project is available for lease in whole or in part, sub;ect to possible restrictions as to its proposed use. Richmond O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-l0B).
The power houses are well designed with structural steel framing with concrete block walls and concrete floors.
generators, 7,500 lea each.
Electric power for the project is generated by four turboOrange, Virginia.-Plancor 2350. Designed to augment lessee's facilties for manufacture of Water Supply Areas and Facilties: The main supply of metal partitions. water for the project is pumped from New River at a wing
diversion dam by a pumping station.
framing, concrete block walls, steel sash. Sprinklered. Has 50-ton crane. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Located in lessee's plant,
includes paint spraying machine, conveyor system, oven, 750-
LAND: About two acres, leased. BUILDING: Connected to lessee's plant, 150' by 240', steel
plants following which they are discharged into New River. Cotton Area or Wood Pulp Areas: They contain three warehouses, 13,800 sq. ft. each, for cotton linter or wood pulp
storage and three dry-houses aggregating 15,560 sq. ft. These
ton hydraulic press, turret press, metal working machine, etc. UTILITIES: Lessee. TRANSPORTATION: Siding on site.
This plant has been leased for a period of 10 years. Negotia-
Acid Area: Contains six ammonia oxidation units, together with recovery units and compressors, for the manufacture of nitric acid, nitric and sulphuric acid ooncentrators (eight units each), and acid storage and handling equipment. As part of the acid facilties, but located alongside the TNT area, is a 70-ton oleum plant. Most buildings in the acid area have structural steel framing with masonry or corrugated transite exterior siding.
tions may be entered into for its purchase subject to the provi-
Nitro-cellulose Powder Manufacturing Area embraces the following facilties: Nitrating Area contains the buildings and
equipment for the nitration of cotton linters, and wood pulp. The principal buildings are, for each of three powder lines, a nitrating house, boilng tub house, beater house, poacher and blending house, and wringer house. The nitrating houses are
four stories high with brick load bearing exterior walls- and
190 (Washington)
Aluminum Sheet Mil
288,000,000 pounds aluminum sheet per year.
sheets. LAND: 525 acres. BUILDINGS: Total floor area 2,263,000 sq. ft.
65 buildings of various types: Remelt-Melting, Casting, Slab
American Zinc, Lead and Smelting Company, Metaline Falls, Washington.-Plancor 1761. Designed to provide power facilties at mines of lessee. LAND: About 7,500 sq. ft., leased.
BUILDING: Power House, 40' by 40', 1,600 sq. ft. Wood frame with corrugated sheet iron siding. EQUIPMENT: Two diesel engine driven electric generators
rated at 720 K.W. total.
The Remelt-Melting Building is 80' by 1,420', brick floor on top of concrete sub-floor, steel frame work, reinforced concrete
side walls. Clearance to underside of trusses 33'. Floor area
is 112,600 sq. ft. The Shearing and Storage Building is 80' by 1,600' with 33' clearance to underside of trusses. Steel framework, reinforced
concrete walls. Floor area 128,000 sq. ft. The approximate total floor area of the remaining buildings is
Aircraft Plant
416,000 sq. ft.
Boeing Aircraft Company,
Sewage disposal plant on site. Power and light from Bonnevile Power Admn.
Spokane International Railways.
provisions of the lease in effect.
rugated galvanized iron roof and side walls, sliding doors and
Building Unit B, Warehouse: 200' by 380', same as Unit A. Unit C, Warehouse: 200' by 280', area 56,000 sq. ft., type of construction same as Unit A. Unit D, Warehouse: 180' by 620', area 111,600 sq. ft., type of construction same as Unit A.
homasote side walls, concrete floor.
adjacent to King County Airport, Seattle, Washington.-Army. LAND: Owned by Boeing and is not under lease. BUILDINGS: Unit A, Warehouse: 200' by 380', area 76,000
This plant has been leased for a period of five years. N egotia-
Unit E., Foundry Building: 77' by 220', area 16,940 sq. ft.,
Aluminum Plant
192,000,000 Ibs. of aluminum per year.
drop siding.
roof and concrete floor slab. Unit G, Salvage Shelter: 59' by 120', area 7,080 sq. ft., construction, wood frame shelter with south and west walls of
adjacent building.
LAND: 254 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area about 1,000,000 sq. ft. Some 103 different types of buildings such as Rectifier, Pot
Rooms, Service Building, General Offces, Pump Houses, Boiler
metal siding.
House, Laboratory, various Carbon buildings, Shops, Warehouses, etc. Generally structural steel framing with protected
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: 1,750 items of production equipment for the production of carbon electrodes, carbon
rodding department, a complete rectifier station, a reduction
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Union Pacific Railroad.
Seattle O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-180).
breakers, rectifiers, switchboards, reduction pots, pig moulds, crucibles, boilers, compressors, generator sets, tractors, trucks, etc.
plant consisting of six pot lines, and miscellaneous equipment, such as furnaces, pumps, mixers, crushers, batching unit, carbon presses, trailers, screens, dryers, transformers, circuit
Office Building
82,500 sq. ft. Boeing Aircraft Company Seattle, Washington.-Plancor 1577. LAND: About 39 acres in three parcels, leased. BUILDINGS: Offce Building, 100' by 375', two story frame
construction, area 82,500 sq. ft., ceilng heights 11' and 10'.
TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of Great Northern Railway. This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Negotiaprovisions 0/ the lease in effect.
tion roof supported by wood posts. EQUIPMENT: Numerous items of offce equipment.
(Wasn) 191
Aircraft Plant (Heav Planes)
1,83,0 sq. ft.
Boeing Aircraft Company
Renton, Washington.-Plancor 156.
Kaiser Company Vancouver Shipyard
as flying field.
LAND: Building site 93.7 acres, and tract of 107 acres used
BUILDINGS: Main Assembly Building, one story strcture
Vancouver, Washingtn.-Maritime. LAND: About 334 acres (14 acres under water).
pulsion Storage (32,000 sq. ft.), of steel and timber. Electric Warehouse (62,000 sq. ft.), Offces, two (each 20,000
sq. ft.), General Stores (216,000 sq. ft.), Mold Loft (85,000
BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: Assembly Building (270,000 sq. ft.), Deck House Erection (95,000 sq. ft.), Pro
sq. ft.), Outfitting Service (73,000 sq. ft.), Reserve Warehouse
(132,000 sq. ft.) of wood construction. Plate Shop (175,000
sq. ft.), of steel construction.
with a floor area of nearly 1,000,000 sq. ft. Overall size 900' by
roof with built up roofing on stel deck. Main assembly area has three bays each 300' clear. Overhead clearance main bar 43', under balcony clearance is 15', clearance in balcony 20.
Canopy type steel doors close each 300' bay.
Seven other buildings total 403,000 sq. ft. Either strctural stel or wood timber construction.
400,000 sq. ft. Structural steel framing and trusses, protected metal siding, sawtooth
1,100'. Balcony of approximately
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Production equipment includes degreasers, furnaces, motor generator sets, dryng ovens, arbor presses, power and hand roll forming machines,
disc and belt sanders, band saws, table saws, cut-off saws,
cranes, machine tools, welding equipment, bending machines, electrical equipment, sheet metal shop equipment, etc.
shears, arc and spot welders, wire stretchers, etc. Also nu-
Shipyard Facilties
This plant ha been leased for a per of three years. Negotiatio may be entered into for its purchae subject to the pr0'io of the lease in effect.
Seattl O. R. P. D.-Brochure availble.
Magnesium Plant and Ferro-Silcon Plant Surplus
48,0,0 pounds ferrosilcon and
48,00,0 pounds magnesium per year.
craft. LAND: Located on land of Plancor 34. BUILDINGS: Four portble buildings, woo frame construction, total area 4,600 sq. ft. ' MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: 45 ton crane, 360 cu. ft.
air compressor, acetylene generators, pipe bending machines,
Surplus 4,6 sq. ft. Lake Washingtn Shipyards, Houghton, Washingtn.-Plancor 369. Designed to augment lessee's facilties for repair of naval
LAND: Plant site 440 acres. Quarry site 300 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area 350,000 sq. ft. at Plint, 21,500 sq. ft. at Quarry. Two Magnesium Furnace Buildings, steel framing, corrgated
asbestos siding; 170,000 sq. ft., clearance to truss 60'.
bestos siding; 66,000 sq. ft.; clearance 43'.
ft.; clearance 22'.
96,800 sq. ft. Lake Washington Shipyards, Houghton, Washington.-Plancor 34. Designed to augment lessee's facilties for repair and construcLAND: Two separate parcels, total 10%
Ferrosilcon Furnace Building, steel framing, corrugated asMagnesium Alloying Building, reinforced concrete; 32,000 sq.
BUILDINGS: One story Pattern Shop (6,670 sq. ft.), a two story and basement Offce Building (11,800 sq. ft.), one story Fabricating Shop (27,000 sq. ft. 30' clearance), one story Warehouse (50,400 sq. ft., clearance 15'). Three small units total 1,000 sq. ft. All construction wood frame. All buildings
Calcining Building, 16,200 sq. ft., Boiler House, 8,500 sq. ft.,
of reinforced concrete.
Five utilty buildings, total 50,000 sq. ft., of woo frame. Six buildings at Quarry, total 21,500 sq. ft., of wood frame. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Two 80-ton diesel elec-
portable tools. Two 65' gantry cranes 45 ton cap., three bridge cranes 7% to
15 ton capacity.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Jogging presses, straightening rolls, air compressrs, acetylene generators, shears, punches, forges, etc. Also furniture and fiure and
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Sidings of Nortern Pacific R. R. Seattle O. R. P. D.-Brochure avciilble.
Tacoma, Washington.-Plancor 245. Plant is an aluminum reduction works proucing aluminum ingot from alumina furnished by others. LAND: About 99% acres. BUILDINGS: Total area, 233,000 sq. ft. Two Pot Room Buildings, 161,000 sq. ft., and Casting Building, 23~000 sq. ft. All strctural steel framing with protete
192 (Washigtn)
metal siding. 15 other buildings of either steel framing or wood construction, with combined area 49,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: 240 electric furnaces of
continuous electrode type, together with necessary accessory
drying trays, mold drying ovens, molding machines, push cars, annealing furnaces, rotoblast, cleaning machines, 350-ton hy-
rotary kiln, etc., five 5-ton traveling cranes. UTILITIES: Water from wells on site.
draulic straightening press, and eleven cranes from 5 to 20 ton capacity. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Spur tracks and sidings on site.
the lease in effect.
This plant has been leased for a term of one year. Negotia-
Alcohol Plant
6,140 gallons per day.
testing steel castings and contains only nonproductive buildadjacent to this installation and are owned separately by gov-
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Special equipment such as purifying columns, coolers, rectifying columns, varied tanks,
Ordnance Offce Building, two story, 10,450 sq. ft., all wood
Proof Firing Range Building, one story, 6,220 sq. ft., all concrete, built up roof.
LAND: About 15.6 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area about 47,500 sq. ft. Building No.1, one story, 1,720 sq. ft.; clearance 14/. Wood
frame, galvanized iron siding and deck.
and deck.
Building No.2, one story, 12,300 sq. ft.; clearance 20'. Con-
Building No.3, first floor 4,350 sq. ft.; second floor 1,150 sq.
ft. Total 5,500 sq. ft.; clearance 20'. Concrete floor, steel framing, corrugated galvanized iron siding and deck.
25,400 sq. ft. Warehouse, one story, wood frame, tile walls, 14,':O sq. ft. Five other buildings, 19,500 sq. ft.
LAND: 1514 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area 142,800 sq. ft. Furnace Building, four story, steel and reinforced concrete, tile walls, area 83,200 sq. ft. Packing Building, three story, wood-frame, tile walls, area
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Power grinders; electric
Building No. '4, one story, 4,350 sq. ft.; clearance 9' to 14' lean-to. Concrete floor, timber framing, corrugated galvanized
iron siding and deck.
Building No.5, one story, 1,100 sq. ft.; clearance 8'. Concrete Building No.8, one story, 1,800 sq. ft.; clearance 9'. Concrete
Building No.6, one story, 1,650 sq. ft.; clearance 9'6". Concrete floor, masonry walls, wood deck.
floor, wood construction. Building No.9, one story, 9,250 sq. ft.; clearance 10'5" to 11'1".
UTILITIES: City and local utilty services. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track on site.
Building No. 10, one story, 3,000 sq. ft; clearance 7'6". Con-
This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Nego-
ceilng. Building No. 11, one story, 2,750 sq. ft.; clearance height 18'. Concrete floor, steel framing, corrugated galvanized iron sid-
Building No. 12, 160 sq. ft. Frame Building No. 13, 500 sq. ft. Frame.
Wood floor and framing, with corrugated galvanized iron siding and deck.
Building No. 14, one story, area 1,800 sq. ft.; clearance 9'.
roof peak, clearance 35'. Steel framing with tile walls, metal sash and protected metal siding. Steel trusses. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Includes pattern shop equipment with complete blower and dust collecting system,
electric furnaces, core sand handling system, core ovep.s, core
Designed to produce miscellaneous steel castings. LAND: Approximately 5.1 acres. BUILDINGS: Foundry, area 140,000 sq. ft., one-story 50' to
dling bulk deliveries of raw materials, 2 charring furnaces, magnetic separator, calciner (65-ft. rotary kiln), rotary cooler
tanks, motors, elevator.
ably not disposable.)
Platform and Shed No. 15, area 1,500 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Power conveyor for han(30 ft. length), activator (60-ft. rotary kiln), rotary dryer,
varied tanks and equipment involving special process. (probMiscellaneous items, including rotex screens, magnetic sepa-
hoists, etc.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track from N. P. Ry. . This project is available for lease in whole or in part, subject to possible restrictions as to its proposed use.
Seatte O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-90).
Machine Shop
BUILDINGS: Washery Building, two story frame, wood floors and roof, area 8,000 sq. ft. Also six Loading Out Bins, Hoist House, Bath House, Shop, Mine Tipple, Cone Settling Tank,
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Complete mining equipment including two Goodman conveyors, one slope sinking machine, two mucking machines, two slushers, mine hoist, Westinghouse 8-ton storage battery locomotive, twenty steel mine
cars each 5-ton capacity, wire cables, pumps, air compressor,
Bradford breaker, raw coal settling tank, two Vissac coal feeder, one washed coal settling tank, one Jeffery 24" x 24"
washing jigs, six Deister coal washing tables, one Deister table
coal crusher, elevators, conveyors, pumps, flumes, screens,
generators, transformers, ventilating fan, etc. Washing and cleaning equipment includes raw coal feeder,
switchgear, etc.
Coke Plant
75,000 tons per year.
UTILITIES: Water pipe line from Gale Creek, two-thirds of mile from site. Septic tank on site.
Power and light from Puget Sound Power and Light Co.
LAND: Approximately 6:1 acres. BUILDINGS: Total arei 6,000 sq. ft. Control and By-Product Building, one story, steel frame, steel
Six other small buildings, wood frame, total area 3,500 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: One unit of seventeen
sash, and terra-cotta exterior walls, area 2,496 sq. ft.
driven. Has collector main, charging car and pusher machines, etc. Also coal and coke handling machinery including hoppers, conveyors, elevators, etc. By product equipment includes desu1ferizer, lamp black drier, 10,000 cu. ft. gas holder and tar flushing and settling tank, etc.
UTILITIES: Water, power and light from city. TRANSPORTATION: Spur track of Northern Pacific R. R. Seattle O. R. P. D.-Brochure availble.
Coal Mine
100,000 tons per year.
LAND: Approximately 39.3 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area 41,000 sq. ft. Furnace Building, 265' x 49', structural steel frame, steel clad
Nine other buildings, 29,000 sq. ft., of structural steel or wood construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Eight reduction furnaces,
transport cars, dust collector system, etc. Also three 5-ton over-
UTILITIES: Water from two wells on site. Sanitary disposal by septic tanks with subsoil effluent dispositon.
Power and light from public utilty company.
LAND: Mine site comprises some 2,080 ares. Surface and mining rights are assigned.
Styrene Plant
25,000 tons per year. Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corporation,
Butadiene Plant
80,000 short tons per year.
Institute, West Virginia.-Plancor 1055. Designed for production of styrene from benzene and ethylene.
Plancor 229 that they function together to furnish butadiene (229) and styrene (1055) to the adjoining copolymer plant, Plancor 980.
LAND: Approximately 6.47 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area 43,000 sq. ft.
Four functional structures of reinforced concrete construction.
LAND: About 50 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area 300,000 sq. ft. Steam Plant, brick, steel, concrete, 48,000 sq. ft Distilation and Conversion Structures, four, of reinforced concrete with brick and tile walls; total area 212,000 sq. ft. Twelve utilty buildings, 70,000 sq. ft., and five Foam houses, 1,500 sq. ft., of structural steel or reinforced concrete framing
with brick and tie walls.
btu/hr. Catalyst Manufacturing Unit, driers, filter, hoppers, oven, etc. UTILITIES: Thru Plancor 229. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of New York Central Railroad.
Richmond O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Functional units include distilation system, chemical unit system, Dowtherm heating system, catalyst manufacturing, steam plant, water treatment,
, 2 refrigeration units, 3
water and gas, power and light by local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: Plant served by branch line of NYC. Richmon O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
compressors, Steel Gas Holder, sixteen chlorination reactors, five brick lined steel conversion kettles, four steel. stripping and purification columns, rotary coolers, glass lined reactors,
pumps, etc.
cyclones, coolers, elevators, conveyors, scales, motors, tanks,
Adequate sewer system. Power and light from local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
LAND: Approximately 1.15 acres. BUILDINGS: Two buildings, total floor area 48,600 sq. ft.
Shower and Locker Room Building; two stories and basement; reinforced concrete construction, brick walls; 4,035 sq. ft.
MACHINERY AND' EQUIPMENT: Annealing furnaces, quench cooling system, sand handling system, speed slinger,
shot blast cleaning room, dust exhaust system, flask equipment. Also four cranes 10 to 40 tons. Foundry also has 50-ton trolley type hoist.
with total area about 54,000 sq. ft., clearances from 13' to 28'.
LAND: About 826 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area about 478,600 sq. ft. Gas Generator House Building No. 120. Four story structure
Floors of reinforced concrete and steel grating. Structural steel framing, walls of asbestos corrugated metal.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Wheeling Terminal Railroad. Cleveland O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Factory Building No. 140. Total area about 132,700 sq. ft. Building has six stories with major area (95,000 sq. ft.) on first floor, clearances first floor 17' and 32'. Upper floor clearances from 7' to 46', floors of reinforced concrete and steel,
structural steel framing, walls of brick and asbestos corru-
gated metal.
Catalyst Building No. 170. Total area about 15,600 sq. ft.
steel framing, brick and tile walls. Caustic Plant No. 171. Three story, total area 10,200 sq. ft.,
(First floor 7,600, second floor 6,500, third floor 1,500 sq. ft.).
Formaldehyde Plant No. 174. Total area 12,000 sq. ft., four
Parkersburg, West Virginia.-Plancor 996. Designed for production of glass tubing and ampules.
Hexamine and Bag Storage No. 175. Basement and five floors. Total area 34,300 sq. ft.
LAND: Approximately 12.6 acres. BUILDING: One story, brick walls, steel framing; clearances 15' and 29'. Sprinklered. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Glass melting furnaces,
Boiler House No. 201. Total area about 98,000 sq. ft. Six
No. 170, built-up roofing. Main Offce No. 400. Basement and two story, total area about 15,700 sq. ft., reinforced concrete floors, asphalt tile finish, structural steel framing, brick walls.
and tube sorting machines, platform scales, etc. UTILITIES: Municipality and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of B. & O. Railroad. This plant has been leased for a period of six months. Negoprovisions of the lease in effect. Richmond O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
No. 401. Total 7,900 sq. ft., first floor 7,300 Service Building sq. ft., second floor 600 sq. ft., construction similar to No. 400. Maintenance Shop and Stores No. 403. Total area 33,000 sq.
7,300 sq. ft., clearance 10', concrete floor, structural steel fram-
ft. First floor 25,700 sq. ft., clearance 16' and 10', second floor
ft., first floor 11,400 sq. ft., clearances 23' and 10', second floor 7,600 sq. ft., clearance 11', concrete floor on first, woo second, timber framing, brick walls.
Works Laboratory No. 406. Basement and one story, total 5,000 sq. ft. Construction similar to No. 403. Maintenance Shop and Stores No. 407. Total area 19,000 sq.
Cafeteria No. 411, one story, 3,000 sq. ft., clearance 10', wood
74 Wilputte by-product ovens, complete, quenching station, two Cottrell precipitators, etc., 1-5,000 cu. ft. expanding type
gas holders, two banks of cooling coils, steel decanting tank, 2 coke cars, 1-20 ton electric locomotive, 1-150,000 cu. ft. water
Marshall CWS Plant New Martinsville, West Virginia.-Army. LAND: About 84.4 acres. BUILDINGS: Warehouse 9,800 sq. ft., Administration Bldg. 7,200 sq. ft.; Shops 17,000 sq. ft.; change house 7,000 sq. ft.
and five proess buildings about 70,000 sq. ft. Buildings gen-
2 gas blowers, 3 gas exhausters, 6 scrubber towers, 3 gas boster fans, steam turbine, 6 scrubbing units, 10 absorp-
tion refrigeration units, 6 steam recovery units, 10 electric driven gas compressors, (gas compressor section). 11 electric driven compressors, etc. (Hyper compressor section),
erally of concrete floor and wood timber constrction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Four acetlene genera-
243' by 360'; factory area 86,500 sq. ft., mezzanine area 16,400 sq. ft. Wood columns, trusses; exterior walls of tile with woo
sash. Factory area clearance 18'; sprinklered.
scrubber, crusher, screen, etc., and 2 precipitated catalyst units incorporating drying ovens, mixers, filter presses, etc. Caustic
Hydrogen and Nitrogen Storage, Alcohol and Acid Storage and Oxygen Buildings total 5,000 sq. ft.
furnaces, bins, elevators, blowers, rotary filters, condensers, exchangers, classifier, thickeners, etc. Methanol Stil House,
2 refining units consisting of refining columns, product coolers,
steam engines, exhausters, converters, scrubbers, dryers, Dowtherm system, vaporizers, etc. Hexamine equipment, 2 units in-
cialized equipment for making radio tubes including glass lathes, glass tubing cutter, flare machines, bulb washing and
towers, vacuum carbonizing equipment, static seasoning sets, sandblast equipment, filament spray equipment, oscilation seasoning sets, annealers, furnaces, hydrogen cylinders, etc.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Numerous items of speannealing equipment, single and double ovens, oxygen removal
dryers, heaters, coolers, condensers, etc. Chlorination apparatus includes 2 chlorinators, filter strainer, scales, distribution
system, etc.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Sidings by Baltimore and Ohio Rail-
Explosives Plant
965,000 sq. ft.
Available for lease in whole or in part subject to possible restrition as to its proposed use.
Richmon O. R. P. D.
Chemical Plant
200 tons chlorine per day.
Pittsburg Plate Glass Company,
West Virginia Ordnance Plant, about 6 miles north of Point Pleasant, West Virginia.-Army. LAND: About 8,325 acres. BUILDINGS: Administration Area: Main offce, 47,000 sq. ft., Employment 8,000 sq. ft., Laboratory 8,000 sq. ft., Cafeteria 10,000 sq. ft., are included. Buildings of wood construction.
Shops Area: The buildings in this area, save for the two
Acid Areas: The buildings in the acid areas are of a permnent type, being mainly corrugated asbestos-cement siding on
Institute, West Virginia.-Plancor 980. Desgned for production of Buna-S synthetic rubber. The principal raw materials are butadiene and styrene, furnished by
steel frames.
T. N. T. Area: The manufacturing buildings are of a permaIlent type consisting of steel frames with asbestos-cement
Magazine Area: The 100 beehive tye igloos are constrct
LAND: Approximately 36.3 acres. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: Total area 170,000 sq. ft.
Twenty-five units including an Administration Building, 17,200
of reinforced concrete and covered with earth. River Terminal: The river terminal is of temporary construction. The piping and tanks are permanent.
sq. ft., Machine Shop 23,000 sq. ft., Laboratory 14,700 sq. ft., Locer House 12,300 sq. ft., various process buildings 82,000 sq.
ft., and miscellaneous pump houses, switch houses, garage, etc., about 21,000 sq. ft. Process buildings of reinforced concrte and brick. Machine Shop of wood timber construction.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Special production equipment for manufacturing T. N. T. Complete complement of ma-
Other buildings of brick masonry or wood construction. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Pressure vessels, tanks, instruments, columns, heat exchangers, filters, disintegrators, driers, etc. Auxilary equipment includes items for water treatment, air for instrument operations, inert gas for cleaning
UTILITIES: All utilties furnished by adjacent Plancor 229. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of N. Y. C. Railroad. Richmon O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
tion Yard has capacity of 100 cars. Richmond O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-117).
Sanitary disposal through Sewage Treatment Plant on site. Power and light from local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Some twenty miles of standard gauge
LAND: Approximately 20 acres. BUILDINGS: Tube Plant, one-story with mezznine, overall
196 (Wisconsin)
Oxygen Plant
3,600,000 cubic feet per month.
Air Reduction Sales Company,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.-Plancor 1338.
Explosives Plant
Baraboo, Wisconsin.-Army. LAND: 10,580 acres. BUILDINGS: There are approximately 1,970 buildings of all
types on the project (including 582 hose houses), with a total
dwellngs and 5 two-story dwellngs, each complete with all service facilties. Five community type garages serve the staff
LAND: About 83 acres. BUILDINGS: Two principal groups known as Plant No.1 and
Shop area in the two buildings totals 760,000 sq. ft., clearance 18'. Balance of area includes Offce, Forge Shop, Passageway, Boiler Room and Miscellaneous. Factory buildings are one and part two story masonry structures (windowless) with steel
framing throughout. Air conditioned.
istration building, a two-story wood frame building of 49,000 sq. ft. of floor area, the Government offce building with 26,000 sq. ft. of floor area, mess hall with 6,170 sq. ft. of floor area, guard headquarters and four 10-car garages. The Service Area contains the combined shops, 38,000 sq. ft.,
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Grinding, hobbing, lapping, miling and tapping machines, lathes, planers, furnaces,
forging machines, presses, spray booths, plating equipment,
sq. ft., forge and weld shop, 4,500 sq. ft. and other smaller miscellaneous buildings, all of wood frame construction. The
service area is served by trucking roads and railroad sidings. There are two railroad classification yards serving the plant.
the main storehouse, 26,000 sq. ft., combined tool house, 6,000
balancing machines, welding machines, dust and fume collectors, etc. Also testing machines, Magnaflux units, microscope,
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subseremoved.
by 98' with no barricades, also 22 modified igloo type rocket powder magazines 26' by 61'. All buildings in this area are served by trucking roads. The River Pump House, the pump houses at the various wells,
Engine Plant
219,000 sq. ft.
Alls Chalmers Manufacturing Company,
West Alls, Wisconsin.-Nobs-593.
LAND: About 9lf acres adjacent to main plant of lessee. BUILDINGS: Manufacturing Building. About 215,000 sq.
ft. Has two 50' wide bays served by overhead cranes. First
The Cotton Area contains five single story wood frame, cotton and pulp warehouses each having 19,850 sq. ft. of floor area,
the cotton and wood pulp dry houses and other miscellaneous
floor 250' wide, and a mezzanine 150' wide. Wood timber fram-
the nitration of cotton and wood pulp. The five nitrating buildings are of special design with steel frames and brick
walls containing 11,820 sq. ft. of floor area each. The five
Boiler House, 3,200 sq. ft., brick and concrete. Oil House, 900 sq. ft., masonry. Gate House, 500 sq. ft., brick. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Machine tools, fabricating and finishing equipment, test and inspection equipment and
miscellaneous tools and plant equipment.
boilng tub houses each with 44,700 sq. ft. of floor area, four poach and blend houses each with 50,500 sq. ft. of floor area, five beater houses each with 6,100 sq. ft. of floor area, the five wringer houses each with 2,000 sq. ft. of floor area, together
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Ample railroad and highway facilties.
Chicago O. R. P. D.
Aircraft Parts Plant
with other miscellaneous buildings in this area, are all of wood frame construction. The Single Base Powder Manufacturing Area is located imme-
linters and wood pulp. The rocket powder manufacturing area is located to the south of the single base manufacturing area. The Recovery Area, in which are located the buildings and equipment required for fume and solvent recovery, forms a
109,100 sq. ft.
part of the single base powder manufacturing area. Immediately adjacent thereto are located the dry houses, blending
(Wisns) 197
in these areas are widely separated one from another as a
Machine Shop
316,0 sq. ft.
The 20o-ton Oleum Plant located northeast of the smokeless powder manufacturing area is of modern design and perma-
coolers, filters, reheaters, absorption towers, screens, pulp dryers, dehydrating presses, macerators, mixing and kneading machines, blocking presses, macaroni presses, powder cutting
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: 200-ton Oleum plant tanks and weigh tanks, pumps, motors, compressors, after-
Hemp Mil
31,000 sq. ft.
fume recovery system assemblies, washers, etc. Complete comof the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subse-
plement of machine tools and maintenance equipment. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
quently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
LAND: 54 acres.
BUILDINGS: Straw Storage Building, area 5,880 sq. ft., clearance 15'6"; block walls, gravel floor, clear span wood bowstring roof trusses.
Sewage and waste disposal is handled through a complete system of sanitary and general purpose sewers. Power and light from local utilty companies.
block walls; area 7,480 sq. ft. Mil Building, floor area 7,200 sq. ft., concrete block walls and floor, wood bowstring trusses. Bale Storage Building, floor area 5,376 sq. ft., similar to Mil
Building. Boiler House, Shop Building, Locker, and Offce Building, total floor area 5,470 sq. ft. Clearances 9', 10', 30'.
TRANSPORTATION:. Chicago and Northwestern, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific and Pennsylvania Railroads. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (AP-150).
Industrial Building
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvesters, gathering binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units, baling press, trucks and trailers, steam engine, etc. UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site. Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Included is a Fabricating Shop (14,000 sq. ft.), and another of (12,900 sq. ft.), Mold Loft (10,000 sq. ft.), Machine Shop (20,600 sq. ft.). All of concrete floors and stel framing. A Warehouse (8,200 sq. ft.) is of brick.
ment, gantry, locomotive and crawler cranes, two 10 ton and
one 5-ton overhead
Walter Butler Shipbuilders, Inc., Superior, Wisconsin.-Maritime. LAND: About 221, acres. Leased BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: Total area 72,300 sq. ft.
Hemp Mil
31,000 sq. ft.
LAND: 61 acres.
clearance 15'6"; block walls, gravel floor, clear span wood bowstring roof trusses.
Marginal Wharfs (2), 330' and 370'. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Material handling equipcranes, etc.
Chicago O. R. P. D.
Building. Boiler House, Shop Building, Locker, and Offce Building, total floor area 5,470 sq. ft. Clearances 9', 10', 30'.
Shipyard Facilties
27,000 sq. ft.
Walter Butler Shipbuilders, Inc., Superior, Wisconsin.-Plancor 381. Designed to augment lessee's facilties for assembling prefabricated sections and outfitting of seagoing ships.
baling press, trucks and trailers, steam engine, etc. UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site. Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvesters, gathering binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units,
Hemp Mil
31,000 sq. ft.
LAND: 50 acres.
clearance 15'6"; block walls, gravel floor, clear span wood bowstring roof trusses.
198 (Wiscnsin)
into three spaces to serve as air ducts for drers; concrete
block walls; area 7,480 sq. ft. :Mil Building, floor area 7,200 sq. ft., concrete block walls and
floor, wood bowstring trusses.
Bale Storage Building, floor area 5,376 sq. ft., similar to Mil
Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvester,i, gathering binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units, baling press, trucks and trailers, steam engine, etc. UTILITIES: Water from"deep well on site. Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty.
9,0 tons castings per y_r.
Hemp Mil
31,0 sq. ft. Commodity Credit Corporation,
Hartford, Wisconsin.-Plancor 1531-5.
LAND: Two parcels, approximately 7.15 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area 137,800 sq. ft.
Foundry Building, one-story, part basement, floor area 132,660
LAND: 50 acres. BUILDINGS: Straw Storage Building, area 5,880 sq. ft., clearance 15'6"; block walls, gravel floor, clear span wood bowstring roof trusses.
Dryer Building, double deck construction, each deck divided into three spaces to serve as air ducts for dryers; concrete
block walls; area 7,480 sq. ft. Mil Building, floor area 7,200 sq. ft., concrete block walls and floor, wood bowstring trusses. Bale Storage Building, floor area 5,376 sq. ft., similar to Mil
floor area 5,470 sq. ft. Clearances 9', 10', 30'.
structure; in other areas, brick masonry, concrete column, Offce Building, one-story and part basement, frame and masonry structure, area 5,140 sq. ft. Ceilng height, 8' to 10'. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Electric and annealing furnaces, cut-off machines, core jolt machines, acetylene generator, sand mixers, core ovens, sand handling equipment, ro
wood trusses. Ceilng heights 9' to 35'.
straightening and shearing machines, welding units, wheelaba. tors, blast rooms. Also one 5-ton overhead traveling crane
outside; one 10-ton, three 5-ton traveling cranes and two 10ton electric floor operated cranes in production area. 48 hoists and trolleys, sand handling and roller conveyor.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Hemp harvesters, gathering binders, scutchers, hemp breakers, hemp dryer units, baling press, trucks and trailers, steam engine, etc. UTILITIES: Water from deep well on site. Sewage disposal system on site. Power and light from local utilty. This plant has been leased for a period of five years. N egotia tion may be entered into for its purchase subject to the pro11 sion of the lease in effect. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure availabl6.
Ammunition Plant
244,0 sq. ft.
Eau Claire Ordnance Plant, Western Electric Company, Inc., Eau Claire, Wisconsin.-Army. Plant consists primarily of the hazardous elements of a typical
small arms ammunition plant.
LAND: About 614 acres. BUILDINGS: Receiving, Storage and Shipping area contains warehouses having combined floor area of 9,180 sq. five small
directly by railroad sidings.
ft., wood frame construction, and tile walls. All are served
Hemp Mil
31,00 sq. ft.
Hazardous manufacturing area contains: Special Charging Building No. 104: Concrete floor, wood timber fraing, 8"
tile walls to second floor, wood above, wood deck, built-up rofing. First floor area 128,000 sq. ft., clearance 10' to 12'5",
second floor 6,000 sq. ft., clearance 10'. Steam unit heaters,
radiators, and convectors, cold water air conditioning system.
LAND: 51 acres.
BUILDINGS: Straw Storage Building, area 5,880 sq. ft., clearance 15'6"; block walls, gravel floor, clear span wood bowstring roof trusses.
built-up roofing, floor area 28,000 sq. ft., steam unit heaters
and radiators. In addition there are a number of small units
Primer Manufacturing Building No. 135: One story, clearance 12', concrete floor, wood timber framing, tile walls, woo deck,
Dryer Building, double deck construction, each deck divided into three spaces to serve as air ducts for dryers; concrete
block walls; area 7,480 sq. ft. Mil Building, floor area 7,200 sq. ft., concrete block walls and floor, wood bowstring trusses.
floor area 5,470 sq. ft. Clearances 9', 10', 30'.
Bale Storage Building, floor area 5,376 sq. ft., similar to Mil
Boiler House, Shop Building, Locker, and Offce Building, total
first floor. Walls of 12" tie, wood timber framing, wood deck, built-up roofing. Steam unit heaters and radiators. Power Plant area contains the Boiler Plant, which bas thre 250 bhp boilers, wood frame construction with tile walls, area about 2,000 sq. ft.
(Wisconsin) 199
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Assembly machines, inspection units, polishing barrels, primer inspection machines,
cafeteria equipment.
Sprinklered. ,
primer charging machines, washing machines, dryers, etc. Also maintenance equipment including lathes, grinders, dril presses, saws, etc., and offce furniture and equipment and
Contains 4,000 sq. ft. of locker space and about 3,800 sq. ft. of cafeteria space. Alterations and improvements to the build-
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Vacuum dryers, pebble mil, comminuting machines, filters, blenders, jar mils, mixers,
presses, one 28' tunnel kiln with kiln cars, one 28' drying room,
Also high-frequency test units.
steam-jacketed kettles, ovens, scales, storage bins, magnetic separators, extruding press, table presses, two 75-ton hydraulic
cutting tables, sanding tables, lens polishing machines, etc
UTILITIES: Water from 2 deep wells on site. Concrete reservoir 160,000 gal. capacity. Oter facilties from local and city utilty companies.
UTILITIES: Furnished by local public utilties and city. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available (NP-80).
General Malleable Corporation,
Waukesha, Wisconsin.-Plancor 2000.
walls, steel and wood sash, wood insulated roof deck on wood trusses, steel columns and girders. Mezzanine floor, reinforced
trusses; three low bays 15'4" clearance. Sprinklered.
LAND: Area 2.83 acres. BUILDING: One story with mezzanine, brick and concrete
construction. Large area steel sash and glass. Ceilng clearances in manufacturing areas, 46' and 36'. Sprinklered.
LAND: Area 1.5 acres. BUILDING: One story, brick, reinforced concrete and steel
concrete joists. Machine Shop floor area 121,000 sq. ft., mezzanine 42,600 sq. ft. Two high bays, 27' clearance under
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Boring, driling, miling, grnding and hobbing machines, lathes, presses, saws, electric furnaces, etc. Also two 20-ton overhead traveling cranes, two 10-ton cranes, 24 jib cranes or hoists. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
kee Railroads.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Sidings of Northwestern and MilwauChicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Ordnance Plant (Brass strip, etc.) Surplus 280,00 sq. ft.
Kenosha Brass Company,
Shipyard Facilties
15,6 sq. ft.
Globe Shipbuilding Company,
Superior Bay, Wisconsin.-Plancor.358. Shop and equipment to augment lessee's facilties for outfitting
Kenosha, Wisconsin.-Plancor 66. LAND: 6 Y. acres. BUILDINGS: Cold Rollng and Annealing Building: 2 story steel frame, brick walls. 222' by 480' with 60' loft wing and mezzanine floor. Floor area 174,900 sq. ft. with ceilng clearfreight elevators in building.
ance o.f 190' on first floor and 14' on second floor. Three Press Building: I-story, steel frame, brick and transite walls.
100' by 258' with two wings. Floor area 27,000 sq. ft. with 34'
BUILDING: Prefabricated, removable building, 79' by 197'; steel frame corrugated steel sheeting. Area 15,600 sq. ft.,
clearance 31'.
ceilng clearance.
planers, steam hammer, bending slabs and pegs, lifting maChicgo O. R. P. D.-Brochure avaable.
Hot Rollng Mil: Construction similar to Casting Shop, 85' by 257'. Floor area 21,500 sq. ft. with 26' ceilng clearance. 5 other buildings and structures, one story, frame, total area
56,660 sq. ft.
NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Service by Chicago & Northwestern,
Ry. Co.
63,000 sq. ft. Clearance under truss 12'. Brick bearing walls,
200 (Wiscons)
Since 1942 the Government has built the other facilties, consisting mainly of small special purpose buildings but including
one manufacturing building (No. 101) of approximately 300,000
LAND: 15.2 acres. BUILDINGS: Six buildings, five of which are interconnected
with lessee's buildings.
trusses; some sections of reinforced concrete framing.
Building No. 10, total area 81,000 sq. ft., four stories, clearances 11' to 14'. Reinforced concrete construction throughout. Conhabiltated in 1942. Building No. 11, total area 97,200 sq. ft. One story. Clear-
crete floor finish. Brick spandrel walls. Sprinklered. Reance 12' to 20'. Wood and concrete floor. Structural steel
brick walls. Sprinklered. Rehabiltated in 1942. Building No. 101, total area about 290,000 sq. ft. One story. Clearance 12'3". Built in 1942. Floor about If concrete and
units, pickling machines, lathes, driling and grinding machines, metal saws, hoists, lifting magnets, conveyors, etc.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding of Chicago and Northwestern
This plant has been leased for a period of five years. Negotia tions may be entered into for its purchase subject to the proviChicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
. framing,
for 3,000.
Building No. 135, one story. Total area 35,100 sq. ft. Wood
Building No. 108, total area 26,500 sq. ft. (Basement 11,100
sq. ft., first floor 15,400 sq. ft.) Clearances 9' to 13'. Reinforced
Building No. 113, total area about 16,500 sq. ft. Clearance 12'.
block walls. Power House No. 15, Basement and one story. Total area
45,200 sq. ft. Reinforced concrete and brick.
47,700 sq. ft. Reinforced concrete and brick.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Arbor presses, boring mils, dril presses, grinders, honing machines, lapping machines, lathes, shapers, sanders, metal cutting saws, super finishers, miling machines, draw machines, heading machines,
Used for the production of cores for gray iron castings. LAND: About 1/10 acre. BUILDING: Two story masonry structure 55' by 60'. Exterior
walls of concrete block and steel sash. First floor 5" concrete
extending into a penthouse or monitor on roof. Total area 6,600 sq. ft. Clearance first floor 12'; second floor
10' to 11'.
gage and weigh machines, wash and dry machines, anneal, pickle, rinse and dry units, etc. UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Siding connecting with Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific R. R.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty company. TRANSPORTATION: C. & N. W. Railway Co. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure available.
Steel Foundry
36,700 sq. ft.
Motor Castings Company,
Magnesium Foundry
2,232,000 Ibs. per year.
Ammunition Plant
1,168,000 sq. ft.
Ordnance Plant
118,000 sq. ft.
Orlgear Company,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.-Plancor 1462.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.-Army. Used for production of armor piercing ammunition and loading. LAND: About 148 acres. BUILDINGS: This plant, prior to its acquisition by the Government, consisted of three principal manufacturing units, known as No.3, No. 10, No. 11, including one five-story and one four-story reinforced concrete building with combined areas of about 525,000 sq. ft., and one steel framed one-story manufacturing building with area of about 97,000 sq. ft. With these
(Wiscnsin) 201
Leatham D. Smith,
tion. ..
LAND: About 4:1 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area 6,700 sq. ft. Mil Building, 50' by 90' with a lean-to 19' by 90'; structural
steel frame; outside walls of celo siding; floor area 6,100 sq.
ft.; height to underside truss 18'.
Offce and Laboratory Building, area 600 sq. ft., frame conMACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Vertical bucket eleva.
tors, hoppers, ore storage tank, power driven screen, spiral rake hydro-classifier, ball mil, classifiers and conditioners, vacuum fiter, pumps, reagent feeders, magnet, agitator, process piping, etc.
This plant has been leased for a period of one year. Negotiations may be entered into subject to the term of the lease ln
A. O. Smith Corporation,
Prospect Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.-Plancor 220.
LAND: 2 1/16 acres. BUILDING: Consists of original section and new section
forming one building of same construction. Basement and
Ordnance Plant
from 13' to 26'. Sprinklered. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Miling, driling, grind-
welding machines, lift trucks, plating and rinsing tanks, etc. Also twenty-five :J- to lh-ton independent transfer cranes, one hundred thirty-one :J- to lh-ton jib cranes, thirty-one :J- to
3-ton electric hoists, twenty-four :1- to I-ton monorail systems. NOTE: This plant description is based upon the wartime use
24,800 sq. ft. Vilter Manufacturing Company, East Beecher Street and South First Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.-Army. LAND: About 0.43 acres, leased. B1lILDINGS: Buildi~g is an extension to an existing factory
building of lessee. First floor, 16,700 sq. ft., mezzanine 8,100
sq. ft., clearance, main high bay 34'3", below mezzanine 13'10"
of the property prior to its designation as "Surplus". Subsequently, however, the independent disposal of the machinery
Sprinklered. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Lathes, boring, driling, and miling machines, shapers, gun boring lathes, plane miling machines, hydraulic rifling machine, grinders, gun grooving
machines, broaching machines, slotter machines, thread miler
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Two sidings of Chicago Northwestern
machines, etc. Also one 20-ton electric crane, ten 2-ton mono-
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: C. & N. W. Ry. Chicago O. R. P. D.-Brochure availble (AP-78).
Service Building
A. O. Smith Corporation,
Butler, Wisconsin.-Plancor 1647.
9,40 sq. ft.
Leatham D. Smith Shipbuilding Company, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin.-Plancor 239.
LAND: Land area 1:1 acres, (land and water in use under riparian rights about 7:1 acres). BUILDING: Fabricating Shop, 40,000 sq. ft., structural steel framing, monitor type brick walls to eaves, corrugated siding above. Ground floor 19,000 sq. ft., upper floor areas total 21,000 sq. ft. Main bay clearance to crane 36', to ceilng 44'.
Side bay clearances 20' and 10'6".
South 54th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.-Army. LAND: About 0.83 acres, leased. BUILDING: Total area 9,400 sq. ft., basement, 1,500 sq. ft. clearance 11'7", ground or first floor 3,950 sq. ft., clearance 10" second floor 3,950 sq. ft., clearance 10', basement and first f100: are reinforced concrete, second floor wood. Structural framing of wood and cement block, walls are face brick with concrete block backing, wood deck.
UTILITIES: City and local utilty companies. TRANSPORTATION: Switch tracks of Ahnapee & Western
R. R.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Kitchen equipment counter electric range, refrigerator, offce equipment, compto~eters
202 (Wyoming)
Cheyenne, Wyoming.-Plancor 1146. LAND: Approximately 25 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area about 67,000 sq. ft. About 35 utilty
and functional structures. Most construction reinforced concrete and brick. Some wood frame.
reinforced concrete construction. Balance of nine buildings vary from 384 to 12,000 sq. ft. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Stamping machines, paint sprays, electric furnaces, lathes, grinders, punch presses, miling machines, presses, drils, saws, bending machines, rolls, hammers, shears, portable tools, and dies, jigs, and fixtures.
frame with wood trusses and gyp plank roof. Wing is all
Ethyl Blending Plant, cooling tower, and truck and railroad loading racks, tankage capacity-atmospheric: 250,000 barrels;
pressure: 16,000 barrels.
are crude unit, reforming unit, fluid catalytic cracking unit, isomerization, HF alkylation unit, and gas concentration unit. Accessory facilties include motor gasoline sweetening plant,
Alumina Plant
LAND: 40 acres. BUILDINGS: Total area 142,000 sq. ft. Processing Building B-1; area 60,000 sq. ft., clearances 10' to
54'. 49'.
Cheyenne, Wyoming.-Army. LAND: 38.2 acres, plus 97.84 acres on twenty-five year lease to Government, and 363 acres on which Government has certain rights of use, making a total of 499.04 acres.
BUILDINGS: Hangar, two center areas of one-story with two story wings on each side, total area 194,000 sq. ft. High bays
30' clear, wings 16' clear on first floor, 10' clear on second floor;
evaporator, pumps, air compressors, dorr thickeners, hydro separator, classifiers, hydrotreater, dry chemical feeders, con-
in wings.
river. ,
veyors, elevators, etc.
Hangar, 136,064 sq. ft., one story, center area 30' clear with
160' span and one two-story wing with four 20' bays. First
Mich. ...
11-3 11-4
14 14 17 18
80 N.J.... . . . .103 142 Ohio N.J... .... 107 N.J...... . 107 Mich. ... . 79 Ind. . .. 45 94 Mo. .. . Ohio 127
226 LA CaL. 226 NY N.Y. 226-0 Ore. 226-S Wash. Ark. 226-X
229 236 239 242 243
Ark. N.J.
State CaL. . . . .
20 25 27 30 34 35 40 40 41 43 45 46 47 50 55 59 60 64 66 67
Cal. .. . . ..
Wash.... .
75 76 80 81 89 91 99 101 104 106 114 126 127 129 131 132 133 136 139 143 145 146 151 152 153 G
161 162 164 166 168 171 173 174 178 181 183 185 195 199 201 209
115 42 51 Ind. ...... Mich. ... . 88 N.J. .... . 103 Pa. 155 Mass. ... . 74 Ky. ..... . 62 149 Ore. 159 Pa. Ind. . ... .. 45 Pai ..... . 153 Tex. .... . 185 Wis. .... . 199 31 IlL. 25 Conn. Conn. ... . 25 Mich. ... . 78 158 Pa. 175 Tex. IlL. . . . . . . . 44 Il. .., . . . 41 N.Y. ... . 109 130 Ohio Il. . . . . . . . 40 141 Ohio Ohio .... . 132 131 Ohio 129 Ohio Conn. ... . 26 112 N.Y. N.J.. ..... 103 98 Mont. 44 Ind. ...... Kans. ... . 57 Tex. .... . 177 Ohio .... . 124 N.Y. .... . 119 Mieh. ... . 83 66 La 73 Mass. Wash.... . 191 Mo. ..... . 94 Pai ..... . 152 157 Pai Mich. ... . 80 111 N.Y. 45 Ind. ...... CaL. .... . 19 N.Y. ..' . 114 Mich. ... . 84 166 Pai 16 Cal. ..... Wisc. ... . 196 Ohio .... . 135 Mich. ... . 84 Nev. .... . 101 Md. ..... . 70 Tex. .... . 180 CaL. .... . 12 201 Wisc. N.J. .. . 105 63 La. . . N.Y. .. . 109
.... .
11 181 17 68 191
193 CaL. ..... . 15 Wisc. 201 IlL. 32 Tex.. . ... . 175 128 244 CH Ohio . . 128 244 Ohio Wash. ... 191 245 Mich. 78 246 N.J...... . 106 247 250 Ohio .... . 123 Tex. .... . 183 251 253 Ohio .... . 125 Mich. ..' . 83 254 4 Ala. 256 137 Ohio 257 164 Pai 258 137 Ohio 259 W 138 259 Y Ohio 4 Ala. 260 4 Ala. 261 118 N.Y. 262 Mass. 0.. . 77 263 65 La. 264 Tex. ...... 178 265 108 N.Mex. 265 Ind. .. .. .. 49 266 Ind. ... . .. 44 269 46 272 CH Ind. 194 272 CW W.Va. Ariz. .. ... 5 275 Ohio .... . 124 278 82 Mich. 279
.. .
434 434 E 438 446 447 449 466 472 473 474 477 483 484 485 495 502 506 507 509 512 515 516
524 536 537 541 542 543 546 547
280 281 283 284 285 291 293 294 297 299 303 308 310 312 314 316 317 324 325 326 327 328 332 333 334 335 338 345 346 352 353 358 369 372 381 383 385
200 73 120 137 123 Utah.... . 186 Utah.... . 187 155 Pa. Minn. ... . 89 96 Mo. Wash... ., 192
CaL. ......
548-3 548-5
550 557 559 562 569 571
88 Il. . . . . . . . 36 W.Va. .... 195 68 Md. 83 Mich. Mich. ... . 79 165 Pai CaL. . . .. . . 10
Il. ....... Ind. ...... Ariz. .....
31 52
612 M
619 622 623 625 628 631 636 638 639 641 646 652 655 659 662 663
573 581 582 583 586 587 591 592 602 603 604 611
127 127 127 Ind. .. ... . 46 Pai ..... . 163 Tex. .... . 172 153 Pai N.J.. ..... 104 Wise. ..... 199 Wash.... . 191 N.Y. .... . 108 Wisc. ... . 197 127 Ohio Tex. .... . 185
.... .
.... .
P.l'e 77 Ohio .... . 141 Pai ..... . 153 101 Nev. CaL. . . . . . . 20 Pa. 157 Mass. 0" . 73 Ohio .... . 138 40 IlL. . . Ariz. 6 Tex.. . 182 Il. . . . . . . . 39 Mich. 84 Mich. ... . 78 Mich. ... . 82 Pa. ..... . 155 115 N.Y. Ohio .... . 135 Md. 71 Mich. ... . 81 Pa. 0.... . 159 Tex. .... . 182 Tex. 178 IlL. . . . . . . . 43 156 Pa. N.Car.... . 121 Ind. .. . .. . 45 Mich. 85 Ohio .... . 131 Mass. 72 CaL. . . . . .. 11 164 Pa. Wash. .. . 190 Ohio .... . 130 Tex. 183 Pa....... . 163 N.Y. .... . 121 Conn. ... . 26 N.Y. .... . 109 Conn. '.' . 25 Ind. ..... . 47 47 Ind. Wisc. ... . 201 Kans. ... . 57 N.Y. .... . 114 Tex. 183 N.J..... .. 104 Wash. .... 191 La. 0.... . 66 Pa. 151 N.J...... . 106 Mieh. ... . 88 Ky. ..... . 62 N.J. .... . 104 Mont. '" . 98 Tex. .... . 184 La. 66 Wash. .... 193 Wash... .. 193 136 Ohio 14 CaL. ...... 76 Mass. ..... N.J...... . 107 114 N.Y. Wisc..... . 199 Ky. 60 27 Del. ...... IlL. .. ..... 39 Utah.... . 186 Tex. 177 CaL. . . . . . . 14 S.Car. .... 167 Ohio . _... 140 Il. 81 Mich. ... . 80 Pa. 163 107 N.J. ..... Ohio 128
PI.ncor 664 665 667 669 672 678 680 686 687 688 689 697 706 707 711 713 717 718 731 742 746 747 754 755
La....... .
Col. .. . . ..
Utah.... .
13 La. 63 CaL. .... .. 18 Il. . . . . . . . 32 N.J...... . 107 DeL. ...... 27 Tex. .... . 183
CaL. . . . . . .
773-1 773-F2
783 787 792 795 800 813 817 824 828 839 845 852 855 856 857 860 864 871 875 876 877 880 882 883 890 907 911 920 921 927 929 930 933 934
..... .
.... .
126 145 113 193 27 164 123 180 166 118 84 149 149
38 Mich. ... . 81 Il. 33 CaL. ... ... 12 Ohio .... . 128 Tenn. ... . 169 Ohio .... . 137 Pai 163 CaL. . .. . . . 18 Mich. ... . 84 Mich. 82 Il. .. . . . . . 31 Utah.... . 186 Ohio .... . 133
Il. .. . . . . .
942-1 942-2
954 956 957 959 963 971 978 980
87 135 64 176 171 143 142 Ohio 12 Cal. ...... Conn. ... . 25 Tex. .... . 176 Ohio 140 Utah.... . 186 Pai 154 CaL. .. . . . . 13 Tex. .... . 175 Tex. .... . 181 Pa. 0.... . 154 Ohio .... . 122 Tex. .... . 180 Tenn. ... . 169 161 Pa. Mich. ... . 82 Tex. .... . 177 Iowa .... . 56 Kans. 57 Cal. ...... 20 IlL. . . . . . . . 87 Mich..... . 86 W.Va. .... 195
... .
982 983 988 993 996 997 1009 1022 1023 1024 1033 1036 1041 1042 1044 1045 1048 1053 1055 1056 1059 1060 1063 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1073 1075 1082 1087 1089 1091 1098 1114 1117 1118 1122 1123 1129 1130 1132 1133 1146 1147
Mich..... .
CaL. . . .. . .
Mich..... .
Okl. ......
W.Va. ....
Ohio Va.
.... .
Oklo ......
CaL. .... ..
Okl. ..... .
..... .
Oklo ......
W.Va. ....
Oklo ......
N.Mex. . . Tex. .... . La. N.Car. .. . Ky. ..... . Tex. Tex. .... . Ohio .... . Ohio .... . Tex. .... . La. 0.... . Ohio .... . Ohio
Ind. ......
1148-1 1148-2
Pai Pai
Ohio .0.. .
1149 1157 1160 1166 1167 1170 1184 1188 1193 1196 1201 1207 1213 1214 1222 1226 1231 1238 1239 1245 1248 1251 1254 1255 1256 1258 1259 1262 1266 1272 1273 1277 1278
Wash... ..
..... . ..... .
Il. .... . . .
N.Y. Ohio
.... .
Cal. ......
Cal. ......
Mo. Mo.
..... . ..... .
Ariz. .....
Fla. ......
Mich..... .
IlL. . . . . . . .
Tex. Ohio
. . ..... .
.... .
Mich..... .
. 73
176 177 81 19 194 133 80 162 144 135 188 142 17 143 162 117 143 125 193 64 142 108 183 66 121 59 174 181 129 135 178 63 134 126 43 59 172 67 198 44 181 127 157 118 202 138 150 150 130 192 38 134 20 38 120 131 15 121 20 59 96 94 5 103 119 166 67 116 27 172 156 124 68 172 123 86 112 31
78 61
1300 1308 1311 1312 1314 1324 1327 1335 1338 1340 1351 1353 1360 1362 1365 1372 1373 1383 1386 1390 1394 1395 1399 1400 1401 1402 1407 1409 1418 1420 1435 1458 1465 1469 1477 1479 1491 1496 1498 1501 1504 1507 1514 1518 1522 1526 1530 1531-3
40 II 39 CaL. . . .. .. 21 N.Y. .... . 120 Md. 68 Mich..... . 87 Kans. ... . 58 Tenn. ... . 168 N.J. .... . 105
IlL. . . . . . . .
N.J..... ..
Utah.... .
N.Y. Ohio Ohio
Miss. .....
.... .
..... .
.... .
..... .
..... .
106 196 93 138 185 119 128 139 35 146 25 71 39 122 150 52 67 67 101 36 76 161 56 81 128 188
Plancor 1562 1567 1569 1570 1571 1577 1580 1582 1588 1589 1592 1593
110 Cal. ...... 18 La. 0.... . 64 Md. 68 Tex. 184 Wash.... . 190
..... .
Il. . . . . . . .
CaL. . . . . . .
Il .... .. .
Pai ..... Ky. ..... Neb.
.... .
1595 A-B
32 119 43
1603 1607 1608 1617 1629 1634 1642 1643 1644 1648 1663 1664 1668 1672 1680 1684
1686 ~
166 61 99 Ore. ...... 146 N.Y. .... . 110 Ohio .... . 125 Mo. 95 Ind. .. ... . 48 Pa. ..... . 155 N.Y. 116 Col. . . . . .. 23 Mich. 87 Ind. ...... 49 Mo. 96 Tex.-N.J. 103 Iowa 55
Ind. ......
. .
Plancor 1989 1992 1997 1998 2003 2009 2010 2014 2015 2022 2027 2028 2032 2039 2060 2061 2070 2078 2080 2083 2087 2097
133 6 16 96 86 155 85 78 79 132 14 79 42 4 52 166 71 148" 75 118 15 63 129 61 26 184 75 167 24 16 192 164 51 147 147 85 183 165 85 113 149 170 48 165 63 138 152 28 176 15 108 108 71 174 62 153 89 174 185 86 59 77 62 164 181 173 142 185 28 30 189 120 159 105 56 200 156 121 37 162
Ariz. .. ...
CaL. .. .. . .
... .
Il .. .... .
Ala. ......
Ore. ......
Ala...... .
1531-5 1531-7 1531-8 1531-9 1531-10 1531-13 1531-14 1531-16 1531-18 1531-19 1531-22 1531-23 1531-24 1531-25 1531-26 1531-27 1531-28 1531-31 1531-32 1531-33 1531-34 1531-35 1531-36 1531-38 1531-39 1531-40
1543 1548 1558
148 Tex. 174 Okl. ...... 145 Ohio .... . 138 Tex. .... . 178 Ky. ..... . 61 La. 0.... . 66 Ark. .... . 7 Wisc. ... . 198 Wisc. ... . 198 Wisc. ... . 197 Iowa 54 Iowa 54 Iowa .... . 54 Iowa .... . 54 Iowa .... . 53 Minn. 89 Il. . . . . . . . 33 Il. . . . . . . . 33 IlL. . . . . . . . 34 IlL. 34 Wisc. ... . 197 Iowa 53 Il. . . . . . . . 34 Iowa .... . 53 Iowa .... . 53 Minn. 89 Minn. 90
Ore...... .
90 90 90 197
Il. . . . . . . .
..... .
1690 1694 1698 1703 1711 1716 1718 1722 1724 1752 1761 1773 1778 1789 1798 1804 1805 1812 1831 1833 1835 1840 1842 1844 1847 1855 1856 1862 1863 1865 1866 1868 1871 1873 1888 1891 1902 1906 1911 1914 1926 1931 1936 1953 1956 1973 1975 1976 1985 1986
Il. . . . . . . .
CaL. .. ....
Tenn. Texas
.. ..
... .
N.Y. Md.
Wash.... .
.... .
Ind. .. ....
Pai Ga.
..... . ..... .
148 146 148 149 79 Ore. .... . 146 Pai ..... . 152 La. ..... . 66 Tex. 182 CaL. .. .. .. 21 Md. ..... . 69 Ohio .... . 141 Ky. 62 Wisc. ... . 201 Ohio .... . 126 Md. 71 CaL. . . .. . . 12 Minn. ... . 92 Pai 161 Mass. ... . 73 Ore. 149 Ohio .... . 134 Ohio .... . 141 CaL. 18 Cal. .... . . 11 Cal. .. 17
2097 2097 2097 2100 2103 2104 2107 2109 2112 2113 2118 2126 2145 2151 2157 2167 2171 2175 2179 2182 2188 2189 2190 2207 2212 2218 2240 2249 2253 2254 2255 2256 2261 2264 2268 2277 2279 2294 2299 2304 2309 2312 2315 2316 2317 2319 2325 2334 2350 2351 2354 2357 2359 2367 2376 2386 2465 2468
La. 0.... . Ohio .... . Ky. Conn. ... . Tex. .... . Mass. Tenn. ... . Conn. CaL. . .. . . .
..... .
Wash.... . Pai
Ore. Ore. Mich. Tex. Pa. Mich. N.Y.
Ind. .... ..
.... .
.... .
.... .
... .
... .
Ore. ......
Ind. .. . . ..
La....... .
.... .
Fla. ......
... .
N.Mex. ...
Tex. .... . Ky. ..... . Pai Minn. ... . Tex. .... . Tex. .... . Mich. Kans. ... . Mass. .., . Ky. ..... . Pai ..... . Tex. .... . Tex.
..... .
Okl. . ... ..
Ga. ..... Va. ..... N.Y.
. . Pa....... .
N.J.. .....
Fla. ......
Pa....... .
Abercrombie, J. S. ................................... .
Texas 171
Acro Corp. ................................... .Pittsburg, California 9 Adirondack Foundries & Ste, Inc............... Watervliet, New York 108 Aerojack Engineering Corp. ........................ Azusa, California 9 Aircooled Motors Corp. ............................ .Salina, New York 109 Air Reuction Sales Co. ...................... Beth-Fairfeld, Maryland 67
Pascagoula, Mississippi 93
Belair Shipyard............................. .San Francisco, California 10 Bell Aircrat Corp................................. .Marietta. Gergia 29
Lincolnwood, Ilinois 32
New Castle, Delaware 27 Belle Meade Distiling Corp... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .Belle Meade, Virginia 188
Bendix Aviation Corp............................ .
Alabama Ordnance Works ...................... .Sylacauga. Alabama 1 Aln Woo Ste Co........................ ....Ringwood. New Jersey 107
Baltimore, Maryland 68
Towson. Maryland 68
Wayne, Michigan 79
Albion, Michigan 78 Frankfort District. West Virginia 68 Dunkirk, New York 109
Bethlehem-Alameda.............................. .
Alis Chalmers Mfg. Co......................... .Milwaukee, Wisconsin 196 West Alls. Wisconsin 196
Alameda, California 10
Pennsylvania 153 Pennsylvania 157
108 111 185 124
Beauxite. Arkansas 6
Monroe, Michigan 78 Kansas City. Missouri 94 Burlington. New Jersey 102 Maspeth. New York 109 Massena, New York 109 Newark, Ohio 122 Troutdale. Oregon 146 Cressona. Pennsylvania 149 New Castle, Pennsylvania 150
Canonsburg, Pennsylvania 150 Glassmere. Pennsylvania 160 Trentwood, Washington 190
Big Inch Pipe Line.............................. .Linden, New Jersey Bison Castings. Inc............................... ..Buffalo. New York Blanding Mines Co..................................... Blanding, Utah Blaw-Knox Co................................... . Martins Ferry. Ohio
Bettendorf, Iowa 52
Boeing Airplane Co................................... Wichita, Kansas 57 Boekeler Associates ............................... Trenton, Michigan 79 Bohn Aluminum & Brass Corp................ . Los Angeles. California 10
Borg-Warner Corp................................... .Muncie. Indiana 46 Brewster Aeronautica Corp................... . Johnsvile, Pennsylvania .153 Bridgeport Brass Co............................. Indianapolis. Indiana 46 Brimstone Coal Corp.......................... ..New River. Tennessee 167
Bruening Products Corp......................... . Bruening-Winans Corp.......................... .
Adrian. Michigan 79
Corpus Christi, Texas 172 American Distiling Co.. Inc............................ Perkin. Ilinois 31 American Export Airlines. Inc.................. .New York. New York 110 American Locomotive Gun Plant.............. . Schenectady, New York 110
American Bosch Corp......................... Chicopee. American Bridge Co.......................... . Ambridge. American Car & Foundry Co................... .Berwick. American Cyanamid & Chemica Corp............... Fort
Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.................... .Muskegon, Michigan 79 Brush Beryllum Co...................................... Lorain. Ohio 124 Bryant Chucking Grinder Co..................... Springfield. Vermont 187 Budd. Edward G., Mfg. Co................. .Philadelphia. Pennsylvania 164
Buffalo Brake Beam Co............................ .
American Rollng Mil Co......................... ..Ashland. Kentucky 59 Middletown. Ohio 123 Middletown, Ohio 123 Hamilton. Ohio 123 Houston, Texas 172 American Steel & Wire Co. of N. J................. .Duluth, Minnesota 89 American Steel Foundries....................... East Chicago, Indiana 44 American Tool Works Co............................ . Cincinnati. Ohio 123 American Type Founders, Inc................. Fitchburg, Massachusetts 72 American Welding & Mfg. Co............................ Warren, Ohio 123 American Zinc Co. of Ilinois................... Fairmont City, Ilinois 81 Monsanto, Illinois 31
American Zinc. Lead & Smelting Co........ .
Bullard Co.................................... Bridgeport, Connecticut 24 Butler, Walter, Shipbuilders, Inc.................. . Superior. Wisconsin 197 Superior. Wisconsin 197
Cabot Carbon Co.................................. .Guymon, Oklahoma ,142 Cactus Ordnance Works................................. . Etter, Texas 178 California Rock Salt Co.............................. Saltus, California 11
California Scrap Iron Corp...................... .
Pittsburg, California 11
Gary. Indiana 46
Ancor Corp. ............................. . Harleyvile, South Carolina 167 Anderson-Prichard Refining Corp...................... Cyril, Oklahoma 142
Catlettsburg, Kentucky 59
Char-Gale Mfg. Co............................... .St. Cloud, Minnesota 89 Chemical Construction Corp........................... ..Salem, Oregon 146 Cherokee Ordnance Works..................... .Danvile. Pennsylvania 164 Chevrolet Division, General Motors Corp............ .Anderson, Indiana 48 Chicago Bridge & Iron Co............................. .Seneca. Ilinois 32
Chicago Vitreous Enamel Products Co.............. . . . . Chicago. Ilinois 39
Springfield. Massachusetts 72
Pennsylvania 164
Associate Iron & Metal Co........................ Oakland, California 10 Ai0ciated Refineries. Inc........................... Duncan. Oklahoma 142
Chickasaw Ordnance Works..............:...... .Milington. Tennessee 168 Chrysler Corp......................................... Chicago. Ilinois 33
Aviation Corp...................................... .Detroit, Michigan 78 Wiliamsport. Pennsylvania 152 Wiliamsport. Pennsylvania 152
Evansvile, Indiana 46
Cleveland Graphite Bronze Co.......................... Cleveland, Ohio 126 Cleveland Pneumatic Aerol. Inc........................ Cleveland. Ohio 126
Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Co......................... .
Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania 162 Baraboo. Wisconsin 196 Barnes Co., W. F. & John.......................... .Rockford. Ilinois 31 Rockford, Ilinois 32 Rockford, Ilinois 32 Barnes-Duluth Shipbuilding Co..................... .Duluth, Minnesota 89 Barr Mfg. Co................................... Weedsport, New York 110 Barrett & Hilp............................. .San Francisco, California 10 Bartlett-Hayward Div.. Koppers Co................ Baltimore, Maryland 69
Babcock & Wilcox Tube Co................ . Badger Ordnance Works.......................... . Basic Magnesium. Inc.................. . Henderson Bausch & Lomb Optica Co...................... .
Clifford Mfg. Co............................... Waltham. Massachusetts 72 Clifton Products, Inc................................. Painesvile, Ohio 126
Clinton Product Co.................................... . Clyde Mine.............................. . Fredericktown,
Pennsylvania 164 Colorado Fuel & Iron Corp......................... Minnegua, Colorado 22 Columbia Aircraft Corp...................... Valley Stream. New York 112 Columbia Broadcasting System..................... . Delano, California 11 Colum bia Metal Corp................................... Salem. Oregon 146
Columbian Bronze Corp.......................... . Columbian Carbon Co............................... . Columbia Steel Castings Co.......................... .
Clinton. Iowa 52
Bayard. M. L. & Co........................ .Philadelphia. Pennsylvania 152 Beird. J. B. Co., Inc............................ Shreveport, Louisiana 63
Freeport, New York 112 Freeport. New York 112 Seagraves. Texas 173 Portland. Oregon 146
126 147 126 64 83 33 34 34 34 34 53 53 53 53 53 54 54 54 64 89 89 90 90 90 90 90 197 197 197 198 198 73
5 11 12 61 63
Columbus, Ohio Commercial Iron Works............................. .Portand, Oreon Commercial Sheannc '" Staplq Co................ Youngstown, Ohio Commercial Solvents Corp...................... .Sterlingtn. Louisiana Commodity Creit Corp............................ .Shebbona, Ilinois
Lexington, Ilinois Earlvile, Ilinois Wyoming, Illinois Galva, Ilinois Galesburg, Ilinois
Hampton, Iowa
Duck River CWS Plant... ....................... .Columbia, Tennessee 168 Dulaney, John H., & Son........................ ..Fruitland, Maryland 69
Dumont, Allen B.. Laboratones. Inc............... . E. i. duPont de Nemours '" Co.................... .
Bntt, Iowa
Rockford, Iowa Traer, Iowa Humboldt. Iowa Algona, Iowa Mason City, Iowa
Sylacauga, Alabama 1 Louisvile, Kentucky 60 Leominster, Massachusetts 73 St. Paul, Minnesota 91 Niagara Falls, New York 116
Charlestown, Indiana 49
Wells, Minnesota Mapleton, Minnesota Blooming Prairie, Minnesota New Richland, Minnesota
Jackson, Minnesota
Darien, Wisconsin Ripon, Wisconsin
DeForest. Wisconsin
Hartford, Wisconsin
Rochester, New York 113 Saginaw, Michigan 81 Cleveland, Ohio 128 .Eau Claire, Wisconsin 198 Salt Lake City, Utah 186
Spokane, Washingtn 191
Allentown, Pennsylvania
Elwoo Ordnance Plant................................ .Joliet. Ilinois 85 Emerson Electric Mfg. Co........................ ..St. Louis, Missoun 94 Empire Chemical Co......................... . Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 156
Emsco Refractones Co.................................... . Escanaba By-Pass Projec........................ .
Escanaba, Michigan 81
Continental Airlines................................ .
Ponca City, Oklahoma Houston. Texas Converted Rice....................................... . Coper-Bessemer Corp........................... .Mount Vernon, Ohio
Cooperative Refinery Association................... Copolymer Corp.............................. .
Grove City. Pennsylvania Coffeyvile, Kansas . Baton Rouge, Louisiana Baton Rouge. Louisiana
Ohio Ohio Ohio Ohio Ohio
Coro Minerals Corp................................ .Manon, Kentucky Cowdry Machine Div.. American Type Founders. Inc................. Fitchburg, Massachusetts Croley Corp............................................ .Mason, Ohio Cro Co............................................ Detroit, Michigan Crown Central Petroleum Corp........................ Pasadena, Texas Crucible Stel Castin.. Co...................... .Milwaukee, Wisconsin Crucible Ste Co........ .... ...... ............ ..Harnson, New Jersey Midland, Pennsylvania Curt88-Wnght Corp............................... .St. Louis. Missoun
171 22 80 80 174 46 46 155 194 80 174 143 143 174 126 155 57 63 64 127 127 127 127 127 99 60
Evansvile Ordnance Plant......................... Evansvile, Indiana 46 Eversharp, Inc....................................... .Chicago, Ilinois 85 Extruded Metals Defense Corp................. Grand Rapids, Michigan 82
Fairbanks Morse'" Co.............................. ..Freport Ilinois 35
Fairchild Aircraft Div......................... . Fairchild Engine & Airplane Corp.............. .
Hagerstown, Maryland 69 Hagerstown, Maryland 69 Jamestown, New York 110 Farmingdale, New York 113
Indianapolis, Indiana 46
Centerline, Michigan 85
Omaha, Nebraka 99
Federal Shipbuilding & Drydock Co.. .'........... .Kearney, New Jersey 104
Akron. Ohio Akron, Ohio Potttown, Pennsylvania Port Neches. Texas Firetone Truck Rim Plant........................... Cambndge, Ohio
Fitchburg Engineenng Corp................. . Flonda Emergency Pipeline Co................... . Ford Motor Co................................... .
Fitchburg, Massachusetts 73
Jacksonvile, Flonda 27 Dearborn, Michigan 82 Dearborn, Michigan 82 Dearborn, Michigan 82 Dearborn, Michigan 82 Dearborn, Michigan 83 Ypsilanti, Michigan 83 Detroit, Michigan 83
Baltimore, Maryland 68
Gadsden, Alabama
Berkeley, California
127 155 12
68 68 20 55 128 68 64 194 54 128 128 128 174 162 64 99 12 12 12 13 13 35 143 143
Fostona CWS Plant............... .................... .Fostona, Ohio 129 Franklin, Benjamin, Graphite Co........ . Chester Spnngs, Pennsylvania 156 Fraer-Brace Engineenng Co.................... .Geneva, Pennsylvania 158
Fnes & Sons.................................... .
. Baltimore, Maryland
New Orleans, Louisiana Parkersburg, West Virginia
Gadsden Ordnance Plant........................... . Geis, J. R.. Co.............................. _.... . General Amencan Transporttion Co............. . General Ceramics & Steatite Corp....;........... .
Day and Night Flare Corp................ ..San Bernardino, California Day & Zimmerman, Ine.............................. .Burlingtn, Iowa Bowling Green, Ohio Daybrok Hydraulic Corp........................ . Delta Chemical Mfg. Co........................... Baltimore, Maryland
Delta Shipbuilding Co......................... . Demuth Glass Works. Inc.................. .
Baltimore, Maryland
Des Moines Ordnance Plant........................ .Des Moines, Iowa Diakel Corp......................................... .Cincinnati, Ohio Painesvile, Ohio Diamond Alkali Co.................................. . Painesvile, Ohio Diamond Magnesium Co............................. . Houston. Texas Dickson Gun Plant................................... .
Disston, Henl", & Sons, Inc................ .Philadelphia. Pennsylvania
Dixie Ordnance Plant.......................... . Douglas Aircraft Co.. Inc.................... .
Genera Chemical Meadville Corp................. Geneva, Pennsylvania General Electric Co.................................. Kokomo, Indiana
Sterlington, Louisiana
Santa Monica, California Los Angeles, California Los Angeles, California Santa Monica. California
130 130 14 24 Spedway City, Indiana 44 Speedway City, Indiana 47 Indianapolis, Indiana 47 Indianapolis. Indiana 48
Anderson, Indiana 48
Kai.er Indu.tries.................................. Fontana, California 111 Kalunite, Inc................................... ..Salt Lake City. Uta 188
Flora, Mi.sis.ippi 93 Genera Tire Enineering Co........................ . Geneva Ste Co........................................ .Ironton. Utah 186
Gibbs Gas Engine Co....................... .
Joliet l1inols 88 Kansas City CWS Plant....................... ..Kan.as City. Mi..ouri 94 Kan.a. Ordnance Plant.............................. .Parsona, Kana li Kaydon Engineering Corp.............. ...Muskegon Heights Michigan 86 Milwaukee. Wi.consin 199 Kearney" Trecker Corp........................ . Kenosha. Wi.consin 199 Kenosha Bra.. Co................................ .
Giddings" Lewis Machine Tool Co.......... ...Fond du Lac, Wi.consin 199 Gilbert A. C.. Co............................ .New Haven, Connecticut 24 Gilbert Cummins " Co............................ Baltimore. Maryland 69
Gladding, McBean" Co.................... ........ ........ . Globe Union Inc............................... . Gorich. B. F.. Co..................................... .
Ken-Rad Tube & Lamp Division. Genera Electric Co.. . Tell City. Indiana 49
Kentucky Ordnance Plant............................. Kevil. Kentucky 80
Key Company................................. .East St. Louis. Ilinois 89 Keystone Ordnance Works...................... .Geneva. Pennsylvania 168 Geneva, Pennsylvania 168
King Machine Tool Co............................... .
Kerotet Co. ................................ .Pittshurgh. Penn.ylvs.nia 1118 Keuffel" E.ser Co................. ............ ..Hoboken, New Jersey LOLL
Kings Mils Ordnance Plant....... .............. ....Kings Mil.. Ohio 182 Kingsbury Ordnance Plant.......................... .LaPort. Indiana 110 Kinney Aluminum Co........ .... .................. .Vernon. California 111 Kobe. Inc................................ .Huntington Park, California 11 Kodak Optical Works........................... .Rochester, New York 118
Ashtabula. Ohio Lake City Ordnance Plant..................... .Independence. Mis.ouri Lake Ontario Ordnance Work................. .Young.town. New York Lake Shore Tire" Rubber Co....................... .Des Moines. Iowa
Lake Washington Shipyard.................... .
Grenfield. ~assachu~etts 74 Green River Ordnance Plant........................... .Dixon. Ilinoi. 37 Syosset. New Yo~k 114 Grumman Aircrat Engineering Corp............... .
Gun Breh Ring Project................................. .
Houghton, Washington Lakey Foundry " Machine Co................... .Mu.kegon, Michigan Lansdowne Steel" Iron Co.......................... Gad.den, Alabama Lee" Beiln................................ ....Carl.tadt. New Jersey
Lehigh Foundries. Inc........................... .Easton. Pennsylvania Leland-Gifford Co............................ Worcester, Massachu.etts Liberty Aircraft Product Corp.............. ..Farmingdale, New York
Lima Locomotive Works. Inc.............................. . Lima Tank Arsenal...................................... . Link Aviation Devices, Inc...... 0.. ... ............. .
Hanchett Mfg. Co.............................. .Big Rapid.. Michigan 84 Harrburg Ste Corp........................ Harrisburg. Penn.ylvania 166 Harr.on Oil Co....................................... .Sweeny, Texas 171 Hakelite Mfir. Co............................. Grand Rapid.. Michigan 84 Hegeler, Ilinois 37 Hegeler Zinc Co..................................... . Danvile. Ilinois 37
Herees Manufacturing Co.......................... .
169 74
Centervile, Iowa 66
Herees Powder Co................................. .Pulaski. Virginia 188 Baraboo. Wisconsin 196 Danvile. Pennsylvania 164 Heyden Chemica Corp......................... . Higgina Aircrat, Ine......................... .New Orlean.. Louisiana 64
Holley Carburetor Co............................... .
Lion Chemical Corp.............................. .EI Dorado, Arkansas Lipe-Rol1way Corp............................... .Syracu.e. New York Little Big Inch Pipe Line....................... ..Linden, New Jersey Lockhee Aircraft Corp.......................... .Burbank, California
116 103
Detroit, Michigan 84
18 74
Holston' Ordnance Works....................... .Kingsport. Tennessee 168 King.port. Tennes.ee 169 Hooker Point Shipyard................................ Tampa, Florida 28
Hooier Ordnance Plant........................ . Houdry Proes Corp.......................... .
Charlestown. Indiana 48
1411 1411
Howard Aircraft Corp............................. .St. Charles, Illinoi. 38 Howard Foundry Co.. Inc.............................. Chicago. Ilinoi. 38
Huck Mfg. Co...................................... . Hughes Tool Co...................................... .
Detroit, Michigan 84
Louisiana Ordnance Works......................... . 1............. .North Lowell, Ma..achusett Lowell Ordnance Plant No.
Minden, Louisiana
180 179
Huntsvile. Alabama 3
Lowell Ordnance Plant No.2............. .South Lowell. Ma.sachu.etts Luken weld. Inc.............................. .Coatevile. Penn.ylvanla South Coate. vile, Pennsylvania Lu.combe Airplane Corp.................... West Trenton, New Jersey port Penn.ylvania Lycoming Division, Aviation Corp........... Wiliam.
74 76
Allentown, Pennsylvania Magnesium Reduction Co................................ .Luckey. Ohio Magnolia Petroleum Co............................... Beaumont, Texas
Au.tin. Texas 178 Interstate Aircrat " Engineerinir Corp................ DeKalb. Ilinois 38
Iowa Ordnance Plant............................... . 1slantite Inc.................................. . I.T.E. Circut Breer Co.................. .
Burlingtn, Iowa 66
160 133 180 Majestic Radio" Televi.ion Corp.................. .St. Charle., Ilinois 38 Manganese Ore Co................................ .La. Vega.. Nevada 101 Marathon Foundry" Machine Co................... Wau.an, Wi.consin 200 16 Sausalito. California Marinship Corp.................................. . Cleveland. Ohio 133 Marquette Metal Product Co.......................... .
Marshall CWS Plant................. .New Martin.ville. West Virginia Martin, Glenn L.. Co.......................... .Middle River, Maryland
89 100 100
611 811 611
Silas Mason Co.................................... .Minden, Loui.iana Mathieson Alkali Works. Inc.................. .Lake Charles. Loui.iana
Jeffersonvile Boat" Machine Co.............. ..Jeffersonvile. Indiana 49 Bridgeport. Connecticut 24 Jenkins Brothers............... .............. .
Jesp Ste Co............................. Washington. Pennsylvania 157 J. M. Service Corp................................... Parson., Kansa. 68 Johnson. Charles Enen. " Co................. ..Monument. New Mexico 108
Johnston" Jennings Co....................... . Johnstown Forging Plant................... .
Galena, Kan.a. 57
Birmingham. Alabama 3
Brun.wick, Georgia 30
Joliet. l1inoi. 38
Columbia. Tennes.ee Maxim Silencer Co............................. .Hartford. Connecticut M. B. Manufacturing Co., Inc................ .Ea.t Haven. Connecticut McAleer Mfg. Co................................ .Rochester, Michigan McCloskey " Co...................................... Tampa. Florida McConway " Torley Corp.................... .Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania McCreary Tire & Rubber Co.................... .Indiana. Penn.ylvania McCrossin Engineering Co............................... .Rusk. Texas McCurtain Mine....... ........................ .McAlester, Oklahoma
7 189 24 26
Jones" Laughlin Steel Corp.................. .Aliquippa. Pennsylvania 167 Joshua Hendy Iron Works....................... .Berkeley, California 14
28 161 161 181 146 Memphi.. Tenne..ee 169 McDonnell Aircraft Corp......................... . McLain Fire Brick Co................................. Well.vile, Ohio 133 16 Menasco Manufacturing Co....................... .Burbank, California
Mergenthaler Linotype Co........................ . Merrill Products Co............................. . Metal. Disintegrating Co........................ .
Emeryile, California
Shrewsbury. Missouri
Midvale Co................................ . Philadelphia. Pennsylvania 160 Midwest Solvents Co................................ .Atchison, Kansas 68 Miehle Printing Press & Mfg. Co...................... . Chicago, Ilinois 39 Milan Arsenal...................................... . Milan, Tennessee 170 Miltary Chemical Works, Inc.......................... .
Name Place
18 18 86 86 29 117 182 188 108 182 62 62 66 66 106 161 182 162 26 18 18 18 139 136
Pacific Tube Co................................ .Los Angeles. California Packard Motor Car Co............................. .Detroit, Michigan
Oakland. California
Milwaukee Ordnance Plant..................... .Milwaukee, Wisconsin 200 Minerva Oil Co................................. .Cave-In-Rock, Illinois 40 Mississippi Ordnance Plant.........,................ Flora, Mississippi 93
Missouri Valley Bridge & Iron Co.................. .
Evansvile. Indiana 60
Indiana 61 No.7........................ .Niagara, New York 116 No.8..................... ..Fort Crook. Nebraska 100
No.9........................ . No. 10....................... .
Willow Run, Michigan Panama City Shipyard.......................... .Panama City. Florida Pan-American Airways, Inc..................... .New York. New York Pan American Refining Corp........................ Texas City, Texas Panamina.. Inc...................................... .Payt, Virginia Panhandle Carbon Co............................. Eunice. New Mexico Pantex Ordnance Plant............................ .St. France, Texas Park & Tilford Distilers. Inc..................... ..Midway, Kentucky
Pendleton Shipyards Co., Inc................. . Penn-Jersey Shipbuilding Corp................... . Pennsylvania Ordnance Works............... .
Louisvile, Kentucky New Orleans, Louisiana New Orleans. Louisiana Camden. New Jersey
Louisvile. Kentucky 61
Mohawk Petroleum Corp... . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . Bakersfield. California 17 Monolith Portland Midwest Co..................... . Laramie, Wyoming 202
Monsanto Chemical Co...................... .Springfield. Massachusetts 76 Columbia, Tennessee 168 Texas City, Texas 180 Texas City. Texas 181
12..... ........ ......... ..St. Paul, Minnesota 91 13......................... ..Denver, Colorado 22 16.................. .Mingo Station. Oklahoma 144
Allenwood. Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Shipyard, Inc.......................... .Beaumont. Texas Pennzoil Co................................... .Oil City, Pennsylvania Perkin-Elmer Corp............................. Glenbrok. Connecticut
Permanente Metas Corp........................ .
Mante. California
Hammond, Indiana
EI Paso. Texas
Morgantown Ordnance Works............. .Morgantown, West Virginia 194 Morton Mfg. Co....................... ....Muskegon Heights, Michigan 86
Mound Road Boxing Plant....................... .
Centerline, Michigan 86
Cleveland. Ohio
Cleveland, Ohio
National Anilne Defense Corp.............. ..Baldwinsvile, New York National Broadcasting Co........................... . Dixon. California
National Bronze & Aluminum Foundry Co............. .
Philips Petroleum Co.................................. .Borger, Texas Pilgrim Ordnance Works................. West Hanover, Massachusetts Pine Bluff Arsenal.............................. .Pine Bluff. Arkansas Pine Top Asbestos Mine.............................. ..Globe, Arizona Pipe Machinery Co................................... . Cleveland, Ohio Pittsburgh Coke & Chemical Co.............. . Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania
Pittsburgh Ferromanganese Co.................. . Pittsburgh Forgings Co...................... .
116 121 129 Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania 161 Columbia. TeJlnessee 169 Columbia. Tennessee 169 National Cylinder Gas Corp....................... . Stockton. California 17 National Distillers Products Corp................ Kansas City. Missouri 96 National Erie Corp................................ .Erie. Pennsylvania 161 National Gypsum Co................................. McGregor, Texas 173 National Lead Co................................ . Tahawus. New York 116 Tahawus, New York 116 National Smelting Co................................. . Cleveland, Ohio 134 National Supply Co............................... Torrance. California 17 Toledo, Ohio 134 National Synthetic Rubber Corp.................. .Louisvile. Kentucky 61 Louisvile. Kentucky 61 Nebraska Ordnance Plant......................... . Fremont, Nebraska 100 Neches Butane Product Co....................... ..Port Neches. Texas 181 New Cumberland CWS Plant.......... .New Cumberland. Pennsylvania 161 New Departure Division, General Motors Corp..... . Bristol, Connecticut 24 New England Lime Co........................... . Canaan. Connecticut 25 New River Ordnance Plant......................... . Pulaski. Virginia 188 New York Air Brake Co........................ Watertown, New York 116 New York Ordnance Works.................. .Baldwinsvile, New York 117 Niagara Falls CWS Plant................... .Niagara Falls. New York 116 Nicaro Nickel Co............................... Wilmington, Delaware 27 N odulite Nickel Co................................... Ellenton, Florida 28 North American Aviation. Inc................... .Inglewood, California 17 Kansas ,City, Kansas 67 Kansas City. Kansas 68 Grand Prairie. Texas 181 North Carolina Shipbuilding Co............ Wilmington, North Carolina 122
Ashtabula. Ohio
Pittsburgh Metallurgical Co;. Inc............ .eharleston, South Carolina Pittsburgh Steel Co............................ Monessen, Pennsylvania
Pittsburgh Steel Foundry Corp................ .
Coraopolis, Pennsylvania
Glassport, Pennsylvania
Chester. Pennsylvania
Plantation Co., Inc.................................... Vienna, Georgia Plantation Pipe Line Co................... . Greensboro. North Carolina
Plum Brook Ordnance Works......................... .
Portable Products Corp..................... . Portland Bomb Plant................................ . Powell, Wiliam, Co.................................. . Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Corp. of Missouri..... .
Sandusky. Ohio Plymouth Rubber Co., Inc...................... .Canton, Massachusetts Polar Cold Storage. Inc......................... ..Nashvile, Tennessee
Pratt & Whitney Div.. United Aircraft Corp.. . .. . . . . .. . ... .. ... . .. . . East Longmeadow, Massachusetts
Precision Castings Co.......................... . Premier Oil Refining Co..................... .
136 162 162 163 163 167 163 163 80 122 136 76 170 19 163 67 136 96
Hawthorne. California
Northwest Airlines, Inc............... ........... ..St. Paul, Minnesota Northwestern Aeronautical Corp.................. .St. Paul. Minnesota
Northwestern Ice & Cold Storage Co................. .
. Portland, Oregon
Houston. Texas
Portland, Oregon
17 91 92 147
Ravenna Ordnance Plant................................. .Apco, Ohio 136 Raytheon Mfg. Co............................. Waltham Massachusetts 76 Reading Briquet Co........................ .St. Nichola~. Pennsylvania 164 Locust Summit, Pennsylvania 164 Red River Arsenal.................................. Texarkana. Texas 179
Redstone Arsenal................................ . Reed-Roller Bit Co................................... .
Huntsvile Alabama 3
Houston Texas 183
147 181
Reid. Avery Co................................. ..Baltimore. Maryland 70 Remington Arms Co.. Inc...................... .Independence. Missouri 96 Remington Ann Corp................... .North Lowell, Massachusetts 74
Remington-Rand. Inc................................ .Iliopolis. Ilinois 41
Republic Aviation Corp............................ .
134 Henderson. Kentucky 61 Lima. Ohio 131 Lima. Ohio 135 Lima; Ohio 135 Lima. Ohio 135 Springfield. Ohio 135 Oklahoma Ordnance Works.......................... .Pryor, Oklahoma 144 Olin Industries, Inc............................... Tacoma, Washington 191 Omaha Steel Works................................ .Omaha. Nebr"ka 101 Ordnance Steel Foundry Co.......................... . Bettendorf. Iowa 66 Oregon Shipbuilding Co............................. . Portland. Oregon 147 Otis Elevator Co................................. ..Buffalo, New York 117 Ozark Chemical Defense Corp......................... Tulsa, Oklahoma 145
Ozark Ordnance Works.......................... .EI Dorado. Arkansas Ozark Ore Co................................ . Iron Mountain, Missouri
Pacific Aviation, Inc.......................... .Los Angeles, California
Pacific Car & Foundry Co........................ .
Evansvile, Indiana 51
Republic Steel Corp................................. Gadsden. Alabama 4 Spaulding, Alabama 4 Sayre. Alabama 4 Virginia City. Alabama 4 East Hartford, Connecticut 26
South Chicago, Ilinois 40 South Chicago, Ilinois 40
18 192 192 192 147
Brooklyn, New York 118 Port Henry, New York 118 Cleveland. Ohio 137 Cleveland. Ohio 138
Warren, Warren, Canton. Canton. Ohio Ohio Ohio Ohio 137 138 137 138
Renton, Washington
Renton, Washington
Portland. Oregon
Sandusky, Ohio 136 Tung-Sol Lamp Works. Inc..................... ..Newark, New Jersey 106 Turbo-Engineering Corp.......................... Trenton, New Jersey 107 Twin Cities Ordnance Plant................... .Minneapolis. Minnesota 92
Uebelhoer Bros.. Inc.............................. ..Buffalo. New York 120
Union Sulphur Co............................ .
Halethorpe, Maryland 70 Baltimore, Maryland 70 Rome, New York 119 Louisvile, Kentucky 62 Springfield, Massachusetts 76
Unitcast Corp............................................ Toledo, Ohio 140 United Aircraft Corp............................ Stratford. Connecticut 26
Bridgeport, Connecticut 26
East Longmeadow, Massachusetts 76
United Airlines Transport Corp................... .
Rohr Aircraft Corp........................... .Chula Vista, California 19 Root Petroleum Corp............................. EI Dorado, Arkansas 9 Rotary Electric Stee Co............................ .Detroit, Michigan 87 Ryan Aeronautical Corp......................... .San Diego, California 19
St. Louis CWS Plant............................... .Monsanto, Ilinois St. Louis Ordnance Plant......................... .St. Louis, Missouri St. Louis, Missouri Fredericktown. Missouri St. Louis Smelting & Refining Co............. . San Bernardino CWS Plant................ .San Bernardino, California Sangamon Ordnance Plant.......................... .Iliopolis, Ilinois Jefferson Vilage, Oregon Sanham Flax Growers...................... .
Schweizer Aircraft Corp........................... . Scioto Ordnance Plant.................................. .
United Distilers. Ltd............................ .Baltimore, Maryland 71 United Electronics Co........................... .Newark, New Jersey 107 United Engineering & Foundry Co........... .New Castle, Pennsylvania 166
Scotia Mining Co................................ .Scotia, Pennsylvania Atlanta, Georgia Scripto Manufacturing Co............................ . Sculln Steel Co................................... .St. Louis. Missouri
Sealed Power Corp...................... .
Seattle CWS Plant............................... .Seattle, Washington Shasta Coal Corp.................................... Bicknell. Indiana
Shefeld Ste Corp............................. .
Etter, Texas Wiliams Defense Corp.................... .Carbondale. Ilinois Shofner Iron & Steel Works......................... .Portland, Oregon Silca Products Oregon, Ltd............................ Eugene, Oregon Sinclair. Rub'br. Inc................................... Houston, Texas Lansdale, Pennsylvania SKF Industries. Inc........................... . Smith. A. 0., Corp.............................. Milwaukee, Wisconsin Sturgeon Bay, Wis.co~s~n Smith. Leatham D.. Shipbuilding Co.......... .
Snead & Co..................... ...... ..... ......... . Southeatern Shipbuilding Co....................... .
Orange, Virginia
42 96 97 96 20 41 148 119 139 164 30 96 96 87 192 61 146 146 146 183 20 173 38 148 148 183 164 201 201 189 66
Plattevile, Wisconsin 201 Poughkeepsie. New York 120 Baltimore. Maryland 71 Baltimore. Maryland 71 Yonkers, New York 120
Des Moines, Iowa 54 Marion, Ohio 139 Institute, West Virginia 196 Milwaukee. Wisconsin 200 U. S. Vanadium Corp........................... . Salt Lake City. Utah 186 University of Akron............. ....................... .Akron, Ohio 141 Utah Ordnance Plant............ ............... . Salt Lake City. Utah 187
Utica Drop Forge & Tool Corp....................... .Utica, New York 121 Utica Proving Ground................................ Utica. Michigan 88
Vanadium Corp. of America......................... .
Victoreen Instrument Co............................. ..Cleveland. Ohio 141 Victory Ordnance Plant.............................. .Decatur. Ilinois 43
Vilter Mfg. Co................................. . Volunteer Ordnance Works................... . Wabash River Ordnance Works..................... .
Savannah, Georgia Southern Acid & Sulphur Co.. Inc................... ..Pasadena, Texas Beaumont, Texas Southern Aircraft Corp................................ Garland. Texas Southern California Gas Co.....................Lo Angeles, California Southern Detinning Co.......................... Birmingham, Alabama Southern Ferr Alloys Co...................... Chattanooga, Tennessee South Lowell. Massachusetts South Lowell Ordnance Plant No.2....... . Southport Petroleum Co. of Delaware................ Texas City. Texas Southwestern Engineering Co...................... .Marshfield. Oregon SouthwesternProvilig Ground......................... Hope. Arkansas Sper Carbon Co......................... .Punxutawney. Pennsylvania
Waco Aircraft Co........................................... Troy Ohio 141 Wah Chang Trading Corp...................... ..Glen Cove, Ne"; York 121 Walsh.Kaiser Co.............................. Providence, Rhode Island 167 Walworth Co................................ Washington Park Ilinois 43 War Emergency Pipelines....................... ..Linden, Ne": Jersey 103
Newport. Indiana 62
170 76 184 148 9 166 Great Neck, New York 119 Sperry Gyroscope Co.. Inc..................... . 20 Standard Oil Co. of California................. .EI Segundo, California Richmond, California 20 66 Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey............. ..Baton Rouge, Louisiana Baton Rouge. Louisiana 66 Baton Rouge. Louisiana 66 Baton Rouge. Louisiana 66 66 Nort Baton Rouge, Louisiana Madison. Ilinois 42 Standard Stel Spring Co............................ . Dixon, Ilinois 37 StewartWarner Corp.................................. . Stone & Webster Engineering Corp...................... ..Akron, Ohio 141 Struthers-Wells Corp........................... Titusvile, Pennsylvania 166 20 Stuart Oxygen Co................:.......... .San Francisco, California Chicago, Ilinois 42 Studebaker Corp..................................... . South Bend, Indiana 61 139 Sun Oil Co............................... .". . .. . .. . . . . . . . . Toledo, Ohio 43 Sundstrand Machine Tool Co......................... Rockford. Ilinois Monaca, Pennsylvania 165 Superior Drawn Steel CO.............o.......... . 76 Sylvania Electric Product Co., Inc.............. Ipswich. Massachusetts Wakefield, Massachusetts 76 Dover, New Hampshire 101 Depew. New York 119 Symingtn-Gould Corp......... ..... ............... . Rochester, New York 120 43 Tantalum Defense Corp........................ .North Chicago. Ilinois National City. California 20 Tavares Construction Co., Inc................ . Taylor Refining Co............................ .Corpus Christie, Texas 184 Kingsport, Tennessee 168 Tennessee Eastman Corp........................ . Kingsport. Tennessee 169 Texas Shredding Co................................... Houston, Texas 186 Texasteel Mfg. Co............................... ..Por Arthur. Texas 184 Detroit, Michigan 87 Timbeam. Inc...................................... . 87 Timken-Detroit Axle Co......................... .Melvindale, Michigan Detroit. Michigan 88 Canton. Ohio 139 Timken Ordnance Co.................................... . Canton. Ohio 139 Timken Ordnance Plant................................. . Timken Roller Bearing Co:............................ .Columbus. Ohio 140 Tin Processing Corp................................ Texas City. Texaa 185 Titan Metal Mfg. Co........................ ..Bellefonte, Pennsylvania 166 Todd-Houston Shipbuilding Corp....................... Houston, Texas 186 46 Tokheim Engineering Co........................ .Indianapolis, Indiana
Western Airlines. Inc............................. .Burbank, California 21 Western Electric Co.. Inc...................... .Eau Claire, Wisconsin 198 Western Electrochemical Co................... .Los Angeles, California 21 Western Fluorspar Corp......................... ..Northgate. Colorado 23 Western Pipe & Steel Co................... ..San Francisco. California 21 Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co................. .Baltimore. Maryland 71
Fairmount. West Virginia 195 Westvaco Chlorine Product Co.................... .Newark. California 21 West Virginia Ordnance Plant......... . Point Pleaant, West Virgnia 195
Wickes Brothers.................................. .
Wilkening Mig. Co........................... ..Scranton, Pennsylvania 167 Wilkeson Product Co............................ Tacoma. Washington 193
Saginaw, Michigan 88
Portland. Oregon 147 Wilamette Iron & Stee Corp........................ .Portland, Oregon 149
Portland. Oregon 149 Portland. Oregon 149 Wilow Springs Distileries, Inc.................. . Greenbrier. Kentucky 62 Wilys-Overiand Motors. Inc.............................. Toledo. Ohio 140 Toledo, Ohio 142 Wolf Creek Ordnance Plant......................... . Milan. Tennessee 170 Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp.............. . Buffalo. New York 121 Buffalo. New York 121
Wilamette Valley Wood Chemical Co...1............. ..Eugene, Oregon 149
Wrentham Products Co...................... Wrentham, Massachusetts 77 Wrentham, Massachusetts 77 Wright Aeronautical Corp...................... . Fairlawn. New Jersey 107
Worcester, Massachusetts 77
Youngs Bay Lumber Co.. Inc....................... . Roseburg. Oregon 149 Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co................. ..East Chicago, Indiana 61 Yuba Manufacturing Co........................... .Benicia. Calit'ornia 22 Zuni Miling Co................ ...............Lo Lunas. New Mexico 108
Owosso, Michigan
Detroit, Michigan
Ypsilanti, Michigan
Scranton, Pensylvania
Marietta, Georgia
Wiliamsport, Pennsylvania
Renton, Washington
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Akron, Ohio
Inglewoo, California
Birmingham, Alabama Tuscon, Arizona Fort Crook, Nebraska Mingo Station, Oklahoma Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Daggett, California
Denver, Colorado
Johnsvile, Pennsylvania
Kenmore, New York Santa Monica, California San Diego, California Burlington, North Carolina
Akron, Ohio
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Allentown, Pennsylvania
Akron, Ohio
--', Fenton, N ew York DeKalb, Ilinois Bristol, Pennsylvania St. Charles, Ilinois
St. Paul, Minnesota
Troy, Ohio
Stratford, Connecticut
795,000 sq. ft......... 40 751,000 sq. ft......... 130 618,000 sq. ft......... 94
Toledo, Ohio
Wichita, Kansas
Chicago, Ilinois
Muskegon, Michigan
Lockland, Ohio
Kansas City, Missouri Indianapolis, Indiana Dearborn, Michigan South Bend, Indiana
Chicago, Ilinois
Pottstown, Pennsylvania
Muskegon, Michigan
1,560,000 sq. ft......... - 51 1,120,000 sq. ft......... 157 1,022,600 sq. ft......... 107
ft......... 42 ft......... 80 ft......... 107 ft......... 76 ft......... 47 ft......... 109 ft......... 113
Burbank, California
sq. ft......... 196 sq. ft......... 74 sq. ft......... 81 sq. ft......... 79 sq. ft......... 134 sq. ft......... 81 sq. ft......... 152
Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Worcester, Massachusetts Bedford, Ohio Detroit, Michigan
Chicago, Ilinois
Troutdale, Oregon Riverbank, California Burlington, New Jersey Massena, New York Tacoma, Washington
Cressona, Pennsylvania
Van Nuys, California Los Angeles, California Los Angeles, California New York, New York New York, New York Nashville, Tennessee Burbank, California
62 79 149 70 10 82
C~nonsburg, Pennsylvania
Monroe, Michigan
Anderson, Indiana
Cleveland, Ohio
2,900,000 sq. ft......... 13 2,560,000 sq. ft......... 122 1,000,000 sq. ft......... 17
Halethorpe, Maryland
Lockland, Ohio
Seattle, Washington
Dallas, Texas .
656,000 sq. ft......... 144 608,800 sq. ft......... 12 498,600 sq. ft........ 16 450,000 sq. ft......... 22 416,000 sq. ft......... 190 375,000 sq. ft......... 202 364,000 sq. ft......... 61 364,000 sq. ft......... 180 355,235 sq. ft......... 58 328,300 sq. ft......... 16 297,000 sq. ft......... 91 150,000 sq. ft......... 116 122,350 sq. ft........ 51 112,000 sq. ft......... 117 103,500 sq. ft......... 169 90,000 sq. ft......... 110 50,000 sq. ft......... 86 45,000 sq. ft......... 48 13,355 sq. ft......... 21 1,474 sq. ft......... 85
Springfield, Massachusetts
82 .
33 133 133 76
Emeryvile, California
134 85 16 95 150
Trentwood, Washington
McCook, !Ilinois
Omaha, Nebraska 17,500,000 gals./yr....... 99 Kansas City, Missouri 15,000,000 gals./yr....... 95 Baltimore, Maryland 11,000,000 gals./yr....... 71
Yonkers, New York 4,500,000 gals./yr....... 120 Eugene, Oregon 4,100,000 gals./yr....... 149 Atchison, Kansas 3,400,000 gals./yr....... 58
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Independence, Missouri
Huntsville, Alabama
4,700,000 sq. ft......... 97 3,876,000 sq. ft......... 92 2,134,000 sq. ft......... 54 2,115,000 sq. ft......... 95 1,378,000 sq. ft......... 187 1,260,000 sq. ft......... 3 1,168,000 sq. ft......... 200 480,000 sq. ft......... 74 367,500 sq. ft......... 75 244,000 sq. ft......... 198 190,000 sq. ft......... 132
Bauxite, Arkansas
1,555,000,000 1,000,000,000 72,000,000 Salt Lake City, Utah 36,500,000 Harleyvile, South Carolina 36,000,000 Salem, Oregon 36,000,000 Laramie, Wyoming
Indianapolis, Indiana
Joliet, Ilinois
Milan, Tennessee
128,000,000 Ibs./yr........
Minden, Louisiana
3,900,100 3,859,000 3,442,000 3,235,000 2,986,000 2,633,000 2,483,000 2,212,000 2,201,000 1,752,000 1,690,000
sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq.
ft......... ft......... ft......... ft......... ft......... ft......... ft......... ft......... ft......... ft......... ft.........
Dixon, Ilinois
Pulaski, Virginia
1,685,000 sq. ft......... 93 1,667,000 sq. ft......... 48 1,635,186 sq. ft......... 7 1,505,336 sq. ft......... 99 1,460,000 sq. ft......... 139 1,428,000 sq. ft......... 182 1,299,400 sq. ft......... 173 1,269,000 sq. ft......... 37 962,000 sq. ft......... 188 107,862 sq. ft......... 20 38,000 sq. ft......... 75
Punxutawney, Pennsylvania
Seattle, Washington
3,000 sq. ft.........
Globe, Arizona
Midland, Pennsylvania
BEARINGS Columbus, Ohio
194 57
El Dorado, Arkansas
Bristol, Connecticut
Etter, Texas
64 173 65 280 tons/day..... 136 266 tons/day ..... 182 120 tons/day..... 179
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
BUTADIENE Port Neches, Texas
sq. ft......... 45 sq. ft......... 41 sq. ft......... 199 sq. ft......... 165
Marche, Arkansas
No capacity or area....
El Segundo, California
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Baytown, Texas
50,000 tons/yr. . . ... .. 183 45,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 182 35,000 tons/yr. . .. . .. 20 30,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 20 30,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 178
15,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 139 12,500 tons/yr. . . . . .. 178
sq. ft......... 184
55,000 tons/yr. . . . . . . 63
Tacoma, Washington
Cave-In-Rock, Ilinois
Painesvile, Ohio
Toledo, Ohio
Ingleside, Texas
172 128
Muskegon, Michigan
Newark, California
CAUSTIC SODA Denver, Colorado
66 21 22
3 8
Sunray, Texas
area or capacity....
C. G. Columbia, Tennessee
36 tons/day . . . . . 168
Area or Capacity Paire No.
2,400 tons/yr. . . . .,. 68
Baltimore, Maryland
Columbus, Montana
1000 tons/day..... 98
3,750,000 gals./yr. . . . .. 28
Huntsvile, Alabama
Denver, Colorado
3 8
Bartow, Florida
42 126 New Cumberland, Pennsylvania 58,000 sq. ft......... 161 Kansas City, Missouri 55,400 sq. ft......... 94
Denver, Colorado
No area or capacity.... No area or capacity.... No area or capacity.... No area or capacity.... No area or capacity.... No area or capacity....
23 42 116 129 23
Fredericktown, Pennsylvania
420,000 tons/yr....... 4
300,000 tons/yr....... 167 215,000 tons/yr....... 145 100,000 tons/yr....... 193
Wilkeson, Washington
Denver, Colorado
48,000 tons/yr....... 4
400,000 327,000 325,000 75,000 tons/yr....... 45 tons/yr....... 22 tons/yr....... 137 tons/yr....... 193
Danvile, Pennsylvania
Tacoma, Washington
Baltimore, Maryland
Chicago, Ilinois
9,000 tons/mo....... 36
Atchison, Kansas
Portland, Oregon N ashvile, Tennessee
Leominster, Massachusetts
200 tons/day..... 65
Nangatuck, Connecticut
Miami, Arizona
Tulsa, Oklahoma
320 200 70 30
Morenci, Arizona
El Paso, Texas
Springfield, Massachusetts
Punxutawney, Pennsylvania
Beaumont, Texas
87 tons/day..... 184
Baltimore, Maryland
ENGINES (Other than AIRCRAFT ENGINES) 242,800 Garland, Texas 219,000 West Alls, Wisconsin 75,000 Hamilton, Ohio 52,000 Grove City, Pennsylvania 664,000 Houston, Texas 387,250 West Lynn, Massachusetts 382,000 Warren, Ohio 330,000 Freeport, Ilinois 207,000 Coatesvile, Pennsylvania 178,000 Toledo, Ohio 122,800 Bufalo, New York 114,000 Muncie, Indiana 98,000 Buffalo, New York 37,500 Ashland, Massachusetts 35,800 Hamilton, Ohio 28,000 Berkeley, California 6,600 S. Coatesvile, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Vernon, California
Catlettsburg, Kentucky
Duncan, Oklahoma
Pasadena, Texas
Texas City, Texas Texas City, Texas Houston, Texas Oil City, Pennsylvania Bakersfield, California
El Dorado, Arkansas
8,500 bbls./day . . . . . 8,000 bbls./day . . . . . 6,000 bbls./day . . . . . 6,000 bbls./day . . . . . 5,300 bbls./day . . . . . 5,100 bbls./day . . . . . 3,910 bbls./day . . . . . 3,600 bbls./day . . . . . 3,300 bbls./day . . . . .
3,100 bbls./day .....
Detroit, Michigan
Dearborn, Michigan Detroit, Michigan Dearborn, Michigan Detroit, Michigan Detroit, Michigan
86 82 83 80
Baraboo, Wisconsin 4,796,000 sq. ft......... 196 Pine Bluff, Arkansas 3,885,000 sq. ft......... 8 Charlestown, Indiana 3,060,000 sq. ft......... 49 Radford, Virginia 2,800,000 sq. ft.. . . . . . .. 188
Kingsport, Tennessee 2,280,000 sq. ft......... 169 Joliet, Ilinois 1,520,000 sq. ft......... 38 Weldon Spring, Missouri 1,342,000 sq. ft......... 97
Pryor, Oklahoma 2,530,000 sq. ft......... 144 Sylacanga, Alabama 2,500,000 sq. ft......... 1
Chattanooga, Tennessee 1,281,700 sq. ft......... 171
172 128
Geneva, Pennsylvania 987,000 sq. ft......... 158 Point Pleasant, West Virginia 965,000 sq. ft......... 195 Allenwood, Pennsylvania 808,000 sq: ft.... . . . .. 161
Youngstown, New York 564,000 sq. ft......... 115 Baldwinsvile, New York 380,393 sq. ft......... 117
Frankfort District, W. Virginia 103,300 sq. ft......... 68
Newport, Indiana 1,250,000 sq. ft......... 52 Sandusky, Ohio 1,055,000 sq. ft......... 136
Paducah, Kentucky 620,000 sq. ft......... 60 Karnack, Texas 580,000 sq. ft......... 179
Greenbrier, Kentucky 2,000 tons/yr. ...... 62 Louisvile, Kentucky (Not available) 62 Midway, Kentucky (Not available) ...... 62
East Taunton, Massachusetts (Not available) ...... 73
5 to 8 tons/day..... 156
Pasadena, Texas
FIRE BRICK Wellsvile, Ohio
Lehi, Utah
FISH DEHYDRATION Fort Myers, Florida
Humboldt, Iowa
31,000 31,000 31,000 31,000 31,000 31,000 31,000 31,000 31,000 31,000 31,000 31,000
sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq.
ft......... ft......... ft......... ft......... ft......... ft......... ft......... ft......... ft......... ft......... ft......... ft.........
34 34 34 53 53 53 53 53 54 54 54 54
Hutchinson, Minnesota
Sherburn, Minnesota
Wells, Minnesota
Mapleton, Minnesota
Houston, Texas
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Hartford, Wisconsin
Lansdale, Pennsylvania
Lokland, Ohio
Ypsilanti, Michigan
Marietta, Georgia
sq. ft......... 33 sq. ft......... 142 sq. ft......... 83 sq. ft:........ 29 sq. ft......... 171 sq. ft......... 101 sq. ft......... 96 sq. ft......... 181
480,000 sq. ft......... 65 480,000 sq. ft......... 74 480,000 sq. ft......... 104 467,000 sq. ft......... 142 443,000 sq. ft......... 155 416,000 sq. ft......... 190 410,000 sq. ft......... 177 405,100 sq. ft......... 201 404,500 sq. ft......... 113 402,000 sq. ft......... 113 400,000 sq. ft......... 64 398,000 sq. ft......... 19 397,000 sq. ft......... 17 395,000 sq. ft......... 94 387,250 sq. ft......... 73 386,000 sq. ft......... 15 382,000 sq. ft......... 141 367,500 sq. ft......... 75 365,700 sq. ft......... 76
365,000 sq. ft...... . ., 111
2,900,000 sq. ft......... 13 2,898,000 sq. ft......... 57 2,560,000 sq. ft......... 122 2,400,000 sq. ft......... 143 2,373,000 sq. ft......... 127 2,324,000 sq. ft......... 6,4 2,250,000 sq. ft......... 35 2,210,800 sq. ft......... 119 2,115,000 sq. ft......... 95 2,080,000 sq. ft......... 143
1,835,000 sq. ft...... . .. 100
Hammond, Indiana
Des Moines, Iowa
Dearborn, Michigan St. Louis, Missouri South Bend, Indiana Decatur, Illinois Farmingdale, New York
Burlington, North Carolina Azusa, California Brooklyn, New York Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
North Chicago, Ilinois Dover, New Hampshire Garland, Texas
Chicago, Ilinois
Cleveland, Ohio
361,000 sq. ft......... 74 358,140 sq. ft......... 46 355,235 sq. ft......... 58 350,000 sq. ft......... 47 350,000 sq. ft......... 81 350,000 sq. ft......... 140 332,000 sq. ft......... 12 330,000 sq. ft......... 35 328,300 sq. ft......... 16 320,000 sq. ft......... 125 315,300 sq. ft......... 124 313,600 sq. ft......... 51 312,000 sq. ft......... 56 308,000 sq. ft......... 156 300,000 sq. ft......... 114 299,000 sq. ft......... 79 293,800 sq. ft......... 88 292,000 sq. ft......... 19 291,000 sq. ft......... 48 287,000 sq. ft......... 121 275,000 sq. ft......... 9 267,600 sq. ft......... 115 265,000 sq. ft......... 162 259,000 sq. ft......... 134 258,000 sq. ft......... 43
Towson, Maryland
Akron, Ohio
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Muskegon, Michigan
Akron, Ohio
ft......... 40 ft......... 120 ft......... 63 ft......... 100 ft......... 183 ft......... 114 ft......... 144 ft......... 144
ft......... 102 ft......... 69 ft......... 94 ft......... 12 ft......... 107 ft......... 83 ft......... 178
Allentown, Pennsylvania
Stratford, Connecticut
Baltimore, Maryland
DeKalb, Ilinois
Kings Mils, Ohio
Cleveland, Ohio
Toledo, Ohio
Bristol, Pennsylvania
Baltimore, Maryland
Downey, California
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Wiliamsport, Pennsylvania
242,800 sq. ft...,..... 174 238,800 sq. ft......... 40 238,600 sq. ft......... 68 237,000 sq. ft......... 131 230,000 sq. ft......... 26 229,400 sq. ft......... 47 228,000 sq. ft......... 155 223,000 sq. ft......... 32 221,600 sq. ft......... 103 219,800 sq. ft......... 69 219,000 sq. ft......... 196 207,000 sq. ft......... 140 201,500 sq. ft......... 81 200,700 sq. ft......... 160 200,000 sq. ft......... 26 199,000 sq. ft......... 70 196,000 sq. ft......... 24 195,000 sq. ft......... 76 192,000 sq. ft......... 116 191,300 sq. ft......... 125 190,000 sq. ft......... 38 190,000 sq. ft......... 132 186,500 sq. ft......... 136 184,000 sq. ft......... 158 179,000 sq. ft......... 71 178,000 sq. ft......... 134 176,000 sq. ft......... 104 170,000 sq. ft......... 38 163,600 sq. ft......... 199 161,400 sq. ft......... 162 160,000 sq. ft......... 43
Owosso, Michig-an
Dearborn, Michigan
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Waterbury, Connecticut
Waltham, Massachusetts
Hamilton, Ohio
Cleveland, Ohio
Warren, Ohio
160,000 sq. ft......... 45 158,000 sq. ft......... 112 153,800 sq. ft......... 128 153,000 sq. ft......... 79 151,900 sq. ft......... 115 149,200 sq. ft......... 92 143,700 sq. ft......... 73 142,000 sq. ft........ 12 141,480 sq. ft......... 45 140,000 sq. ft......... 24 131,200 sq. ft......... 141 128,700 sq. ft......... 163 128,000 sq. ft........ 12 123,300 sq. ft......... 43 122,800 sq. ft......... 121 122,000 sq. ft......... 27 121,000 sq. ft......... 132 120,000 sq. ft......... 83 119,000 sq. ft......... 107 117,000 sq. ft......... 52 114,000 sq. ft......... 45 110,000 sq. ft......... 24 109,600 sq. ft......... 129 109,000 sq. ft......... 39 109,000 sq. ft......... 103 108,600 sq. ft......... 116 104,000 sq. ft......... 183 103,500 sq. ft......... 169 102,920 sq. ft......... 116 102,700 sq. ft......... 87 100,000 sq. ft......... 16 100,000 sq. ft......... 183 98,000 sq. ft......... 121 94,000 sq. ft......... 128 94,000 sq. ft......... 167 93,310 sq. ft......... 115 92,200 sq. ft......... 110 90,000 sq. ft......... 88 89,000 sq. ft......... 72 88,400 sq. ft......... 73 86,800 sq. ft......... 105 85,000 sq. ft......... 132 85,000 sq. ft......... 133 84,880 sq. ft......... 78 82,000 sq. ft......... 86 81,600 sq. ft......... 26 79,600 sq. ft......... 105 78,300 sq. ft......... 108 78,000 sq. ft........ 123 77,400 sq. ft......... 125 77,000 sq. ft......... 153 76,161 sq. ft......... 85 75,900 sq. ft........ 72 75,000 sq. ft......... 130 74,500 sq. ft......... 18 70,000 sq. ft......... 67 68,000 sq. ft......... 176 65,000 sq. ft......... 136 61,000 sq. ft......... 129 56,000 sq. ft......... 123 55,900 sq. ft......... 109
Detroit, Michigan 43,300 sq. ft......... 87 Benicia, California 43,000 sq. ft......... 22 New Haven, Connecticut 41,300 sq. ft......... 24 Saginaw, Michigan 41,000 sq. ft......... 88
Orange, Virginia 36,000 sq. ft......... 189 Hamilton, Ohio 35,800 sq. ft......... 130 East Orange, New Jersey 34,250 sq. ft......... 105 Detroit, Michigan 34,000 sq. ft......... 84
Farmingdale, New York 33,488 sq. ft......... 113 Fullerton, Pennsylvania 32,800 sq. ft......... 159
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 33,500 sq. ft......... 158
Rochester, New York 37,000 sq. ft......... 113 Ciiveland, Ohio 36,840 sq. ft......... 125 Shreveport, Louisiana 36,800 sq. ft......... 63 Cleveland, Ohio 36,450 sq. ft......... 133 Portland, Oregon 36,000 sq. ft......... 147
Detroit, Michigan 32,400 sq. ft......... 80 . Shebbona, Ilinois 31,000 sq. ft......... 33 Lexington, Ilinois 31,000 sq. ft......... 33 Galesburg, Ilinois 31,000 sq. ft......... 34
Galva, Ilinois 31,000 sq. ft......... 34 Earlvile, Ilinois 31,000 sq. ft......... 34 . Wyoming, Ilinois 31,000 sq. ft......... 34 Grundy, Iowa 31,000 ft.. .ft......... 53 Britt, Iowa 31,000 sq. sq. . . . . . . 63
Iowa Falls, Iowa 31,000 sq. ft......... 63 Hampton, Iowa 31,000 sq. ft......... 53 Rockford, Iowa 31,000 sq. ft......... 53 Humboldt, Iowa 31,000 sq. ft......... 54
Mason City, Iowa 31,000 eq. ft......... 64 Algona, Iowa 31,000 sq. ft.. . . . . . . . 54 Sherburn, Minnesota 31,000 sq. ft......... 89
Blooming Prairie, Minnesota 31,000 sq. ft......... 90
Hutchinson, Minnesota 31,000 sq. ft......... 89 Mapleton, Minnesota 31,000 sq. ft......... 90
Jackson, Minnesota 31,000 sq. ft........ 90 Keasbey, New Jersey 31,000 sq. ft......... 104 Elmira, New York 31,000 sq. ft......... 119 Darien, Wisconsin 31,000 sq. ft......... 197 Ripon, Wisconsin 31,000 sq. ft......... 197
DeForest, Wisconsin 31,000 sq. ft......... 197 Hartford, Wisconsin 31,000 sq. ft......... 198
Big Rapids, Michigan 28,200 sq. ft......... 84
Union Grove, Wisconsin 31,000 sq. ft.. . . . . ... 198
Berkeley, California 28,000 sq. ft......... 14 Buffalo, New York 27,300 sq. ft......... 120
Springfield, Vermont
Muskegon, Michigan
Chicago, Ilinois
Chicago, Ilinois 24,000 sq. ft...........43 Fitchburg, Massachusetts 23,460 sq. ft... . . . . 73
Muskegon, Michigan 20,960 sq. ft......... 85
Yonkers, New York 20,200 sq. ft......... 118 Salem, Massachusetts 20,000 sq. ft......... 72
Wrentham, Massachusetts 20,000 sq. ft... . . . . '.' 77
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
. Worcester, Massachusetts
Bowling Green, Ohio 23,400 sq. ft......... 128 Chicago, Ilinois 22,600 sq. ft......... 35 Fullerton, Pennsylvania 21,000 sq. ft... . . .. .. 160
Detroit, Michigan
Rockford, Ilinois
Wichita, Kansas
sq. ft......... 2 sq. ft......... 84 sq. ft......... 31 sq. ft......... 57 sq. ft......... 32 sq. ft......... 71
Area or Capacity
Page No.
sq. ft.........
149 39 147
Portland, Oregon
Gadsden, Alabama
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Fitchburg, Massachusetts
Wrentham, Massachusetts
2 sq. 160 sq. sq. ft...... . . . 72 sq. ft.. . . .. ... 113 21 sq. 86 sq. sq. ft... . . . . . . 27
ft........ . ft........ .
Berwick, Pennsylvania
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Bridgeport, Connecticut Cincinnati, Ohio
Albion, Michigan
Springfield, Vermont
37,800 sq. ft......... 194
Rockford, Ilinois
18,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 15 12,500 tons/yr. . . . . .. 79
9,240 tons/yr. ... . ., 71
Saginaw, Michigan
Cleveland, Ohio Big Rapids, Michigan Fitchburg, Massachusetts
5,200 tons/yr. . . . . .. 52
250 tons/day..... 147
122,800 sq. ft......... 121 85,000 sq. ft......... 133 17,000 sq. ft......... 126
Wrentham, Massachusetts
Portland, Oregon
163,600 sq. ft......... 199 140,000 sq. ft......... 24 121,000 sq. ft......... 132 93,310 sq. ft......... 115 78,000 sq. ft......... 123 77,400 sq. ft......... 125 54,000 sq. ft......... 187 50,700 sq. ft......... 199 48,500 sq. ft......... 31 45,000 sq. ft......... 32 41,000 sq. ft......... 88 36,840 sq. ft......... 125 28,200 sq. ft......... 84 23,460 sq. ft......... 73 20,000 sq. ft......... 77 19,200 sq. ft......... 80 13,700 sq. ft......... 86 11,800 sq. ft......... 85
Henderson, Nevada
Marysvile, Michigan
Velasco, Texas
54,000,000 Ibs./yr.. . . . . .. 65
48,000,000 Ibs./yr........ 191 40,000,000 Ibs./yr........ 82 36,000,000 Ibs./yr........ 128
Spokane, Washington
Dearborn, Michigan
Painesvile, Ohio
Daingerfield, Texas
Youngstown, Ohio
Ironton, Utah
Rusk, Texas
Canaan, Connecticut
Ashtabula, Ohio
24,000 tons/mo....... 132
1,120,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 118 438,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 180 418,400 tons/yr. . . . . .. 107 25,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 164
123 4 107 137 138
Lockland, Ohio
Chicago, Ilinois Chicago, Ilinois
30,000,000 Ibs./yr........
18,000,000 Ibs.;yr.... . . . .
7,200,000 3,048,000 2,400,000 1,920,000 1,560,000 Ibs.;yr........ Ibs.;yr........ Ibs.;yr........ Ibs./yr........ Ibs./yr........
Spaulding, Alabama
540,000 tons/yr. . . . . . . 420,000 tons/yr. . . . . . . 418,400 tons/yr. . . . . . . 392~00 tons/y~ . . . . . . 350,000 tons/yr. . . . . . .
Cleveland, Ohio
Fayettevile, New York Teterboro, New Jersey Bay City, Michigan Vernon, California Fairlawn, New Jersey
Portland, Oregon
Area er Capacity
Page No.
27 28
Lester, Pennsylvania
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Waterbury, Connecticut
650,000 sq. ft......... 166 110,000 sq. ft......... 24 81,600 sq. ft......... 26
Lincolnwood, Ilinois
78 25
Huntsvile, Alabama
Minneapolis, Minnesota
sq. ft......... 3 sq. ft......... 29 sq. ft......... 41 sq. ft......... 8 sq. ft......... 92
sq. ft......... 170 sq. ft......... 101 sq. ft......... 35 sq. ft......... 55 sq. ft......... 49 sq. ft......... 50 sq. ft......... 69 sq. ft......... 188 sq. ft......... 91 sq. ft......... 179 sq. ft......... 144
Joliet, Ilinois
Henderson, Nevada
Chicago, Ilinois
Allentown, Pennsylvania
ft......... 177 ft......... 46 ft......... 110 ft......... 199 ft......... 40 ft......... 160 ft......... 120 ft......... 116 ft......... 183
ft......... 184 ft......... 139 ft......... 22 ft......... 159 ft......... 201 ft......... 160 ft......... 103
Sylacange, Alabama
Apes, Ohio
Benicia, California
Fremont, Nebraska
Fullerton, Pennsylvania
Carbondale, Ilinois
Des Moines, Iowa
Independence, Missouri
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Fullerton, Pennsylvania
Minden, Louisiana
Flora, Mississippi
Parsons, Kansas
Fontana, California
Johnstown, Pennsylvania
Birmingham, Alabama
Charlestown, Indiana
sq. ft......... 2 sq. ft......... 48 sq. ft......... 7 sq. ft......... 43 sq. ft......... 38 sq. ft......... 99
sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. ft......... 139 ft......... 182 ft......... 187 ft......... 97 ft......... 173 ft......... 171 ft......... 37
Portland, Maine
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Berwick, Pennsylvania
Decatur, Illinois
Detroit, Michigan Brooklyn, New York Baltimore, Maryland
Toledo, Ohio
Geneva, Pennsylvania
Pulaska, Virginia Etter, Texas
Chicago, Ilinois
Canonsburg, Pennsylvania
Waterbury, Connecticut
749,000 sq. ft......... 63 734,500 sq. ft......... 23 564,000 sq. ft......... 115
Wilmington, Delaware
Louisvile, Kentucky
1,540,060 sq. ft......... 43 350,000 sq. ft......... 140 293,800 sq. ft......... 88 267,600 sq. ft......... 115 219,800 sq. ft......... 69 109,000 sq. ft......... 39 81,600 sq. ft......... 26 56,000 sq. ft......... 123 52,600 sq. ft......... 201 43,707 sq. ft......... 72 41,300 sq. ft......,.. 24 36,800 sq. ft......... 63 19,231 sq. ft......... 131 19,231 sq. ft......... 135 14,700 sq. ft......... 24
Seattle, Washington
Hope, Arkansas
82,500 sq. ft......... 190
Utica, Michigan
Azusa, California
Baltimore, Maryland
Chicago, Ilinois
ft......... 119 ft......... 115 ft......... 132 ft......... 131 ft......... 68 ft......... 43
12,000 tons/day.....
Columbus, Ohio
Bristol, Connecticut
Scranton, Pennsylvania
ft......... 113 ft......... 111 ft......... 101 ft......... 32 ft......... 140 ft......... 24 ft......... 87 ft......... 167
ft......... 136 ft......... 76 ft......... 113 ft......... 158 ft......... 73 ft......... 72 ft......... 15 ft......... 25
50 tons/day. . . .. 166
Butte, Montana
Plattevile, Wisconsin
Frederickstown, Missouri
Cave-In-Rock, Ilinois
Spokane, Washington
Blanding, Utah
600 tons/mo...... .
Waltham, Massachusetts
67,200,000 cu. ft'/yr. . . . . 67 67,200,000 cu. ft./yr. . . . . 93 64,000,000 cu. ft'/yr. . . . . 102 60,000,000 cu. ft./yr. . . . . 149 46,OgO,000 cu. ft./yr. . .. . 20
19,840 sq. ft.........
Berkeley, California
12 67 185
Delano, California
29,000 sq. ft........ 127 16,740 sq. ft......... 17 16,730 sq. ft......... 11
ft......... 76 ft......... 195 ft........ 186 ft......... 106 ft......... 104 ft......... 107
Leominster, Massachusetts
Houston, Texas
Saltus, California
Detroit, Michigan
Vancouver, Washington
125,700 sq. ft......... 113 25,000 sq. ft......... 75
Houston, Texas
Houghton, Washington
Oakland, California
Canton, Ohio
Houston, Texas
(No area or capacity) . . . . . . .. 10 (No area or capacity) . . . . . . .. 138 (No area or capacity) .. . . . . .. 185
Superior, Wisconsin
27,400 sq. ft......... 149 27,000 sq. ft......... 197 15,600 sq. ft......... 199 4,600 sq. ft......... 191 Not available. ....... 66
Lester, Pennsylvania
Eugene, Oregon
SPONGE IRON Warren, Ohio
Burbank, California
Cleveland, Ohio
9,400 sq. ft......... 201 4,000 sq. ft......... 78 1,600 sq. ft......... 135
Newport, Kentucky
Houston, Texas Warren, Ohio East Chicago, Indiana Middletown, Ohio
190,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 59
141,800 tons/yr. ...... 127
120,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 52
34,250 sq. ft.. . . . . . .. 105 26,400 sq. ft.. . . . . . .. 106 24,400 sq. ft.. . . . . . .. 152
19,400 sq. ft...... . .. 112
San Francisco, California (No area or capacity) . .. . .. 21 South Jacksonville, Florida (No area or capacity) . . . . . . 28
Mobile, Alabama San Francisco, California Alameda, California Richmond, California Richmond, California
Orange, Virginia
ft......... 156 ft......... 109 ft......... 159 ft......... 52 ft......... 129 ft......... 126 ft......... 189
Richmond, California Richmond, California Stockton, California National City, California San Francisco, California Tampa, Florida Panama City, Florida
Brunswick, Georgia Savannah, Georgia
Sausalito, California
10 10 14 14 16 18 18 19 20 21
Cincinnati, Ohio
Gadsden, Alabama
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Harvey, Illnois
Canton, Ohio Canton, Ohio
Fontana, California
Melvindale, Michigan
Johnstown, Pennsylvania
28 29
30 30 32 49 50 64 66 89 93 106 117 122 131 147
Titusvile, Pennsylvania
Watervliet, New York
Worcester, Massachusetts
Portland, Maine
Pascagoula, Mississippi
Madison, Illinois
East Chicago, Indiana
2,700,000 tons/yr. . . .. .. 42
36,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 166 30,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 11 30,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 46 21,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 96 20,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 135 20,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 140 19,200 tons/yr. . . . . .. 155 18,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 163
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 108,000 sq. ft......... 160 Muskegon Heights, Michigan 78,000 sq. ft......... 79
13,500 tons/yr. . . . . .. 194 12,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 14 12,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 146 10,200 tons/yr. . . . . .. 161 10,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 123 9,600 tons/yr. . . . . .. 117 9,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 198 7,200 tons/yr. . . . . .. 135 6,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 151 6,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 153 5,400 tons/yr. . . . . .. 39 5,400 tons/yr. . . . . .. 120 5,400 tons/yr. . . . . .. 135
5,000 tons/yr. . . . . . . 72 2,400 tons/yr. . . . . . . 56
13,500 tons/yr. . . . . .. 46
Canton,Minnesota 40,000 sq. ft......... 89 Ohio 49,100 sq. ft......... 139 Duluth,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 35,000 sq. ft......... 161 Monessen, Pennsylvania 35,000 sq. ft......... 163 Monaca, Pennsylvania 24,000 sq. ft......... 165 Buffalo, New York 11,600 sq. ft......... 119 Berwick, Pennsylvania 10,000 sq. ft......... 151
Harrison, New Jersey 8,400 sq. ft......... 103 Beaver Falls, PeI\sylvania 8,000 sq. ft......... 164
South Chicago, Ilinois 7,700 sq. ft......... 40 Warren,Ohio 7,000 sq. ft......,... 127 Torrance, California 6,840 sq. ft.... . . .. 17 Massilon, Ohio 6,200 sq. ft......... 138 Warren, Ohio 3,000 sq. ft......... 138 Gary, Indiana 1,800 sq. ft......... 51
1,500 tons/yr. . . . . .. 148 1,380 tons/yr. . . . . .. 112 1,250 tons/yr. . . . . .. 119 1,200 tons/yr. . . . . .. 73
Houston, Texas
Canton, Ohio
Easton, Pennsylvania
Houston, Texas
Renton, Washington
(No area or capacity) . . .. 111 (No area or capacity) . . .. 159 (No area or capacity) . . .. 174 (No area or capacity) . . .. 192
33,500 32,300 23,837 19,231 19,231 6,600 sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. ft......... ft......... ft......... ft......... ft......... ft......... 154 147 192 131 135 200
Aliquippa, Pennsylvania
36,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 118 24,100 tons/yr. . . . . .. 18 7,800 tons/yr. . . . . .. 138 50,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 175 50,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 180 25,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 13 25,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 193 3,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 159
120,000 tons/yr. ...... 177
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
Portland, Oregon
Renton, Washington
Lima, Ohio Lima, Ohio
Velasco, Texas
Wausau, Wisconsin
Texas City, Texas Los Angeles, California Institute, West Virginia Kobuba, Pennsylvania
Los Angeles, California Institute, West Virginia Lake Charles, Louisiana Houston, Texas
Monaca, Pennsylvania
90,000 tons/yr. . . . . .. 14
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gary, Indiana
Midland, Pennsylvania
East Hartford, Connecticut
BLAST FURNACE Monessen, Pennsylvania
324,000 tons/yr. ... . . . 46 24,000 tons/yr. . . ... . 46 ". 48,000 tons/yr. . . . . . . 155 30,000 tons/yr. . ., .. . 25
432,000 tons/yr. . . . . . . 163 392,000 tons/yr. . . . . . . 138 280,000 tons/yr. . . . . . . 4 266,000 tons/r. . . . . . . 89
Naugatuck, Connecticut
Louisvile, Kentucky
Baton Rouge, Louisiana Akron, Ohio Akron, Ohio Baytown, Texas Baytown, Texas
Youngstown, Ohio
Gadsden, Alabama
Duluth, Minnesota
Naugatuck, Connecticut
. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (No area or capacity) . . . . 160 Warren, Ohio (No area or capacity) . . . . 127
Louisvile, Kentucky
71,000 Ibs./y,r...... . . 43
11,000 sq. ft......... 105
A.rea or Capaelt,.
Pace No.
A.re or Capaell7
Pac No.
Aliquippa, Pennsylvania
Niles, Ohio
Baltimore, Maryland
Birmingham, Alabama
8,700 sq. ft......... 89 8,600 sq. ft......... 166 8,000 sq. ft......... 164
Baltimore, Maryland
56 176 161 18
Stockton, California
Oakland, California
Baltimore, Maryland
100 tons/day..... 187
40,500 sq. ft.......,. 27,250 sq. ft.........
Monticello, Utah
Monsanto, Illinois
Henryetta, Oklahoma
Fuitland, Maryland
172 60 37 37 9
Hammond, Indiana
Burbank, California
Dumas, Texas
104 85 80 21
..~ ..
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~~ -.,)
War Assets Administration has 33 field offces conveniently located for your use in finding the industrial facilties you need. See the nearest of these offces for general information about plants and negotiation procedures. For detailed information regarding a specific plant, contact the offce identified in the descriptive listing of that plant.
Boston, Massachusetts War Assets Administration 40 Wall Street, 17th Floor New York 5, New York
War .ts Administration
KANSAS OITY War Assets Administration Troost & Bannister Road (95th
Street) P. O. Box 1037
~~~a~~~~p '~ils:ivania
Richmond ~ tfii,'
War Assets
Omaha, Nebraska
War Assets Administration
Post Offce Box 1409 Douglas Bomber Plant
War Assets Admtniii-tion 317 South Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina War Assets Administration
Post Offce Box 2090
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Birmingham, Alaba'1a
Administration Bir~g,
J acksonvilIe, Florida ',:,;~ '; ..~
Cleveland, Ohio'
Helena, Montana
Little Rock, Arkansas War Assets Administration 429 South Fifth Street Louisvle, Kentucky