Plastic Bricks

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Reusing the Plastic waste in form of

aggregate in paver blocks as to recycle.

Lakshmi G
Department of Computer
Science and Engineering
Sethu Institute of Technology,
Pulloor, Kariapatti. 626 115,

Abstract: due- toCurrent
the incorporation of plastic waste. Our product explicates that instead of
waste management
techniques such as land filling and incineration, aggregate we use the plastic in bricks and paver.
are not sufficient to address the growing plastic Finally, by our project we can make bricks in low
waste problem. The aim of this paper is to discuss cost and also reverse the plastic waste. Overall,
the use of plastic waste in the production of paver converting plastic waste into paver blocks has the
blocks, including the production process, the potential to be a beneficial solution to the plastic
benefits of using plastic waste, and the waste problem. By repurposing plastic waste into
environmental impact of this approach. a useful building material, it can have a second
Therefore, innovative solutions are required to life and reduce the overall demand for new
manage plastic waste sustainably. One promising
approach is the use of plastic waste in the materials
production of paver blocks. Our main motto is to
reduce the usage of plastic by our project called Keywords -
RecPlast (plastic brick). The process of
I. converting
INTRODUCTION plastic waste into paver blocks
involves several steps. First, the plastic waste is
collected and sorted to remove any non-plastic Plastic waste and sand are two of the most
materials, such as paper or metal. The plastic is
then shredded into small pieces. Then together abundant materials on our planet. Unfortunately,
with all materials like plastic, sand, cement, and they are also two of the most problematic when it
aggregate, meant to create concrete-like mixture. comes to environmental sustainability. Plastic
The finite mixture is then poured into moulds and
allowed to cool and harden. The resulting paver waste pollutes our oceans, landfills, and
blocks are strong, durable, and have a unique ecosystems, while sand mining has been linked to
environmental degradation and even human rights
abuses. Plastic waste has been a significant
environmental issue for many years, and its impact
on the planet continues to grow. One of the most
pressing challenges with plastic waste is finding a
way to recycle or reuse it.
In recent years, researchers and engineers have construction projects, as it is more consistent in
been exploring ways to convert plastic waste into quality and can be produced in large quantities. By
useful materials, such as paver blocks. combining plastic waste with m-sand, we can create
The recycling or reuse of plastic waste has a sustainable building material that offers several
become a significant environmental challenge benefits over traditional concrete or clay bricks.
around the world. The construction industry is one The production process for these blocks is less
of the largest consumers of building materials and labour-intensive and requires fewer resources,
produces a substantial amount of waste. In recent which can result in significant cost savings for
years, researchers and engineers have been builders and homeowners alike. Despite their many
exploring ways to convert plastic waste into useful benefits, there are still some challenges to be
materials, including its incorporation into paver addressed when it comes to the production and use
blocks. of paver blocks made from plastic waste and m-
There are several benefits to using plastic waste sand. One of the biggest challenges is ensuring the
in the production of paver blocks. First, it helps to quality and consistency of the blocks. Because
reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in plastic waste comes in a variety of shapes, sizes,
landfills or polluting the environment. By and types, it can be difficult to create a uniform
repurposing plastic waste into a useful building product that meets industry standards. Additionally,
material, it can have a second life and reduce the there may be concerns about the durability and
overall demand for new materials. Additionally, safety of using recycled plastic in construction
using plastic waste in paver blocks can help to projects. However, as more research is conducted
reduce the carbon footprint of the construction and more manufacturers begin to incorporate plastic
industry. Since plastic waste is already a by- waste and m-sand into their production processes,
product of other industries, using it in paver blocks we may see an increase in the use of this innovative
can reduce the need for new materials, which often and eco- friendly building material. By combining
have a high carbon footprint due to their production two abundant materials that would otherwise be
and transportation. considered waste, we can create a sustainable
solution to some of the most pressing
Another benefit of using plastic waste in paver environmental and social issues of our time. Paver
blocks is that they can be made to be more blocks made from plastic waste and m-sand offer a
lightweight than traditional pavers. Since plastic is unique opportunity to reduce plastic pollution and
less dense than traditional building materials like environmental degradation, while also supporting
concrete, paver blocks made with plastic waste can sustainable construction practices and building a
be lighter and easier to install. This can reduce the more sustainable future.
cost of transportation and installation, making them
a more cost-effective option. Despite these concerns, there is growing interest
in using plastic waste in the production of paver
However, by combining plastic waste and m- blocks. Many companies and organizations are
sand, we can create a sustainable building material investing in research and development to find ways
that offers a range of benefits for both the to create high-quality, durable pavers using plastic
environment and the construction industry. waste. Some cities and municipalities are also
Paver blocks made from this composite material exploring the use of plastic waste in public spaces,
are lightweight, durable, and weather-resistant. such as sidewalks and parks, as a way to reduce the
They also offer excellent insulation properties, amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills and
which can help reduce energy costs and improve waterways.
the overall sustainability of buildings. In addition to
their environmental benefits, paver blocks made
from plastic waste and m-sand are also more cost- Chauhan [2019] analysed a study to assess
effective than traditional bricks. plastic waste and river sand bricks with 1:2, 1:3,
and 1:4 ratios of plastic to sand. The bricks were
M-sand, or manufactured sand, is a type of sand 230 × 100
that is produced by crushing rocks, quarry stones, × 75 mm. Comparison had been analysed that
or even recycled concrete. Unlike natural sand, plastic bricks are very less conductive than clay
which is often mined from riverbeds and other bricks.
natural sources, m-sand is produced in controlled
environments and can be made to precise Ursula [2020] examined those bricks around
specifications. This makes it an ideal material for 55–65% made of sand, 29–39% plastic by weight,
5% crushed glass bottles, and 1% shredded paper.
River sand was sieved through 4.75–0.075 mm
sieves. During the water absorption test, the plasticware tested. The samples heated in a closed
samples gained less than 20% of the water drum, and their temperatures were observed at 30
absorbed by the various sand brick samples. min intervals. A standard water absorption test was
Finally, when the brick surfaces were scratched, conducted, the highest compressive strength was
only a very light impression made by a four-inch immersed in water for 24 h. The results showed that
common nail. the water absorption value was 0.052% higher than
Akinyele [2020] made a test “Polyethylene that of cement concrete pavers.
terephthalate (PET) as a replacement for burnt
bricks. Due to the melting point (2500 c) of PET
they reported It led to firing. The PET bricks also III. PROPOSED SOLUTION
had low compressive strength. M-Sand - Here coming with M sand we replace
Valarmathy and Sindhu [2021] had made a it with river sand as its the major proposed solution
comparative study on conventional and for soil erosion by digging river sand and its best
conventional HDPE paver blocks, which were substitute for River sand with relatable minerals
comprises of manufactured sand (M-Sand), and appropriate alternate for river sand. M-Sand is
sugarcane bagasse ash, and HDPE plastic. The cheaper than river sand cost. it has best water
blocks were coated with lime hydrate as it’s a good absorption capacity of manufactured sand up to 5%
thermal insulator it was moulded after moulding it to 7%. M-sand has a granular size range of 75
becomes good heat insulator. Finally, the paver microns to 4.75 millimetres, and its texture and
blocks manufactured with M-Sand is quite less particle shape are similar to natural sand. Here we
durable than the paver block manufactured HDPE use three-part M-sand in our mixture (1:3:6)-3
and more resilient than many other types of paver represents manufactured sand in proposition.
blocks Cement - Coming up to next part of mixture we
Susila et al. [2019] examined the compressive used M20 grade cement it’s one of the standards
strength of various samples with 1:3and 1:7 ratios and branded which is more suitable for
of LDPE plastic to sand at 200 ◦C. The samples manufacturing paver blocks and hollow cubes for
with a 1:3 (plastic: sand ratio) and 3 mm sand Pathways. Generally, it requeues 3 parts of water
grains had greatest compressive strength of 32.7 for exact mixture, here we add water as much
Mpa. The samples with a 1:7 (plastic: sand ratio) required until we get a definite proposition and
and 3 mm granules had the lowest compressive texture. It could able to bind with aggregate in
strength 12.0 Mpa. When more the ratio of sand suitable moisture and have a capability of gripping
more the compressive strength succulently.

Suriyaa [2021] used recycled PET bottles, LDPE Plastic - There are too many types of waste
carry bags, and HDPE pharmocol to make plastic plastic, here we take PVC, PC, HDPE (2), PCR
bricks. The compressive strength test, water with toner, polymerase, polypropylene, polystyrene,
absorption test, efflorescence test, hardness test, PET, PLA, PS. Generally, for manufacturing the
and soundness test conclude plastic bricks were paver block 6 of its part of aggregate but here we
compared with conventional bricks using the use plastic as aggregate at the ratio of 6. By using
following tests: It was found that a conventional plastics, I manufacture of paver block it will be
brick has a high compressive strength than the another step to enhance the rain water harvesting
Plastic sand brick while it holds maximum load of and in other hands we recycled the plastic waste.
32 KN was 1.27 Mpa, while that of a plastic sand
brick decreased
Almeshal.I, Tayeh (2020) Use of recycled plastic
as fine aggregate in cementitious conducted in
India compared the costs of plastic sand bricks and
conventional bricks and indicated that the cost of
plastic sand bricks more over double that of
conventional bricks. The comparison was based on
the cost of a sample of plastic sand bricks, which
might be misleading in the case of mass production
Dominique [2018] mixed HDPE plastic and sand Fig. 1. Plastic waste
to produce pavers and then tested their compressive
strength. The ratios (1:3, 1:4, and 1:5) Sand:
The procedure for making a cement, plastic, and
M-sand mixture involves several steps. Here is a
step-by-step guide on how to make this mixture.
Our product is on three ratios of (1:3:6) in the
pattern of (Cement: M-Sand: Plastic)
A) Step 1: Collect the materials - The
materials required for making the mixture
are cement, plastic waste, and M-sand.
Need to purchase cement and M-sand
from a local supplier. The plastic waste
can be collected from household waste,
recycling centres, or from nearby
industries that generate plastic waste.

B) Step 2: Clean the plastic waste - The

plastic waste should be cleaned thoroughly
before use. Any dirt, dust, or other Fig. 2. Flowchart
contaminants should be removed. This can
be done by washing the plastic waste with
water or using a cleaning solution.

C) Step 3: Mix the materials - The cement,

M- sand, and plastic waste should be
mixed in a ratio of 1:2:3. This means that
for every one-part cement, two parts M-
sand, and three parts plastic waste should
be used. The mixture should be thoroughly
mixed using a cement mixer or by hand
until a consistent texture is achieved.

D) Step 4: Add water - Once the materials are

mixed, water should be added to the
mixture. The amount of water needed will
Fig. 3. Mixture
depend on the consistency of the mixture.
The mixture should be moist enough to
hold its shape but not too wet that it
becomes runny. V. TESTING PROCEDURE
when the process of moulding gets over the brick
E) Step 7: Pour the mixture - The mixture is tended to be removed and made for the next
should be poured into the desired mould further moves.
and spread out evenly. The mixture should SOAKING - In general, After the manufacture of
be allowed to dry for at least 7 days to dry bricks are ready to soak in water. The importance
and fix. of soaking will help in various strengths. This will
make water to penetrate depth of the bricks to get
its texture. Even it will assure the strength of the
bricks by soaking. We soak the bricks in water for
different period of time.
Fig. 8. 14th day cube block result

Fig. 4. Cube soaking test

Fig. 9. 14th day paver block result

Fig. 5. Paver soaking test

IIIrd testing takes in a period of 21 days of soaking

I testing takes in a period of 7 days of soaked bricks.

Fig. 10. 21st day cube block result

Fig. 6. 7th day cube block result

Fig. 11. 21st day paver block result

Fig. 7. 7th day paver block test

IInd testing takes in a period of 14 days of Soaked

In the testing the bricks should attain 75% 13nm new opportunities for waste management, job
per m^2 sq. In the process of soaking and spraying creation, and sustainable development
water enhance the brick's permittivity

[1] Chauhan, S.S.; Kumar, B.; Singh, P.S.; Khan,
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[3] Akinyele, J.; Igba, U.T.O.; Adigun, B.G. Effect
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Fig. 12. Soaked paver block bricks. Sci. Afr. 2020, 7, e00301
[4] Valarmathy, N.; Sindhu, G.P. Comparative
study on conventional HDPE paver blocks with M-
Sand and bagasse ash as constituent materials.
J. Civil. Eng. 2021, 8, 1–3.
[5] Susila, I.M.; Suardana, N.P.G.; Kencanawati,
C.I.P.K.; Thanaya, I.N.A.; Adnyana, I.W.B. The
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Fig. 13. Soaked cube block
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Int. J. Sci. Eng. Res. 2021, 9, 6–9.
VI.FUTURE WORK AND CONCLUSION [7] Almeshal, I.; Tayeh, B.A.; Alyousef, R.;
Now our paver blocks are specially made for Alabduljabbar, H.; Mohamed, A.M.; Alaskar, A.
manufacture for footpaths. In order to enhance our Use of recycled plastic as fine aggregate in
next move is to increase by changing its ratio and cementitious composites: A review. Constr. Build.
make it stronger and more durable for laying roads. Mater. 2020, 253, 119146.
It could be also implemented way of using neon [8] Dominique, I.; Fulgence, N.; Gitare, M.; Serge,
colours and road radium lights. I.R.; Théogene, T. Recycling high-density
In conclusion, the use of plastic waste in the polyethylene (HDPE) into construction materials as
production of paver blocks is an innovative and a key step in plastic waste reduction: Case of Kigali
sustainable approach to waste management. It City. Rwanda J. Eng. Sci. Technol. Environ. 2018,
offers several benefits such as reducing the amount 1.
of plastic waste in landfills and oceans, reducing
the consumption of virgin materials, and providing
an affordable and durable building material.
By converting plastic waste into paver blocks,
we can create a circular economy where waste is
transformed into a resource, and the environment is
protected from the negative impacts of plastic
pollution. This approach has the potential to create

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