S7-1200 and Encoder
S7-1200 and Encoder
S7-1200 and Encoder
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(0) dear We have a S7-1200 and CPU 1214C, use HSC1, the Programmes as incremental or decremental counter just does not work. my use is a chain that comes and goes in a direction counter the counter counts well, but the return does not count well and does not redial the initial distance. Please send your best support. Thanks you
7/26/2011, 12:34 PM
(0) Hi, to be a bether idea about what happens, I have some questions: 1 - how do wire de signals? 2 - how do you configure and use the HSC in your software? Can you post some printscreens? Denilson Pegaia Siemens Industry Sector Industry Automation and Drive Technologies Division - Technical Support & Hotline Rua Werner Siemens, 111 05069-900 So Paulo Hotline Ateno ao Cliente Tel.: +55 11 3833-4040 E-Mail: atencao.cliente.ac.br@siemens.com Homepage Brasil: www.siemens.com.br Manuais / FAQs / Downloads: http://www.Siemens.com.br/Servicos&Suporte
7/29/2011, 6:05 PM
http://www.automation.siemens.com/WW/forum/guests/PostShow.aspx?PageIndex=1&Po... 12/2/2011
S7-1200 and encoder. - Siemens Industry IA/DT/BT Service & Support - Technical Foru...
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(0) Dear Mr. Pegaia: We send HSC1 fast counter configuration and the block where we work the fast counter. In a sense turning the counter counts ok, but in the other direction of rotation of the account is incorrect. we have connected: Channel A and Channel B Channel B and Channel A we set the counter as incremental and also as a counter decrement and does not work. Please send any suggestions Attachment: fault counter.pdf (103 Downloads)
8/2/2011, 6:43 PM
Denilson Pegaia Siemens Industry Sector Industry Automation and Drive Technologies Division - Technical Support & Hotline Rua Werner Siemens, 111 05069-900 So Paulo Hotline Ateno ao Cliente Tel.: +55 11 3833-4040 E-Mail: atencao.cliente.ac.br@siemens.com Homepage Brasil: www.siemens.com.br Manuais / FAQs / Downloads: http://www.Siemens.com.br/Servicos&Suporte
9/21/2011, 8:58 PM
http://www.automation.siemens.com/WW/forum/guests/PostShow.aspx?PageIndex=1&Po... 12/2/2011
S7-1200 and encoder. - Siemens Industry IA/DT/BT Service & Support - Technical Foru...
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(0) The channel A (Encoder) input on I0.0 (Increment / Decrement) The channel B (Encoder) input on I0.1 (Direction)
In device Configuration: HSC_1 - Properties General -> Enable Function -> Type of Counting "Counting" Operation Phase "Single Phase" Counting direction is especified by "Input point (External Direction Control)" In the Program Blocks: The program uses the block CTRL_HSC present in Counters/High Speed Counters. The parameter HSC input the address for the Hardware (Ex. ID1000). For visualization, open the Watch Table with address ID1000.
9/21/2011, 9:46 PM
(0) Hi, try to read in watch table ID1000:P Question: why do you use the HSC_Control? Can you place a printscreen online of it? Denilson Pegaia Siemens Industry Sector Industry Automation and Drive Technologies Division - Technical Support & Hotline Rua Werner Siemens, 111 05069-900 So Paulo Hotline Ateno ao Cliente Tel.: +55 11 3833-4040 E-Mail: atencao.cliente.ac.br@siemens.com Homepage Brasil: www.siemens.com.br Manuais / FAQs / Downloads: http://www.Siemens.com.br/Servicos&Suporte
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http://www.automation.siemens.com/WW/forum/guests/PostShow.aspx?PageIndex=1&Po... 12/2/2011