Learning Physics As One Nation Physics Quiz Set A

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Learnlng hyslcs as Cne naLlon

MonLhly 1esL
hyslcs CulzSeL A
name ________________________________________________Score_________________________
?ear SecLlon_________________________________________uaLe__________________________

Lnclrcle Lhe leLLer of Lhe besL answer

A Llnear MoLlon

1 1he Sl unlL for dlsplacemenL ls_______
a Second b meLer c meLer per second d none of Lhese
2 1he Sl unlL for veloclLy ls___________
a Second b meLer c meLer per second d none of Lhese
3 1he Sl unlL for acceleraLlon ls ______
a m
/s b m/s
c m/s d none of Lhese
4 A scalar ls dlfferenL from a vecLor because a vecLor also has _______
a MagnlLude b unlL c dlrecLlon d none of Lhese
3 1he changed ln veloclLy over elapsed Llme ls called Lhe ___________
a ulsLance b acceleraLlon c dlsplacemenL d none of Lhese
6 lor consLanL veloclLy Lhe shape of Lhe graph of dlsLance Lraveled versus Llme ls a _________
a Clrcle b sLralghL llne c parabola d none of Lhese
7 ln a dlsLance versus Llme graph Lhe slope glves Lhe value of Lhe __________
a ulsplacemenL b veloclLy c acceleraLlon d none of Lhese
8 A car moves aL a consLanL veloclLy of 60 km/hr along a sLralghL hlghway from ubay Lo 1rlnldad
WhaL ls Lhe dlsLance lL covers ln 10 mlnuLes?
a 0 km b 6 km c 10 km d 600 km
9 ln a veloclLy versus Llme graph Lhe slopes glve Lhe value of Lhe _________
a ulsplacemenL b veloclLy c acceleraLlon d none of Lhese
10 lor consLanL acceleraLlon Lhe shape of Lhe graph of veloclLy versus Llme ls a ______________
a clrcle b sLralghL llne c parabola d none of Lhese
11 lor an ob[ecL LhaL acceleraLes from resL Lo a flnal veloclLy of 10 m/s Lhe lnlLlal veloclLy vl ls
a Lqual Lo Lhe flnal veloclLy C zero
b Lhe same as Lhe acceleraLlon d none of Lhese
12 A bus sLarLlng from resL acceleraLes aL 2 m/s
lLs veloclLy afLer 18 seconds ls _________
a zero b 36 m/s c 9 m/s d none of Lhese
13 1he magnlLude of Lhe vecLor sum of Lhe vecLors A3m due easL and 84m due norLh ls ____
a 7 b 3 c 23 d none of Lhese
14 A farmer walks 3 meLers due easL Lhen walks 7 meLers due wesL Pls resulLanL dlsplacemenL ls
a 10 m due norLh b 4 m due easL c 4 m due wesL d none of Lhese
13 A souLh hlkes 3 km due norLh Lhen hlkes back 3 km due souLh Pls resulLanL dlsplacemenL ls
a 3 km due norLh b 6 km due souLh c zero d none of Lhese

8 klnemaLlcs

16 1he MkS unlL for dlsplacemenL ls _______
a meLer b second c meLer per second d none of Lhese
17 1he MkS unlL for veloclLy ls_________________
a second b meLer c meLer per second d none of Lhese
18 1he MkS unlL for acceleraLlon ls____________
a m/s
b m
/s c m/s d none of Lhese
19 lor consLanL veloclLy Lhe shape of Lhe dlsLance Lraveled versus Llme ls a ________
a sLralghL llne b parabola c clrcle d none of Lhese
20 ln a dlsLance versus Llme graph Lhe slope glves Lhe value of Lhe ______
a dlsplacemenL b veloclLy c acceleraLlon d none of Lhese
21 1he change ln veloclLy over an elapsed Llme ls called Lhe____________
a dlsLance b dlsplacemenL c acceleraLlon d none of Lhese
22 ln a veloclLy versus Llme graph Lhe slope glves Lhe value of Lhe __________
b ulsplacemenL b acceleraLlon c veloclLy d none of Lhese

23 lor consLanL acceleraLlon Lhe shape of Lhe graph of veloclLy versus Llme ls a ______________
b clrcle b sLralghL llne c parabola d none of Lhese
24 lor consLanL acceleraLlon Lhe graph of dlsLance versus Llme ls parL of a _________
a clrcle b sLralghL llne c parabola d none of Lhese
23 lor an ob[ecL LhaL acceleraLes from resL Lo a flnal veloclLy of 10 m/s Lhe lnlLlal veloclLy vl ls
c Lqual Lo Lhe flnal veloclLy C zero
d 1he same as Lhe acceleraLlon d none of Lhese
26 A bus sLarLlng from resL acceleraLes aL 2 m/s
lLs veloclLy afLer 16 seconds ls _________
b zero b 8 m/s c 32 m/s d none of Lhese
27 A [eep acceleraLes from 2m/s Lo 12 m/s ln 2 seconds lLs acceleraLlon ls _______________
a 3 m/s
b 6 m/s
c 12 m/s
d 98 m/s

lor CuesLlons 2830 conslder Lhe followlng A [ogger acceleraLes aL 2 m/s
AfLer runnlng a dlsLance of 3
meLers he reached a flnal veloclLy of 6 m/s

28 Whlch klnemaLlc equaLlon ls easy Lo use lf you are asked for Lhe lnlLlal veloclLy when Lhe [ogger
sLarLed Lo run fasLer?
a v
+ aL b d Z(v
)L c v
+2ad d d v
L + Z aL

29 WhaL was Lhe [ogger's lnlLlal veloclLy when he sLarLed Lo run fasLer?
a 16 m/s b 6 m/s c 4 m/s d none of Lhese
30 Pow long dld lL Lake Lhe [ogger Lo acceleraLe from hls flnal veloclLy? (llnd L)
a 3 s b 4 s c 1 s d none of Lhese

C MomenLum/lmpulse

31 Whlch of Lhe followlng quanLlLles ls a scalar?
a lorce b Speed c momenLum d lmpulse
32 A car of mass 1400 kg moves on a sLralghL road aL 20 m/s lLs llnear momenLum ls___________
a 28000 kgm/s b 2800 kgm/s c 70 kgm/s d none of Lhese
33 A moLlonless box on a Lable has a mass of 2 kg lLs llnear momenLum ls _________________
a zero b 2 kg m/s c lnflnlLe d none of Lhese
34 WhaL ls Lhe mass of a carL movlng aL 10 m/s lf lLs momenLum ls 230 kgm/s?
a 2300 kgm/s b 23 kgm/s c 004 kgm/s d none of Lhese
33 Whlch graph besL represenLs whaL happens Lo Lhe force as lmpacL Llme ls lncreased?
a l b l c l d l


u 8uoyancy/Pooke Law/unlform Clrcular MoLlon

36 A regular mllk has a denslLy of 1037 g/L WhaL ls Lhe mass of 1 llLer of regular mllk?
a 1037 kg b 1037 kg c 1037 g d none of Lhese
37 Whlch ls a correcL force dlagram?

a b
8uoyanL force
8uoyanL force WelghL
38 A 4 kg block dlsplaces 02 kg of waLer 1he buoyanL force acLlng on lL ls________________
a 08 n b 196 n c 392 n d none of Lhese
39 A sprlng consLanL has Lhe Sl unlL of _________________
a kg/n b nkg c n/kg d none of Lhese
40 WhaL ls unlform ln unlform clrcular moLlon?
a Llnear veloclLy b poslLlon c llnear speed d acceleraLlon

Cood luck
PonesLy ls Lhe besL pollcy

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