Hrs / Week Sl. No. Course No. Subject L T P TA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LMV 101 LMV 102 LMV 103 LMV 104 LMV 105 LMV 106 LMV 107 LMV 108 Analog Integrated Circuit Design CMOS Digital Integrated circuits Advanced Digital System Design Introduction to VLSI Technology & Design Elective I Elective II Seminar I VLSI Design and Signal Processing Lab Total 4 4 4 4 3 3 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 5 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 200 CT 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 200 Evaluation Scheme (Marks) Sessional Sub Total 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 400 ESE Total Credits (C)
4 4 4 4 3 3 1 2 25
Elective I (LMV 105) LMV 105 - 1 LMV 105 - 2 LMV 105 - 3 LMV 105 - 4 Wireless Communication DSP Integrated Circuits CAD for VLSI Testing of VLSI Circuits LMV 106 - 1 LMV 106 - 2 LMV 106 - 3 LMV 106 - 4
Elective II (LMV 106) Advanced Microcontrollers Design of Digital Signal Processing Systems Communication Network ASIC Design
L Lecture, T Tutorial, P Practical TA Teachers Assessment (Assignments, attendance, group discussion, tutorials, seminars, etc.) CT Class Test (Minimum of two tests to be conducted by the Institute) ESE End Semester Examination to be conducted by the University Electives: New Electives may be added by the department according to the needs of emerging fields of technology. The name of the elective and its syllabus should be submitted to the University before the course is offered
Hrs / Week Sl. No. Course No. Subject L T P TA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LMV 201 LMV 202 LMV 203 LMV 204 LMV 205 LMV 206 LMV 207 LMV 208 Principles of Real Time System Introduction to Embedded System Digital Image Processing High Speed Digital Design Elective III Elective IV Seminar II Embedded System Lab Total 4 4 4 4 3 3 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 5 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 200 CT 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 200 Evaluation Scheme (Marks) Sessional Sub Total 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 400 ESE Total Credits (C)
4 4 4 4 3 3 1 2 25
Elective III (LMV 205) LMV 205 - 1 LMV 205 - 2 LMV 205 - 3 LMV 205 - 4 Real Time Embedded System and Controllers Analysis and Design of Analog and Mixed VLSI Circuits DSP Algorithms and Architecture Micro Electro Mechanical System LMV 206 - 1 LMV 206 - 2 LMV 206 - 3 LMV 206 - 4
Elective IV (LMV 206) System Design using Embedded Processors Artificial Neural Networks Multirate Signal Processing and Filter Banks Hardware/Software Co Design
L Lecture, T Tutorial, P Practical TA Teachers Assessment (Assignments, attendance, group discussion, tutorials, seminars, etc.) CT Class Test (Minimum of two tests to be conducted by the Institute) ESE End Semester Examination to be conducted by the University Electives: New Electives may be added by the department according to the needs of emerging fields of technology. The name of the elective and its syllabus should be submitted to the University before the course is offered
Hrs / Week Sl. No. Course No. Subject L T P TA* 1 2 LMV 301 LMV 302 Industrial Training Masters Thesis Phase - I Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 10 30 50 0 50 100 150 10 50 CT 0 Evaluation Scheme (Marks) Sessional Sub Total 50 ESE** Total (Oral) 100 150 Credits (C)
* TA based on a Technical Report submitted together with presentation at the end of the Industrial Training ** Evaluation of the Industrial Training will be conducted at the end of the third semester by a panel of examiners, with at least one external examiner, constituted by the University
Hrs / Week Sl. No. Course No. Subject L T P TA* 1 2 LMV 401 LMV 402 Masters Thesis Masters Comprehensive Viva Total Grand Total of all Semesters 30 150 0 150 0 0 30 150 CT 0 Evaluation Scheme (Marks) Sessional Credits ESE** (C) (Oral Total & Sub Total Viva) 150 150 100 0 300 100 400 2750 20 80 20
* 50% of the marks to be awarded by the Project Guide and the remaining 50% to be awarded by a panel of examiners, including the Project Guide, constituted by the Department ** Thesis evaluation and Viva-voce will be conducted at the end of the fourth semester by a panel of examiners, with at least one external examiner, constituted by the University
L T P C 4 0 0 4
MOS transistors - Advanced MOS modeling in linear, saturation and cutoff - high frequency equivalent circuit. Module 2 Current mirrors active loads - output stages- cascode and Folded cascode structuresfrequency response Module 3 Differential amplifiers - frequency response- CMOS operational amplifiers - one-stage opamps and two stage op-amps -Noise in op-amps Module 4 Frequency response and stability of feedback amplifiers - frequency compensationNonlinearity and mismatch in MOS differential circuits. Text Books : 1. David A Johns & Ken Martin, Analog Integrated Circuit Design John Wiley and Sons, 2008 2. Gray, Hurst, Lewis, and Meyer, Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, 5 edition by, John Wiley and Sons, 2009. 3. Behzad Razavi, Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuit Tata-Mc GrawHill, 2008 References: 1. Philip Allen & Douglas Holberg, CMOS Analog Circuit Design, Oxford University Press, 2009 2. R. Gregorian, G.C. Temes, "Analog MOS ICs for Signal Processing", Wiley 2004.
LMV 102
L T P C 4 0 0 4
Module 1 MOS Transistors-Structure-electrical characteristics-first order and second order effects scaling of MOS transistors-Spice modeling-CMOS fabrication process-Schematic, Stick diagram- layout of simple CMOS gates. Module 2 Parasitic associated with MOS structure layout-RC delay-interconnect delay-CMOS inverter-static and dynamic characteristics-Design of inverters, combination circuits-Design of sequential circuits-clocking strategies-semiconductor memories. Module 3 Inverters and logic gates- NMOS and CMOS inverters, inverter ratio, DC and transient characteristics, switching times, super buffers, driving large capacitance loads, CMOS logic structures, transmission gates. Module 4 VLSI system components circuits-Multiplexers, decoders, Priority encoders, shift registers. Arithmetic circuits- ripple carry adders, carry look ahead adders, high-speed adders, Multipliers. Text Books: 1. Sung Mo Kang and Yusuf Lebelci, CMOS Digital integrated Circuits Analysis and Design, Tata McGraw- Hill , New Delhi, 2003. 2. Jan M Rabaey and Anantha Chandrakasan, Digital integrated Circuits- A Design Perspective ,Prentice Hall, Second Edition, 2002. 3. Neil H E Weste, David Harris and Ayan Banerjee, CMOS VLSI Design- A circuit System Perspective, Pearson Education, 2004. 4. Muller Richards, Kamins and Theodre Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits John Wiley, New York, 2003.
LMV 103
L T P C 4 0 0 4
Module 1 Combinational Circuits Design- Synchronous Sequential Circuits design-Fault detection and Analysis in combinational and sequential systems-Path sensitizing method-SPOOF methodBoolean Difference Method- initial State Method Module 2 Asynchronous Sequential Circuit Design and analysis-Flow table reduction-state assignment-problem and transition table-static and dynamic hazards-essential hazards-mixed operating mode asynchronous circuits. Module 3 Study of programmable Logic Families- PLD, CPLD, FPGA, PLA. Synthesis and implementation issues Module 4 Verilog Description of combinational Circuits-arrays-Verilog operaters-Compilation and simulation of Verilog codes-Modelling using Verilog-Flip Flops-registers-counterssequential machine-combinational logic circuits-Verilog codes serial adders-binary multipliers-binary divider. Text Books : 1. Richard F Tinder, Engineering Digital Design, Mc Graw Hill, 2003. 2. Donald D Givone , Digital Principles and Design , Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2004. 3. Parag K Lala, Digital Circuit Testing and Testability ,Academic Press, 1997 4. Samir Palnitkar, Verilog HDL , Pearson Education, 1996. 5. K. Chan and S. Mourad,Digital Design Using Field Programmable Gate Array, Prentice Hall, 1994. 6. Greweal B S, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 2005
L T P C 4 0 0 4
Oxidation technologies in VLSI and ULSI -.Kinetics of Silicon dioxide growth both for thick, thin and ultra thin films- High k and low k dielectrics for ULSI- Solid State diffusion modeling and technology; Ion Implantation modeling, damage annealing
Module 2 Photolithography, E-beam lithography and newer lithography techniques for VLSI/ULSI. CVD techniques for deposition of films; Etching- Evaporation and sputtering techniquesmetal interconnects; Multi-level metallization schemes. Plasma etching and RIE techniques
Module 4 VLSI Design - Introduction to ASICS, CMOS LOGIC and ASIC Library Design - Types of ASICs design flow- CMOS transistors CMOS design rules combinational logic cell sequential logic cell- Data path logic cell transistors and resistors transistor parasitic capacitance logical effort library cell design library architecture Text Books : 1. C.Y. Chang and S.M.Sze (Ed), ULSI Technology, McGraw Hill Companies Inc, 2002, reprinted. 2. S.M. Sze (Ed), VLSI Technology, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2008. 3. Stephen Campbell, The Science and Engineering of Microelectronics, Oxford University Press, 2001. 4. M.J.S. Smith, Application specific integrated circuits Addison Wesley Longman Inc. 2008.
References: 1. S.K. Ghandhi, VLSI Fabrication Principles, John Wiley Inc., New York, 2008. 2. James Plummer, M. Deal and P.Griffin, Silicon VLSI Technology, Prentice Hall Electronics and VLSI series, 2nd Edition, 2009.
LMV 105 - 1
L T P C 3 0 0 3
Module 1: Fading and Diversity Wireless Channel Models- path loss and shadowing models- statistical fading modelsNarrow band and wideband Fading models- Review of performance of digital modulation schemes over wireless channels - Diversity- Repetition coding and Time DiversityFrequency and Space Diversity- Receive Diversity- Concept of diversity branches and signal paths- Combining methods- Selective diversity combining - Switched combiningmaximal ratio combining- Equal gain combining- performance analysis for Rayleigh fading channels. Module 2: Cellular Communication Cellular Networks- Multiple Access: FDM/TDM/FDMA/TDMA- Spatial reuse- Co-channel interference Analysis- Hand over Analysis- Erlang Capacity Analysis- Spectral efficiency and Grade of Service- Improving capacity - Cell splitting and sectorization. Module 3: Spread spectrum and CDMA Motivation- Direct sequence spread spectrum- Frequency Hopping systems- Time Hopping.- Anti-jamming- Pseudo Random (PN) sequence- Maximal length sequences- Gold sequences- Generation of PN sequences.- Diversity in DS-SS systems- Rake ReceiverPerformance analysis. Spread Spectrum Multiple Access- CDMA Systems- Interference Analysis for Broadcast and Multiple Access Channels- Capacity of cellular CDMA networks- Reverse link power control- Hard and Soft hand off strategies. Module 4: Fading Channel Capacity Capacity of Wireless Channels- Capacity of flat and frequency selective fading channelsMultiple Input Multiple output (MIMO) systems- Narrow band multiple antenna system model- Parallel Decomposition of MIMO Channels- Capacity of MIMO Channels. Cellular Wireless Communication Standards Second generation cellular systems: GSM specifications and Air Interface - specifications, IS 95 CDMA- 3G systems: UMTS & CDMA 2000 standards and specifications
Text Books: 1. Andrea Goldsmith, Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press, 2005. 2. Simon Haykin & Michael Moher, Modern Wireless Communications, Person Education, 2007. 3. T. S. Rappaport, Wireless Communication, Principles & Practice, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2009. References: 1. G. L. Stuber, Principles of Mobile Communications, 2nd Edition, Springer Verlag. 2007. 2. Kamilo Feher, 'Wireless Digital Communication', Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2006. 3. R. L. Peterson, R. E. Ziemer & David E. Borth, Introduction to Spread Spectrum Communication, Prentice Hall, 1995. 4. A. J. Viterbi, CDMA- Principles of Spread Spectrum, Prentice Hall, 1995.
LMV 105 - 2
L T P C 3 0 0 3
Module 1: Multi rate systems: Decimation and interpolation, polyphase structures, Filters for decimation and interpolation, multistage decimators and interpolators, filter banks, uniform DFT filter bank, two channel QMF filter bank, PRQMF.
Module 2: Adaptive signal processing: Adaptive systems, open loop and closed loop adaptation, Adaptive linear combiner, Adaptive algorithms and structures, LMS algorithm, ideal LMS/Newton algorithm, Sequential regression algorithm, Random search algorithms and applications
Module 3: Two dimensional signal processing 2 D signals and systems, two dimensionalsampling, difference equations, convolution, two dimensional DFT, two dimensional DCT, Two dimensional Z Transforms, stability conditions
Module 4: General Purpose DSP Architecture TMS 320 C 54 X fixed point processor, TMS 320 C 6X processor, ADSP 21xxx SHARC processor Text Books : 1. Tamal Bose, Digital signal and Image processing, Wiley, 2004. 2. P P Vaidyanathan, Multirate Systems and Filter Banks, Prentice Hall. V, 2008. 3. Bernard Widrow and S D Streams , Adaptive Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, 2007. 4. D E Dudgeson and R M Mersereau, Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, 1984 References: 1. Texas Instruments Documentation, Analog Devices Documentation
LMV 105 - 3
L T P C 3 0 0 3
Module 1 Logic Synthesis and Technology Mapping-Introduction, Y Chart-physical design top-down flow, comparison of FPGA/ASIC design styles. review of graph theory and data structurescomputer aided sythesis and optimization, circuit models synthesis-logic synthesis, architectureral synthesisis and optimization. Graph, graph optimization problems and algorithms. Introduction to combinational logic synthesis-binary decision
diagrams:principles implementation and constructions, manipulation, variable ordering, applications to verification and optimizations. Two level and multi level optimization, sequential logic optimization. Technology mapping. Cell library binding,. Module 2 Physical design automation- floor planning. Power planning. Clock tree synthesis. Placement. Pin assignment.routing:global,detail,over the cell routing. Clock and power routing. Module 3 Global compaction and layout compaction-power formulation, 11/2 dimentional compaction, two dimentional compactional,hierarchical compaction, F algorithm for constrain compaction Longest path algorithm for for DAGs ,longest path in graphs with cycles, Bellman-Ford Algorithm, Horizontal and vertical virtual grid copaction, constrain graph based compaction. Module 4 Timing analysis prelayout and post layout, static and dynamic timing analysis for single and multiple path data flows.copensational techniques. Critical path delays. Back
annotation,circuit extraction and DRC, BIST. Text Books: 1. Giovanni De Micheli Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Circuits, 1st Edition Mc Graw Hill, 1994. 12
2. Naveed Sherwani Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation, 3rd edition, Springer International edition, 2005. 3. H Yosuff and S M Sait VLSI Physical Design Automation Theory and Practice, Mc Graw Hill Pub. , 1995. References: 1. Michael John Sebastian Smith, Application Specific Integrated Circuits, Pearson Education Asia, 2009. 2. Sabih. H. Gerez, Algorithm for VLSI Design Automation Theory and Practice, John Willey & Sons Ltd., 2004
LMV 105 - 4
L T P C 3 0 0 3
Module 1 Introduction-VLSI testing process and Test Equipment-Test Economics and Product Quality- why fault modeling-Fault Modeling-Logic and Fault Simulation-glossary of Faultssingle stuck-at-faults-functional equivalence-bridging faults. Module 2 Logic simulation-modeling single states-algorithm for true value simulation-serial and parallel fault simulation-Testability Measures-Combinational Circuit Test GenerationSequential Circuit Test Generation. Module 3 Introduction to SCAN-Binary Decision Diagram-combinational ATPG Algebra-redundancy D algorithm-PODEM algorithm-FAN algorithm-circuit test approach-observabilitycontrollability. Module 4 Memory Test-Analog and Mixed signal Test-delay test-IDDQ Test. DFT FundamentalsATPQ Fundamental-Scan Architecture and Technique. System Test- Embedded Core TestFuture Testing. Text Books: 1. Viswani D Agarwal and Michael L Bushnell, Essentials of Electronic Testing of Digital Memory and Mixed Signal VLSI Circuits, Springer, 2000. 2. Alfred L Cronch, Design for Test for Digital ICs and Embedded Core system, Prentice Hall, 1999. 3. Niraj Jha and Sanjeep K Gupta, Testing of Digital Systems, Cambridge University Press, 2003. 4. M. Abramovici, M A Breuer and A D Friedman, Digital systems Testing and Testable Design, IEEE Press, 1994. 14
LMV 106 - 1
L T P C 3 0 0 3
Module 1 Low pin count controllers Atmel AVR family ATTiny15L controller - architecture pin descriptions features addressing modes I/O space reset and interrupt handling reset sources - Tunable internal oscillator. Module 2 Timers Watch dog timer EEPROM preventing data corruption Analog comparator A/D converter conversion timing ADC noise reduction PortB alternate functions memory programming fuse bits high voltage serial programming algorithm. Module 3 National semiconductor COP8 family - COP8CBR9 processor features electrical characteristics pin descriptions memory organization EEPROM - security brownout reset in system programming boot ROM. Idle timer Timer1, Timer2, Timer3 operating modes PWM mode event capture mode Module 4 Power saving modes Dual clock operation Multi input wake up USART framing formats baud rate generation A/D conversion operating modes prescaler Interrupts interrupt vector table Watch dog service window Micro-wire interface waveforms. Microchip PIC16 family PIC16F873 processor features architecture memory organization - register file map I/O ports PORTA - PORTB PORTC Data EEPROM and flash program memory Asynchronous serial port SPI mode I2C mode. Text Books: 1. John B Peatman , Design with PIC micro-controllers, Pearson Education, 2006.
References: 15
1. DS101374: National Semiconductor reference manual. 2. National semiconductor web site 3. 1187D: Atmel semiconductor reference manual. 4. Atmel semiconductor web site 5. DS30292B: Microchip reference manual. Microchip semiconductor web site
L T P C 3 0 0 3
Introduction to a popular DSP from Texas Instruments TMS320C6XXX CPU Architecture (VLIW) - CPU Data Paths and Control - Timers - Internal Data/ Program Memory - External processors Module 2 Programming - Instruction Set and Addressing Modes - Code Composer Studio - Code Generation Tools - Code Composer Studio Debug Tools Simulator. Module 3 Digital Signal Processing Applications : Filter Design - FIR & IIR Digital Filter Design filter Design programs using MATLAB - Fourier Transform: DFT, FFT programs using MATLAB - Real Time Implementation : Implementation of Real Time Digital filters using DSP - Implementation of FFT applications using DSP - DTMF Tone Generation and Detection Module 4 Current Trends in Digital Signal Processors / DSP Controllers - Architecture - DSP Applications. Text Books: 1. Naim Dahnoun, Digital Signal Processing Implementation Using the TMS320C6000 DSP Platform, 1 st Edition, 2000. 2. T.J. Terrel and Lik-Kwan Shark , Digital Signal Processing - A Student Guide, 1st Edition, MACMILLAN PRESS, Ltd, 2000. 3. David J Defatta J, Lucas Joseph G & Hodkiss William S, Digital Signal Processing: A System Design Approach, 1 st Edition; John Wiley, 2009 Memory Interface ,Difference between fixed and floating point
References: 1. Rulph Chassaing, DSP Applications using C and the TMS320C6X DSK, 1st Edition, 2002. 2. Andrew Bateman, Warren Yates, Digital Signal Processing Design, 1 st Edition, 1989. 3. John G Proakis, Dimitris G Manolakis, Introduction to Digital Signal Processing, 4th Edition, 2006. 4. Kreig Marven & Gillian Ewers, A Simple approach to Digital Signal processing, 1st Edition; Wiely Interscience, 1996 5. JAMES H. McClellan, Ronald Schaffer and Mark A. Yoder, DSP FIRST - A Multimedia Approach, 1 st Edition; Prentice Hall, 1997 6. Oppenheim A.V and Schafer R.W, Digital Signal Processing, 1 st Edition; PH, 1975
L T P C 3 0 0 3
Architectural concepts in ISOs OSI layered model, layering in the Internet. TCP/IP protocol stack. Transport layer - TCP and UDP. Network layer - IP, routing, internetworking. Module 2 Data link layer - ARQ schemes, multiple access, LANs. Quality of Service issues in networks- Integrated service architecture- Queuing DisciplinesWeighted Fair Queuing- Random Early Detection- Differentiated Services- Protocols for QOS support- Resource reservation-RSVP- Multi protocol Label switching- Real Time transport protocol. Module 3 Markov chain- Discrete time and continuous time Markov chains- Poisson process- Queuing models for Data gram networks- Littles theorem- M/M/1 queuing systems- M/M/m/m queuing models- M/G/1 queue- Mean value analysis- Time reversibility- Closed queuing networks- Jacksons Networks. Module 4 Multiplexing: Network performance and source characterization; Stream sessions in packet networks - deterministic analysis, stochastic analysis, circuit multiplexed networks; Elastic transfers in packet networks - adaptive bandwidth sharing. Text books: 1. James. F. Kurose and Keith.W. Ross, Computer Networks, A top-down approach featuring the Internet, Addison Wesley, 2001. 2. D. Bertsekas and R. Gallager, Data Networks, PHI, 2000.
3. S. Keshav, An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking, Addison Wesley, 2008. 4. Peterson L.L. & Davie B.S., Computer Networks: A System Approach, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 2007. 5. Anurag Kumar, D. Manjunath, and Joy Kuri, Communication Networking: An Analytical Approach, Morgan Kaufman Publ., 2004.
L T P C 3 0 0 3
Programmable ASICS, Programmable ASIC Logic cells and Programmable ASIC I/o cells Anti fuse- static RAM EPROM and EEPROM technology, PREP benchmarks- Actel ACT-Xilinx LCA- Altera FLEX- Altera MAX DC & AC inputs and outputs clock & Power inputs Xilinx I/O blocks. Module 2 Programmable ASIC Interconnect, Programmable ASIC design software and Low level design entry -Actel ACT-Xilinx LCA Xilinx EPLD Altera MAX 5000 and 7000 Altera MAX 9000 Altera FLEX- Design systems Logic synthesis half gate ASIC schematic entry low level design language PLA tools ENDIF-CFI design representation. Module 3 Logic Synthesis, Simulation and Testing - Verilog and logic synthesis VHDL and logic synthesis types of simulation boundary scan test- fault simulation automatic test pattern generation. Module 4 ASIC construction, Floor Planning, Placement and routing -System partition FPGA partitioning partitioning methods floor planning placement physical design flowglobal routing detailed routing special routing circuit extraction DRC. Text Books: 1. M.J.S. Smith, Application specific integrated circuitsAddisonWesley Longman Inc. 1997. 2. Andrew Brown, - VLSI circuits and systems in silicon, Mc Graw Hill, 1991. 3. S.D. Brown, R.J. Francis, J.Rox, Z.G. Uranesic, Field Programmable gate arrays, Khuever academic publisher, 1992. 4. S.Y.Kung, H.J. Whilo House, T.Kailath, VLSI and Modern Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, 1984. 21
LMV 107
L T P C 0 0 2 1
Each student shall present a seminar on any topic of interest related to the core / elective courses offered in the first semester of the M. Tech. programme. He / she shall select the topic based on the references from international journals of repute, preferably IEEE journals. They should get the paper approved by the Programme Co-ordinator / Faculty member in charge of the seminar and shall present it in the class. Every student shall participate in the seminar. The students should undertake a detailed study on the topic and submit a report at the end of the semester. Marks will be awarded based on the topic, presentation, participation in the seminar and the report submitted.
LMV 108
L T P C 0 0 3 2
System simulation experiments based on the courses LMV 102, LMV 103 and the elective courses opted by the student in the first semester.
LMV 201
L T P C 4 0 0 4
Module 1: Tasks and Scheduling Introduction - Issues in Real Time Computing, Structure of a Real Time System, Task classes, Performance Measures for Real Time Systems, Estimating Program Run Times. Task Assignment and Scheduling - Classical uniprocessor scheduling algorithms, Uniprocessor scheduling of IRIS tasks, Task assignment, Mode changes, and Fault Tolerant Scheduling. Module 2: Programming Languages and Data bases Programming Languages and Tools - Desired language characteristics, Data typing, Control structures, Facilitating Hierarchical Decomposition, Packages, Run - time (Exception) Error handling, Overloading and Generics, Multitasking, Low level programming, Task Scheduling, Timing Specifications, Programming Environments, Run - time support. Module 3: Real time Databases Basic Definition, Real time Vs General Purpose Databases, Main Memory Databases, Transaction priorities, Transaction Aborts, Concurrency control issues, Disk Scheduling Algorithms, Two-phase Approach to improve Predictability, Maintaining Serialization Consistency, Databases for Hard Real Time Systems. Module 4 : a. Communication Real-Time Communication - Communications media, Network Topologies Protocols, Fault Tolerant Routing. Fault Tolerance Techniques - Fault Types, Fault Detection. Fault Error containment Redundancy, Data Diversity, Reversal Checks, Integrated Failure handling. b. Clock Synchronization Clock Synchronization - Clock, A Non fault-Tolerant Synchronization Algorithm, Impact of faults, Fault Tolerant Synchronization in Hardware, Fault Tolerant Synchronization in software. 23
Text Books: 1. C.M. Krishna, Kang G. Shin, "Real Time Systems", McGraw - Hill International Editions, 1997
L T P C 4 0 0 4
a. Embedded Architecture Embedded Computers Characteristics of Embedded Computing Applications Challenges in Embedded Computing system design Embedded System design process Formalism for System Design b. Networks Hardware and Software Architectures Networks for Embedded Systems I2C CAN Bus Zig Bee - Blue tooth SPI - USB - Ethernet Myrinet Internet NetworkBased design Communication Analysis System Performance Analysis Module 2: Program modeling concepts in single and multiprocessor systems softwaredevelopment process Modeling process for software analysis before software implementation- Programming models for event controlled or response time constrained programs - Modeling of multiprocessor systems Module 3: Inter-process Communication and Synchronisation of Processes ,Tasks and Threads Multiple Processes in an Application - Data sharing by multiple tasks and routines- Inter Process Communication Module 4: Real Time Operating Systems Operating System Services , I/O Subsystems - Network Operating Systems - Real Time and Embedded System Operating systems. Interrupt routines in RTOS Environments - RTOS Task Scheduling models , Interrupt Latency and response Times Performance metric in scheduling models
Text Books: 1. Wayne Wolf Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 2008. 2. Raj Kamal Embedded Systems Architecture, Programming and Design, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2008 References: 1. Jane.W.S., Liu Real-Time systems, Pearson Education , 2000. 2. C. M. Krishna and K. G. Shin, Real Time Systems, McGraw Hill, 1997. 3. Frank Vahid and Tony Givargi, Embedded System Design: A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction, John Wiley & Sons, 2006
L T P C 4 0 0 4
Image representation: Gray scale and colour Images, image sampling and quantization. Two dimensional orthogonal transforms: DFT, WHT, Haar transform, KLT, DCT. Image enhancement - filters in spatial and frequency domains, histogram-based processing, homomorphic filtering. Edge detection - non parametric and model based approaches, LOG filters, localisation problem.
Module 2 Image Restoration: Degradation Models, PSF, circulant and block - circulant matrices, deconvolution, restoration using inverse filtering, Wiener filtering and maximum entropybased methods.Image Segmentation: Pixel classification, Bi-level thresholding, Multi-level thresholding, P-tile method, Adaptive thresholding, Spectral & spatial classification, Edge detection, Hough transform, Region growing.
Module 3 Fundamental concepts of image compression - Compression models - Information theoretic perspective - Fundamental coding theorem - Lossless Compression: Huffman CodingArithmetic coding - Bit plane coding - Run length coding - Lossy compression: Transform coding Image compression standards.
Module 4 Fundamentals of Wavelet Transforms, DWT in one and two Dimensions, Mallat structure for implementation in 2 Dimensions, Applications of DWT to Image Compression, SPIHT, JPEG 2000 Text Books: 1. A. K. Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall of India, 1989. 2. R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education. II Ed., 2002. 3. W. K. Pratt, Digital Iimage Processing, Prentice Hall, 1989. 27
4. A. Rosenfold and A. C. Kak, Digital Image Processing, Vols. 1 and 2, Prentice Hall, 1986. 5. H. C. Andrew and B. R. Hunt, Digital Image Restoration, Prentice Hall, 1977. 6. R. Jain, R. Kasturi and B.G. Schunck, Machine Vision, McGraw-Hill International Edition, 1995. 7. A. M. Tekalp, Digital Video Processing, Prentice-Hall, 1995. 8. A. Bovik, Handbook of Image & Video Processing, Academic Press, 2000
LMV 204
L T P C 4 0 0 4
Module 1: Introduction to high-speed digital design Frequency, time and distance - Capacitance and inductance effects - High seed properties of logic gates - Speed and power -Modelling of wires -Geometry and electrical properties of wires - Electrical models of wires - transmission lines - lossless LC transmission lines lossy LRC transmission lines - special transmission lines Module 2: Power distribution and noise Power supply network - local power regulation - IR drops - area bonding - onchip bypass capacitors - symbiotic bypass capacitors - power supply isolation - Noise sources in digital system - power supply noise - cross talk - intersymbol interference Module 3: Signalling convention and circuits Signalling modes for transmission lines -signalling over lumped transmission media signalling over RC interconnect - driving lossy LC lines - simultaneous bi-directional signalling - terminations - transmitter and receiver circuits Module 4: Timing convention and synchronisation Timing fundamentals - timing properties of clocked storage elements - signals and events open loop timing level sensitive clocking - pipeline timing - closed loop timing - clock distribution - syncronisation failure and metastability - PLL and DLL based clock aligners Text Books: 1. William S. Dally & John W. Poulton; Digital Systems Engineering, Cambridge University Press, 1998 2. Howard Johnson & Martin Graham; High Speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic, Prentice Hall PTR, 1993 3. Masakazu Shoji; High Speed Digital Circuits, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1996 4. Jan M, Rabaey, Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design perspective, Second Edition, 2006 29
LMV 205 - 1
L T P C 3 0 0 3
Module 1 Real Time Operating Systems: Introduction to OS-Multitasking OS-Scheduler AlgorithmsPriority inversion- Tasks- Threads and processes- Exceptions-Memory model-Memory management address translation- Commercial operating systems-basic design using RTOS Module 2 An Introduction to Processor Design-The ARM Architecture-ARM Assembly Language Programming-ARM Organization and Implementation-The ARM Instuction Set Architectural Support for High Level Languages-The Instuction Set Architectural Support for System Development-ARM Processor Cores Memory Hierarchy-Architectural Support for Operating System-ARM CPU Cores-Embedded ARM Applications Module 3 Embedded microcomputer Systems:Motorola MC68H11 Family Architecture
Registers,Addressing modes.Interfacing methods parallel I/O interface,Parallel Port interface, Memory Interfacing,High speed I/O interfacing, Interrupts-interrupt service routine-features of inteerupts-Interrupt vector and Priority ,timing generation and
measurements, Serial I/O devices RS485,Analog Interfacing,Applications Module 4 Introduction, System requirements,Real Time Systems,Model Taxonomy,Specification Languages,Embedded Processors,Embedded comuting platform,Real time interfacing and exception handling,system performance,IP and platform based SoC designs, BehaviorArchitecture co-design, Real time Scheduling,Hardware accelerators(Hardware/Software co-design),Power issues in Embedded systems.. Text Books: 1. Andrew N Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright ARM System Developers GuideDesigning and Optimizing System software, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2004. 2. Steave Furber, ARM System on Chip Architecture, Addison Wesley, 2000.
L T P C 3 0 0 3
Depletion region of a PN junction-Large signal model of bipolar transistors-small signal model of biplolar transistor-short channel effects in MOS transistors-weak inversion in MOS transistors-substrate current flow in MOS transistor Module 2 Analysis of difference amplifiers with active load using BJT and FET- Supply and Temperature independent biasing techniques-voltage references. Output Stages-Emitter follower-source follower and push pull output stages. Module 3 Configuration for Linear IC Current sources-current mirrors- designs-difference amplifiers with active load- biasing techniques-voltage reference-Operational amplifiers-CMOS Opamp circuits-performance measures-Design of MOS Operational Amplifier-CMOS voltage reference-MOS power amplifier and analog switches-Analog multiplier and PLLVCO-Closed loop analysis of PLL Module 4 MOS switched Capacitor filters-Design-switched capacitor filter-CMOS switched capacitor filters-MOS active RC filters. Mixed signal Design: A/D and D/A converters, Delta sigma modulators Text Books: 1. Phillip E Allen and Douglas R Holberg CMOS Analog Circuit Design, Oxford University Press, USA, 2002. 2. Behzad Razavi, Analysis and Design of CMOS integrated Circuits, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2008. 3. Gray, Meyer, Lewis Hurst Analysis and Design of Analog IC, Wiley International 4th Edition, 2009. 4. Nandita Dasgupat, Amitava Dasgupta Semiconductor Devices: Modelling and Technology, Prentice Hall of India, 2007 32
L T P C 3 0 0 3
DSP array processor architectures, fast convolution- Cook Toom Algorithm, Winograd algorithm, Iterated convolution, cyclic convolution, algorithmic strength reduction in filters and transforms, pipelined and parallel recursive and adaptive filters. Module 2 Scaling and round off noise, digital lattice filter structures, bit level arithmetic architectures, parallel multipliers, interleaved floor plane and bit plane based digital filters, bit serial multipliers, bit serial filter design and implementations Module 3 Pipelining and parallel processing- pipelining of FIR digital filters, parallel processing, pipelining and parallel processing for low power, retiming, unfolding and folding transformations, register minimization techniques, register minimization in folded architectures Module 4 Synchronous wave and asynchronous pipelines, synchronous pipelining and clocking styles clock skew and clock distribution in a bit level pipelined VLSI design, wave pipelining and asynchronous pipelining Text Books: 1. Keshab K. Parhi, VLSI Signal Processing Systems, Design and Implementation. John Wiley & Sons, 1999. References: 1. Uwe Meyer-Baese, Digital Signal Processing with Field Programmable Gate Array,Springer- Verlag, 2001. 2. Pirsch, Architectures for Digital Signal Processing, John Wiley and Sons, 1998. 3. Lars Wanhammar, DSP Integrated Circuits, Academic Press, 1999
LMV 205 - 4
L T P C 3 0 0 3
Module 1 History of MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS), market for MEMS, basics of microtechnology, lithography and etching techniques, principles of bulk and surface micromachining: subtractive processes, additive processes (evaporation, sputtering,epitaxial growth). Module 2 Fundamental devices and processes, Multi User MEMS Process (MUMPs), SUMMiT: design rules; applications; micro hinges and deployment actuators, CMOS MEMS, cleanroom lab techniques, MicroOptoElectroMechanical Systems (MOEMS), bioMEMS and biomaterials, piezoresistivity; scanning probe microscopy, scaling laws, applications. Module 3 Lumped element modeling and design, Electrostatic Actuators , Electromagnetic Actuators, Linear and nonlinear system dynamics, resonant systems, Elasticity (stress,strain, material properties), Mechanical structure basics (bending of beams, torsion,natural frequency), Optical system design basics (Gaussian beam optics, matrix optics, resolution) Module 4 Application case studies: MEMS Scanners and Retinal Scanning Displays (RSD), Grating Light Valve (GLV), Digital Micromirror Devices (DMD), Optical switching,Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers (CMUT) Text Books: 1. Gregory T A, Kovacs Micromachined Transducers Sourcebook, WCB McGraw-Hill, 1998. 2. Nadim Maluf, An introduction to Microelectromechanical system design, Artech House, 2000 3. Victor M. Bright, Editor, Selected papers on Optical MEMS, SPIE Milestone Series, Volume MS 153, SPIE Press, 1999 34
4. Mohamed Gad-el-Hak, Editor, The MEMS Handbook, CRC Press, Baco Raton, 2002 5. Marc Madou, Fundamentals of Microfabrication, CRC Press, New York, 2002. 6. Gregory T. A. Kovacs, Micromachined Transducers Sourcebook, WCB / McGraw-Hill, 1998 7. W. Trimmer, Editor, Micromechanics and MEMS: Classic and Seminal Papers to 1990, IEEE Press, 1997.
LMV 206 - 1
L T P C 3 0 0 3
Module1: Embedded Hardware, Software and Peripherals Custom single purpose processors: Hardware - Combination Sequence - Processor design RT level design - optimizing software: Basic Architecture - Operation - Programmers view Development Environment - ASIP - Processor Design - Peripherals - Timers, counters and watch dog timers - UART - Pulse width modulator - LCD controllers - Key pad controllers Stepper motor controllers - A/D converters - Real time clock. Module 2: Memory and Interfacing Memory: Memory write ability and storage performance - Memory types - composing memory - Advance RAM interfacing communication basic - Microprocessor interfacing I/O addressing - Interrupts - Direct memory access - Arbitration multilevel bus architecture Serial protocol - Parallel protocols - Wireless protocols - Digital camera example. Module 3: Embedded Processor and Computing Platform ARM processorARM Bus designing with microprocessor development and debugging Module 4: Process models and Hardware Software Co-design Modes of operation - Finite state machines - Models - HCFSL and state charts language state machine models - Concurrent process model - Concurrent process - Communication among process -Synchronization among process - Implementation - Data Flow model. Design technology; Automation synthesis - Hardware software co-simulation - IP cores Design Process Model. Text Books: 1. David. E.Simon, "An Embedded Software Primer", Pearson Education, 2001 2. Frank Vahid and Tony Givargis, "Embedded System Design", John Wiley & sons, 2006 3. Steve Heath, "Embedded System Design", Elsevier, Second Edition, 2007 References: 1. ARM, AMBA Bus Specification. 36
L T P C 3 0 0 3
Fundamentals of ANN , Biological prototype Neural Network Concepts, learning rulesHebbian learning rule - Delta rule, Kohonen learning law, perceptron learning, problem with the perceptron training algorithm. The back propagation Neural network: Architecture of the back propagation Network Back propagation learning algorithm, Back propagation error surfaces, structure growing algorithms, fast variants of Back propagation learning Module 2 Recurrent neural networks: preliminaries- states and state dynamics, Lyupanov stability, Cohen Grossberg Theorem, associative learning, Hopfield neural networks, error performance of Hopfield Neural Networks, applications of Hopfield Neural networks, simulated annealing, Boltzmann machines, learning law in Boltzmann machines,BAMs. Module 3 Support Vector machines and Radial Basis function networks-learning from examples and generalization, Support Vector Machines, Regularization theory route to RBF NN, Generalized RBFNN, learning in RBFNN, image classification, other models for valid generalization. Module 4 ART NETWORKS: noise saturation dilemma, building blocks of adaptive resonance,ART1 architecture. Self Organizing Maps: Self Organization, Maximal Eigen vector filtering, Extracting principal components, generalized learning laws, competitive learning, vector quantization, Mexican hat networks, Self Organizing feature maps, applications. Neural Network Hardware: motivation and issues, analog building blocks, digital techniques. Text Books: 1. Satish Kumar, Neural Networks: A Class room approach, TMH, 2004. References: 1. Jacek M. Zurada, Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems, Jaico Book House, 2006 37
LMV 206 - 3
L T P C 3 0 0 3
Module 1: Fundamentals of Multi-rate Systems Basic multi-rate operations and their spectral representation. Linear Periodically Time varying systems, interconnection of building blocks, Fractional Sampling rate alteration poly-phase representation, multistage implementation, applications of multi-rate systems, special filters and filter banks. Module 2: Maximally decimated filter banks Errors created in the QMF bank, aliasfree QMF system, power symmetric QMF banks, Mchannel filter banks, poly-phase representation, perfect reconstruction systems, alias-free filter banks, tree structured filter banks, trans-multiplexers. Module 3: Para-unitary Perfect Reconstruction Filter Banks Lossless transfer matrices, filter bank properties induced by paraunitariness, two channel Para-unitary lattices, M-channel FIR Para-unitary QMF banks, transform coding. Module 4 a. Linear Phase Perfect Reconstruction QMF Banks Necessary conditions, lattice structures for linear phase FIR PR QMF banks, formal synthesis of linear phase FIR PR QMF lattice. b. Cosine Modulated Filter Banks Pseudo-QMF bank and its design, efficient poly-phase structures, properties of cosine matrices, cosine modulated perfect reconstruction systems. Text Books: 1. P.P. Vaidyanathan, Multirate Systems and Filter Banks,"Pearson Education (Asia) Pte. Ltd, 2008.
References: 1. Gilbert Strang and Truong Nguyen, "Wavelets and Filter Banks,"Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 1997. 2. N. J. Fliege, "Multirate Digital Signal Processing, John Wiley & Sons, USA, 2000.
L T P C 3 0 0 3
Specification of embedded systems-Why Co-design? Comparison of co-design approaches-MoCs: State oriented, Activity oriented, Structure oriented, Data oriented and Heterogeneous- Software CFSMs-Processor Characterization.
Module 2 HW/SW Partitioning Methodologies-principle of hardware/software mapping-Real time scheduling-Design specification and constraints on embedded systems- trade offs Partitioning granularity-Kernigan-Lin AlgorithmExtended PartitioningBinary
Module 3 Co-synthesis & Estimation Software synthesis Hardware Synthesis Interface SynthesisCo-synthesis Approaches: Vulcan, Cosyma, Cosmos, Polis and COOL-estimation: Hardware area, execution timing and power: Software memory and execution timing.
Module 4 Co simulation and Co-verification- principles of co-simulation-abstract level:detailed levelco-simulation as partition support-cosimulation using Ptolemy approach. Text Books: 1. Felice Balarin, Massimiliano Chiodo Paolo Giusto, Harry Hsieh, Attila Jurecska, Luciano Lavagno, Claudio Passerone, Alberto Sangiovanni- Vincentelli, Ellen Sentovich, Kei Suzuki, Bassamssam Tavvara, Hardware-software co-design of embedded system: POLIS Approach, Springer, 2004. 2. Raf Niemann, Hardware/ Software Co-design for Data Flow Dominated Embedded Systems, Spring, 1998. References: 1. Peter Marwedel, Embedded System Design, Springer, 2009. 2. Russlell John Rickford, Bernd kleinjohann, Design and Analysis of Distributed Embedded Systems, Springer, 2002. 40
LMV 207
L T P C 0 0 2 1
Each student shall present a seminar on any topic of interest related to the core / elective courses offered in the second semester of the M. Tech. programme. He / she shall select the topic based on the references from international journals of repute, preferably IEEE journals. They should get the paper approved by the Programme Co-ordinator / Faculty member in charge of the seminar and shall present it in the class. Every student shall participate in the seminar. The students should undertake a detailed study on the topic and submit a report at the end of the semester. Marks will be awarded based on the topic, presentation, participation in the seminar and the report submitted.
LMV 208
L T P C 0 0 3 2
System simulation experiments based on the courses LMV 201, LMV 202 and the elective courses opted by the student in the second semester.
LMV 301
L T P C 0 0 20 10
The student shall undergo an industrial training of 12 weeks duration in an industry / company approved by the institution and under the guidance of a staff member in the concerned field. At the end of the training, he / she have to submit a report on the work being carried out.
LMV 302
L T P C 0 0 10 0
The thesis (Phase - I) shall consist of research work done by the candidate or a comprehensive and critical review of any recent development in the subject or a detailed report of project work consisting of experimentation / numerical work, design and or development work that the candidate has executed. In Phase - I of the thesis, it is expected that the student should decide a topic of thesis, which is useful in the field or practical life. It is expected that students should refer national & international journals and proceedings of national & international seminars. Emphasis should be given to the introduction to the topic, literature survey, and scope of the proposed work along with some preliminary work / experimentation carried out on the thesis topic. Student should submit two copies of the Phase - I thesis report covering the content discussed above and highlighting the features of work to be carried out in Phase II of
the thesis. Student should follow standard practice of thesis writing. The candidate will deliver a talk on the topic and the assessment will be made on the basis of the work and talks there on by a panel of internal examiners one of which will be the internal guide. These examiners should give suggestions in writing to the student to be incorporated in the Phase II of the thesis.
LMV 401
L T P C 0 0 30 20
In the fourth semester, the student has to continue the thesis work and after successfully finishing the work, he / she has to submit a detailed thesis report. The work carried out should lead to a publication in a National / International Conference. They should have submitted the paper before M. Tech. evaluation and specific weightage should be given to accepted papers in reputed conferences.
LMV 402
A comprehensive viva-voce examination will be conducted at the end of the fourth semester by an internal examiner and external examiners appointed by the university to assess the candidates overall knowledge in the respective field of specialization.