Exam 111209
Exam 111209
Exam 111209
Irina Asekritova Exam in Multivariable- and Vector Calculus MA 1602, 7,5 hp Friday, December 11, 2009 The solutions should be well structured and easy to follow. You need 20 points to pass and 30 points to pass with distinction.The result of the exam you will find on the course home page. 1. Let fx, y 1x . a. Find the rate of change of the function z fx, y at 0, 1 in the direction of the vector u 3, 4. In what directions at the point 0, 1 does the function z fx, y have rate of change 1. (4p) b. Find the equation of the tangent line to the level curve of the function f at the point 0, 1. (3p) 2. Using double integral find the area of the parallelogram bounded by the lines y x, y x 4, y 3x, and y 3x 8. (4p) 3. Consider a function z fux, y, vx, y. Show that the change of variables u xy v
x y y
x 0, y 0,
transforms the differential equation xf x yf y f 0 in the region x 0, y 0 into the simpler equation 2u f u f 0. (5p) 4. Let F 3x 2 y 2xy, 5x 3 y sin y. Find the line integral F d r , where C is the part of the positively oriented circle x 2 y 2 1, lying on the upper half plane y 0. (8p) Hint: use Greens theorem. 5. Let D be the region defined by the inequalities x 2 y 2 z 3 2 , 0 z 2. Evaluate the flux of F x y 2 , 3x 2 z 3 x 3 , z 1 out of D through the conical part of the surface of D. (8p) Hint: use Gauss Divergence Theorem. 6. Using Stockes theorem find the circulation F d r of F y 3 sin x, x 2 yz, z 2 around the oriented boundary of the part of the paraboloid z 4 x 2 y 2 lying under the xy-plane and having normal field pointing outward (away from the origin). (8p)
Good Luck !