UBIROADS07-Towards Efficient Routing in Vehicular 168 168
UBIROADS07-Towards Efficient Routing in Vehicular 168 168
UBIROADS07-Towards Efficient Routing in Vehicular 168 168
Ad Hoc Networks
Moez Jerbi*, Sidi-Mohammed Senouci* and Yacine Ghamri-Doudane**
*France Telecom R&D, Core Network Laboratories, Lannion, France
**Networks and Multimedia Systems Research Group, ENSIIE, Evry, Cedex, France
Based on a localization system like the GPS (Global
Positioning System), our solution aims to efficiently relay data
Abstract— Multi-hop data delivery through Vehicular Ad- in the network considering the real time road traffic variation
hoc Networks is challenging since it must efficiently handle rapid and the characteristics of city environments. GyTAR assumes
topology changes and a fragmented network. This paper proposes then the existence of an accurate traffic-information system
a new intersection-based geographical routing protocol called
that it requires. To this end, we also propose in this work a
GyTAR (improved Greedy Traffic Aware Routing protocol) and
capable to find robust routes within city environments. GyTAR
completely decentralized mechanism for the estimation of
consists of two modules: (i) dynamic selection of the junctions traffic density in city-roads called IFTIS for Infrastructure-
through which a packet must pass to reach its destination, and (ii) Free Traffic Information System. Note that, although it has
an improved greedy strategy used to forward packets between been designed to operate with GyTAR, IFTIS is a completelty
two junctions. GyTAR assumes the existence of an accurate independent component which could be used for any other
traffic-information system that it requires to select paths with purpose requiring road density estimation. Indeed, IFTIS could
high connectivity. To address this issue, we also propose a be adopted, for instance, to be used in real-time traffic
completely decentralized mechanism for the estimation of traffic congestion warning systems, leveraging on the proposed
density in city-roads called IFTIS for Infrastructure-Free Traffic
distributed mechanism that provides updated traffic
Information System. The proposed routing protocol shows
significant performance improvement in a comparative simulation
information to drivers.
study with other routing approaches.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2
Index Terms— Vehicular Ad hoc Network, Greedy Routing, presents existing approaches on routing in VANET and details
Vehicular Traffic Estimation, Performance Measurements the principles of GyTAR. Section 3 describes the mechanism
used in IFTIS to provide the information about vehicular
I. INTRODUCTION traffic between two junctions. Section 4 presents simulation
setting and results. Finally, conclusion and future work are
Inter-vehicle communication is a fast growing research summarized in Section 5.
topic in the academic sector and industry. Through this kind of
communication, vehicles are able to communicate with each II. IMPROVED GREEDY TRAFFIC AWARE ROUTING PROTOCOL
other by using wireless technology like WLAN. As a result,
they can be organized in vehicular ad hoc networks A. Routing in VANET
(VANETs). VANETs are an instantiation of mobile ad hoc Recently, some routing protocols specific to VANETs have
networks (MANETs). MANETs have no fixed infrastructure been proposed. In the following, we present the most
and instead rely on ordinary nodes to perform routing of important ones: GSR, A-STAR, and GPCR.
messages and network management functions. However, 'GSR' [1] (Geographic Source Routing) has been recently
vehicular ad hoc networks behave in different ways than proposed as a promising routing strategy for vehicular ad hoc
conventional MANETs. Driver behavior, mobility constraints, networks in city environments. It combines position-based
and high speeds create unique characteristics of VANETs. routing with topological knowledge. The simulation results,
These characteristics have important implications for with the use of realistic vehicular traffic in city environments,
designing decisions in these networks. Thus, numerous show that GSR outperforms topology-based approaches (DSR
research challenges need to be addressed for inter-vehicule and AODV) with respect to delivery rate and latency. In
communications to be widely deployed. For example, routing another study [2], the same authors have shown, for highway
in conventional mobile ad hoc networks is a challenging task scenarios, that routing approaches using position information,
because of the network's dynamic topology changes. e.g., obtained from on-board GPS receivers, can very well deal
Numerous studies and proposals of routing protocols have with the mobility of the vehicles.
been conducted to relay data in such a context; however these 'A-STAR'[3] (Anchor-based Street and Traffic Aware
solutions can not be applied to the vehicular environment due Routing) is a position-based routing scheme designed
to the specific constraints and characteristics of VANETs. specifically for IVC in city environments. It features the novel
In this work, we present a novel geographical routing use of city bus route information to identify anchor paths of
protocol for vehicular networks in city environments called higher connectivity so that more packets can be delivered to
GyTAR: improved Greedy Traffic Aware Routing protocol.
their destinations successfully. A new recovery strategy for junction considering the traffic density and the curvemetric4
packets routed to a local optimum1 was also proposed, distance to the destination. The best destination junction (the
consisting of the computation of a new anchor path from the junction with the highest score) is the geographically closest
local maximum to which the packet is routed. junction to the destination vehicle having the highest vehicular
The Greedy Perimeter Coordinator Routing (GPCR) traffic. To formally define this score, we need the following
protocol [4] has been designed to deal with the challenges of notations:
city scenarios. It does not require any global or external - J: the next candidate junction.
information such as a static street map. The main idea of - I: the current junction
GPCR is to forward data packets using a restricted greedy - Dj: the curvemetric distance from the candidate
forwarding procedure. That means when choosing the next junction J to the destination.
hop, a coordinator node (a node on a junction) is preferred to a - Di: the curvemetric distance from the current junction
non-coordinator node, even if it is not the closest node to to the destination.
destination. - Dp = Dj/Di (Dp determines the closeness of the
In summary, existing data delivery schemes use a candidate junction to the destination point)
position-based routing strategy, which scales better in a highly - Between junction I and junction J:
dynamic and fragmented network as VANET. In addition, Nv : total number of vehicles between I and J,
most of the current routing proposals are spatial aware since Nc : number of cells5 between I and J,
spatial information such us streets map of a city is utilized to Navg: average number of vehicles per cell (Navg =
assist in making routing decisions. Nv/Nc),
In the following sub-sections, we give detailed description Ncon: constant which represents the ideal
of our approach and present its added value compared to other connectivity degree we can have within a cell.
existing vehicular routing protocols. - α, β: used as weighting factors for the distance and
B. GyTAR Assumptions vehicular traffic respectively (with α + β = 1).
Hence, score (J) = α × [ 1 - Dp] + β × [ min (Navg/Ncon , 1) ]
GyTAR considers that each vehicle in the network knows
its own position thanks to the use of GPS2. Furthermore, a
sending node needs to know the current geographical position
of the destination in order to make the routing decision. This
information is assumed to be provided by a location service
like GLS (Grid Location Service) [7]. Moreover, we consider
that each vehicle can determine the position of its neighboring
junctions3 through pre-loaded digital maps, which provides a
street-level map. The presence of such kind of maps is a valid
assumption when vehicles are equipped with on-board
navigation system. We also assume that every vehicle is aware Figure 1. Selecting junctions in GyTAR.
of the vehicular traffic (number of vehicles between two Figure 1 shows an example of how the next junction is
junctions). This information can be provided by IFTIS: a selected on a street. Once vehicle A receives a packet, it
completely decentralized mechanism for the estimation of computes the score of each neighboring junction. Considering
traffic density in a road traffic network which will be described its curvemetric distance to the destination and the traffic
in section III. density, junction (2) will have the highest score. Then, it will
be chosen as the next anchor.
C. GyTAR Overview
GyTAR is a new intersection-based geographical routing 2) Forwarding data between two junctions
protocol capable to find robust routes within city Once the destination junction is determined, the improved
environments. It consists of two modules: greedy strategy is used to forward packets towards the selected
junctions. For that, all data packets are marked by the location
1) Junction selection of this junction. Each vehicle maintains a neighbor table in
In GyTAR, the different junctions the packet has to which, the position, velocity and direction of each neighbor
traverse in order to reach the destination are chosen vehicle are recorded. This table is updated through hello
dynamically and one by one, considering both vehicular traffic messages exchanged periodically by all vehicles. Thus, when a
variation and distance to destination: when selecting the next packet is received, the forwarding vehicle computes the new
destination junction, a node (the sending vehicle or an predicted position of each neighbor using the recorded
intermediate vehicle in a junction) looks for the position of the information (velocity, direction and the latest known position),
neighboring junctions using the map. A score is given to each and then selects the next hop neighbor (i.e. the closest to the
destination junction).
Situation where there is no neighbor of the forwarding node s, which is
closer to destination than s itself. This term describes the distance measured when following the geometric
The popularity of GPS on vehicles in today's world makes this shape of a road.
assumption acceptable. The cell is determined based on the wireless transmission range of
A place where two or more roads join or meet. vehicles.
Figure 3 –Relaying Local Density Information between groups.