Users Guide: Redox/ORP Electrodes
Users Guide: Redox/ORP Electrodes
Users Guide: Redox/ORP Electrodes
Redox/ORP Electrodes
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This manual contains instructions for the Orion Epoxy SureFlow Combination Redox/ORP (9678BN), Glass Combination Redox/ORP (9778BN), Epoxy Low Maintenance ORP Triode (9179BN) and Epoxy Rellable ORP Triode (9180BN). The Orion 9678BNWP and 9778BNWP combine a platinum redox and a silver/silver chloride reference electrode in one body. The Orion 9678BN is an epoxy body electrode with a sleeve junction and the Orion 9778Bn has a glass body with a ceramic junction. Both can be used to make direct measurements of redox potentials or to perform potentiometric titrations. The Orion 9179BNMD and 9180BNMD consist of a platinum redox sensor, a silver/silver chloride internal reference system and a built-in thermistor for Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC). Orion 91-80 is a rellable electrode, which uses Orion 900011 or 900001 lling solution. Orion 91-79 is a non-rellable, low maintenance gel-lled electrode. The 9179BNMD and 9180BNMD both have the capability to measure ORP and Temperature simultaneously without a separate reference electrode. Direct measurements of redox potentials or potentiometric titrations can also be performed with these ORP Triode electrodes. Orion 9179BNMD Orion 9678BNWp
All of the Orion Redox/ORP electrodes are not designed for amperometric or constant current titrations, such as Karl Fischer analysis. It is strongly recommended to use ORP standards, Cat. No. 967901 or 967961, to ensure accurate measurements.
Required Equipment
1. Orion pH/mV meter (i.e. Orion 3 Star pH, Orion 4 Star pH/ ISE meter, Orion 5 Star multi-parameter) Orion 290A, 290Aplus, 410A, 410Aplus, 420A, 420Aplus, 520A,520Aplus, 525A, 525Aplus, 710A, 710Aplus, 920A, 920Aplus will need to have an ATC adapter if you use Triodes otherwise the other ORPs are interchanged on these meter. Orion Redox/ORP electrode Orion Epoxy Sure-Flow Combination Redox/ORP (9678BNWP), Glass Combination Redox/ORP (9778BNWP), Epoxy Low Maintanence ORP Triode (9179BNMD) and Epoxy Rellable ORP Triode (9180BNMD) Solutions
Electrode 9678BNWP 9778BNWP 9179BNMD 9180BNMD Electrode Fill Solution 900001 or 900011 900001 or 900011 None Required 900011 Calibration Standard 967901 or 967961 967901 or 967961 967901 or 967961 967901 or 967961 ISA None Required None Required None Required None Required
4. 5. 6. 7 .
ATC temperature probe Magnetic stirrer or stir bars are highly recommended Beakers Distilled or Deionized Water
2. 3.
IMPORTANT: Do not place the electrode ll hole cover back onto the electrode when making measurements!
Calibration Procedures
Manual ORP Calibration in Relative mV Mode:
The function of the relative mV mode is to calculate the mV reading at a xed user selected offset from absolute mV measured from the Orion ORP electrode Orion 9179BNMD or 9180BNMD. 1. Set the meter to the relative millivolt mode. See Meter Instruction Manual. Place the ORP electrode in Orion ORP standard, Orion 967901 or 967961. Note: If using Orion 9180BNMD, make sure the proper lling solution is used and lling instructions are followed.
Calibrate the electrode by scrolling to the desired mV value of the ORP solution. (mV values for EH are on the bottle for Orion 967901 and see separate sheet for Orion 967961) See Meter Instruction Manual for more detailed instructions. Press YES key to accept value. All relative millivolt measurements will be based on the offset value.
Note: If error message displays on main eld, press MODE key to abort calibration. See Troubleshooting Section in Meter Instruction Manual.
Electrode Measurements
Direct Redox Potential (ORP) measurements can be used to determine the oxidizing or reducing capability of a solution and are commonly made in polluted streams, chlorinated waters, industrial waste waters, and other water samples. 1. After setting up the meter and calibrating the electrode, the electrode is ready for measurements. When the meter switches back to the MEASURE mode or is in relative mV mode, place the electrode in the sample solution. When the reading stabilizes, record the potential reading and the temperature.
Note: Like all platinum redox electrodes, Orions 9179BNMD and 9180BNMD may give unstable readings in solutions containing chromous, vanadous, titanous, and other ions that are stronger reducing agents than hydrogen or platinum. Note: When requiring a specic measurement method other than Direct Measurement, please refer to www.thermo/ (i.e. Oxidation Reduction Titrations).
Electrode Maintenance
Orion 9179BNMD
This Low-Maintenance ORP TriodeTM electrode can be rinsed off with distilled water from any salt build-up.
Orion 9180BNMD
This rellable ORP Triode electrode should be routinely cleaned. To remove precipitate from outside wall or on electrode tip, rinse with distilled water. Make sure that the lling solution does not crystallize or dry out. If crystallized, run the electrode under distilled water or wipe the vent hole area with a damp tissue and then ll with lling solution. Always keep the electrode ll hole plug on to prevent salt build up while storing for a short period of time up to one day. Fill hole must be open during measurements.
Rinse the sleeve and the inner body thoroughly with distilled water, and allow to air dry. Moisten the O-ring on the electrode inner body with a drop of ll solution. Reassemble and ll the electrode.
Continue to repeat steps 2-5 until all salts have been removed.
To change the ll solution, follow steps 1-6 in cleaning above. After draining out distilled water, ll with ll solution, drain, and rell with the solution.
4. 5.
7 . 8.
Electrode Storage
Short-term Storage (up to one day):
Electrodes may be kept in distilled water or air. If left in air, remove salt crystals on the outside of the electrode sleeve by rinsing with distilled water.
The most important principle in troubleshooting is to isolate the components of the system and check each in turn. The components of the system are: 1) Meter 2) Electrode(s) 3) Standard and 4) Sample.
The meter is the easiest component to eliminate as a possible cause of error. Orion meters are provided with an instrument checkout procedure in the instruction manual and a shorting cap for convenience in troubleshooting. Consult the manual for complete instructions and verify that the instrument operates as indicated and is stable in all steps.
Rinse electrode(s) thoroughly with distilled water. Place electrode in the ORP solution and wait until the reading stabilizes. The potential reading should be 220 60 mV. If the mV is out of range, use fresh standards. If the problem persists, consult with the Thermo technical service department.
The quality of results depends greatly upon the quality of the standards. ALWAYS prepare fresh standards when problems arise it could save hours of frustrating troubleshooting!
If the electrodes work properly in standards but not in the sample, look for possible interferences, or substances that could affect response or physically damage the sensing electrode or the reference electrode. If possible, determine the composition of the samples and check for problems.
After troubleshooting all components of your measurement system, contact The Technical EdgeSM for Orion products. Within the United States call 1.800.225.1480, outside the United States call 978.232.6000 or fax 978.232.6031. In Europe, the Middle East and Africa, contact your local authorized dealer. For the most current contact information, visit
For the most current warranty information, visit