Advisory: Thursday, August 20th
Advisory: Thursday, August 20th
Advisory: Thursday, August 20th
Play Music, Kids move about, when music stops, tell kids to make a...
Play Music, Kids move about, when music stops, tell kids to make a...
Play Music, Kids move about, when music stops, tell kids to make a...
Play Music, Kids move about, when music stops, tell kids to make a...
Play Music, Kids move about, when music stops, tell kids to make a...
Group of 3, Make a Teeter-totter Group of 3, Make a Bicycle Group of 3, Make a Blender Group of 4, Make a toaster
Play Music, Kids move about, when music stops, tell kids to make a...
Group of 3, Make a Teeter-totter Group of 3, Make a Bicycle Group of 3, Make a Blender Group of 4, Make a toaster Group of 6, Make a Popcorn popper
Directions for students: List 2 facts and 1 b on the dry erase board (or paper).
Student 1 reads his Facts and b. Rest of group writes down what they think is the b. Go around the group sharing which statement you chose as a b and why. Student 1 says which was the false statement. Continue each round with students 2, 3, and 4.
Goal Setting
Watch the YouTube clip, Try to Do.
What was the baby squirrels goal? What steps did it take to accomplish it? What resources were available to the squirrel--people, equipment?
ch ea
a P
le er p
s s
Get in shape!!!!
Your Goals
ic dem ca A
al Go
Aca dem ic G oal
Personal Goal
The Patriot
Draw a Mascot Bode can use for 2009-2010!
Artwork thanks
Image: 'Happy 4th of July! The American Flag+in +Fireworks' 10101046@N06/3684396632 by BL1961 Image: 'Brothers' photos9619972@N08/1350940605 just.Luc Image: 'Jonny Wilkinson Squirrel - Rugby World Cup +Final+Practice..:O)' 66164549@N00/1575325110 by law_keven by Tony the Mist