Woodsmoke - D.barrows
Woodsmoke - D.barrows
Woodsmoke - D.barrows
Eclitoric1 I
For some time no w it has bee n discussed at v ario us
intervals , and by vari o u s peopl e , how ni ce it would
be if we were to produce a newsletter/magazi ne so that (
we could cormruni cate with everyo ne - tell everyone
co nnected with 1st Nork what h as bee n achi e v e d, and
what is ubout to happen.
Whctt's Been
The followi ng is a brief acco un t of those events t h .:it
have take n p l ace with i n t he group si nce late May .
Churc h Parade .
Mond ays: 7pm - 8. 30 p.m. - Cub s (Badger s )
All of the above meet ings take place at the Scout Hut
St. Paul!l Church, Warren Road.
i~t Nork Ventur~§
,~~ifl~ Shooting
On Sunday, 20th June the intr e p 1d Ve ntures set off
f o r Disley to conquer yet ano ther s kill a nd t o add
it to the ma ny thc;1.t the y had already acquired.
Md p 170. Gr . 3 16 544
Th., scout c ump Lh .1.s yeur w1.ll t ake place from Sunday,
8Lh AU(JUSt - 18 t h Augu st , dfo..i l.S btH ng held Jt :
About three years ago , thP.
Rev. Peter Nily lo r prese nte d to
the Parochial Churc h Counci l proposa l s to make improv e -
ments to t h e Church and Church Ha ll and to provide a
car p,:1rk which would reli e ve Warren Road of t h e acute
park ing problems whenever mee ting s or fun c tions are
tak1.ng plac e .
3. Car Park .
Advanced Scout
Robert Elkington .
S tandard:
JUST A NOTE: •• • •• ••
The Cents ' loo at the Scout hut ha s been r epai red.
Speci al thank s to plumber, Alf Postings , f or he lp i ng
us out - otherwise i t might h ave given ri se to some
"inconvenience ".