Woodsmoke - D.barrows

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JULY 1902

Eclitoric1 I
For some time no w it has bee n discussed at v ario us
intervals , and by vari o u s peopl e , how ni ce it would
be if we were to produce a newsletter/magazi ne so that (
we could cormruni cate with everyo ne - tell everyone
co nnected with 1st Nork what h as bee n achi e v e d, and
what is ubout to happen.

Without doubt t he first comment to make i s t h at

certain l y a l ot does go on within t he group! I Wh eth er
it be c ub s , scouts or ventu res , t here al ways see ms to
be an activity of some type going o n ov er and above
the vari oui; weekly meetings of t h e r es p ective gro ups.
Th us, perhaps you can begi n to see why t h ere exists
t h e need to conmu n icate news to e v e ryo ne t h rough one
corrmon source .

Curre ntly there are 93 boys and girls associated with

1st Nork sco uting - yes, it's c orrec t wh e n I say
"g irls ", because t hree of ou r Ve nture unit are in fact
f e mal e. Ce r tainly, scouting i n Nork r e main s ever
po pul a r, with there always bei ng a hos t o f you ng boys
waiti ng to join as cub scouts. Right now there are
two Cub packs, both o f 1 et Nork, e ndeavo urin g to
hand l e t he di?,mand ,

Whil st t he various groups h a ve t r ai ne d teams r unn i ng

t h em, it s ho u ld always be r emembered that certa in
a ct ivities wi ll a lw ays require additional help - and
th1e J.8 wh ere p are n ts ca n r es po nd by w1.ll 1 ngly g1v1ng
t he i r ai:1~1atance - certai nly, J. t will always be
appreciated .
Anyway, back to the magazi ne. It is hoped/ we can
publi s h this every t wo months, updating ev,:ryone on
wh at h as gone on s ince the la st edition a"il:i telling
you a ll what is planne d within t h e groupior future
months. In addition, we will try to incl de o n
occas ions certain feature artic l es, hope f lly of
jnte rest. S ho uld anyone wish to wri te a article f o r
the magazine or wish a n yt hing to be publis he d, we
we lcome your contribution.

Lastly, you wi 11 notice from the cover o! our magaz.ine

t hat t he name "WOOD SP-OKE " is depicted. Recently a
print block was found in t he Scout hut, obviou sly
indicating that a magazi ne was printed in former days .
I s t here anyone who remembers t hi s? Cer ta inly it
would be interesti ng if anyone has an o ld e dition to
receive it . Anyway, it was felt appropriate to use
t h e same cover for our new magaz.ine, and t hanks are
d ue firstly to Peter Philpot for finding the block,
and secondly to Malcolm Miller f or r eproduci ng the
pl.:lte so excellently to provide our cove r for future
editions .

Whctt's Been
The followi ng is a brief acco un t of those events t h .:it
have take n p l ace with i n t he group si nce late May .

Satu r day , 29th May The Joyce Dowdall a nd Pike

Coun try F'olk Gr o u p eve n i ng was
held . Eve r yone who came enJoyed
themself treme ndo u sly . Unfor tu-
nate l y , there was a l ack of
support for such a n ice fund -
raisi ng activity. Tha n ks to Sue
and Eddie Steadman for orga n isi ng
t h e e vening.

Wed nesday, 3rd June Visit to the Derby o n Cpsom Downs .


Saturday , 5th June Joint h ike to Banstead Woods .

Picnic a nd games i n t he Woods.
Walked to Ki ngswood S t ation a nd
caug ht tra in to Tattenham Corner.

Saturday , 12th June District Swimming Gala at Epsom

Bath s . Came 4 th out of 7 groups .
Everyone t ried h ard a nd with a
little more trai n i ng wou ld have
i mproved . Raff l e raised £48 . 00
towards the "Jamboree Fu nd "_
(C , S, V )
Fr id ay , 1Ht h ,June Canoes had their a n nua l tes ts .'.I nd
ce rtificates. (V)

Sund a y, 70th J un e Venture Unit wen t to Bi s l cy s hootinq .

[See wri te u p) {V)

S aturd a y, 26th - Ei ght Scouts and Ian Willy sJ)e nt l he

Sund;ty , 27th J une wee ke nd o n a canoeing cou rse at Ham .
The group h ad a s ma shi ng time , a nd
seven of them achieved t h eir ri rst
Stoo1r Award. Th is e n t itles t h ese
boys to the Scout Ca noeist Badge . ( S )

Di stric t Sports. The boys have bee n

training, so watch th is s pace f or <1
g ood res ult. (C , S , V)

Wa s t e Pape r Coll ec tion.

Churc h Parade .

Air Day at Biggin Hill . 1 2 boys and

2 l ead e rs are having a 20 minu te
flig h t in a light aircraft, 4 seater .
We have run a n Air Day for th e las t
three years and t he lads have a
good time , a nd a ne w e xperi e nce. ( S )

Ve n ture Un it canoei ng competiti on i n

River Wey.

17 t h / 18th July Weekend camp for Venture Uni t. (V)

DON 'T rQRGET •••••

Pleas e remember Churc h parade is ALWAYS t h e fir st

Sunday .i.n eac h mon t h, with the service starting at
11. 00 a. m. Wo uJd ,3J l boys ple.J se ma ke a n e f fort t o
a tte nd - f amili e3 from b,1bes t o grandpare nt s are al so
wr,J com,:>.
Cc1n You Help?
If anyone can help in providing any of the following,
th e Group would be extremely grateful:

1. Wanted: Some large ( 3 - 4ft) iron stakes and a

two handed hammer, not in use. The
Scout troop would be very happy to
tH~ar from anyone who can spure thes e
items to help with their pioneering
activities .

2. Needed; Eileen Pierce has a tent to hand ove1·

to the Group - however, i t hasn't got
any poles! I Can any parent please
help with the mak ing of these . If so ,
p l ease contact Eileen.

3. Required: Our Venture unit would l ike to hear

from anyone who owns or has access to
foldaway table s (garden or card).

On t he subject of help, this Group's maj or source of

income on an annual ba sis st ill remains the mo n thly
paper ~9llection and in 198 1 it earned the Group
excess o f £900 for its funds.

Howeve 1· , parents and boys, more help is requirP<l

YOUR HELP - on the f i ~ Saturday of each month r>-a twe en
9 . 30 and 12. JO, to either co llect, pack or load up
newspapers for the Group. Even if you cannot spare all
t.he tune, please try and come to the Scout hut f o r , say ,
an hour or so to help the "regular sturdy ba nd of
he lpers " - t h ey wi ll appreciate it and it i s , after al l,
help i ng t h e Group to wh ic h you/your so n belongs .



Mond ays: 7pm - 8. 30 p.m. - Cub s (Badger s )

Tuesdays: 1.15 p . m. - 9.00 p.m . - Scouts

Thursdays: 7p. m. - B.30 p.m. - Cubs (fOXP.S)

Thuradilys: B. 30 p.m. o nwards - Ve n ture Scouts

All of the above meet ings take place at the Scout Hut
St. Paul!l Church, Warren Road.
i~t Nork Ventur~§
,~~ifl~ Shooting
On Sunday, 20th June the intr e p 1d Ve ntures set off
f o r Disley to conquer yet ano ther s kill a nd t o add
it to the ma ny thc;1.t the y had already acquired.

We were actua lly going s hoo ti ng at the army ra ng es .

We were shown how to u se the r i f Les, ly .w g down .1n the
prone p osi t1.on. They we ighed IOlb s eac h a nd o ne ' s
arm soon got tired of holding the rifle s teady . We
we r e s hooti ng from 200 yard s at a ta.rge t l) Lnc hes
in diMleter. The bull scored 5 points , con ce ntric
rings about it scortng 4,3 , 2 and I r es pectiv ely .
Peter Ph.1.lpot was the first to sco r e a bull and
N.i. rJc l Br..unb l e wa s soon t c., follow. We s h ot ten rounds
edc h 1n success1o n . All of our shooting wa s rd t her
e rr a tic with little grouping of s hots on th e targe t.
We we re also s hown how to work the t arget and score.
The )u ghes t scores from ten round s came fro m Ni c k W.i l ly
with 2B from a maximum of 50 a nd S t e phani e Woodbine , wit h
25 . Before we went we ha d fiv e mo re round s eac h and
most of us found tha t our acc uracy had improved. In
all, u s uccessf ul i ntroduction to a ne w s port fo r all
o f us .

We a l s o o rgani sed another trip in Septe mber and we

hope to e nter the Annual Shoot in October.

The Districts Sports wcro held a yain at King George V

Rec reati o n Ground, Epsom.

After holding practices at W.:irren Mead School , 1 st Nork

wa s wel l supported by its cub s and scou t s , wi t h some
good individua l r esu l ts.

Out of 1 2 cu b groups e n teri ng, rexes came 9th, J u st

be at ing Oadgers , who f i nis h e d .1.n 10th place . The
scouts ha d a good r esult, fi ni shi ng in 3rd pl ace
again s t e ight groups, a nd fielding a young team. The
Venture Scouts fi n is hed 4 t h overall.

The after noon was e n Joyed by all, particularly as t he

sun s hone bn.11.iantly.

A rousing band of Nork supporters c heered the boys o n.

!'he refres hmen t tent produced a prof i t of £36 . 00 and

thi s wi ll go towards ne xt year ' s World Jamboree fund.
Thur sday• 29t h July The Ventures are holdi ng a
fu nd- r aisi ng e vent in t he form
of a " Beet l e Drive" at t he
Sco ut Hut, starti ng at 7 . 30 p.m.
Entra nce i s 50p. Come a nd join
in a nd have some fun - everyo ne

Sat urday, 9th Octobe r Jumble Sale at the Sco ut Hut.

Ear ly notice i s given , so
p l ease st art to save any o l d
c l oth es, br ic-a-brac, books ,
records a nd objets d' a rt -
a nd he lp to s upport t he Group!!
Joan S hrosbree wi 11 be organ i-
s i ng the Sa l e, and de ta il s of
Jumble coll ection will be
provided i n the Septe mbe r 1saue
o f the magazi ne.

Yo u wil l note th at t here are no pla nned activities

for August/September; t hi s is because during t h is time
all of the pa c ks , troops and groups will be embarki ng
on t heir a nnual Surrmer Camps in August. In September
t h e r espective Scou ters, l eaders and scout helpers are
getting over the fact t h at the camps we r e in August
a nd rec hargi ng t heir bodies for what Lies ahead
'l'h 1s year's camps h ave bee n arra nged as fc,l lows:


The boy s th1. s ye."lr .:ire going to camp at:



Md p 170. Gr . 3 16 544

'l'hc dates ar e f r o m Su nday , 25 th J ul y - 29t h Jul y a nd

a l o l o f fun 1s t o be had. Please contact Hr s Kn 1. ght
{HI! 535 14) or A Lendon (BH 5 14 12) for further details.


Th., scout c ump Lh .1.s yeur w1.ll t ake place from Sunday,
8Lh AU(JUSt - 18 t h Augu st , dfo..i l.S btH ng held Jt :


Ma p 169 Gr. 388 0 22

If anyone requ1. res further d cta1 ls, please con tact

.! l t h e r Jim Will.tams tBH 55953) or Jan Will y. Cheques
o r cas h f o r the ba l ance of the cos t of camp s h o uld be
pa id over t o Alan S hepherd by 20th July, with c heques
bc1nq ma.de payabl e to "1 s t Nor k Scou t Troop".


The Venture unit this ye ar will be camping 1. n Devon

c1 nd Cornwall betwee n 15th a nd 29t h Augu st , a nd
Ni ck Wi l ly and DavJ.d S he p herd are wal k1.ng the So uth -West
P1:i n Insular path during Augu s t as we l l .
/\::; •n<'•s l o f yo u a re aw,tre , di sc u ss .1 o ns hav P bee n t aking
place for some time regardi ng the possib.l e build1ng o f
a ne w " Cub/S cout Hu t". Th i6 lssue ' s feature articl P
i s writte n by Terry Elk ington , Chainnan of the
Executive Conuni t tee_

About three years ago , thP.
Rev. Peter Nily lo r prese nte d to
the Parochial Churc h Counci l proposa l s to make improv e -
ments to t h e Church and Church Ha ll and to provide a
car p,:1rk which would reli e ve Warren Road of t h e acute
park ing problems whenever mee ting s or fun c tions are
tak1.ng plac e .

Following their acceptance and with t he ,:ipprov.JJ from

the Church authorities , the sc heme wa s set 1n mot.ion
.Jnd the maj o r tas k of fund-rai si ng orga ni sed. An
architect wa s e ngaged and the pr ior1.ty o f works
decided .

To mak e the best possi ble u se of the s p ace avai lablc

for a c ar park, i t wa s necess ary to re-site t he Scout
Hut. Con s ultations with the Scout and Gu1.de leaders
led to various proposals of both s iting and d es ig n.
I t was agreed t hat a new building will be e rected on
the la nd at th e rear o f the e xi sti ng hut. There wa s
agreement . t h at the Scouts and Gu i des would s uppor t th e
Developme n t Scheme and take part in t he fund-r a ising,
both Jo intl y wj th th e Churc h and t h rough t he1.r own
resources .

Whilst t he exact amount o f money needed was unknown,

the P. C.C. set a target of £100,000 to be ralsed and
spe n t o n t h e whole sc he me . The priorities were:
1. Improve me nt s to Churc h & Churc h Hall
h ea ting .

2. Re -building of Scout Hut .

3. Car Park .

4. Extens ion to Churc h Hal l.

a fairly s h ort ti me , the P.C . C. f und-raisi~g body

( ... ..J s uff i cien t for the first part a nd some E7,000 was
spe nt.

Diff iculties wi t h agreements on sit ing, cost and l eas-

1.ng arra nge me nts h ave l ed to a s lowing down of the
activity , but f und- raisi ng co n tinues.

Curre n tl y th e f und st.Jnds at £23 , 000 . Many d o nation s

have been made and the r e has bee n a l ot of h ard work
by many peopl e i n r unning co ffe e mo rnings, sewi.ng
parties , ra ffle s etc ., etc .

There have bee n j umbl e s ales, bring and buy sa l es , a n

evc n i.ng wi. t h Dona ld Swa n at th e Bou rne Hall a nd
duct1on sal es among lll<lny oth er e v e nts .

There i. s still a long way to g o t o achieve even the

sr.co nd part o f t h e sc heme whi c h affec t s particularly
{ Scouts , Cubs , Gu i. d es & Brown i. es . Re gre tfull y ,
there has bee n a poor res po n se from parent s in be-
coming i nvolved in t he f und-raising, alth oug h ther e
are those wh o are commi t ted and con tri bu te to Jus t
about every event or respond t o requests for hel p.

If wO dn:: t o reach our goal of p rovid ing factl i t.1. es

f o r the young people in Scouting and Guiding, s upport
mu s t be gtve n whol e heartedly .

Throug h thi s ne wsle tte r, we will p ro vide i n formatio n

o n De velopme nt Fund activ i. ties a nd l et you kno w the
way you ca n h el p.
CUBS ( B/\tx;ER S )

Bronze A.rrows : Mar k La n e , Nigel Tijou ,

Jason Payton, Tets uya Komeri &
John Seage r .

Gold Ar rows : Co lin Pri nce , Mark l-larri s .


Bro nze /\rro ws : Si mo n F'l ood .

Sil vo r Arro ws : J o nathan Seymour , Jami e An slow .

We lcome a l so t o : Coli n Burge , Paul Burgess ,

Leon Clements & Stu art Pr itchard ,
who h ave joi ned t he pac k si nce
1st June .


Advanced Scout
Robert Elkington .
S tandard:

Promo tions: Matthe w Wi lly - promoted to

Se n ior Patrol Le ader o n 15th J une.

Ia n Driggs - pro mo t e d to Patrol

Leader of "Eagles" on 15th Jun e .
Promotion s : Mar ti n Briqgs - promoted to
Assistant Patrol Leader o f "H awk s "
on 15th Ju11e.

Si mon Morse ll - promoted to

Assistant P,; i.tro l Leader of
"Kingfisher:>" o n 8th June.

To all of the above boys either r eceiving htgher

badge awards o r promotions within t he group, a hearty
and si n cere "WELL DONE".

JUST A NOTE: •• • •• ••

The Cents ' loo at the Scout hut ha s been r epai red.
Speci al thank s to plumber, Alf Postings , f or he lp i ng
us out - otherwise i t might h ave given ri se to some
"inconvenience ".


Cha irma n Terry Elkington

Secretary Peter Williams
Treasurer Vic Sh rosbree

Group Scout Leader

Asst Group Scou t Leader
( w. e. Sept . '8 2)


Cu b Scout Leader (Akel al Mr s Jenny Prince

(w. e . Se pt. '8 2)
Cub In structor Peter Higgin s
Cu b Instruc t or Mrs Eilee n Pierce
Cub In s tructo r Tony Harris


Cub Scout Leade r (Ak e l a) Alan Lendon

Asst Cub Scout Leader Les S tanl ey
Asst Cub Scout Leader David Howard
Cub Instruc t or Mrs Val Howard )
Asst Cub Scout Leader Brian Holt

Scout Leader Jim Willi a ms

Asst Scout Leader Alan Todd
Asst Scout Leader Andy Prince
Asst Scout Leader Nick Hedges EP<i


Asst ve n ture Scout Leader Peter Philpot

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