Uestions 1 To 6 of 12

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uestions 1 to 6 of 12


In questions such as below, identify the two statements necessary to make the conclusion in the beginning of the question true. Jonathan is swimming. a) Jonathan is in the pool during the winter. b) Jonathan is in the pool. c) Swimming takes place in the pool during the winter. d) All the boys in the pool are swimming.






Tom pitches the ball faster than Mike. a) David is the champion pitcher. b) Tom can throw the ball further than David. c) Tom can throw the ball as fast as David. d) David can throw the ball faster than Mike.






Hundred soldiers went to the war. a) Forty soldiers did not turn up for the war. b) Twenty soldiers were killed in the war. c) The war was boycotted by sixty soldiers. d) Eighty soldiers returned alive.






A is south-west to C. a) A is two miles south of B. b) B is two miles east of D. c) C is two miles east of B. d) D is North-west of A.






Four defenders in a football match Defender A, Defender B, Defender C & Defender D take their positions in this order in a row from right to left. During the match, Defender A changes places with Defender C and then Defender C changes places with Defender B. Which defender is now at the left end of the row?

Defender A

Defender B

Defender C

Defender D


In the above question who is to the right of Defender C?

Defender A

Defender B

Defender D

No one

Questions 7 to 12 of 12


Six electronic items are stacked in a cupboard divided into several racks. Cellphone is in the rack right above the Ipod and the Laptop is in the rack right below the Food warmer. Food warmer is in the rack right above the Cellphone and the Ipod shares the rack with the Headphones. Coffee brewing machine is kept on the lowest rack. Which item is on the topmost rack?

Cellphone Ipod Laptop Food warmer Coffee brewing machine


In the above question which two other items share a rack?

Cellphone & Laptop Food warmer & Coffee brewing machine Cellphone & Coffee brewing machine Laptop & Food warmer


Five swimmers A, B, C, D, E participated in a competition. A lost to B but beat C. D beat E but failed to beat C. Which swimmer won the competition?


In the above question which swimmer came second-last?


Laura loves to eat apple but not the banana while John loves to eat mango and the banana. Kim loves to eat mango but not the apple and Jim loves to eat banana but not the mango. If each child loves to eat two of the three fruits, which one has the same preference as John?




No one


A pair of referee and linesman officiated in football matches for a week. The referees were A, B, and C. The linesmen were 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. a) No Referee or linesman officiated in two consecutive matches. b) A and 3, if either officiated, were always in a pair. c) 5 officiated in Wednesdays match. d) 4 could not officiate in a match immediately preceding or following a match where 5 officiated. Which pair officiated in Tuesdays match?

A and 5 Answer:

C and 4

B and 2

A and 2

Example of an Analytical Exposition Text
SHOULD CHILDREN WEAR HATS AT SCHOOL? I believe that you should always wear a hat at school when you are playing outside , to keep from getting sunburn . Firstly, if you don't wear a hat, you will get sunburn and a sunburn is painful. Secondly, sunburn could lead to skin cancer. Sunburn can lead to health problems later in life. Many older people suffer from skin cancer which can kill them. In my opinion all school students should wear hats.

Analytical Exposition Sample in Learning English

Why is Learning English Important? Language is the mean of communication. Mostly groups of society have their own languages.

Some of them appear the top global languages. Most people in the world hear about English, Arabic, and Mandarin. However English is the most global spoken language. Then if a man wants to catch a global goal, he has to master English. Everyone recognize that English is an international language. English is used in writing and speaking by many people all over the world. It can be either as a first or second language. We even hear British, American, Australian, and even Singaporean English. Those various names of English are used as the first language in those countries. Futhermore, some countries have their own languages as a mother language but also use English mostly in daily comunication. Besides usage in daily interaction, English is also used as a key to open doors leading to scientific and technical knowledge. No wonder we find manual guides and instructions of many devices written in English. Even if we have a pack of instant noodle, we will see the cooking instruction also written in English. This transfer of science and technic will include many countries in economic, social and politics developement. Finaly, the most easily seen in the importance of learning English is that most top requirement in filling job opportunities is the ability using English; active or passive. Job applicants who master English are more favourable than ones who do not. The above facts prove that everybody needs to learn English if he likes to greet the global Note: There are comments associated with this question. See the discussion page to add to the conversation. Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_an_example_of_an_analytical_exposition_text#ixzz1jSU2G rVk

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