Dialog Inggris
Dialog Inggris
Dialog Inggris
Hi, I'd like to see the doctor, please. Apakah Anda sudah buat janji? Do you have an appointment? Belum. No. Kapan mau bertemu? When would you like an appointment? Apakah mungkin hari ini? Is today possible? Ya. Hari ini baik. Jam berapa? Yes. Today is fine. What time would you like? Secepat mungkin. Perut saya benar-benar sakit. As soon as possible. My stomach really hurts. Tunggu sebentar ya. Saya lihat kalau dokternya lagi lowong. Please wait a moment. I'll see if the doctor is available. Oke. OK.
Maaf, dokternya sedang bersama pasien sekarang. Mungkin masih tiga puluh menit lagi. Apakah Anda tidak keberatan menunggu sebentar? Receptionist: Sorry, he's with a patient right now. It's probably going to be about another 30 minutes. Would you mind waiting a little longer? Adam: Receptionist: Adam: Receptionist: Tidak masalah. No problem. Bisa saya lihat kartu asuransi Anda? May I see your insurance card please. Ini, silakan. Here you are. Terima kasih. Biayanya dua puluh lima dolar untuk hari ini. Thanks. That's going to be 25 dollars for today's visit.
Betul? Saya pikir tidak semahal itu. Really? I didn't think it would be that much. Saya mengerti perasaan Anda. I know how you feel. Saya bayar tunai. I'll pay with cash. Terima kasih. Thank you. Bisa tolong hidupkan pemanasnya? Dingin sekali di sini. Would you please turn on the heat? It's really cold in here.