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Goal: Student engagement in the first 3-5 minutes.

TTYP __ ____ Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down __ Give One/Get One Think, Ink, Pair, Share Admit Slip_______ One-minute assessment _____

Explicit Instruction Implementation Log

Time Frame of Implementation Study: Name: Text: Lesson Focus/Goal: Synthesizing Grade Level/Role: Demonstration

Instructional Technique:
Briefly describe the instructional technique, strategy, or activity you will be using. Our lesson focus will be synthesizing. Proficient readers synthesize when they summarize when they summarize the important ideas in a text and then evaluate what this information means to them. Using a Sum It Up chart we will fill in key information to help synthesizing.

By the end of the lesson, you will be able to synthesize reading material.

Lesson Introduction:
Include an introductory statement about what students will be learning to do and a brief explanation of how this strategy will be useful to them as readers.

Instructor Models and Demonstrates: (I do)

Include key statements you will use to model comprehension thinking. Today we will be learning about synthesizing. Proficient readers synthesize when they summarize when they summarize the important ideas in a text and then evaluate what this information means to them. By being able to synthesize meaning you will be able to pull useful information from the text and help remember the text better. Watch me as a model synthesizing for you. READ After I read the first few pages of the text, I can synthesize what I have read. Key pieces of information I see are his father turned into a dragon and that a potion from the doctor that radius took turned him into a dragon. Therefore I can summarize that when radius tried to help his father by getting him a potion from the doctor, he grabbed the wrong potion and his father turned into a dragon when he took it.

Guided Practice: (We do)

Include opportunities for students to engage in guided practice with the comprehension strategy.

Collaborative Learning: (You do it together)

Include opportunities for students to engage with a partner or triad while teacher observes small group interaction and understanding of lesson focus.

Independent Practice: (You do)

Include opportunities for students to engage in independent practice with the fluency instructional tasks.

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