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Amplitude and Compass Error

January 20

Submitted by: D/C Peter Paul Pongasi Submitted by: C/M Almirante Tiu

Celestial Navigation 2

OBJECTIVES y Determine and illustrate what is amplitude y Explain how to find the amplitude of a body y Discuss the procedures in the compasses error(gyro and magnetic) how to using an amplitude of a certain body in finding y METHODOLODY I came up this data by means of reading books, the internet, reading different celestial navigation e-Books (pdf file), and paraphrasing it into simpler forms which is very easy to comprehend. INTRODUCTION At sea, the mariner is constantly concerned about the accuracy of the magnetic & gyro compass. There are several ways to check the accuracy of the compass. He can, for example, compare it with an accurate electronic navigation system. Lacking a sophisticated electronic navigation suite, he can use the celestial techniques of comparing the measured and calculated azimuths and amplitudes of celestial bodies. The difference between the calculated value and the value determined by gyro measurement is gyro error. This chapter discusses these procedures. DISCUSSION When using an azimuth to check a compass, a body at low altitude is most desirable, for it is both easy to observe and gives the most accurate results. An amplitude observation is one made when the center of the observed body is on either the celestial or visible horizon, that is, it is the act of rising or setting. If the visible horizon is used, a correction is applied to the observation in order to obtain the corresponding amplitude when the center of the body is on the celestial horizon the condition when Ho equals zero. The Sun is the body most frequently observed in obtaining amplitude. However, the Moon, a planet, or a bright star having a declination not exceeding 24 may be used (higher declinations fall outside the domain of the Bowditch amplitude tables). The measurement of amplitudes should be avoided in high latitudes. Diurnal circles at high latitudes are so nearly parallel to the horizon that small error in recognizing the instant of rising or setting causes large errors in the amplitude. Amplitude may be defined as the horizontal angular distance measured N or S from the prime vertical to the body on the celestial horizon. It is given the prefix E (east) if the body is rising, and W (west) if it is setting; the suffix is N if the body rises or sets north of the prime vertical, as it does with a northerly declination and S if it rises south of the prime vertical, having a southerly declination. If a body is observed when its center is on the celestial horizon, the amplitude may be taken directly from the Table 22 in Bowditch (see fig.).

When observing amplitudes of the Sun or Moon with a height of eye typical of larger ships bridges, two assumptions can be made that will yield results sufficiently accurate for practical purposes. The first is that when the Sun s lower limb is about two-thirds of a diameter above the visible horizon, its center is on the celestial horizon. The second is that when the Moon s upper limb is on the visible horizon, its center is on the celestial horizon. This apparent anomaly is due to the Sun s parallax being very small (0.1 ) as compared to refraction, which at this altitude amounts to about 34.5 ; whereas the Moon s parallax is large (between 54.0 and 61.5 , depending on the date), while the refraction remains is about 34.5 (actually, slightly greater numerically, since Ha is negative from a positive height of eye). Parallax is apparent displacement of the position of a celestial object on the celestial sphere when viewed from two different positions. For example, the lunar parallax is defined as the difference in position of the moon on the celestial sphere when observed from a particular point on the earth's surface, as compared to its position if observed at the same time from a point then at the center of the earth's disk facing the moon. Planets or stars are on the celestial horizon when they are about one Sun diameter, or some 32.0 above the visible horizon. If a body is observed on the visible horizon, the observed value is corrected by a value taken from Table 23 in Bowditch (see fig.), according to the following rules: For the sun, a planet, or a star, apply the correction to the observed amplitude in the direction away from the elevated pole; for the Moon, apply half the correction toward the elevated pole. y if the DR latitude is north and the body is rising, or if the if the DR latitude is south and the body is setting, add the correction to the observed amplitude. y if the DR latitude is north and the body is setting, or if the if the DR latitude is south and the body is rising, subtract the correction to the observed amplitude. Table 23 was computed for a height of eye of 41 feet (12.5 m), but may be used for the ordinary shipboard heights of eye without significant error.

Application of the rules just given corrects the visible-horizon amplitude reading to what would have been taken with the body on the celestial horizon. If desired, the correction from Table 23 can be applied in the reversed direction to the Table 22 value, for direct comparison with the uncorrected observed value. This is the procedure used if amplitude or azimuth is desired when the celestial body is on the visible horizon.

As an alternative of using Table 22 and Table 23, use the following formulas to calculate amplitudes: a) Body on the celestial horizon: the observer s latitude. b) Body on the visible horizon:

, where dec is the celestial body s declination and Lat is , where dec is the celestial body s

declination, Lat is the observer s latitude and h = -0.7r Sample Problem: On 20 January 2012 at LMT 05h 49m on a ship in L 30r20 S, P 110r 48 W, the sun rose bearing 090r by ships magnetic compass. Find the compass error. 1. Convert LMT to GMT to find the sun s declination. LMT = 05h 49m P W (+) = 07h 23m 12s GMT = 13h 12m 12s, Sept. 23 Sun s Declination = 0r 12.6 S (by Nautical Almanac) 2. Solve for Amplitude Amplitude =

r r

= = E 0r 15 S 3. Convert amplitude to azimuth. At Rise Zn = 090r Amplitude (+ for south declinations, -for north declinations) Zn = 090r + 0r 15 = 090r 15 Compass = 090r Error = 0r 15 E (compass least, error East)

At set Zn = 120r Amplitude (+ for north declinations, - for south declinations)

CONCLUSION Therefore, I conclude that correcting the compass is very essential in navigation. In case of system failure on the electronic equipment, you use the manual method in obtaining your course. If you don t correct your compass, you would likely be out of course and maybe going for shoals. REFERENCES Bowditch, N. (2002). American Practical Navigator (Pub. No. 9). Maryland, USA: Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic/Topographic Center Maloney, E. S. (1985). Dutton s Navigation and Piloting. Maryland, USA: Naval Institute Press Ynion, E. J. (2003). Celestial Navigation 2. Makati City, Philippines: Philippine Foundation for Maritime Teaching Aids Inc

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