Year 3 (2012) - Unit 1 Programme THEME - BRUNEI'S FOLKTALES

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During Year 3, themes continue to be used to create opportunities for the children to read, write
and discuss texts. At this stage of their learning, the children should have a firm foundation of the 44 phonemes in the English language, having consolidated them throughout the Year 2 English programme. In Unit 1, the theme is Bruneis folktales. Over the first two weeks of this unit, teachers have the opportunity to revise and prepare children for the upcoming work in the unit. From week 3, children explore well known folktales from each of the four districts in Brunei. Each folktale utilises the principles of integration across the four language skills, uses concrete experiences and fosters independent reading and writing habits. A shared read is the focus of each folktale from which listening, speaking, reading and writing tasks are set. The stress is on enjoyment, communication and the needs of individual learners.

Overarching objectives: Although each activity undertaken within the reading programme has its own specific objective, it is important to be aware of the overarching objectives of the scheme and what we, as teachers, are aiming towards with the children. The first overarching objective for the Reading programme is to use the four skills listening, speaking, reading and writing to become familiar with stories and to respond to them. The second overarching objective is to extend the childrens confidence, ability and stamina in reading and writing. (This objective comes with the awareness that each childs individual starting point in reading and writing in Year 3 will differ and so we are working to extend them at their own level, hence the necessity for differentiated tasks). The purpose/objective of each of the specific activities of the lesson is shown below within the explanation and description of each activity.

WEEK 1 &2 3&4 5&6 7&8 9 & 10 THEME Classroom Management and Revision of Sound and Structures Brunei-Muaras Folktale Nakhoda Manis Tutongs Folktale Tasek Merimbun Belaits Folktale The Origin of Luagan Lalak Temburongs Folktale Batu Senawat

DAY 1-4 ACTIVITIES Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task ( Day 1 modelled, Day 2 class dictated, Day 3 group writing, Day 4 independent writing) Song ACTIVITIES Listening and speaking (recapping & summarizing week) Reading/sharing childrens writing from the week Independent Reading Song Writing task (comprehension, cloze passage) Song TIMING 5 mins 10 mins 15 mins 2-3 mins 10 mins 15 mins 2-3 mins TIMING 10 mins 10 mins 15 mins 2-3 mins 20 mins 2-3 mins


NO 1 2 3 4 RESOURCES Pictures & resources SBA week resources Songs 1 Small book for writing

Explanation and description of the activities

Speed sounds/speedy words
In this unit the children continuously practise the sounds learnt In Pra-Year 2. No new sounds are introduced. However, teachers should assess the children at the beginning of the year and the focus in the speed sounds activity should be specifically on those sounds that require development.

Speed sounds
Purpose: to practise letter-sound correspondences Materials: Speed sound chart (see below) Procedure: 1. Practise the speed sounds every day. In Year 3, this should take only 1-2 minutes of the lesson and the children should be very participant. 2. Point to the top sound/(grapheme) in any speed sound box on the chart, e.g. c 3. Expect the children to tell you that sound. 4. Now point to the other graphemes in the same box, (e.g. k and ck) expecting the children to say the same sound. 5. Continue pointing to the sounds on the speed sound chart at random. 6. If the children are unsure on some of the vowel sounds, remind them of the mnemonic, e.g. Blow the snow, May I play? 7. Keep up a good pace. Speed sound consonant boxes b c d f g h j g l ll m n p qu r rr s t v w x y z ch sh th ng

bb k ck

dd ff gg

mm nn pp

ss tt

ve wh

zz tch

dge le

wr c

Speed sound vowel boxes a e ea i o u ay a-e ai ee y ea e igh i-e i y ie ow o-e oa o oo u-e ue ew ar or ir aw au ou ow oy oi air are ear ere ear ere eer

oor ur ore er

Speedy words

Practise blending and finger spelling every day. The words used in this activity should be well understood by the children as there isnt time in this activity to explain the meanings of new words. Blend three words and Finger spell three words. This should be quick and should take no more than approximately 3 minutes. Use of words which will come up in the days reading would be good to choose.

Speedy word blending Purpose: to practise blending Materials: list of words to blend (these should come from the days shared reading text) Procedure: 1. Write a word on the board e.g. play 2. Ask the children to get their lips ready to start blending the word. They should not make the sound itself. Lips at the ready! 3. Put your finger underneath the first letter of the word on the board and as you move your finger under the word the children should blend it. 4. Repeat 2 times with different words. Speedy word finger spelling Purpose: to practise segmentation Materials: list of words to spell (these should come from the days shared reading text) Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Say the word stay. Ask the children to say it. Say the word stay again. Hold up left fist. Segment sounds raising and touching the thumb and each finger for each sound. Say the word stay running index finger across the fingers (the word stay) left to right. Say the grapheme s and write it on the thumb. Say the next grapheme t and write it on the first finger. Say the last grapheme ay and write them on the next finger and then say the word stay. Repeat 2 times with different words.

Shared reading
Shared Reading takes place on days 1-4. The text for the Shared Reading is included in the programme. Purpose: to read a text together as a class in order to discuss the content of the text and to model and practise reading skills Materials: a large copy of the Shared Reading text and smaller texts, where necessary, for the children to look at independently or with a partner. NB. Dependent on the average ability of your class, you may wish to differentiate the given shared text so that it meets the needs of the majority of your readers. Procedure:

1. The shared reading time is usually preceded by a speaking and listening task to introduce it or to enable the children to reflect on the previous days shared reading. 2. Display the large shared reading text. If you have a very large class, you may want to give the children the text in front of them so that they can see it clearly. 3. Give the children time to read either all of the shared text in their heads or an element of it (e.g. 2-3 sentences). 4. Support less able readers in this task by having them close to you and working with them to read a small element of the text. 5. Next ask the children to read while you point to the words. 6. Expect the children to read the very common words without blending. 7. Encourage children to blend swiftly where necessary. 8. For multi-syllabic words it may be necessary to help the children to break the word into syllables before reading. 9. The children will need extra help with some words. Encourage the children to use phonics as much as possible. Tell the children parts of the words that they are not able to work out for themselves. 10. In Year 3 really encourage the children to lead the reading rather than the teacher voice being dominant. 11. When youve read the text through once, ask the children to read the text again. You might ask half of the children to read and then swap over. 12. The speaking and listening task which follows the shared reading will enable the children to reflect on what they have read.
Independent reading Independent reading takes place during days 1-4 when the children are preparing to read the shared text as a whole class. It also takes place on day 5. Additional independent reading should take place within homework tasks. The enrichment text (differentiated as necessary) can be used for homework. Purpose: to read a text (differentiated to meet the childs level of reading ability) independently to practise blending, recognition of sight words and comprehension of a text Materials: differentiated texts Create an atmosphere of quiet in order to allow the children to read independently without distraction.

Writing tasks
Five different types writing tasks are suggested: Modelled writing Class dictated writing Group writing Independent writing

As the week progresses, the children work from best practice writing modelled by their teacher towards independent writing tasks. Modelled writing Purpose: to demonstrate to the children the way in which to construct sentences including writing skills such as editing and correction. Materials: Generally, the teacher will model the writing on a white board. Procedure: 1. The speaking and listening task prior to the modelled writing task often acts as an introduction to the writing. 2. The teacher can write alone or with the use of a puppet. Where a puppet is used, the teacher and puppet can share the roles of writer and critique. 3. Introduce the purpose of your writing to the children e.g. I am going to write a diary as though I were Buyung. 4. Speak aloud your thought process as you write, modelling to the class the way in which you are structuring the text as a whole and also at the sentence level. E.g. So, I need to start with the date for the diary. Lets say, Thursday 4th March. Now, because Im writing a diary I need to write about things which have already happened. Shall I say Today I swim or Today I swam? 5. Ask the class for help in this way as you write in order to maintain their full engagement. 6. Spelling or punctuation errors could be made and the children in the class can help to correct these. 7. When the modelled task is complete, read through it encouraging the children to listen. Perhaps stop at times and ask the children to help you to make the writing better e.g. Big is quite a good word but is there a better word I could use? Maybe I could say enormous instead. Class dictated writing Purpose: to involve the children in a shared and guided writing experience, demonstrating value for the ideas they have and supporting them in constructing sentences accurately Materials: Generally, the teacher will write the class dictated writing onto a white board. 1. The speaking and listening task prior to the class dictated writing task often acts as an introduction to the writing. 2. Ask children to contribute their ideas for the writing asking prompting questions to encourage their ideas e.g. Were going to work together to write ideas of what Nakhoda Manis said when he saw his mother. How was he feeling? Yes, he was feeling surprised. So what might he have said?

3. If the ideas are not contributed in a grammatical sentence, suggest a suitable wording for the sentence. 4. Encourage the children to be involved in recognising where punctuation is needed. 5. Ask the children to help spell only one word in each sentence. (The object of this activity is

creating a written composition, not learning to spell.)

Group writing Purpose: to enable the children to work alongside peers to construct sentences Materials: The children in each group will need a piece of paper (sometimes with a picture/pictures on it) to write their ideas onto. 1. The speaking and listening task prior to the group writing task often acts as an introduction to the writing. 2. Put children into groups of 3 or 4 children and ask one child. 3. Children should take turns to write ideas down on the paper. 4. Encourage collaborative thinking, support for the writer in terms of spelling and participation from all children. 5. Praise good group work and use good groups as a model to rest of the class. Independent writing Purpose: to enable the children to demonstrate their independent writing ability and to think for themselves about the content of their writing and the structures and vocabulary they wish to incorporate Materials: The children should generally write in their exercise book although some independent tasks might require the use of paper in different formats e.g. a leaflet. 1. The speaking and listening task prior to the independent writing task often acts as an introduction to the writing. 2. Children should sit comfortably at their desks for independent writing and an atmosphere of quiet working should be encouraged to allow the children to think independently. 3. Independent writing tasks should be differentiated so that each child can experience success. Differentiation might take the form of: Differentiation by outcome in some tasks the content and amount of writing achieved by the children will be the differentiating factor Differentiation by support some children may work independently whilst others are supported by the teacher Differentiation by resource some children may need cue cards, sentence starters to complete or pictures to prompt their ideas

Week 1 Classroom Management & Revision of Sound and Structures
During this first week of the year, as the children settle into their Year 3 class, please find below suggestions of activities to carry out with the class in order to give them assessment and practice of sounds and access to short texts in preparation for work to come during the rest of the unit. You will also, of course, be spending time establishing the rules and routines of your English classroom and creating a productive and communicative environment. Songs to sing: The children will be familiar with a range of songs from their English learning in years 1 and 2. It would be good to sing some of these. Here are some suggestions:

The baby in the house (Tune: The wheels on the bus) The baby in the house goes wa-ah, wa-ah, wa-ah Wa-ah, wa-ah, wa-ah, wa-ah, wa-ah, wa-ah The baby in the house goes wa-ah, wa-ah, wa-ah All day long. The mother in the house goes There, there, there, (pretend to rock the baby) The father in the house goes Koochi, koochi, koo, (tickle under chin) The sister in the house goes sh, sh, sh, (put finger against mouth)

Down in the jungle Action song Down in the jungle where nobody goes Theres a great big gorilla awashing his clothes With a rub-a dub here and a rub-a dub there Thats the way he washes his clothes A-boogie, a-woogie, a-boogie woogie woogie x 3 Thats the way he washes his clothes Very quietly Down in the jungle where nobody goes Theres a tiny little mouse awashing her clothes

One finger, one thumb 1. One finger, one thumb, keep moving x 3 Well all be merry and bright. 2. Then add in after one thumb one arm, one leg 3. Then add in after one leg one nod of the head 4. Then add in after one nod of the head stand up, sit down 5. Then add in after sit down turn around The song gets longer and longer, always repeating the list of actions 3 times before ending with the line.

The brother in the house goes Not again! (put hands over ears)

With a rub-a dub here and a Well all be merry and bright. rub-a dub there Thats the way she washes her clothes Snake, Elephant

Mums In the kitchen (Tune: Skip to my Lou) Mums in the kitchen, cooking rice (3x) Thats what we have for dinner

Brothers in the bathroom, brushing his teeth (3x) Up and down he goes Babys in the bedroom, falling Four, three, two asleep (3x) Sh, sh, sh, my baby... One little monkey jumping on Dads in the living room, watching bed, the TV He fell off and bumped his (3x) Happy as can be.... head. Sisters in the garden, Mama called the doctor and watering the flowers (3x) the doctor said, No more Grow my flowers grow... monkeys jumping on the bed.

Five little monkeys Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, No more monkeys jumping on the bed.

Ten green bottles Ten green bottles sitting on the wall Ten green bottles sitting on the wall And if one green bottle should accidentally fall Therell be nine green bottles sitting on the wall ... 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2... One green bottle sitting on the wall One green bottle sitting on the wall And if one green bottle should accidentally fall, therell be no green bottles sitting on the wall.

Hokey Cokey 1. You put your left leg in You put your left leg out In, out, in, out, shake it all about You do the Hokey Cokey and you turn around. Thats what its all about. 2. You put your right leg in 3. You put your left arm in 4. You put your right arm in 5. You put your whole self in

Rainbow song Red and yellow and pink and green, purple and orange and blue I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow too. Listen with your ears and see with your eyes and sing everything you see. I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing along with me...

This is the way. This is the way we (wash) in the (bathroom), wash in the bathroom (2x), This is the way we wash in the bathroom, All day long. cook in the kitchen, sleep in the bedroom, eat in the living room, sit in the living room

Sounds practice: Spend time each day going through the sounds featured in the sounds that children have learnt in Year 1 and have revised in Year 2. Speed sound consonant boxes d f g h j l m n p d f g g ll m n p d f g dg l m n p e e Speed sound vowel boxes e i o u ay e igh ea a- e i-e e y i ai ea y e ie q u r rr wr s t ss t c t v v e w w h x y z z z ch tc h s h th ng

o w oe oa o

oo ar ue ue e w

or oo r or e

ir u r e r

aw au

o u o w

oy oi

air are ear ere

ea r er e ee r

There are a number of ways to carry out sounds practice: 1) Whole class with the teacher pointing at the sounds, listening to the children and watching their involvement 2) Whole class with a child pointing to the sounds so that the teacher can monitor the whole class and record the sounds that need focus and practice 3) Paired sound practice so that the teacher can circulate and listen in to individuals 4) Individual sound practice one on one with the teacher and a child (whilst the rest of the class is occupied in other independent sound activities) Vary the activity for sound practice so that the children remain interested and excited about this element of the lesson. Keep it speedy and make sure that the whole class is as involved as possible throughout the activity. Word time: Select a number of sounds each day to focus on for word time practice. There are a number of ways to carry out word time (this is not an exhaustive list you may have many other ideas!): Reading: 1) Flash cards speedy blending of words 2) Teacher writes a word on the board for the children to read 3) Build a word using letter cards for the children to read e.g. sh-ou-t, l-ou-d etc. Writing: Teacher says a word and the children write this in a book, on a whiteboard, using letter cards etc. All of the activities above could be carried out as a whole class group, in small groups or in pairs. Sentence time: Reading: Children can be given sentences (appropriate to their ability and focusing on specific sounds which need practice) to read. (Again, this is not an exhaustive list you may have many other ideas!).These could be: random sentences

sentences which the children can order into a short simple story sentences which are split into two halves and need to be matched together. Writing: Children can be given sentences (appropriate to their ability and focusing on specific sounds which need practice) to write. These could be: Hold a sentence style dictated sentences Sentences that the children are asked to make themselves using a given focus word (from a focus sound) e.g. shout Free writing of sentences by the children to encourage independence and to help you to gain knowledge of the childrens writing abilities Sentences that are created using word cards. The children can be given a set of word cards to order into a sentence. Listening and speaking: In addition to using this first week as a valuable time to get to know the sound, word and sentence abilities of the children in the class, time should be spent each day on listening and speaking activities. You will want to establish the rules for listening and speaking and to give the children the opportunity to engage in a range of styles of speaking and listening activities using: Whole class voice Paired activities Independent speaking activities (Ensure that these are broken up with use of the whole class voice either to ask or answer a question or to repeat the sentence spoken. In this way the attention and involvement of the whole class is maintained even when an individual is speaking.) Please find below an optional range of structures from the final unit of Year 2 which you might make use of in listening and speaking activities. Structures from the previous units could also be used of course. Questioning and reasoning Why cant we...? Because... Adjective comparison An turtle is not as (small) as a mouse. Imperatives Do... Do not... Sequential instructions First, then, next, last, finally before, during, after Consequences If...might... Adverbs related to frequency of events: always, usually, sometimes, never

Week 2 Where did you go on holiday? - (revision of sounds and structures)

Day 1 Elements Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 1 modeled Song Content Use a variety of ways to quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Ask the children whether they went on holiday in December. Where did they go? If they stayed in Brunei what did they do? The destinations mentioned could be plotted on a map or made into a graph. Talk to the children about what you did during the holiday. My name is Syasya. During the holidays I went to Singapore. I went with my parents and my three brothers. We left Brunei on December 15th and we returned to Brunei on December 20th. The aeroplane left the airport in Bandar at 6:30pm and we arrived in Singapore at 8:30pm. We got a taxi from the airport to our hotel which was on Orchard Road. We were quite tired and so we ate some food and then went to bed. Choose a song the children enjoy singing, possibly related to travelling e.g. This is the way I drive my car... Ask the children to get into pairs. The children should take turns to ask each other questions about the shared read and to answer the questions. E.g. Where did Syasya go on holiday? When did her family leave Brunei? What time did they arrive in Singapore? Etc. Model a similar piece of writing for the children about a holiday that you have been on. Before starting, ask the children what information you need to include in your writing to make it similar to Syasyas: where you went, who you went with, what dates you travelled on, when the aeroplane left and landed, what you did as soon as you got to the destination. Choose a song the children enjoy singing, possibly related to travelling e.g. This is the way I drive my car... 2 Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared Use a variety of ways to quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Ask the children whether they have ever been to a zoo. What animals can they think of which might be at a zoo. Pass a toy around a circle and ask each child to use the structure, At a zoo there might be a giraffe. When we woke up on the first day of the holiday, we went downstairs to the breakfast room at the hotel. We ate delicious food ready for our busy

reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 2 class dictated Song

day in Singapore. We decided to go to the zoo. The bus to the zoo was covered in pictures of animals and was very colourful. I felt excited. The journey was not too long and soon we were looking at all the amazing animals. My favourites were the chimps and the giraffes. I also enjoyed playing at the water park. I got very wet when the bucket of water tipped onto my head! It was a great day! Choose a song the children enjoy singing, perhaps related to animals e.g. Down in the jungle. Ask the children questions about the shared reading to see if they can pick out information from within the text. E.g. How did Syasya describe the food she ate for breakfast? Why did Syasya like the bus that took her to the zoo? Etc. Ask the class for ideas about a day at a zoo to use in a class dictated writing task. Ask them to think of ideas of animals that are seen, the weather, and other activities at the zoo and so on. Write their ideas down. Choose a song the children enjoy singing, perhaps related to animals e.g. Down in the jungle.

Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 3 group writing Song

Use a variety of ways to quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Give each child a piece of paper with a simple two column table. In the first column ask the children to write down four different types of shops e.g. clothes shop, book shop, CD and DVD shop and toy shop. The children should mingle around the room asking their peers, Which kind of shop do you like the most? They should record the responses with a tally mark next to that shop in the second column. On the second day of our holiday, we wanted to do some shopping on Orchard Road. We walked along the road looking at all the shops on the left and right. There were so many to choose from. We went inside a mall and took the lift all the way to the bottom to the food court where we had some noodles. Next we went to a bookshop. It was very big and I liked looking at all the different books for children. Some had very interesting pictures. I sat in that shop for one hour! When we went back to the hotel we all had very sore legs! Choose a song the children enjoy singing. Ask the children which type of shop it sounds like Syasya liked the most. Why did she like it and how do we know she did? Ask the children to talk to a partner about their findings from the shop survey they did previously. Ask the children to stand up if they found that clothes shops were most

popular. Repeat for the other shop types on the list. Get the children into small writing groups. Task them to write some sentences about a toy shop picture, describing what they can see. Choose a song the children enjoy singing. 4 Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 4 independent writing Song Use a variety of ways to quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Look at a picture of the Singapore Flyer together. Have the children ever seen something like this? Have they ever ridden on a big wheel? How did they feel?/ How might they feel? Show the class a birds eye view picture to see what the view might be like from high up on a big wheel. On the third day of our holiday in Singapore we went to the Singapore Flyer. The Singapore Flyer is a big wheel which you can ride on. When we got there the queue was not too long. We all got into a capsule to travel around the wheel I felt very excited! The Flyer moves quite slowly and when your capsule gets to the very top you feel very high up! I could see buildings, parks and the river from the top. I felt like a bird up high in the sky. It was a lot of fun. Choose a song the children enjoy singing. Look together at the birds eye view picture again and this time in pairs the children should talk about what they can see in the picture using, I can see..., There is a/are... and also encouraging positioning sentences such as, on the left..., At the top... etc. Ask the children to write independently about what they can see in a birds eye view picture of the land below, as though they were up high in a big wheel. Choose a song the children enjoy singing. 5 Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (recapping week) Reading/shari ng childrens writing from the week Song Use a variety of ways to quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Ask the children whose holiday we have been finding out about this week? Syasyas. Ask the children a number of questions about the shared readings that have been read this week e.g. Where did Syasya go? Who with? What did they do? What did she particularly like? etc. Spend time celebrating the writing achieved this week, reading together the class dictated writing, asking groups to read aloud their group writing and individuals to read aloud (or with a partner) their independent writing.

Listening and speaking (summarising week) Writing task (comprehensi on, cloze passage) Song

Choose a song the children enjoy singing. Ask the children whether they like the sound of Singapore? Would they like to go there? What have they heard about that they would like to do? Etc. Give the children a cloze passage to fill in from the shared readings carried out this week. Differentiate the cloze passage (by adding or omitting language) where necessary to suit the abilities of your class. Some children may not need to have the words to use provided. Choose a song the children enjoy singing.

Week 3 Brunei-Muaras Folktale Nakhoda Manis

Nakhoda Maniss song
Tell me the tale of Jong Batu Was it a ship? Was it really true?

The story you heard was from long, long ago A son asked his mother let me go.

Ill become rich youll be so proud of me And with these words, he went out to the sea

The mother she waited, she watched every day Hoping to see her son again

The son grew rich, and his mother grew poor Then one day, his ship came to shore

The mother was happy, she shouted his name The son pushed her boat far away

The heartbroken mother wept and prayed She placed a curse on her own son that day

A storm came from nowhere and sunk his ship Now you can just see the tip.

Day 1

Elements Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 1 modelled Song

Content Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Show the class a photo of Jong Batu. Have any of them seen this before? Do they know where in Brunei this rock can be found? Show an A3 map of the Brunei river to the class and then show them some photos which will be stuck onto the map Jong Batu, Istana Nurul Iman, Kampong Ayer and a small water taxi. Work together to stick the pictures onto the map in the right places. When all of the pictures have been placed on the map, ask the children to talk in pairs asking each other What can you see? I can see lots of houses in Kampong Ayer. Try to encourage the children to be descriptive in their responses e.g. I can see the golden dome on the roof of the Istana. Jong Batu can be found in the Brunei River to the east of the Istana Nurul Iman. It is part of the Mukim Lumapas of the Brunei-Muara district. It is a large rock in the river - about 20m long and 15m wide. It takes approximately 15 minutes to travel to it by boat from Kampong Ayer. When you look at it from the shores of the Brunei River, it looks like a sinking ship, with the bow sticking out of the water. Sing: Nakhoda Manis Having read together the shared read a couple of times, ask the children questions relating to the map you made and the information in the shared reading. Each time you ask a question, the children should discuss an answer with a partner before feeding back answers to you. E.g. Where in Brunei is Jong Batu? What is Jong Batu? How big is the rock? How long does it take to get to Jong Batu from Kampong Ayer? What do people think Jong Batu looks like? Add to the map youve made during the lesson by writing captions using information from the shared read. Model to the children the way in which you refer to the shared reading information to write the captions. Stick the captions onto the map. E.g. Jong Batu is a rock in the Brunei River. It is 20m long and 15m wide. If you take a boat from Kampong Ayer to Jong Batu it takes 15 minutes. Jong Batu is to the east of the Istana Nurul Iman in the Lumapas area. The Jong Batu rock looks like a ship that is sinking. Sing: Nakhoda Manis

Speedy sounds and

Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice.

speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 2 class dictated Song

Look at the map that you created yesterday and recap the features of the map, asking children to read the captions that you wrote. Tell the children that there is a story about the Jong Batu rock which dates back to the 1500s more than 500 years ago! Tell the children that we will be learning about the story of Jong Batu during the next two weeks. Show the class a picture of the main character in the story, Si Manis, who was later called Nakhoda (Captain) Manis. The story of Jong Batu is a legend that happened in Brunei Darussalam a long, long time ago. At that time, Brunei was ruled by Sultan Bolkiah, the fifth sultan. Jong Batu is a story about a wealthy young man named Si Manis who wanted to become a merchant. His father, Pehin Orang Kaya Digadong, was killed during a fight in the Philippines. Sing: Nakhoda Manis Ask the class if they know what a legend is. Explain that a legend is a story from the past and is usually a little magical. Sit the class in a circle and put 5 cards in the middle each with a question word on one side (who, what, when, why, where) and a question on the other (see resources). Ask a child to pick a question card and to read the question to the rest of the class who should then discuss answers (using the shared read) with a partner before feeding back. Take each question word card at a time and ask the children to help you to write an answer to the question (see the examples below). Ask them to help with spellings and possibly include a few grammar errors for them to help you to correct. What is the legend about? The legend is about the Jong Batu rock. When did the legend take place? The legend took place a long time ago when Sultan Bolkiah ruled. Who is the main character in the legend? Si Manis, a wealthy young man, is the main character in the legend. Where did the legend take place? The legend took place in Brunei Darussalam. Why did Si Manis father die? His father died because he was in a fight in the Philippines. Sing: Nakhoda Manis

Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking

Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Show the class the 5 question words and see if they can remember the key information that they learnt yesterday about who, where, when, why and what the legend is about. They can discuss this with a partner before sharing answers as a class. Look at the shared read from day 2 and focus on

(intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 3 group writing Song

the phrase who wanted to become a merchant. Circle the word merchant and ask the class if they know what this means. Explain that a merchant is someone who buys and sells things...and who can make a lot of money doing so. Show the class a picture of Dang Embun, Si Manis mother, explaining that she is also a very important character in the story. One day, Si Manis told his mother, Dang Embun, that he wanted to travel abroad and became a successful merchant. At first Dang Embun did not let him go because Si Manis was her only child. However, when Si Manis insisted on going sailing, Dang Embun let him go, although it made her sad. Si Manis left Kampong Ayer to seek his fortune in the city of Sulu. Sing: Nakhoda Manis Model the conversation that might have taken place between Si Manis and Dang Embun using the two character figures as puppets. In pairs the children should then have a try at recreating the dialogue that went on between the mother and her son. Here is an example of what the children might say, however it would be good to let them create their own dialogue rather than having to follow a script as such: Si Manis: I would like to travel to other countries mother. Dang Ambon: No, you are my only son. You must stay here with me. Si Manis: But mother, I would like to become a merchant. Dang Ambon: I do not want you to go. I will be alone. Si Manis: I am going to go. Dang Ambon: Then you can go...but I will be sad. If time ask some pairs to share their dialogue with the class. In groups, give the children an A3 piece of paper with a picture of Si Manis and his mother talking together. On the paper will be speech bubbles and thought bubbles. The children should work as a group to think about things to write in these bubbles, using the conversations they have had to help them. Make sure the children understand the difference between the speech and thought bubbles (E.g. Dang Embun might be saying You can go. but thinking, Please stay with me dont go! Sing: Nakhoda Manis

Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read)

Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Ask the class what Si Manis wanted to do. How did his mother feel about this? Show the class the two character figures of the mother and son and demonstrate them moving away from each other. Tell the children about what happened to each explaining that Si Manis sailed away and became a successful merchant (ask the children to remind you what this means). Introduce a third character Si Manis wife and tell the class that she was

Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 4 independent writing Song

rich and beautiful. Show the class a cut out ship and put Si Manis and his wife inside it, telling the class that Si Manis now became Nakhoda Manis. With the character cut out of his mother, show her with a crowd of poor people explaining that she gave her money away to them until she became poor too. The cut out of the mother could have two sides one with wealthy clothes and one with poor clothes and an older face. Turn the cut out around to show how she changed. After many years, he was successful and wealthy. He married a pretty noblewoman and became the owner of a huge ship. He was known as Nakhoda Manis. His mother, who was left alone, longed for her son. Every day, she waited at the jetty and hoped that her beloved son would return safely to Brunei. She also shared her wealth with poor people with the hope that her son would always be safe. One day all her money had gone and she found herself poor like them. Sing: Nakhoda Manis Ask the class whether they think both characters (mother and son) were happy with the way things turned out? Do they think Si Manis made the right choice when he left his mother to sail away? Ask the children to write in their own words what happened to Si Manis and Dang Embun when he sailed away. This can be differentiated by giving middle ability children access to sentence openings or key words to use. Lower ability children could be given pre-written statements to stick underneath the correct character e.g. sailed away/stayed at home, became rich/became poor. Sing: Nakhoda Manis

Listening and speaking (recapping & summarizing week) Reading/shar ing childrens writing from the week Independent Reading Song Writing task (comprehens

Use the map made on day 1 and the character cut outs to retell the story together to this point. Ask the children questions about what has happened so far in the story and elicit their responses to help the story telling. Give the children time to read written work created this week group writing and independent writing. Ask a number of pupils to read work aloud to the rest of the class. Use this as an opportunity to praise the achievements of the pupils and to talk about writing development ideas e.g. word choices, complexity of sentences etc. Read the shared texts from the week independently using the booklets. These differentiated texts should be given to the children according to their ability. Sing: Nakhoda Manis

ion, cloze passage) Song

Comprehension questions: Give the children a set of comprehension questions to answer in writing from this weeks learning. These can be differentiated by giving lower ability children multiple choice options. Here are some examples of questions that you might use: 1. What is the name of the rock in this story? 2. How long ago did the legend take place? 3. How large is the Jong Batu rock? 4. What is the name of the son in this legend? 5. What did the son want to become? 6. How did his mother feel about him leaving? 7. What happened to Dang Ambon when Si Manis left? Sing: Nakhoda Manis

Week 4 Brunei-Muaras Folktale Nakhoda Manis [Continuation]

Day 1 Elements Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 1 modelled Song Content Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Recap the story to this point with the children using the character cut outs and the map. At this stage, the children should do the majority of the retelling, hopefully only needing you to prompt them. Before the shared reading set the scene with the characters in place Si Manis and his wife in their big ship and a poverty- stricken Dang Ambon in Kampong Ayer. One day, taking shelter from a storm, Nakhoda Manis ship happened to harbour near his birthplace. Dang Embun heard the news that a rich merchant named Nakhoda Manis had arrived in Brunei. Dang Embun was very sure that Nakhoda Manis was her long lost son. Dang Embun was overjoyed to hear that her sons ship had anchored in the Brunei River. Nakhoda Manis was also looking forward to meet his mother. Sing: Nakhoda Manis Ask the children how they feel when they are going to see someone that they havent seen for a long time a friend or a relative. In pairs role play seeing someone that you havent seen for a long time. What kinds of things would you say to each other? Practise this in pairs and ask some pairs to demonstrate their role play to the class. Ask the class to imagine that they are Si Manis with all his riches and his big ship. He knows that he will be anchoring his ship near to his mothers home and he wants one of his sailors to send her a letter (maybe by rowing a boat to her house to deliver it). Model to the class how the letter might be written, verbalising the thought process (she will need to know where to come and why the ship will be there), sounding out words to include (s-ailing, hmmm which ay sound will I need?) /thinking about the grammar of the sentences. Your letter might look something like this example (but does not have to be the same!): Dear Mother, My ship will be sailing into the Brunei River in the next days. We have been hit by a storm at sea and need to take shelter. We have some repairs to carry out on the ship. I am so happy to be sailing near to you. We will anchor in the Brunei River and I would love to see you and to let you meet my beautiful wife. With love from your son,

Si Manis Sing: Nakhoda Manis 2 Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 2 class dictated Song Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Set the scene for todays part of the story. You could use the map from day 1 week 3 to show Si Manis and his wife in their big ship on the Brunei River and his mother in a small boat travelling along the river from Kampong Ayer. Draw a thought bubble on a whiteboard and ask the children what Dang Embun might be thinking as she paddles her boat. Take suggestions from the class and write them in the thought bubble. Ask the children to pretend that they are paddling in a small boat and they can practise saying aloud some of the thoughts suggested. When his ship arrived on the Brunei River, Dang Embun hurriedly paddled an old and small boat out towards his larger ship and shouted that she missed him. She called out her sons name. Manis...Manis. Where are you son? Im here to see you. He was very happy upon hearing his mothers voice and looked forward to introducing her to his wife. Sing: Nakhoda Manis What might Si Manis be thinking as he hears his mothers voice? Again use a thought bubble on a whiteboard to take suggestions from the children. They can then pretend to be standing on the deck of a big ship, looking out along the river to see the boat and saying aloud some of the thoughts suggested. Ask the class to pretend to be Dang Embun paddling her small boat in the river. Ask them questions about where she is, what she is doing, what she can see, how she feels, what she thinks and what she says etc. Write these class dictated ideas as a first person account. The dictated writing will depend on the suggestions your class give but it may be something like this example: I am in my small boat. I am paddling as fast as I can. I can see a very large ship in the middle of the river. I am so happy to nearly be close to Si Manis my son. I am thinking about seeing his face. I am shouting out as I paddle to tell my son that I miss him. Sing: Nakhoda Manis 3 Speedy sounds and Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice.

speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 3 group writing Song

Recap with the class what happened to Dang Embun when Si Manis went sailing away at the beginning of the story. After they have given their ideas, show the class the character cut out again, reinforcing the fact that she went from being rich when he left to very poor after she had given away her money to help poor people. Nakhoda Manis hurriedly went out to the dock of the ship with his wife. When Nakhoda Manis looked over the side of the ship and saw his mother, he was surprised to see how old and poverty-stricken she looked. He knew the poor old woman was his mother but in front of his beautiful, rich wife he was too ashamed to speak to and welcome his mother. So he ordered his crew to push her small boat away. The crews used long poles and pushed the small boat as hard as they could until the boat was nearly sinking Sing: Nakhoda Manis Make sure that the children understand what happened in the shared reading today. Perhaps use children to role play the events so that the children can see what happened visually. Why did Si Manis push his mother away? How did he feel? How do you think his mother felt? Was it the right thing for him to do? In groups pretending that they are Si Manis, write a diary entry recounting the events of the day. Give the children in their groups a sentence starter to help them to begin e.g. Today I woke up feeling very happy. My mother was going to row her boat to the ship to meet with me and my wife. I saw her boat coming towards the ship and... Sing: Nakhoda Manis

Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read)

Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Recap what happened when Si Manis saw his mother in her boat. Ask the class again how this might make his mother feel? Have they ever felt really sad because someone has been unkind to them? Share some thoughts on this together. Look together at the word heartbroken and ask what they think this means. Dang Embun was heartbroken.Manis, how could you do this to me? Dont you know me any more? Im your mother. The one you left behind for so long. Please come to me dear. I miss you so much. sobbed Dang Embun. No! Im not your son. I dont have a mother like you. My mother was pretty and rich. You are not my mother! Go away! Go away from here. shouted Nakhoda Manis. The crews pushed her small boat until it sunk. Dang Embun swam to the shore, wept and prayed.

Writing task Day 4 independent writing Song

She placed a curse on her unloving and disrespectful son. Suddenly a storm appeared! The ship was tossed about by the storm and capsized. Dang Embun heard Nakhoda Manis shouting for help and mercy from her but Dang Embun just stared at Nakhoda Manis big ship with tears. After the storm, there was a huge rock in the river where Nakhoda Manis had anchored his ship, which sank in the storm. The rock is known today as "Jong Batu". Sing: Nakhoda Manis Give each child a ship template and get them to role play with you the storm battering the ship and tossing it about leading to its final capsizing. Encourage the children to role play the wind, the lightning, the thunder, the rain, the things that people on the boat might have shouted etc. Really try to use rich language (e.g. strong wind, flashes of lightning, loud thunder, heavy rain etc.) to help the children with their independent writing task which follows. On the side of the ship template (where lines are provided) the children should independently describe the storm. It would be good to have key words available for the children to help with their writing. Lower ability children may benefit from writing this as a group. A starter sentence can be provided to help the children to get started e.g. A storm suddenly appeared. There was... Sing: Nakhoda Manis

Listening and speaking (recapping & summarizing week) Reading/sha ring childrens writing from the week Independent Reading Song Writing task (comprehens ion, cloze passage) Song

Sit in a circle (where possible) and place in the centre of the circle the character/object cut outs from the story - Si Manis, Dang Embun, the wife, the small boat, the big ship, the sailors and the poor people. Ask the children to tell the story using the props. Prompt them where necessary but try to encourage the story telling ideas to come from the children. Give the children time to read written work created this week group writing and independent writing. Ask a number of pupils to read work aloud to the rest of the class. Use this as an opportunity to praise the achievements of the pupils and to talk about writing development ideas e.g. word choices, complexity of sentences etc. Read the shared texts from the week independently using the booklets. These differentiated texts should be given to the children according to their ability. Sing: Nakhoda Manis Short Composition: See how well the children have learnt the story by giving them a page with a set of the cut out pictures that have been used in the story (Si Manis, wife,

Dang Embun, ship, Jong Batu) and space below each to write something that they remember from the story. It would be good for all of the children to do this independently in order to see their independent writing skills at this point and the extent to which they have understood and remembered the events of the story. If time, ask some children to share their ideas with the class by reading aloud. Sing: Nakhoda Manis

Another folktale that can be used as reading enrichment resource: MALAYSIAS FOLKTALE SI TANGGANG Si Talang lived near the sea with his wife Si Deruma and their son Si Tanggang. One day Si Tanggang rowed his boat out into the open sea. The captain of a large ship saw him and thought he looked strong and healthy. He wanted him to come and work on his ship as a crew member. He sent some of his men to get Si Tanggang and so, Si Tanggang was taken away from his family and friends. The captain of the ship made Si Tanggang work hard straight away and because he could not escape, Si Tanggang did as he was told. The captain liked him and decided to bring him up as if he were his son. Many years passed and Si Tanggang grew up to be handsome. He married the captains daughter and became captain of the ship. He was known as Captain Tanggang. When Si Tanggang met the Kings daughter he also fell in love with her and they were married. The two wives did not like each other and argued a lot. Captain Tanggang took his wives on a trip on his big ship, hoping that they would become friends. When they were at sea, Captain Tanggang could see a big storm approaching so he sailed the ship to a sheltered harbour. Captain Tanggang thought that the harbour looked familiar and so he called out to some men on the shore. When the men saw Captain Tanggang they ran to the village shouting, Si Tanggang is back! His mother and father were shocked and then very happy. Si Deruma quickly prepared some of Si Tanggangs favourite food for him and then rowed out in a small boat to take it to him. When the crew of the ship saw the people sailing towards the big ship they laughed at their clothes. Captain Tanggang was ashamed of his parents and shouted, Who are they? They are not my parents. Chase them away! Oh, Tanggang. Im your mother. Look! I have brought you some food! called Si Deruma to her son. The sailors kept laughing at his parents and Si Tanggang got angrier and angrier. He called to his crew, Sink their boat! Hearing this, his parents were very sad and rowed away from the big ship. When they got back to the shore, Si Deruma cried out with sadness. A storm appeared and knocked the ship from side to side, breaking it up. Thunder rolled and lightning flashed. Si Tanggang realised that he had done something very wrong to his parents. He called out to his parents, You are my parents. Mother, mother! I am sorry! But his voice could not be heard in the storm. The storm stopped quickly. An amazing sight was left behind. The ship and all its crew had turned to

stone. The story of the ungrateful son became a story to remember by all young people. We must be grateful to our parents and others who have been kind to us.

Week 5 Tutongs Folktale Tasek Merimbun

Tasek Merimbun

There once was a man who lived long, long ago His only son made him glad He gave him anything that he asked, so that he would not be sad He gave him the moon when the foolish boy asked And the boy climbed a tower very high. But he fell, off, into the trees And he was very lost Oh no! Where am I? Im lost! Im lost! Oh no! Where is he? Hes lost! Hes lost! He fell, off, into the trees And now hes lost! The boy was a long long way from home And he tried to find his way He walked for many many years And found his home one day That man...could it be? Is it you my son? Father, yes, its me, Awang! I fell, off, into the trees and was very, very lost. Im sorry my son, Ive learned my lesson. Im sorry father, Ive learned my lesson. I fell, off, into the trees and was very, very lost.

Day 1

Elements Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 1 modelled Song

Content Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Show the class a photo of Tasek Merimbun. Have any of them seen this or been there before? Do they know where the place is? If any of them have been to this place, ask them to describe it, e.g. There are lots of trees. The river is so big. If none of them have been to Tasek Merimbun then ask them what they can see from the photo. Encourage the children to be descriptive in their responses e.g. There are lots of big trees. Tasek Merimbun can be found in the interior area of Tutong District. It has become a picnic park. It is about 27 kilometres from Tutong town. It is the biggest lake in Negara Brunei Darussalam. There is a small island in the middle of the lake and it can be reached via a wooden bridge. The names of the places in the park are rather exciting too. Pulau Labi-labi is said to resemble a turtles head and body while Pulau Merah looks red due to the colour of its soil. Sing: Tasek Merimbun Ask the pupils questions relating to the information in the shared reading. e.g. Where can we find Tasek Merimbun?, How far is it from Tutong town? What is in the middle of the lake?, What are the names of the two places in the park? Make sure that the children engage in discussion with their partner before answering the questions. Encourage them to provide full sentence answers. Provide each pupil with a Tasek Merimbun cut out. Model to the children the way in which they write a short caption under the cut out describing what they can see by using the information from the shared reading. Then, ask them to stick the cut out in their writing book and to write the caption under the picture. Sing: Tasek Merimbun

Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to

Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Show the class again the photo of Tasek Merimbun. Ask the children if they can remember the captions that they wrote yesterday in their writing book. Ask few pupils to say aloud their captions. Then, tell the pupils that there is a story behind the name of Tasek Merimbun which happened many years ago. Tell the children that we will be learning about the story of Tasek

shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 2 class dictated Song

Merimbun during the next two weeks. Show the class pictures of the main characters in the story, Rimbun and Awang. The story of Tasek Merimbun is a legend which happened in ancient Brunei a long time ago. At that time, there lived a man named Rimbun. Rimbun had a son named Awang. Rimbun had wanted a son for so long. When Awang was born his father tried his best to fulfil whatever he wanted because he did not want his son to be sad. Sing: Tasek Merimbun Provide dialogue cue cards for the children to role play. Ask a pair of children to act as Rimbun and Awang. Sit the rest of the class in a circle and to watch the role play. E. g. Rimbun : My son Awang, what do you want this time? Awang : I want to have a big cat for my pet. Rimbun : Oh dear, where can I get a big cat for you? Awang : You can find it in the jungle, father. Rimbun : Alright then, I will go to the jungle to find one for you. Awang : Yea! thank you father. As more children do the role play, build in the sense of confidence to actually say the dialogue with intonation and action. The teacher can also lengthen the dialogue. Take the dialogue cue cards and paste them on the blackboard. Ask the children to come up with what other wishes that they thought Awang would want to have. Write down the cue sentences on the blackboard and omit a few words that need to be replaced by the children. E.g: Rimbun : My son Awang, what do you want this time? Awang : I want to have a_______________. Rimbun : Oh dear, where can I ______________ for you? Awang : You can _________ it in the __________, father. Rimbun : Alright then, I will go to the ________ to _______ one for you. Awang : Yea! Thank you father. Sing: Tasek Merimbun

Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking

Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Show the class the dialogue cue cards again. Ask the children if they could remember what other wishes that they thought Awang would want to have. Then, ask a few children what they would wish that their father could get for them. List the things that they would like on the blackboard.

(intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 3 group writing Song

Next, show the class a picture of a moon. Ask the children why the moon became another important thing in the story, Why do you think the moon is important in this story? One day, Awang told his father that he wanted to have the moon. Why do you want the moon? asked his father. Because its so shiny and beautiful, replied Awang. Awang had become a spoilt boy. So as usual instead of saying no, his father said, Of course my son, you shall have the moon! So, Rimbun ordered the villagers to build a very, very tall ladder. The villagers came up with the tallest, best and strongest ladder. Sing: Tasek Merimbun Model the conversation that might happen between Rimbun and Awang. Remind them that they have done this yesterday but using dialogue cue cards. In pairs encourage the children to try recreating the dialogue that went on between the father and son by using the information from the shared reading. If there is time ask few pairs to share their dialogue with the class. In groups, give the children an A3 piece of paper with a picture of Rimbun and Awang talking together. On the paper provide series of speech bubbles to show the conversation between two parts. The children should work together to form a sequence of conversational sentences and then to write them down in the order in which they are spoken. Sing: Tasek Merimbun

Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 4 independent writing

Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Ask the class why Rimbun needed the tallest, best, strongest ladder. How might Rimbun have used the ladder to get the moon down? Encourage the children to share their opinions. Open discussion on how possible the ideas are. Provide support to encourage more discussion, e. g. How dangerous would it be?, Do you think he could reach the moon that way?, What might happen? They stood the ladder pointing upwards to the sky. Soon the ladder reached the clouds and Awang prepared to climb the ladder. Rimbun said good luck to Awang and asked him to be careful. Awang started to climb the ladder. Up and up into the clouds he went. The villagers watched in amazement. Awang was so high that all he could see were clouds. Im on top of the world. I think Im almost there, by the moon, shouted Awang. But the ladder started to shake and wobble and soon it was falling and Awang with it! Awang fell among the trees.


Sing: Tasek Merimbun Ask the class whether they think the way Awang tried to get the moon by climbing up the ladder was a good and safe way. Can they think of other safer and possible ways to do it or so that the ladder wouldnt shake and wobble? Then ask the children what they think happened to Awang who fell among the trees. In their writing book, ask the children to write down what happened to Awang when he tried to climb up the ladder to get the moon. This can be differentiated by giving the middle ability children access to sentence opening or key words to use. The lower ability children could be given pre written statements to stick in the correct order or could work alongside the teacher to write ideas as a group. Sing: Tasek Merimbun

Listening and speaking (recapping & summarizing week) Reading/shar ing childrens writing from the week Independent Reading Song Writing task (comprehens ion, cloze passage) Song

Use the pictures of the characters [Rimbun, Awang, Moon] to retell the story together to this point. Ask the children questions along the way to acknowledge their understanding of the story so far. Give the children time to read written work created this week group writing and independent writing. Ask a number of pupils to read work aloud to the rest of the class. Use this as an opportunity to praise the achievements of the pupils and to talk about writing development ideas e.g. word choices, complexity of sentences etc. Read the shared texts from the week independently using the booklets. These differentiated texts should be given to the children according to their ability. Sing: Tasek Merimbun Cloze passage: Give the children a cloze passage to answer in writing from this weeks learning. These can be differentiated by giving lower ability children less blanks whilst giving more for the high ability pupils. The following is the example for the high or medium ability pupils: Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Use the word given once only. legend stood moon largest climb see fell Rimbun build started son told

Tasek Merimbun is in Tutong District. It is the __________ freshwater lake in Negara Brunei Darussalam. The story of Tasek Merimbun is a _______ happened in ancient Brunei a

long time ago. At that time, there lived a man named ________ with his ________named Awang. One day, Awang _______ his father that he wanted to have the _________. So, Rimbun ordered the villagers to ________ a very tall ladder. They ________ the ladder pointing to the sky. Soon the ladder reached the clouds and Awang prepared to _________ the ladder. Awang ________ to climb the ladder. Up and up into the clouds he went. Awang was so high that all he could _________ were clouds. But the ladder started to shake and wobble and soon it was falling and Awang with it! Awang ________ among the trees. Sing: Tasek Merimbun

Week 6 Tutongs Folktale Tasek Merimbun [Continuation]

Day 1 Elements Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 1 modelled Song Content Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Recap the story to this point with the children using the character cut outs and the photo of the Tasek Merimbun. The children should come up with the majority of the story. The dialogue cue cards can be used to prompt the children further to the story. Before the shared reading set the scene with the characters in place Awang fell from the tall ladder into the trees. Ask the children to guess how the story will go? Where am I? I dont recognise this place! cried Awang. Awang walked from tree to tree. He didnt know where he was. He was afraid and hungry. Sing: Tasek Merimbun Ask the children how they might feel if they were alone on their own in a strange place. Prompt one or two stories about being alone from the children that are based on their own experiences or from the stories they have heard. Encourage the children to tell the stories in English. Support their use of correct grammar. Prompt their stories by letting the other children to ask the story teller about their stories. Provide cues for the children to ask questions using question cards: What? When? Who? Where? Why? Ask the class to work on a brief description about 2 opposite feelings: 1. On how they might feel if they were left alone on their own. 2. On how they feel if they are given a present. Provide the children with the sad face and happy face cut outs and ask them to write the brief descriptions behind the faces. The simple descriptions might look something like these but not necessarily the same.

I dont like to be alone it makes me sad and cry. I love the present I feel very happy

Display the writing in the class. It is essential to come up with moral advice such as: If you are at the shop with your parents, dont roam around on your own because you may get lost etc. Sing: Tasek Merimbun 2 Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 2 class dictated Song Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Ask the children about how Awang felt when he was alone in the jungle. Then ask them about how Rimbun might feel when he lost his son. Take suggestions from the class and write them on the whiteboard. Ask the children who else might be worried about Awang. Back in Awangs village, the villager was worried. Awang has fallen into the trees when he tried to reach the moon, they said repeatedly. Awangs father was also worried and upset. Awang was totally lost. He soon came to a river but he realised that his village was on the other side. Im a long way from home, but I will never stop trying to get back! said Awang. He continued wandering in the forest. Sing: Tasek Merimbun Ask a pair of children to set up a role play: one of them pretends to be Awang and the other child can pretend to be Rimbun whilst the rest of the class become the villagers. Ask them to role play the shared reading that they just read. The teacher guides them all the way. Awang : I am lost. Oh! I am so afraid and hungry. Im a long way from home. Rimbun : Oh! I lost my son. Im so worried and upset! Villagers : Awang is lost! Awang is lost! Oh my! Oh my! [chanting] Awang : I will not stop trying to get back! Ask the class again, choosing some pupils who havent yet shared their story, about how they might feet if they are alone on their own. Ask them to imagine if they are in a strange place. Try to sequence the story by asking questions in order to have a coherent story, such as: When is it? Where is it? How it happens? Etc. The dictated writing will depend on the answers provide by the class. It may be something like this, example: It happened last Sunday. I was shopping with my parents at the mall. I told my mother that I wanted to go to the toilet. When I came back I couldnt

find my mother. I was alone. I felt sad and hungry. I thought my mother must be worried about me. Sing: Tasek Merimbun 3 Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 3 group writing Song Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Ask the children to remember the story to this point. Remind them that Awang was on the other side of the river. Ask them what Awang might do to cross the river in order to return to his village. Write down their ideas on the whiteboard. It could be a small boat, swimming, a raft, building a wooden bridge, etc. Again remind them that the story happened a very long time ago. After many long years, Awang finally managed to cross the river. He soon came to a village. He noticed an old man who seemed very familiar. Rimbun looked at Awang. That man cant that you, my son? Awang? Sing: Tasek Merimbun Tell the children that the story doesnt actually tell how Awang managed to cross the river. Provide the pictures of a small boat, a raft, a wooden bridge, swimming action, etc to the children. Ask them to form a group of four [flexible] and to discuss among themselves on how they think Awang managed to cross the river. Ask them to choose one of the pictures or they can come up with other ways that Awang might use to cross the river and to describe how Awang use it. In groups, pretending they are Awang who tried to cross the river, write a simple description on how they built a boat *if they chose a boat+ and how they used it to cross the river. The writing may be something like this, example: I built a small boat to cross the river. I went to the jungle to collect some wood. Then I climbed up the boat and rowed. I rowed very fast so the boat moved. Sing: Tasek Merimbun 4 Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Recap the previous shared reading. Remind the children that Awang had managed to return to his village and see his father. Ask the class again how do they think Rimbun felt when he saw Awang for the first time after so

speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 4 independent writing Song

many years? Share some thoughts on this together. Write down the childrens responses on the whiteboard and discuss, such as happy, excited, hugged, smile, jumped, joy etc. Father, yes, its me, Awang. I have finally found you. Awang was very happy. He ran to his father and hugged him. Awang was reunited with his people again and he had learned a very good lesson. He realised that he shouldnt want what was impossible but to appreciate what he already had. Rimbun also learned a valuable lesson not to be foolish by giving his son everything that he wanted. A father must make good decisions for his children. So, Rimbun and Awang lived happily and more wisely for many, many years. Sing: Tasek Merimbun Ask the children what responses are similar to what actually happened in the shared reading, for example, happy, hugged. Ask the class how they feel if they see someone they like. Try to come up with more rich language such as, pleased, joyful, eager, pleased etc. Then ask the children what can be learned from the story. They might need to discuss this in pairs in order for them to comprehend the story more. Provide the children with sentences that need them to continue in order to have complete sentences and to comprehend the story further, for example: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Awang walked from tree to tree he felt ___________________ Rimbun felt _________________________________________ Awangs village is ____________________________of the river. After many long years Awang ___________________________ He ran to his ________________________________________ Awang learned a very good lesson he realised ______________ Rimbun also learned not to be __________________________ Rimbun and Awang lived _______________________________

Sing: Tasek Merimbun 5 Listening and speaking (recapping & summarizing week) Reading/sha ring childrens writing from Ask the children to sit together on a mat [where possible]. Use the character cut outs to retell the story together. Ask the children questions in order to make up a complete story. Ensure that the children provide most of the input. Give the children time to read written work created this week group writing and independent writing. Ask a number of pupils to read work aloud to the rest of the class. Use this as an opportunity to praise the achievements of the pupils and to talk about writing development ideas e.g. word choices, complexity of sentences etc.

the week Independent Reading Song Writing task (comprehens ion, cloze passage) Song

Read the shared texts from the week independently using the booklets. These differentiated texts should be given to the children according to their ability. Sing: Tasek Merimbun See how well the children have learnt and understood the story by giving them a page with a sad face and a happy face. This time ask them to write what they like about the story beside the happy face and what they dont like about the story beside the sad face. It is essential for the children to start trying to express their opinion about the story on their own. However, teachers may need to prompt the children by asking, such as How did you feel when Awang fell from the tall ladder? etc. Sing: Tasek Merimbun

Another folktale that can be used as reading enrichment resource: MALAYSIAS FOLKTALE BAWANG PUTIH BAWANG MERAH There was once a family who lived in a simple village house. The head of this family had two wives, and each wife had their own daughter. Bawang Merah and her mother were jealous of the attention the father gave Bawang Putih and her mother. When the father died, Bawang Merah and her mother took charge of the house and bullied Bawang Putih to work for them. Bawang Putihs mother stood up for her daughter but the mother sadly died. With her mother and father dead, the gentle and obedient Bawang Putih was left alone with her cruel stepmother and half-sister. Though Bawang Putih suffered, she was patient. One day, when she was out in the woods, she saw a pond with a fish in it. The fish was able to speak and told her that it was her mother coming back to comfort her. Bawang Putih was overjoyed to be able to speak with her mother again, and secretly visited the pond whenever she could. One day Bawang Merah saw Bawang Putih sneaking off and secretly followed her to the pond. She saw Bawang Putih talking to the fish. After Bawang Putih left, Bawang Merah lured the fish to the surface of the pond and caught it. Bawang Merah and her mother killed the fish, cooked it and fed it to Bawang Putih without telling her where it came from. Once Bawang Putih finished eating, her stepmother and stepsister told her where the fish had come from. Bawang Putih was shocked and very sad. Bawang Putih gathered the fish bones and buried them in a small grave underneath a tree. When she visited the grave the next day, she was surprised to see that a beautiful swing had appeared from one of the trees branches. When Bawang Putih sat in the swing, singing an old lullaby, it magically began to swing back and forth. Bawang Putih continued to visit the magic swing whenever she could. One day, while she was on the magic swing, a Prince who was hunting nearby heard her singing. He followed the sound of her voice but, before he approached her, Bawang Putih realized that she was not alone. She quickly ran back home.

The Prince and his advisors eventually found the home of Bawang Putih and Bawang Merah. Bawang Merah's mother, being selfish and thinking only of her own daughter, ordered Bawang Putih to stay hidden in the kitchen. The Prince asked about the swing and the girl who sat in it. Bawang Merah's mother said that the girl he heard was her beautiful and talented daughter Bawang Merah. The Prince agreed that Bawang Merah was beautiful but he asked her to show him how she sang in the swing. Bawang Merah and her mother reluctantly follow the Prince and his advisors back to the magic swing. Bawang Merah sat in the swing and tried to sing so that it would move, but she could not. The Prince, now angry, ordered Bawang Merah's mother to tell the truth. Bawang Merah's mother was forced to confess that she had another daughter hidden in her house. The Prince brought Bawang Putih back to the swing, and as she had done many times before, the magic swing started moving as soon as she began to sing. The Prince was overjoyed and asked Bawang Putih to marry him. She agreed and they lived happily ever after.

Week 7 Belaits Folktale The Origin of Luagan Lalak

The Origin of Luagan Lalak

Day 1

Elements Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 1 modelled Song

Content Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Show the class the picture of Luagan Lalak. Ask the children what the picture shows and where it is. Show an A3 size of the map of Brunei and ask the children to locate the district in which lake can be found. Show the names of the other three districts Brunei-Muara District, Tutong District, Temburong District, Belait District and let the children read it and work with them to stick the names of the districts onto their correct places. Tell the children that there is a story about Luagan Lalak. Tell the children that they will be learning about the story of Luagan Lalak during the next two weeks Show the class the picture of the main character in the story, Buyung, who is responsible for a place that is known as Luagan Lalak . A long time ago in a small village there lived a poor boy named Buyung. His parents died when he was still young. He lived alone in a small hut built by his late father. Everyday Buyung climbed coconut trees. He earned his living by collecting and selling coconut fruit. As he was an orphan, other boys often bullied him. They did not like him. They threw stones and pieces of wood at him. Although Buyung led a sad life, he never complained. He was happy. Sing : Luagan Lalak Having read together the shared read a couple of times, ask the children questions relating to the information in the shared reading. Make sure the children discuss the answers with a partner before giving answers back to you. E.g. Where is Luagan Lalak? What is Luagan Lalak? Who is Buyung? What happened to his parents? What did Buyung do every day? Why did the other boys bully him? Stick the picture of Buyung onto the board. Tell the children that you are imagining that you are Buyung using all that we know about him from the first shared read. Write sentences in the first person. The class can be asked questions to prompt your writing e.g. Who am I? Where do I live? Modelled writing e.g. I am Buyung. I am a poor boy. My parents died when I was young. I live in a small hut. My father built it. I like to climb coconut trees. I collect the fruit and then I sell it. Some boys are unkind to me. It hurts when they throw stones at me. I am happy. Sing : Luagan Lalak

Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 2 class dictated Song

Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Ask the children what they can remember about Buyung. Praise those who listened carefully yesterday and can remember things about him. If the class are finding it hard to remember ask prompting questions. Ask the class why some children were unkind to Buyung. One day, the Head Villager named Balau received a complaint from one of the villagers, Nilau. My coconuts were stolen last night, said Nilau. This must be the poor boy. He is the thief, continued Nilau. You mean Buyung? said Balau. If he is the one, call him here, he ordered. So Buyung was brought to see the Head Villager. The Head Villager was very angry and he told Buyung to leave the village and never to return. Sing: Luagan Lalak Group the children in 3s. Assign each child a role Balau, Nilau and Buyung. Model role playing the events of the shared read to the children yourself first, playing the parts of Balau and Nilau, and at the end discuss what Buyung might have said in response to being asked to leave the village. Next give the children an opportunity to role play the scene together using some of the ideas from the discussion for Buyungs response. Stick the picture of Buyung onto the board and draw a large thought bubble and a large speech bubble next to him. Ask the children to give ideas of what Buyung might have thought and said when the Head Villager Balau told him to leave. Sing: Luagan Lalak

Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song

Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Recap the story so far prompting the children to provide as much of the information as possible. Read again the class dictated writing from yesterday to remind the children of the ideas they had about how Buyung might be feeling. Ask the children where Buyung might go. Buyung walked sadly out of his village and went into the forest. He walked and walked as he did not know where to go. Wait! I have walked so far today and it is getting dark, said Buyung to himself. Buyung cried as he got really scared. He wanted to go back to the village but he was

Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 3 group writing Song

afraid the villagers would drive him away. So that night Buyung had to sleep in the forest. The next day, Buyung continued his journey. Hey! That sounds like water flowing. I better have a look because I am really thirsty, said Buyung. After taking a few more steps, he saw a river. He quickly drank some water and took a bath. What a beautiful place this is, said Buyung to himself. Its far from the village. I better clean this place and perhaps build a hut, added Buyung. Sing: Luagan Lalak Show the class the piece of paper to be used in the group writing activity next. Look at each of the three pictures as described below and talk about what happened at each location. Encourage the children to give the ideas ready for their group writing task next. E.g. Village Buyung was told to leave the village. The people were cross with him. Forest Buyung slept in the forest because it was too dark to keep walking. River Buyung drank and washed at the river. He decided to stay there. Give each group a piece of paper divided into three. In each section there can be a simple picture and a space for the children to write below. The three pictures will be sequenced as in the story: 1) The village with some angry villagers 2) The forest at night where Buyung slept 3) The beautiful river that Buyung found In their groups, the children can write about what happened at each place. More able children can write in greater detail and those who need support could work alongside the teacher. Sing: Luagan Lalak

Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking

Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Recap the story so far. Share some of the group writing work that was carried out yesterday to recap the different scenes in the story so far. Ask the children to think about the times when Buyung has had different feelings in the story so far. Alone, bullied, hurt, happy, cross, frightened, sad, happy. Buyung has had a lot of different feelings! So he started to chop down some small trees and bamboos to build a small hut. Soon his hut was ready and he felt happy. He was glad to be free from the unkind villagers. Every day he would go fishing and set his bubu in the river. All the fish that he caught were put inside his own small pool.

(response to shared read) Writing task Day 4 independent writing Song

One night, there was a heavy rain. The area around his hut was quickly flooded. Many of his fish swam away into the river. His hut also collapsed. Buyung had to sleep in between the roots of the trees. He felt so cold and sleepy. Sing: Luagan Lalak Poor Buyung! Discuss the events from todays shared read and the different feelings he might have felt when hed built his hut, when he was fishing, when the flood came etc. In pairs ask the children to discuss the event in the story so far that they think is the happiest thing to have happened and the saddest thing to have happened. Ask the children to feed back their ideas. Hopefully different pairs will have different opinions. Stretch the more able by asking them to justify their choices. The children should then independently write their ideas about the happiest and saddest elements of the story so far. Again, encourage the more able to write in more detail. Sing: Luagan Lalak

Listening and speaking (recapping & summarizing week) Reading/shar ing childrens writing from the week Independent Reading Song Writing task (comprehens ion, cloze passage) Song

Ask the children to sit together on a mat [where possible]. Use the character/scene cut outs to retell the story together. Ask the children questions in order to make up a complete story. Ensure that the children provide most of the input. Discuss together what Buyung might do next. These ideas will be used in the writing task later in the lesson. Ask the children to reread their independent writing from the previous day. Encourage them to share their writing by reading it aloud to a partner and then choose some children to read to the whole class. Read the shared texts from the week independently using the booklets. These differentiated texts should be given to the children according to their ability. Sing: Luagan Lalak Give each child a starting sentence: The next day Buyung got up from his cold bed in between the roots of the tree. He... Encourage the children to continue the story in their own words thinking about what Buyung might do next now that his hut has collapsed and he has lost all his fish. Make time to read a number of pieces of work written. Sing: Luagan Lalak

Week 8 Belaits Folktale Luagan Lalak [Continuation]

Day 1 Elements Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 1 modelled Song Content Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Recap quickly the events of the story so far. Read aloud to the class some of the ideas the children had about what Buyung would do next. Discuss the written ideas asking further questions about what might happen in these scenarios. E.g. How? Why? Would that work? etc. The next day Buyung had to search for wood and bamboo to repair his hut. I have not caught a single fish. The fish in the pool have also swum away. I must catch some fish today, said Buyung to himself. There could be a lot of fish after the rain, said Buyung dreaming. Buyung began to fish. Hey! Where have the fish in the river gone to? thought Buyung sadly. I have been waiting for so long and there is not even a tiny fish on my hook. he continued. Its okayI will not stop until I catch a fish, said Buyung to himself. Sing: Luagan Lalak Orally ask the children questions about the shared read. Encourage them to talk about the answer with a partner before asking individuals to share their response. 1) What did Buyung want to use to repair his hut? 2) What happened to the fish in his pool? 3) Why did Buyung think there might be a lot of fish to catch? 4) Were there lots of fish? 5) Did Buyung give up or keep trying? How do we know? Imagine that Buyung is writing a diary about the days events while he waits to catch a fish. Model to the children in diary form what he might write. E.g. Today is a sad day because of the heavy rain last night. My hut flooded and collapsed. I had to sleep in between the tree roots. It wasnt comfortable! I found some wood and bamboo to repair my hut. It didnt take too long to mend. I am now fishing because all my fish have swum away. I hope I catch something soon! Sing: Luagan Lalak 2 Speedy Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice.

sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 2 class dictated Song

Recap the story learnt yesterday. Remind the children that Buyung is waiting for a fish to catch. Ask the children if any of them have ever been fishing. Buyung needs to be patient and to wait for a long time. What do the children do whilst they are waiting for something? Discuss ideas with a partner before sharing them as a class. E.g. read a book, play a game, ride a bike, talk with friends or family. What could Buyung do in a boat whilst he waits? After waiting for hours and hours, Buyung heard the water splashing. Buyung felt surprised and he began to pull up his fishing rod. Hey! This is heavy. What have I caught? asked Buyung. Buyung was delighted to see he had caught a big, black ikan dalak. This is a very big fish. I have never caught such a big fish, said Buyung in amazement. He brought the fish home happily. As he was very tired, he put the fish in the small pool near his hut and went to sleep. Sing: Luagan Lalak Role play with the children what it would be like to be Buyung when the fish is finally caught. Ask the children to imagine that they are in the boat waiting patiently when suddenly they feel a tug. Ask them to act out his surprise at how heavy the tug feels with words and actions. Model for them and encourage them to show their excitement on pulling the big fish out again use words and actions to convey the excitement. Encourage expression and different ways of showing the feelings through language. E.g. What a big fish! Or This is a big fish! Or Wow! A very big fish! Using a picture/photo of a big black ikan dalak, ask the children to describe it to you for class dictated writing. Use really descriptive language related to the look of the fish, its shape, size, colour etc. Sing: Luagan Lalak

Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and

Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Recap the end of yesterdays shared read and set the scene with a tired Buyung in bed and his big black ikan dalak outside his hut in the pool. Tell the children that Buyung is about to have a dream. Ask the children to talk to a partner about a dream they have had. The pairs should then join together and one child should tell the other three about the dream their partner has had. Model to the children first by describing a dream (or a made-up one) that you have had. He dreamt of meeting a young, pretty woman. In his dream he heard her speak.

speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 3 group writing Song

Hey Buyung! Put the fish back where you found it. That is not a fish. It is a Prince. If you follow my advice, you will live a happy life. You will never have to catch a fish in the river again. You will have the same fish in your pool, said the woman. The next day Buyung woke up early. He remembered his dream. At first he felt doubtful about letting the fish go. But finally he let the fish go and it swam into the river. Sing: Luagan Lalak Focus on the line from the shared read, At first he felt doubtful about letting the fish go. Model to the children what it is like to be doubtful about something with an example e.g. what to choose from a menu, which way to turn in the car, what clothes to wear. Ask the children why Buyung was doubtful about letting the fish go. E.g. whether to believe the dream, it was the only fish he had, he was hungry. In groups the children should write inside a thought bubble for Buyung (holding the fish) showing the way in which he was doubtful and making up his mind about whether to throw the fish into the river. Sing: Luagan Lalak

Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 4 independent writing Song

Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Recap the story and the dream that Buyung had which made him throw his big fish back into the river. Look back at the words that the woman in the dream said to Buyung. Read them together. What might he find when he gets back to his hut and looks in the pool? How will he feel if there are fish in his pool? How will he feel if there are none? Buyung went back home with disappointment. As he reached his hut, he was very surprised to see his pool full of ikan dalak jumping here and there. Suddenly the pool began to get bigger and bigger as there were a lot of fish. The small pool changed into a big lake and because it is now filled with ikan dalak, it is famously known as Luagan Lalak. Sing: Luagan Lalak Imagine together what Buyung might have said when he saw his pool. Ask the children to think about this with a partner and then to practise saying what he might have said using a lot of expression. Get some of the children

to perform this role play to the class. E.g. Wow! The dream has come true! My pool has a lot of fish in it. Wait a minute, something is happening! There are some many fish that the pool is getting bigger and bigger! If less able speakers are willing to share their role play they may say a number of simple sentences. More able children may of course be able to create an extended dialogue. The children should use their experiences of creating an oral dialogue and listening to their peers doing so to now write a short dialogue of the way that Buyung might have reacted to seeing his pool getting bigger and with so many fish in it. Sing: Luagan Lalak 5 Listening and speaking (recapping & summarizing week) Reading/sha ring childrens writing from the week Independent Reading Song Writing task (comprehens ion, cloze passage) Song Show the children a range of words related to feelings and also (to support less able readers) faces showing these expressions happy, sad, surprised, cross, hurt, doubtful, frightened. Place the words and pictures in the centre of a circle or stuck to the board and ask the children to talk in pairs first and then to share their ideas about times in the story when Buyung felt like this. E.g. Buyung was happy when he caught the big fish. Buyung was sad when his hut collapased. Buyung was frightened when he was alone in the forest. Ask children to reread their independent writing from day 4, looking at any corrections. Ask the children to read their work to a partner. Next select some children to read their writing aloud to the class. Read the shared texts from the week independently using the booklets. These differentiated texts should be given to the children according to their ability. Sing: Luagan Lalak Cloze passage: Give the children a cloze passage to answer in writing from this weeks learning. These can be differentiated by giving lower ability children less blanks whilst giving more for the high ability pupils. The following is the example for the high or medium ability pupils: Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Use the word given once only. sell threw stolen put rain poor throw pool built many forest bigger

Luagan Lalak is in the Belait district of Brunei.

Buyung, a ________ boy lived in a hut which his father had ________. Each day he climbed coconut trees to collect the coconuts ready to _________.

Other children in his village were unkind to him and some even ________ stones at him.

Nilau, a villager said that Buyung had _________ his coconuts. The head villager, Balau, called Buyung to him and told him to leave the village forever. Buyung walked sadly away from the village and when night came he had to sleep in the ___________.

He found a river and decided to stay there. He built a hut and made a small __________ for fish.

One night heavy ___________ made his hut collapse and all the fish swam away. After spending hours waiting to catch a fish the next day, he caught a big black ikan dalak. He took it to his hut and _________it outside his house. That night he had a dream. A woman told him to ________ the fish back into the river. He did so and when he went back to his pool, he saw that there were __________ fish in his pool. The pool was also getting _______. Sing: Luagan Lalak

Another folktale that can be used as reading enrichment resource: INDONESIAS FOLKTALE THE ORIGIN OF LAKE TOBA In the north of the island of Sumatra there lived a farmer whose name was Toba. He lived alone in a hut by a small forest. He worked on his farm to grow rice and vegetables that he sold in the local market. One day he wanted to catch some fish so he went to a river. He was very surprised when he got a big fish. The fish was as big as human being. Soon he went home and put the fish in his kitchen. He planned to cook the fish for his dinner that night. When he got to his house that afternoon he took a bath. Then as he walked into his bedroom after taking a bath Toba was very shocked. There stood in his living room a very beautiful girl. The girl greeted him nicely. For a moment Toba was speechless. He asked her, Who are you? Whats your name? Why are you suddenly here in my house? Pardon me if I surprised you Mr. Toba, but you took me here. I was the fish that you caught in the river. Now that I have become a human again, I would like to thank you and I will be your servant to express my thanks, she said. Were you really the fish? he asked again. Yes, I was the fish. Look in your kitchen, she replied. Toba immediately rushed to his kitchen and the fish was nowhere to be seen. He saw some gold coins instead. Whose coins are these? Toba asked. Those coins are mine. As I changed into a human my scales changed into gold coins, she answered. Ok you can live here and work for me. Your room is over there, Toba said. From then the beautiful girl lived in Tobas house. Then Toba fell in love with her and they got married. The girl married Toba but asked him never to tell others about her past. Toba agreed. Several months later they had a baby boy. Toba named him Samosir. Soon he grew up into a handsome boy.

Unfortunately Samosir was a lazy boy. He did not want to work at all. Samosir just slept. When he was awake he talked a lot and he ate a lot. Toba was very disappointed with his son. He hoped that one day Samosir would change into a hard working boy. Toba used to go to his farm and rice field early in the morning. Then at midday his wife would bring him food. They used to eat lunch at their farm. Toba and his wife decided to try and change Samosirs behaviour. They ordered Samosir to bring food for his father for lunch while his mother stayed at home to do household chores. But Samosir never did the task well. He always woke after midday. Then one day his mother forced him to bring the food. Sam, wake up. Go to the farm and bring the food for your father. He must be very tired and hungry now, she said to her son. Samosir argued, But Mom, I am tired and hungry too. What makes you tired? You just woke up. Go now. You father needs the food, his mother replied. Toba reluctantly went to the farm but not immediately. He stopped somewhere in the street and ate his fathers food. When he got to the farm his father was disappointed. Then, as he realized that his son had eaten his food, he was angry. He said sarcastically, Oh, you are stupid lazy boy. You are the son of a fish! Samosir was hurt. He went home right away and, as he got home, he told his mother about his fathers words. Samosirs mother was shocked. She was also deeply hurt. Oh Toba. You broke your promise. I cannot live with you here anymore. Now you have to accept the consequence of what you did. Samosir, go to the hill, find the tallest tree and climb it, his mother said. Why mum? What will happen? Samosir asked. Just do it, dont ask questions. Good bye! his mother said. As soon as she finished saying that the weather suddenly changed. The sunny day turned into a cloudy day. Not long after that the rain poured heavily. The rain lasted for several days until the area was flooded. The whole area became a big lake. Meanwhile Tobas wife disappeared. It is now called Lake Toba and in the middle of the lake there is an island called Samosir Island. The lake and its island are visited by tourists.

Week 9 Temburongs Folktale Batu Senawat

Day 1

Elements Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 1 modelled Song

Content Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Show the class the picture of Batu Senawat. Ask the children what the picture shows and where it is. Show an A3 size of the map of Brunei and ask the children to locate the district the rocks can be found. Show the names of the other three districts Brunei-Muara District, Tutong District, Belait District and let the children read it and work with them to stick the names of the districts onto their correct places. Tell the children that there is a story about Batu Senawat. Tell the children that they will be learning about the story of Batu Senawat during the next two weeks. Show the class a picture of Senawat and his Murut tribe dressed in their traditional clothes Apar, who are responsible for a place known as Batu Senawat. A very long time ago, there was a small Murut tribe who lived in a traditional longhouse near a river in Temburong. Their leader was known as Senawat. The Muruts planted rice and tapioca, hunted wild animals using a blowpipe and caught fish from the river. They had their own ceremonies and celebrations. Every time there was a special occasion, both men and women would wear traditional clothes known as Apar. They also liked to sing and dance. Sing: Batu Senawat Having read together the shared read a couple of times, ask the children questions relating to the information in the shared reading. Make sure the children discuss the answers with a partner before giving answers back to you. E.g. Where is Batu Senawat? What is Batu Senawat? Who are the Muruts? Who is the leader? What did the Muruts plant and hunt? How did they catch the wild animals? Also check the meanings of the following words traditional, tapioca, ceremonies, celebrations, special, occasion. Stick the picture of Senawat and his tribe onto the board. Tell the children that you are imagining that you are Senawat using all we know from the first shared read. Write sentences in first person. The class can be asked questions to prompt your writing e.g. Who am I? Where do I live? Modelled writing e.g. I am Senawat. I am the leader of the Murut tribe in Temburong. We live in a longhouse near a river. We plant rice and tapioca. We hunt for wild animals and catch fish to eat. On special occasions we wear clothes called Apar. We like to sing and dance. Sing: Batu Senawat

Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 2 class dictated Song

Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Ask the children what they can remember about Senawat and his tribe. Praise those who listened carefully and can remember things about him. If the class are finding it hard to remember ask prompting questions. Ask the class what they think are the childrens pastimes given what they know about the Muruts? One afternoon, a group of children were bathing in the nearby river. Lets swim across and see who will reach the other side first, said one of the children. So they swam and swam and played until late afternoon. They didnt stop until one of them said, Its getting latewe better go home now before it gets too dark. As they were walking home, one child saw something move in front of them.
Sing: Batu Senawat

Draw attention to the last two sentences: So they swam and swam and played until late afternoon. They didnt stop until one of them said, Its getting latewe better go home now before it gets too dark. Explain that until is used to describe how long a situation takes. Draw a timeline of activities that you did in the weekend e.g. ate breakfast, swam in the pool, read a book, went for a walk. Describe to the class what you did emphasising the use of simple past tense and using the joining time related clause until. E.g. Yesterday I ate breakfast until 8; I swam in the pool until it started to rain; I read a book until I feel asleep; I went for a walk until it got dark. Give each child a piece of paper to write/draw something they did yesterday e.g. flew a kite, watched TV, went fishing, played with their friends. In groups, each child will describe what they did yesterday in a sentence using until. Stick a picture of the children on the board and draw speech bubbles next to them. Ask the children to give you ideas of what they might have thought was moving in front of them. E.g. It might be a tiger. Quick, lets run! Encourage the children to extend their sentences. Sing: Batu Senawat 3 Speedy Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice.

sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 3 group writing Song

Recap the story so far prompting the children to provide as much of the information as possible. Read again the class dictated writing from yesterday to remind the children of the ideas they had about what was moving in front of the children and what might they do depending on what it was. As the children got closer they could see that it was a frog jumping along the path. Hey! Theres a big frog here! Lets take it home, said a chubby boy. The children laughed and sang, Jump frog, jump, jump, up to our house. They nudged and steered the frog with their feet. The terrified frog had no choice but to follow the children back to the longhouse. Sing: Batu Senawat Stick a picture of the unhappy frog on the board and draw thought bubbles above the frog. Ask the children to give you ideas of what the frog is thinking. E.g. This is scary Where are they taking me? The pushing hurts. Get the children to pass the picture of the frog around in a circle and as they are passed the picture, they must transform into the character of the frog and say something he would be thinking. Character Diary: Give each group a piece of paper in which they are to write todays date. The children are going to take on the role of the frog and write a diary for that character given what has happened in the shared read already. E.g. 7 March What a day! I was by the river when a group of children ran into me. They started pushing me but I wanted to jump the other way. They scared me! Sing: Batu Senawat

Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking

Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Recap the story so far. Share some of the group writing work that was carried out yesterday. Ask the children what they think is going to happen next. The poor frog was being bullied by the children. A group of mothers who had just arrived home from planting rice started laughing at the childrens behaviour. Some men had just got back from hunting and were curious to find out what all the laughing was about. Why are the children laughing over there? asked Esots father who had a wriggling squirrel in his hands.

(response to shared read) Writing task Day 4 independent writing Song

Theres a big frog from the river, replied Esot. Sing: Batu Senawat Children sit in groups with a set of senses flashcards face down in the middle. Written on each of the flashcards should be one of the following phrases: What can I see? What can I hear? What can I feel? What can I smell? What can I taste? Children are to take turns to turn over a card and answer the question taking on the role of the frog. E.g. What can I hear? I can hear women laughing or I can hear men talking Character Diary: The children should then independently write their ideas about how the frog is feeling now using the details from todays shared read. Encourage the more able to write in more detail or trying to incorporate the word until. 9 March I feel afraid. I am at the childrens house. I hear women laughing and men talking. I cant wait until they leave me alone. Sing: Batu Senawat

Listening and speaking (recapping & summarizing week) Reading/shar ing childrens writing from the week Independent Reading Song Writing task (comprehens ion, cloze passage) Song

Ask the children to sit together on a mat [where possible]. Use the character cut outs to retell the story together. Ask the children questions in order to make up a complete story. Ensure that the children provide most of the input. Discuss together what might happen next. Give the children time to read written work created this week group writing and independent writing. Ask a number of pupils to read work aloud to the rest for the class. Use this opportunity to praise the achievements of the pupils and talk about writing development ideas e.g. word choices, complexity of sentences. You could develop a word bank of synonyms e.g. scared, afraid, frightened, fearful, terrified. Anxious Read the shared texts from the week independently using the booklets. These differentiated texts should be given to the children according to their ability. Sing: Batu Senawat Comprehension questions: Give the children a set of comprehension questions to answer in writing from this weeks learning. These can be differentiated by giving lower ability children some multiple choice options. Here are some examples of questions that you might use. : 1. What is the name of the tribe? 2. Who is the leader? 3. What kind of house do the Murut people live in?

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

What do the Murut people grow and hunt? What were the children doing in the river? How did the children make the frog follow them? How does the frog feel? How do the children feel?

Sing: Batu Senawat

Week 10 Temburongs Folktale Batu Senawat [Continuation]

Day 1 Elements Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 1 modelled Song Content Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Recap the events of the story so far. Show the children the beginning of the the sentence of the next shared read Next Escot took the squirrel from his father and... Get children to predict what might happen next before revealing the entire passage for them to read. Next Esot took the squirrel from his father and put it in the kitchen. However the squirrel escaped and hobbled to the children as both of its back legs were injured. The squirrel ran into the frog and they started to play fight. There were even times when the frog jumped and rode on the squirrels back! Sing: Batu Senawat Ask the children how the frog would be feeling now and why. Encourage the use of I think the frog is feeling angry because the squirrel is annoying him. Again use a thought bubble on a whiteboard together with a picture of the frog to take suggestions from the children. Repeat with a picture of a squirrel. Model a dialogue that might occur between the frog and squirrel: E.g. Frog: Ouch! Watch where you are going! Squirrel: Ive hurt my legs, can you help me escape? Frog: You are too heavy. Squirrel: You can try to carry me on your back like this. Frog: Help, get off me! Squirrel: The children are coming, lets go. Get some children to read and act it out. Sing: Batu Senawat 2 Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Recap the story learnt yesterday. Ask the children how they would feel if they saw the frog and squirrel together. Would they be laughing? Angry? Sad? Happy? Discuss ideas with a partner before sharing them as a class.

(intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 2 class dictated Song

The laughter grew out of control and soon everyone in the village was laughing as they watched the squirrel and the frog together. Look at the frog and the squirrel pushing each other! shouted a family from their house. Senawat came out of the longhouse to see what all the noise was about. All of a sudden, the place turned dark. Sing: Batu Senawat Role play with the children what it would be like to be Senawat coming out of the longhouse when everyone in the village was laughing. Get the children in groups of three, one is playing Senawat, one is the squirrel and one is the frog. Ask them to act out what each character would be saying to each other. Model with a group first and encourage them to use expression and different ways of showing the feelings through language. Display pictures of the frog, squirrel and Senawat on the whiteboard with speech bubbles coming from each. Get the children to give you suggestions for you to write on the board. E.g. Frog: Stop jumping on me, its hurting! Squirrel Get out of my way. Im trying to run away from the hunter! Senawat What is going on? Why is everyone laughing? Sing: Batu Senawat

Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 3 group writing Song

Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Set the scene for todays part of the story. Draw a thought bubble on the whiteboard above a picture of a longhouse and ask the children what the people of the village might be thinking when everything turns dark. Take suggestions from the class and write them in the thought bubble. Ask the children to pretend they are in the longhouse and they can practise saying aloud some of the thoughts suggested. Strong wind, loud thunder and flashes of lightning began to strike and heavy rain began to fall. People shouted and crying could be heard from the longhouse. Everyone tried to run to save themselves from the frightening conditions. The longhouse shook and suddenly the other end of the house began to rise from the ground making the house stand upright. Sing: Batu Senawat Give each a group a longhouse template and get them to pretend they are family inside the longhouse. Get them to think about what it would be like inside the longhouse in such conditions. Encourage the children to role play

the things that people would be shouting at each other. Really try to use the rich language used in the shared read (strong wind, loud thunder, flashes of lightning, heavy thunder etc.) to help with the group writing task which follows. On the side of the longhouse template (where lines are provided) get the children in groups to describe what it would be like inside the longhouse during these frightening conditions. Sentence starters could be provided to get children started: Suddenly everything went dark... Families were preparing their dinner when... All of a sudden a storm appeared... Sing: Batu Senawat 4 Speedy sounds and speedy words Listening and speaking (intro to shared read) Shared reading Song Listening and speaking (response to shared read) Writing task Day 4 independent writing Song Quickly rehearse the childrens recognition of sounds. Choose 5 words to show the children for speedy reading practice. Recap the end of yesterdays shared read and ask the children what they think might happen next. Reshow the class the picture of Batu Senawat and ask them to think about how this relates to the story. Why are these rocks named after the leader of the Murut tribe? What might have happened? Finally the rain and the storm stopped. Everything became stiff and lifeless and in fact had turned into rocks. There was no crying to be heard. All that was left were big mounds of rocks. Up till now, the rocks still exist and can be seen three kilometers on the way to Kampong Selapon. The rocks were believed to be a curse to the people of the longhouse. The villagers nearby called it Batu Senawat in memory of the Murut leader who lived in the longhouse. Sing: Batu Senawat Get the children to identify all the characters in the story and to retell the story again as a whole class. With a partner, get the children to answer the following questions: 1. What happened to all of the people in the village? 2. Where can you see the rocks? 3. Why are the rocks called Batu Senawat? Get the children to storyboard the main events in the story in their own words on an A3 template. Encourage the children to do the writing first and illustrate later. For less able students you can give them a storyboard with pre drawn pictures. Rather than write a sentence for each event, these students may just label the pictures and verbally dictate the sentences to you.

Sing: Batu Senawat 5 Listening and speaking (recapping & summarizing week) Reading/sha ring childrens writing from the week Independent Reading Song Writing task (comprehens ion, cloze passage) Song Get the children to express their own viewpoint/experience of the story. You can model this activity as a whole class and then group students together to complete it in small groups. It is important to create a supportive atmosphere where students feel safe to respond. The children pick a card and complete the sentence starter. The cards are designed to encourage purposeful focused discussion and critical thinking. Examples of pick a card discussion stems include: 1. I thought this was a good story because... 2. I felt ... when ...because... 3. I like the part when...because... 4. When I read this story I thought about... You can choose to have a range or just focus on one or two. Get the children to reread their independent writing from day 4, looking at any corrections. Ask the children to read their work to a partner. Next select some children to read their writing aloud to the class. Read the shared texts from the week independently using the booklets. These differentiated tests should be given to the children according to their ability. Sing: Batu Senawat Cloze passage: Give the children a cloze passage to answer in writing from this weeks learning. These can be differentiated by giving lower ability children less blanks whilst giving more for the high ability pupils. The following is the example for the high or medium ability pupils: Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Use the word given once only. big laughing afternoon longhouse storm traditional watched terrified escaped turned bathing leader

Batu Senawat is in the Temburong district of Brunei. The Murut tribe lived in a traditional __________ near a river. The _______ was called Senawat. They grew and hunted their own food. When there was a special occasion they wore ___________ clothes called Apar. One afternoon a group of children were ________ in the river. They swam until late ______________. They started to walk home before it got dark.

One child saw a ______ frog on the way home. The children decided to take it home with them. The poor frog had no choice but to follow the children back to the longhouse. He was ____________. A group of mothers who had arrived back from rice planting started____________ at the childrens behaviour. Some men back from hunting were curious to find out what was happening. A captured squirrel ___________ from a hunters grasp and ran straight into the frog. Everyone in the village was laughing as they ________ the squirrel and frog pushing each other. All of a sudden, the place turned dark. There was a frightening _______ and the longhouse shook. Everyone tried to run to save themselves from the conditions. When the storm stopped, everything was stiff and lifeless. There was no crying or laughing. Everything had _______ to rocks. Sing: Batu Senawat

Another folktale that can be used as reading enrichment resource: MALAYSIAS FOLKTALE BATU PUNGGUL A long time ago, there were Murut tribes who lived in two longhouses situated upstream at Sungai Sepulut. These two longhouses were separated by Sungai Sepulut. The river was a means of communication between the people of these two longhouses.

The Muruts believed in spirits, magic and curses. They held grand ceremonies such as weddings and funerals.

One day during a wedding ceremony at one of the longhouses, a man found out they had no firewood left and the last fire began to die out. He told the head of the longhouse, We dont have any firewood left. What should we do? They had an urgent meeting and decided to get fire from their neighbour, the other longhouse. Unfortunately their neighbours could not send the fire as the Sepulut river was flooded and the water was flowing very fast. Crossing it would be very dangerous.

The day got darker and people from the longhouse began to feel worried as wild animals would wander around the area hunting for food. The atmosphere was quiet at the longhouse and the people were not in the mood to continue with the celebration any longer. Their neighbours on the other side could see what was happening and felt sorry for them.

The head immediately called his people to have a meeting to see how they could help their neighbours from the other longhouse. A handsome man came up and said, Why dont we use a rooster and tie a piece of lighted firewood on its body? Let it fly to the other side so our neighbours can get the fire. Everyone agreed, hoping that the idea could work.

So the rooster flew but unfortunately it could only fly halfway and fell into the river. Seeing what had happened, the people burst into laughter. They thought it was very funny. They laughed and laughed without noticing that their surroundings were getting darker and darker.

The people who needed help looked very worried at their neighbours behaviour. It seemed that help was nowhere to be seen. Quietly they began to return to their longhouse as they felt helpless and disappointed.

On the other hand the people who sent the rooster were enjoying themselves even more without realising that a tragedy was about to happen. They started to play with a leech, forcing it to eat fermented rice. The leech was terrified and couldnt understand the human behaviour.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew and heavy rain began to fall. Lightning and thunder came roaring down and the people began to panic. The people began to regret what they had done but it was too late. All of a sudden they saw something black fall from the sky. It hit their longhouse.

In a flash, they saw their house transformed into a big rock and within seconds they also turned into rocks. The people on the other side of the river saw what was happening and were frightened. They could see huge rocks in front of them. This was a curse to their neighbours mockery.

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