Division Lesson Plan

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TTESS LESSON PLAN—October 28, 2020

Teacher Candidate: Ashley Valverde

Grade Level: 4th
Date: 10-28-2020
Division of Whole Numbers
Instructional Plan Title Division using Strategies
Lesson Students will focus on division using strategies for long division acronym (DMSB).
summary and
Classroom and 21 students;
student factors​:
7-Tier 3
7-Tier 2
7-Tier 1

3-SPED, 4-504

National / State 4.4 E

Standards: (4) Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards
to develop and use strategies and methods for whole number computations and
decimal sums and differences in order to solve problems with efficiency and
accuracy. The student is expected to:

(E) represent the quotient of up to a four-digit whole number divided by a

one-digit whole number using arrays, area models, or equations;
Specific learning target(s) / objectives: Teaching notes:

Students will use acronyms (Daddy, Mommy, Sister, Already introduced multiplication and division using
Brother) to solve long division problems. strategies. Use an anchor chart to introduce the acronym
that will help with steps for long division.

Agenda: Formative assessment:

1. We will watch a short 3 minute, Youtube Students will be required to complete 2 slides on long
Video on long division. division using the strategy for Wednesday and will be
https://youtu.be/0uZiqk_ZdcA graded.
2. As a class we will review the anchor chart
breaking up the acronym for long division.
Which will cover each step that must be
completed to work the problem. While filling
out an anchor chart teacher will use whole
brain strategies and have students do mirrors
on for each step:
- Mirrors on will have students
practice each step using gestures,
this will help them remember the
strategy we are practicing.

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3. As a class we will work out problems
together using our mirrors on and acronym.
4. After students will work on independent
practice with their tier group.
Academic Key vocabulary: Function: Form:
Quotient: ​The final answer, the The purpose is to understand Students can relate
number of items in each group. the steps in long division. relationships between the
multiplication they have
Divisor​ – The number of groups been working with and the
Acronym: DMSB
that the dividend is being multiplication they will use
separated into. for division.

Dividend ​– The large number

that is being separated into
smaller groups.

Instructional Math notebook to draw anchor chart

Materials, Power point (teacher)
Equipment and Student Slides for independent work

Grouping: After 30 minutes of whole group instruction on the anchor chart and a few examples students
will break out to complete their independent work.

Tiered Group 1​— Tier 1 group is the high students, they will be asked to work out problems
individually, then explain their work to the group. These students will be expected to complete
independent practice on their own, with little guidance from the teacher.

Tiered Group 2​— While doing the whole group activity the students will have to look at the
anchor chart to help them with steps for division. These students will need more guidance from
teachers on instructions for independent work.

Tiered Group 3 ​— While doing the whole group activity the students will have to look at the
anchor chart to help them with the steps. This group will have to repeat mirrors on for each
problem. This group will need the most guidance while working on independent work, teachers
will walk them through instructions and provide examples in case they need it.

A. Opening
Prior Students have been working with multiplication which will help them with division.

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y set: This lesson is meaningful as they are able to understand the relationship division has with
multiplication, this will help them start developing strategies to help them solve the problems.

B. Learning and Teaching Activities (Teaching and Guided Practice):

I Do Students Do Differentiation
1. I will facilitate an engaging When watching video, students are The students will work as a
activity where we will expected to pay attention as questions class, this will allow them to
watch a catchy video that will follow up: help each other out. Students
briefly explains the -What is the first step when dividing? will not feel pressured and the
acronym we will use. I will -What comes after multiplying ? guided practice will have all
do mirrors on where kids engaged and learning.
students repeat what each When doing the anchor chart students
step is and turn around to will be expected to follow along on their
teach their virtual buddies notebook. Doing mirrors on will help
using gestures. students remember and express
the steps needed using gestures.
2. To provide the whole group When working on whole group activity,
with examples we will work students will be expected to participate in Students enjoy being able to
on a few problems as a class helping classmates with which step will teach their virtual buddies and
as I present the slide with come first and or after. this shows the teacher they are
the long division problem. understanding.
When doing independent practice,
3. Students will divide into students will be grouped by math levels
their tier groups and to complete their assignment. .
complete their assignments.
4. As small groups we will
play a kahoot game where
students will be able to
show their understanding.

Summative During the lesson I will be asking all students questions and Differentiation:
Assessment evaluating their understanding as the lesson goes on. Tier 2 and 3 will have additional
: support by joining a separate
For independent practice the students will be provided slides with link where one of the teachers
problems where they will show their work. will work out more examples or
help with instructions on
independent work.

Tier 1 will be able to work on

their independent work from the
week once they have completed
this work.
Closure: Closure will be done in small groups, students will be asked to do mirrors on explaining what each
place value represents. We will play a kahoot game to end the lesson.
Homework If independent work is not completed, they are to complete on their own.

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