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Nobel Prize

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4 OCTOBER 2011
Scientifc Background on the Nobel Prize in Physics 2011
compiled by the Class for Physics of the Royal Swedish academy of Sciences
The Royal SwediSh academy of ScienceS has as its aim to promote the sciences and strengthen their infuence in society.
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The accelerating Universe


The discovery of the accelerating expansion of the Universe is a milestone for
cosmology, as significant as the discovery of the minute temperature variations in the
Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation with the COBE satellite (Nobel Prize
in Physics 2006, John Mather and George Smoot). By studying the CMB, we may learn
about the early history of the Universe and the origins of structure, whereas the
expansion history of the Universe gives us insights into its evolution and possibly its
ultimate fate.

The expansion of the Universe was discovered by Vesto Slipher, Carl Wirtz, Knut
Lundmark, Georges Lematre and Edwin Hubble in the 1920s. The expansion rate
depends on the energy content a Universe containing only matter should eventually
slow down due to the attractive force of gravity. However, observations of type Ia
supernovae (SNe) at distances of about 6 billion light years by two independent research
groups, led by Saul Perlmutter and by Brian Schmidt and Adam Riess respectively,
reveal that presently the expansion rate instead is accelerating.

Within the framework of the standard cosmological model, the acceleration is generally
believed to be caused by the vacuum energy (sometimes called dark energy) which
based on concordant data from the SNe, the observations of the anisotropies in the CMB
and surveys of the clustering of galaxies accounts for about 73% of the total energy
density of the Universe. Of the remainder, about 23% is due to an unknown form of
matter (called dark matter). Only about 4% of the energy density corresponds to
ordinary matter like atoms.

In everyday life, the effects of the vacuum energy are tiny but measurable observed
for instance in the form of shifts of the energy levels of the hydrogen atom, the Lamb
shift (Nobel Prize in Physics 1955).

The evolution of the Universe is described by Einsteins theory of general relativity. In
relativistic field theories, the vacuum energy contribution is given by an expression
mathematically similar to the famous cosmological constant in Einsteins theory. The
question of whether the vacuum energy term is truly time independent like the
cosmological constant, or varies with time, is currently a very hot research topic.

General Relativity and the Universe

The stars in the night sky must have always fascinated human beings. We can only
guess what the people of ancient times speculated about when they saw the stars return
every night to the same spots in the sky. We know of Greek philosophers who proposed
a heliocentric astronomical model with the Sun in the middle and the planets circulating

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around it as early as the 3
century B.C., but it was Nicolaus Copernicus, who in the
century developed the first modern version of a model. It took Galileo Galileis
genius in the beginning of the next century to really observe and understand the
underlying facts, building one of the first telescopes for astronomy and hence laying the
ground for modern astronomy. For the next three hundred years, astronomers collected
evermore impressive tables of observations of the visible stars. In the Copernican
system, the stars were assumed to be fixed to a distant sphere and nothing in the
observations indicated anything to the contrary. In 1718, Edmund Halley discovered
that stars actually could move in the sky, but it was believed that this happened in a
static, fixed universe. Throughout the 18
and 19
century, the study of celestial bodies
was placed on an ever-firmer footing with the famous laws of Kepler and Newton.

In November 1915, Albert Einstein (Nobel Prize in Physics 1921) presented his theory
of gravity, which he nicknamed General Relativity (GR) [1], an extension of his theory
of special relativity. This was one of the greatest achievements in the history of science,
a modern milestone. It was based on the Equivalence Principle, which states that the
gravitational mass of a body is the same as its inertial mass. You cannot distinguish
gravity from acceleration! Einstein had already checked that this could explain the
precession of the perihelion of Mercury, a problem of Newtonian mechanics. The new
insight was that gravity is really geometric in nature and that the curving of space and
time, spacetime, makes bodies move as if they were affected by a force. The crucial
physical parameters are the metric of spacetime, a matrix that allows us to compute
infinitesimal distances (actually infinitesimal line elements - or proper times in the
language of special relativity.) It became immediately clear that Einsteins theory could
be applied to cosmological situations, and Karl Schwarzschild very soon found the
general solution for the metric around a massive body such as the Sun or a star [2].

In 1917, Einstein applied the GR equations to the entire Universe [3], making the
implicit assumption that the Universe is homogenous; if we consider cosmological
scales large enough such that local clusters of matter are evened out. He argued that this
assumption fit well with his theory and he was not bothered by the fact that the
observations at the time did not really substantiate his conjecture. Remarkably, the
solutions of the equations indicated that the Universe could not be stable. This was
contrary to all the thinking of the time and bothered Einstein. He soon found a solution,
however. His theory of 1915 was not the most general one consistent with the
Equivalence Principle. He could also introduce a cosmological constant, a constant
energy density component of the Universe. With this Einstein could balance the
Universe to make it static.

In the beginning of the 1920s, the Russian mathematician and physicist Alexander
Friedmann studied the problem of the dynamics of the Universe using essentially the
same assumptions as Einstein, and found in 1922 that Einsteins steady state solution
was really unstable [4]. Any small perturbation would make the Universe non-static. At
first Einstein did not believe Friedmanns results and submitted his criticism to
Zeitschrift fr Physik, where Friedmanns paper had been published. However, a year
later Einstein found that he had made a mistake and submitted a new letter to the journal
acknowledging this fact. Even so, Einstein did not like the concept of an expanding

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Universe and is said to have found the idea abominable. In 1924, Friedmann
presented his full equations [5], but after he died in 1925 his work remained essentially
neglected or unknown, even though it had been published in a prestigious journal. We
have to remember that a true revolution was going on in physics during these years with
the advent of the new quantum mechanics, and most physicists were busy with this
process. In 1927, the Belgian priest and physicist Georges Lematre working
independently from Friedmann performed similar calculations based on GR and arrived
at the same results [6]. Unfortunately, Lematres paper was published in a local Belgian
journal and again the results did not spread far, even though Einstein knew of them and
discussed them with Lematre.

In the beginning of the 20
century it was generally believed that the entire Universe
only consisted of our galaxy, the Milky Way. The many nebulae which had been found
in the sky were thought to be merely gas clouds in distant parts of the Milky Way. In
1912, Vesto Slipher [7], while working at the Lowell Observatory, pioneered
measurements of the shifts towards red of the light from the brightest of these spiral
nebulae. The redshift of an object depends on its velocity radially away from us, and
Slipher found that the nebulae seemed to move faster than the Milky Way escape

In the following years, the nature of the spiral nebulae was intensely debated. Could
there be more than one galaxy? This question was finally settled in the 1920s with
Edwin Hubble as a key figure. Using the new 100-inch telescope at Mt Wilson, Hubble
was able to resolve individual stars in the Andromeda nebula and some other spiral
nebulae, discovering that some of these stars were Cepheids, dimming and brightening
with a regular period [8].

The Cepheids are pulsating giants with a characteristic relation between luminosity and
the time interval between peaks in brightness, discovered by the American astronomer
Henrietta Leavitt in 1912. This luminosity-period relation, calibrated with nearby
Cepheids whose distances are known from parallax measurements, allows the
determination of a Cepheids true luminosity from its time variation and hence its
distance (within ~10%) from the inverse square law.

Hubble used Leavitts relation to estimate the distance to the spiral nebulae, concluding
that they were much too distant to be part of the Milky Way and hence must be galaxies
of their own. Combining his own measurements and those of other astronomers he was
able to plot the distances to 46 galaxies and found a rough proportionality of an objects
distance with its redshift. In 1929, he published what is today known as Hubbles law:
a galaxys distance is proportional to its radial recession velocity [9].

Even though Hubbles data were quite rough and not as precise as the modern ones, the
law became generally accepted, and Einstein had to admit that the Universe is indeed
expanding. It is said, that he called the introduction of the cosmological constant his
greatest mistake (Eselei in German). From this time on, the importance of the
cosmological constant faded, although it reappeared from time to time.

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It should be noted for the historic records that Lematre in his 1927 paper correctly
derived the equations for an expanding Universe obtaining a relation similar to
Hubbles and found essentially the same proportionality constant (the Hubble
constant) as Hubble did two years later. After Hubbles result had spread, Arthur
Eddington had Lematres paper translated into English in 1931, without the sections
about Hubbles law. In a reply to Eddington, Lematre [10] also pointed out a logical
consequence of an expanding Universe: The Universe must have existed for a finite
time only, and must have emerged from an initial single quantum (in his words). In this
sense, he paved the way for the concept of the Big Bang (a name coined much later by
Fred Hoyle). It should also be noted that Carl Wirtz in 1924 [11] and Knut Lundmark in
1925 [12] had found that nebulae farther away recede faster than closer ones.

Hubbles and others results from 1926 to 1934, even though not very precise, were
encouraging indications of a homogeneous Universe and most scientists were quick to
accept the notion. The concept of a homogeneous and isotropic Universe is called the
Cosmological Principle. This goes back to Copernicus, who stated that the Earth is in
no special, favoured place in the Universe. In modern language it is assumed that the
Universe looks the same on cosmological scales to all observers, independent of their
location and independent of in which direction they look in. The assumption of the
Cosmological Principle was inherent in the work of Friedmann and Lematre but
virtually unknown in large parts of the scientific society. Thanks to the work of Howard
Robertson in 1935-1936 [13] and Arthur Walker in 1936 [14] it became well known.

Robertson and Walker constructed the general metric of spacetime consistent with the
Cosmological Principle and showed that it was not tied specifically to Einsteins
equations, as had been assumed by Friedmann and Lematre. Since the 1930s, the
evidence for the validity of the Cosmological Principle has grown stronger and stronger,
and with the 1964 discovery of the CMB radiation by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson
(Nobel Prize in Physics 1978), the question was finally settled [15]. The recent
observations of the CMB show that the largest temperature anisotropies (on the order of
) arise due to the motion of the Milky Way through space. Subtracting this dipole
component, the residual anisotropies are a hundred times smaller.

Einsteins Equations for a Homogeneous and Isotropic Universe

In Einsteins theory [1], gravity is described by the spacetime metric g

, where the
indices run over the time and the three space coordinates, and where the metric varies in
spacetime. The infinitesimal, invariant, line element d is given by

= g



. (1)

There are ten gravity fields over the four spacetime coordinates. However, the
symmetries of the theory stemming from the Equivalence Principle reduce that to two

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independent degrees of freedom. Einstein used the mathematical theory of differential
geometry to find the relevant tensors quadratic in spacetime derivatives of the metric
field, the Ricci tensor R

and the curvature scalar R, to derive the dynamical equations

for the metric tensor. In the modified form with a cosmological constant , the
equations are
, 8

T G g Rg R = +

where G is Newtons constant, which determines the strength of the gravity force, and

T is the energy-momentum tensor. Here, as in the following, we have set the velocity
of light to unity (c = 1).

Einsteins equations (2) represent ten coupled differential equations. With the
Friedmann-Lematre-Robertson-Walker assumption about the Cosmological Principle
the metric simplifies to

= dt
1 kr
+ r
+ r

, (3)

where a(t) is a scale factor and k is a constant that depends on the curvature of
spacetime. The constant k has been normalized to the values -1,0 or 1 describing an
open, flat or closed Universe. The variables r, and are so called co-moving
coordinates, in which a typical galaxy has fixed values. The physical cosmological
distance for galaxies separated by r at a given time t (in the case of k = 0) is a(t)r,
which grows with time as the scale factor a(t) in an expanding Universe. In order to
solve Einsteins equations for this metric one also must assume a form for the matter
density. The Cosmological Principle implies that the energy-momentum tensor has a
form similar to that of the energy-momentum tensor in relativistic hydrodynamic, for a
homogeneous and isotropic fluid with density and pressure p (which both may depend
on time). It is, in the rest frame of the fluid, a diagonal tensor with the diagonal
elements (, p, p, p). If we insert the metric above and the energy-momentum tensor
into the equations (2) , we get the two independent Friedmann equations

3 3

+ =


k G



( ) ,
+ + = p


where a dot means a time derivative and H is the expansion rate of our Universe called
the Hubble parameter, or the Hubble constant, with its present value H
. It is seen to
depend on both the energy density of the Universe as well as its curvature and a

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possible cosmological constant. With k and set to zero, one defines the critical
density as

In 1934, Lematre [16] had already pointed out that the cosmological constant could be
considered as a vacuum energy and hence a contribution to the energy density of the


We will assume that the Universe is composed of a set of components i, each having a
, of the critical density,


The two Friedmann equations are not enough to fully solve for the energy density, the
pressure and the scale factor. We also need an equation of state, = f(p), which can
usually be written as w
= p
. For example, w
takes the value 0 for normal, non-
relativistic, matter and 1/3 for photons. Since we now consider the cosmological
constant as a part of the energy-momentum tensor we can compare the expression for
the energy-momentum tensor for a perfect fluid in the rest frame, with diagonal
elements (, p, p, p), to the cosmological term


, with diagonal elements

(1, -1, -
1, -1). We conclude that p

= -

, i.e., 1 =

w . The cosmological constant can hence

be seen as a fluid with negative pressure.

From Eq. (5), it is clear that a static universe cannot be stable. Eq. (5) determines the
deceleration or acceleration of the Universe. Since the expansion of the Universe was
(wrongly) assumed to be be slowing down (i.e., a negative sign of the acceleration), a
parameter q
, called the deceleration parameter, was defined by

2 0
a a

= =

From Eq:s (4) and (5) it then follows that

( ). 3 1
+ =
i i
w q (6)

When we measure the light coming from a distant object, we can obtain two pieces of
information apart from the direction to the object. We can measure the redshift and the
apparent luminosity of the object: It is straightforward to measure the wavelength of
light (e.g. from a given atomic spectral line) that a distant object emits. From Eq. (3)

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one can easily compute the relation between the wavelength an object emits,
at time
and the wavelength observed here
at time
) (
) (
t a
t a

This is conventionally expressed in terms of a redshift parameter z as

. 1
) (
) (
1 0

t a
t a

For small z, we can then interpret the redshift z as the radial velocity of the object (it
would correspond to a Doppler effect), and we find again Hubbles law. For
cosmological distances, the interpretation is less simple. Once we find standard candles
luminous enough, however, measurements of redshift are relatively straightforward.

Measuring a cosmological distance in the Universe is not straightforward. We must use
a light signal that is emitted at a certain time and detected at another. During this time
the Universe has expanded. There are different distance measures introduced, but the
one used for standard candles, i.e., objects with known intrinsic luminosity is the
luminosity distance d
, defined by

= (L/4l)


where L is the absolute luminosity of the standard candle and l is the apparent

Luminosity distance can be computed in terms of the parameters in which we are
interested, and for small z we can expand it as

. ... ) 1 (
1 1

+ + = z q z

Again, to be completely clear, d
is not an unambiguous measure of the distance to the
standard candle, but it is a measure sensitive to the parameters we want to determine. In
order to use it we need to know of celestial objects with known absolute luminosity.
From Eq. (7), we can see that in the nearby Universe, the luminosity distances scale
linearly with redshift, with 1/H
as the constant of proportionality. In the more distant
Universe, d
depends to first order on the rate of deceleration, or equivalently on the
amount and types of matter that make up the Universe. The general expression has to be
written in terms of an integral over the redshift z of the propagating photon as it travels
from redshift z to us, at z = 0. In the case that relates to this years Nobel Prize in
Physics, we may assume a flat Universe, k = 0 (as indicated to good accuracy by CMB
measurements), and since radiation gives only a tiny contribution today, we may as an

8 (17)
approximation keep only the matter contribution
and that of dark energy

. The
expression for the luminosity distance then becomes
) 1 (
) , , ; (

+ +
H z d (8)

If we could measure d
accurately for low z as well as for higher redshifts, we could
both measure the Hubble constant and determine the energy components of our
Universe, in particular the value of

[17]. It may be noted from the expression under

the square root in Eq. (8) that when one measures very high redshift objects, the
influence of the cosmological constant is reduced, and the optimal range is roughly for
0.3 < z < 2.

Standard Candles in Astronomy

A well-known class of standard candles, as mentioned above, is the Cepheid variable
stars, which nowadays can be identified out to distances of about 10 Mpc. To obtain a
record of the expansion history of the Universe, one needs, however, standard candles
that can be identified over distances at least 100 times larger. Already in 1938, Walter
Baade [18], working closely with Fritz Zwicky at the Mt Wilson Observatory,
suggested that supernovae are promising as distance indicators: they are extremely
bright and can, over a few weeks, outshine an entire galaxy. Therefore, they would be
visible over a considerable redshift interval. The SNe that have been discussed over the
past decades as standard candles [19] are designated type Ia (SNe Ia).

According to William Fowler (Nobel Prize in Physics 1983) and Fred Hoyle [20], type
Ia supernovae occur occasionally in binary systems, when a low-mass white dwarf
accreting matter from a nearby companion approaches the limit of 1.4 solar masses
(Nobel Prize in Physics 1983, Subramanyan Chandrasekhar), and becomes unstable. A
thermonuclear explosion ensues and an immense amount of energy is suddenly
released. The evolution of the supernova brightness with time the so-called light curve
can be observed over a few weeks. In a typical galaxy, supernovae occur a few times
in thousand years. In our galaxy, supernovae have been observed with the naked eye,
e.g., by Chinese astronomers in 1054 and by Tycho Brahe in 1572. The supernova
1987A (not of type Ia) in the nearby galaxy the Large Magellanic Cloud, at a distance of
160 000 light years, was observed both in light and in neutrinos (Nobel Prize in Physics
2002). For a review of supernova Ia properties, and their use as standard candles, see,
e.g., the review by David Branch and Gustav Tammann [21].

SNe Ia are identified through their spectral signatures: The absence of hydrogen features
and the presence of a silicon absorption line. Their spectra and light curves are
amazingly uniform, indicating a common origin and a common intrinsic luminosity.
The small deviations from uniformity can be investigated and corrected.

Observations of how the brightness of these SNe varies with redshift, therefore, allow
studies of the expansion history of the Universe. And because according to theory

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the expansion rate is determined by the energy-momentum density of the Universe and
the curvature of spacetime, discovery of the ultimate fate of the Universe appears

Detection of Type Ia Supernovae

The homogeneity of SNe Ia spectra makes this class of objects eminent standard candle
candidates. Because the peak luminosity occurs after only a short time, a supernova
must be observed early on after the explosion in order to determine the peak magnitude
with high precision. There is also another catch: SNe Ia are rare, occurring only a
couple of times per millennium in any given galaxy. However, to get a statistically
significant determination of cosmological parameters, a large observational sample is
needed, including SNe at fairly high redshifts (z > 0.3).

The first systematic search for SNe Ia at high redshifts was made during the late 1980s
by a Danish-British collaboration [22] working at the 1.5 m Danish telescope at La
Silla, Chile. Two years of observations resulted in the discovery of two distant SNe
one of them of Type Ia, the SN1988U at z = 0.31. However, this supernova was
observed after its maximum which hampered the precision of the peak brightness
determination. So, it seemed that discovery of distant SNe was possible but difficult.
Obviously larger and faster instruments were needed to ensure the required statistics.

The Supernova Cosmology Project (SCP) was initiated in 1988 by Saul Perlmutter of
the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), USA, with the aim of measuring
the presumed deceleration of the Universe - using SNe Ia as standard candles. In an
expanding Universe dominated by matter, gravity should eventually cause the
expansion to slow down. To address the problem of sufficient statistics, Perlmutter and
collaborators developed a strategy that they dubbed Supernova on Demand. Using a
CCD-based wide-field imager at a 4 m telescope, the group would observe thousands of
galaxies over two to three nights just after new Moon. Imaging the same patches of the
sky about three weeks later and using improved image-processing techniques, allowed
selection of entire batches of about a dozen or so new SNe at a time. The timing ensured
that many SNe would be close to peak brightness, making essential calibration possible.
And, because the SNe were guaranteed, timely follow-up observations on the worlds
largest telescopes in Chile, Hawaii and La Palma could be scheduled in advance for a
pre-defined date. The first high-z SN was discovered in 1992, and by 1994, the total
number found by SCP reached seven. The first results were published in 1995 [23].

In the mean time, light curves of several nearby type Ia SNe were measured by
astronomers led by Mario Hamuy at the Cerro Caln Tololo Interamerican Observatory
in Chile [24]. Using this and other data, it was shown by Mark Phillips [25] that a
relation between peak brightness and fading time could be used to recalibrate the SNe to
a standard profile. The brighter ones grew and faded slower the fainter ones faster,
and the relation allowed to deduce the peak brightness from the time scale of the light
curve. The few abnormal occurrences were filtered out.

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Prompted by the success of the Supernova on Demand strategy and motivated by the
importance of the quest for q
, Brian Schmidt of the Mount Stromlo Observatory in
Australia organized, in 1994, a competing collaboration, consisting of supernova
experts, backed by the renowned scientist Robert Kirshner the High-z Supernova
Search Team (HZT). Over the following years the two collaborations independently
searched for supernovae, often but not always at the same telescopes. Like SCP, HZT
could successfully demonstrate the validity of the chosen strategy, finding batches of
SNe at or close to maximum light that then could be followed up by spectroscopic
observations (see Fig. 1).

Figure 1. One of the high redshift supernovae of type Ia for which the HZT
collaboration [27] could measure the magnitude, i.e., the luminosity, both before and
after the peak luminosity.

In the beginning of 1998, both groups published scientific papers and gave talks at
conferences, cautiously pointing out that their observations seemed consistent with a
low matter density Universe.

The two breakthrough papers [27, 28] implying that the expansion of the Universe does
not slow down but actually accelerates, were submitted for publication later that year.
The HZT article is based on observations of 16 SNe Ia mainly analyzed by Adam Riess,
then a postdoctoral researcher at University of California at Berkeley, whereas the SCP
paper, with Perlmutter as the driving force, includes 42 Type Ia SNe.

The fact that both groups independently presented similar - albeit extraordinary - results
was a crucial aspect for their acceptance within the physics and astronomy community.

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The Observations

Figure 1 shows the supernova data from [28] plotted in terms of brightness (bolometric
magnitude) versus redshift.

Figure 1: The Hubble diagram for 42 high redshift type Ia supernovae from SCP and 18
low redshift supernovae from the Calan/Tololo Supernova Survey. The solid curves
represent a range of cosmological models with = 0 and
= 0, 1 and 2. The dashed
curves show a range of flat models where

= 1. Note the linear redshift


The larger the magnitude, the fainter is the object. On the redshift scale, z = 1
corresponds to a light travel time of almost 8 billion light years. The data is compared to
a number of cosmological scenarios with and without vacuum energy (or cosmological
constant). The data at z < 0.1 is from [26]. At redshifts z > 0.1 (i.e., distances greater
than about a billion light years), the cosmological predictions start to diverge.
Compared to an unrealistic empty Universe (

= 0) with a constant expansion

rate, the SNe for a given high redshift are observed to be about 10 - 15% fainter. If the
Universe were matter dominated (
= 1), the high-z supernovae should have been
about 25% brighter than what is actually observed. The conclusion is that the
deceleration parameter q
is negative, and that the expansion at the present epoch
unexpectedly accelerates (see above). The result of the analyses of the two
collaborations, showing that

= 0 is excluded with high significance, and that the

expansion of the Universe accelerates, is shown in Fig. 2.

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Figure 2. The left-hand panel shows the results of fitting the SCP supernova data to
cosmological models, with arbitrary

[28]. The right-hand panel shows the

corresponding results from HZT [27].

Could the dimness of the distant supernovae be the effect of intervening dust? Or might
the SNe Ia in the early Universe have had different properties from the nearby, recent

Such questions have been extensively addressed by both collaborations, indicating that
dust is not a major problem and that the spectral properties of near and distant SNe are
very similar. Although not as evident at the time of the discovery, later studies of SNe
beyond z = 1 [29], from the time when the Universe was much denser and

dominated, indicate that at that early epoch, gravity did slow down the expansion as
predicted by cosmological models. Repulsion only set in when the Universe was about
half its present age.

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Figure 3. A summary figure from Review of Particle Properties,,
showing the combination of supernova observations (SNe), the microwave
background (CMB) and the spatial correlation between galaxies (Baryon Acoustic
Oscillations, BAO).

The dramatic conclusion that the expansion of the Universe accelerates has been
confirmed during the last decade by precision measurements of the CMB and by studies
of galaxy clustering, see Fig. 3.

What is Dark Energy?

The driving force behind the acceleration is unknown, but the current belief is that the
cause of the expansion is vacuum energy (in this context called dark energy) as
suggested by Lematre already in 1934 [16]. The SN results emerged at a time when
some cosmologists, for many different reasons, argued that the Universe might be
vacuum dominated. Others were, however, reluctant to accept such a claim implying a
non-zero cosmological constant. The SN observations were the crucial link in support of
vacuum dominance, directly testing models with > 0. The currently accepted
cosmological standard model the Concordance Model or the CDM model includes
both a cosmological constant and Cold (i.e. non-relativistic) Dark Matter. The SNe
results combined with the CMB data and interpreted in terms of the Concordance Model
allow a precise determination of

(see Fig. 3).

The predictions of the Concordance Model agree, within the experimental uncertainties,
with all the presently available data. None of the alternative models proposed to explain
the SN observations, based on inhomogeneities of the Universe at large scales, extra

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dimensions or modifications of general relativity, seem to convincingly account for all

The very successful Standard Model for Particle Physics, which describes nature at the
smallest scales where we can measure, has two inherent sources for vacuum energy,
quantum fluctuations and spontaneous symmetry breaking. In relativistic quantum
physics the vacuum is not empty but filled with quantum fluctuations, allowed by
Heisenbergs uncertainty principle (Nobel Prize in Physics 1932). A nave estimate of
the size of the vacuum energy density, using the gravity constant G, Plancks constant

and the velocity of light, c, would imply a contribution to the energy density

of the
order of

c M


where M
is the Planck mass (~ 10
) and l
is the Planck length (~ 10
i.e., about 10
. This is to be compared to the present-day critical density of ~
. Since the energy density of the Universe according to measurements
seems very close to critical, the nave estimate is wrong by 122 orders of magnitude.

Prior to the discovery of the accelerated expansion of the Universe, particle physicists
believed, that there must be a symmetry principle forbidding a cosmological constant.
There is, however, another mechanism in the Standard Model that generates vacuum
energy. In order to explain how the Universe can be so homogeneous with different
parts that seemingly cannot have been in causal contact with each other, the idea of an
inflationary phase in the early Universe was put forward [30]. It states that at a very
early stage, the Universe went through a phase transition, breaking certain symmetries,
spontaneously generating a time-dependent, huge vacuum energy density that during a
very short time made the Universe expand enormously. A similar effect may still be at
work, leading to the vacuum energy that we see today. This so-called quintessence may
perhaps be detectable, as such a vacuum energy would have a weak time dependence
(see [31], and references therein).

Other important but yet unanswered questions are why

has its measured value and


at the present epoch in the history of the Universe are of the same order
of magnitude. At present we have no theoretical understanding of the value of



The study of distant supernovae constitutes a crucial contribution to cosmology.
Together with galaxy clustering and the CMB anisotropy measurements, it allows
precise determination of cosmological parameters. The observations present us with a
challenge, however: What is the source of the dark energy that drives the accelerating
expansion of the Universe? Or is our understanding of gravity as described by general
relativity insufficient? Or was Einsteins mistake of introducing the cosmological

15 (17)
constant one more stroke of his genius? Many new experimental efforts are underway to
help shed light on these questions.


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