Example For Civil 3D & Hecras
Example For Civil 3D & Hecras
Example For Civil 3D & Hecras
1.2 Objectives
The example presented in hand is for a bridge crossing with an ephemeral wadi stream in Angola. The main goal of this example is designated to perform a complete hydraulic analysis of a wadi bridge by using the integrated package that includes the following programs: AutoCAD Civil 3D and HECRAS. The objectives of this comprehensive hand-on training example are to train the workshop participants to be able to carry out the following tasks: - How to generate automated river/wadi cross-sections using AutoCAD Civil 3D. - How to import the generated cross-sections to HEC-RAS. - How to carryout Hydraulic analysis using HEC-RAS and how to get the corresponding water surface profile and velocity variations through a bridge. - How to carryout scour analysis using the HD module in HEC-RAS in order to estimate the contraction scour as well as the local abutment and piers scour.
Select this item: _AutoCAD Civil 3D (Metric) NCS LDT.dwt (Fig.2) In this step, the trainee is asked to add the contour data survey of a sample project using the attached AutoCAD file: Contour _Bridge_st65.dwg This file contains the contour data survey of a bridge location in Angola.
After that we will notes that there is aline is added around the contour In case of this line does not appear we will make it again. 2.4 Draw flow line . User should draw the flow line as the same direction of the flow
User can draw polyline by using this icon Or by press (PL) then press Enter
In our Example the flow direction will be in the Same as shown Fig.
2.5 Draw The Cross-Section . User should draw the polylines cross section as prevoius
Press O.K.
After pressing O.K. Click at any point in the drawing Now the cross-section will be appear.
Select toolbox
Fig. 25
Angola Bridge
Note that user must remove the star from the file name
Geometric Data
Fig. 27
Fig. 28
Fig. 29
Check Data
It is recommended to check the geometric data to make sure that no errors have been taken place.
Cross section
Fig. 30 3.6 Adjusting Local Losses for the nearby bridge sections
The default values of contraction expansion Coeff. are 0.1 and 0.3 respectively However ,as flow approaches the bridge these values should be raised to account for the bridge local losses The common practices is to set the contraction coeff. To 0.3 (increased by 0.2)&the expansion coeff. To 0.5 (i.e. increased by 0.2) There will be done for the following sections
Fig. 31
Fig. 32
Now the bridge is inserted at the aforementioned station and Fig.33 shows the upstream & downstream cross sections of the bridge Upstream cross-section
Downstream cross-section
Fig. 33
Fig. 32
In this step, the geometry of the roadway embankment is entered by entering the lateral station and elevations (high chord, low chord levels) of the shown points in Figure 33. Following that, the roadway data window will be as in the Figure below. Click copy US to DS since they are similar.
Click pier
Pier No. 1
Copy the pier #1 data by clicking the copy button shown in Figure 34 to transfer the common data to the second pier. Change the centerline station in the u/s and d/s as shown in Figure 35. Pier No. 2
This two profiles means we have two Alternatives: Design flow of 50 year =259.1 m3/sec & 100 year flow of 359.8 m3/sec
Select Normal Depth type boundary and Insert Upstream &Downstream slopes=0.01 it should be mentioned that in other examples the u/s slope might be different than the d/s slope
Note :
Before adding the bridge & piers user can make the following :
1- After adding the flow (Fig.35) user can run the data by pressing
Use mixed flow regime If it is expected to have subcritical and super critical flow in the same reach/river.
In the GIS Export dialog box: Under Results Export options, select export Water Surfaces. Select any profiles you may have created during the analysis. Click export data. an SDF file is created .
3- Open Civil 3D file (which included the first surface and the alignment and the cross section)
In the Import SDF dialog box: Select the site for reach alignment. Select the style for reach alignment. Select the alignment label style set. Select the profile style.
After that user will find that the section locations and flood elevation profiles are imported into the drawing.
Click to adjust/enter the ineffective area for the u/s Bridge cross section
Fig. 36
Click to adjust/enter the ineffective area for the d/s Bridge cross section
Fig. 37
Upstream (Bridge)
Downstream (Bridge)
Fig. 38 In this step, user will add the abutment data (if the abutment type is not vertical),in many cases ,the abutment type is spill-through accordingly it is essential to present the slopes of the abutment faces so as to have the correct local abutment scour. It should be mentioned that the failure of not representing the slopes of the abutment might lead to significant under estimation of the abutment local scour. The data for each abutment consist of a skew angle (this is optional) and the station and elevation information. The station and elevation information represents the high chord information of the abutment. The low chord information of the abutment is assumed to be below the ground, and it is therefore not necessary to enter it. The geometric information for each abutment can vary from upstream to downstream. If this information is the same
Fig. 39
The accuracy of the predicted wsp depends on the distance between the x-sections. Accordingly it is recommended to have the sections spacing not to big .User could add interpolated sections as follow
Use Mixed flow regime If it is expected to have subcritical and super critical flow in the same reach/river.
Fig. 41
Error statement
Station and elevation data contains duplicate points. This problem can be solved by using the cross section filter as follow:
Fig. 42
Fig. 43 By this step, the duplicated points problem has been resolved. Now, let us demonstrate another probable error that could be faced.
Error Sample #2
Error statement
The maximum number of station-elevation points, blocked obstructions ,and levees is 500 point. This error means that the number of points in a section exceeded the maximum number (500 points). This problem could be resolved by decreasing the x-section points. This can be done by using the filter.
Fig. 44
Change it to 0.2 or any value until no. of points decrease below 500 points, then press O.K and rerun the model again.
Check Max. water level
In case of high debris, use higher values Min. 2.4 to 2.6 (set by Bridge) 0.6 m min.
*Press (Ctrl) to measure the distance between the max. Surface water level to the bridge *If the available free board is not sufficient, some cross section reshaping might be a solution or longer bridge span might be required.
Check Velocity
High velocity area just d/s of the bridge accordingly, protection is required
D50 of soil = 1mm for size particles (from sieve analysis of bore holes)
Click K1 button
D50 of soil = 1mm for size particles (from sieve analysis of bore holes)
Insert the skew angle. We put it zero if the road Perpendicular on bridge
3.00 D95 of soil = 3mm for size particles (from sieve analysis of bore holes)
We choose the correction factor for abutment shape based on the following cases:
Local Abutment Scour Depth Choose the biggest from the left& right abutment scours
Fill the excel sheet using the data from HEC-RAS as per the following Figures.
H1 V H2 Q2 W2 D50 Q1
- Channel Slope
Take average
Bridge Width
No. of piers
Pier Width
Pier Width
General only
General + contraction
Then select the biggest of the following to estimate the General+contraction scour depth:
1. The average value from Excel Solver. 2. The Lacey value from Excel Solver+ contraction value from HEC-RAS
User can export u/s and d/s bridge cross sections as dxf File as follow:
Lines and symbols, user can change the lines shape and the symbols of the cross section as follow: