Hydrology & Hydraulic Analysis Using HEC-RAS Software

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Associated Consulting Engineers (ACE.


Hydrology & Hydraulic Analysis

Using HEC-RAS Software

May 02, 2019

Resource Person :Dr.Muhammad Mubashir Qureshi

Chief Engineer, Dams & Hydropower Division
Associated Consulting Engineers (ACE.Ltd)
Training Outlines
Session-1 (Before Tea)
 Introduction
 Philosophy of Modeling
 Hec-Ras Components
 Hec-Ras Documentation
 Overview of Program Capabilities
 Applications
 Quick start guide (Example 1:Steady flow analysis)
Session-2 (Before Lunch)
 Inline Structure
 Modeling Guidelines
 Example 2: Analysis with Inline structures
Session-3 (After Lunch)
 Working with Stream Junctions
 Modeling Guidelines
 Example 3:Adding Stream Junctions
Session-4 (After Tea)
 Development of River Discharge Rating and analysis with Inline Structure
 Case Study of Kohala hydropower project (1100MW)
 Hydrologic Engineering Center-River Analysis System (Hec-Ras).

 Program developed by US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Institute of

Water Resources ,Hydrologic Engineering Center.

 Was Developed as a part of Hydrologic Engineering Center’s “Next

Generation” of hydrologic engineering software's.

 The “Next Generation” encompasses several aspects of hydrologic engineering

i.e. Rain-Runoff analysis (HEC-HMS),Reservoir system simulation (HEC-Res
Sim); Flood Damage Analysis (HEC-FDA and HEC-FIA) and real time
Forecasting of Reservoir Operations (CWMS).

 First version released in July of 1995. Latest version 5.07

 Free download at:
Family of HEC Software's
Philosophy of the Modeling
Integrated Software Package includes:

 Graphical User Interface (GUI)

 Analysis Components

 Data Storage & Management

 Graphics

 Report Generation

 Using a common geometric data representation and common

geometric and hydraulic computation routine.
Hec-Ras Analysis Components
 Steady Flow Water Surface analysis Will be Focused in this
Training Session
 Un Steady flow Simulation
 Sediment transport/Moveable boundary computation
 Water Quality Analysis
Hec-Ras Documentation
 User Manual

 User Manual Supplement

 2d Modeling User Manual

 Hydraulic Reference Manual

 Application Guide

 Release Notes
Hec-Ras Documentation and
Examples data Set
• To View Hec-Ras Default Directory for “Example Data” .Open Project> Find “HEC
Data” folder>Example Data

Default “Example Data” in Hec-Ras

1. Steady flow Analysis 3. Sediment transport Studies
 Bridges/Multiple Bridges  To compute long term trends of
 Culvert opening analysis scour/deposition
 Dams  Sediment transport analysis
 Flood plain management studies
 Multiple plan analysis
 Bridge scour analysis 4. Water quality analysis
 Spilt flow optimization  River water quality analysis
 Stable channel design and analysis  Detailed temperature analysis

2. UnSteady flow Analysis

 Dam break analysis
 Levee breaching and overtopping
 Pumping station
 Navigation dams operations
 Pressurized pipe systems
Hec-Ras Main Window
Un Steady flow analysis Hydraulic Properties
Open Project (perform Un steady flow analysis) (plot and tables of Hyd.
(Open an existing Project)
Sediment Analysis properties)
Geometric Data (perform Sediment Transport analysis)
Detailed Output Tables
(Edit/ enter geometric data)
View Cross -Sections (View details of Cross-sections,
Unsteady flow Data Water Surface Profile plot bridges, culvert e.t.c)
(Edit/ enter unsteady flow data)
General Profile Plot

Sum Warn, Error, Notes

Water Quality Hydraulic Design
analysis Function Profile Summary Table
Steady Flow Data (view summary output at
(Enter / Edit steady flow Steady flow analysis multiple locations by profile)
data) (perform steady flow analysis)
Water Quality Data XYZ Perspective Plots
(Edit/ enter Water quality data) (view 3D crossection)
Save Project
(save an existing Project) Rating Curves
Sediment Data
(Edit/ enter Sediment data) (view comp rating curves)
Quick Start Guide
1. Geometric Data:
 River System Schematic
 Cross Section Geometry
 Reach Length
 Hydraulic Structures/Obstructions
2.Energy Loss Data:
 Manning n
 Contraction/Expansion Coefficients
3. Flow Data:
 Flow Rate
 Profiles
 Boundary Conditions
Hydraulic Theory
Steady Gradually Varied Flow Water Surface Profile Calculations.
Water surface profiles are computed from one cross section to the next by
solving the Energy equation with an iterative procedure called the “Standard
Step Method”. The Energy equation is written as follows:
Hydraulic Theory
Conveyance Calculation:
Conveyance is calculated within each subdivision from the following form of
Manning’s equation (based on English units):
Hydraulic Theory
Head Loss
 The energy head loss (he) between two cross sections is comprised of
friction losses and contraction or expansion losses. The equation for the
energy head loss is as follows:

L= Reach length
a= area of cross section
Sf= Representative frictional slope b/w Crossections
V= Flow velocity
g= acceleration due to gravity
C= Expansion and Contraction loss coefficient
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ALLPPT.com _ Free PowerPoint Templates, Diagrams and Charts
Quick Start Guide
1. Start Hec-RAS

2.Click File > New Project

3.Select drive and path to store project in

4.Enter project title, ensure the project File Name has the extension “.prj”
5.Click “OK”
Note: Default unit system is “US Customary” but can be changed to SI units
from “Option” tab in main Hec-Ras Windows
Quick Start Guide

File Directory

Enter Project Name Here

Press “OK” to Save File

Geometric Data-Base Geometry

River Reach Tab

Crossection Entry tab
Editors Menu

Bridges and Culvert data tab

Inline Structure i.e. Weirs e.t.c
To Add Lateral Structure
Main Hec-Ras Windows

Click View /Edit

geometric Data Tab
Left OB Channel Right OB
12 500 500 500
11 500 500 490
10 500 510 500
9 500 500 460
8 480 500 530
7 490 520 500
6 550 530 450
5 500 570 600
4 480 520 500
3 520 510 450
2 500 510 480
1 0 0 0
Quick Start Guide
6. Entering Geometric Data
 To enter Geometric Data Click “View edit
geometric data” form main Hec-Ras windows.

 Draw River Reach By pressing “River Reach”

Button in Geometric data windows.

 Draw reach from upstream to downstream “in

positive flow direction”.

 Enter Name of River and Reach identifier. Say

River Reach as “Critical Creek” and Reach
Identifier as “Upper Reach”.

 After the river system schematic is drawn, the

modeler can start entering Cross-Section and
hydraulic structure data.
Set Up the River Reach

1. Draw a “line” representing Stream in
direction of Upstream to Downstream.

1. Don’t worry about meanders—just one line.

Click, drag, double click. Enter river name
and reach name at the prompt.
Cross-Sectional Data X-Section No.12 X-Section No.12
1835 Station Elevation Station Elevation
1830 0 1821.4 720 1814.5
1825 11 1818.2 726 1809.9
26 1813.9
Elevation (ft)

731 1805.5
1820 43 1812 740 1803.6
1815 55 1812.5 746 1804.6
67 1811.4 748 1805.5
1810 73 1812.3 754 1808.8
1805 88 1811.4 765 1814.2
97 1810.5 785 1813.6
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
126 1810.6 817 1814.1
Station (ft) 148 1810.6 852 1814.5
175 1811.2 890 1815
195 1811.2 927 1815.2
216 1812.5 960 1816.5
234 1814.4 1065 1822.9
258 1814.8 1075 1822.9
264 1812.2 1092 1822.8
269 1811.6 1116 1827.4
271 1810.5 1123 1828.8
Quick Start Guide
7. Cross section Data
 Cross Section is entered looking downstream
 Station (different from River Station) is from left to right
 To add new cross sectional data: click Options > Add a new Cross
Section> Enter River Station

Enter river station

say “12”
River Reach with Crossections
River Name: “Critical Creek”

Crossection Lines

Station No’s

Reach Identifier: “Upper Reach”

Crossection data Windows
Crossection ID:
•Unique Id for each Crossection
•Upstream stations are assigned
higher values
Crossection data Windows

Crossection Description:
•It helps in identifying various
crossection entered
Crossection data Windows

Survey Data:
•Enter Station and Elevation data
for each Crossection
Crossection data Windows
Downstream Reach Lengths:
•Distance of downstream crossection
from current crossection

Manning’s Roughness:
• Roughness value of channel and banks
(Refer Table 3-1 Ref Manual 5.0)

Channel Banks:
•Can be any bank station within section.

Cont/Expansion Coefficient:
•Default values for estimation of losses
between this crossection and next one.
(Refer Table 3-3 Ref Manual 5.0)
Reference Tables from
Hydraulic Manual
Table:3-1 Manning’s n value

Table:3-3 Contraction and

Expansion Coefficient
More Options in Geometric
Data Windows
Basic Options to “Copy” “Rename”
and “Delete” any Crossection

Allows the user to adjust all of the

elevations of the currently displayed
cross section. “Positive” or “Negative”
elevation changes can be entered.
More Options in Geometric
Data Windows

Allows the user to adjust the stationing of a

cross section based on a user entered skew
Cross-sections are supposed to be taken
perpendicular to the flow lines. This may not
always be the case, such as at bridges.
More Options in Geometric
Data Windows
Ineffective flow areas are often used to
describe portions of a cross section in which
water will pond, but the velocity of that
water, in the downstream direction, is close
to or equal to zero.
Elevation (ft)


2 Cross Sec...

3 Cross Section...

4 Cross Section 4

5 Cross Section 5

6 Cross Section 6
Critical Creek - Example 1

7 Cross Section 7
Critical Cr. Upper Reach

Main Channel Distance (ft)

8 Cross Section 8

9 Cross Section 9
Profile Plot
Plan: Existing Conditions 4/16/2019

10 Cross Section 10

11 Cross Section 11

12 Upstream Boundary - XSec 12

Lege nd
Flow data and Boundary
8. Steady flow data

 Enter No of profiles and name each profile.
 To Change profile Name Click Steady flow data>Options> Edit profile names
“Say 100 yr”
Flow data:
Enter flow data for each River Station
Entering Flow data
Enter No of Flow Profiles

Enter Flow Data

Entering Boundary Condition
 If a “Subcritical Flow Analysis” is going to be performed, then only
the downstream boundary conditions are required.

 If a “Supercritical Flow Analysis” is going to be performed, then

only the upstream boundary conditions are required.

 If the Modeler is going to perform a “Mixed Flow Regime”

calculation, then both upstream and downstream boundary
conditions are required.

 The Boundary Conditions data entry form can be brought up by

pressing the Reach Boundary Conditions button from the Steady
Flow Data entry form.
Entering Boundary Condition
9. Entering Boundary Condition
To enter Boundary Condition Click “Reach Boundary Condition” button in
Steady flow Windows >Normal depth> Enter slope
Entering Boundary Condition

Downstream River Slope of

0.01 as Boundary Condition
Run Analysis
10. To Run analysis go to main Hec-Ras windows, Click Run>Steady flow
analysis>Flow Regime>Subcritical or Supercritical or Mixed> “Compute”

Selecting Flow Regime as“ Subcritical”

Analysis Results

Results can be viewed through main Hec-Ras Windows which includes

 View Crossections
 Rating Curves Showing “Results” in
 River flow Profiles Menu Bar of Main
 3D Multiple Crossection Plot Hec-Ras Windows
 Stage and Flow Hydrographs
 Hydraulic Property Table plots
 Detailed output of crossection, culvert, bridges, weir e.t.c.
 Summary Output Tables
 Summary of errors, warnings and notes
Cross Section Output
Showing “Flow Profile”
Showing “River Station”
Profile Output Table

Flow changed due to

tributary addition
River Flow Profile
Critical Creek - Example 1 Plan: Existing Conditions 4/16/2019
Critical Cr. Upper Reach
1820 Legend

EG 100 yr
WS 100 yr
Crit 100 yr

Elevation (ft)








0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Main Channel Distance (ft)
3D Perspective View
Critical Creek - Example 1 Plan: Existing Conditions 4/16/2019

WS 100 yr
12 Ground
Bank Sta


 To obtain additional cross sections, the interpolation routines
may be utilized

 Click Geometric Data Editor, Tools.

 Two options for interpolation available.

 Interpolation b/w within reach

 Interpolation b/w 2 Cross sections

•Click Tools from Geometric data Windows> Select “ Between 2XS’s”

Select this
Click <Tools option
Select Upper Station as
Lower Station is automatically
selected as“9”
Select distance for
Interpolation say 100 ft

Click Interpolate new cross

Interpolated X-sections

Interpolated X-Sections
are shown with * Sign
 HEC-RAS allows the user to model “inline
structures”, such as gated spillways, overflow
weirs, drop structures, as well as lateral structures.

 HEC-RAS has the ability to model radial gates

(often called tainter gates), vertical lift gates (sluice
gates), or overflow gates.

 The spillway crest of the gates can be modeled as

either an ogee shape, broad crested weir, or a
sharp crested weir shape.

 In addition to the gate openings, the user can also

define a separate uncontrolled overflow weir.
General Modeling Guidelines
 The gated spillway and weir option within HEC-RAS can be used to
model inline (structures across the main stream) or lateral (structures
along the side of the stream) weirs, gated spillways, or a combination
of both .

15 Identical
Gates Groups
General Modeling Guidelines
 Up to 10 gate groups can be entered into the program at any one river
crossing. Each gate group can have up to 25 identical gate openings.

 Identical gate openings must be the same gate type; size; elevation; and
have identical gate coefficients.

 The user must specify if the weir is “broad crested”, “ogee shape”, or
“sharp crested”.

 The software has the ability to account for submergence due to the
downstream tail water.

 Additionally, if the weir has an ogee shaped crest, the program can
calculate the appropriate weir coefficient for a given design head.

 The weir coefficient will automatically be decreased or increased when the

actual head is lower or higher than the design head.
Cross-sectional Data for Inline
Cross-sectional Data for Inline
 Cross Section 1. Cross Section 1 for a weir and/or gated spillway should be
located at a point where flow has fully expanded from its constricted top width
caused by the constriction.

 Cross Section 2. Cross Section 2 is located a short distance downstream from

the structure. This cross section should not include any of the structure or
embankment, but represents the physical shape of the channel just downstream
of the structure.

 Cross Section 3. Cross Section 3 of an inline weir and gated spillway model is
located a short distance upstream of the embankment, and represents the
physical configuration of the upstream channel. The water surface computed at
this cross section represents the upstream headwater for the overflow weir and
the gated spillways.

 Cross Sect ion 4. The final cross section in the inline weir and gated spillway
model is located at a point where flow has not yet begun to contract from its
unrestrained top width upstream of the structure
Inline Structure in Hec-Ras
Crossections near Inline

90 ft 200 ft Inline



100 ft
Inline Structure in Hec-Ras
Entering Geometric Data
 To add an inline structure Geometric Data Click “View edit geometric
data” from Main Hec-Ras Windows>Click Inline structure icon.
Inline Structure Window

Click Weir/Embankment
to draw X-Section of
Inline Structure

Click “Gate” to enter

Outlet data for Inline
Downstream Reach Lengths

Weir /Embankment Data
Distance: The user must enter the
Distance from the upstream cross
section (41.76) to the upstream side
of the weir i.e. 20ft

Width: Define Width of Weir i.e. 50ft.

Station Elevation data: Define station

elevation data of inline structure

Weir Crest Shape: Define Shape of

Weir i.e. ogee

Spillway Approach Height and

design head:
Enter approach height as 24 ft and
design energy head as 3 ft
Click here to determine Coefficient
of discharge base of approach
height and design head
X-Section of Inline Structure

Gate Size
W=30 ft
H=10 ft

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

In effective flow

In effective flow area

Inline Structure Gate Editor
Weir Shape: Ogee

Typically 0.6 -0.8

Typically Values as
provided in Reference

Entry Geometry of Gate

H=10 ft, W=30ft

Enter Station data of

Adding Ineffective flow area
for Inline Structure
 It is important to define ineffective flow areas on the cross sections that bound the
inline structure.

 The are the areas of the cross section that will contain water that is not actively
being conveyed (ineffective flow).

 Ineffective flow areas are often used to describe portions of a cross section in
which water will pond, but the velocity of that water, in the downstream
direction, is close to or equal to zero.

 Ineffective flow areas are marked on crossection that bound inline structures i.e.
crossection at station “41.76” and “41.74” upstream and downstream of
“inline structure”.
Adding Ineffective flow area for
Inline Structure
 To enter the ineffective flow areas, the Cross Section icon was selected from the
Geometric Data Editor. Then, river station 41.76 was selected and
“Ineffective Flow” Areas was selected from the Options menu.
Adding Ineffective flow area for
Inline Structure
 To enter the ineffective flow areas, the Cross Section icon was selected from the
Geometric Data Editor. Then, river station 41.74 was selected and
“Ineffective Flow” Areas was selected from the Options menu.
Entering Steady flow data
 The flow data consisted of three components: the flow rates for each profile; the
boundary conditions; and the gate elevation settings.

 To Enter flow profile go to Main Hec-Ras Windows click “Edit”> steady flow
data> Enter no of flow profiles to say “7”.
Entering Steady flow data
• The upstream river station of 60.1 appeared (by default) as the location for the
flow data.
Set No of flow profile to “7”

Enter Discharge data here

Entering Downstream Boundary
 The “Enter Boundary condition” downstream Discharge Rating Data is
entered from boundary condition menu.

Elevetions (ft)

0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000
Discharges (cusecs)
Entering Gate opening Data
• To enter “Gate Opening Data “, Edit > Steady flow data>Options> Gate opening.
Gate opening
height “Ht”

No of gates open “ 0”
means gate is CLOSED.
Gate opening Data for Profile 1
Center Left Gate
Left Gate Group Group Group
“All gates closed” “Half gates open” “All gates closed”
Run Analysis and Results
• To run analysis click “Run” >steady flow data analysis> Flow Regime>
Subcritical form main Hec-Ras Windows.
Water Surface Profile (Flow Profile “1”)
Water Surface Profile (Flow Profile “1”)
Inline structure Output Table
(Flow Profile “1”)
3D Perspective View
Working with “Stream Junctions”
 Stream junctions are defined as locations where two or more streams
come together or split apart.

 Constructed by combining reaches together to a common point. Draw a

line representing tributary in direction of flow.

 For splitting flow, draw lines in direction which water flows.

 Can be modeled using Energy Equation or Momentum equations.

 The program can analyze 12 different types of junctions. These 12 types

of problems are obtained by combining the 3 flow regimes (subcritical,
supercritical, and mixed) with the 2 geometric configurations
(combining or splitting) and the 2 analysis methods (energy and
Cross-Section Placement in
“Stream Junctions”
Cross-Section Placement
 There are three criteria that can be used as guidelines for the placement of the
cross sections.

 First, the cross sections should be placed close to the stream junction. This will
allow for a more accurate evaluation of the energy losses when performing an
energy analysis.

 Second criterion is that the data used for the cross sections does not overlap.. If
the lines of cross-section data intersect upstream of the junction, then the flow
area may be accounted for twice and produce incorrect results. As shown in the
schematic in Figure , the cross sections 7 and 1desos not portray accurate flow
cross section data.

 Third criterion is concerned with the fact that the program is a one- dimensional
model. Therefore, the cross sections should be located in regions where the flow
direction is perpendicular to the section. Figure 10.2, the cross section number 6
should be placed adequately downstream from the junction so that the flow is
predominately in the downstream direction.
Session 4 (Part-1)
Development of River Discharge
Rating Curve For Kohala
Hydropower Project
Using Hec-Ras
Kohala Hydropower Project
 The Project area of the proposed Kohala Hydropower Project (KHPP) lies along
the river Jhelum in Muzaffarabad district of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK).

 The dam site is situated 8 km downstream of the Hattian Bala village, and 31 km
upstream from the Domel Bridge.

 The Kohala hydropower project consists of a dam, water conveyance system and
underground powerhouse.

 To spill the flood discharges a spillway having three 15 m wide bays controlled by
18 m high radial gates and two sluiceways controlled by 12.5 m high radial gates
are provided.

 The water conveyance system includes an intake, de-sander tunnels, headrace

tunnel, surge chamber, shaft tunnel, and penstock. The basic purpose of the project
is power generation having a total installed capacity of 1100 MW with
4 generation units.
DA +1500

River flow

DA+ 620

DA+ 200

DA +150

Upstream of Dam axis

DA +100

DA+ 50
Dam Axis (DA)


Surveyed Cross Sections

River flow

Downstream of Dam axis

Summary of Cross Sections
Summary Table of Crossections
Short ID. Description Distance b/w Crossections
DA+1500 1500m U/S of Dam Axis 0
DA+900 900 m U/S of Dam Axis 600
DA+620 620 m U/S of Dam Axis 280
DA+200 200 m U/S of Dam Axis 420
DA+150 150 m U/S of Dam Axis 50
DA+100 100 m U/S of Dam Axis 50
DA+50 50 m U/S of Dam Axis 50
DA Dam Axis 50
DA-50 50 m D/S of Dam Axis 50
DA-100 100 m D/S of Dam Axis 50
DA-150 150 m D/S of Dam Axis 50
DA-500 500 m D/S of Dam Axis 350
DA-1400 1400 m D/S of Dam Axis 900
Calibration of Discharge With
Gauging Station
Calibration of Riverbed
Roughness Coefficients
Variation of River Bed roughness with Discharge


Q n
100 0.0847
0.080 200 0.076
0.075 400 0.071
Manninga n value

600 0.068
800 0.065
1000 0.061
0.060 1500 0.058
2000 0.055
2500 0.052
3000 0.05
0.045 3500 0.048
4000 0.0451
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 4500 0.0442
5000 0.044
Discharge (m3/sec)
6000 0.0435
Data Utilized
Geometric data of River:
 River cross-section data and the geometric data of the dam and its
appurtenant structures were acquired to build up the HEC-RAS numerical

X-sections U/s of Dam axis:

 From dam axis to u/s 4 sections at 50 m interval
 From dam axis to u/s 13 sections at 500 m interval. The last section will be
at the end of reservoir near Hattian.

X-sections D/s of Dam axis:

 From dam axis to d/s 3 sections at 50 m interval
 From dam axis to d/s 4 sections at 500 m interval.
Discharge Rating Curve at
Dam Site


Discharge Rating Curve

Elevation (m.asl)




0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
Discharges (cumecs)
Session 4 (Part-2)
Modelling Spillway and Low
Level Outlets in Hec-Ras
Kohala Hydropower Project
Section of Spillway
Section of Low Level Outlets

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