Rife Handbook Sylver Table of Contents
Rife Handbook Sylver Table of Contents
Rife Handbook Sylver Table of Contents
Nearly all people die of their medicines, and not of their illnesses.
Molire, French writer (16221673)
2009 by Nenah Sylver, PhD - www.nenahsylver.com - For personal use only - This copy is not for sale!
2009 by Nenah Sylver, PhD - www.nenahsylver.com - For personal use only - This copy is not for sale!
Its name is Public Opinion. It is held in reverence. It settles everything. Some think it is the voice of God. Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul.
M ark twain, a Merican writer , critic and huMorist (18351910)
Chapter 2 Outline The History of Pleomorphism and the Inventions of Royal Raymond Rife
Introduction ........................................... 69 Life Cycles of a Microbe: Bchamp versus Pasteur ......................................... 69 Contributors to Disease............................ 71 Nutritional Deficiencies ........................... 71 Sleep Deficit.......................................... 71 Oxygen Insufficiency ............................... 71 Chemical Toxicity ................................... 71 Electromagnetic Toxicity .......................... 72 Injury .................................................. 72 pH Imbalance ....................................... 73 Proliferating Pathogens ........................... 75 Toxic Bodily Responses ............................ 75 Emotional States and Belief Systems ........... 75 Healing the Terrain ................................. 77 Bchamps Scientific Progeny ................... 79 Rudolf Virchow ...................................... 79 Florence Nightingale ............................... 79 Guenther Enderlein ................................ 79 Bruno Haefeli ....................................... 80 Wilhelm Reich ....................................... 80 Edward Rosenow .................................... 81 Royal Raymond Rife ................................ 81 A Renaissance Man ................................ 81 The Universal Microscope ........................ 82 The Rife Ray ......................................... 85 Clinical Trials........................................ 88 The Persecution of Rife ............................ 91 John Crane, John Marsh, and the Next Generation of Frequency Devices .............. 99 The Modern Pleomorphism Era ............... 115 Virginia Livingston-Wheeler.................... 115 Eleanor Alexander-Jackson ...................... 116 Irene Corey Diller.................................. 116 Florence Seibert .................................... 116 Lida Mattman ...................................... 117 Gaston Naessens ................................... 117 Kurt Olbrich and Bernhard Muschlien ....... 117 Implications for Healing ......................... 118
2009 by Nenah Sylver, PhD - www.nenahsylver.com - For personal use only - This copy is not for sale!
Until a man duplicates a blade of grass, nature can laugh at his so-called scientific knowledge. Remedies from chemicals will never stand in favorable comparison with the products of nature, the living cell of a plant, the final result of the rays of the sun, the mother of all life.
thoMas a lva edison, a Merican inventor (18471931)
2009 by Nenah Sylver, PhD - www.nenahsylver.com - For personal use only - This copy is not for sale!
2009 by Nenah Sylver, PhD - www.nenahsylver.com - For personal use only - This copy is not for sale!
Exercise and the Lymphatic System ............271 Exercise and Anti-Inflammatory Effects .....272 Exercise and Anti-Aging .........................273 When and How Much ............................273 Bodywork .............................................275 The Physiological and Emotional Implications of Touch ..........................275 Massage ..............................................278 Myofascial Release .................................279 Oriental Energy Modalities .....................280 Acupuncture ...................................280 Qigong...........................................281 CranioSacral Therapy.............................281 Chiropractic .........................................282 Rubenfeld Synergy .................................283 Do It Yourself: Skin Brushing ..................284 Summary.............................................284 Light and Color ......................................284 Our Therapeutic Sun .............................284
Ultraviolet Wavelengths .........................285 Infrared Wavelengths .............................288 The Pineal Gland and Light ....................289 Light Therapy for SAD ...........................289 Single-Color Light Therapy......................291 Dinshahs Spectro-Chrome Color Therapy ...293 Summary.............................................295 Sauna Therapy .......................................295 Sleep, Rest and Meditation ......................299 Sleep ..................................................299 Effects of Sleep Deprivation .................299 Darkness and Sleep ........................... 300 Sleep-Inducing Food and Supplements ... 300 A Proper Mattress .............................301 Inclined Bed Therapy (IBT) .................301 Rest ...................................................303 Meditation ...........................................304
2009 by Nenah Sylver, PhD - www.nenahsylver.com - For personal use only - This copy is not for sale!
Unless we put medical freedom in the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of [people] and deny equal privileges to others.
BenjaMin rush, a signer oF the declaration oF i ndependence
2009 by Nenah Sylver, PhD - www.nenahsylver.com - For personal use only - This copy is not for sale!
2009 by Nenah Sylver, PhD - www.nenahsylver.com - For personal use only - This copy is not for sale!
Q. Ive seen diagrams in books and on the Internet on how to build a rife-style device. How hard could it be to build my own machine? ..........................364 Q. These devices cost so much! The electrode units seem like ordinary frequency generators to me, with common metal cylinders used as electrodes. And some of these light tube units dont seem very sophisticated. Why do the manufacturers charge so much? Dont they care about peoples healthand peoples lives? ....364 Q. Im convinced that I need to purchase my own unit. But shouldnt I try to obtain a real rife machine? We know that some of his units at least had a good track record. ......................................365 Q. Some rife units in the United States are approved by the FDA. Are these machines better than the ones that arent approved? ...................................365 Rife SessionsGeneral Questions Pertinent to All Machines ..................................366 Q. How many frequencies should I use per session? .......................................366 Q. For how long should each frequency be administered? ...............................366 Q. How many days should I allow between sessions?......................................367 Q. After Im free of symptoms, for how long should I continue the sessions? .....367 Q. Can I rife after eating or drinking? .....367 Q. Should I wear special clothing for the sessions?......................................368 Q. What about wearing metal jewelry or glasses? .......................................368 Q. My unit is large and heavy. When I put it on a metal cart to wheel it from room to room, the display on the monitor becomes distorted. Is this a problem? ..368 Q. Do either I or the machine need to be in a special environment? What about lighting, temperature and moisture? ...368 Q. Is one time of day better than another to do sessions? ..............................368 Q. What can I expect to feel during a rife session? .......................................368
Q. Why do some people feel worse immediately after having a rife session, while other people feel better?...........369 Q. What is a Herxheimer reaction? .........370 Q. Whats the difference between a detox (Herxheimer or Herx) reaction from rifing and actually being sick? Both situations feel similar to me. .............370 Q. If a temporary irregular heartbeat is one possible consequence of microbial die-off, how can this be distinguished from the medical condition known as arrhythmia? .................................371 Q. I cannot rife as often as I need to, due to a Herxheimer response. How can I lessen or eliminate these detox reactions? .....371 Q. I have a serious wound that I want to treat. Is it okay to put an electrode directly on it? ...............................372 Q. With my electrode unit, do I have to feel the current in order to know that the machine is working? .......................372 Q. I heard that the metal used for the electrodes may sometimes get into the body, and that certain metals are safer than others. Is this true? If so, what can I do to minimize harm? ...................373 Q. Can I do other therapies along with the rife sessions?.................................373 Q. Do I need a special diet or nutritional support while rifing? ......................373 Q. Im doing many complementary therapies in addition to rife sessions. How do I know which therapy is really helping me? .................................373 Q. My partner is ill, and uses a radiant machine daily. I am concerned about the effects of the frequencies when my children and I are in the room. Will we be negatively affected? .....................374 Q. I had a bad cold, and was giving myself a session with a light tube device in the den. My daughter, who had a bad cold, too, and was in a room that shares an adjoining wall, insisted that she felt something when the unit was on. The next day, not only was my cold better, her cold was completely gone. Could the light really penetrate through a wall? .................374
2009 by Nenah Sylver, PhD - www.nenahsylver.com - For personal use only - This copy is not for sale!
2009 by Nenah Sylver, PhD - www.nenahsylver.com - For personal use only - This copy is not for sale!
Q. Is one frequency device better than another when treating cancer? ...........390 Q. Ive been using my frequency device faithfully twice a day since I was diagnosed with cancer. But my tumor seems to be growing larger, not smaller. And now I feel pain, when I didnt before. Why? ..391 Q. I have cancer. Despite rife sessions twice daily, my CEA levels are increasing, not decreasing. Is there reason to be concerned? ..................................391 Q. I have prostate cancer. Since Ive been giving myself rife sessions, my PSA count has gone up, not down. Why? Does this mean the sessions are making me worse? ........................................392 Q. Ive already had chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer. Can I still use rife technology? ..................392 Q. I have Lyme disease. Is there a special protocol I need to follow? ................393 Q. Is there a particular type of frequency device thats best for Lyme? .............396 Q. Is there a specific protocol for Candida? .....................................397 Q. Is there a specific protocol for parasites?.....................................399 Q. Rifing relieved pain I had for decades. If the frequencies are supposed to kill microbes, why would they work for pain?..................................... 400
Q. Are there any conditions that rifing cant help? .................................. 400 Updates on Rife Technology and Treatments....................................... 400 Q. How effective can the sessions be if the machine I am using wasnt built by Royal Rife himself? Is it possible to obtain an original Rife Ray? ......................... 400 Q. Are any of Rifes microscopes still in existence? And do they work? .......... 400 Q. If rife technology is so successful, why havent I heard about it? .................. 400 Q. Where can I find documentation of successful clinical trials showing that rife technology has cured illness? And where is this technology being used today? .......402 Q. Where can I find the devices you mention in this Handbook?...........................403 Q. Why dont you, the author, manufacture or sell frequency devices? .................403 Q. I am a health practitioner and want to use a frequency device in my office. What do I need to know? ................ 404 Q. How can I find out more about rife frequency technology?.................... 404
2009 by Nenah Sylver, PhD - www.nenahsylver.com - For personal use only - This copy is not for sale!
Some patients, though conscious that their condition is perilous, recover their health simply through their contentment with the goodness of the physician.
h ippocrates, Father oF M edicine greek physician (460400 Bc)
411 2009 by Nenah Sylver, PhD - www.nenahsylver.com - For personal use only - This copy is not for sale! 2009 by Nenah Sylver, PhD - www.nenahsylver.com
2009 by Nenah Sylver, PhD - www.nenahsylver.com - For personal use only - This copy is not for sale!
Slowly an apprehension of the intimate, usable power of God is growing among us, and a growing recognition of the only worthwhile application of that powerin the improvement of the world.
charlotte p erkins gilMan, united states writer , poet, lecturer , social critic and activist (18601935)
2009 by Nenah Sylver, PhD - www.nenahsylver.com - For personal use only - This copy is not for sale!
Note: Not every microbe and disease in Chapter 5 (the Frequency Directory) is included here, as Chapter 5 is in itself an annotated index. However, this index does contain all of the primary (overview) categories in Chapter 5, as well as many health conditions listed in sub-headings. For a complete directory of diseases, along with their frequencies, see Chapter 5.
1934 Rife clinic frequencies, 576 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), 220 650- and 660-nanometer wavelengths, 335 714X, 117
Acetaldehyde, 75, 397, 456457, 532 Acid-alkaline balance. See pH Acid/alkaline minerals in water, 136, 138139, 141 Acid reflux, 495 Acne, 578 Acrylamides, 223 ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone), 618 Activated charcoal, 398399 Acupressure, 280 Acupuncture, 280281 Adams, Mike, 38, 5758, 223 ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), 3940, 533 Addiction, drug (in children), 4243 Adenovirus, 551552, 592593 ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), 3940, 533 Adrenal glands ailments of and frequencies for, 497498 effect of caffeine on, 150 emotions and, 276278 function of, 497 sugar and, 197 Aerobic defined, 244245 exercise, 271 Aerobic exercise, 271 Agave syrup, 205207 AIDS/HIV, 257258, 599600 Air purification equipment, 647
Akre, Jane, 33 Alcohol alcoholism, overview and frequencies for, 532533 as cause of disease, 75 dangers of, 219 Rifes alcoholism, 99 Alexander Technique, 283 Alexander-Jackson, Eleanor, 116 Algae, 156 Alkaline water, 139, 141 Allergies and food intolerances, 485 raw milk and, 184185 to wheat, 193194 Aloe vera, 247, 441 Allopathic medicine attachment to, 61 defined, 4 place for, 4 vs. holistic medicine, 388 Alopecia, 505 Alloxan, 190, 212, 218219 Alternative healing. See Holistic healing/holistic medicine Alternative medicine organizations, 650651 Altman, Nathaniel, 245, 246, 252 Aluminum, dangers of, 134, 229 Alzheimers disease, aluminum and, 533 vitamin B12 and, 222 overview and frequencies for, 533 American Diabetes Association (ADA), 209 American Medical Association (AMA). See also Fishbein, Morris attack on ray devices, 9697 attack on Rife, 97
2009 by Nenah Sylver, PhD - www.nenahsylver.com - For personal use only - This copy is not for sale!
Babbitt, Edwin, 293 Babesia, 554 Bacillus typhus, experiments on, 84 Backster, Clive, 162 Bacteria (harmful). See also Friendly flora frequencies for, 424439 overview, 424, 425 Bagdikian, Ben, 36 Baking soda, for Simoncini cancer treatment, 451 Baldwin, Kate W., 294 Bare, James Bare-Rife frequency device developed by, 348 on immune response to rifing, 377 on medical casualties, 61 Understanding our Frequencies through Harmonic Associations, 383 rife video, 369, 384 Bare-Rife frequency device, 339, 348 (photo), 342, 343 BARF diet (Bio Active Raw Food), 225 Basal cell carcinoma, 454 Baths, salt and baking soda, 297 Batmanghelidj, Fereydoon, 147, 148, 198 Beam Rays Corp. instrument, compared to modern equipment, 365 history of use, 91, 96 operation of, 9295 photos of, 111, 112 Bchamp, Pierre Jacques Antoine vs. Pasteur, 6971 successors to, 7981 Becker, Robert O., 258260, 326 Bed wetting, 534 Bells Palsy, 545 BELS machine, 386 Bertoni, Eugenia Rebaud and Moiss Santiago, 211 Beverages and health drinks harmful, 150153 for moderate use, 153154 restorative, 154157 BGH. See rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone) Binder, Rolf, 678, 679 Biochemistry, food requirements and, 158160 Biomodulator. See Tennant Biomodulator Biopsies, dangers of, 1112, 447 Biotin (Vitamin B7), 178, 398, 457
2009 by Nenah Sylver, PhD - www.nenahsylver.com - For personal use only - This copy is not for sale!
BioWave 21 LCD and BioWave 77 contact pad devices (Medi Gen Technology), 654 Bipolar disorder, 534535 Bird flu, politics of, 586 Birds cage free, 173 cruelty in food industry, 166167 free range, 172173 pastured poultry, 174 Bisphenol-A (BPA), 145, 227 Black tea, 153154 Bladder infections frequencies for, 589590 overview, 588589 Blast It! (Nichols, ed.) 377 Blaylock, Russell, 19, 214217 The Blood and Its Third Anatomical Element (Bchamp), 70 Blood clots, rife session cautions with, 324 Blood plasma coconut water and, 507 pH of, 74 Blood sugar problems, frequencies for, 441442 overview, 440441 Blood-brain barrier, 214 Body-mind connection, 56, 233, 275278, 283284 Body-mind therapies, 647648 Bodywork basics of, 275278 chiropractic, 282283 craniosacral therapy, 281282 massage, 278279 myofascial release, 279280 Oriental energy modalities, 280281 Rubenfeld synergy, 283284 skin brushing, 284 Boehm, Charlene, 378379, 656 Bone, Kerry, 236 Bone and skeletal problems frequencies for, 443444 overview, 442443 Borna virus, 593 Boswellia serrata, 395, 481 Botulism, 484 BPA (bisphenol-A), 145, 227 Bragg, Patricia and Paul, 135, 143144 Brain ailments affecting and frequencies for, 542551 parasite, 558 Breast cancer diet and, 605 iodine deficiency and, 450, 605 overview and frequencies for, 450 Breast implants, rife session cautions with, 325 Breathing health and, 276 through ozonated oils, 252253 Breggin, Peter, 39 Brewers yeast, sensitivity to, 77 Bribes
of doctors by Big Pharma, 3032 of politicians, 2730 Bridges, Amelia C. estate of, 104 relationship to Rife, 82 Brix, 174175, 177 Bromelain, 53 Bronchial asthma, 533 Brown recluse spider bites, 516517 Budwig, Johanna, protocol, 448 Burdock root, 446 Bursitis, 514 BX/BY organisms, 8485, 450, 452
Caffeine negative effects of, 150152 in soft drinks, 153 Cage free, defined, 173 Caisse, Rene, 446 Calcium as bicarbonate buffer, 141 in dairy, 179, 183 pH balance and, 74 importance of, 140, 142 rife sessions and, 371 Vitamin D and, 286 Calculator for scalar conversion (Sutherland), 382 Cancer applying multiple frequencies to, 392 BX/BY organisms, 8485, 450, 452 Cancer As A Turning Point (LeShan), 375 The Cancer Cure that Worked (Lynes), 88 Essiac herbal formula for, 446447 frequencies for, 448455 frequency therapy and, 389393 normalizing tissue with colloidal silver, 258260 overview, 446449 ozone saunas and, 255 pathogens as studied by Olbrich, 119122 pleomorphism and, 8485 rife sessions following allopathic treatments, 392393 and Rife Ray clinical trials, 89, 91 session protocols for, 387389 theories about, 94 treatment room (photo), 110 treatment resources, 648 tumor response to frequencies, 391 World Without Cancer (Griffin), 25, 31
Candida albicans
coconut oil and, 188 in colon, 267 fermented foods and, 226 frequencies for, 456457 heavy metals and, 134 overview, 455457 protocols, 397399 and Simoncini treatment, 451 wheat and, 190, 191
2009 by Nenah Sylver, PhD - www.nenahsylver.com - For personal use only - This copy is not for sale!
frequencies for, 455462 overview, 455456, 458459 Canning foods, 227 Canola oil, dangers of, 188, 189 Cantwell, Alan, 116, 117, 118 Capacitance, defined, 339 Capillaries, blood and lymph, 271272 Carbohydrate intolerance, 194, 197198 , 200201 Carcinoma. See also Cancer defined, 452 virus, viewing of, 83 Cardiovascular system, exercise and, 271272. See also Heart Carpal tunnel syndrome, 541 Carrel, Alexis, 136 Casein, 184 Catabolic metabolic functions, 243 Catalase, 181 Cataracts, 285, 287, 477478 Cats diet for, 225 diseases of. See listings in Chapter 5 purring, 596597 Cats claw herb, 395, 563 Cattle, cruelty to, 167 Cavitations, 468469 CDs/DVDs, frequencies on, 337338 CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen), 391392 Cedar berries, 440 Celiac disease, 191 Cells Cell Wall Deficient Forms: Stealth Pathogens (Mattman), 117, 427 cell-wall-deficient bacteria, 394, 427 interconnectedness of, 59 Cellulitis, 463 Center(s) for Disease Control, truth about, 50 Cervix related conditions, 607 Chaparral herb, 395, 398, 455 Charcoal, activated, 398399 Chemical poisoning/detoxification, Environmental Health Center, Dallas, 298 frequencies for, 464466 overview, 463464 Chemical Sensitivity (Rea), 298 Chemicals disease-causing, 72 prevalence of, 297 toxicity of, 7172, 298 in vaccines, 14 Chemo therapy overview, 392393 survival rates, 451 Chemtrails, detoxing from, 465 Children, drugging addiction consequences, 4243 cover-up, 4041 electronic media as drug, 4344 parental action against, 4142 psychotropic drug effects, 3840
Clustered water, 139 Coconut oil, 188189 Coded frequency devices, 360 Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) heart conditions and, 507 for Lyme disease, 394 statin drugs and, 4950 Co-factors in supplements, 238239 Coffee, 150152 Colas. See Sodas, negative effects of Cold pasteurization/electronic pasteurization, 170 Cold plasma ozone method, 254 Cold pressed oils, 188 Colds, 568 Colic, 490 Colitis, 486, 535 Colloidal, defined, 261 Colloidal minerals. See Ions Colloidal silver (CS), 256267 argyria and toxicity propaganda, 262264
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for Candida, 398 contraindications, 260261 disabling microbes, 257258, 266 enhancing immunity, 258 external use, 265266 generators, 264265, 648 history of, 256257 inhalation of, 265 internal use, 265 for Lyme disease, 395 normalizing cancer tissue, 258260 producing, 261262 storing, 265 uses for, 259 Colon. See also Gastrointestinal tract problems cleansing, 267270 conditions of and frequencies for, 490492 laxatives and stool softeners, 269 overview, 489490 Color therapy. See Light and color therapy Comparet, Bertrand, 95 Complementary (alternative) therapies, list of, 127129 Conflicts of interest Big Pharma and, 2527 lawsuits and, 47 Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), 182 Conjunctivitis (pink eye), 478 Connective tissue cleavage planes, 280281 Constipation, 269, 484 Construction of frequency devices, 328331 Contact Reflex Analysis (CRA), 378 Conventional medicine. See Allopathic medicine Converge function (rife instruments), 361 Cookware, 229231 Coordinative Resonance Frequency (CRF), 383 Copper properties of, 142 melanin and, 288 Corn, foods containing, 206 Corona discharge ozone method, 253254 Corporations control of water resources, 625 dominance of, 624628 Cortisol, stress response and, 277 Cost of frequency devices, 341, 364365 Couche, James B., 9091, 93, 96 Cowden, Lee, 397 Coxsackie viruses, 593594 Crane, John frequency devices of, 99, 112 (photo), 115 meets Rife, 99 metal electrodes and, 333 persecution of, 114 Craniosacral Therapy (CST), 281282 Crime, food as solution to, 176 Crohns Disease eating habits and, 162 overview and frequencies for, 491 wheat and, 190, 191 Crook, William, 397 CS. See Colloidal silver (CS) Cullen, Ben, 88, 90 Current, electrical, 229, 339, 672 Cushings Syndrome (hyperadrenocorticism), 497498 Customer service for frequency devices, 340 Customized frequency programs, 362 Cylindrical electrodes, 334 Cystitis, 589
as dietary staple, 179185 insulin resistance and, 441 MSG in, 216 Dandelion, 563 Date sugar, 203 Death five stages of dying, 618619 trauma of, 616618 Decontamination of water, 133 Degenerative diseases, 4 Dehydration coffee and, 152 prevalence and effects of, 146147 Dengue Fever, 594595 Dental issues cavitations, 468469 frequencies for, 469473 meridian dental chart, 470 overview, 468469 root canals, 468469 Depression, 535536 Detoxification basics of, 238 of chemical poisoning, 463466 die-off symptoms (rife sessions), 369371 FIR saunas and, 297298 health and, 132 from heavy metals, 464, 465 Herxheimer reactions, 260, 370371 ozone saunas and, 254255 sauna therapy, 295298 Devices, medical, 7 Diabetes aspartame and, 209 overview and frequencies for, 440-442 thirst and, 198 Diamond, John, 378 Diarrhea, 484 Die-off basics, 75 therapeutic support for, 131132 Diet. See also Food natural diet resources, 650 rife sessions and, 373 Digestion enzymes for, 243 process of, 267, 482483 Digitalis latana (foxglove), 233 Diller, Irene Corey, 116 Dairy
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Ear problems drops, recipe for, 474 frequencies for, 474475 overview, 474 Eating attitudes about, 161162 disorders, 475476, 536 Ebola hemorrhagic fever, 595 Echinacea, 53, 236, 563, 568 Edema, 142, 148, 149, 525 Effect of Conscious Intention on Human DNA (Rein), 640 EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), 534, 647 Eggs farm industry and, 167 free range, 172173 how to eat, 177178 EHY-2000 electromagnetic/thermal field unit (Oncotherm), 402 Elecampane, 563 Electricity electric and magnetic fields, 668669 terms, defined, 339 Electrode (pad) rife units overview, 333334 pacemakers and, 322323 pregnancy and, 324 vs. radiant plasma light units, 345346 Electrodes footplates, cautions in using, 323324 placement of, 344 skin rashes from, 344345 types of, 334 Electrolytes. See also Ions basics, 135137 imbalance of, 144 importance in water, 144 Electrolytically isolated silver (EIS). See Colloidal silver (CS) Electromagnetic charge of atoms, 135136 Electromagnetic (EM) fields. See Electromagnetic (EM) fields, harmful; Electromagnetic (EM) fields in living systems; Electromagnetic (EM) spectrum, explained; Electromedicine; Far infrared (FIR) heat therapy; Light and color therapy Electromagnetic (EM) fields, harmful. causing disease, 72, 326, 671673 sensitivity during rifing, 325 Electromagnetic (EM) fields in living systems, 382, 671 Electromagnetic (EM) spectrum, explained, 666668 Electromed company, 402403
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Electromedicine. See also Far infrared (FIR) heat therapy; Light and color therapy devices (not rife), 649 electric and magnetic fields, 668669 electrical current, 675677 EM fields in living systems, 382, 671 EM spectrum explained, 666668 frequency/wavelength/amplitude, 668 history of, 666 lasers and LEDs, 335336, 679683 math and music, 670 oscillating magnetic fields, 677678 overview, 665666 pulsed magnetic fields, 670671, 678679 rife, overview, 673675 sound, 669, 684686 wave shapes, 669670 Electronic media, effects on health, 4344 EM+ Resonant Radiant Plasma Systems (Bruce K. Stenulson), 654 EMEM radiant plasma units, hand-built (individuals), 347 (photos) EMEM F-117 radiant plasma unit (TrueRife), 655 EMEM plasma devices, general information cancer and, 342, 343 emitting dual frequencies, 392 for Lyme, 396 photos, 347 sources of. See Frequency devices (rife), specific spark gap and RF in, 342343 voltage in, 339 Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), 534, 647 Emotions. See also Fight-or-flight response breathing and, 276 bodywork and, 283 disease and, 7577 emotional flexibility, 76 lymph system and, 278 physical touch and, 275276 suppression of, 76, 277 Emoto, Masaru, 147, 638639 Enderlein, Guenther, 7980, 507 Endobionts, defined, 79 Endometriosis, 607608 Energetic technology/therapy organizations, 650 Energy electrons and, 135136 in living systems, 671 Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis (Oschman), 5960, 135, 674 Enig, Mary on canola oil, 188, 189 cookbook, 222 on enzymes, 224, 243 on statins, 49, 50 Entrainment defined, 87, 362, 674 phenomenon, 637638 Environment for rifing, 368 Environmental Illness (EI), 463464 Enzymes fermented foods and, 226 to lessen detox reactions, 372 for inflammation, 481 in raw food, 224 supplementation of, 243244 Ephedra, FDA control of, 52, 55 Epilepsy, 547 Epsom salts, 520522 Epstein-Barr virus, 595596 Erasmus, Udo on fish oil content and temperature, 178 on snake oil, 56 on oil-processing facilities, 218 on chemical changes in heated oils, 223, 224 Ergonom microscopes, 117118, 359 (photos), 400, 652 Eskalith (lithium carbonate), 8 Essential oils basics, 232 for Candida, 398 inhalation therapy, 265 mouthwash recipes, 469, 471 toothpaste recipe, 472 Essiac herbal formula, 446447 Ethnicity, food requirements and, 158 Evening primrose oil, 53 Exercise aerobic and anaerobic, 271 amount of, 273275 anti-aging and, 273 anti-inflammatory effects, 272273 benefits of, 270271 fatigue from, 274 lymphatic system and, 271272 mindful exercise, 273 Exorphins, 193 External use of colloidal silver, 265266 Eye problems frequencies for, 477479 overview, 477 television and, 43
Fabric softener, dangers of, 296 Fabricated fats, 217218 Factory farmed food, 163168 Fads, defined, 158 Fake food. See also Artificial sweeteners basics of, 195 children and, 223 colon and, 268269 defined, 71 fabricated fats, 217218 food conditioners, 218219 preservatives/dyes/fragrances/flavorings, 214217 synthetic chemicals as food, 214218 Fallon, Sally on canola oil, 188, 189 cookbook, 222 on enzymes, 224, 243 on statins, 49, 50
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humanely raised, 174 irradiated, 170171 local, 172 naturally raised, 173 organic, 171 pastured poultry, 174 sustainable, 174 unsprayed, 172 vegetarian or grain fed, 173174 wildcrafted or wild, 171172 Food preparation methods canning, 227 cookware, 229231 fermentation, 226 frying, 223224 microwaving, 227229 raw foods, 224226 Foord, Alvin, 89, 97 Foot plates (rife machines) cautions in using, 323324 electrodes, defined, 334 Formula for converting high frequencies, 381 Fragrances in food, 214 Framingham Study, 507 Free glutamic acid (MSG), 215 Free radicals food conditioners and, 218219 hydrogen peroxide therapy and, 246 Free range, defined (food), 172173 Freibott, George, 252253 Frequencies applied through water, 334 bodily resistance to, 327328 for cancer, 389390 on CDs and DVDs, 337338 databases, 656 directory of. See Directory of frequencies drift of, 386 duration of, 328, 366367 formula for converting high, 381382 guidelines for choosing, 379381 higher vs. lower, 381 love as, 641643 method of action, 376377 normalizing/regulating/stimulating, 374 regenerative function of, 382383 resistance of microbes to, 385386 running multiple for cancer, 362363, 392 safety of, 383384 sources of, 377379 in vitro vs. in vivo effects of, 384 Frequency devices, general information basic construction of, 328331 building, 364 for cancer, 390391 combination units, 338 customer service/technical support, 340 ease of operation, 363364 electrode (pad) units, 333334
FAQs, 341404 FDA and, 365, 401, 404 frequency, defined, 85, 668 general sweep units, 336337 lasers, 335336 LEDs, 335336 manufacturers of, desirable qualities, 338341 older, 109 (photos), 110 (photo), 112 (photo) optimal features of, 327328 prevalence of, 123 pricing of, 341, 364365 radiant plasma light units, freestanding, 331332 radiant plasma light units, hand-held, 332333 second generation, 99, 112 (photo), 114115 Rife Beam Rays Corp. re-creation (photo), 354 Frequency devices (rife), specific BCX-411 computerized hand-held plasma tube unit (Harmonic Research), 349 (photo), 654 BioWave 21 LCD and BioWave 77 contact pad devices (Medi Gen Technology), 654 CRT Pro 6 hand-held plasma unit (Harmonic Research), 349 (photo), 654 EHY-2000 electromagnetic/thermal field unit (Oncotherm), 402 EM+ Resonant Radiant Plasma Systems (Bruce K. Stenulson), 654 EMEM radiant plasma units, hand-built (individuals), 347 (photos) EMEM F-117 radiant plasma unit (TrueRife), 655 F-Scan and F-Scan portable contact pad devices (Longevity Research), 352353 (photos), 380, 403, 654655 GB-4000 contact pad device (AAA Productions), 354 (photo), 655 P3 Pulsed Plasma devices (Pulsed Technologies), 350351 (photos), 655 PERL radiant plasma unit and ProGen (Resonant Light Technology Inc.), 348 (photos), 655 PET contact pad device (Electromed), 402403 PFG/Precision Function Generator and PFG2 for contact or radiant plasma devices (Pulsed Technologies), 350 (photos), 655 Frequency Specific Microcurrent, 649, 675676 Frequency/wavelength/amplitude, 668 FREX frequency database, 338, 656 Friendly flora, 183, 267268, 183, 455, 456 Frigidity, 606 Fructose, 20420Fruits as dietary staple, 186 heavily sprayed, 164 high-sugar fruit juice, 154 Frying foods, 223224 F-Scan, 352353 (photos), 380, 403, 654655 Full spectrum lighting, 290291 Fulvic acid, 146, 263 Function generators, 328 Fungi microzyma cycle and, 77 types of and frequencies for, 455462 Funneling ozone, 251
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Haefeli, Bruno, 80 Hair loss, 505 Hamer, Richard T., 90, 91, 96 Hand-held radiant plasma light units, 332333 Hard lasers, 336 Harlow, Harry, 276 Harmonics, 86, 94, 99, 329330, 332, 383 Hashimotos Disease, 502 Head injuries, 515 Headaches, overview and frequencies for, 505506 Healing response vs. disease crisis, 371 Health conditions affected by caffeine, 152 conditions and food requirements, 160 defining, 46 practitioners, frequency therapy and, 404 Heart arrhythmias, during rifing, 371 healing with, 638 Heart conditions B-vitamins and heart attacks, 507 co-enzyme Q10 and, 507 frequencies for, 508511 overview, 506507 with radiant plasma light units, 322323 and rifing, cautions with, 321323 thyroid hormone and, 507 Heartburn, 495 Heartworm, 555 Heavy metals Candida and, 399 in dental fillings and appliances, 469, 471 detoxing from, 465, 473474 distilled water intake and, 144 in water, 134 Heirloom food, 172 Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), 203, 257, 495 Hemochromatosis, 511 Hemorrhoids, 491492 Hepatitis, 522523 Herbal teas, 156157 Herbs basics of, 231236 FDA control of, 52 to induce sleep, 301 interaction with drugs/supplements, 5354 isolation of individual constituents, 233234
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rife session, cautions with, 324 safety of, 5258 wildcrafted or wild, 171172 Herpes viruses, 527, 597599 Hertel, Hans Ulrich, 228 Hertz (Hz) conversions, 337 Herxheimer reactions, 260, 370371 Heterocyclic amines (HCAs), 224 Hiatal hernia, 495496 The Hibernation Response (Whybrow and Bahr), 290 High fructose corn syrup (HFCS), 205 Hits, frequency, 380 HIV/AIDS, 257258, 599600 Hives, 579 Hodgkins disease, 452 The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy (Sylver), 72, 254, 298 Holistic healing/holistic medicine approach to, 6063 basis of, 60 vs. conventional medicine, 388 defined, 45 doctor support of, 620623 holistic living, 6062 vs. non-holistic, 5860 organizations, 650651 substitution vs. support, 58 Holman, Jimmie, Candida research by, 377, 397 defining sweep, 328 on duty cycle, 331 on gating, 361 on RF frequency devices, 323, 343 on sound cards, 338 Holograms, humans as, 635 Homogenization of milk, 184 Honey, 203204 Hoof and Mouth disease, 593 Hospice care, 617 resources, 652 Hospitals effectiveness of, 1012 iatrogenesis and, 1213 Hot flashes, 606 Hoyland, Philip Beam Ray instrument design, 9394 early rife machines and, 90, 91 high harmonic frequencies and, 332 photos of, 111, 112 Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), 602 Humane Methods of Livestock Slaughter Act (HMLSA), 166 Hydrangea, 563 Hydrogen peroxide therapy, 245247 Hydrogenation of fats, 217218 Hydrolyzed protein, 215216 Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), 255256 Hypericum perforatum. See St. Johns Wort Hypoglycemia, overview and frequencies for, 442 Hypoxemia, 512
Iatrogenesis iatrogenic infections, frequencies for, 512 prevalence of, 1213 IgG, 181 Illness, trauma of, 616618 Imagery in healing, 640641 Imbalances affecting health, 56 Immune function. See also Transfer factors enhancing with colloidal silver, 258 normalizing, frequencies for, 565566 response to wheat, 191192 stimulation, frequencies for, 566 supporting with supplements, 238 Immunoglobulin G (enzyme), 181 Immunoglobulins, 180 Implants and rife sessions, 324325 Impotence, 529, 606
defined, 20 vs. in vivo effects of frequencies, 384 In vivo, defined, 20 Inclined Bed Therapy (IBT), 301303 Inclusion Body Myositis (IBM), 513 Incontinence, 589 Indigestion, 489 Infections as cause of disease, 73, 75 injury and, 7273 non-specific, with frequencies, 513 Infectious mononucleosis, 595596 Infertility, 529, 607 Inflammation as cause of disease, 7273 overview, 513514 Influenza, 600601 Infrared wavelengths, 288 Inhalation of colloidal silver, 265 Inhalation of ozone through oils, 252253 Injecting ozone, 251252 Injections, dangers of, 1416 Injuries infection and, 7273 frequencies for, 514516 overview, 514 Inorganic minerals, 134135 Insect bites, overview and frequencies for, 516517 Insomnia remedies, 300301, 537 Insufflation, ozone, 251 Insulin resistance, 197 Intention, healing with, 639641. See also Prayer, power of Internal use of colloidal silver, 265 International Monetary Fund (IMF), 624 Internet support groups (rife), 656 Interstitial fluid, 271, 272, 281, 295 Intestinal flukes, 557 Iodine deficiency in ADD, 40
In vitro
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James, Walene, 4, 17, 633 Jaundice, 523 Johnson, Milbank banquet given by, 85 biographical details of, 89 death of, 98 photo of, 106 testing of Rife Ray and, 8990 Judgment vs. love, 642 Juices, vegetable, 154156 Junk food. See Fake food
Kava kava, 54 Kelley, William Donald, 448 Kellogg, John Harvey, 248, 284285, 297, 684 Kelp, to eliminate argyria, 263 Kendall, Arthur Isaac dissociation from Rife, 97 K-medium and, 84 photo of, 106 pleomorphism and, 84 Kidneys ailments, frequencies for, 590591 effect of caffeine on, 150 overview, 588589 Kment, A., 240
Laetrile, 186, 447 Lai, Henry, 677678 Lactase, 181 Lactoferrin, 180 Lactoperoxidase, 181 Lactose, 182 Lakhovsky, Georges, 337 Lasers. See also LEDs Lazr Pulsr 4X (LED Healing Light Inc.), 355 (photos), 649, 680681 theory behind, 335337, 679683
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Long distance healing, 636 Longitudinal (scalar) waves, 87, 382383 A Look At the Frequencies of Rife-related Plasma Emission Devices (Boehm), 378379 Love omni-love, 642 soft love, 641 as resonance, 641643 tough love, 642 Low-Intensity Laser Therapy (LILT), 680681 Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), 336 Loyd, Richard on eliminating fibrin with frequencies, 353 on EMEM devices without spark gaps, 343 foreword, xvxvi on mold and Lyme toxins, 458459 Underappreciated Amino Acids, 464 on using two units simultaneously to treat cancer, 392 Lungs. See also Respiratory tract, ailments of and frequencies for cancer, 453 Lupus erythematosus, 524 Lyme disease Lyme Disease and Rife Machines (Rosner), 393 mold toxins and, 458459 overview and frequencies for, 427-428 protocols for, 393397 terrain and, 77 The Top 10 Lyme Disease Treatments (Rosner), 393 Lymphatic system ailments of and frequencies for, 525526 exercise and, 271272 lymph nodes, 272 massage and, 279 overview, 524525 tension and, 278 water and, 148 Lymphoma, non-Hodgkins, 453 Lynes, Barry, 22, 98 Lysozyme, 181
Macfadden, Bernarr, 284, 288 Macular degeneration, 479 Magnesium as bicarbonate buffer, 141 for Candida, 398 deficiency, general, 179 deficiency in ADD, 40 for heart disease, 140, 506507 interactions with medications, 54 for Lyme disease, 394 in raw dairy, 183 rife sessions and, 371 Maharishi International University, 637 Malabsorption syndrome, 489 Malaria, 526, 677678 Mandala, defined, 304 Manganese as essential mineral, 142 rife sessions and, 371
Manic depression, 534535 Mannitol, 208 MANTRA study, 635636 Manufacturers of frequency devices desirable qualities, 338341 contact information, 654655 Maple syrup, 203 Marijuana, dangers of, 219 Marsh, John. See also AZ-58 frequency devices of, 99, 112 (photo) meets Rife, 99 metal electrodes and, 333 Marshall Protocol for Lyme disease, 395 Massage, 278279 Math and music (electromedicine), 670 Mattman, Lida, 117, 427, 533, 545 Mattresses, natural fiber, 301 McCabe, Ed, 246, 247, 249 McCraty, Rollin, 639641 McInturff, Brian, 338, 372, 378, 656 McMakin, Carolyn, 649, 676 Measles, 603 Media as a drug, 4344 politics of, 3538 The Media Monopoly (Bagdikian), 36 Medicine medical devices. See Devices, medical medical journals, drug industry ties to, 37 medical licensing, 660 medical terms, 45, 421 Meditation, 304307, 636638 Melanin, defined, 288 Melanoma, 453 Melatonin, 289, 290, 293, 300 Memory in frequency devices, 328 Men ailments of and frequencies for, 527531 Menstruation/menopause, 605606 Mental illness, lithium and, 8 Mercury blood sugar levels and, 440 dangers of, 469 detoxing from, 465 nervous system and, 134 oat tops tea and, 134 Meridians, acupuncture, 280281 Metabolic enzymes, 243 Metabolic functions, 243 Metabolic typing, 158160 Metals in electrodes, 373 implants, rife sessions and, 324325 Methylsulphonylmethane. See MSM (methylsulphonylmethane) Microbes. See also Pathogens anaerobic, 244245 determining for specific conditions, 379380 disabling with colloidal silver, 257258, 266 fed by high-sugar juices, 154 illumination of by Rife, 8283
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Naessens, Gaston, 117 Nanoscope, 400 Nanotechnology, 258 Nasal conditions, 570571 The National Demonstration Project to Reduce Violent Crime, 637 Natural Detoxification (Krohn et al.), 72 Natural diet organizations, 650 Natural Hygiene movement, 267 Natural Stress Relief, 306 Naturally raised food, 173 Nausea, 489 Neel, William D., 248 Neem, 440 Nelson, Dave, 347 (photo) Nenahs warming spice drink, 157 Nerves, mercury toxicity and, 134 Nervous system ailments of and frequencies for, 545551 overview, 544545 sympathetic vs. parasympathetic, 546 Neuromuscular Therapy, 279 Neurosis, 537 Nichols, Carol, 377 Nicolson, Garth and Nancy, 481, 504505 Nieper, Hans, 8 Nightingale, Florence, 79 Nightshade vegetables, 185, 193 Nisin, 180
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Noble gases, 332 Normalizing/regulating/stimulating frequencies, 374 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 624 Norwalk virus, 487, 602
222 Null, Gary, et al., Death by Medicine, 11-13, 22, 42, 4446, 617 Nursing, rife session cautions and, 324 Nutrasweet. See Aspartame Nutritional supplements. See Supplements, nutritional Nutrition balance in diet, 161 deficiencies and disease, 71 support for rife sessions, 372, 372, 373 Nuts and seeds, as dietary staple, 186
Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats (Fallon and Enig),
Oat tops for nerve repair, 134 Obesity hormone (leptin), 198199 Obesity/overweight conditions frequencies for, 551552 overview, 551 Off-label use of drugs, 2425 The Oiling of America (Fallon and Enig), 188 Oil pulling/oil swishing, 469 Oils. See also Essential oils basics of, 186, 188190 breathing ozone through, 252253 frying with, 223224 ozonated olive oil salve, 253 Olbrich, Kurt. See also Ergonom microscopes background and work of, 117118 cancer studies of, 119122 Sanguinogramm, 119122 Olive leaf, 563 Omega 3 fats benefits of, 535 blood pressure and, 590 eggs and, 178 Omega 6 fats and, 174 processing of, 189190 sources of, 217, 535 Omega 6 fats in farm-raised fish, 168 grain-fed animals and, 174 Omega 3 fats and, 174 in raw milk, 182 sources of, 217 Omni-love, 642 Oncotherm company, 402 ONDAMED system, 649, 678679 Open pollinated produce, 172 Organic defined, 135 foods, 171 Oriental energy modalities, 280281 Oschman, James L., 5960, 135, 674 Oscillating magnetic fields, 677678
Oscillation rate, defined, 85. See also Mortal Oscillatory Rate (MOR) Ott, John, 290292 Overdoses, accidental drug, 7 Oxalic acid, 75 Oxygen/oxygen therapies hydrogen peroxide, 245247 hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), 255256 insufficiency and disease, 71 Oxygen Healing Therapies (Altman), 245 ozone. See Ozone/ozone therapy percentage in atmosphere, 244 Ozone/ozone therapy breathing through oils, 252253 for Candida, 398 dispelling negativity about, 248249 funneling and limb bagging, 251 history of, 247248 how it works, 247, 249251 immunosuppressive effects of, 250 injecting, 251252 insufflation, 251 oxygen supplements, 253 ozonated drinking water, 251 ozonated olive oil salve, 253 ozone generators, 253254 ozone saunas, 254255 purifying pools/hot tubs, 253 resources, for equipment, 647, 653
Pacemakers, rife sessions and, 321323 Paclitaxel, 9, 22 Pads, wet, 334 Pain dehydration and, 147 exercise and, 274 herbs and, 233234 Inclined Bed Therapy and, 302303 massage and, 279 meditation and, 305 overview and frequencies for, 552 relief with rifing, 400 Palmer, B.J. and D.D., 282 Pancreas gland ailments of and frequencies for, 498 pancreatic cancer, 454 pancreatic flukes, 556 sugar and, 197 Panic attacks, 498. See also Fight-or-flight response Pantothenic acid (B5), 398, 457 Parasites in gastrointestinal tract, 487 overview, 553, 554 protocols for, 399400 frequencies for, 553562 Parasympathetic vs. sympathetic nervous system, 546 Parathyroid gland, ailments of and frequencies for, 498499 Parkinsons disease, 549
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Physicians Desk Reference (PDR), 79, 22, 38, 4041 phytotherapy phytotherapist, defined, 232 Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy (Mills and Bone), 232 Pigs cruelty in food industry, 167 dangers of eating, 177 Pineal gland function, 289, 499 disorders of and frequencies for, 499 Pinworms, 492 Pituitary gland disorders of and frequencies for, 499 function, 499 Placebo effect, 2223, 396 Plants, feelings of, 162163 Plasma light units. See Radiant plasma light units, general information Plasma, unique properties of, 332 Plastic water bottles, 145 Pleomorphism basic theory of, 7071 Enderlein and, 7980 as global phenomenon, 98 medical community non-acceptance of, 9899 modern era of, 115118 Rifes understanding of, 84 as studied by Olbrich, 119122 Pneumocystis carinii, 559 Pneumonia, 568569 Poisons in water, 45 46, 133 Polio, 549 Politics of food, 627 political action resources, 653 political climate of the world, 623631 Politics of medicine. See also Pharmaceutical industry children and. See Children, drugging clinical trials and. See Clinical trials defining health, 46 doctors and, 18 drug approval process, 25 drug damage, 69 drug effectiveness, 910 drug iatrogenesis, 1213 drug preparation, 10 FDA and pharmaceutical industry, 2527 fictitious diseases, 50 flu and, 29 holistic healing, 5860 holistic life, 6063 hospital procedures, 1012 iatrogenic disease, 1213 marketing and, 3538 pharmacists and, 28 price gouging, 26, 28 vaccines and. See Vaccines Polyols (sugars), 207208
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Polyunsaturated fatty acids, 287 Pork cruelty in food industry, 167 dangers of eating, 177 Potassium as bicarbonate buffer, 141 rife sessions and, 371 Poultry as dietary staple, 177 free range, 172173 grain fed/vegetarian fed, 174175 pastured, 174 Power elite, 623624, 630631 Prayer, power of, 635636 Precision Function Generator (PFG), 350351 (photos), 655 Pregnancy, rife session cautions with, 324 Premarin, 10 Preservatives/dyes/fragrances/flavorings, 214217 Pressman, Saul on ozone and cancer, 255 on ozones properties, 247, 251 on ozone, immunosuppressive effects of, 250 on the politics of ozone, 252 Price, Weston A., 219, 221223 Pricing of drugs, 26, 28 Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy (Mills and Bone), 232 Prions, 563 Probiotics, 398. See also Friendly flora Proctitis, 492 Propaganda, 628629 Prostate cancer, 392, 454 conditions, 528529 Proteolytic enzymes, 244 Protozoa, overview and frequencies for, 553562 Prozac lawsuit against, 41 in PDR, 89 side effects, 89 suicide and, 39, 4142 violence and, 3839 PSA (prostate-specific antigen), 392 Psoriasis, 581 Psych-K, 641 Psychosomatic illness, defined, 77 Psychosomatic pain, 538 Psychotropic drugs effects on children, 3840, 47 parental action against, 4142 PTFE (polytetraflouroethylene), 229 Pulsed magnetic fields, 670671, 678679 Pulsing function (rife devices), 362
Rabies overview, 601602 vaccine, dangers of, 1516 Radiant plasma light units, general information. See also Frequency devices (rife), specific freestanding, advantages/disadvantages of, 331332 hand-held, advantages/disadvantages of, 332333 heart conditions and, 322323 overview, 331333 pregnancy and, 324 vs. electrode (pad) units, 345346 with radio frequency, 323 Radiation safety of, 229 therapy, 392393 Radio frequencies (RF) emitters, 334 fundamentals of, 342344 negative effects of some RF signals, 342344 pacemakers and, 322323 pregnancy and, 324 in radiant plasma light units, 323 Radiolysis, 227 Rapadura, 203 Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, 39, 299 Rauwolfia serpentina, 233 Raw foods among indigenous peoples, 222 basics of, 224226 vs. cooked, 226 raw dairy products, 179185 raw eggs, 178 rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone) approval process for, 3233 in dairy industry, 167, 179 Rea, William, 298 Recreational drugs, 219 Red meat as dietary staple, 177 Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), 542, 550 Regeneration and healing, frequencies for, 374, 382383, 564566 Reich, Wilhelm, 80, 631, 633 Rein, Glen, 639641 Religion, 616 REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, 39, 299 Resistance bodily resistance to frequencies, 327328 electrical resistance, defined, 339 microbial resistance to frequencies, 385386 Resonant frequency, defined, 85 Resonant Light Technology, 342, 348 (photos), 655, 674675 Respiratory tract, ailments of and frequencies for, 567575 Rest, 303304 Reverse osmosis (RO) water, 137 RF. See Radio frequencies (RF) Rife machines. See Frequency devices, general information; Frequency devices (rife), specific
Quackwatch tactics, 5556 Qigong, 281 Quantum physics, 634635
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SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), 289291 Safety of frequencies, 383384 of Rife technology, 396 Salmonella, 487 Salt and baking soda bath, 297 real salt, 149 salt/Vitamin C protocol, 372, 395396 Sanitation, health and, 13 Sarcoma, defined, 454. See also Cancer SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), 569570 Saturated fats, 217218 Sauna far infrared (FIR), 297298, 684 The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy (Sylver), 72, 254, 298 ozone, 254255 Saunex FIR, source, 657 steam, 254 therapy, 295298 Saunex far infrared sauna, source, 657 Sawtooth waves, 329330, 383 Scalar (octave) conversion calculator (Sutherland), 382 Scalar (longitudinal) waves, 87, 382383 Scar tissue in muscles, 274 Scarlet Fever, 574 Schizophrenia, 538 Schmeiser, Percy, 626 Schultz, Richard, 55, 239 Schulz, Mona Lisa, 277 Seafood, safety of, 178179 Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), 289291 Seaweeds, 156 The Secret Life of Plants (Tompkins and Bird), 162 Seeds genetically engineered, 626627 genetically engineered, frequencies for, 496 and nuts, as dietary staple, 186 Seibert, Florence, 116117 Seigel, Bernie, 23 Selenium for argyria, 263 importance of, 142 rife sessions and, 371 Self-empowerment, 6263, 643644 Serotonin, 6, 220 Sessions, rife. See Rife sessions Sheep sorrel herb, 446 Shigella, 436
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Shingles, 550 Sick building syndrome, 461 Sickle cell anemia, 507508 Side effects of aspartame, 3335, 208210 of Azidothymidine (AZT), 9 of drugs, 69 of Eskalith, 8 of isolating active ingredients, 233234 of Paclitaxel, 9, 22 of Prozac, 89 of statin drugs, 4852 of tetracycline, 9 of Valium, 8 of Vioxx, 48 Signals bodily resistance to, 327328 penetration in body, 329330 Simoncini baking soda treatment (cancer), 451 Sine waves effect on cells, 382 fundamentals of, 329330 Rife Ray and, 86 Single-color therapy, 291295 Singlet oxygen, 246, 249. See also Ozone/ozone therapy Sinus conditions, frequencies for, 571572 overview, 570571 ozone and, 251 Skin brushing, 284 cancer of, 285, 287, 454 disorders of and frequencies for, 577582 importance of touch, 275276 rashes from electrodes, 344345 tags, 582 Skunk odor, removing, 266 Slaughtering techniques, 166 Sleep darkness and, 300 deficits, and disease, 71 deprivation, 299300 food/supplements to induce, 300301 herbs to induce, 301 Inclined Bed Therapy (IBT), 301303 mattresses and, 301 Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, 39, 299 sleep apnea, 582 sleeping sickness, 562 Slippery elm bark, 235, 269, 446 Small intestine ailments, 492494 Smallpox, 603 Snake oil, vindication of, 56 Sodas, negative effects of, 152153 Sodium. See also Salt as bicarbonate buffer, 141 rife sessions and, 371 Soft love, 641 Soft lasers, 336, 681682 Soil, depletion and supplements, 237 Solanine (alkaloid), 185
Somatids, defined, 117 Sorbitol, 195, 207208 Sound frequencies, 669 healing with, 684686 Soy dangers of, 186187 as mycoplasma food, 433 Spark gap (rife devices), 342343, 386 Spectro-Chrome Color Therapy, 293295 Spinal taps, dangers of, 12 Spirituality, 616, 643644 Spleen conditions, 526, 574, 583 Splenda, 210211 Squamous cell carcinoma, 454 Square waves, 329330, 381383, 670 St. Johns Wort (Hypericum perforatum), 54, 220, 233234 Stafford, Robert P., 94, 99, 114, 376 Standard of care, 661 Staphylococcus, 487488 Staples, dietary dairy, 179185 eggs, 177178 fats and oils, 186, 188190 fish and seafood, 178179 fruits, 186 grains, 190195 legumes, 186 poultry, 177 red meat, 177 seeds and nuts, 186 vegetables, 185186 Statin drugs, case against, 4852 Statistics, manipulation of, 1314 Stents, session cautions with, 325 Stenulson, Bruce, 342343, 654 Stepping down higher frequencies, 381 Stevia herb, 211214 Stimulating frequencies, 374 Stomach and esophagus ailments and frequencies for, 494496 Stone, Randolph, 5 Stool softeners, 269 The Story of Ozone (Pressman), 247 Strep throat, 574 Stroke, 510 Structural isomerism, 227 Sub harmonics, 383 Subluxation, defined, 282 Substitution vs. support (drugs/supplements), 58 Sucanat, 203 Sucralose, 210211 Sucrose (table sugar), 202 Sugars. See Sweeteners Suicide antidepressants and, 42, 62 Paxil and, 47 Prozac and, 39, 4142 Sun sunburn/skin cancer/cataracts, 287 therapeutic value of, 284288
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Tamiflu vaccine, 29, 586 Tapeworm, 560561 Taps (spinal), dangers of, 12 Technical support (frequency devices), 340 Teeth. See Dental issues Teflon, 229231 Television, effects on health, 4344 Telomeres, 273 Tendon tears, 516 Tennant, Jerry, 483, 676677 Tennant Biomodulator, 358 (photos), 649, 676677 TENS units, 322, 365, 675 Terminal illness, 619621 Terrain healing of, 7779 microbes and, 118 Tesla, Nikola cold plasma ozone method, 254 ozonated olive oil and, 253 Tests. See also Clinical trials medical, dangers of, 1112 Tetracycline, 9 Texturized vegetable protein (TVP), 216 Therapies, complementary (alternative), list of, 127129 Thie, John, 378 Third eye, 289 Thirst, diabetes and, 198 Thompson, Verne, 84, 90, 9596, 99 Thompson-Liu, Kae, 684685 Thorp, Clark E., 248249 Threadworms, 488, 560 Throat conditions frequencies for, 572575 overview, 572 Thymus gland ailments of and frequencies for, 499500 function, 526 Thyroid gland disorders of and frequencies for, 500504 overview and function, 500 thyroid hormone and heart conditions, 507 Tigchelaar, Michael, 331, 400 Time of day for eating, 161 Timing/regularity of rife sessions, 367 Tinnitus, 475 Toothpaste recipe, 474 The Top 10 Lyme Disease Treatments (Rosner), 393 Touch importance of, 275276 Touch for Health (Thie), 378 Touching: The Human Significance of the Skin (Montagu), 275 Tough love, 642 Toxicity of chemicals, 7172 colloidal silver, propagandized, 262264 of drugs, 78 electromagnetic, 72
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elimination through saunas, 297 mold toxins and Lyme, 458459 toxic bodily response, 75 toxins, defined, 7, 71 Toxoplasmosis, 560 Trace minerals, 146, 149, 182, 242, 372 Trans fats (transformed fats), 217218 Transcendental Meditation (TM), 304306, 636638 Transfer factors definition, 327, 424, 605 for Lyme, 394 source of, 653 Triangular waves, 329330, 382 Trichinosis, 560561 Trigger Point Therapy, 279 Truman, Stanley, 400, 656 The Truth About the Drug Companies (Angell), 26, 30 Tryptophan, 300301 Tube units (rife devices), 332333 Tuberculosis overview and frequencies for, 492, 585586 Rifes experience with, 9091 Tumors, benign, frequencies for, 587588 Turkey rhubarb root, 446 TV, effects on health, 4344 sanitation and, 13 vaccination resource organizations, 657 vaccine alternatives, 19 vaccine facts, 15 Vaginal infections frequencies for, 609611 overview, 608609 Valerian, 54 Valium, 8 Van Beveren, A., 1415, 17, 643644 Vascular Autonomic Signal (VAS), 380 Vegetables as dietary staple, 185186 goitrogenous, 185, 500 heavily sprayed, 164 juicing, 154156 nightshade, 185, 193 Vegetarian fed animals, 173174 Vegetarianism and pregnancy, 222 Vertigo, 592 VIBE machine, 386 Villi, damage to, 191 Vinegar, 226 Vioxx, 4748 Virchow, Rudolph, 79 Viruses altered, and disease, 1619 cancer virus and pleomorphism, 8485 carcinoma virus, viewing of, 83 overview and frequencies for, 592604 Vitamin A, 222, 239 Vitamin B5. See Pantothenic acid (B5) Vitamin B6, 202, 222 Vitamin B7. See Biotin (B7) Vitamin B12 absorption, 243 Alzheimers and, 222 analogues, 156, 187 friendly flora and, 268 in milk, 182 in vegetarian diets, 222 Vitamin B17 (amygdalin). See Laetrile Vitamin B-complex to eliminate argyria, 263 heart attacks and, 507 Vitamin C for argyria, 263 blood vessels and, 507 complex, 238, 239 Herxheimer reactions and, 372 and salt protocol, 372, 395396 sugar and, 196 Vitamin D bone formation and, 242 calcium assimilation and, 184 cancer and, 448 Marshall Protocol and, 395 parathyroid and, 499 sunlight and, 286 vs. Vitamin F, 287
Ulcers, 494, 538 ,588 Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from plasma units, 341 Ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths, 284288, 673 Unified Field, 637, 642 Universal Microscope basics of, xix, 8285 photos of, iv, 101 reception by scientific community, 85 specimens as seen through, 102 (photos) Universal solvent, water as, 132 Universities, pharmaceutical industry and, 3032 Unsprayed produce, 172 Upledger, John E., 281 Urethritis, 589590 Uric acid and disease, 75, 504 Urinary tract conditions and frequencies for, 588591 Uzzell, Ken, on fascial response to rifing, 344, 377 on hits while rifing, 368369 on Inclined Bed Therapy, 302303 inventor of FREX, 338
Vaccines bodily waste in, 14 dangerous ingredients of, 14 dangers of altered viruses, 1619 dangers of injections, 1416 doctors and, 18 as foreign substances, 78 frequency for reactions to, 466 liability protection, 16
2009 by Nenah Sylver, PhD - www.nenahsylver.com - For personal use only - This copy is not for sale!
Wade, Gary, 91, 447 Walker, Norman, 269 Walker, Peter, 359, 389390, 402, 656 Warburg, Otto, 447 Warranties on frequency devices, 340 Water alkaline, 141 clinical trials and, 23 consuming with rife sessions, 131, 321, 325 corporate control of, 625 decontamination, 133 distillation, 139146 drugs in drinking water, 4546 filtering, 137 frequencies applied through, 334 hard vs. soft, 140, 142145 heavy metals in, 134 ionization of, 137139 mineral restoration in, 146 minerals and, 133137 ozonated drinking water, 251 plastic bottles, 145 quantity to drink, 146148 salt and, 149 sources of, 132133 structure of, changing, 147, 638639 summary, 148149 treatment with ozone, 248 unique properties of, 132 water-soluble vitamins, 242 Willard water, 146, 265 Wave shapes/forms, 329331, 383, 669670 Wavelengths. See also Electromagnetic (EM) spectrum, explained; Electromedicine; Far infrared (FIR) heat therapy; Light and color therapy 660-nanometer, 335 defined, 668 of lasers and LEDs, 335337, 679683 negative effects of selected (RF), 344
X-rays dangers of, 12 plasma light tube and, 342 Xylitol and sugar alcohols, 207208
Yale, Arthur W. 90, 96 Yeast in gastrointestinal tract, 483484 infection (vaginal), 611 microzyma cycle and, 77 types of, with frequencies, 455462 Yellow Fever, 596597 Your Body Doesnt Lie (Diamond), 378 Your Bodys Many Cries for Water (Batmanghelidj), 147, 198
Zinc importance of, 142 interactions with medicine, 54 rife sessions and, 342 Zonulin protein, 191
2009 by Nenah Sylver, PhD - www.nenahsylver.com - For personal use only - This copy is not for sale!