Hussmann Cass

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Martlet questionnaire

cass hussmann
for Director at Large
At whAt point did you become interested in politics? whAt mAde you decide to run? After four years studying at UVic under the tyrannical rule of a few UVSS groups that claim to represent all UVic students I have become tired of the voices of science, math and engineering students being ignored. would you consider pursuing politics beyond the scope of A university setting? No I see too many problems with how we are run internally right now to try and change the world. which federAl politicAl pArty do your support/ feel most closely reflects your politics? UVic is not Canada, we do not have the same problems nor scale. If you want my political views lets leave it at fair representation. hAve you ever been to A boArd meeting? Yes and I was quite insulted by the behaviour of some members at the meeting. whAt is your position on uvics smoking policy thAt bAns smoking inside ring roAd? I am all for it. whAt is victoriAs first trAnsit priority? More buses up into the Gordon head area, a lot of students are beginning to live up there and the current bus infrastructure is just not sufficient. whAt do you plAn on doing After grAduAtion And whAt kind of skills do you hope to Acquire on the uvss boArd? I am nearing the end of my degree in Computer Engineering with a number of specializations, I am not looking to join the UVSS board to acquire skills or make my resume look better and I hope there are no candidates running for this reason. if you were to creAte Any course At uvic, whAt would it be And why? Cooking on a budget. Everyone needs to learn how to cook, this should be mandatory. whAt is the best coffee on cAmpus? Nibbles and Bytes, 4 cups a day keeps the doctor away.

If you want my political views, lets leave it at fair representation. Cass Hussmann Director at Large Candidate
At the boArd level, whAt chAnges cAn be mAde to increAse the uvss visibility on cAmpus, such As voter turnout, pArticipAtion, etc? Faculty representation.

mArtlet February 20, 2012

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