Geddert Joel
Geddert Joel
Geddert Joel
Joel geddert
for Director at Large
At whAt point did you become interested in politics? whAt mAde you decide to run? As someone who follows politics, I find this question insulting as it equates real politics with UVSS drama. That said, I became interested in the UVSS when I found out in first year that not only does the UVSS have partisan elections, but theyre an even bigger joke than I expected. This year, I decided to run to prove a point. If I can start a discussion on what needs to be done to make the UVSS less of a joke, I will consider that a success. would you consider pursuing politics beyond the scope of A university setting? I certainly could consider it. However, as someone who speaks my mind and sometimes disregards political correctness, I dont think I would be very successful. which federAl politicAl pArty do your support/ feel most closely reflects your politics? In the case of this student election, the Bloc Quebecois. Engineering is sort of a distinct society within UVic, and were tired of not being represented in matters that affect us. hAve you ever been to A boArd meeting? While I have not been to a UVSS board meeting, I have been actively involved in the ESS for the past year. whAt is your position on uvics smoking policy thAt bAns smoking inside ring roAd? As someone who spends 8-12 hours a day in the ELW, this policy barely affects me; I will leave commentary on this policy to those who actually have free time to spend in the quad. whAt is victoriAs first trAnsit priority? I take the #4 to school every day. Thanks to full buses, if I show up to my stop any time between 7:55 and 8:20 I will usually be 5 minutes late to my 8:30 class. This problem is exacerbated by bus drivers who just dont care, leading to buses running early or full buses that arent actually full. Ive even seen a driver acknowledge someone running up to the bus as the doors were closing, but drive away and say thats the second one today. At the boArd level, whAt chAnges cAn be mAde to increAse the uvss visibility on cAmpus, such As voter turnout, pArticipAtion, etc? People dont take the UVSS seriously because the it doesnt take itself seriously. End the high-school-drama politics. As long as people try to win by disqualifying their opponents, its no wonder students avoid wanting to be involved in the UVSS. whAt do you plAn on doing After grAduAtion And whAt kind of skills do you hope to Acquire on the uvss boArd? I may want to start a company someday, and as such, I could certainly use some experience learning how to deal with irrational people. if you were to creAte Any course At uvic, whAt would it be And why? MUS 1987: Keytar studies. As someone who lived through nearly 2 years of the 80s, I cant believe the faculty of music has continued to neglect such an important part of our musical history. I have now taken 2 music
I take the #4 to school every day. Thanks to full buses, if I show up to my stop anytime between 7:55 and 8:20 I will usually be 5 minutes late to my 8:30 class. Joel Geddert Director at Large Candidate
courses, and sadly only one of them had an in-class keytar demo. Hence, a class on this would be great! whAt is the best coffee on cAmpus? Definitely the Kicking Horse coffee at the Munchie Bar. Too bad its so far from the ELW.