The Rifter Guide Solo PVP

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This guide was written by the Eve Online player Wensley. The cover design is by Helicity Boson. If you would like to express your gratitude then all ISK donations are gratefully accepted. Thanks to Roc Wieler, Escoce, Nursultan, Man Barthelme, Oshi Daro, Kirith Darkblade, Pajama Sam, Avan Sercedos, and all The Tuskers for proof reading and feedback. Also thanks go to Selene D'Celeste of Eve Online Hold'Em for sponsoring this edition of the guide. Final and special thanks to all the people who got in touch to say how much they appreciated the last version of this guide. I hope you like this update, too. Please direct any comments and feedback to

The Rifter Guide: Solo PvP by Wensley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England and Wales License.

The Rifter Guide: Solo PvP

The Rifter is the workhorse of the Minmatar fleet and probably the toughest frigate in Eve. It's the ideal ship for the rookie PvP pilot to learn his or her trade in and hopefully this guide will go some way to getting you out in your Rifter and looking for targets. This guide is based upon my own experiences in the Rifter after reading other guides and getting out there and giving it a go. I lost plenty of ships in the learning process but as I learned what I was doing I killed more and lost less. I hope it will give you all the information you need to head out and start having your own adventures. You don't need to have a lot of skill points to enjoy PvP in Eve, whatever people tell you, just a desire to go out there and have fun. I should probably warn people that this guide is written from the perspective of a lowsec pirate but all of the information contained in here should apply equally wherever and whoever you want to fight.

An Introduction To Combat In Eve

The Mechanics of New Eden
If there is one thing that Eve is most certainly not, it's a space simulator. The game's physics are designed specifically for a point and click multiplayer game and not to emulate real space physics. Your ship will behave much more like a submarine than a spaceship. For this reason Eve is sometimes referred to as underwater spaceships. By underwater spaceships I mean that the Eve universe uses a fluid mechanics model and empty space has a certain amount of friction that affects the way things handle. Your ship is controlled by either double clicking in space to point it in a certain direction or using the onboard computer's approach, orbit, and keep at range commands. Manual piloting is a skill that takes some practice but has huge rewards in the long run.

Getting Around and Keeping People In Place

I've already mentioned that motion in New Eden is more like submarines than space shuttles. All ships in Eve have a given mass and agility. Because they are in a fluid medium, every ship has a maximum speed that depends upon its mass. As you add mass to a ship, you slow it down and also decrease its acceleration. Likewise your ship's agility affects its ability to change direction and will affect things such as how tightly you can orbit an object. Afterburners and microwarpdrives are modules that you can add to your ship to improve its maximum speed. Afterburners provide an extra speed boost of approximately 150% to your ship at very little cost to your ship's overall performance. The microwarp drive boosts your speed by approximately 500% and allows you to move around very, very quickly. There are some severe penalties for this: microwarp drives will also increase your ship's signature radius by up to 500% when they are on, making you easier to hit, and also reduce the size of your capacitor by up to 25% while at the same time requiring a lot of charge to activate. Until recently it was possible to reduce the mass of ships and get huge speed bonuses, especially when using afterburners and microwarp drives, but this has been changed now so that the only parameters you can change are your ship's basic speed (overdrive injectors and nanofiber internal structures) and its agility (inertial stabilisers and nanofiber internal structures).

In order to move large distances all ships are equipped with warp drives. These allow your ship to move at speeds up to 13.5 AU/sec and cover whole solar systems. In order to warp your ship must be moving at 3/4 of its maximum speed and be aligned towards the object that you are going to warp to. Warping eats up capacitor charge depending upon the weight of your ship and crossing large systems might require two or more warp jumps in order to cross them. Because your ship must be aligned before it can warp, weight and agility are important factors in how quickly you can get up to speed. Small, light ships can enter warp very fast while bigger, heavier ships are much easier to catch before they can escape. If ships can fly around at five times their normal speed and warp away at will then how are you supposed to make people stay and fight you if they don't want to? This is where the concept of 'tackle' modules comes into play. There are four kinds of tackle modules: Warp disruptors - Prevent a target from warping away. Warp scramblers - Prevent a target from warping and disables its microwarp drive. Warp disruption bubbles - These can be either anchored or dropped by an interdictor to prevent targets from warping and can be used to suck in targets whose warp path passes through them. Stasis webifiers - Ensnare a target and reduce its speed by up to 60% It is possible to protect your ship from the effects of warp disruptors and warp scramblers by fitting warp core stabilizers. Every ship in Eve has a set amount of warp core strength points (usually zero though some specialized ships have two points) and when this number is made negative (by applying warp disruptors which cause -1 point or warp scramblers that apply -2 points) the ship is unable to warp. Warp core stabilizers increase the number of points your ship has but at the cost of overall performance. Warp disruption bubbles have an inifinite disruption strength and will prevent any ship from warping but can only be used in nullsec space. Be careful around heavy interdictors, though, because they can use something called a focused warp disruption script to have infinite disruption strength even in Empire. In general, it is considered a bad idea to fit a warp core stabilizer on a ship unless you are fitting it for travel rather than fighting. This is because warp core stablizers half both your targeting range and your sensor strength. Because of these warp core strength points, people often refer to warp disruptors as "points" because they provide one point of warp disruption. Warp scramblers are often referred to as either "scrams" or "short points". Sticking with this theme the focused warp disruptor script used by heavy interdictors is called an "infinipoint" because it has infinite warp disruption strength. No matter how many warp core stabilizers you fit, there is no escape. Bubbles also have infinite disruptor strength.

The Capacitor
There is a saying in Eve that capacitor is life and it's very true. Your ship's capacitor allows you to power your onboard systems and as such is very important indeed. The capacitor has a natural recharge that will keep it topped up, but if the load you apply is greater than the recharge rate it will depelete and you will be unable to activate your modules. It should be noted that the capacitor does not recharge uniformly. Once it is dry it recharges much slower with the peak of the recharge at about 25%. Like everything else in Eve, people have studied this in detail and produced a formula that allows you to calculate the capacitor recharge should you want to model it in more detail.. You can affect your capacitor like any of your ships components by adding modules that change its capacity or recharge rates. A common module is the capacitor booster that

allows you to inject charge into your capacitor using boosters. This module is particularly common on battlecruisers and larger but can be seen on many different ships. For the frigate pilot, the capacitor will be used to power your propulsion and tackle modules as well as any active tanking modules that you have. Some active tanking setups will use a nosferatu to leech capacitor from their victims while some passive and buffer tanks will use energy neutralizers to knock out their opponent's capacitor. There are ships in Eve such as the Curse which specialize in capacitor warfare.

Turrets, Drones, and Missiles

The basic offensive systems in Eve split into three categories: turrets, missiles, and drones. A detailed discussion of the mechanics of guns and missiles will appear later in this guide. For now a basic introduction is in order. Turrets There are three basic types of guns. Minmatar ships use projectile weapons, Amarr use lasers, and Gallente and Caldari pilots fit hybrids to their ships. On top of this, each kind of gun comes with a short and long range version. Because this guide is concerned with the Rifter we will only talk about projectile weapons, but the same principles apply to lasers and hybrids too. The short range projectile weapons are called autocannons and the long range versions are called artillery. For frigate-sized ships there are three sizes of autocannon: 125mm, 150mm, and 200mm. Artillery comes in two sizes: 250mm and 280mm. In general, autocannons are short range and have a high rate of fire allowing them to do lots of damage per second (DPS). Conversely artillery turrets are longerranged and do a lot of damage per volley (alpha strike) but have a low rate of fire. Every gun in Eve has six important properties: Rate of Fire - This is the interval between volleys. Smaller numbers are better and mean a faster rate of fire and hence more damage. Smaller guns have a faster rate of fire than larger guns. Damage Modifier - This tells you the relative damage between the different types and tiers of gun. Higher numbers mean that each round of ammunition strikes its target harder. In general, the bigger the gun, the higher the damage modifier. Tracking - Guns in Eve spin on turret mounts to track their targets. Each turret can move at a maximum speed and if the target's movement around the ship exceeds this then the guns are no longer able to track it. Autocannons are very good at tracking their targets and in particular the smaller tiers are excellent. Artillery, however, is big and lumbering and finds it much harder to hit targets that are orbiting at high speed. Optimal Range - If they can track their target your guns will always hit for maximum damage if the target is within their optimal range. Up to this range your targeting computers can operate perfectly and you will always hit. For lasers and hybrids this is a very important number but for projectiles it is much less so. This is because autocannons have a relatively short optimal range. It should be considered when using artillery cannons, though. Accuracy Falloff - While projectile weapons lack a good optimal range they have an excellent falloff. This is the range beyond your optimal where you have a reduced likelihood of hitting your target. Because projectile weapons are essentially guns firing shells just like in the real world they have good range but limited accuracy. This is reflected in their falloff. At one falloff distance your chance of hitting the target is half what it is at your optimal range and at two falloffs it is zero. We will discuss falloff in more detail later. For now all I will say is that larger tiers of gun have larger falloff.

Signature Radius Small bullets are designed to hit small things and large bullets are designed to hit large things. This is the principle behind signature radii in Eve. Every ship has a signature radius and every gun has a signature radius. If the ship's signature radius is smaller than that of the gun then the gun will hit for less damage. This is to stop battleship guns from annihilating frigates in a single shot. Because we will be using small guns we don't need to worry too much about signature radii. Gun Type Rate of Fire Damage Optimal Accuracy Signature Tracking Capacity Modifier Range Falloff Radius 2.0625 x 0.417 rad/s 800 m 4 km 40 m 0.5 m3

125mm Gatling 3,000 s AutoCannon I 150mm Light 3,375 s AutoCannon I 200mm AutoCannon 3,750 s I

2.475 x

0.362 rad/s 0.315 rad/s

900 m

4.4 km

40 m

0.4 m3

2.8875 x

1 km

4.8 km

40 m

0.3 m3

In the Dominion update there were some significant changes made to projectile ammunition. The nine ammunition types now fall into three categories: close range, high damage (EMP, phased plasma, and fusion), mid-range, mid-damage (titanium sabot and depleted uranium), and long range, high tracking (nuclear, carbonized lead, and proton). As well as the basic ammunitons, there are more expensive faction varieties that have increased damage. The most common of these is Republic Fleet that does 10% more damage than the base ammunition of the same type. There are also a pair of advanced ammunition types called Barrage and Hail. These can only be used with Tech 2 autocannons. Hail is a close-range ammo with high damage and a large tracking penalty, because of this it is rarely used, with the Republic Fleet varieties of the basic munitions being preferred. Barrage is your best friend as a Minmatar pilot. It is a long range shell with a falloff bonus. Unless your ship is designed for close quarters combat it is the default ammunition choice for most Minmatar pilots.

EMP EM Thermal Kinetic 1 HP 9 HP

Phased Fusion Plasma

Titanium Depleted Proton Sabot Uranium 3 HP


Carb. Lead

Barrage Hail

10 HP 2 HP 2 HP 10 HP -50 % 1x -50% 1x 1.2 x 6 HP 2 HP

3 HP 2 HP 3 HP 60% 1.2 x 1.05 x 2 HP 1 HP 4 HP 60 % 1.05 x 4 HP 1 HP 60 % 1.05 x 0.75 x 1.5 x 5 HP 6 HP 3 HP 11 HP -50 % 0.5 x 0.5 x -10 %

Explosive 2 HP Range Tracking Falloff Capacitor Recharge -50 % 1x

In general the munitions with a tracking bonus are designed to be used when a large ship is trying to shoot a smaller one (such as a cruiser attacking a frigate) and the optimal range bonused shells are designed to be used with artillery. Missiles Missiles in Eve are pretty much as we know them in the real world. Like guns they come in long and short range versions. For frigate pilots, the short range version is the rocket and the long range version the standard missile. The range of missiles is dictated by their Flight Duration and Velocity. They will never quite reach their full range because there is a period where they accelerate away from your launcher and also their flight has to account for the motion of your target. Because missiles explode upon contact their damage is dictated by two properties called the explosion radius, which is analogous to the signature radius of guns, and explosion velocity. The explosion velocity replaces tracking and means that missiles do less damage on fast-moving targets. Drones The final offensive weapon is drones. Because Rifters can't use drones I won't talk about them here other than to say that they are basically autonomous combat drones that are used mainly by the Gallente but can be found on almost all ships cruiser-sized and above.

Tanking is the process of fitting your ship with defensive modules that make it tougher to kill. There are three types of tanking module in Eve: shields, armor, and structure. In each case you can fit modules to your ship that will either increase the number of hit points, increase the resistances, or repair damage. Shield and armor tanks are the most common, with Gallente and Amarrian ships tending to be armor tanked and Caldari ships shield tanked. Minmatar ships use both methods but armor tanks are the most popular for Rifters. I will explain why later. Shield tanking modules generally use the midslots on your ship and armor tanking modules use the low slots. Most ships have a bias towards shield or armor hit points and this, combined with the number of low and mid slots, governs the tank they should be fit with. Despite the saying 'real men hull tank', structure tanks are very hard to pull off and are very rarely seen in Eve (the Taranis is a notable exception).

As well as being able to tank different parts of your ship, you can chose between a buffer (or passive tank) or an active tank. Buffer tanks are based upon increasing the number of hitpoints that your ship has so that it takes longer for your opponent to get through them. Active tanks have repair modules that try and mitigate the incoming damage. Because they require energy to run, active tanks use your capacitor to power themselves and often this is the limiting factor on how effective they are. Passive tanks fall in between these two types. Shields in Eve will recharge themselves over time. The time it takes to recharge does not depend on the size of the shield buffer, so by fitting very large buffers and modules that decrease the recharge time, it is possible to make a tank that recharges itself and also provides a huge buffer. A great example of a passive shield tanking ship is the Drake. Damage in Eve is split into four different types: electromagnetic (EM), thermal, kinetic, and explosive. Each part of your ship has different basic resists to these damage types as shown in the table below. EM Structure Armor Shields 0% 60 % 0% Thermal 0% 35 % 20 % Kinetic 0% 25 % 40 % Explosive 0% 10 % 50 %

As you can see, shield tanks are vulnerable to EM and thermal damage while armor tanks have a weakness to explosive and kinetic damage. T2 ships often have different resists to their T1 counterparts such as T2 Minmatar shield tanks. Most people will look to patch up their tank's 'resist hole' using hardeners and rigs as well as using general resist hardeners such as invulnerability fields for shields and adaptive plating for armor. In general, T2 ships have resists designed specifically to counter their main opponent's principal weapon system. For this reason, Minmatar ships are less prone to the EM and thermal damage of Amarrian lasers while Amarr ships are strong against the kinetic and explosive damage of projectiles. For example you should consider swapping to a thermal damage ammunition such as phased plasma when engaging T2 Amarrian ships. EM Minmatar T2 shields Minmatar T2 armor Amarr T2 shields Gallente T2 shields Gallente T2 armor Caldari T2 shields Caldari T2 armor 75 % 90 % 0% Thermal 60 % 67.5 % 20 % 35 % 60 % 67.5 % 80 % 86.25 % Kinetic 40 % 25 % 70 % 62.5 % 85 % 83.5 % 70 % 62.5 % Explosive 50 % 10 % 87.5 % 80 % 10 % 10 % 50 % 10 %

Amarr T2 armor 50 % 0% 50 % 0% 50 %

For a more detailed discussion of tanking, see A Comprehensive New Players Guide To Tanking In Eve.

Fitting Your Rifter

The main strengths of the Rifter for PvP are its speed and slot layout. The four high slots allow you to fit three turrets and have a utility slot for a launcher or some other module. The three medium slots allow you to fit a propulsion mod, warp jammer, and stasis webifier giving you speed and the ability to hold your target in place. Finally, the three low slots are ideal for an armor tank allowing quite a variety of fittings. [Rifter, 200mm plate, AB, nos] Damage Control II Small Armor Repairer II 200mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I X5 Prototype I Engine Enervator 150mm Light AutoCannon II, Barrage S 150mm Light AutoCannon II, Barrage S 150mm Light AutoCannon II, Barrage S E5 Prototype Energy Vampire Small Projectile Burst Aerator I Small Projectile Ambit Extension I Small Projectile Ambit Extension I This is what I would consider to be a basic starting point for a Rifter fit. You can see that the high slots have autocannons in them. The advanced tech II autocannons allow you to use Barrage ammunition which we will discuss later. The final high slot is taken by a nosferatu to provide extra capacitor. In the mid slots there is an afterburner, warp scrambler, and stasis webifier. The low slots contain an armor repair system, 200mm armor plate, and damage control. Dont worry about this too much for now. Ive just used this to give you an idea of the modules that you can fit. In the next few sections well discuss why Ive added these modules and, more importantly, the other choices that are available to you.

Buffer vs Active Tank

For solo PvP the best thing you can do with your ship is to fit an armor tank. If you want some general information about tanking in Eve then check out A Comprehensive New Player Guide to Tanking. Otherwise, lets get going. There are two basic kinds of armor tank that you can fit. A buffer tank where you fit an oversized armor plate and a damage control or an active tank where you fit a regular plate, armor repairer, and a resistance or damage module. The advantage of a buffer tank is that it makes your tank completely capacitor independent. You have a very large plate that buffers your opponents damage while you attempt to overwhelm their defences with your guns. The best thing about this is that there is no need to micromanage during combat. All you have to concentrate on is putting the maximum damage onto your opponent. This is, Im sure youll agree, a very Minmatar approach to combat. As a down side the armor plate is heavy and will slow your ship down a bit.

The active tank differs from the passive tank in that you have to use up your capacitor to repair the incoming damage because your armor cannot take the same punishment as a buffer tank. This kind of tank does have its own advantages, too, especially against bigger targets. Because you are carrying a smaller plate your ship has less mass and therefore is faster and more agile, playing to the strengths of the Rifter. This in turn should help you evade more of the enemys fire, especially against cruiser-sized targets. The ability to repair your own armor also means that you dont need to dock up in order to be ready for a second fight or if there are multiple opponents in your engagement, a buffer might not last long enough to beat both targets. By fitting a nosferatu it is possible to siphon your opponent's capacitor and use it to prolong your own tank. I started out flying the buffer tank setup because my capacitor and repair skills were not up to the job but as I learn more and more support skills I am starting to use active tanking instead. These days I pretty much exclusively fly active tanked Rifters with a damage control for extra tank. In general an active tank is better for prolonged fights with low incoming damage. If the damage you are taking is less than your repair amount then you can tank your opponent almost indefinitely. For high DPS engagements a buffer tank is often better. Because it relies on the sheer amount of armor or shields that you have, there is no need for the repair system to keep up. The choice of which kind of tank you prefer is very much a personal one. Armor tanks arent the be all and end all of Rifter fits, though. Later on I will demonstrate a very strong shield tank fit that you can use instead.

Propulsion Modules
The other decision to make is between a microwarp drive that will let you close on your opponents quickly or an afterburner that will let you orbit them at speed and often dictate range. Since the Quantum Rise expansion this has become a slightly more difficult choice. Previously most people would say that a microwarp drive was compulsory, but the changes to the way that warp scramblers work has left things more open to debate. Warp scramblers now disable microwarp drives the second they are engaged so if you fight within scrambler range, and you will, then you wont be able to use a microwarp drive. With your own scrambler and stasis webifier youll be able to dictate the terms of the fight if you have an afterburner fitted but will have the counter effect of being slower to close down your target. I personally fit my ships with an afterburner these days but if you are mainly hunting ships fit for PvE rather than PvP then a microwarp drive may well still be the better choice simply because it allows you to close range quickly. Dont forget that during combat a microwarp drive massively increases your signature radius (to 500% of its original size) and because you cant orbit at the maximum speed boost it gives you it will actually make you easier to hit rather than harder. This can be solved by turning off your MWD once you are within combat range and pulsing it when needed to maintain range or dodge drones. These days most frigate-sized ships will fit a warp scrambler rather than a disruptor. The obvious exception to this is ships such as interceptors and long-range fits that will try and keep away from your close range guns. Whether they fit an afterburner of MWD depends on where they are flying. In low security space most ships will opt for an afterburner while in null security space you will see a pretty even split of MWDs and afterburners. Cruisers and above will usually fit warp disruptors and have a microwarp drive. Most of these will be faster than you so watch out for long range ships such as the Stabber.

There is no right or wrong answer to the question of which you should fit. It's very much down to personal preference. At the moment I have been fitting afterburners and having a lot of success with them but I have missed targets that have warped away before I managed to lock onto them and scramble their warp drives.

Rocket Launchers, Nosferatus and Neutralizers

The Rifter has four high slot weapons hardpoints but can only fit three turret weapons. This means that you have a utility slot that you can use for something else. Your typical choice for this slot is either a rocket launcher, nosferatu, or energy neutralizer. Of course you dont actually have to use this slot and on very tight fits it is sometimes better to not fill it then it is to sacrifice performance on the rest of your fit. If you opt for a buffer tank fit then the nosferatu isnt really an option that you will consider. Because you are capacitor neutral, there is no benefit to leeching from your opponents tank. For active tanks it is a very good choice, and probably what I would recommend you fit, at least to start with. That little bit of extra capacitor could be the difference between life and death and will also help you out in longer fights against cruiser-sized targets. Small nosferatus have a maximum range of between 5.5 km and 6.5 km and cannot be used outside this distance. Neutralizers are modules that suck your opponents capacitor dry. They do this at the expense of your own capacitor but you use less than you take. Unlike the nosferatu, neutralisers do not allow you to boost your own capacitor. They are best fit on buffer tanks and are highly effective when fighting against ships with active tanks. Like nosferatus, neutalizers have a fixed range of between 5.25 km and 6.25 km. If you opt to go with a rocket launcher then I recommend that you also go with faction ammo, Caldari Navy probably being the best choice. It gives you a 10% damage advantage over the basic flavours. I havent really found much advantage in making use of the advanced rockets available to tech II launchers so would avoid these. The two types of missiles that I use are Phalanx for Gallente, Amarr, and Minmatar (except Bellicose and Stabber); and Gremlin for Caldari, Stabber, and Bellicose. The Phalanx missiles do great damage against armors explosive weaknesses, while the Gremlin's EM damage attacks the vulnerabilities of shield tanks. You could also consider carrying Foxfire to take on some Amarr T2 ships with but to be honest Id avoid fighting them for now. The range of rockets is skill dependent and can be anywhere from 4.5 km on an unskilled character to 10.1 km on someone with maximum skills. It is worth noting that at the moment, rockets are generally considered a sub-par weapon system. For example a maximum skilled pilot using a Rocket Launcher I on a Rifter will only do 0.01 DPS on a target moving at any speed. This is because the explosion velocity of rockets is only 85 m/s. I would advise that, until CCP addresses this, you avoid using them.

Warp Disruptor or Warp Scrambler?

I have always fit my frigates with warp scramblers. Because of the range of my guns, I am going to be fighting inside scramble range and they have the advantage of offering two points of scramble strength to counter those pesky warp core stabilizers. Their other great strength, and one that will appeal mostly to younger pilots, is that they require less capacitor than warp disruptors. By using your microwarp drive or afterburner to approach your target and hitting target at 10 km range youll have no problem getting

them scrambled. I dont think Ive ever lost a target to the scramblers range when using a microwarp drive. With an afterburner there is more of a risk that your prey will get away. The best way of dealing with this is to look at your victim as soon as you land in the belt, at the planet, or in the complex and keep an eye on which way theyre heading. If you see them align to a celestial then you can be pretty sure theyre going to warp there so align too or preempt them and warp and wait for them to land. Most people will warp to 0 km when they panic and warp away from a hostile ship so take advantage of this. Chasing people around can be good fun for both parties. Theres an added bonus to fitting a warp scrambler in Quantum Rise. They shut down your targets microwarp drive denying them their speed tank if thats what theyre using. Yes, Im looking at you, Taranis.

Damage Controls, Gyrostabilizers, and Fitting Modules

The example fit that I used above had a module called a Damage Control in its third low slot. This module makes your ship stronger by reinforcing its internal structure and providing uniform resists to the last bastion of your defences. It is a very good module and one that most people would fit. Its not the only thing that you can use in that final low slot, though. If you are a particularly aggressive person, a Brutor warrior maybe, you might want to look at gyrostabilizers instead. These modules dont provide any extra tank but they increase both the damage that your guns do and the rate that they fire at. The decision as to whether you prefer more tank or gank is a very personal one but I would recommend that you start off conservatively and fit the damage control. As you grow more used to the ship, you can then decide if you want to change this for the gyrostabilizer. There is a third kind of module that you might want to try in a low slot of your ship. These are fitting modules and they improve the attributes of your ship in one way or another usually at the cost of sacrificing something else. Module Micro Auxiliary Power Core I Power Grid 0 MW CPU 15 Tf Benefit +10 MW power grid +7.5% shield recharge +4% shield HP +7.5% capacitor recharge +4% capacitor +5% power grid +10% power grid + 7% CPU

Power Diagnostic Unit I

0 MW

20 Tf

Reactor Control Unit I Co-Processor I

0 MW 1 MW

20 Tf 0 Tf

While these modules can be very useful please be conservative with them. While using one fitting module to squeeze on an oversize plate or shield extender can be very effective, using several of them probably means that you are trying to do something that

just isn't supposed to work. A good rule of thumb is that if you need more than one fitting module you are probably doing something wrong.

The Apocrypha 1.5 patch brought something new to frigate combat: small rigs. Before this patch, rigs came in one size only (what would now be considered large, for battleships) and were far too expensive for most people to fit on their tech I frigates. Now frigate-sized rigs cost 1/25th the price of their battleship counterparts. This means that you can now rig a frigate for just one million ISK or less. More and more people are rigging their ships and for this price its an advantage that you can't really afford to miss out on. Rigs give you an extra three slots to optimize the performance of your ship. There are all kinds of rigs available but the ones you will be most interested in are armor rigs, shield rigs, speed rigs, fitting rigs, and projectile weapon rigs. Most rigs come with penalties attached to them so make sure you read the description before fitting them. Armor rigs come in three main types. Trimark Armor Pumps increase your armor hit points. If you are flying a Rifter with a large 400mm armor plate then this might be the kind of rig that you would like to consider. There are armor resistance rigs that will boost your armors ability to withstand certain types of damage. You could use this to patch your weakness to explosive damage, for example. In general, resistance rigs are best fitted against active armor tanks. Finally there are armor repair rigs. These boost the efficiency of amour repair units both in terms of the speed that they operate and the amount of capacitor that they require to operate. Again this kind of rig works best on active tanks. The penalty for fitting armor rigs is that they slow your ship down. Unlike fitting plates there is no penalty to agility. Shield rigs follow a very similar pattern to armor rigs. Core Defence Field Extender rigs will boost the sheer number of hitpoints that your shields have and are probably the best thing to fit on a shield tanked Rifter. If you are coming across a lot of laser ships you might decide to add an EM resistance rig to boost your resistance to their main damage type. Shield rigs increase your signature radius, making you easier to hit. Speed rigs are known as astronautic rigs. Auxiliary Thrusters will boost your ships speed while Low Friction Nozzle Joints will boost your agility and maneuverability. For the best of both worlds you can fit Polycarbon Engine Housings which improve both speed and agility. Astronautic rigs decrease your ships armor hitpoints so be careful about using them to mitigate the effects of large plates. The most common fitting rigs that you will see are Auxiliary Current Routers. These rigs boost your ships power grid making it possible to fit bigger guns or bigger defences. Ive saved the most important rig category until last: projectile weapons rigs. These rigs allow you to fine tune the performance of your guns, a Minmatar pilots best friend. The three projectile rigs that you will want to consider are Projectile Ambit Extensions that increase the falloff range of your guns, Projectile Burst Aerators that that increase your rate of fire, and Projectile Collision Accelerators increase the damage that your guns do. Projectile rigs increase the power grid requirements of your guns and can sometimes lead to fitting difficulty. All rigs have a property called calibration. Every ship has a certain number of calibration points that you can fill with rigs. Some rigs, such as shield extenders, have a very low calibration cost but rigs such as projectile damage rigs require a lot of calibration and can be hard to fit on T1 ships.

T1, T2, and Meta Levels

All of the modules that I've used to illustrate my discussions so far have been 'tech 1' or T1 modules. These are the most basic modules in Eve and, correspondingly, are also usually the cheapest. They can be manufactured from blueprints that are sold by various NPC stations as well as being dropped by NPC rats. On top of T1 equipment there are variants with increasing meta levels (T1 is meta 0). Meta levels 1 to 4 are dropped by rats in missions, belts, and exploration sites. They all have specific names such as 'J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler' which is the meta 3 version of 'Warp Scrambler I'. Because of these names meta 1 - 4 gear is often referred to as 'named' with meta 4 in particular being 'best named'. As the meta level increases so do the attributes of the module in question. There is often a change in the fitting requirements with increasing meta number, allowing different meta modules to be substituted on tight fits. As the meta level increases so does the module's rarity and hence its price. Sticking with the warp scrambler as our example here are the various meta levels and their attributes: Meta Level Warp Scrambler I Initiated Harmonic Warp Scrambler I Fleeting Progressive Warp Scrambler I J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I 0 CPU 30 Power Grid 1 Activation Cost 5 Optimal Range 7,500 m


7,875 m


8,250 m


8,625 m


9,000 m

In the Castor expansion CCP introduced 'Tech 2'. These are advanced versions of the basic T1 modules with enhanced attributes. In the database they are described as being meta 5. In general T2 modules are at least as good as best named, often with extra bonuses, but also harder to fit. T2 guns are particularly interesting because they come with specialization skills that that give them a 2% damage bonus per level. Advanced guns also have advanced ammunition that comes in a long range and short range version. Above all of this there is deadspace, faction, and officer equipment. These offer increased attributes (such as range and scramble strength on warp scramblers) at much higher expense. They are not traded on the open market and must be purchased through the contract system.

Fitting Principles
One of the most commonly used fitting principles in Eve is the idea of min/maxing your ships stats. This means that you focus on a specific aspect of the ship and fit it to make the most of this. You might decide, for example, that you want a really fast ship so all your design decisions will be based around maximising your ships speed. Other things you might look to maximize are the amount of tank or damage that you have available. The most important thing when fitting a ship is not to get too bogged down in raw numbers. The Eve Fitting Tool provides very detailed stats about your ship, but these are very much best case scenario numbers and should be treated with a pinch of salt. Because of tracking and falloff your ship will rarely do the DPS that EFT says it will. Beware of forums posts by so-called EFT Warriors who rely purely on the theoretical capabilities. Instead, when youre fitting your ship, you should be thinking about how youre going to fly it and what you want it to do. When you first get started, you may borrow one of the basic fits from this guide but as you become more familiar with the ship you will want to customize it and make the fit your own. This is good and when you start thinking like this you know youre well on the road to becoming an accomplished Rifter pilot. The final thing to consider when fitting your ship is price. Dont be stingy, fit the best modules that you can reasonably afford. A well fitted Rifter costs somewhere between 6 and 15 million ISK in Jita. It is up to you which end of this spectrum you chose to occupy. There is an adage in Eve that says only fly what you can afford to replace. It is good advice and worth remembering. Dont spend all your cash on one state of the art ship when you will learn more from ten frugally fit Rifters.

Fitting Tools
One of the great things about Eve is the number of out of game tools that are available. Ship fitting is a particularly rich area with several applications able to import your skills from the API and give you accurate statistics on various ships before you go and spend all your ISK on modules that may or may not fit. Most tools also allow you to export your fits as XML files for use with the in game fittings manager. Eve Fitting Tool - EFT is probably the de facto standard for out of game fitting tools. It is regularly updated and can store multiple fits and characters. You can apply leadership bonuses, e-war effects, boosters, implants, and logistics to your ship to see how it performs in a range of circumstances. (Link) EveHQ - EveHQ is an expandable suite of tools that includes a ship fitting manager. Like EFT it can import your attributes from the games API. (Link) Python Fitting Assistant - A cross-platform fitting tool written in Python and using the GTK library for display. Has all the features of its counterparts. (Link) Out of habit I have used EFT to demonstrate my fits in this guide. Use whichever tool works best for you. Be warned, however. Although these tools are excellent for for making sure that the modules you want to use will fit on your ship, EFT (and friends) are not Eve and the only way to tell how effective your ship is is to go out and try it. The Eve forums are full of people waving around highly optimized EFT fits that are either ludicrously expensive or just plain impractical.

Example Fittings
Now that we have a good grasp of the theory behind fitting your ship, it is time to look at some example Rifter fits. All of the fits that I have included are tried and tested set ups. There is no single best fit. Each one specializes in particular aspects of combat and it is up to you which flavour you prefer. Heck, you might not like any of them and come up with something completely innovative. If you do then please let me know.

Balanced Rifter
To start off our fittings discussion I will show you how I fit my Rifters. [Rifter, 200mm plate, AB, nos] Damage Control II Small Armor Repairer II 200mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I X5 Prototype I Engine Enervator 150mm Light AutoCannon II, Barrage S 150mm Light AutoCannon II, Barrage S 150mm Light AutoCannon II, Barrage S E5 Prototype Energy Vampire Small Projectile Burst Aerator I Small Projectile Ambit Extension I Small Projectile Ambit Extension I

This is what would be considered as a general purpose Rifter. I havent specialized it for any form of combat but instead opted for a balanced approach. The active tank with the SAR, DC, 200mm plate, and nosferatu makes this a pretty tough little ship. I havent opted to focus on the tank and the rigs that I have used increase both the damage and range of my projectile weapons. Because the 200mm plate does not weigh her down too much this fit is reasonably agile and fast. With the afterburner, web, and scrambler she can effectively dictate the terms of the engagement and this suits my play style. The projectile ambit rigs play to the strengths of projectile ammunition and let you fight at a wide variety of ranges. Personally I feel that this fitting offers a good balance between tank and gank without sacrificing too much speed. It is a good starting place from which we can explore some variants.

Armor Buffer Rifter

This fit uses a 400mm armor plate and trimark rigs to soak up as much damage as possible. Because of its heavy armor it is relatively immobile and will find controlling fights harder than the more nimble active Rifters. This fits job is simply to outlast its opponent. [Rifter, 400mm plate, AB, neut] Damage Control II 400mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I Micro Auxiliary Power Core I Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I X5 Prototype I Engine Enervator 150mm Light AutoCannon II, Barrage S 150mm Light AutoCannon II, Barrage S 150mm Light AutoCannon II, Barrage S 5W Infectious Power System Malfunction Small Trimark Armor Pump I Small Trimark Armor Pump I Small Trimark Armor Pump I

The neutralizer in the utility slot plays to your strengths. Your ship is entirely capacitor neutral. It doesnt require capacity to fire its guns or run its tank. Using the neutralizer you can switch off your opponents tank (if it is active) or guns (if they are hybrids or lasers) without compromising your own offence or defence.

Shield Tanked Rifter

I said earlier that armor tanking is not the only option available to Rifter pilots. This fit drops its stasis webifier for a medium shield extender. Like the 400mm plate this is an over-sized module and provides a huge number of hit points. You also have the advantage that shield tanks have an in-built passive recharge and will repair themselves. [Rifter, MSE, AB, neut] Gyrostabilizer II Nanofiber Internal Structure II Power Diagnostic System II Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I Medium F-S9 Regolith Shield Induction 150mm Light AutoCannon II, Barrage S 150mm Light AutoCannon II, Barrage S 150mm Light AutoCannon II, Barrage S 5W Infectious Power System Malfunction Small Core Defence Field Extender I Small Core Defence Field Extender I Small Core Defence Field Extender I (One might also consider an Anti-EM screen reinforcer to plug the resist hole.)

Because you are not using your low slots to fit an armor tank they are available to use for other things. The obvious choice is to fit gyrostabilizers to increase your damage. The other benefit of not having an armor plate is that your ship is faster and more agile. You can boost this effect by fitting nanofiber structures or, as I have done, an overdrive to make your ship even faster. Because you no longer have a web to pin your opponents down that extra speed and agility will help you control fights. It is worth noting that Medium F-S9 Regolith Shield Induction modules have become extremely expensive and you may want to consider using a Medium Shield Extender II and 125mm AutoCannons instead. Once again this fit has a neutralizer in the high slot. As well as providing all the benefits that I have already listed it has another purpose here: if you can switch off your opponents afterburner by draining their capacitor then your lack of a web will be less important.

And more...
The fitting advice that I have given so far is for very standard, almost cookie-cutter, autocannon Rifters. This is by no means the only way that you can fit them. A lot of people have success with long range Rifters that are fitted with 250mm artillery cannons, a warp disruptor and microwarp drive. This adds up to basically flying a baby interceptor with the bonus of the Rifters strength while having less speed than a pure interceptor. This kind of setup requires a different skill set and approach to the fittings used in this guide so I wont deal with it here. It is also worth noting that all of the above fits have afterburners rather than microwarp drives. This is entirely personal preference and is mostly because I conceived these fits for fighting other frigates. All of the fits can be modified to have microwarp drives although you might have to downgrade the weapons slightly or sacrifice your utility module.

Once youve got the hang of flying your Rifter, do experiment with different fits. Although these setups have become standard for a reason (i.e. they are very versatile) theres nothing wrong with adapting your fit to specialize in certain situations as long as you remember to adjust your tactics accordingly. Try not to get too specific, though, and its probably better to test experimental fits against friends in controlled duels before letting them lose in the field with no idea of their capabilities and limits. If you are looking for inspiration the Rifter thread in Scrapheap Challenge's PvP fitting section is a good place to start. There are lots of ideas and plenty of debate over their relative merits. The important thing is to find something that works for you.

As well as boosting your attributes and speeding up skill training, implants in Eve and also increase your combat effectiveness. These implants can be split into gunnery implants, armor implants, shield implants, and navigation implants. Eifyr and Co 'Gunslinger' SX-0/1/2 (slot 6) - increases small projectile damage by 1%, 3%, or 5% Eifyr and Co 'Gunslinger' AX-0/1/2 (slot 7) - increases turret tracking by 1%, 3%, or 5% Zainou 'Deadeye' ZGC10/100/1000 (slot 7) - provides a 1%, 3%, or 5% bonus to turret falloff Eifyr and Co 'Gunslinger' CX-0/1/2 (slot 9) - 1%, 3%, or 5% increase to damage of all projectile turrets Inherent Implants 'Noble' ZET 10/100/1000 (slot 6) - reduces armor repair time by 1%, 3%, or 5% Inherent Implants 'Noble' ZET 20/200/2000 (slot 7) - 1%, 3%, or 5% reduction to the capacitor requirements of armor repair modules Inherent Implants 'Noble' ZET40/400/4000 (slot 9) - 1%, 3%, or 5% increase in armor repair amount Inherent Implants 'Noble' ZET50/500/5000 (slot 10) - increases armor hitpoints by 1%, 3%, or 5% Zainou 'Gnome' KVA500/1000/2000 (slot 7) - grants a 1%, 3%, or 5% bonus to shield capacity Zainou 'Gnome' KYA500/1000/2000 (slot 9) - increase shield recharge rate by 1%, 3%, or 5% Eifyr and Co 'Rogue' CY-0/1/2 (slot 6) - 1%, 3%, or 5% bonus to ship velocity Eifyr and Co 'Rogue' EY-0/1/2 (slot 6) - 2%, 6%, or 10% increase to afterburner boost duration Eifyr and Co 'Rogue' MY-0/1/2 (slot 6) - 1%, 3%, or 5% bonus to afterburner and microwarp drive speed Eifyr and Co 'Rogue' AY-0/1/2 (slot 7) - grants a 1%, 3%, or 5% bonus to ship agility Zor's Custom Navigation Link (slot 7) - 10% bonus to afterburner duration Eifyr and Co 'Rogue' DY-0/1/2 (slot 8) - 1%, 3%, or 5% reduction in afterburner capacitor requirements Eifyr and Co 'Rogue' GY-0/1/2 (slot 9) - reduces microwarp drive capacitor consumption by 1%, 3%, or 5% In general the 1% implants are very cheap and the 3% versions are definitely affordable. If you have the ISK to spare they are definitely worth installing, especially in low security space where you are less likely to lose your pod regularly.

Relevant Skills
Basic Skills
To fit my standard version of the Rifter you will need the following skills: Minmatar Frigate III Hull Upgrades IV Propulsion Jamming I Afterburner I Small Projectile Turrent V Gunnery II Motion Prediction III Small Autocannon Specialization I Energy Emission Systems I Jury Rigging III Projectile Weapons Rigging I Engineering V Electronics IV Weapons Upgrades III Repair Systems III Mechanic III

I would recommend that if you are serious about flying the Rifter you make the T2 guns a priority. Minmatar ships live and die by their ability to fight at range and Barrage is the principle weapon in most Minmatar pilots armory. You might not do stellar damage but does it matter if they cant hit you?

Advanced Skills
There are two main groups of skills that will improve your effectiveness in the Rifter. These are the gunnery and navigation skills. If you want to fly the active tanked version then capacitor skills will also prove to be important. I would recommend that you make it your aim to train the following skills up to at least level three, preferably level four. I didnt start to fly cruisers until Id got all my gunnery skills to four and most of my navigation skills at least to three. Gunnery - increases the rate of fire 2% per level and needed for bigger guns Motion Prediction - 5% more tracking per level Rapid Firing - 4% increase to rate of fire Sharpshooter - 5% increase to optimal range Surgical Strike - 3% bonus to damage Trajectory Analysis - 5% bonus to falloff (see above) Minmatar Frigate - 5% bonus to damage and 7.5% tracking bonus Acceleration Control - 5% bonus to mircrowarp drive speed Evasive Maneuvering - 5% agility bonus, lets you maintain a faster, tighter orbit Navigation - 5% ship velocity bonus

If you want to use an active tank then the following will all help too: Energy Management - 5% more capacitor Energy Systems Operation - 5% reduction in capacitor recharge time Propulsion Jamming - 5% less capacitor need for scramblers and webs Repair Systems - 5% reduction in repair time, so you can repair faster but also need more capacitor

High Speed Maneuvering - 5% microwarp drive capacitor use, so you can use it for longer If you are using a rocket launcher then you will also benefit from working on some missile skills. Rockets dont add a huge amount of damage but those few DPS can mean the difference between winning and losing. Theyre not worth spending as much time on as gunnery skills but getting them to level 3 definitely wont hurt and getting Rockets to 5 will allow you to train for T2 rocket launchers and rockets giving even more damage. Missile Bombardment - 10% bonus to missile flight time (more range) Missile Projection - 10% bonus to missile speed (more range) Rapid Launch - 3% bonus to missile rate of fire (more DPS) Rockets - 5% bonus to rocket damage (more DPS) Rocket Specialization - T2 launchers get 2% bonus per level (more DPS)

These are all great skills to know and you should definitely have them before you move into bigger ships so nows the ideal time to get a head start. Another fantastic skill for solo PvP is Thermodynamics. This will allow you to overheat your weapons, microwarp drive, tackle systems, and armor repairers to make you much more efficient in combat at the risk of damaging your weapons. In the Dominion patch the skill requirements were lowered and many pilots will be trying it for the first time.

Target Selection
So, youve bought a Rifter, fitted it up, and trained all of the relevant skills. Once youve insured it, it's time to head out and look for some targets. The great thing about the Rifter is that you have such a large range of potential victims. You can happily go head to head with any T1 frigate, a good selection of T1 cruisers and even some T2 frigates.

Top Targets
All T1 frigates are more than beatable in a well-fitted Rifter. The main threats to you will be other Rifters and autocannon-fitted Punishers. Caldari and Gallente ships should crumble under your guns if you can keep them at range. Destroyers, of all varieties, make great targets when theyre fitted for range. You can get in close and hit them hard and fast while their guns fail to track you. It should be noted, though, that destroyers were designed as anti-frigate platforms and when fitted for PvP they make absolutely deadly opponents for Rifters. With practice, though, you should be able to easily determine which kind your facing and decide to engage accordingly. Moas, Omens, Ospreys, and Scythes are all cruisers that you should have no problems with. Caracals can be a bit hit and miss. Since the addition of faction warfare and the boost to small ships that the Empyrean Age expansion brought there has been an increasing trend in people fitting anti-frigate missiles on their Caracals. If a Caracal is hitting you with light missiles then get away. Stabbers make great targets if you can get close enough to them to put your scrambler on them. Finally mining barges such as Covetors, Retrievers, and Procurors should all be well within your ability. Basically when engaging larger targets the things that you are looking for are ships that don't have a drone bay, or at most have a small drone bay.

Advanced Targets
Ive not said anything about more advanced targets, particularly interceptors. In 0.0 these make great targets for a Rifter because they will almost always underestimate you. However they require more advanced tactics than the usual spiral, orbit, kill that most pilots employ. Basically, you need to goad them into web range. The best way to do this is either to sit there looking harmless and hope they get careless, pretend to run away and hope they warp to the next gate at zero where you can point and web em quickly, or burn away from them with your microwarp drive and if they give chase quickly hit approach and be ready with the webs. This will take a fair bit of practice but a well fitted interceptor could be worth more than 60,000,000 ISK compared to the 8,000,000 or so for a fully T2 fit Rifter. You might even get lucky like I did once and catch an interceptor filled with faction loot. KalKalagan,a pilot for Veritas Immortalis, has a lot of success using a passive tanked Rifter and variations of these tactics. Look at his kills and read the comments for advice on how he pulls them off. Be warned, though, even this expert has difficulty with the sheer damage potential of a Taranis so be cautious around them. We'll talk more about fighting interceptors in the Advanced Tactics section.

Run Away!
Vexors, Arbitrators and Ruptures in particular should not be engaged. These ships are lethal. They tend to fit webbers and close range guns as well as having the ability to unleash a swarm of drones upon you. With good skills and experience you might be able to take on these ships when piloted by inexperienced individuals but its probably best to stay away for now. Thoraxes probably belong on this list too. Check to see what kind of drones they have. If they have medium drones like Hammerheads then it might be worth engaging but if they have small drones stay away. Another thing to watch out for on the Thorax is the use of small blaster guns. I would definitely advise you to err on the side of caution against them. Mallers are ships with very large tanks and are often used as bait. While this is by no means always the case I would recommend caution. Watch out for close range destroyers. A well fitted Coercer or autocannon Thrasher will make very short work of you. Assault frigates are also designed to fight against other frigate targets and are not worth engaging unless you are confident that they aren't fit for PvP. Faction frigates should, in general be avoided. There are exceptions to this rule but I would recommend you stay away from them until you have a feeling for the other targets available to you. Larger targets like battlecruisers and battleships are very hit and miss. You might well be able to take out an inexperienced battlecruiser ratting in a belt but these ships usually have such large tanks that the only reason you'd be engaging them is as tackler for a gang.

Caveat Emptor
This guide is written from the perspective of a low security pirate. Most of the targets that I engage are inexperienced at PvP and often not even expecting it. It's a world of

non-consensual combat. But Im not the only person out there looking for a fight, and nor will you be. If you find combat ready opponents they will be tough, but rewarding targets. Although Ive dismissed quite a few ship classes here as being targets you can engage, with confidence you should be aware that skilled PvP pilots will be able to cause you lots of trouble. Well fit destroyers and cruisers, especially if fit for anti-frigate work, will be nightmares to engage. The only advice I can give here is that you learn to research the pilot while youre pinpointing a target. An experienced pirate should probably be avoided or engaged as a learning experience.

Learning From Your Mistakes

At the end of the day the Rifter is a cheap disposable frigate so dont be put off trying something. The things you will learn will almost always outweigh the cost of losing your ship. Try not to keep making the same mistakes again, though. Learn the capabilities of various ships and the kinds of fits you come across. The lessons you learn from your engagements will help you in the future. If you hunt in a small area or have a regular route that you patrol then learn about your opponents. If they keep beating you look at your lossmails and research them on Battleclinic. Learn what it is about their fits that beats you and see if you can come up with a way of overcoming your weaknesses and playing to your own strengths. Sometimes you might need a specific fit to counter a certain pilot.

The basic tactic of Rifter combat is to settle into a comfortable orbit around your opponent and smash them to bits while your armor plate absorbs the damage that they try and do to you. There are basically two components to the tactics of frigate piloting. The first is to approach your target while keeping transversal high to avoid getting hit while you power towards him. The second is deciding what distance to orbit your target at for optimal effect.

The best way to approach a target is to spiral towards him. This way you dont run the risk of being taken out in just a couple of volleys. Instead you approach your opponent while also keeping transversal high. This means they shouldnt hit you. You do this by manually piloting. Put the target ship in the centre of your screen then double click halfway towards the edge of the screen in any direction. This will have you moving at about a 45 angle relative to them. As the target drifts re-centre and repeat. Keep doing this until you are inside about 10 km of them. At this point you can hit orbit. When approaching it is also best to operate your microwarp drive using pulses rather than operating it continuously. This will help you save precious capacitor and also hopefully prevent you overshooting your target and having to make a fast turn which will reduce your transversal and make you vulnerable to their guns. The best way to practice these approaches is to find some rats in a high security belt and test it out on them. Once you can approach them without being hit you should be able to approach real targets in safety too. The more you practice the better youll get and the more confident youll be. This confidence will help you remain calm and give you the upper hand in the adrenaline filled fight that follows.

The range at which combat takes place is very important. Luckily us Minmatar have the advantage of fast, maneuverable ships that will let us dictate the range of a fight if we fly them sensibly. This couples with the fact that our projectile weapons have a range advantage over blasters and lasers. By using our falloff we can still deal our opponents damage while they cant hit us at all. This is especially good with high tech ammo like Barrage that carries a falloff bonus. I'm not going to talk in too much detail about the finer points of gunnery here. Check the Advanced Topics section for more detail. So what does this mean for us in combat? Well, a top skilled Rifter pilot has an optimal range of 1.5 km and a falloff of 9 km (1.5 + 9) using 200mm AutoCannon IIs and Barrage ammo. So at 10 km range youre doing about 42 DPS. This is only half the maximum but lets compare that to a Punisher and Tristan. A Punisher with maximum skills pilot using Medium Pulse Laser IIs and Multifrequency ammunition can hit to 3.8 + 2.5 km while an Incursus with Light Neutron Blaster IIs and Antimatter can hit for 1.1 + 4.7 km. So, by orbiting at range you can limit your opponents ability to do damage while still being able to hit them yourself. Of course, not everyone fits for close range combat so being at range could put you in danger if theyre fit for long range fighting. Use your judgement. It's obviously not quite this simple. Before you can use T2 guns then you dont have the advantage of Barrages falloff. In these cases I advise that you get in as close as possible and pound them with EMP. This ammunition does nice damage against both shield and armor tanking ships. If you can afford it then splash out for the Republic Fleet variation. This gives you an extra 10% damage bonus over the regular variety but expect to pay a lot more ISK for it. A bit of advice here is to not carry too much ammo. Frigates are flimsy ships and you will lose them. Carry no more than three reloads worth of your principle ammo and two of your secondary. You can always restock on ammo between engagements and losing a thousand rounds of faction ammo will hurt your wallet. Where does this leave us? Well, if you think the frigate that you are fighting is fit for close range combat (i.e. is fit for PvP) then load Barrage if you can and use your falloff to your advantage. If it is a missile ship or fit for long range fighting (i.e. PvE) then get in close and pound away with a nice high damage ammo. Remember that when your range is optimal + falloff you do just 50% of your maximum damage. At optimal + 1/3 falloff you still do 90% and at optimal + 2/3 falloff 75%. A good rule of thumb is to set your range for optimal + 1/3 falloff and then increase it if you are taking too much damage.

Kiting and Keep at Range

Range is something that Rifters excel at. This is good because it lets you stay out of range of high damage blaster boats and even better lets you stay out of the range of any pesky energy neutralizers. Both of these can spell death for your Rifter so if you suspect that either are likely to be employed against you then your best approach is to try and 'kite' your enemy. It's called kiting because it looks a bit like flying a kite. You fly off in a straight line and they give chase. Because you're faster they can't keep up and you can pick them off with your longer range guns. Obviously this only works against people who actually want to fight you. Its used a lot in PvE simply because the rats will always give chase. In PvP you need an opponent who wants to get you into blaster range or neut range to make it really work. Even in these cases make sure that you don't get too far ahead. If they slip out of scrambler range don't worry too much. Pulse your afterburner rather than running it continuously. With practice you'll be able to keep stringing them out and then letting them catch up before you sprint away.

Another way of doing a similar thing and one that requires a bit less attention is to use the "keep at range" button. This will try and keep your opponent at any distance that you specify. The advantage of using "keep at range" over orbit is that your ship isn't trying to go in a circle so is more maneuverable and better able to respond to changes from your opponent. It is by no means a completely foolproof method. A skilled pilot will try and use sudden bursts of speed and changes in direction to catch you out. Pay attention to your overview and be ready to respond if the situation changes quickly.

If you do decide to fight against a drone ship then be aware that if they are carrying webs the drones will kill you long before you kill them. There is, however, a way of getting around this. Orbit the target at a good range like 15-20 km. This will keep you out of his stasis webifiers and allow you to pick off his drones before closing in for the kill. This is more complicated than the normal tactic of just orbiting and firing so you will have to pay attention. One of the other great benefits to come out of Quantum Rise is that medium and large drones will have a very hard time hitting frigates. If a Thorax has a flight of medium drones then you can consider engaging him as a much more reasonable prospect than if he had a flight of light drones. Likewise many Vexors fill their drone bays for maximum damage without considering the effects of signature radius so will unleash large and medium drones with only one or two lights for you to worry about. If youre using a microwarp drive, target his drones and pulse your microwarp drive. The drones will initially be left behind and then will give chase lowering their transversal. This is called kiting. Shoot one of the drones as they close and pulse the microwarp drive again. Repeat until all the drones are dead. My experiences so far in afterburner-equipped Rifters have been very pleasing. Although Warrior IIs (the frigates worst enemy) can easily keep up with you, your reduced signature radius means that they do less damage than they do against MWDing ships. I was able to pick off a Brutixs flight of Warrior II drones before they even broke through my shields. The complications of this tactic arise from the fact that you are vulnerable to cruiser weapons every time you slow down between pulses and during the time you are fighting his drones your opponent will try and close down to web range on you. If you see their speed shoot up then stick in a pulse of your own microwarp drive. Your frigates speed should allow you to easily keep distance on them but your capacitor is much smaller than theirs so if they bide their time they may well get you. Of course, younger pilots will be less adept at this so should be easier pickings. When shooting the drones prioritize the smaller ones first. The medium and large drones will have a hard time hitting you as long as you are not webbed but while kiting, small drones, especially Warrior IIs can be lethal. Like all these combat tactics, dealing with drones is best practiced with corp mates before you try it in anger.

Run Away!
Running away is a surprisingly important tactic. Because Rifters are small, agile, and fast you usually have the option of disengaging if you think you have bitten off more than you can chew.

The easiest way to disengage is to set your keep at range button to a large number, preferably something outside of warp disruption range. Fifty kilometres is probably a pretty safe bet. By pressing this your ship will try and burn away from your target and hopefully get you safe. There are a couple of things to bear in mind when using this approach. If your opponent is trying to orbit you or just moving around a lot this tactic will cause your ship to make hard turns and slow down. For this reason its best used against larger ships. The other thing to bear in mind is that you are leaving in a straight line so guns like artillery will hit you hard. Very hard. A better approach is often to move the camera so that it is behind your ship. Look for a celestial object that you are roughly in line with and hit the approach command. This way your ship won't have to turn and will fly away from your opponent. Because you are continuing your tangent you should receive less incoming damage than you would if you turned and flew straight away. You will still get hit a bit, though, so its best to disengage early if you're not sure that you can make it. If you can't find a celestial and you're in a hurry just double click in space in front of your ship. This will have the same effect but has the disadvantage of not leaving you aligned to something you can warp to.

Advanced Topics
Turrets, Tracking, and Falloff
There are three kinds of turret in New Eden. Minmatar ships use projectile weapons, Amarr use lasers, and Gallente and Caldari use hybrid guns. In general terms, Gallente ships need to get in very close to use their high damage, short range weapons while Amarrian pilots can use their huge optimal ranges to deal damage without moving around much. Minmatar ships are designed for hit and run, guerilla warfare and so have a much more flexible weapon system. Projectile weapons are probably the most complicated to understand despite their primitive nature so a good understanding of how gunnery works in Eve is pretty vital for Minmatar pilots. Gun behaviour is modelled according to four basic parameters: optimal range, accuracy falloff, tracking, and signature radius. Optimal range is the simplest parameter of the three; if a target is inside your optimum range you will always hit him for full damage unless other effects come into play. Outside of your optimal range your guns have an accuracy falloff. In this falloff region you can still hit your target but with reduced probability. At the edge of one falloff range you have approximately a 50% chance to hit your target. At twice your falloff the chance to hit approaches zero. Tracking is how quickly your guns can spin on their mounts. If a target is orbiting you or even just flying past your ship your guns will need to turn in order to keep up with the enemy's motion. If a target is moving faster than your guns can track then you have an increased chance of missing him. Regardless of their actual shape (and in some cases dimensions) all ships in Eve are modelled as spheres with a signature radius. Guns also have a signature radius designed to emulate the size of their shells and other such effects. The idea is that small guns will hit small targets and large targets but big, heavy guns will find it hard to hit small targets. Therefore if your target's signature radius is smaller than that of your guns then you will find it hard to hit them. All of these parameters can be brought together into a formula that allows you to predict how accurate your guns are:

Using this formula it is possible to see how your choice of turret and ammunition compared to the enemy's range and speed will affect the damage that you do. If we

imagine a target orbiting us with a transversal velocity of 500 m/s we can look to see what the effect of changing the tier of gun that we chose is using Republic Fleet EMP ammunition.

You can see that until 3 km range all three turrets do the same damage but as the range increases the larger tiered autocannons do more damage. We can take the same guns and look to see how the transversal velocity affects the damage done. In this case we use a frigate-sized target orbiting at 3 km range and vary the transversal velocity.

No we can see that the different tracking properties of the various turrets come into play and at transversal velocities above 1 km/s the smaller tiered autocannons do more damage. At very low transversal velocities 200mm AutoCannon IIs do 25% more damage than 125mm Gatling AutoCannon IIs. We can perform the same analysis for the different ammunition types. This time I have used 150mm Light AutoCannon IIs and varied the ammunition loaded between close range (EMP), high tracking (Titanium Sabot), long range (Proton) and the advanced varieties (Barrage and Hail). Again I have used a fixed transversal of 500 m/s to investigate range and a fixed range of 3 km to investigate transversal.

From these two graphs you can see that EMP and Barrage are the best ammunition choices in almost all situations. At close range and high transversal EMP (along with Fusion and Phased Plasma) does the most damage. Once the range increases out to 4 km or so then Barrage becomes your best choice. A key thing to take away from these

graphs is that, despite its high damage potential on paper, Hail almost always does less damage than conventional ammunition and Barrage. If you want to do some quick and dirty calculations for yourself there is a fantastic page on the Eve Geek site.

You might have noticed that the formula in the section above talks about transversal speed. Eve breaks a target's speed into two components as described by CCP Helmar: "The radial speed as it is now on the scanner is relative towards you if you were still. With this you can spot the threat that is approaching you the fastest/ fleeing the fastest. Transversal speed is what is left of the velocity vector of the object when the radial component has been removed. The object with the highest transversal speed is the object that you need the most weapon tracking speed to hit well." By controlling your transversal and range you can make it very hard for people to hit you. I personally find all this talk of transversals a bit odd and prefer to think in terms of the angular velocity which is simply the transversal divided by the range. If you display the angular velocity on your overview you can very quickly check to see whether or not you can track a target. Your ship's onboard navigation computer has an affect on transversal. If you give the command to orbit a target then you computer will fly towards or away from your target with minimum transversal velocity (i.e. maximum radial velocity) until it reaches the desired range and then it will try and establish an orbit with the maximum transversal velocity. If you are stuck fighting a faster target and are unable to dictate range you can use this to your advantage: tell your computer to orbit the target at the current range and you will stop struggling to change range and instead maximise transversal. Likewise the keep at range and approach commands aim to minimize transversal. You can also manage your transversal by manually piloting your ship. Flying in a straight line will stretch out an orbit and make it elliptical allowing you to reduce transversal. Manually orbiting may well allow you to keep a higher transversal than the ship's autopilot.

Thermodynamics is a fantastic addition to any combat pilots repertoire, especially when youre flying solo. Once youve trained this skill it is worth investing the time to get it up to level IV. There are three main uses for heat in the Rifter and Ill deal with each one separately. First of all when closing in on your target to make the tackle you can overheat all of your mid slots. The 50% bonus to the speed boost of your propulsion module will allow you to quickly close on your prey. Warp scramblers and disrupters will benefit from a 20% range bonus too, while stasis webifiers get 30%, allowing you to engage them earlier and trap your victim quickly and efficiently. This is especially useful if your target uses speed as their main defence as in the case of interceptors. Once youve made the tackle stop overheating so you dont risk your modules burning out. Next up is the ability to overload your weapons. In short brutal fights, as most frigate fights can, you can overload for pretty much the duration of the combat to get a large damage bonus due to increased rate of fire. This is actually a really good bonus because

it also increases your likelihood of getting a wrecking blow. As in all uses of heat, though, dont forget that sustained overloading risks burning your guns out and making them completely useless. For longer engagements heat should only be used when you need to break an opponents tank and cant do it without a little bit of extra punch. Short bursts of heat to overload a repair system can be particularly effective here. Finally heat is fantastic for actively tanked Rifters. armor repair units have brilliant heat tolerances so you can overload them for the duration of the engagement. Overloading in this case increases the repair speed by 20% so watch out because continuously running your repair systems will eat your capacitor very quickly. Some of the best fights Ive had in my Rifter have been a case of getting right up in the face of PvP fit destroyers, overloading everything, and crossing my fingers. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. Either way its a much better adrenaline rush than ganking fools in Catalysts. Ive yet to try this approach against a Taranis but Im looking forward to doing it soon. (Have you noticed that Ive got a bit of a grudge against those damned ranises?)

A Note On The Approach, Orbit, and Keep at Range Commands

After testing with a corp mate I have found the following: pressing the approach button will cause your ship to give chase and hence will minimize your transversal; pressing orbit will cause your ship to orbit so as to maximize transversal. The keep at range command will also minimize transversal so could result in you taking lots of damage if you use it for bugging out. This seems like pretty trivial knowledge but it can help you out if you are having tracking issues (i.e. vs interceptors) or want to decrease their tracking (i.e. vs cruisers). Also, the closer you are, the harder it is for guns to track but dont let that worry you because thats another thing that autocannons are great for.

Grids and Session Changes

The two design artifacts that you will come across most often in New Eden are grids and sessions. A grid is simply a portion of space where the Eve servers treat all the objects as being able to see each other. For small scale combat you will rarely have to worry about grids and I am not going to say anything more about them here. If you would like to know more, the cunning bees in GoonSwarm's research division have produced a fantastic guide to what they call Grid-Fu. Sessions in Eve are very important. Whenever your character changes state (i.e. changes ship, undocks, jumps into another solar system) there is a 30 second countdown while the server allows this information to propagate to all concerned. The three most important manifestations of the session change for new players are: Changing ship inside a station means that you cannot leave your ship for another 30 seconds. When jumping into a system your ship will hold its cloak for 30 seconds and be invulnerable while the session changes. Once you move your ship the session change is over and you are no longer invulnerable. After undocking you have a 30 second session change. During this 30 seconds you cannot re-dock but your ship is invulnerable and will continue away from the station at its maximum speed until you give it a command. Stopping your ship does not end your invulnerability but any other piloting instructions will.

During a session change you cannot dock or jump through a stargate. If you have not broken your invulnerability you will also not be able to activate modules or target other ships. If you press escape you can enable the session change timer in Eve's options menu. This will place a spinning wheel in the top corner of your screen that will tell you how long until your session change is complete. This is incredibly useful for working out when you can re-dock or burn back to a gate to jump out and escape a hostile camp.

Advanced Tactics
What Guns Have They Got?
When you are deciding whether or not to fight, all intelligence that you can gather is useful. One of the simplest things that you can do is use the 'look at' command to take a close look at a ship that you are considering fighting. You have to be within 100 km to use this command but it does work while you are cloaked after jumping in. What can you tell? Well a quick look should tell you whether your target has short or long range guns. Identifying the gun types does take practice but it is worth taking a look at the commonly fit types (you can always ask friends to help with any that you can't fit). Knowing that a Thrasher or Hurricane has long range artillery fit can be vital in formulating your plan. If you know how many turret slots a ship has (easy to find out from the information pane) then you can count the guns to see if there are likely to be any surprises such as neutralizers. It should be noted that missile launchers do not appear on their hardpoints so it is impossible to gather information about these. Another use is to look for any visible effects on the ship. Ships that have shield tanking modules such as hardeners have a white sheen on their shields whilst active armor modules cause green flashes on the ship's structure. Other effects such as sensor boosters could give you vital information about how a ship is fit, for example a Zealot in snipe configuration can be easily killed by a frigate if you can get it scrambled.

Manual Piloting
While your ship's autopilot is probably good enough for most situations it is possible to gain a strong advantage in combat by using manual piloting. Whether you are looking to pilot a tight orbit and evade your enemy's fire, or manipulate him into scram/neut range having the ability to pull off custom manoeuvres can make all the difference. I have already discussed making a spiralling approach in the basic tactics section so will now talk about a couple of other manual moves. If you are caught by a faster ship that is staying out of scrambler range you can use manual flying tricks to try and either break out of his scrambler or get him inside your own. One such method is the 'Crazy Ivan'. This is nothing more than a series of sharp turns and accelerations either towards or away from your opponents direction of flight. If your opponent is relying on his autopilot to keep him at range then such quick changes of velocity will cause their computer to try and adjust its own orbit. This can result in them effectively stopping as they make a hard turn and will give you the chance to lock them down or to escape. A variation on this is the idea of doubling back on yourself. Fly in a straight line with your opponent in a steady orbit around you. If you have an MWD you can try and use it to break their orbit when they are flying parallel to you (in your direction to catch them, in the opposite direction to escape). The other option is to fly along in a straight line and

then make a hard turn and apply your (overloaded) propulsion module. This will cause a rapid change in your velocity and, hopefully, catch them out. This trick can work nicely in frigate fights when you want to close to within neutralizer range in a heavy, plated fit. Moves such as this that disrupt your opponent's orbit or keep at range instructions will allow you to minimize any speed advantage that they have. Try them out next time you're fighting another Rifter and watch them struggle to maintain range. There is an excellent Eve Tribune article on interceptor manoeuvres that can be easily applied to manually flying frigates in a range of situations.

Fighting Interceptors
Although they can be difficult to catch, interceptors make great prey for frigate pilots. Whether you have an afterburner or a microwarp drive fitted you can still hunt them pretty effectively. With a microwarp drive things are relatively trivial but it is perfectly possible to catch them unawares with an afterburner. You can use the orbit-breaking tricks discussed above to try and catch them but there are even simpler tricks that will completely negate their speed advantage. Baiting is the most effective tactic against interceptors. Because of their speed most interceptor pilots consider themselves almost invulnerable, especially to a pathetic T1 frigate like your own. If you find a pilot like this you have almost won already. Warp to a nice obvious celestial such as a planet or belt and wait for him to follow. More often than not he will warp to the celestial at zero in his hunger to catch you. Sit there with afterburner (or MWD) and tackle mods primed. As soon as he lands start targeting and hit approach. Unless he is incredibly on the ball your lock will resolve before he can get out of range and you will be able to kill him comfortably. The ability to overheat is obviously a massive help here. Sometimes you will find that he drifts out of scram range but because you have shut off his MWD and have him webbed he will drop back in before he can escape. Make sure you stay alert to this until you are right on top of him. In nullsec this kind of baiting can be massively effective. You can camp pipes nicely by sitting on a gate and pretending to be coy when an interceptor approaches you. As soon as he approaches jump through and warp to the next gate. If he follows he will land right on top of you where you are waiting. For this kind of game an afterburner works particularly well because you don't need to close him down. You can also operate a very effective bubble camp in a Rifter. Grab a small bubble and go find yourself a nice pipe. Warp from one gate to the other and then burn a further 50 - 100 km behind the gate. Once there anchor your bubble. Now if you sit on the very edge of the bubble you will catch any interceptors that warp directly between the gates in your bubble and be able to get your web and scram on them before they can escape. Because you are 50+ km from the gate you have ample time to escape if any nasties show up. Make sure you're not actually in your own bubble or you'll be unable to flee and get caught in your own trap. If an interceptor lands at good range from you, it is possible to trap them simply by hitting the approach button and burning towards them as fast as possible. If they use either the orbit or keep at range commands their ship will burn towards you until it hits it desired range and then make a hard turn to establish its orbit. Because their navigational computer does not take into account your speed they will overshoot and end up inside your scram range. You can get a similar effect by pretending to run away. They will give chase and then you can turn to face them at about 40 km or so and hope they overshoot. If this fails just employ the orbit breaking tactics discussed above. There is a final trick that I enjoy using to kill interceptors: asteroids. The best place to bait an interceptor (after a gate) is an asteroid field. If you're not able to catch them on

warp in simply manually fly through the field getting close to any big clusters of asteroids you see. The autopilot does not try and evade obstacles and even if they are manually piloting there is a good chance that they will get stuck on an asteroid. This is your chance to either pounce or flee.

Next Steps
Once you've got the hang of flying the Rifter there are several options open to you. The simplest step is to train the Destroyers skill and start flying the excellent Thrasher. I really love this ship and think that it is a very cost-effective way of PvPing. If you want to stick with frigate-like ships then you should consider training for Assault Frigates. These are essentially heavier versions of the T1 frigate and the Minmatar versions are the Jaguar and the Wolf. The Jaguar is the more rounded of the two with the Wolf concentrating on being a high damage ship. Flying them is very like flying a Rifter and the skills you have learnt will translate directly to this new class. The other popular kind of combat frigate is the Interceptor. The Stiletto is an excellent gang tackler and if you fly in regular gangs or fleets will be appreciated by all your wingmates. The Claw is the combat interceptor for Minmatar pilots and while it isn't the highest regarded ship in its class it is very capable with good speed and damage. If you want something a bit larger then the next step is to look at training for cruisers. While the fast-moving Stabber is a pretty popular ship I would recommend that you look at the Rupture. It is an excellent ship with great damage and a good tank. As well as the cruiser skill you will also need to train drones and medium autocannons but the principles that you learnt in the Rifter will translate excellently and you'll quickly become a good cruiser pilot. After cruisers you can go almost anywhere you would like. The Minmatar have so many good combat ships including the Cyclone, Hurricane, Vagabond, and Typhoon. You're almost spoiled for choice!

Since the Quantum Rise patch was released there has been a real renaissance in frigate combat. Almost every system seems to have pirates hunting in assault frigates. Dont let this put you off. In fact, to encourage you to get stuck in here are some inspirational videos: Prometheus Exenthals 'Frigank' series Wensleys 'Inconcievable' and 'Rifter Drifter' Leeloo Malaquins 'A Day in Amamake' and 'Another Day in Amamake' Altaieere's '3 Days in Space' Lexa Hellfury's '9 Days, 20 Incursii' Ro Bustus' 'Poor Man's PvP' D'Fenixus' 'Sweet Little Frigates' Willl Adama's 'Kill Will' Volume One and Two Anarius Fausts' 'Free Solo'

There are several Eve blogs written by people who mostly fly Rifters as well. These provide good inspiration as well as handy tips and tricks. Rifter Drifter by Wensley A Pirates Perspective by Kane Rizzel Kirith Darkblade - Eve Pirate

Useful Reading Material

Ren Tales Noob Piracy Guide on the ve Online forums Skira Ranos Piracy Guide The Rifter PvP Guide on the Eve Online wiki (based upon this guide) Scrapheap Challenges Rifter fitting thread What can you take on in a Rifter? on Scrapheap Challenge A Comprehensive New Players Guide to Tanking The Tusker Academy Agony Unleasheds PvP University Interceptor Maneuvres 101 00sage00's Piloting Savviness Electronic Warfare Overview Settings Guide Garmon's Taranis 0.0 PvP guide

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