World Water Day 2012 Prayer Service

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PRAYER SERVICE for U.N. WORLD WATER DAY 2012. Quote: Water is the driving force of all nature- Leonardo da Vinci Theme: If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water. Logo: Water and Food Scarcity - The World is thirsty because we are hungry Event: Thursday - 22 March - World Water Day 2012 Ritual: 3 glass jars full, half and empty with placards Clean, Dirty, No WATER. Scripture: Psalm 1:3; 65:10 Prayer Songs: 1. Water Cycle - or 2. Save Water! - Introduction: Leader: The UN General Assembly on 22 Dec 1992, declared 22 March to be the World Day for Water and from 22 March 1993 World Water Day is observed annually, with focus on the significance of freshwater and urgency for sustainable management of water resources indicating a specific aspect each year. Water for Life 2005 2015 as the International Decade for Action was launched on World Water Day in 2005 to set the world's goals on water-related issues, role of women in water crisis and to achieve water related MDGs (Millennium Declaration Goals). In 2012 the theme is Water and food security for the world is hungry because we are thirsty. Water surrounds and unites us under one sky, as it moves from air to land to sea and back again in water cycle shaping our planet. Although 70% of the Earth is Water, only 1% of it is drinkable and precious. Pure water is odorless, tasteless, with zero calories and is the best solvent. Water is the only inorganic compound found naturally in all three physical states. As a solid ice, it forms glaciers, frozen lakes and rivers; snow, hail and frost; as gas it occur as fog, steam and clouds. It is liquid as rain and dew; and covers the earth's surface in swamps, lakes, rivers and oceans. If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water. Water is revered in major religions as it is the source of life, a means of purification and a centre of regeneration. Water is God's Gift to refresh, renew and restore humans and creation. Let us thank God for this elixir of life in singing the wonder of water cycle.

Choir: Prayer Song: Water Cycle - / Ritual: - 3 glass jars full, half and empty on 3 stands/stools; A Candle; 3 students dressed in white, holding placards CLEAN Water, DIRTY Water, NO Water stand behind the stands with respective jars and raise the placard when their part is read. Ritual A: Reflection - Glass jar containing CLEAN WATER Reader1: Water is natures precious resource; it has no nutrients yet a vital component in a healthy diet. Through our bodies (we are 60% water by weight) we depend along with the rest of creation on water for our body functions such as breathing, circulation, digestion, kidneys, chemical reactions and detoxification. Water is the driving force of all nature. All life forms from the tiniest insect to a giant tree need water to exist. As a nature's magician water in the topsoil turns the seeds into plants for food to feed us. Water sustains biodiversity, healthy ecosystems and benefits all aspects of life food security and agriculture, production and industry, nations economy and politics. Water quenches bodily thirst, nourishes life and stirs soul in art and music. Water is nature's mirror for that which lies within us (Al Gore) Natures cost-free water cycle system keeps our planet fine-tuned; it serves as an active model of the recycling of all living things and sustainability we must follow. Water fascinates us in her modes, moods and mysteries. Clouds are her sky-carriage and mobile distilleries, while Rain clouds display fireworks and thunderclaps prior to the lively aerobics of the rainfall. Every snow flake is minute, delicate, symmetrical and yet unique. Fog spreads her shawl over landscapes in a hide and seek with the sunlight. As the sea, she synchronizes her tides in precision with phases of the moon. At rest, she models for mirrors to reflect our faces and invisibly our lifestyles. Fresh Water bears a flawless imprint of Creator. Blessed is the person who admires water and imbibes her artistic, clean, cool, comforting, dynamic, life-giving, refreshing, healing, humble, peace loving qualities to bring out the magic in ones life. Reader 2: Water is the cradle of life and flowing waters is an expression of God's grace for the whole of creation. The happy person is like a tree that is planted beside the flowing waters, that yields its fruit in due season and whose leaves shall never fade; and all that he does shall prosper. (Psalm 1:3). You have visited the land and watered it; greatly you have enriched by it (Ps.65: 10) To be thirsty for water is the bodily expression of hunger for the fullness of life. Jesus is the Living Water to our inner spiritual thirst for lasting joy and peace. In the canticle of the creatures St. Francis of Assisi calls water as a sister praising God for the precious gift. Water is so useful, humble, peaceable, precious and pure. Let us bow our heads and join the Prayer for Sister Water (Pause): (Br. Cathal Duddy ofm) WE PRAISE AND THANK YOU, LORD, FOR THE GIFT OF LIVING WATER. GUIDE US TO USE WATER WISELY AND LEARN FROM ITS HUMILITY, CONSUME WATER SPARINGLY AND PROTECT ITS PURITY, SO THAT WITH ST. FRANCIS, WE MAY TRULY ENJOY WATER, AMEN. Ritual B: Glass jar containing DIRTY WATER; A lighted Candle to be held to mourn. Reader 3: Water pollution (WP) occurs when pollutants get added directly or indirectly into water bodies (oceans, rivers, puddles, wetlands, aquifers) without safe treatment. WP harms the food chain and affects humans, as water and health are inter-linked. Every day 2 million tons of dirty sewage and 70% of raw industrial waste are added into water bodies. Whether we live upstream or downstream

we cannot escape our waste as we are all affected by WP in the chain of water cycle (What goes around comes around). Despite huge capital spent on operation clean Ganga / Yamuna they remain toxic and dirty, endangering public health and expenses. Paradoxically 60% Indians lack toilets (health tool) to answer natures call, while 74% Indians own mobile phones a sign of progress. Access to safe water is a deep human need and a basic human right founded on the dignity of the human person.(Pope Benedict XVI). Globally 1.2 billion people (1 in 5), live in areas of physical water scarcity and another 1.6 billion people (1 in 4), face economic water shortage; 2.6 billion people lack proper sanitation. 2 million people die from water-related diseases every year, majority being children under the age of five. WHO (World Health Organization) estimates that for every $1 invested in safe water and sanitation, the profit returns will be $3 to $34 in better health, for Prevention is better than cure. Applying rigorously Polluter pays principle and restricting over-extraction of ground water (underground liquid gold), will save water and earth. Let us hold this lighted candle and join in silent prayer for all whose lives are cut short in death due to water related diseases or disasters like floods, tsunami, snowstorm etc... (Silent Pause). Ritual C: Empty Glass jar containing NO WATER Reader 4: Water, water, everywhere but not a drop to drink Potable water is a finite resource and a blessing to be shared with all humans and whole of creation in defense of life currently and a guarantee for life to be protected for future generations on our planet. Rising demand for water compels us to reduce our water foot-print in terms of water (direct and indirect) usage. Water scarcity is due to pollution of water bodies, overextraction of freshwater and toothless water management policies. Water crisis robs the dignity, health and livelihood of the vulnerable. Almost two-thirds, 64% of households rely on women to trek and fetch water losing time, effort and option on caring tasks in poor countries and 80% of ailment is linked to contaminated water. Clashes and conflicts over scarce water between families, farms, sectors, states and nations is an ugly reality. There are over 7 billion people on our planet today, while a billion people and more suffer from chronic hunger and water distress. To ensure Water and Food Security to all, few steps will help: produce and consume less water-intensive crops and products locally, reduce any wastage in terms of water used indirectly to harvest or produce it. Strict measures to save water at every step in the supply chain from producers to consumers can ensure food security. It is absurd to export water embedded thirsty crops or products (sugar, cotton etc...). Fixing and maintaining pipelines is a wiser option than inept water tankers and water bottles raising overhead costs. Leader: Water is our lifeblood and economy. Caring to protect fresh water resources oceans, coral reefs, wetlands, ground water is everyone's duty and business. Water challenges us to be conscious and responsible in its consumption (our water footprint), by reducing water usage and preventing water wastage. Today's rain water is tomorrow's life saver; Let us care for the water and share it for God blesses a simple act to the deprived I was thirsty and you gave me drink. (brief pause). Prayer: On this World Water Day let us pray that all peoples may have access to water and other resources needed for daily life. Holy God, our Living Water, together with the seas, rivers and wellsprings, we bless and thank you for the gift of water. We pray for those who struggle for their daily supply of clean water and those who experience floods. We pray that those who take water for granted and fail to

understand the cries of people who need water for life. Give us the strength to value, save and share water as a common good for all. Amen Water is essential to the full enjoyment of life and all other human rights. (Social doctrine of the Church) Right attitude can motivate us to save water every day as we use water to drink, wash and live; to be reverent and appreciative of water, remembering it is a gift from God, not to be wasted. We can show this reverence every time we close the tap while brushing our teeth, having a bath, preventing wastage and leakage and a simple lifestyle. Saving Water is saving energy and money in reducing overheads. Water is precious and a vanishing resource. Everyone has the right to water but fail to have it. Wasting fresh water is a crime against humanity. Let us reduce, reuse, recycle to conserve water in order to protect life and save our earth. Let us conclude our prayer service with a resolve to save water as we sing with the choir. Choir: Prayer Song 2: Save Water! By Nooshi: Requirements: A Teacher and 2/3 student leaders will take full responsibility for prior preparation: 1. Arrange and organize the prayer service, with prior preparation for the requirements. 2. Prepare the Ritual for display - 3 glass jars full, half and empty on 3 stands/stools; Candle, 3 placards - CLEAN Water, DIRTY Water, NO Water; 3 students dressed in White, to stand behind the jars to hold and raise the placard when their part is read. 3. The choir to practice earlier the given songs and lead the assembly to sing. 4. Assign 4 readers to responsibly render their role; practice earlier to set the prayer tone of devotion with reflective pauses to let the service flow without flaw. 5. Display prominently The Theme, Quote and the Logo. NOTE: {AVEC Prayer Services are comprehensive to conduct once a month during the school assembly or class assembly. Pupil participation in preparation of Rituals, Poster, Singing, and Reading will enhance the effect. In case of time constraint, you are encouraged to condense and have it rather than miss its dynamism. Kindly spread the prayer for the benefit of others.} Prayer Song 1A: Water Cycle song (David and co.- Sc explosion) Rain and snow come down and they hit the ground, Soak into the Earth or they hang around. In puddles or lakes they evaporate Up into the clouds, where they condensate. Boy it's cold up there, but they're unaware As they grab some dust and return to us. They precipitate on land and lakes. It's the water cycle: ain't it great? (Repeat) Prayer Song 1B: for Grown ups: Water Cycle song (Mr. Davies) -

Somewhere, out there, The sun shining in the puddle Thats something what we call, The Water Cycle. Water from the little puddle turns to gas, EVAPORATION The gas forms into puffy clouds, CONDENSATION The clouds get heavy and the rain pours down, PRECIPITATION And more puddles on the ground Oh the water cycle round and round Vapour goes up and the rain comes down Water in the sky, in the ocean, in the ground Its all in a cycle going round and round. Some clouds look like a horses tail, thats cirrus (cirrus!) Some clouds look like cauliflower, thats cumulus (cumulus!) Some clouds look like a blanket of grey, thats stratus (stratus!) They are high clouds, low clouds, and in between clouds Fog on the ground is also rarely seen clouds Yeah Yeah Yeah Oh the water cycle round and round Vapour goes up and the rain comes down Water in a river, in a glass, in a cloud, Its all in a cycle going round and round. When warm air meets cold air trouble brews That could mean a storm and thats bad news, A hurricane can form when that happens near warm water Look out if that storm reaches land. Get out of the way, grab your sons and daughters. Crash! Bash! Boom! and Kabam Oh no! We forgot uncle Dan Im ok, Im alright, I was just hiding in the garbage can. He was hiding in the garbage can Oh the water cycle round and round Vapour goes up and the rain comes down Water in a person, in a well deep down. Prayer Song 2: Save Water! By Nooshi Refer: Turn of the water (Drip Drop, Drip Drop, Drip Drop) Take a shorter shower (Drip Drop, Drip Drop, Drip Drop) Don't let the water run (Drip Drop, Drip Drop, Drip Drop) Saving water is fun; it is (Drip Drop, Drip Drop, Drip Drop) (Chorus) 2x : You can do it / yes you can If we can save water / the whole world can. Save some for the fishes (Drip Drop, Drip Drop, Drip Drop) Use a little for the dishes (Drip Drop, Drip Drop, Drip Drop) Fix that leak (Drip Drop, Drip Drop, Drip Drop) Water saving technique (Drip Drop, Drip Drop, Drip Drop) (Chorus) 2x: You can do it / yes you can I we can save water / the whole world can

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