Hindi CH Everest

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 How to became a mountaineer ??

Primarily there are four types of mountaineering courses; Basic

Mountaineering Course (BMC), Advance Mountaineering Course
(AMC), Search and Rescue (SAR) and Method of Instruction (MOI).
BMC and AMC are normally for duration of 28 days, while SAR and
MOI could vary from 15-21 days.

 Info about mountaineer..

Mountaineers train to climb on all types of terrain whether it be level

ground, rock, snow, or ice. Each type of terrain presents its own
hazards. Mountaineers must possess adequate food, water,
information, equipment and stamina to complete their tasks.

 Eassay on save water save life

Water is the most important and valuable natural resource on Earth. It
sustains all life. There is no life without water. Water is not only important for
human beings but for the entire ecosystem. Without enough water, the
existence of humans, as well as animals, is next to impossible. After fresh air,
water is the second most important natural resource for the survival of any
living being. 
Water is necessary for the survival of each living creature on this planet, be it
a small worm, plant, or full-grown tree.  Animals and plants  cannot survive
without water. About 71% of Earth’s surface is covered with water.
Unfortunately, only 3% of the water available  is freshwater. About two-thirds
of the freshwater lies in the form of frozen glaciers and ice caps. The rest of
the small portion is available in the form of groundwater and surface water. 
We totally depend on water for multiple purposes. Water is used in agriculture
for the irrigation of crops. We use water for drinking, cooking, cleaning,
bathing, and other domestic purposes. Water is used for recreational
activities. In industries, water is used as a coolant, solvent and also used in
other manufacturing purposes. Hydroelectricity is generated with the help of
water. Water is also used for navigation and transportation of goods. This tells
us how water is the most essential component of life and every drop of water
is vital for sustenance. Therefore, water conservation is important to save life
on this planet.
Importance of Water:
1. The basic use of water is drinking, bathing, agriculture, irrigation,
hospitality, factories, etc.
2. Water helps in blood circulation and improves metabolism in the human
3. The entire aquatic ecosystem is located in water. It is a home for all the
aquatic animals
4. Water is a major source of transportation after land and air.
5. Water aids in saliva secretion and oxygen delivery to our bodily cells.
6.  Some countries have abundant water resources for their residents and
serve        the people, whereas others lack natural resources even for
Depletion of fresh water has become a threat to our existence. According to
some scientists, the quantity and the quality of water are degrading day by
day. Although Earth is covered with almost 71% of water, the quality is that we
cannot use it in day-to-day life for domestic purposes. Water quality is so poor
that people in some places are prone to several water-borne diseases such as
Eluru, caused by contaminated water. 
These instances are eye-opening examples and should be taken seriously for
better living conditions for us and our future generation.
Below are the Reasons for Shortage of Fresh Water:
1. Growth of population leads to excessive consumption of water. 
2. Daily excessive wastage of water.
3. The rapid growth of industries has increased the problem of proper
disposal of waste material from them. The waste products from these
industries contain extremely poisonous elements that are polluting the
rivers and other water bodies. 
4. Pesticides and chemical fertilisers that are used to treat crops also
pollute the fresh water. 
5. Sewage waste that is dumped into the rivers is making the water
unsuitable for drinking and washing causing several water-borne
diseases like cholera, jaundice and typhoid.  
6. Use of plastics and disposing them carelessly in the water bodies are
affecting aquatic life and further disturbing the entire ecosystem.
7. Global warming is another major reason for the scarcity of water on
earth. According to several types of research, because of global
warming, the world will face more stress for water scarcity till the year

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