Housekeeping Supervisor Checklist
Housekeeping Supervisor Checklist
Housekeeping Supervisor Checklist
floors are neat and tidy. Door is clean inside and out Frame and wheather stripping Do Not Disturb sign in Place Entrance light dusted and bulb is working Bedroom vents are clean Closet: Door clean in and out Hangers x6 Dusted and free of fingerprints Laundry bag swept and dusted Bathroom Door and vents are clean Floor clean, shower walls clean Soap dishes, shower knobs and head clean stoppers/ overflow and drains clean tiles and tub clean shower curtain, liner and rods clean toilet clean toilet paper supplied amenity basket cleaned and replenished waste basket Polished Towel rack clean Bath towles restocked Television/ Dressers Dusted proper volume set matches and candles supplied waste basket cleaned, liners in place Ashtrays cleaned Windows Glass clean Gause dusted Window sills clean Furniture Sofas dusted and polished
cushions placed properly Pictures clean and straight Lamps in tact, cords neat Bedding sheets and pillow cases changed pillows clean and in place Corners tucked Headboard clean Bedskirts clean Under bed clean Bed spreads clean and wrinkle free Mosquito nets clean and no holes Overall room Phonebook, notepad and welcome note in folder Telephone clean wastebasket clean and liners in place carpet edged flat spots treated walls clean Room smelling fresh Any Maintenance please report to sunny and follow up within 24hours.