Nash Bargaining Solution Lecture
Nash Bargaining Solution Lecture
Nash Bargaining Solution Lecture
Asu Ozdaglar
Rubinstein Bargaining Model with Alternating Oers Nash Bargaining Solution Relation of Axiomatic and Strategic Model
Strategic Model
In this lecture, we discuss an axiomatic approach to the bargaining problem. In particular, we introduce the Nash bargaining solution and study the relation between the axiomatic and strategic (noncooperative) models. As we have seen in the last lecture, the Rubinstein bargaining model allows two players to oer alternating proposals indenitely, and it assumes that future payos of players 1 and 2 are discounted by 1 , 2 (0, 1).
Strategic Model
(1 1 ) x2 = 2 , 1 1 2
y2 =
1 1 . 1 1 2
Clearly, an agreement is reached immediately for any values of 1 and 2 . To gain more insight into the resulting allocation, assume for simplicity that 1 = 2 . Then, we have
1 If 1 moves rst, the division will be ( 1+ , 1+ ). 1 ). If 2 moves rst, the division will be ( 1+ , 1+
Strategic Model
These equations represent a continuous-time approximation of interest rates. It is equivalent to interest rates for very small periods of time t: e ri t 1+1i t . r Taking t 0, we get rid of the rst movers advantage.
t 0
lim x1 = lim
Strategic Model
Strategic Model
Example Suppose 2 players must split one unit of a good. If no agreement is reached, then players do not receive anything. Preferences are identical. We then expect: Players to agree (Eciency) Each to obtain half (Symmetry) We next consider a more general scenario. We use X to denote set of possible agreements and D to denote the disagreement outcome. As an example we may have X = {(x1 , x2 )|x1 + x2 = 1, xi 0}, D = (0, 0).
Strategic Model
We assume that each player i has preferences, represented by a utility function ui over X {D }. We denote the set of possible payos by set U dened by U d
A bargaining problem is a pair (U, d ) where U R2 and d U. We assume that U is a convex and compact set. There exists some v U such that v > d (i.e., vi > di for all i). We denote the set of all possible bargaining problems by B .
A bargaining solution is a function f : B U.
We will study bargaining solutions f () that satisfy a list of reasonable
Strategic Model
Pareto Eciency: A bargaining solution f (U, d ) is Pareto ecient if there does not exist a (v1 , v2 ) U such that v f (U, d ) and vi > fi (U, d ) for some i. An inecient outcome is unlikely, since it leaves space for renegotiation.
Symmetry: Let (U, d ) be such that (v1 , v2 ) U if and only if (v2 , v1 ) U and d1 = d2 . Then f1 (U, d ) = f2 (U, d ). If the players are indistinguishable, the agreement should not discriminate between them.
Strategic Model
Invariance to Equivalent Payo Representations Given a bargaining problem (U, d ), consider a dierent bargaining problem (U , d ) for some > 0, : U d
= {(1 v1 + 1 , 2 v2 + 2 ) | (v1 , v2 ) U } = (1 d1 + 1 , 2 d2 + 2 )
Then, fi (U , d ) = i fi (U, d ) + i . Utility functions are only representation of preferences over outcomes. A transformation of the utility function that maintains the some ordering over preferences (such as a linear transformation) should not alter the outcome of the bargaining process. Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives Let (U, d ) and (U d ) be two bargaining problems such that U U. If f (U, d ) U , then f (U , d ) = f (U, d ).
Strategic Model
subject to
( v1 , v 2 ) U (v1 , v2 ) (d1 , d2 )
We use f N (U, d ) to denote the Nash bargaining solution. Remarks: Existence of an optimal solution: Since the set U is compact and the objective function of problem (1) is continuous, there exists an optimal solution for problem (1). Uniqueness of the optimal solution: The objective function of problem (1) is strictly quasi-concave. Therefore, problem (1) has a unique optimal solution.
Strategic Model
Strategic Model
Strategic Model
Strategic Model
Strategic Model
max v1 (z )v2 (1 z ) = u (z )u (1 z ).
We denote the optimal solution of this problem by zu . By the rst order optimality conditions, we have u (z )u (1 z ) = u (z )u (1 z ), implying that u (z u) = u (1z u) . u u
u (z )
u (1z )
Strategic Model
max v1 (z )v2 (1 z ) = u (z )h (u (1 z ))
We denote the optimal solution of this problem by zv By the rst order optimality conditions, we have u (z )h (u (1 z )) = u (z )h (u (1 z ))u (1 z ),
v v implying that u (z v) = . h(u (1zv )) v Since h is a concave increasing function and h (0) = 0, we have for
u (z )
h (t ) for all t 0. t u ( zv ) u ( 1 zv ) This implies that , u ( zv ) u ( 1 zv ) and therefore zu zv . the preceding analysis shows that when player 2 is more risk averse, player 1s share increases. h (t )
Strategic Model
We next consider variations on Rubinsteins bargaining model with alternating oers and compare the resulting allocations with the Nash bargaining solution. To compare, we need a disagreement outcome. We do this by considering two dierent scenarios: Availability of outside options Risk of breakdown
Strategic Model
This allocation is dierent from the equilibrium allocation in which the outside option (0, d2 ) only has an eect if d2 > x2 .
Strategic Model
(1 )(1 d2 ) + d1 2
Letting 0, we have x1 1/2 + 1/2(d1 d2 ), which coincides with the Nash bargaining solution. That is, the variant of the bargaining game with alternating oers with exogenous probabilistic breakdown and Nashs axiomatic model, though built entirely of dierent components, yield the same outcome.
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