Eamcet 2010 Eng

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Booklet Code E 2010 A ‘Time : 3 Hours Marks : 160 Instructions : @ Ga Bach question carries one mark. SB BQH oF sey, soos, Choose correct answer to the following questions and darken, with HB pencil, the corresponding digit 1, 2, 3 or 4 in the circle pertaining to the question number concerned in the OMR Answer Sheet, separately supplied to you. BiH GINS SO SYM SOM Sar grSswc ASS "A HDD Sedo wo3 1,2,3 88 4 Serr BOHS OMR SESS K SAS" SHE ScwosoOS Somgiio Bas HB BO)58* Serr FaOSBx. MATHEMATICS Tf 0) = 0, 1) = 1, f\2) = 2 and fx) = fix - 2) + fle — 8) for x = 3, 4, 5, .... then 9) = AO)=0, AL) = 1, R2)= 2.680595 3, 4,5, an. 8 fle) = fle 2)+ fle 8) wand, osipets f9)= q@) 12 (2) 13 (3) 14 ww 10 Let IR denote the sot of all real numbers and IR denote the set of all positive real numbers. For the subsets A and Bof IR define /: A B by fl) =x” forx € A. Observe the two lists given below : List I List If @ fis one-one and onto if @ A=R',B=R (i) fisene-one but not ontoif (6) fisontobutnotone-oneif —_(c) (iv) fis neither one-one nor ontoif (d) Re Ss Somge SO, RSS FHS Songe SBA SrORchHF08. Ray, ASSO He A Odi Bot (:A SBA SB xe AB fle) =2* op DteDorsod. 808 Dow erDerer aDowod: wpe! wpe Ul @ — fedkyssr, Sowssn wserd8 (a) @ Sos sowmoaredgisaserds (b) Gi) feSySortoar, SohmSeIs (C) (io) feagSei, Sous sar Docs @ w8ooar woserns ‘The correct matching of List I to List Il is /erBer Ico0 eeDer 118 SOGbS 2S : Oo @ ww w Q@ @ 6 © @ (2) @ (6) @) ©) 3 © @ © & 4) @)_(b) io) (a), Rough Work 1@ A E 2010 A 3 The numbers a, = 6” — 5n for n = 1, 2, 3, ..... when divided by 25 leave the remainder : Somge a, = 6" - Sn (n= 1, 2, 3, .....8) oO 25 3 wAoder Shy Sxo: @ 9 @ 7 @ 8 va 1 4 Let n= 1) + 41471 +... + 4001, Thon ton’s digit of n is: Us4as ae. + 400! 65°04. Sapa n 6*O ScoeSH oo8 : a 4 42) 6 @) 2 @ 7 5. Let a, = a for n = 1, 2, 3, ....... Then the greatest value of n for which a, is the greatest is : nnd, 2 8 nme 8 Oy ce C508. Sipe a, oS 3b8Hagur sod Nn wSgA¥ Devs: : @ i @ 20 4s) 10 @ 8 aS nied 54 Migaayjon vip GD sme Song: @ 7 @ 9 @) 10 J@® 12 Rough Work 2a A E 2010 A T (1+ 204822)" may tae tape? +, So 105 @Q) 21 @) 10 @ 55 1 i 3 wen AE & For |x| < J, the coefficient of x® in the expansion of @-m) G4) is: iz) D8tas* 2° Bos, tomso : (2) 370 Rough Work. sQ

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