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*html #fade {position: absolute;} *html .popup_block {position: absolute;} </style><body> <div class="header"><left><span style="color: #F2F5A9">Petal Patch //</span></di v> <div class="navboy"> <a href="#?w=600" rel="about" title="Fazeera" class="poplight"><span class="navi y"onClick="changeNavigation('about')">Profile</a></span> <a href="#?w=600" rel="cakap" title="Nur" class="poplight"><span class="naviy"on Click="changeNavigation('cakap')">Tagboard</a></span> <a href="#?w=600" rel="link" title="Fatin" class="poplight"><span class="naviy"o nClick="changeNavigation('link')">Linkies</a></span> <a class="naviy" href=" BLOG ID" >+Follow</a> <a class="naviy" href="">Dashboard</a> </div> <div id="sidebar"style=" background: #FFFFFF; width:200px; height:400px; padding:15px; position:absolute ; text-align:justified; left:430px; overflow:auto; top:130px;"> <div class="faz">Le Owner</div><br> <center><img src=" 65434949_931541_1127334797_n_large.jpg"width="200"/></center><center> <br> <center>Welcome to <b>Petal Patch //</b>.<br> I need your respect when you're in my blog.Can't follow them? click the [x] mark above!<br> <br> <center><object width="200" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.yo;autoplay=1&amp;color1=0xffffff&amp;col or2=0xffffff" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="allows criptaccess" value="always" /><embed src=" JYz-y3A?fs=1&amp;autoplay=1&amp;color1=0xffffff&amp;color2=0xffffff" type="appli cation/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" widt h="200" height="25"></embed></object></center></a><br /></center> <!---DONT DARE TO REMOVE CREDIT OR I WILL MAKE U SHAME---!> <div class="faz">Credits</div><br> Skins by: <a href="">Fazeera </a><a href ="">Kahar</a><br> Others: <a href="">one</a> <a href=" ashboard">two</a> <a href="">three</a><br> Hosted by <a href="">Blogger</a>. <br><br> </div> <!---DONT DARE TO REMOVE CREDIT OR I WILL MAKE U SHAME---!> </div> <div id="about" class="popup_block"> <div class="faz1">Le Owner</div><br>

<center><img align="center" src=" xk6pwM5qs1qeo03no1_500_large.png" width="500"></center></br><br> <center> A hyperthirten teenage girl from Malaysia who keep dreaming to go to Korea. Faze era Kahar stands for her real name who had been born by her mother on 11 June 94 '. Stayed at Bandar Tenggara, Johore which is the crowded town that she live in. Love to be friendly, loving and caring but sometime can be so shy and emotional too. A folk Malay girl that still learning to be an excellent human when grown up. Likes blogging, designing and facebooking very much and currently in a holid ay. <br><br> <center>----> <b>PUT ALL YOUR BIO HERE . THANKS :D</b> <----</center> <br><br> <center> <img border="0" src=" vider.png" /></div><br> <br></center>

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