Sub Procedures Beyond The Basics
Sub Procedures Beyond The Basics
Sub Procedures Beyond The Basics
In this presentation we have attempted to gather together some of the information that we have collected while using and teaching RPG IV subprocedures and prototyping. We hope you will find it useful. If you have your own tips or techniques on the subject, or if there are areas not covered here that you would like to know more about, we would love to hear from you. Please e-mail us at the address given in this handout. The author, Jon Paris, is co-founder of Partner400, a firm specializing in customized education and mentoring services for AS/400 and iSeries developers. Jon's career in IT spans 30+ years including a 10 year period with IBM's Toronto Laboratory. Jon now devotes his time to educating developers on techniques and technologies to extend and modernize their applications and development environments. Together with his partner, Susan Gantner, Jon authors regular technical articles for the IBM publication, eServer Magazine, iSeries edition, and the companion electronic newsletter, iSeries EXTRA. You may view articles in current and past issues and/or subscribe to the free newsletter at: Feel free to contact the author at: Jon.Paris @ Disclaimer This presentation may contain small code examples that are furnished as simple examples to provide an illustration. These examples have not been thoroughly tested under all conditions. We therefore, cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs. All code examples contained herein are provided to you "as is". THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. Unless otherwise noted, all features covered in this presentation apply to all releases of RPG IV. Where a function was added in a later release, I have attempted to identify it. For example V3R2+ indicates that the feature is available at V3R2, V3R6, V3R7, etc.
Overlay(MonthData) Dim(12)
Before we get into completely new areas, we will use this example of a general purpose date routine to review the basics of subprocedure construction. This routine is supplied as an additional example of the kind of reusable routines that are easily built using RPG IV subprocedure support. Combined with DayName and DayOfWeek** it provides a starting point for a library of date related functions. For simplicity I tend to keep all of my related functions together in a single source. i.e. this routine would be in the same source member as the other date routines. Of course the prototypes would be in a separate source member and would be copied (/COPY of course!) into this source and that of any program that wished to use this function.
** If you don't already have the code for these subprocedures you can find them on one of the following notes pages.
FmtDate - C-Specs
The code below could be replaced by a table of suffixes
It would contain an entry for each of the 31 possible day numbers This would simplify the logic but be much more boring to read !!
* Extract the day portion of the day and work out it's suffix Extrct InpDate:*D Day Select When Eval When Eval When Eval When Eval EndSl ( Day > 3 And Day < 21 ) Or ( Day > 23 And Day < 31 ) Suffix = 'th' Day = 1 Or Day = 21 Or Day = 31 Suffix = 'st' Day = 2 Or Day = 22 Suffix = 'nd' Day = 3 Or Day = 23 Suffix = 'rd'
FmtDate - C-Specs
How to get the name of the day ?
Use the DayName procedure from the Procedures Basics session
Procedures using procedures using ......
%TrimR(DayName(InpDate)) + ' the ' + %Char(Day) + Suffix + ' of ' + %TrimR(MonthName(Month)) + ', ' + Year
V5R1 Update
Here is the same code this time using V5R1 options
// Extract the day portion of the day and work out it's suffix Day = %SubDt(InpDate : *D); Select; When ( Day > 3 And Day < Suffix = 'th'; When (Day = 1) Or (Day Suffix = 'st'; When (Day = 2) Or (Day Suffix = 'nd'; When (Day = 3) Or (Day Suffix = 'rd'; EndSl; // Now format and return the date string Return %TrimR(DayName(InpDate)) + ' the ' + %Char(Day) + Suffix + ' of ' + %TrimR( MonthName( %SubDt(InpDate : *M) ) ) + ', ' + %Char( %SubDt(InpDate : *Y) ); 21 ) = 21) = 22); = 23); Or Or ( Day > 23 And Day < 31 ); (Day = 31);
This version takes advantage of some of the new V5 features. In particular the %SUBDT BIF and the free form coding. As you can see the whole routine is not much more than a huge RETURN statement. If we had wanted to, we could have done the whole thing on the RETURN. How? Well that is left as an exercise for the reader! Here's a hint, we would need to code an array for the suffixes. An additional benefit of this approach is that because of the use of %SUBDT, the two workfields Month and Year are not required and their definitions can be removed. Those of you looking for the source code for DayOfWeek and DayName will find them on the following pages.
Here is the code for DayOfWeek. We will not be going through it in the session so if you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me. The code for DayName is on the page below.
* DayOfWeek - Calculates day of week (Mon = 1, Tue = 2, etc.) for any date * - Input: WorkDate (Date field in *USA format) * - Return: Single digit numeric P DayOfWeek B Export
* The base date AnySunday can be set to the date of ANY valid Sunday * (If Sunday is Day 1 for you then adjust the base date etc. accordingly) D AnySunday S D INZ(D'04/02/1995') D WorkNum S 7 0 D WorkDay S 1S 0 C C C WorkDate WorkNum SubDur Div MvR AnySunday 7 WorkNum:*D WorkNum WorkDay
* This version changed from the original to demonstrate multiple 'Return's C C C C C P DayOfWeek E If Return Else Return EndIf WorkDay < 1 WorkDay + 7 WorkDay
* DayName - Calculates alpha day name for any date * - Uses: DayOfWeek * - Input: WorkDate (Date field in *USA format) * - Return: Alpha day name (9 characters) * NOTE: Don't forget to change the array if you change DayOfWeek * to use a day other than Monday as Day 1!
B PI 9 D
DS 42 6 Return Inz('Mon Tues Wednes+ Thurs Fri Satur Sun Overlay(DayData) Dim(7) ')
%TrimR(DayArray(DayOfWeek(WorkDate))) + 'day'
Parameter Options
Passing by value Optional & Omitted parms Other prototype options
In this section we will review some of the parameter options available. Please note that many of these options are not restricted to subprocedures. For example the specification of optional parameters can be done for any type of program, procedure, or function call. On the other hand, the option to pass parameters by value (that is to say that a copy of the actual data is passed to the called procedure) is only available for procedure and function calls. There are a number of other parameter options available which we may touch on briefly during the session.
Since a copy is passed the callee is allowed to change the data It only applies to bound calls
i.e. It cannot be used when calling a *PGM object
* Prototype for DayOfWeek procedure D DayOfWeek PR 1S 0 D D VALUE DATFMT(*EUR) : : D StartDate S D DATFMT(*ISO) : : * Adjust start date if it falls on a Sunday C If DayOfWeek(StartDate) = 1 C AddDur 1:*D StartDate
The keyword VALUE has a similar effect to CONST. The difference is that when VALUE is specified a copy of the data is passed to the called procedure. This is known as passing parameters by value. The normal method on the AS/400 is known as passing parameters by reference, which means that a pointer to the data is passed. Passing by value is the method used by C functions, it can also be useful in our own coding if we want to ensure that the called routine cannot affect us by changing the parameter's value. In this regard it is similar to using a PARM with Factor 2 and Result. Since OS/400 programs (*PGM objects) can only receive parameters passed by reference (i.e. a pointer) they cannot be called in this way. Only subprocedures and procedures called with a CALLB can use the VALUE keyword. As with CONST, the VALUE keyword allows the compiler to accommodate mismatches in definitions of parameters between the calling and called programs or procedures. When you use this keyword, you are specifying that the compiler is to make a copy of the data prior to sending it. In doing so the compiler will perform any conversions needed before passing the parameter.
* Subtract day number from the date to reach last day of prior month C EXTRCT InpDate:*D TempDay C SUBDUR TempDay:*D InpDate C Return InpDate P EndOfMonth E
This routine demonstrates the use of the VALUE keyword. When we use the VALUE keyword, the compiler knows that the parameter passed to it is a copy of the original data. Knowing that it , it will permit changes to be made to it. This saves us from having to define a working copy of the date within the subprocedure and ensures that the original value cannot be changed by the called procedure. Had we used the CONST keyword instead of VALUE, the compiler would have rejected the SUBDUR operation. Just as with CONST, the VALUE keyword allows the compiler to take care of the fact that an *ISO date was being passed and not the *USA format that is expected. The parameter will be converted from *ISO to *USA while producing the copy. This procedure also demonstrates that the format of the date returned by the subprocedure does not have to match that of the receiver variable - EndDate in this case which has a format of *ISO.
V5 Version of EndOfMonth
D EndOfMonth D USADate D Today D EndDate Pr S S D D D D DatFmt(*USA) DatFmt(*USA) Value Inz(*Sys)
/FREE EndDate = EndOfMonth(Today); Dsply EndDate; *INLR = *On; /END-FREE P EndOfMonth D D InpDate D TempDay B PI S 2 D D 0 DatFmt(*USA) DatFmt(*USA) Value
/FREE InpDate = InpDate + %Months(1); Return InpDate - %Days( %SubDt(InpDate : *D) ); /END-FREE P EndOfMonth E
Once again, as you can see the V5 version is considerably shorter. Could you perform the entire calculation on the Return opcode? Yes - but it would mean repeating part of the calculation. i.e. you would have to replace each reference to InpDate on the Return with InpDate + %Months(1). The resulting expression might be a little confusing and would probably take longer to run, except possibly at full optimization.
Indicates that the parameter is optional
ALL subsequent parameters must also be *NOPASS Called procedure must check the number actually passed Useful if the procedure is to provide default values
D OptionalTest D Parm1 D Optional2 : C Pr 20A 10A Options(*NoPass) : OptionalTest(FirstParm)
* Check for optional parameter and use value if present If %Parms = 2 Eval Parm2 = Optional2 EndIf
Note that *NOPASS can only be used when all remaining parameters are also optional and specified as *NOPASS. This is similar to the CL command interface where many parameter values are optional. Be careful not to confuse *NOPASS with *OMIT - see the following chart *NOPASS allows a parameter to be omitted completely. The programmer must ensure that the parameter in question is not referenced if it has not been passed. %Parms can be used to establish if the parameter was passed or not. As shown in the example above, If the parameter is not passed, the called procedure can handle this by creating a local variable which is initialized to the default value. If the parameter is passed it is moved to this variable which is subsequently used in all further processing. Note that you cannot move a default value into the parameter if it wasn't passed - there's nowhere to put it!! You will get a pointer exception just as you would if you tried to reference the parameter directly. You should also be aware that attempting to access a parameter (or checking to see if it has a valid address) is not a good idea. You may get a "false positive" due to a pointer being in the right place on the stack. Of course it is not the pointer you want, and you could be corrupting just about anything if you move data to the parm!! Always, always, always, use %Parms to check the number of parms passed if optional parameters are in use.
Using Options(*NoPass)
This is a variation that uses an optional parameter
If a "Months" parameter is NOT supplied, the routine assumes that the end date of the month in which the date falls is to be returned. If a parameter is supplied, then the routine will return the last day of the month that many months from the date that was passed.
The input variables can be modifed since they were passed by Value
P EndOfMonth D D InpDate D Months B PI
* If the optional "Months" value is passed then advance by that * value plus one month otherwise advance the date by one month C If %Parms > 1 C Eval Months = Months + 1 C AddDur Months:*M InpDate C Else C AddDur 1:*M InpDate C EndIf : : : :
By modifying our example to use an optional parameter we have enhanced its functionality. It can now advance not just to the end of the month but to the end of the month "n" months from now. Perhaps as important is the fact that we have made the change without impacting its original behaviour! The routine tests to see if the second parameter is present, and if it is not, it uses the default value of 1. Since this is the behaviour of the original routine no change would be required in any program that was using the it. You might like to consider what changes could be made to the subprocedure to allow the first parameter (i.e. the date) to be optional. If no date were passed we could use the current date as the default. The implementation of thi is left as an exercise for the student. e-mail me (Jon.Paris@ if you get stuck for an answer.
Allows the special value *OMIT to be used as the parm
It cannot really be omitted The called procedure must check for this special value It can do so by checking to see if the pointer is null
This cannot be done if the parameter was passed by "Constant Reference"
I.e. the keyword CONST was coded on the prototype
* Test for omitted parms in the called procedure like this If %Addr(Parm2) = *Null
The option *OMIT can be used for parameters which are not mandatory but which occur in the middle of a parameter sequence and therefore cannot be designated as *NOPASS. *OMIT is only allowed for parameters that are passed by reference, including those with the CONST keyword. More on this in a moment. Several system APIs use this option - the parameter is designated as "can be omitted" When the option is specified you can either pass an appropriate parameter (in our example a 10 character field) or the special value *OMIT Note that the parameter will still count in the number of parameters passed and the called program will need to test to see if the parameter was actually passed. Any attempt to reference the parameter when *OMIT was passed will result in an error. There are two ways to do this:
Compare the %Addr of the parameter to *Null. For releases prior to V5R1 this method cannot be used if the parameter was designated as CONST. You can use the API CEETSTA (The RPG Programmers Guide provides a brief example.) to determine if a parameter was actually passed.
The parameter can be shorter than specified in the prototype
Or in the case of an array can have fewer elements
It must be passed by reference (i.e. no VALUE keyword) Applies to character fields and arrays only
Mainly used when calling C functions Can only be used to describe data pointers
Allows either a pointer or a string expression as the parameter If an expression is passed, the string is copied to a temporary area, null terminated and a pointer to that area passed
D VarSizeTest D VarSize1 : D TenLong : C Pr 20A Options(*VarSize) : 10A : VarSizeTest(TenLong)
S CallP
The Options(*VarSize) keyword can be useful in subprocedures, but is most useful when prototyping program calls. In the case of arrays "shorter" means that the array has fewer elements than specified in the prototype. Starting with V4R2, RPG IV supports the use of varying length character fields and these are a much better option when building subprocedures that must accept character fields of different lengths. We hope to demonstrate this to you on the next chart.
You may have noticed in the prototype that both the return value and the parameter for this subprocedure are specified as varying length fields (keyword VARYING). Yet none of the fields passed as parameters to the routine are varying length. So how does this work?
For the parameter, the CONST keyword takes care of things. When a fixed length field is passed, the compiler will generate a temporary varying length field, copy the field to this temporary, and pass the temporary to the subprocedure. The compiler will store the original length of the field as the current length of the varaible length field. The compiler will handle the conversion of the returned value, copying the data into the target field as if it were a fixed length field of the same length as its current length.
This is a case where we don't actually want to use a parameter of the type defined. If we were to pass a variable length field, the routine would probably not produce the desired result. It is designed to work with fixed-length fields.
256A 256A
* Capture length of original input field Eval Len = %Len(Fld) * Strip trailing blanks Eval Temp = %TrimR(Fld)
* Set Pad to required length - content is spaces due to INZ keyword Eval %Len(Pad) = %Int((Len - %Len(Temp)) / 2) * Now just return the two "glued" together Return Pad + Temp E
Let's look at each operation in the subprocedure to see how it works. The first Eval captures the length of the original input parameter. This works because when the compiler copies the parameter into the temporary variable length field the length of that field will be set to the length of the original field (i.e. no trimming takes place on the original content). We will use this information later in determining how many spaces need to be inserted into the front of the field to center the content. The next task is to strip any trailing blanks from the input. If you want the routine to ignore leading spaces also you should change the %TrimR to a %Trim. The result is placed in the field Temp. We now calculate the number of spaces that we need to insert to center the field. This is done by subtracting the length of the field Temp (which contains the input field stripped of trailing spaces) from the length of the original parameter field. This is then divided by 2 to calculate the number of spaces that must be inserted. Note that if you want any "odd" spaces to be on the left you should change the calculation to (%Int((Len - %Len(Temp)) + 1) / 2). The result of the calculation is used to set the length of the field Pad, which will contain spaces. All that remains is to return the original field prefixed by the pad field.
In this section we will briefly discuss a number of topics that relate to Subprocedures. Procedure pointers. These can provide a level of dynamic call support for bound calls i.e. they permit us to call using a variable name. The variable is a procedure pointer into which we can place the address of any procedure that we wish to call. Note that it is the address and not the name of the procedure we will be using. They also facilitate "call back" processing which can be a useful means of allowing a generalized function access to a program specific error routine. Dynamic and Static Storage Subprocedures support both dynamic and Static storage. Conventional RPG program support only Static - we will look at the differences. Masking Complexity We will not be going into this in detail, just introducing you to the idea. The RPG Redbook mentioned at the end of the handout contains more information if the topic interests you. The basic notion is that subprocedures can be used to mask the complexity of certain functions and to simplify the main line logic. We want the main line to read like pseudo code. Rather than have a comment such as "Retrieve Customer data" followed by a number of READ, SETLL, CHAIN or whatever operations, we'd much rather see CustData = GetCustomerInfo(CustNum). Much simpler to follow and far less susceptible to errors being introduced during maintenance. Similarly the complexity of subfile handling can be "hidden" from a junior programmer by "wrapping" it in a subprocedure so that in the mainline code what appears is a reference to a procedure such as: ClearSubfile or DisplaySubfile. Another area where such techniques can be used is with APIs, so that not everyone in the shop has to understand them. They only need to understand the simplified interface provided by the subprocedure.
Data stored in automatic storage goes away when the procedure returns to its caller. Upon subsequent calls to the procedure, automatic fields "lose" their values. Data stored in static storage remains between calls to the procedure until the Activation Group where the procedure is activated is reclaimed. Recursion (the ability for a subprocedure to be called multiple times in the same invocation stack -in fact, for a subprocedure to call itself!) is made possible because of automatic storage. Each call to the subprocedure gets a "fresh" set of local automatic storage fields. This is why subprocedures may be called recursively, but main RPG procedures cannot. Automatic storage can be considerably more efficient than static storage since it is only allocated if and when the subprocedure is called. Think about static binding and the fact that many procedures are often activated at once in a job! Remember that all the procedures in all the Service Programs referenced (directly or indirectly) by an ILE program are allocated immediately on the first call in the job to that ILE program. If that represents a lot of procedures (either main procedures or subprocedures) all static fields will be allocated and initialized by the system right away. In many cases, many of those procedures may never be called in this particular job. However, their static storage must always be allocated and remain allocated until the program's Activation Group is reclaimed. Use of automatic storage reduces this potential "overuse" of memory by allocating only what is needed and only for the duration that it is needed. In "memory-heavy" applications, this could have a noticeable impact on application performance and system efficiency.
'CountStat=' 'CountAuto='
To test if you really understand automatic and static storage, can you predict what values will be displayed when the main procedure in this sample code is called? The value of CountStat increases by 1 each time it is displayed. The value of CountAuto never increases. It is displayed as 1 every time! Now, for the tougher question: Assume this main procedure was immediately called a second time in the same job. What value would be displayed for CountStat on the first call to the ProcAuto subprocedure ??
Procedure Pointers
Specified by adding keyword PROCPTR to the definition They allow you to call a variable target
Procedure pointer must be set before the call
Either by using %PAddr to supply initalization values as in this example Or by using APIs
APIs can only reference procedures in Service Programs %PADDR initialization can be to any procedure So you can make a "Service Program" out of any program object
15P 5 ExtProc(ProcToUse) 15P 5 Value 15P 5 Value * * * ProcPtr Inz(%PAddr('ADD')) ProcPtr Inz(%PAddr('SUB')) ProcPtr Inz(%PAddr('MUL'))
This is one of the rare situations where the prototype used in the call is not the same as that used for the individual subprocedures. They do however need to have the same format. The prototypes for the actual subprocedures themselves used in this example are as follows: D ADD D Factor1 D Factor2 D SUB D Factor1 D Factor2 D MUL D Factor1 D Factor2 Pr 15P 5 15P 5 Value 15P 5 Value 15P 5 15P 5 Value 15P 5 Value 15P 5 15P 5 Value 15P 5 Value
The actual subprocedure that gets called will depend on the contents of the procedure pointer ProcToCall which will be set during the program logic. Notice that in the Compute prototype the name of the procedure pointer field is not contained in quotes. This is what identifies it as a variable and not the name of a subprocedure.
Function = '+' ProcToUse = ProcToAdd Function = '-' ProcToUse = ProcToSub Function = '*' ProcToUse = ProcToMul ProcToUse = *Null ProcToUse <> *Null Result = Compute(Value1 : Value2) Result = 0
Using this method, it is possible to call any procedure in any program or service program. In the example here, the procedures are presumed to included either in the same compilation unit as the code that invokes them, or bound to it. As an alternative, we can also call procedures in a completely separate program, as long as it provides us with the procedure pointers. For instance the program could consist of a small main line, followed by the procedures. The mainline contains a series of initialized pointers - each identifying a particular procedure. The process is this:
When the mainline is called, it passes the pointers to its caller
It could make decisions about which pointers to supply based on the user Id or similar information
The caller then uses those pointers to invoke the specific function(s) it requires.
Because the target of the initial call is a program (which of course can called by name) this setup allows you to call virtually any procedure in any program. Procedure pointers are also useful in implementing "callback" programming techniques. The C functions qsort and bsearch are good examples of this. We will look at a brief example later.
The source for the SUB and MUL functions is similar (very!) Note that the result is computed and returned in one step
D ADD D Factor1 D Factor2 : : : : P ADD D D D C P ADD E Pr 15P 5 15P 5 Value 15P 5 Value : :
The source for the SUB and MUL subprocedures is almost identical to the ADD. Needless to say one would not bother to do all this work for such trivial tasks as these. The idea here is to show you the principals involved. In our example we have hard-coded the initialization values of the procedure pointers. However, because the content of the pointers can be determined programmatically, there are many things that can be done that are far more difficult if not impossible through more conventional means.
New routines can be introduced The same call can target different processing for different users Some users can be "locked out" or allowed to use certain functions at specific times. etc. etc.
Once you begin to develop subprocedures, you will inevitably come to a point where it seems that a common routine would be useful, but certain actions related to the processing are very specific to the programs that would use it. Call Back processing is an excellent way of handling this. In other languages this technique is fairly common. There are a number of examples in the C library. For instance the qsort function uses a user supplied call back procedure to determine which of two elements is the larger. The qsort function itself handles the mechanics of the sort, but requires program specific user code to make the sequencing decisions. In our example we are using the idea of a generic "is it numeric" validation routine. This is called from our main line program, but any errors that occur will need to be reported by the program. Of course there are many other ways of handling this situation, but this has the advantage that the main logic flow remains relatively "clean". Besides, we are demonstrating he technique here not proposing it as the perfect solution for all programming problems.
Pr 15A Pr N 15A * 15A Varying Value Const Varying ProcPtr Value Inz('12345.96ABCD')
* Process valid numbers only - errors handled by MyErrorCode If ValidNum(TestData: %PAddr(MyErrorCode)) ............................................ C EndIf
N 15A * 15A
* Common routine performs validation etc. here * If an error is detected, call the user routine to report it CallP UserErrorCode(InpString) Return *On E
P ValidNum
* Your program specific error routine is coded in this subprocedure * If an error is detected, the user supplied routine is called C C C C Eval Message E Dsply Return Message = 'Field (' + TestString + ') is not a valid number'
P MyErrorCode
Sometimes it is useful to be able to make the call back procedure optional. For example the routine we are calling may contain default error handling logic and in some cases that will be good enough. In these cases we can make the call back aprameter optional i.e. Options(*NoPass) as shown in this example.
P ValidNum D D InpString D ErrorHandler D UserErrorCode D OriginalParm D ErrorMessage B PI
N 15A *
Const Varying ProcPtr Value Options(*NoPass) ExtProc(ErrorHandler) Varying Value 'The Default Handler was used'
Pr 15A C
* Common routine performs validation etc. here * If an error is found, the user error routine is called if supplied C If %Parms > 1 C CallP UserErrorCode(InpString) C Else * No user routine supplied so perform default error handling C ErrorMessage Dsply C EndIf C P ValidNum Return E *On
Re-sequenced parameters
The ones most likely to be needed can be placed first
The RPG Redbook "Who Knew You Could Do That with RPG IV?" describes two procedures that "wrap" User Space APIs to achieve the objectives outlined here. You can find more information on the Redbook at the end of this handout. The Redbook example also shows how the procedures are used. When implementing these kinds of procedures, or indeed any general purpose procedures, it is important that they be documented. My preference is for them to follow the format used by IBM for the RPG manuals, and in particular the pieces describing the Built-in Functions. One of the (few?) advantages to IBM moving to HTML based documentation is that it is a fairly simple matter to add your own documentation to your companies intranet so that is available in the same form as the regular manuals.
Procedure "wrappers" TCP/IP Sockets CGI programming Using the C function library ILE Error handling and much more ....
Some of the routines in this handout were used as part of the base material which was used in preparing the new RPG Redbook. The book also contains a brief tutorial on ILE as well as pieces on prototyping, and much, much more. If you read the Redbook and like it, don't forget to use the feedback form at the Redbook web site to let IBM know that you'd like to see more RPG oriented Redbooks!!!