Goal Focused Questions: Assessment/Curriculum (3d)

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Goal Focused Questions

Assessment/Curriculum (3d) How do I keep up with the amount of data? And make it manageable? How do I use the data immediately? How do I manage administrating assessments in all content areas? How do I blend where they are to go next....Common Core.....and MAP data? What types of formal assessment are teachers using? When do I conclude Units? (Without windows, how do I keep a forward progress?) How can I create creative assessments that can be used by teachers, parents, and students? What to do with student Post-its .a way to organize??
Encore Session How can I use assessment to get students to contribute to their learning? What am I assessing? What do I need to assess? After Ive assessed, how do I help move that group to where they need to be? How do I reteach? How can I better organize my curriculum? How can I rearrange an assessment to make it a part of instruction? Assessment as... What is timely? How do I give timely feedback with an Encore schedule?

Community Connections
How can I better include my parents with my students? Maybe a parent-rubric night? What would a student led conference look like? How can we engage parents in the intellectual purpose/instruction?

How can I find time for reflection? How do we teach kids to reflect? Are there pre- requisites to reflection and questioning?

Student Ownership/Engagement
How are you managing/balancing student interest while meeting their needs? How do students take ownership in something that is not something of interest?

Engaging students in independent tasks? How do we allow for more opportunities for students to initiate a new way of completing an assignment? How do you allow students to take ownership of the formation of groups?

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