Plastics Testing Processing and Flow Properties

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Mohsin Alam 1
Melt Flow Index
Melt Flow Index
Md. Mohsin Alam 2

ASTM D 1238

It is defined as the rate of flow of plastic material

through a standard die under the specified conditions
of temp. & pressure. It is expressed in gms /10
minutes. For different plastic, temp. & pressures are

The amount of thermoplastics resin, measured in

grams, which can be forced through a specified orifice
within ten minutes when subjected to a specified


It helps o distinguish between different grade of


High molecular weight polymer is more resistance

to flow than low molecular wt.

High flow grade material gives better gloss than low

Capillary Type
Melt Flow Index Test (MFI)
Definition: Rate of extrusion of a resin in molten condition
under specified temperature and pressure through a specified
size of die in 10 min is defined as melt flow index. The unit of
MFI is g/10min.

The reported melt index values help to distinguish between

the different grades of a polymer.

A high molecular weight material is more resistant to flow

than a low molecularweight material
It can also be useful for other purposes like studying the
relative thermal effect with respect to barrel residence time on
Md. Mohsin Alam 3
Test Methods: ASTM D 1238, ISO 1133, DIN 53735
Test Specimen: The test specimen should be in the form of
powder, granules, strips or film or moulded slugs.
Test Apparatus:
Md. Mohsin Alam 4
Test Procedure: Place the thermometer on the hold provided.
The set temperature stabilizes for 5 min. than charge the
material using tool without any air gap. Then apply the load
over the piston. Allow some time for material to melt and
soften and purge the material upto the lower mark of the
piston. Then start the stopwatch and start cutting off the
extrudate depending upon the flow.
Calculations: 30 Sec., 1 min, 3 min, or 6 min intervals and
tabulate the weight of the extrudate.
Flow rate = (m/t) x 600
Where m = mass of extruded, t = time of piston travel for
length L. (sec), 600 = conversion factor to convert in sec.
Md. Mohsin Alam 5
Material Temperature Load, Kg
Acetal (Homo & Copolymer) 190 2.16/1.05
PMMA 230 1.2/3.8
ABS 200 and 230 5.0 and 3.8
Cellolose esters 190 and 210 0.325/2.16/21.6
Nylon66 275 0.325
Nylon6 235 1.0/2.16/5.0
PCTFE 265 12.5
PE 125 0.325/2.16
190 0.325/2.16/10/2.16
310 12.5
PC 300 1.2
PP 230 2.16
PS or HIPS 190 5.0
200 5.0
230 1.2/3.8
Polyterepthalate 210 2.16
250 2.16
285 2.16
PPS 315 5.0

Table: Temperature and load for MFI test
Md. Mohsin Alam 6
Factors Influencing:
1. Preheat Time. If the cylinder is not preheated for a specified
length of time. This causes the flow rate to vary considerably.
2. Moisture. Moisture in the material, especially a highly
pigmented one, causes bubbles to appear in the extrudate. The
weight of the extrudate is significantly influenced by the
presence of the moisture bubbles.
3. Packing. The sample resin in the cylinder must be packed
properly by Pushing the rod with substantial force to allow the
air entrapped between the resins Pellets to escape. Once the
piston is lowered, the cylinder is sealed of air can escape. This
causes variation in the test results.
4. Volume of Sample. In order to achieve the same response
curve. Repeatedly, the volume of the sample in the cylinder
must be kept constant. Any change in sample volume causes
the heat input from the cylinder to the material significantly
Md. Mohsin Alam 7
P h y s i c a l f o r m o f t e s t m a t e r i a l s P r e f e r a b l y p e l l e t s o r p e r f o r m s
( t h e r m o p l a s t i c s ) s a m p l e s c h a r g e s 2 . 0 8 g
T e s t e q u i p m e n t E x t r u s i o n p l a s t o m e t e r
T e s t C o n d i t i o n D e a d l o a d o n p i s t o n v a r y i n g f r o m p o l y m e r
t o p o l y m e r a n d T e m p e r a t u r e v a r y i n g f r o m
p o l y m e r t o p o l y m e r
M e a s u r i n g r a n g e T e s t o b s e r v a t i o n a r e m a d e b e t w e e n t w o
s p e c i f i e d s c r i b e m a r k s o n t h e p i s t o n
M e a s u r e m e n t E x t r u d e c u t a t u n i f o r m t i m e i n t e r v a l s a r e
t a k e n a n d w e i g h e d
C o n c l u s i o n

M e l t f l o w i n d e x a s t h e w e i g h t o f e x t r u d a t e
( a v e r a g e i n 1 0 m i n i s c a l c u l a t e d a n d
r e p o r t e d .

Summary of test specimen for MFI
Md. Mohsin Alam 8
Capillary Rheometer (Viscometer) Test
Definition: The flow rates are measured at a single shear
stress and a shear rate performed at one set of
temperature and geometric conditions.
The capillary rheometer measures apparent viscosities or
melt index over an entire range of shear stresses and
shear rates encountered in compression molding,
calendaring, extrusion, injection molding and other
polymer melt processing operation.
Significance and Use:

The melt flow index measurements takes accounts of the

behavior of polymer at only one point, it is quite possible
for two materials with the same melt index values to
behave completely different at shear rate and shear stress.
Md. Mohsin Alam 9

Molecular characteristics, shear instability, degradation due

to mechanical and thermal effects and evaluation of additives
(processing aids) on processing of polymer can be studied.

Commercially available capillary rheometers are capable of

operating at shear rates up to 25000 S
, which is within the
range of shear rates, encountered in actual processing.
Rheometers up to a shear range 10
have been developed.

Rheological data generated can be very useful in optimizing

processing: conditions and improving product quality.
Material, output and problems related to processing like die
swell, melt fracture etc. can also be studied.

Molecular characteristics, shear instability, degradation due

to mechanic thermal effects and evaluation of additives
(processing aids) on process ability of polymers can be
Md. Mohsin Alam 10

The capillary rheometer is consisting of an electrically

heated cylinder, a pressure ram, temperature controller, timer
and interchangeable capillaries. The plunger can be moved at
a constant velocity that translates to a constant shear rate.
The forces to move the plunger at this speed is recorded
which determines the shear stress.

The sample material is placed in the barrel of the extrusion

assembly, brought to temperature and force out through a
capillary. The forces required moving a load cell detect the
plunger at each speed.
Test Method: ASTM D 383593a Test specimen:
The specimen may be in any form that can be introduced into
the bore of the cylinder such as powder, beds, pellets, strips or
film. In case of preformed plugs, any application of heat to the
sample must be kept to a minimum and shall be held constant
for the entire specimen.
Md. Mohsin Alam 11
Table -4: Recommended Test Temperature for different thermoplastics
Material Typical Test Temperature C
Acetal 190
Acrylics 230
Acrylonitrile -butadiene -styrene 200
Cellulose esters 190
Nylon 235 275
Polychlorotrifluoroethylene 265
Polyethylene 190
Polycarbonate 300
Polypropylene 230
Polystyrene 190 230
Poly (vinyl chloride) 170 205
Poly (butylenes terephthalate) 250
Thermoplastic elastomers (Unsaturated) 150 210
Thermoplastic elastomers (Saturated) 150 210

Test Apparatus:
The capillary rheometer is consisting of an electrically heated
cylinder, a pressure ram, temperature controller, timer and
interchangeable capillaries. The plunger can be moved at a
constant velocity that translates to a constant shear rate. The
forces to move the plunger at this speed be recorded which
determines the shear stress.
Md. Mohsin Alam 12

Select test temperature shear rates and shear stress

accordance with material specification

Replace the die and piston in the barrel and allow the
assembled apparatus to reach thermal equilibrium.

The sample material is placed in the barrel of the extrusion

assembly, brought to temperature and force out through a
capillary. The charging of materials should be done within 2

Place the piston movement until the full melt time reached.
Reactivate the piston to start extrusion. After reached steady
state operation, record the force and collect the data. The data
can be collected by

Run a constant rate test (or a constant shear stress test)

Run a multiple rate of multiple stress level test

Md. Mohsin Alam 13
( )

Where, = shear rate (sec

); Q = flow rate (in
( . )
Shear stress
Pa s
Shear rate

Apparent melt viscosity (poise)

( )
R l

Where, = shear stress (psi); F = Load on the ram (lbs); r =

radius of capillary orrifcae (in); R= radius of the barrel (in); l =
length of capillary orriface (in).
Md. Mohsin Alam 14
Shear stress versus shear rate and melt viscosity versus shear
rate curves can be plot for the capillary viscometer as given in
0 1 0 2 0 3 0
4 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
7 0
8 0
9 0
1 0 0
P c f o r f a t e s t s h e a r r a t e
F a t e s t S h e a r R a t e
S l o w e s t S h e a r R a t e
L e n g t h / D i a m e t e r R a t i o

Fig. 12: The true graph for capillary viscometer
Md. Mohsin Alam 15
Factors Influencing and Correction factor:
Capillary Calibration: The apparent viscosity varies with the
fourth power of r, it is desirable to know this value within
t 0.00762 mm.
Piston friction: The frictional force is negligible compared to
the pressure drop through the capillary. The frictional force
should be subtracted from force reading.
Polymer back flow: The clearance between the plunger and the
barrel may permit a small amount of melt to flow along with the
piston instead of through the capillary. Due to this the true
shear rate to be lower than that calculated from the piston
velocity. Melt
compressibility: As the hydrostatic pressure diminishes along
with the capillary, the fluid density decreases and the flow rate
increases. This results in an increase in shear rate. If the
compressibility of the material is known can be corrected.
Md. Mohsin Alam 16
Barrel Pressure Drop: Under isothermal condition, the
pressure drop of Newtonian materials varies:
P L r

Determining True Shear Stress: To obtain true shear stress,
perform the following procedure: using a minimum of two dies
having same entrance angle and same diameter (D) of different
capillary length (L). At least one L/D ratio should be less than
16 and one should be more than 16. Obtain the true shear
stress using the following equation
( ) ( )
4 4
c c

Where, = Ture shear stress, P = Melt pressure
Pc = the intercept between shear rate, D = dia meter
L = Die length, Ab = Cross section area, Fc = Bagley plot
Where L
refers to the rheometer barrel
length and L
to the capillary length.
Md. Mohsin Alam 17
T e s t S p e c i m e n F o r m s G r a n u l e s , p o w d e r , s t ri p s e t c.
I m p o r t an t eq u i p m en t d i m e n si o n s
B a r r e l d i a m e t e r 6 . 3 5 0 1 2 . 7 0 0 t 0. 0 0 7 m m
C a p i ll a r y ( D i e )
( i ) D i a m e t e r i s s u ch th a t b a r r e l t o c a p i l l a r y
d i a m e t e r r a t i o i s b e tw e e n 3 t o 1 5
( i i ) l en g th to d i a m e t e r r a t i o o f c a p il l a r y
b e t w e e n 4 to 4 0

( i i i) P i s to n 0 . 0 2 5 4 t 0. 0 0 7 m m c l e a r a n c e
b e t w e e n p i s t o n l a n d a n d b a r r e l
M e a s u r e m e n t s At s p e c i f i e d t e m p e r a t u r e a n d s t e ad y s t a t e
o p e r a t io n ( c o n s t a n t ap p l i c a t io n o f f o r c e s ;
t h e f o r c e s o n p i s t o n , m a t e r i a l o u t p u t a n d i t s
t i m e s a r e r e c o r d e d .
T e s t r u n T i m e ~ 1 0 m i n
C o n c lu s io n s C o n s i s t en c y in m e l t v i s c o si t i e s o r v i s c o si t y
c h a n g e w i t h t i m e i s c a l cu l a t e d a n d r e p o r t e d .

Summary of test specification for measurement of
rheological properties using capillary rheometer
Md. Mohsin Alam 18
Rotational Rheometer
Rotational viscometer consists of two basic parts separated by
the fluid being tested. The parts may be concentric cylinder
(cup and bob), plats, a low angle cone and a plate, or disk,
paddle or rotor in a cylinder. Rotation of one part against the
other produces a shearing action on the fluid. The torque
required to produce a given angular velocities resulting from a
given torque is a measure of the velocity.
Rotational viscometers are more versatile than capillary
viscometers. They can be used with a wide range of materials
since opacity, settling and nonNewtonian behavior do not
cause difficulties.
Cone and Plate Geometry
Parallel Plate Geometry
Coaxial Viscometer
Concentric Cylinder Viscometer
Md. Mohsin Alam 19
Cone and Plate Geometry
1. The principle of the cone and plate rheometer is, it consists
of flat circular plate and liner concentric cones are rotated
relative to each other.
2. The test material is placed in the space between the plate
and cone. The major advantage of the instrument is
constant shear rate application on the test fluid,
requirement of small sample size and hence less heat built
up at high shear rates than with a concentric cylinder
3. The disadvantage other than low shear rate range of the
test is the tendency for the development of secondary
flows in the polymer, which affects the accuracy of the
Md. Mohsin Alam 20 Cone and Plate Geometry
For Newtonian fluid, the basic
equations for the cone and plate
rheometer are:



R = Radius distance of the sample in cone and plate

= Angle in radian which cone makes with the flat plate
M = Torque required to rotate the cone relative to the plate of an
angular frequency of
Md. Mohsin Alam 21
Parallel Plate Geometry
1. Parallel plate geometry consists of a stationary and a
rotating flat circular plate wherein a thin layer of the sample
is placed between them for the test.
2. The gap width can be varied in this viscometer. This is an
advantage when suspension or dispersion with large
particles or with a tendency to fly out the gap.
3. However, the velocity, the shear rate, varies with the
distance from the center of the plate. This makes viscosity
data more difficult to evaluate.
4. Maximum shear rate at plate rim) is given by

Where, R is the radius of the plate and
h the distance between the two plats. The velocity given by:
3 ln
1 3
2 ln
M d M
R d

Md. Mohsin Alam
22 Coaxial Viscometer
It consists of two cylinders, one within the other (cup and bob)
with the sample between them.
2 2
1 1
i o
M kM


Where, M is the torque on the inner cylinder, h is the length
of the inner cylinder, is the relative angular velocity of
the cylinder in radius per seconds R
the radius of the inner
cylinder wall, R
the radius of the outer cylinder wall and k
an instrument constant.
The shear rate can be given by
( ) ( )
( )
2 2
2 2
2 /
i o
o i
r R R

Md. Mohsin Alam 23

Where r is any given radius. The shear stress is given
r h

Coaxial Viscometer
The viscosity of Newtonian liquid
may be determined from the above
equation or from slope of a shear
stress shear rate plot. Non
Newtonian fluid gives intercepts and
curves with such plots.
Md. Mohsin Alam 24
Concentric Cylinder Viscometer
1. The test material (fluid state) is placed in the annular
spaces between two cylinders.
2. The cylinder is rotated at a constant speed, while a
transducer measures the torque acting on it.
3. The major advantage of concentric cylinder geometry is
that a nearly constant shear rate is maintained throughout
the entire volume of fluid being tested.
4. This is important in the case of nonNewtonian fluid since
viscosity may be strongly dependent upon the rate of
shear. The relationship of viscosity () to the ratio of
and is shown below:
Where K is the instrument constant.

Md. Mohsin Alam 25

Brookfield Viscometer
The viscosity defines the flow behaviour of plastisol
under low shear. This viscosity relates to the conditions
encountered in pouring, casting, molding and dipping
process. The Brookfield instrument is a commercially
used rotating spindle type viscometer.
The suitability of a dispersion resin for given
application process is dependent upon its viscosity
characteristics. The test standard for viscosity
measurement of plastisols / organosols, epoxy resin and
emulsion etc.
Test Methods:
ASTM D2393, ASTM D 1824 and ISO 2555.
Md. Mohsin Alam 26
1. Select the spindle in middle or upper portion of
viscometer dial at the highest rotational speed to be
used. Insert the spindle approximately at 45 angle. Move
the sample so as to center the spindle, adjust the depth
to the immersion mark.
2. Start the viscometer at its lowest speed. Allow it to run 2
min. record the scale reading during the next rotation.
3. Placing it in a constant temperature bath at the specified
test temperature preconditions the sample. The proper
size spindle is allowed to rotate in the sample for 30 sec.
The instrument is stopped through the use of a clutch
and the reading is taken from the dial. The test is
repeated until a constant reading is obtained. Record the
sample temperature at the conclusion of viscosity
reading. Md. Mohsin Alam 27
Range (cP) Spindle Speed (rpm) Factor
100400 1 20 5
400800 1 10 10
8001600 2 20 20
16003200 2 10 40
32004000 3 20 50
40008000 4 20 100
800016000 4 10 200
1600020000 3 4 250
2000040000 4 4 500
4000080000 4 2 1000
80000160000 5 2 2000
160000200000 6 4 2500
200000400000 6 2 5000
400000800000 7 4 10000
8000002000000 7 2 20000

Conversion table from centipoises to factor
Md. Mohsin Alam 28
Torque Rheometer (ASTM D2396 )
A torque rheometer measures flow properties of
materials in a miniature form of typical processing
equipment. The capabilities of the sensors used with a
torque rheometer are as follows:
1. (i) An internal mixer with roller blades measures flow
properties of resin
2. (ii) A singlescrew extruder with different types of dies
providing a measures of the absolute viscosity of the
3. (iii) A twinscrew extruder, which provides information
on compounding characteristics of resins.
Md. Mohsin Alam 29
The ability of PVC granules to accept a plasticizer and
become a dry free flowing powder is related to the internal
pore structure of the resin, resin temperature, plasticizer
temperature and the plasticizer used. The abs option of
plasticizer in PVC can be detect using this method.
Test Method: ASTM: D239694
Test Specimen: The specimen should be in powder form
and plasticizer will be liquid form.
Conditioning: Maintain the PVC and plasticizer at 23 t 1C
and 50 t 5% relative humidity for all time after mixing and
throughout the period of determination.
Md. Mohsin Alam 30
Test Apparatus:
A torque rheometer is a device consisting of a drive, a
torque (viscosity) measuring system, a sensor, a temperature
control unit and a data recorder. The sensors available are
batch mixers, single/twinscrew extrusion sensor with post
extrusion line and continuous mixing, compounding and
extrusion sensors with post extrusion systems. The sigma
Mixture is shown in Figure
Md. Mohsin Alam 31

A sample of material to be tested is placed in the

mixing head where it is subjected to shear by means of two
rotating blades.

These methods determine the powder mixing

characteristics of the polyvinyl chloride. The test requires
the use of a torque rheometer measuring head as shown in
fig. The mixture is heated either electrically or oil
circulating heat transfer jacket. In order to obtain
consistency, a standard formulation is established as
PVC resin : 225 g t 0.1g
Filler : 15.75 g t 0.1g
Basic Lead carbonate : 22.50 g t 0.1g
DOP plasticizer : 117.00g t 0.1g
Md. Mohsin Alam 32

Because of lottolot variations in the quality of

plasticizer, and basic lead carbonate, it is recommended
that the laboratory maintain a large enough inventory of
these additives to establish control standards. A standard
powdermix curve should also be generated using
standard additives and kept on file for comparison
Temperature : 88 t 1C
Mixer Speed : 63 t 1 rpm
Material Weight : 380g t 10g

The sample material is also subjected to high

temperatures. The dynamometer is suspended freely
between two bearing blocks.

The shear rate, measured by the angular velocity of the

rotors, is set according to a tachometer.
Md. Mohsin Alam 33

All ingredients except the plasticizer are weighed into the

container and mix thoroughly. The mixer is preheated and
allowed to run at a specified speed for 30 min to obtain
equilibrium conditions. All dry additives are added to the
mixer and allowed to mix for 5 min. next, the plasticizer is
poured quickly into the mixer and mixing is continued for 10
min. beyond the dry point.

The torque rheometer serves dual purpose of providing

constant torques drive for the extruder screw and
simultaneously recording the torque on the screw. The
instrument responds to the reaction torque encountered by
rotating the extruder screw. The instrument accommodates
a number of interchangeable mixer and extruder

The measuring head rotors encounter a resistance torque

from the test material that causes the dynamometer to rotate
in the opposite direction.

The measuring head is either electrically or oil heated.

Md. Mohsin Alam 34
Case Study for PVC
Test Condition
Speed : 60 rpm, Mix Temperature : 180C195C, Start Temperature :
180C, Test Time : 55 Min, Sample Weight : 60 gm
Md. Mohsin Alam 35
9.3.2 Flow Properties of Thermosetting Materials
Factor Affecting Flow:
1.Resin Type: All resin flow differently because of basic
differences in the structure of the polymer e.g. melamine
formaldehyde exhibit longer flow than urea formaldehyde.
2. Type of filler: The small particle size filler e.g.
wood floor, mica, and minerals creates less turbulence and
less frictional drag during mold filling. The size of the glass
fibre and long fibre can adversely affect the flow.
3.Storage Time: All resins have a natural tendency to
polymerize in storage, causing partial precure, which reduces
36 Md. Mohsin Alam Cup Flow (ASTM D 731) Definition: The measurement of the molding index
of thermosetting plastics ranging in flow from soft to stiff
by selection of appropriate molding pressure within the
range from 4.1 to 31.9 MPa Significance: This test is specifically designed for
thermosetting molding compounds. This test is primarily
useful for determining the minimum pressure required to
mold a standard cup and the time required to close the
mold fully. The material is molded using a mould of
specified cupshaped cavity dimensions. The method
provides the guide for evaluating the mold ability of
thermosetting powders. Test Methods: ASTM D 731
37 Md. Mohsin Alam Test Apparatus: The test apparatus shown in
38 Md. Mohsin Alam Procedure:
1. The rate of flow is sensitive to the condition of the
mold surface. First two reading has to be discarded and after
two successive reading the mold flow can be accepted. The
preferred mold temperature is given below:
Phenolics: 165 t 1 C
Melamine: 155 t 1 C
Urea: 150 t 1 C
Epoxy: 150 t 1 C
Diallyl phthalates: 150 t 1 C
Alkyd: 150 t 1 C
39 Md. Mohsin Alam
# Take the weight and begin the test with proper load to
close the mold to the fin thickness specified for the type of
material. The load can be applied to the mold is as given
Total Load Molding Pressure (MPa)
1112 4.6
1601 6.6
1124 9.0
1686 13.6
2248 18.0
3372 21.2
4496 36.3
11120 45.4
40 Md. Mohsin Alam
# If a 2248 N load applied to make initial cup and required
fin thickness is obtained, the next lower load 1686N is
applied as indicated above. If the mold close to the
required thickness again then next 1124 N load applied. If
the mold then does not close, the molding index is close
to 1686 N load.
# The time of flow in seconds shell be measured from that
the hydraulic gage indicates an applied load of 454 kg to
the instant that the fin has reached 0.20 mm I thickness for
material with an izod impact strength of 27 J/m of notch.
41 Md. Mohsin Alam Spiral Flow Definition: The spiral flow of a thermosetting molding
compounds is a measure of the combined characteristics of
fusion under pressure, melt viscosity and gelation rate under
specific condition. Significance: This is a high shearrate test for
thermoplastics and is widely accepted in the molding industry
and quality control test. The test is performed on an injection
molding machine under specified condition and using a spiral
flow mould. Test Method: ASTM D 312398
42 Md. Mohsin Alam Procedure
Molding condition:
1. Temperature: A temperature of 150t 3C shall be
maintained on the mold and transfer plunger.
2.Transfer Pressure: The actual pressure applied to the
compounds at the base of the pot shall be 6.90t 0.17MPa.
3.Charges Mass: The mass of the compounds shall be
determined empirically so that the thickness of the molded
compounded on the top of the sprue plate of the mold.
4.Transfer plunger speed: The transfer plunger speed
without load shall be controlled between 25 and 100 mm/s.
5.Pressure Cure Time: sufficient cure time shall be used to
facilitate easy removal of spiral from the mold.
43 Md. Mohsin Alam
MFI of polypropylene (g/10min at 230C
and 2.16 Kg load
Spiral flow (cm
) at 260C barrel
temperature, 700 kg/cm
1.7 25.0
3.0 32.0
5.6 36.0
10.0 46.25 Disc Flow Test
Resin Temperature (C t5C) Pressure (MPa t10%)
Polyester 120 1.4
Epoxy 160 1.4
Silicones 175 1.4 6.9

1 2
( )
w w
Flow percent

1 3
( 4 )
w w
Flow percent

Spiral flow data of polypropylene.

44 Md. Mohsin Alam
9.3.3 For Elastomer
For vulcanisable compound a measure of the time to
the incipient vulcanisation and rate of curing can be
determined for elastomeric material using Mooney
viscosity. Mooney Viscosity Definition:
Mooney viscosity is defined as the shearing torque
resisting rotation of a cylindrical metal disk (or rotor)
embedded in rubber within a cylindrical cavity. Test Method: ASTM D 1646, ISO 289
45 Md. Mohsin Alam Significance:
1. By this method molecular mass and viscosity
can be determined because rubber is nonnewtonian
2. These mooney viscosities of polymers will normally
relate to how they will be processed. Lower Mooney
viscosity materials (30 to 50) will be used in injection
molding, while higher Mooney products (60 to 80) can
be more highly extended and used in extrusion and
compression molding.
3. The onset for vulcanization can be detected by
increase in viscosity. The curing rate also can be
detected for rubbers.
1. Test Apparatus:
46 Md. Mohsin Alam
Type Rubber Test Temperature C Running Time (Min)
NBS 388 100t0.5 or 125t0.5 8
100t0.5 4
BIIR, CIIR, IIR 100t0.5 or 125t0.5 8
EPDM, EPM 125t0.5 4
Synthetic Rubber black
master batches
100t0.5 4
Compounded stock
reclaimed material
100t0.5 4 Procedure:
1. Select the rotor to be used and select the test
temperature table given below:
1. Adjust the torque indicator to the zero reading while
viscometer running in the unloaded condition with the
rotor in place.
2. Remove the hot rotor and place the test piece and
replace the viscometer and start the viscometer and
47 Md. Mohsin Alam
Scorch assessed by plasticity test on rubber sample
when sample heated and an increase in stiffness with
heating time was observed (The results shown in Fig.).
Rate of cure is still assessed by vulcanising samples for
various times and following the change in tensile
properties, hardness, set, swelling etc
Determinations of scorch and cure characteristics
48 Md. Mohsin Alam
Md. Mohsin Alam 49

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