Plastics Testing Processing and Flow Properties
Plastics Testing Processing and Flow Properties
Plastics Testing Processing and Flow Properties
Mohsin Alam 1
Melt Flow Index
Melt Flow Index
Md. Mohsin Alam 2
ASTM D 1238
Replace the die and piston in the barrel and allow the
assembled apparatus to reach thermal equilibrium.
Place the piston movement until the full melt time reached.
Reactivate the piston to start extrusion. After reached steady
state operation, record the force and collect the data. The data
can be collected by
Determining True Shear Stress: To obtain true shear stress,
perform the following procedure: using a minimum of two dies
having same entrance angle and same diameter (D) of different
capillary length (L). At least one L/D ratio should be less than
16 and one should be more than 16. Obtain the true shear
stress using the following equation
( ) ( )
4 4
c c
Where, = Ture shear stress, P = Melt pressure
Pc = the intercept between shear rate, D = dia meter
L = Die length, Ab = Cross section area, Fc = Bagley plot
Where L
refers to the rheometer barrel
length and L
to the capillary length.
Md. Mohsin Alam 17
T e s t S p e c i m e n F o r m s G r a n u l e s , p o w d e r , s t ri p s e t c.
I m p o r t an t eq u i p m en t d i m e n si o n s
B a r r e l d i a m e t e r 6 . 3 5 0 1 2 . 7 0 0 t 0. 0 0 7 m m
C a p i ll a r y ( D i e )
( i ) D i a m e t e r i s s u ch th a t b a r r e l t o c a p i l l a r y
d i a m e t e r r a t i o i s b e tw e e n 3 t o 1 5
( i i ) l en g th to d i a m e t e r r a t i o o f c a p il l a r y
b e t w e e n 4 to 4 0
( i i i) P i s to n 0 . 0 2 5 4 t 0. 0 0 7 m m c l e a r a n c e
b e t w e e n p i s t o n l a n d a n d b a r r e l
M e a s u r e m e n t s At s p e c i f i e d t e m p e r a t u r e a n d s t e ad y s t a t e
o p e r a t io n ( c o n s t a n t ap p l i c a t io n o f f o r c e s ;
t h e f o r c e s o n p i s t o n , m a t e r i a l o u t p u t a n d i t s
t i m e s a r e r e c o r d e d .
T e s t r u n T i m e ~ 1 0 m i n
C o n c lu s io n s C o n s i s t en c y in m e l t v i s c o si t i e s o r v i s c o si t y
c h a n g e w i t h t i m e i s c a l cu l a t e d a n d r e p o r t e d .
Summary of test specification for measurement of
rheological properties using capillary rheometer
Md. Mohsin Alam 18
Rotational Rheometer
Rotational viscometer consists of two basic parts separated by
the fluid being tested. The parts may be concentric cylinder
(cup and bob), plats, a low angle cone and a plate, or disk,
paddle or rotor in a cylinder. Rotation of one part against the
other produces a shearing action on the fluid. The torque
required to produce a given angular velocities resulting from a
given torque is a measure of the velocity.
Rotational viscometers are more versatile than capillary
viscometers. They can be used with a wide range of materials
since opacity, settling and nonNewtonian behavior do not
cause difficulties.
Cone and Plate Geometry
Parallel Plate Geometry
Coaxial Viscometer
Concentric Cylinder Viscometer
Md. Mohsin Alam 19
Cone and Plate Geometry
1. The principle of the cone and plate rheometer is, it consists
of flat circular plate and liner concentric cones are rotated
relative to each other.
2. The test material is placed in the space between the plate
and cone. The major advantage of the instrument is
constant shear rate application on the test fluid,
requirement of small sample size and hence less heat built
up at high shear rates than with a concentric cylinder
3. The disadvantage other than low shear rate range of the
test is the tendency for the development of secondary
flows in the polymer, which affects the accuracy of the
Md. Mohsin Alam 20 Cone and Plate Geometry
For Newtonian fluid, the basic
equations for the cone and plate
rheometer are:
Where, R is the radius of the plate and
h the distance between the two plats. The velocity given by:
3 ln
1 3
2 ln
M d M
R d
Md. Mohsin Alam
22 Coaxial Viscometer
It consists of two cylinders, one within the other (cup and bob)
with the sample between them.
2 2
1 1
i o
M kM
Where, M is the torque on the inner cylinder, h is the length
of the inner cylinder, is the relative angular velocity of
the cylinder in radius per seconds R
the radius of the inner
cylinder wall, R
the radius of the outer cylinder wall and k
an instrument constant.
The shear rate can be given by
( ) ( )
( )
2 2
2 2
2 /
i o
o i
r R R
Coaxial Viscometer
The viscosity of Newtonian liquid
may be determined from the above
equation or from slope of a shear
stress shear rate plot. Non
Newtonian fluid gives intercepts and
curves with such plots.
Md. Mohsin Alam 24
Concentric Cylinder Viscometer
1. The test material (fluid state) is placed in the annular
spaces between two cylinders.
2. The cylinder is rotated at a constant speed, while a
transducer measures the torque acting on it.
3. The major advantage of concentric cylinder geometry is
that a nearly constant shear rate is maintained throughout
the entire volume of fluid being tested.
4. This is important in the case of nonNewtonian fluid since
viscosity may be strongly dependent upon the rate of
shear. The relationship of viscosity () to the ratio of
and is shown below:
Where K is the instrument constant.
1 3
( 4 )
w w
Flow percent