Phy12l A4 E306 2Q1516

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Experiment No.

306: Series and Parallel Circuits

Raagas, Michelle Mae G.
School of Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Biological Engineering and Material
Science Engineering
Mapua Institute of Technology, 658 Muralla St., Intramuros, Manila City, Philippines

Series and parallel circuits have different behavior.
This experiment aims to determine the voltage
through each resistors and the current flowing on a
series circuit and parallel circuit. In addition, it also
aims to find out the circuits total current flow for the
both series and parallel by the use of multi meter and
compare the two.
Another purpose of this experiment is to study the
relationship of the voltages and current flowing
through each resistors and its total voltage and
current using the concept of ohms law.

On this experiment, we will be observing two types

of circuit, the parallel and the series one.
For the first part of the experiment, the series circuit
will be done. First, set the resistor to the values given
by your Professor, in our group, we are given the
value of 88, 108, and 128 ohms. You need to set the
resistor first before connecting the wire to avoid the
discharging of the battery.
Then, align the resistors horizontally and connect
them together to produce a series connection. Also,
connect the battery the same way the resistors are
connected. See figure below.

We will be needing the materials below to acquire
data that we will need later for the computations. See
figure 1

Figure 2. the set-up for the series connection

Figure 1. Materials needed (3 pcs. Resistance boxes,

3 pcs. 1.2 V baterries, 12 pcs. Connecting wires,
VOM, Ammeter)

After that, measure its current flow through each

resistor by the use of multi meter . Also, get the total
current by connecting the VOM on the resistor 1 and
battery 1. To check, the total current must be equal
to each of the current of the three resistor. Then,
identify the voltage in each resistor and its sum

shoud be equal to the voltage that is taken by

connecting the multimeter to first and third battery.
For the part two which is the parallel connection, the
resistors were aligned vertically or parallel to each
other. See figure below

Figure 3. Set-up for parallel connection

Unlike on the series connection, only the resistor 1 is
connected to the batteries. Get the current flowing
from resistor 1 by connecting the second resistor and
the battery 1 to the multi meter. Same thing is to be
done to identify the current flowing through second
and third resistor. Again, get the total current flow
and it must be equal to the summation of the three.
Lastly, identify the voltage and it should be equal to
each other and to the total voltage.
After you gather all the experimental data needed,
you are now able to measure the computed values.


Table 1.A
Resistance 1 (1 ) = 88
Resistance 2 (2 ) = 108
Resistance 3 (3 ) = 128
Total Resistance ( ) = 324
Total Voltage ( ) = 3.66 V
Table 1.B Series Circuit
0.9064 V
Voltage across 1
0.907 V
( )
1.115 V
1.1124 V
Voltage across
( )
1.32 V
1.3184 V
Voltage across 3
( )
Current flowing
0.011 A
0.0103 A
through 1 ( )
Current flowing
0.011 A
0.0103 A
through 2 ( )
Current flowing
0.011 A
0.0103 A
through 3 ( )
0.011 A
0.0103 A
Total current ( )
% Difference
6.57 %
Total Resistance = 88 + 108 + 128 = 324

= 0.0103


= (0.0103)(88)
= 0.9064
% = |

| 100


0.011 0.0103
| 100
0.011 + 0.0103

= 6.57 %
Figure 4.a series connection setup 4.b parallel connection set-up

Graph of series circuits

R Vs. V graph


Table 1.B Parallel Circuit

Experimental Computed
3.54 V
3.52 V
Voltage across 1
( )
3.55 V
3.564 V
Voltage across
( )
3.85 V
3.584 V
Voltage across 3
( )
0.037 A
0.04 A
through 1 ( )
0.03 A
0.033 A
through 2 ( )
0.026 A
0.028 A
through 3 ( )
0.1 A
0.101 A
Total current ( )
% Difference






Graph of parallel circuits

R and I graph

Table 2.A
Resistance 1 (1 ) = 88
Resistance 2 (2 ) = 108
Resistance 3 (3 ) = 128
Total Resistance ( ) = 35.1674
Total Voltage ( ) = 3.55 V





Total resistance = (88 + 108 + 128) = 35.1674


= 0.04


= (0.04)(88)
= 3.54

% = |
| 100

0.1 0.101
| 100
0.1 + 0.101


On the first part, since the resistors are connected in
series, there is only one current flow throughout the
resistors which is observed as we notice that the
current flow on three different resistor is the same
and also its total current. Also, its total voltage is the
sum of the voltages across the resistors.
On the other hand, by performing the parallel
connection, the one that is constant are the voltages
and the total current flow is the sum of the three
current flow from different resistors.
There are some errors that you may encounter, as I
said earlier, do not connect your circuit to the power
source while you are assembling them. In addition,
make sure that the knob of the multi meter is in the
voltage selection when measuring voltage and in
current selection when measuring current.

By performing this, the objectives of the experiment
was achieved. We are able to determine the voltage
through each resistors and the current flowing on a
series circuit and parallel circuit. In addition, we are
also able to investigate the relationship of the
voltages and current flowing through each resistors
and its total voltage and current using the concept of
ohms law.
The ohms law which states that the voltage is
proportional to the current flow and to the resistance
which is proven in this experiment.
The current flow is expected to be uniform
throughout the series circuits. Therefore, by applying
the ohms law, we observe that as the resistance
increases, the voltage decreases.
Then again, in parallel connection, the voltages is
expected to be uniform thus, we notice that as the
resistance is increasing, the current flow is increasing
as well.
I would like to thank Sir Ricardo De Leon for
teaching us the process on what to do because it is
confusing for us on where to connect the wires.
Thank you for guiding us throughout the experiment.
Moreover, I would also like to thank my groupmates
for having such a great role in this experiment. All of
us are participating and contributing. In addition, I
would like to recognize their calmness, they did not
take the pressure, else, they make this experiment
memorable and fun to do. Lastly, I would like to
thank the two laboratory assistant for explaining how
to handle and use properly the equipment.
[1] Taylor, C. (2003). Voltage, Current, Resistance,
and Ohm's Law
[2] Kuphaldt, T. R. (1999). Lessons in Electric
Circuits. Design Science License.

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