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The book discusses object-oriented design patterns and their application to pricing financial derivatives using C++.

The book covers object-oriented design of Monte Carlo and tree-based financial models in C++.

The book covers topics such as encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, templates, strategy pattern, decorator pattern, factory pattern and more as they apply to building reusable financial software.

Cambridge University Press 0521832357 - C++ Design Patterns and Derivatives Pricing - Mark S.

Joshi Frontmatter More information


Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press 0521832357 - C++ Design Patterns and Derivatives Pricing - Mark S. Joshi Frontmatter More information

Mathematics, Finance and Risk

Editorial Board Mark Broadie, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University Sam Howison, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford Neil Johnson, Centre for Computational Finance, University of Oxford George Papanicolaou, Department of Mathematics, Stanford University

Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press 0521832357 - C++ Design Patterns and Derivatives Pricing - Mark S. Joshi Frontmatter More information


M A R K S. J O S H I
Royal Bank of Scotland Group

Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press 0521832357 - C++ Design Patterns and Derivatives Pricing - Mark S. Joshi Frontmatter More information


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The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 100114211, USA 477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Australia Ruiz de Alarc n 13, 28014 Madrid, Spain o Dock House, The Waterfront, Cape Town 8001, South Africa c Mark Joshi 2004 This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2004 Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge Typeface Times 11/14 pt.
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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication data available Joshi, M.S. (Mark Suresh), 1969 C++ design patterns and derivatives pricing / M.S. Joshi. p. cm. (Mathematics, nance, and risk) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0 521 83235 7 1. Derivative securitiesPricesMathematical models. 2. C++ (Computer program language) 3. Business mathematics. I. Title. II. Series. HG6024.A3J665 2004 332.64 57 02855133 dc22 2003065293 ISBN 0 521 83235 7 hardback

Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press 0521832357 - C++ Design Patterns and Derivatives Pricing - Mark S. Joshi Frontmatter More information

To Jane

Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press 0521832357 - C++ Design Patterns and Derivatives Pricing - Mark S. Joshi Frontmatter More information


Preface 1 A simple Monte Carlo model 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The theory 1.3 A simple implementation of a Monte Carlo call option pricer 1.4 Critiquing the simple Monte Carlo routine 1.5 Identifying the classes 1.6 What will the classes buy us? 1.7 Why object-oriented programming? 1.8 Key points 1.9 Exercises 2 Encapsulation 2.1 Implementing the pay-off class 2.2 Privacy 2.3 Using the pay-off class 2.4 Further extensibility defects 2.5 The open-closed principle 2.6 Key points 2.7 Exercises 3 Inheritance and virtual functions 3.1 is a 3.2 Coding inheritance 3.3 Virtual functions 3.4 Why we must pass the inherited object by reference 3.5 Not knowing the type and virtual destruction 3.6 Adding extra pay-offs without changing les 3.7 Key points 3.8 Exercises
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Cambridge University Press 0521832357 - C++ Design Patterns and Derivatives Pricing - Mark S. Joshi Frontmatter More information



4 Bridging with a virtual constructor 4.1 The problem 4.2 A rst solution 4.3 Virtual construction 4.4 The rule of three 4.5 The bridge 4.6 Beware of new 4.7 A parameters class 4.8 Key points 4.9 Exercises 5 Strategies, decoration and statistics 5.1 Differing outputs 5.2 Designing a statistics gatherer 5.3 Using the statistics gatherer 5.4 Templates and wrappers 5.5 A convergence table 5.6 Decoration 5.7 Key points 5.8 Exercises 6 A random numbers class 6.1 Why? 6.2 Design considerations 6.3 The base class 6.4 A linear congruential generator and the adapter pattern 6.5 Anti-thetic sampling via decoration 6.6 Using the random number generator class 6.7 Key points 6.8 Exercises 7 An exotics engine and the template pattern 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Identifying components 7.3 Communication between the components 7.4 The base classes 7.5 A BlackScholes path generation engine 7.6 An arithmetic Asian option 7.7 Putting it all together 7.8 Key points 7.9 Exercises

38 38 39 43 51 53 57 58 64 64 65 65 65 68 72 76 79 80 80 82 82 83 85 87 92 96 101 101 102 102 103 104 106 110 114 116 119 119

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8 Trees 8.1 Introduction 8.2 The design 8.3 The TreeProduct class 8.4 A tree class 8.5 Pricing on the tree 8.6 Key points 8.7 Exercises 9 Solvers, templates and implied volatilities 9.1 The problem 9.2 Function objects 9.3 Bisecting with a template 9.4 NewtonRaphson and function template arguments 9.5 Using NewtonRaphson to do implied volatilities 9.6 The pros and cons of templatization 9.7 Key points 9.8 Exercises 10 The factory 10.1 The problem 10.2 The basic idea 10.3 The singleton pattern 10.4 Coding the factory 10.5 Automatic registration 10.6 Using the factory 10.7 Key points 10.8 Exercises 11 Design patterns revisited 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Creational patterns 11.3 Structural patterns 11.4 Behavioural patterns 11.5 Why design patterns? 11.6 Key points 11.7 Further reading 11.8 Exercises Appendix A BlackScholes formulas Appendix B Distribution functions Appendix C A simple array class

121 121 123 125 129 135 139 139 141 141 142 145 149 151 154 156 156 157 157 157 158 159 162 165 166 167 168 168 168 169 170 171 172 172 173 174 178 182

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C.1 Choosing an array class C.2 The header le C.3 The source code Appendix D The code D.1 Using the code D.2 Compilers D.3 License Appendix E Glossary Bibliography Index

182 183 186 193 193 193 193 194 195 197

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This book is aimed at a reader who has studied an introductory book on mathematical nance and an introductory book on C++ but does not know how to put the two together. My objective is to teach the reader not just how to implement models in C++ but more importantly how to think in an object oriented way. There are already many books on object-oriented programming, however, the examples tend not to feel real to the nancial mathematician so in this book we work exclusively with examples from derivatives pricing. We do not attempt to cover all sorts of nancial models but instead examine a few in depth with the objective at all times of using them to illustrate certain OO ideas. We proceed largely by example and our design process is not one to be recommended because we rewrite our designs as new concepts are introduced, instead of working out a great design at the start. Whilst this approach is not optimal from a design standpoint, it is more pedagogically accessible. An aspect of this is that our examples are designed to emphasize design principles rather than to illustrate other features of coding such as numerical efciency or exception safety. We commence by introducing a simple Monte Carlo model which does not use OO techniques but rather is the simplest procedural model for a pricing a call option one could write. We examine its shortcomings and discuss how classes naturally arise from the concepts involved in its construction. In Chapter 2, we move on to the concept of encapsulation the idea that a class allows to express a real-world analogue and its behaviours precisely. In order to illustrate encapsulation, we look at how a class to dene the pay-off of a vanilla option could be dened. We also see that the class we have dened has certain defects, and this naturally leads on to the open-closed principle. In Chapter 3, we see how a better pay-off class can be dened by using inheritance and virtual functions. This raises technical issues involving destruction and passing arguments which we address. We also see how this approach is compatible with the openclosed principle. xi
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Cambridge University Press 0521832357 - C++ Design Patterns and Derivatives Pricing - Mark S. Joshi Frontmatter More information



Using virtual functions causes problems regarding the copying of objects of unknown type, and in Chapter 4 we address these problems. We do so by introducing virtual constructors and the bridge pattern. We digress to discuss the rule of three and the slowness of new. The ideas are illustrated via a vanilla options class and a parameters class. With these new techniques at our disposal, we move on to looking at more complicated design patterns in Chapter 5. We rst introduce the strategy pattern that express the idea that decisions on part of an algorithm can be deferred by delegating responsibilities to an auxiliary class. We then look at how templates can be used to write a wrapper class that removes a lot of our difculties with memory handling. As an application of these techniques, we develop a convergence table using the decorator pattern. In Chapter 6, we look at how to develop a random numbers class. We rst examine why we need a class and then develop a simple implementation which provides a reusable interface and an adequate random number generator. We use the implementation to introduce and illustrate the adapter pattern, and to examine further the decorator pattern. We move on to our rst non-trivial application in Chapter 7, where we use the classes developed so far in the implementation of a Monte Carlo pricer for pathdependent exotic derivatives. As part of this design, we introduce and use the template pattern. We nish with the pricing of Asian options. We shift from Monte Carlo to trees in Chapter 8. We see the similarities and differences between the two techniques, and implement a reusable design. As part of the design, we reuse some of the classes developed earlier for Monte Carlo. We return to the topic of templates in Chapter 9. We illustrate their use by designing reusable solver classes. These classes are then used to dene implied volatility functions. En route, we look at function objects and pointers to member functions. We nish with a discussion of the pros and cons of templatization. In Chapter 10, we look at our most advanced topic: the factory pattern. This patterns allows the addition of new functionality to a program without changing any existing les. As part of the design, we introduce the singleton pattern. Our nal chapter reviews, assesses and organizes the patterns we have covered. In particular, we classify them as creational, structural and behavioural patterns. We nish with a list of further books to read. All the code in this book is included on the accompanying CD. The books website is and any bugxes will be posted there.

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Acknowledgements I am grateful to the Royal Bank of Scotland for providing a stimulating environment in which to learn, study and do mathematical nance. Most of my views on coding C++ and nancial modelling have been developed during my time working there. My understanding of the topic has been formed through daily discussions with current and former colleagues including Chris Hunter, Peter J ckel, a Dherminder Kainth, Sukhdeep Mahal, Robin Nicholson and Jochen Theis. I am also grateful to a host of people for their many comments on the manuscript, including Alex Barnard, Dherminder Kainth, Rob Kitching, Sukhdeep Mahal, Nadim Mahassen, Hugh McBride, Alan Stacey and Patrik Sundberg. I would also like to thank David Tranah and the rest of the team at Cambridge University Press for their careful work and attention to detail. Finally my wide has been very supportive.

Cambridge University Press

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