Cad Imp Questions PDF
Cad Imp Questions PDF
Cad Imp Questions PDF
2. Explain about open and closed B spline curves with some characteristics
3. Classify the various types of surface entities with neat sketch and write
about coons patch
4. Discuss the matrix formulation in cubic Bezier curves and Rational curves.
5. Compare B-spline surface with Bezier surface.
6. Explain the concept of Constructive Solid Geometry
7. Explain the term B-Rep with Euler equations.
8. Derive the matrix formulation in cubic Bezier curves.
9. Derive the matrix formulation in cubic B-Spline curves
1. Problems on Hermite Curves
2. Problems on Bezier Curves.
3. Study about C0, C1, C2 continuity.
TIPS: Second unit first half consist of curves and surfaces. If u study curves means
surface is easier. Second half is only CSG and B-Rep. For study solid modelling
techniques formulae and diagram is very important.
and the instances to be assembled into the hole in the block. Use WCS and
write the transformation matrices to merge the three instances of B into A.
1. Instead of asking assembly approaches they might be asking application of any part
and you have to assembly any one of the assembly approach. Example is universal
coupling in IT-II question.
2. Write mass property calculations without mistakes. For example put triple integral
with limits on each topic.
3. Study tolerance topic thoroughly.